Where to go to become a TV presenter. TV presenter: who is it and what is the essence of his work

Reading 5 min. Views 402 Posted November 1, 2018

Since childhood, many have been enthusiastically watching TV programs and therefore are interested in how to become a TV presenter, where they study and what qualities are needed for this. This profession is interesting, popular, promising. Let's look at all the nuances of the profession and figure out how to become someone who is recognized on the streets and who they take an example from.

What you need to know to get your dream job

Everything that happens on television is primarily connected with communication with people. Therefore, you need to love your potential viewers, be interested in their preferences and meet their expectations. Find opportunities to speak in public, interview passers-by, talk to strangers, for example, in public transport. This will help overcome the inner tightness, modesty, stiffness or stage fright.

And you also need to be able to adapt to changing circumstances. Unusual situations often arise on television, and the presenter needs not to lose face and quickly respond to changes. Sometimes a future TV employee will come to talk about not the most pleasant and sad events, you need to be able to correctly present such information and be ready to give your emotions to work and viewers.

All shootings last about 2-3 hours, so at first the novice presenter gets tired and feels stressed. Therefore, you need to psychologically prepare for this type of load, and after a while, work begins to bring pleasure. And you also need to be prepared for the fact that the announcers have to read the text from the screen, hear the prompts on the device in the ear and follow the instructions.

Required Qualities

If you are thinking about how to become a TV presenter, please note that often people love unusual television workers. Personalities who already look like others are of no interest to anyone. Therefore, become different from everyone else, and develop your own style, try to stand out from the rest. However, this is a difficult task, so you will have to pay attention to this and allocate time for self-improvement. You can spy on the chips and manner of speech of other TV presenters and gradually form something that will be peculiar only to you.

The manner of speech plays a major role in the development of a person in this area. The basis for this is the ideal diction. A pleasant voice is also important, but a clear pronunciation and grammatically correct speech more important. Of course, not all people are born excellent speakers. But this can be learned from scratch, if you put maximum effort and spend on it. free time. Now there are many manuals and trainings that will help develop this quality. Therefore, try to pronounce complex sentences or perform specially designed exercises for the development of speech.

The image of the TV presenter

Optimism, a sparkle in the eyes, a well-groomed appearance and a good athletic figure are the key to the success of a TV worker. You should never go on the air in a depressed state, it repels the viewer. You can’t work for the camera without makeup and beautiful styling, no oily sheen or bruises under the eyes. Any flaws in appearance and an ugly appearance will be discussed by people for a very long time, because the host is a role model, they are equal to him and take an example from him. You need to create an image of a successful person. Remember that it is possible that the image of the person in the picture on the TV will differ from you in Everyday life, because first of all you need to please and fall in love with the viewer.


To become a TV presenter, you need not only external data and the ability to properly present yourself to people, but also the appropriate education that will help you get a dream job. For the first steps in the profession, the best option would be to go to TV school.

Usually they teach the Russian language, the culture of speech, talk about the development of TV, teach acting and give lessons in correct pronunciation. In many cities of Russia there are similar educational institutions that will help to reveal their potential and show the basics of the work of a presenter on television. But study is only a small part, because it will have to attach a great desire and desire for the goal, as well as hard work.

More details about this can be found on the Internet. For example, on this page you have the opportunity to get acquainted with what a TV school is https://astrahan.videoforme.ru/tvschool or on another resource of your choice.

Anyone who is interested in how to become a TV presenter should pay attention to the following recommendations.

1. Learn to express your thoughts correctly. At first glance, a banal thing can greatly affect the career of someone who wants to work in television. Of course, at first you will work according to a ready-made and pre-written script for you, but later professionals have to write texts for themselves. The ability to beautifully express your opinion is useful to everyone.

2. Be outgoing. The future TV presenter needs to be able to carry on a conversation with everyone. You will not always have smart and polite people in front of you, situations may often arise that you will have to communicate with someone unpleasant or even an outright boor. You need to develop patience and the ability to talk with everyone, as well as communicate with closed people who do not want to make contact themselves.

3. Smile is your main tool at work. Yes, it's a smile, not a microphone. Often you may have problems and stress, but when going on the air, you need not to show it. Because people expect a positive attitude from the TV presenter, an open and sincere person who will cheer you up. Cold, isolation and even a small negative people will easily notice and not appreciate.

4. Analyze all the information received and think about whether this is really the profession of your dreams. This is not only a pleasant and interesting job, but also difficult, with a large amount of workload and full emotional return in the studio. If you are ready for constant self-improvement and work with the audience, then it's time to act and achieve your goal.

Today, the following phrase can often be heard from the lips of girls: “I don’t care how, but I want to become a TV presenter!” Of course, there is nothing shameful in such a dream, because all people, one way or another, strive for universal recognition. The trouble is that only a few people know about the pitfalls that await them on the way to television fame.

So let's put aside all the myths and prejudices and talk about real facts. After all, this is the only way to understand what it takes to become a TV presenter. And is it really possible to achieve universal recognition based on your own talent and skills? Or is the world of stars open only to selected people?

What does it mean to be a TV presenter?

The main problem is that many people get hung up on how to become a TV presenter, instead of figuring out how to be one. After all, what we see on the TV screen is only a tiny part of the world in which journalists live. Many hours of rehearsals, unsuccessful takes, nervous breakdowns and mountains of material not allowed to air remain behind the scenes.

Therefore, before embarking on the path of television journalism, girls need to think carefully about whether they will be able to master such a busy schedule? Will they survive all the tests without losing their passion? If not, then they shouldn't even start! However, if difficulties and obstacles do not frighten them, then here is the recipe for how to become a TV presenter in the open spaces of Russian television.

Choosing the right university

Today, no self-respecting TV channel will hire an employee who does not have the appropriate education. Naturally, this rule also applies to TV presenters. Therefore, the first thing you need to take care of is to get a diploma in journalism. Fortunately, in our country there are many universities that are ready to gladly accept new applicants.

Still, you need to think very carefully about where to go. Becoming a TV presenter is easy on paper, but it is much more difficult to achieve success in real life. So choose your school carefully. Indeed, in the future, his reputation can play a decisive role in the selection for the position of a TV presenter. Especially when it comes to big TV channels or working with a well-known producer.

Top 5 best universities in Russia

So, let's make a rigorous selection and bring out a small top Russian universities. We will rely primarily on the fact that its graduates are in demand. Based on these criteria, we have the following list:

  1. Moscow Humanitarian Institute. Lomonosov. An excellent scientific base and qualified teachers are the key to successful learning. The average cost of one course at the Faculty of Journalism is 90 thousand rubles a year.
  2. Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. M. A. Litovchina. The beauty of this university is that its students already in the first year of study are attached to practical classes on television. In addition, such pleasure costs students only 80 thousand rubles a year.
  3. Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino". The main advantage of this educational institution is its name. Many graduated from this university. The difficulty is that here the cost of a year of training ranges from 150 thousand rubles.
  4. cinema and television. For those who cannot study in Moscow, this university is an excellent alternative. For a fee of 150 thousand rubles a year, students will be able to receive the latest courses, many hours of practice and lectures by famous journalists.
  5. This university combines all the good things that were in the previous ones only for less money. So, for one course of study here you need to pay only 65 thousand rubles.

What needs to be learned?

To become a TV presenter, one must not only successfully graduate from a university, but also acquire four very important qualities there. Without them, it is simply impossible to build a career as a TV star, since they are the basis of this profession. So these are the qualities:

  • Attractive appearance.
  • Expressive diction.
  • Acting skills.
  • Ability to adapt.

Working on our appearance

Any girl, before becoming a TV presenter, must put her appearance in order. Naturally, this is not about facial plasticity or a model waist, but about genuine femininity. That is, well-groomed skin, beautiful hair, stylish clothes and nice makeup. It would seem that this is quite obvious fact, but it is on him that many applicants for the position of TV presenter stumble.

So, in this environment, a woman needs to learn to find the golden mean between conservatism and sexuality. After all, it is not interesting to look at simple women, and too vulgar ladies are disgusting. Therefore, experienced ladies advise all beginners to have several consultations with stylists. Such an experience will not only help create a new image, but also give self-confidence for the future.

Diction and voicing

The ability to speak beautifully is the main professional skill of a TV presenter. Alas, only a few girls are endowed with such a quality from birth. The rest will have to learn it from scratch. Fortunately, today there are many courses and online trainings that can reveal the basics of public speaking. That's just all of them require tremendous effort, coupled with many hours of training.

In addition, it is not enough just to achieve good diction. In addition, you need to learn how to set the timbre of the voice correctly so that it attracts listeners to itself. The pleasant fact is that this indicator is initially higher for women than for men, and therefore they have a clear advantage on this battlefield.

The basics of acting

Anyone who wants to work on television must be able to instantly transform. Without this skill, there is simply nothing to do here. After all, the specificity of this work implies a frequent change of emotions, as this is required by a modern viewer. Agree, it’s unpleasant to look at a TV presenter who talks about tragic events with a straight face. Or when she announces the victory of the national team with an expression as if she had eaten a freshly squeezed lemon.

Of course, such skills will not appear in a person by themselves. Therefore, an acting course would be an ideal solution. It is not necessary to study everything, although it will be pretty good. It is enough to master the basics, which will help to cope with your emotions and facial expressions.

Ability to adapt

Let's tell the truth: there are only a few stupid presenters on television. Therefore, if you want to break through to the very top, train your mind. First of all, this concerns those skills, thanks to which a person quickly responds to unforeseen situations. After all, during live broadcast these happen all the time.

For example, at the most crucial moment, the teleprompter may break or the invited guest will start behaving in a boorish way. The TV presenter must be ready for such twists of fate and endure them steadfastly. Therefore, train your mind so that it instantly reacts to unforeseen situations.

We create a memorable image

Here is another tip on how to become a TV presenter: you need to be different from everyone else. Almost all famous TV stars have their own style. They are not like others, and therefore stand out against their background. Producers notice such people well, so they have a much better chance of success than "stamped" personalities.

Naturally, creating a charismatic image is not easy. But long hours of practice and constant self-improvement will sooner or later bear fruit. As for practical advice, it consists in imitating the behavior and speech of other stars in the early stages. By mixing their styles, you can get something new, previously unseen and in demand.

How to become a TV presenter in Moscow?

As a separate item, I would like to talk about how to achieve recognition in the capital. The thing is that many girls are just raving about how to become a TV presenter in Moscow. Break through to the top of fame from scratch and prove to everyone that they are real stars. Alas, such aspirations are often shattered against the impregnable fortress of the capital's media.

And the reason for this is a lot of competition and tough selection. Therefore, in order to get a job here, you must have at least one of the following qualities:

  1. Prestigious education received in one of the largest universities in the country. In this case, it is desirable to acquire recommendations from teachers or positive feedback from the place of internship.
  2. Possess stunning charisma. Sometimes, in order to break through to the top, you just need to be different from others. For example, Ksenia Sobchak is a very eccentric person, which attracts increased attention to her.
  3. Have work experience. Suppose, before trying to get a job at a Moscow TV channel, you can work for a year or two at a regional TV station. So the skills will be fixed in practice, and there will be something to write in the resume.

Good luck in all your endeavors!

What does it take to be a TV host?

Many people believe that you can become a TV presenter either with the help of blat, or thanks to a successful chance. Sometimes it is, but for the most part, becoming a TV presenter is hard work. Although now it is much easier to become a TV presenter than in ancient times. Previously, it was unacceptable to stutter on the air, and the one that made such a mistake immediately "flew" off the air. Now everything is much simpler, most TV presenters, even on Channel One, stumble on the air. Let's figure out how to become a TV presenter, i.e. what does that require.

1. Nice appearance. It is clear that you want to look at women who look good. If on the air we see a groomed TV presenter, then we begin to say: “I would have looked better in the frame! ”, but should be equal to the TV personality and enjoy watching, for example, the news;

2. Good diction. This is needed more than anything. Correcting your appearance is easier than changing your diction. Therefore, you need to train even if you already work on television as a TV presenter. It is necessary to completely eradicate accent, dialect, etc.;

3. Literacy. Literacy is just as important for a TV presenter. You never know what kind of overlays can be expected when recording the broadcast, it will be necessary to take responsibility and finish shooting without titles, prompts, etc.;

5. Calm. This is especially important for those TV presenters who lead the topic on very painful topics for themselves personally or for the whole world. It is necessary to try to conduct broadcasts more calmly, especially live broadcasts, not to cry, not to allow the voice to tremble. Self-control is important to develop daily.

To begin with, to become a TV presenter, you need to get an education. Of course, you will not be able to find a faculty where you will be offered to receive the specialty "TV presenter". Better than anything else for future work, the specialty of a journalist is suitable. Thanks to journalism, you will be able to acquire the necessary connections, loosen up, gain the necessary knowledge and skills, and you will also be able to more easily integrate into the chosen work of a TV presenter in the future.

In addition, if earlier, in order to become a TV presenter, it was only important to “learn the text”, now many TV presenters independently look for work for themselves, prepare the materials found for broadcast and voice them to the delight of people, i.e. US! So become a TV presenter, modern man it is necessary to be able not only to speak clearly and competently. To make it easier for you, try to focus on television and radio journalism during your studies, from about 2-3 courses this will be possible at the university. This will also help you to complete an internship on television and establish yourself as a competent employee. So universities such as Moscow State University, Russian State Technical University, MGIMO, or even better MITRO - the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting in Moscow, will suit you.

After admission, everything will be only in your power. This is a more interesting profession than a sociologist or a manager, since you will have to start working from the very first courses in order to understand the “inside” of the television broadcasting system, to change yourself if necessary, and to show what a good specialist you are right now. How to become a TV presenter further, after receiving education? To a greater extent, you should rely on practice during training, but if you have not received an offer, you will have to show yourself and your creativity to different channels.

Before you remember that you are like a star - everyone knows you and you can’t fall in the eyes of the audience, the attention of the same viewers, sometimes an inconvenient work schedule, moral pressure, in addition, the TV presenter should always show a good mood in front of the camera, even if it’s very bad in the shower . However, all these shortcomings are covered by communication with famous people, sometimes favorites, a good salary, interesting and varied work, the love of the audience and their attention (which is considered a plus for many!).


In order to become a TV presenter, first of all, you need to get the appropriate education. The faculty of TV presenters does not exist, so it is better to go to the faculty of journalism, and after graduating from the university, enroll in TV presenter courses, if there are any in your city.

Learn to express your thoughts clearly, develop your imagination. Today there are two types of television programs. For some of them, the TV presenter himself composes all his texts, for others, full-time authors write, and the presenter only reads these texts. Professional TV presenters who are popular with the audience write their own texts. Therefore, the ability to write well and interestingly will definitely come in handy for you.

Develop your communication skills. To pass the casting and become a TV presenter, you need to be able to carry on a conversation with anyone. Your work will involve communication not only with smart and pleasant people, most likely you will have to talk with those who are absolutely unpleasant to you. Learn to find a common language with everyone, even with closed people.

Work on your diction. Every TV presenter should have a beautiful and correct diction. Practice your speech so that your pronunciation is clear. You will have to talk a lot. If you "swallow" some words or stutter, you will not get a job as a TV presenter.

Pay attention to your appearance. Do you want to become a celebrity so that thousands of people watch your TV shows? Then, on top of everything else, the audience should also like you outwardly. Watch your figure, hair and make-up, they must be perfect.

Remember that all the time you have to develop as a person. You must be interesting to the viewer. For your show to be successful, you need not only to interest people, but also to have charisma. To do this, you need to be a comprehensively developed personality.

Learn to smile always and to everyone. TV presenters are ordinary people who may also have problems or troubles. But, whatever happens, they have no right to show a bad mood to the audience. They are always open and smiling. You need to be not only cheerful, but also a sincere person. If you are cold and withdrawn, the audience will immediately feel it.

Make sure that being a TV presenter is your dream. This is a very difficult job, many presenters even lose their voice in the evening. Filming can last 12-14 hours. This is inhuman work. But if that's what you dream of, and you're all right with your nerves, you really need to work on television. It's time to sign up for the audition.

We turn on the TV and see them, their faces and voices are known to millions of people, their opinions are listened to, they are admired. The profession of TV presenter since its inception in the 1930s has remained the same attractive for boys and girls around the world.

Medium wage: 60000 rubles per month




entry barrier


A TV presenter is a media employee who works directly in the frame and presents a variety of information to the audience. This is a very prestigious occupation, because the face of such a person is known to millions of people across the country. Many guys and girls around the world dream of getting on television and becoming recognizable and influential personalities.

History of the profession

The profession of a TV presenter dates back to the 30s of the XX century. It was at this time that, out of curiosity, television programs became a regular means of obtaining important information, entering into competition with print media and radio. In the USSR, the first announcers appeared in 1936. By the 1950s in Western countries, televisions were already in most families, and the popularity of the presenters was comparable to that of movie stars.

The TV presenter, no matter what kind of information he provided (international or domestic news, weather forecast or sports results), was considered a source that deserved the highest trust. Then there were few representatives of this profession, millions literally knew them by sight and trusted their every word.

Description of the profession

A TV presenter is one of the main roles of a TV journalist, which may require a combination of the qualities of a commentator, interviewer, reporter, showman and columnist. Such a person provides a variety of information, and the popularity of the program largely depends on his charisma and professional skills.

The television product is the most diverse, so the presenter can work in different directions:

  • information and information-analytical projects provide fresh news and their interpretation from different points of view;
  • entertainment programs are aimed at the widest range of viewers: children, housewives, youth, lovers of certain activities (fishing, cars, music), etc.
  • sports broadcasts that require constant professional commentary for a long time;
  • author's programs (including talk shows) are the presentation of one's own view of things on the part of an authoritative person belonging to a cohort of public opinion leaders.

Depending on the specifics of the TV channel and the specific program, presenters with a set of certain characteristics are also selected. If this is a youth channel, then the faces on the screen should also be young so that there is no gap with the target audience. If we are talking about a weekly final news project, then the reputation and level of professionalism of the employee is very important here.

What specialties are best to study

Of course, many are interested in the question of how to become a TV presenter. The most obvious way is to enter the specialty "journalism", where you can learn the basics of this profession. In some universities, within the framework of this direction, the specialization "television journalism" is allocated. Students enrolled in this profile, from the second or third year, study in detail the television "kitchen", the features of working here, and also undergo the corresponding practice.

There is also the option of studying the specialty "PR and Public Relations" or in areas related to the stage or cinema. The basics of working on camera will be taught, but you still have to complete your studies at a university or in courses in order to gain the specific skills needed by TV presenters.

The best universities for studying

Let's dwell on several of the best higher educational institutions in Russia, where they teach to be TV presenters. Of course, the palm belongs to the capital's universities:

  • Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov trains employees for TV with bachelor's and master's degrees at the Faculty of Journalism, where there is a direction "Media Communications". There are also branches of Moscow State University abroad: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. High school students can try their hand at the School of Young Journalists, the Media School or take preparatory courses (full-time or remote).
  • Russian State University for the Humanities offers to study in the field of "Television journalism". In addition to purely professional disciplines (television, radio broadcasting, print media), students receive knowledge in psychology, political science, sociology, and law. Great importance given to the tolerance of the future leader.
  • Moscow state institute International Relations trains highly qualified specialists at the Faculty of International Journalism. University graduates have a deep knowledge of the most complex global geopolitical processes. Students practice in large Russian and foreign media holdings.
  • The St. Petersburg State Film and Television Institute has been operating in the educational market for over 100 years. At the university, you can enter the specialty "television production and broadcasting", training is carried out using innovative technologies and the most effective developments of domestic and foreign TV.
  • The Ostankino Higher School of Cinema and Television is a good option to acquire the specialty of "host of television and radio programs" for people already working in related fields. The training period is only 14 months, the emphasis is only on the professional aspect, master classes are regularly held by famous TV and film workers (Vladimir Pozner, Alexander Lyubimov, Irina Khakamada, etc.).

When deciding where to study as a TV presenter, one should not forget that many large regional universities also have journalism departments, so for those who do not have the opportunity to conquer the capital, it is quite possible to start their journey to the top locally. This specialty can be found both in classical and in the humanities, and even technical universities.

High school students who dream of becoming a TV presenter need to focus on training in the humanities. Usually, future journalists are required to have the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, literature, social science, foreign languages. In addition, most universities will also require you to pass an interview and creative competition(most often write an essay).

Responsibilities at work

The TV presenter profession has many various directions, therefore, the functions of an employee largely depend on the format of the specific program that he is conducting. But, despite all the features, the employee has to perform quite typical tasks:

  • preparation for the transfer (study of the text, script, future interlocutor, topics to be discussed);
  • participation in rehearsals and filming of a program or show;
  • work with the film crew (screenwriter, director, cameraman);
  • communication with an invited guest, the audience present in the studio, viewers.

The main task of news and copyright programs is to convey certain information to the general public, to present one's own unique point of view. Entertainment shows involve the ability to "hold" the audience, attract and interest viewers so that they do not have the desire to press a button on the channel switcher.

Who suits

The profession of a TV presenter is best suited for people who are open, ready to perceive any information and communicate with a variety of interlocutors. Men and women work on television, but the competition here is very tough, and if the program does not have a high enough rating, according to the channel's management, then it will be closed or the presenter will be changed.

Important professional qualities of a TV presenter include:

  • impeccable command of the Russian language;
  • clear diction;
  • flawless appearance;
  • the ability to quickly understand the subject of the future program;
  • the ability to confidently stay in the frame;
  • the talent to "hook" the interlocutor, to evoke his emotional reaction to his questions, so that the program becomes lively and interesting.

To perform your tasks at a high level, you cannot do without the appropriate personal qualities:

  • charm and charisma;
  • great sense of humor;
  • stress resistance;
  • excellent memory;
  • erudition in the most different areas knowledge and human life;
  • ability to improvise and quickly find a way out in difficult situations.

An obstacle to entry into the profession is an unattractive appearance or obvious physical defects, slurred speech, inability to stay in front of the camera. Conversely, courses in oratory or vocals, acting skills will be an advantage.

The advantages of the profession are recognition in wide circles and status, the ability to meet and communicate with interesting and influential people, become the face of a well-known brand of clothing or cosmetics, high incomes upon reaching a certain level. Cons - the need to constantly be in a "combat" form, psychological overload, difficulties with private life and often overly obsessive interest of fans.

How much do they get

It is not easy to talk about the earnings of TV presenters, since there is not much information on this topic in open sources. The salaries of presenters vary greatly depending on the status of the TV channel, the number of viewers covered, as well as the reputation of the presenter himself. And although the average level of income in the country is indicated at a level of just over 60 thousand rubles a month, plus allowances and bonuses, in fact, the spread in numbers is very large.

Poor regional television and radio companies often cannot pay their announcers more than 30-40 thousand rubles a month, while wages on federal channels start at 90-100 thousand rubles. With a simple voicing of a previously written text, the salary is less: from 100 to 600 thousand rubles a month. If the program contains the author's original opinion and communication with experts, then the level of the fee increases significantly.

If an employee conducts several programs in parallel, then he receives payment for each of them. It also affects the amount of income and the time of airing. You won't earn much on morning programs, but the highest-rated prime-time shows attract a huge number of viewers, and, consequently, advertisers. The wages of the most sought-after presenters on Russian television can amount to millions of rubles or hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. Television companies have full-time employees, their work is paid in accordance with the Labor legislation of Russia, as well as freelance presenters, with whom they conclude a contract for a certain number of broadcasts and fix the amount of remuneration.

How to build a career

Few manage to immediately become the host of a television program on a popular TV channel. During the period of probation and internship, most have to run around as journalists, assistant directors, participate in the preparation of shows and graduation news in second or third roles. It is necessary to show talent and remarkable endurance so that, while working for a penny, do not forget about your dream, work and wait for your chance. This mainly applies to news broadcasts.

Many popular presenters came to television in completely different ways. Yes, in entertainment shows a large number of singers, actors, and other recognizable people appeared. Sports broadcasts after additional training are often taken by well-known athletes in the recent past. Conceptual author's broadcasts do not require a TV broadcaster's diploma at all, it is important here to be able to interest the viewer and be an indisputable authority in your field of knowledge.

Prospects for the profession

Today, television occupies a huge niche in the lives of most people on the planet in general and in Russia in particular. Being the host of a popular program is prestigious and financially profitable, communication with influential people provides the necessary connections in society that help solve many problems. However, this mainly concerns the not-so-large stratum of professionals in the capital, which is extremely difficult to get into. In the regions, the situation is not so rosy. In addition, there is a threat to this well-being in the form of the Internet, where people can receive the information they need without personalizing it in the image of the presenter. True, here we are talking mainly about all sorts of news, while entertainment content remains entirely behind the TV.