Russian as a foreign language

Introducing the unique Universal Language Solutions programs developed by the school's linguists. These are courses of the Russian language for foreigners, allowing them to study from scratch, as well as to effectively master professional and business vocabulary. This is necessary in the following cases:

  • You want to feel confident when dealing with Russian-speaking people at home;
  • strive to travel a lot in Russia without language barriers;
  • do business in the Russian Federation and wish to maintain close contacts with local partners.

In addition, training in Russian language courses for foreigners makes it possible to read and understand well Russian classical literature.

Russian language training programs for foreigners

The general course is the most popular among Universal Language Solutions students. This is a program that is suitable for beginners and people who want to restore previously acquired knowledge. It is designed with the aim of mastering the basic skills necessary for work, everyday communication at the household level, travel, study.

The methodology of teaching Russian to foreigners is communicative. The main emphasis in the learning process is on the development of speaking, practice and listening. Starting from the first lesson, the consultants speak with the trainees exclusively in Russian.

The word "school" can evoke a wide variety of associations and feelings in each person. For example, a parent who will soon enroll a child in first grade may have confusion and uncertainty. And for someone who has already raised a teenager, whose interests in learning have long subsided, the feelings are even worse. It is not easy for each of these people to find the optimal solution that both the baby will like and satisfy their personal views. But, despite these difficulties, there is a solution - a boarding school. These boarding houses are very popular these days. Moreover, among the most diverse parents. And all for what? For the reason that the boarding school embodies into reality those "dreams" that cannot be realized in any public school. Boarding school Of the most obvious advantages of such institutions, it is worth highlighting the following. First of all, it is constant control over children by the school staff, taking an active part in their school life, the absence of the risk of getting into a "bad company", which can often happen in an ordinary school. Secondly, the boarding school will provide serious care for the child and his leisure time. This includes a lot of various excursions, trips, hikes, cultural institutions like theaters, as well as sections of music, martial arts, swimming, etc. And the last thing. In boarding schools, they rely only on the best features that were inherent in educational institutions of pre-revolutionary times. They […]

All children are different and this is a fact. Most do not stand out for special abilities, they have good school performance, they like to walk, play sports and do everything that brings pleasure to ordinary children. And there is another category - children with special abilities. Gifted children can have absolutely different areas human activity... It has long been recognized that giftedness is shaped by two qualities in a child: heredity and the environment, which in one way or another contributes to the development of the child. Also, scientists have determined that giftedness for music manifests itself first of all, later a child gifted for art seeks to express himself, and later geniuses of science manifest themselves. Prodigies in regular school Prodigies are often no different from ordinary children, but they are very curious and like to ask a lot of questions. Often adults or teachers simply cannot cope with the flow of information that gifted children want from them, and as a result, little geniuses begin to suffer from a lack of information that they can and want to assimilate. It often happens that child prodigies in ordinary schools become objects of persecution of classmates, since it's no secret that in average schools the team is quite motley and not everyone wants to study. Moreover, classmates always disdain a child who wants to know everything. The big disadvantage [...]

Summer holidays are the time for a fun, carefree vacation, interesting trips. Traditionally, during this period, children travel with their parents to improve their health at sea, travel. But if, for objective reasons, it is impossible to organize a family vacation, this is not a cause for grief. Many private schools in Moscow work in the summer, some even move out of town for the summer period, to cozy, quiet places with clean air and picturesque nature. Summer school work is significantly different. There are no compulsory subjects, boring lectures, no marks and no homework. Children play with their peers, make new friends, and have fun. As a rule, the management develops useful educational and interesting cultural and entertainment programs. The guys are under the constant supervision of educators, guards and medical workers, they are fed. This is an excellent opportunity to have a great rest and usefully spend time, get unforgettable impressions and recharge with positive emotions. What do summer schools offer in 2017? Russian International School Address: Moscow region, pos. Barvikha, 42, age - 7-14 years Moscow region, pos. Zhukovka, 43 A, for children 2–6 years old Opening hours: from 01.06 to 31.08 Meals: 5 times a day At the summer school, children will receive not only good rest, full of interesting events, contests and outdoor games, but also an English course. Experienced teachers from England teach children using effective communicative methods. […]

In Moscow's Orthodox schools, high quality education is combined with spiritual and moral values. This is reflected not only in the obligatory rituals: morning prayer, visiting Temples, participating in the Liturgy, observing fasting, pilgrimage trips, etc., but also in the teaching methods of some general subjects (history, biology, and literature). Thus, Darwin's theory is taught precisely as a theory. In addition to general education disciplines, pupils of church schools study Orthodox culture and Church Slavonic, the Law of God. As in all private schools, all the conditions for comfortable learning and recreation have been created in the institutions under consideration: small classes, up to 15 people, ergonomic furniture, modern material and technical equipment, experienced and talented teachers. The virtues of teaching in church schools Proper education. In church schools, children strive to learn. This is facilitated by a special atmosphere, the attitude of teachers, an individual approach. In regular schools, children form other priorities: expensive electronics, fashion clothes, entertainment. The guys are spared from negative outside influences. Children tend to copy the behavior of adults. Taking into account the blurred boundaries of moral and ethical principles in modern society, the lack of proper upbringing in ordinary schools, this tendency leads to big problems: teenagers begin to do what is considered a sin for an Orthodox person. Children of believing parents are much more comfortable being surrounded by like-minded people. Currently, there are two main types of church schools: parish and missionary. The first are opened by the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church. Enroll in […]

In Waldorf schools, things are different. There are no people here who do not like to study, do not give marks, there are no repeaters. Children from the first grade create crafts and drawings with their own hands of incredible beauty. The main goal of Waldorf pedagogy is to preserve childhood for children. Waldorf schools - character traits Each student is a person. Teachers are attentive to children, in the learning process they take into account the individual characteristics of development. The classroom teacher plays an important role. Ideally, he does not change for 8 years, teaches and takes care of children. The class teacher leads the main lesson, which lasts 2 hours. In grades 1–2, children are introduced to letters, taught in a conversational and playful way 2 foreign languages, but reading is taught only from the 2nd grade. Objects are introduced gradually from the artistic environment. Both boys and girls learn to knit and crochet, play the flute, embroider, and get acquainted with crafts. Curriculum The curriculum of Waldorf schools contains all the subjects from the compulsory general education program. At the same time, natural sciences are taught in a special way, through observation and experimentation. Each lesson contains elements focused on will-building and development. So, at the beginning of the school day in the main lesson, the rhythmic part is carried out - knowledge is comprehended through movements: the letters are written not on paper, but with the upper or lower limbs in the air, counting, the guys clap and stomp, the multiplication table [...]

Secondary education in private schools is complemented by a variety of creative and sports sections, scientific circles and additional classes in specific subjects. Thanks to this, only in a private school, the child will receive a full range of services to develop his talents and abilities. In high school, a special question arises - the choice of a profile. In almost all private schools, senior classes are divided into specialized ones. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of additional education in secondary school and the profile of education in high school, it is necessary to start career guidance of the student as early as possible. This will give you, from the very early stages, an idea of \u200b\u200bwho the child wants to become and what he can become, based on his own talents and characteristics. Now, many centers offer to conduct career guidance for the whole class at once, which turns out to be much more profitable than individual lessons. In this review, we take a look at the most popular centers to help you build the right student educational route. PROFchoice Vocational guidance for schoolchildren based on the experience of America, Europe, Japan and Russia One of the best vocational guidance centers for schoolchildren in Moscow. Center "Humanitarian Technologies" This center operates at the Moscow State University. Lomonosov for the past 20 years. Prepares schoolchildren from the fifth to the 11th grade. Offers nine development and training programs. Vocational guidance of schoolchildren in this center allows you to achieve maximum efficiency, since all methods are developed by professionals. The center has [...]

Good private schools allow not only to give the child knowledge, but to help him realize himself, find new interests and inclinations. When choosing such a school, it is important to have knowledge of adaptation programs - they make the learning process easier, effective and entertaining. The use of unique copyright techniques in such institutions makes it possible to quickly and easily analyze academic performance, identify the strengths and weaknesses of a child, influence his motivation and improve results. At the same time, many private schools are divided into specialized ones, aimed at admission to specific universities. Sooner or later, each parent will think about the education of their child. He will want to find the best school for the child, so that as a result he will receive a high-quality secondary level of education and be able to enter the university without any problems. There are private schools that offer schoolchildren at the highest level. But, the cost of such educational services can vary greatly, so you need to choose with special attention. Of course, each rating can be viewed with skepticism, because they may not always be true. But still, you need to focus on certain data that give out such ratings. Each school may differ in some way from another institution of the same type, depending on certain criteria. But not all of them should be considered critical. Let's take a look at some really great schools [...]

Early Childhood Centers are private institutions dedicated to helping toddlers adapt more quickly to the world they are just beginning to experience. In entertaining classes, conducted in a playful way, children learn spoken language, develop intelligence and creative talents, physical activity. Many young parents bring babies to children's clubs. And this is by no means a tribute to fashion. Numerous studies have shown that children who develop actively from a very young age become more successful. In the future, it is easier for them to master school disciplines, they have a good memory. What is the difference between children's development centers and kindergartens In children's centers, children spend not the whole day, but several hours. Classes can be held in the morning or in the evening 2-3 times a week or on weekends, be presented with single master classes or complex development courses. Club managers usually develop several training programs and attendance schedules, which allows parents to choose the most suitable schedule and bring their children to the center at a convenient time for them. The doors of children's clubs are open even for the smallest, for six-month-old children who still cannot walk or speak. Special programs have been developed for babies. Examining new objects, rearranging blocks, playing, children improve sensory perception, develop hand motor skills. Classes with infants take place in the presence of one of the parents. Babies over one and a half years old can be left [...]

In modern conditions, a person who speaks one language is initially placed in worse conditions than a bilingualist, and even more so a polyglot. All other things being equal, his chances of getting a high-paying job are much lower, especially if we are talking about a company that is active internationally. It is generally better to remain silent about career prospects: knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bis usually necessary to be promoted to a high position. Bilingual kindergartens initially prepare children for living in a multilingual space. At a tender age, children learn active vocabulary and commonly used grammatical constructions much better than schoolchildren, and even more so, adults. In the future, a graduate of an English kindergarten is far ahead of classmates in terms of linguistic achievements. In addition, early learning of foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas a positive effect on the overall development of the child. The best bilingual kindergartens: their difference from ordinary ones Almost every kindergarten in Moscow, municipal or private, offers its pupils foreign language learning circles, but this does not become bilingual. True bilingualism occurs when a child is able to communicate in two languages \u200b\u200balmost equally, for example, switches from Russian to English fluently, depending on the speech of the interlocutor. A foreign language class is necessary and useful, but it does not fully solve the problem of acquiring communication skills. The signs of bilingual kindergartens are: the presence of native-speaking teachers who also speak Russian; special programs [...]

By choosing kindergarten, every parent worries and worries. How good will the child be in it, will he be able to learn to communicate with peers, will he receive the necessary attention and care from the teachers? Alas, if it is necessary to pay a large monthly amount for the kindergarten, then this is not a guarantee that the child will be comfortable there, and the study will be effective. To make kindergarten a real solution to problems for your kids, and not their source, you must first collect as much information about the educational institution as possible. Preferably from multiple sources. Recently, parents have been sending their children to private kindergartens. This is very popular today. These institutions are very rarely overwhelmed. As a rule, children of one social component study in them, and the professionalism of teachers is higher than in state ones. Here children can get more attention, in the programs according to which they will be taught, more modern and effective. All this enables each parent to create ideal conditions for the transition from kindergarten to school for their child. Private kindergartens in Moscow. Prices At the moment, three groups of non-state kindergartens can be distinguished according to the monthly fee: Up to 40,000 rubles From 40 to 70,000 rubles From 70,000 rubles and more Non-state kindergartens in the capital may very soon receive serious support from the government. And this [...]

Russian version "Charles V, the Roman emperor, used to say that it is decent to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with friends, Italian with the female sex," wrote Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov several centuries ago in his work "Russian Grammar". “But if he had been skilled in the Russian language, then, of course, he would have added to that that it is decent for them to speak with all of them, for he would find in him the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of the French, the strength of the German, the tenderness of in images the brevity of the Greek and Latin languages. "

Opinions of foreigners about the sound of the Russian language

“The Russian language is brutal and masculine! I think that's how real machos talk!

“Russian speech is“ female speech ”. Very similar to Polish, similar intonation, even sound, soft pronunciation. "

United Kingdom:
“Do you know how walruses growl? Have you heard Brahms melodies? The Russian language is something in between these two sounds. "

“The Russian language is an inexplicable mixture of French with the sound" z ", German rough sounds and Spanish with a softened" r ".

Are you surprised? There is an opinion that German is for war, French is for love, English is for diplomats, Spanish is for duelists, Italian is for family scandals. I am russian? How does Russian sound to you today?

Let it become an understandable, kind and useful language for you!

About us

The educational center "Intensive" was founded in 1988 and since then has earned an excellent reputation, which is not surprising, since the classes are taught by experienced and highly qualified teachers.

Educational center "Intensive" allows you to start learning Russian as a foreign language from scratch or from any level for those who need speaking skills for education, work or leisure. Studying Russian in a language environment provides a number of undeniable advantages, as it allows you to apply the learned rules and practice your communication skills in practice every day.

Methodology for teaching Russian as a foreign language

General course of Russian as a foreign language (60-100 academic hours)

The program is developed on the basis of an intensive communicative methodology, which allows students, under the guidance of experienced teachers, to develop and improve, bringing to automatic use, speaking skills in a live communication. This approach to teaching allows you to learn to navigate freely in a foreign language environment, to respond adequately in various linguistic situations.

Education is conducted according to programs of levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 (in accordance with the accepted standards developed at the Pushkin Institute of the Russian Language and the CEFR-system of levels of foreign language proficiency used in the European Union).

The program of each lesson includes the practice of reading, writing, listening. 85% of the class time is devoted to developing speaking skills.

In our classes, you do not listen to lectures about the language, you actively participate in the learning process, together with the teacher you compare the grammar of the Russian language with the rules of your native language, identify the patterns and logic of building Russian speech, work out its basic formulas, and most importantly, you speak. Your speech is guided, corrected, supplemented.

Business course of Russian as a foreign language (60-100 academic hours)

Designed for expats who need to communicate with their Russian counterparts in a business environment and discuss issues related to their work. The business course provides an opportunity both to learn how to use Russian in various business-related situations, and to improve grammar and speaking skills, and assumes that students have basic knowledge of Russian.

Corporate training of Russian as a foreign language (60-100 academic hours)

For corporate training, we organize classes at the trainee's workplace: classes are held individually or in small groups, which are formed in accordance with the results of the test to assess the level of knowledge. Corporate training is a series of individual lessons or group lessons. The course can consist of one or more lessons per week. Corporate clients can choose any Russian language course that will help them improve the language skills of company employees. It is also possible to order a course that will be specially designed in accordance with the needs of potential students.

Types of activities

Group lessons

Training takes place in small groups (2-4 people), which guarantees effective work in class.

Groups are engaged 2-3 times a week or every day at the request of the students. Classes last 2-4 academic hours in the morning, afternoon or evening hours.

Group lessons are possible at all levels.

Individual sessions

The exact content of the individual course is determined jointly by the student and the teacher. The program for individual lessons is developed taking into account the linguistic needs, the individual characteristics of the student (the leading type of memory, knowledge and skills of learning other foreign languages, etc.), his interests, scope of activity and the use of Russian. language. This helps the teacher not only to draw up a program, but also to choose the most effective methods of working with this particular student.

Individual lessons are possible at all levels. The schedule is flexible and agreed with the potential student prior to class.

Additional Information

If you already have basic knowledge, you need to get tested. It is necessary to sign up for testing in advance on the website of the Intensive EC or by phone.

The minimum individual course is 10 ac. hours.

Cost of education

1 academic hour - 45 minutes

The cost of textbooks is not included in the tariff scale and varies depending on the course chosen, the content of the package and the market price for these manuals.

Used tutorials

  • S. Chernyshev “Let's Go!”;
  • T. Yuzvik "New book of exercises";
  • A.Krivonosov, T.Redkina "I know and love Russian verbs";
  • V. Ermachenkov "We repeat cases and prepositions";
  • I. Odintsov, E. Barkhudarova, N. Malysheva "Russian grammar in exercises";
  • N.Karavanova "Russian language for preparation for testing";
  • E. Laskareva "Pure grammar";
  • Author's teaching aids, developed by teachers of the Intensive Center, as well as films, songs, and other authentic materials.

Contact Information

The offices of our school are located in the center of Moscow.

Address: Vetoshny pereulok, 5, office 351. Metro station "Okhotny Ryad", "Ploschad Revolyutsii", "Teatralnaya".