What does a fairy tale teach at the behest of a pike? Was Emelya a fool in the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"? Theme by the pike's will.

The main character of the tale, Emelya, has absorbed both the negative and positive qualities of an ordinary Russian guy of his time.

Unknown author

Some tales appear on their own, others are invented by writers. How did the story called "By the Pike's Command" come about? The fairy tale, the author of which is still unknown, is a product folk art... It had several variations and was told differently in different regions.

The Russian ethnographer Afanasyev, following the example of the Brothers Grimm or Charles Perrault, decided to organize a voyage around the country and collect disparate legends into one voluminous work, so to speak, to systematize the national heritage. He changed the name of the story somewhat and summarized the individual elements that differed from region to region. Thanks to this, the fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" gained popularity.

Alexey Tolstoy became the next one who undertook to tailor a familiar plot. He added literary beauty to the folk epic and returned the work to its old name "By the Pike's Command." The fairy tale, the author of which tried to make it more interesting for children, quickly spread across Moscow and St. Petersburg, and local theaters even added a new performance to their repertoire.

Main characters

The main character of this legend is a certain not too agile young guy Emelya. It contains those negative qualities that prevent him from leading a good life:



Nevertheless, when he shows his intelligence and kindness, he comes across real luck - a pike from an ice hole.

The second character, literally the opposite of Emelya, is the pike. She is smart and fair. Fish is designed to help a young man in his personal development, to direct his thoughts in the right direction. As befits in such situations, Emelya and the pike became friends.

The third hero acts as a villain. The tsar is a busy man who leads a multi-million state, whom Emelya forces with his antics to condescend to a commoner. The tale "About Emelya and the Pike" endowed him with an envious character.

The Tsar's daughter is a prize for the protagonist for taking the path of correction.


The tale "Emelya and the Pike" begins with an acquaintance with the main character. He is so unintelligent and extremely lazy that everything entrusted to him has to be redone to other people.

Emelya's daughters-in-law were interrogated from him for help with long persuasions. Nevertheless, as soon as someone promises him a reward for what he does, he will immediately start working with double strength.

And suddenly one fine day Emelya pulls out a magic pike from the hole. She offers him her service in exchange for life. The guy immediately agrees.

Magic help

After the pike becomes his magical subordinate, Emele lives even better than before. Now he does not even have to carry out very simple assignments.

Magical powers chop wood, walk on water and even beat up his enemies. Emelya remains very pleased with what is happening. He is so lazy that he does not want to get up from the stove. The pike helps him in this, too, turning the oven into the first prototype of a mechanical vehicle.

During such walks on her horse Emelya can run over several peasants who fall along the road. He justifies himself by the fact that people themselves jumped under his stove.

It seems that he does not repent a bit for what he has done. The tale "About Emelya and the Pike" contains a hidden morality.

Tsar and Emelya

Hearing about an unprecedented miracle, a self-propelled stove, and even about the steep disposition of its owner, the king decides to call Emelya to him.

Reluctantly, the "hero" comes to look at the mansion of the master. But this trip changes the guy's whole life.

In the royal palace, he meets the princess. At first, she also seems to be quite wayward and lonely. But Emelya decides that it is time for him to settle down, and wants to call her to wife.

The master's daughter at first disagrees. The monarch himself opposes such an alliance, harboring hopes that his daughter will marry only a noble person or a foreign king.

Emelya asks the pike to bewitch the disobedient princess. As a result, the young man gets his way. The girl agrees. They are getting married.

The angry king locks the forever loving couple in a barrel and throws them into the sea. Emelya asks the pike to save them. She makes it so that the barrel arrives at the shore, they get out of it.

The guy asks the pike to build a huge palace for himself, and turn himself into a handsome man. The magic fish grants a wish.

Happy newlyweds live happily ever after until an angry king comes to them. His palace is much smaller than that of Emelya. The protagonist graciously forgives the sovereign all the past. He invites him to dine with them. During the banquet, Emelya confesses to him who he really is. The king remains amazed at the young man's dexterity and intelligence. Now he understands that it was such a guy who was supposed to marry his daughter.

"By the Pike's Command" is a kind and instructive fairy tale. Its end leaves no concrete guide to action. On the contrary, everyone should think for himself and decide for himself what is right in life and what is not worth doing.

"By the Pike's Command" (Russian fairy tale): analysis

This story is somewhat reminiscent of the dream of the Slavic peoples with the help of magical powers to get everything they want, without straining too much.

At the same time, Emelya managed to catch a pike only on his own, when he began to do at least something conscientiously.

A complete bummer in front of readers' eyes evolves to a hardworking, decent person. Having received sufficient motivation in the form of love for the princess, he forgets about the desire to remain lazy, to live only for his own pleasure and gets down to business.

If the pike does not make a big impression on him, he initially takes it for granted, then the girl's first refusal awakens feelings in him.

At the moment when Emelya begins to crush passers-by on the stove, according to many researchers of the fairy tale, the guy shows royal features. After this incident, even the monarch turned his attention to him.

It is possible that our ancestors who created the fairy tale saw in the last external transformation of Emelya and internal changes for the better.

When he became more beautiful, he was able to forgive and understand the king, became kinder and more attentive to others. People with visible facial markings were usually considered bad or even familiar with evil spirits.

While Emelya looked like an ordinary, not very nice guy, he could not become a king. With the acquisition of inner beauty, everything immediately changed.

Traditional Russian fairy tales have always ended in a hopeful way. Most likely, the peasants of that time imagined the happiest day in this way.

"By the pike's command"

The crown phrase of the whole tale is "By the pike's command, by my will." This is a kind of spell that summons a magic pike. By pronouncing these words, Emelya gets everything she wants. "By the pike's command," that is, just like that. Without putting any effort into it. Despite the fact that the tale is called "Emelya and Pike", the people renamed it in honor of these magic words.

The pike teaches the guy this secret spell. And as soon as it sounds, the magic begins to work, wherever Emelya is. Whether on the stove or under water. In the barrel, he is saved by the phrase "by the pike." The fairy tale follows it with its main thread.

These words immediately became a proverb among the people. They mean an attempt to do something not with your own hands, but at someone else's, most often magical, account.

Fairy tale in pop culture

When the story was first published in large circulation and could be read by many, it immediately became popular.

The tale "Emelya and the Pike" even became the basis for the film of the same name. The children's motion picture was shot in 1938. The famous at the time Alexander Rowe was in charge of directing. Some elements of the script were taken from the play "Emelya and the Pike" by Elizaveta Tarakhovskaya. The fairy tale in her interpretation was adapted to modern realities, but the moral remained the same.

Director Ivanov-Vano shot a cartoon based on the same fiction in 1957. And again, Tarakhovskaya's play was taken in 1970, for a new adaptation of Vladimir Pekar.

The third cartoon was created by Valery Fomin, already in 1984.

The fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" was immortalized on the stamps of the GDR in 1973. Each of the six postmarks depicts one of the plots were.

The very mentions of Emelya became popular too. The protagonist of the legend began to associate with a lazy person seeking to get wealth without doing anything.

"Emelya and the Pike" is a fairy tale, the author of which is not known; he did not want to perpetuate himself and remain in the memory of his descendants, not striving for fame, wealth, fame. Nevertheless, his image perfectly demonstrates what a good person should be.

Vladislav Lebedko. Together with Evgeny Naydenov.

The sacred meaning of Russian fairy tales.

Research by the method of Magic Theater

Each famous Russian folk tale has its own clear semantic life and sensory space. There are several levels of semantic plots at once, several levels or layers of information about the structure of the world, man, human society and the foundations of life processes, deeply hidden and unfolding in layers - they are also the key or entrance to a special state, a state of enlightenment and integrity. There is not a single random empty word or image in a fairy tale, and each image has several levels of meaning and several sections of semantic relationships with other images, and participates in the display and formation of many meanings. And you can open them for a very long time; our work went on as long as there was enough strength and a general sense of comprehension remained. Moreover, strength and desire ended at about the same time - just by the end of the passage of several of the most prominent and obvious layers of meaning. We finished when the feeling of completion of the process came, but it was clear to everyone that there was still a lot. After the completion of the process of revealing the tale, a very blissful, light and joyful state descended on all the participants, the tale lived in us and shone its light on us.

The very first fairy tale revealed in this way was "Ryaba Hen", in other versions just "Egg". We do not present it here, firstly, because there is already a good published interpretation and, secondly, because this tale is so ingeniously simple that its interpretation can be reduced either to two or three lines, or to write a whole book. These are two or three lines: in the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" it is told how the human world was born - a way of thinking appeared - not directly, but through samples, imprints of what was previously understood. And the perception of the world was thus distorted, people lost their vision.

Study of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command".

In one village there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

The older brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day and does nothing.

Who is Emelya, why the fool and why exactly on the stove, and not on the bench, for example. And so almost the whole story ... And why does nothing? This is the first question that came up. And what are the brothers doing there for work?

Once the brothers left for the market, and women, daughters-in-law, let's send him:

- "Go, Emelya, for water." And he told them from the stove: - "Reluctance" ...

- "Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will come back from the bazaar, they won't bring you any presents."

- "Okay".

Who is this daughter-in-law? Why do they frighten Emelya with the possible deprivation of gifts? And who are these brothers? Why is Emele reluctant to go to fetch water? Is it just laziness or something else?

Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

He cut through the ice, scooped up the buckets and set them down, while he himself looked into the hole. And I saw Emelya pike in the hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand: - "That ear will be sweet!"

Why does the action take place in winter? Why did not Emelya go to the forest, and didn’t talk to a devil or a tree? Why did it start with fish? Where does the pike come from in the ice-hole in winter - is it known that the pike, like any fish for the winter, hides in the pits at the bottom? Why did Emelya look into the ice-hole after he had collected water? You could have gone home, rather to the stove ... Next: how is this - an obvious, like, a fool - a simpleton - a slothful Emelya not only saw a pike, but also turned out to be so agile and agile that he managed to snatch the pike out of the water the world is probably possible for a few masters? What kind of pike is that that can be snatched out of the hole, and what is this hole where such pikes are found? Canbe it symbols of something? What? Why does a pike speak in a human voice? Is it possible? In a fairy tale, every ridiculous, or even somehow different from the generally accepted, smooth, simple sense of the place, serves as an indication of the entrance to the deeper layers of the essence. There are fairy tales, consisting almost of some absurdities and, nevertheless, living in centuries, for example, the same "Ryaba Chicken". And what does the desire for Emelya's sweet soup mean? After all, it is clear that the ice-hole and the pike symbolize something. Maybe the ear is also a symbol?

Emelya is a fool - so that the mind does not interfere with him to see the world and learn. The clever one thinks that he already knows what he needs and, therefore, does not study and does not see the world, but for ease of adjusting it to his ideas and seeing what he wants to see or what he decided to see.

His brothers are just like that - smart - and they work in society and for society, so that it will be appreciated and approved; and with these "blessings" the daughters-in-law seduce Emelya. He learns himself, lying on the stove.

Winter - free time from the harvesting suffering, the right time for teaching, and it, teaching, begins when there is a soul desire for it. Emelya was attentive to the world, he listened and felt himself and the world, and therefore he saw a pike in the hole - here, among other things, the pike denotes a chance, quite rare, but real, a chance to realize oneself or Spirit, Soul in oneself. And the vigilant Emelya took advantage of it - he grabbed with his attention (here with his hand) something in his consciousness and in his inner world.

- "Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want."

Why was Emelya not surprised that the pike was talking? Again the question is - what kind of pike is it that fulfills wishes? And what kind of intention and state does Emelya show when he concludes an agreement and verifies its observance?

He was ready, so he was not surprised. He knew or felt the language of the Spirit, the language of intention, and therefore dispassionately tested what kind of power it was by threatening to cook a pike. And the strength showed itself.

- "Okay, just show first that you are not deceiving me, then I will let you go." The pike asks him: - “Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

Exactly - not what you need, but what you want now, the pike asks and it is clear that this is connected with the desires of the Soul, with desires, with desire and not with responsibilities, that is, the power of the pike refers to the inner world of a person, to his state of mind and impulses. Simply put, here the pike-fish reflects the human soul - Emelya in this case, swimming in the global soul, and the vigilant - attentive Emelya acts as a symbol of a student seeking himself in this world. And Emelya learns to listen and be aware, to see her desires, their strength - her most simple, holy, natural desires. And not the image that is needed in order to become strong or smart. Those simple desires and feelings that we, in the modern world, on the contrary, hide deeper, trying to be someone better, but not ourselves. Pike-Soul taught Emelya to be exactly herself.

And why, after all, did he release the pike, although he could cook it? And the answer to this question was found: it turned out that making fish soup would mean a stop in cognition at the level of mastering some kind of craft that allows one to feed, live. Emelya was not a fool, and went on, overcoming the call of primary needs. And learning to accept them and satisfy.

- "I want the buckets to go home by themselves, and the water would not splash" ...

The pike says to him: - “Remember my words: when what you want - just say:“ By the pike’s command, according to my desire. ”Emelya says:“ By the pike’s command, according to my desire - go, buckets, go home yourself ”... He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets. Buckets are going through the village, people are amazed, and Emelya is walking behind, laughing ...

What does the desire mean - for the buckets to go home on their own, and what does it mean - "at the pike's command at my will"? What does the pike symbolize here and what is my desire? Why the people are amazed at what is happening, it seems to be understandable - a miracle, after all, but it also makes sense - people are surprised at the simple and easy satisfaction of inner desires, harmony in themselves, apparently, not everyone has this. Emelya let the pike go into the hole, that is, he observes the agreement, he is honest and thus shows the animated world that it is possible to cooperate with him. The next layer of meaning - he, faced with the power of the soul, realized its essence and realized that it is impossible to completely possess it, you cannot keep it in check, but you can only touch and let it pass, lead through yourself, and therefore he became a contemplator, he realized that there is always he, there is always a river and you can always go to the ice hole ...

"By the pike's command, by my will" means the unity of the Soul and Spirit, that is, the Soul commands to want, and the Spirit conducts this will. It is impossible not to want at all, and it is better then to want correctly, in accordance with the pike - a mental command, which also reflects the world soul, its essence, desires and structure. And Emelya's awareness of his soul was also an awareness of the animality of the world.

The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench ourselves, while Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much time has passed, how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him: “Emelya, why are you lying? I would have gone to chop wood. " - "Reluctance" ... - "You won't chop wood, the brothers will come back from the market, they will not bring you any presents."

And yet - who are these women-daughters-in-law? Why did everything happen without a father, who will be remembered for some reason at the beginning? What gifts should the brothers bring? What does firewood mean?

The women of the daughter-in-law turned out to be the natural natural needs of the body for life, without which it does not matter whether they want to do it or not, no one can live normally, even the great ascetic Buddha one day began to eat food and profess moderation in everything. The Father, of course, means the Creator and therefore is clearly not present, but it is indicated at the beginning of the tale. Brothers are also other people who are busy with life in society (they do not have time to explore themselves) and, at the same time, society itself, which is dangerous for those who do not want to agree with it. But if Emelya cooperates, that is, goes to fetch water, firewood, etc., takes care of himself, then although he is a "fool", he is not crazy, and you can not touch him, let him live. The promised gifts are here the approval of other people.

Emele is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly says:

- "By the pike's command, according to my desire - go, ax, chop wood, and firewood - go into the hut and put it in the oven" ...

Emelya on the stove and forgot about the pike and its capabilities, and was clearly not tied to the possession of power, which is emphasized by this passage of the tale for the second time. Lying on the stove, he was busy with something. Namely, by being aware of oneself, by wandering in the world of one's consciousness ...

The stove here means selfhood, God's spark, inner fire, light and space of his consciousness, in which Emelya strove to be all the time and left there with apparent reluctance, especially at first, and only to perform the most necessary actions. That is, he was busy with almost constant self-contemplation.

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let's chop wood, and they themselves go into the hut and climb into the stove. How much or how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law again say: “Emelya, we have no more wood. Go to the forest, chop it. " And he told them from the stove:

- "But what are you doing?" - "How are we to what? .. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?" - "I don't feel like it" ... - "Well, you won't have any gifts."

But, nevertheless, the world regularly reminds of itself, and the matter is no longer about water - here is the symbol of the Mental depth and the strength of the Soul and Spirit as an active unit. It concerns firewood, which here also mean the impressions of the events of the world to maintain the inner Divine fire - a lively interest in the world, and knowledge about the external world, which also has to be obtained, like firewood, by a kind of labor of attention. But now it is already much easier, since a new way of understanding and accomplishment has been mastered - not chaotic and instinctive as before, but the unity of conscious desire and intention. Here the daughter-in-law-needs just teach him how to satisfy them. Emelya, it was, tried to blame this business on them, but it was not there, the laws of nature can not be violated by anyone, and it is not necessary, nature is natural. Here the tale also teaches this obvious - no need to fight with your nature, it is better to follow it.

Nothing to do. Emelya got off the stove, put on his shoes and dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat down in the sleigh: - "Women, open the gate!" His daughters-in-law say to him: "Why, you fool, got into the sleigh, but didn't harness the horse?" - "I don't need a horse."

The daughters-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya says quietly: - "By the pike's command, according to my desire - go, sled, into the forest yourself" ...

A trip outside the gate marks the beginning of the necessary, albeit forced, work of becoming aware of the outside world. By this time, Emelya had already learned to control himself - the gates were opened for him by his daughters-in-law, the horse, that is, ordinary attention, is not needed, which means that some internal forces have already turned out to be obedient to his will. Toboggan travel here means a journey of consciousness simultaneously in the external and internal world, which reflects the external.

The sledges themselves drove through the gate, but so quickly - you couldn't catch up on horseback.

And he had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed a lot of people, suppressed them. The people shout: "Hold him! Catch him!" "... The ax began to chop, chop dry trees, and the woods themselves tumbled into the sleigh and knit with a rope. Then Emelya ordered the ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. sleigh, home "...

Why go to the forest through the city? Why press people in it? What kind of city is this, what kind of people? The city is the world of ordinary people, which Emelya, being a man himself, cannot escape in his journey of consciousness. People in the city are human faces, masks created for deception, which in fact do not mind crushing, even though they scold and threaten with reprisals. The club is a force and a means of transforming masks, which is done only by force, by effort.

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya passes through the city where he had just crushed, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her from the cart, scolded and beat. He sees that things are bad, and slowly: - "By the pike's command, according to my desire - well, club, break off their sides." The club jumped out - let's beat. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Why break off the sides and not kill, for example?And just the sides - the edges - are the most obvious symbol of the form, and it's not worth killing the masks at all, they are needed for some reason. And this is not an easy thing, work with masks and images, you have to repeat it, break through with effort, with a fight - so great is the knitting power of images.

Whether it was long or short - the tsar heard about Emelin's tricks and sent an officer after him: to find him and bring him to the palace.

The king is the master, the real master. Something Emelin's tricks interested him. For some reason, he does not order Emelya to be imprisoned in prison, for example, but sends an officer to bring Emelya to him. Here the officer is a symbol of the simple power of hierarchical social subordination-management and, at the same time, his appearance is the first test, since the tsar does not intend to destroy Emelya, and the tsar needs Emelya for some reason. What for? The king needs a worthy successor.

An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks: "Are you Emelya's fool?" And he from the stove: - "What do you need?" - "Get dressed quickly, I'll take you to the king." - "And I don't want to" ... The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says on the sly: "At the pike's command, at my will - a club, break off his sides" ... The club jumped out - and let's beat the officer, he took his legs forcibly.

“Fool” is already something like a title or status here, and, by the way, Emelya did not name himself here - “I’m a fool,” he immediately began to look at the root. The cudgel as a force of transformation of disguises, which, in turn, are created for public - hierarchical use, and here helped to overcome the now pressure of the forces of society in the person of the officer. That is, Emelya has proven his independence and independence from the opinion of society, independence from public thinking. He showed the king his self, - that he should be taught further.

The Tsar was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent the greatest grandee: - "Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I will take my head off my shoulder." The big nobleman bought raisins, prunes, gingerbread, arrived in that village, entered that hut and began to ask his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

- “Our Emelya loves to be kindly asked and promised a red caftan - then he will do everything, whatever you ask.”

The king, as a sovereign, immediately felt a successor (as the figures - the performers of the roles immediately reported), but order is order - from simple to complex and from small to large, therefore the officer was the first - note that without an army, that is, a symbol of a peculiar dedication.

The greatest nobleman means strength of a completely different order. This is the mind - the manager who plans and thinks about actions, organizes events, comprehends and understands causes and effects and is able to understand them. For him, the result is important, not the method, and there is a wide variety of ways to achieve the goal.

The biggest nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, gingerbread and said: “Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king. " - "It's warm for me here too ..." - "Emelya, Emelya, the tsar will give you good food and drink, - please, let's go." - "And I don't want to" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots." Emelya thought and thought: - "Well, go ahead, and I will follow you."

The greatest nobleman understands that you cannot take it by force, and promises food, a caftan, a hat and boots, that is, bodily and sensual satisfaction and satisfaction of vanity. This attracted Emelya due to the natural inclination of people to pleasure and because of its novelty and unknown, and was another test-test. In addition, Emelya understood well what was going on.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said: “According to the pike's command, according to my desire - come on, bake, go to the king” ... Then in the hut the corners crackled, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went along street, along the road, straight to the king.

Why on the stove, not on a sleigh, for example, and not together with the hut?Here a complex mixing of meanings turned out. The stove here acts as a symbol of the inner strength of the stove - the inner space, which is mastered, realized, of which you are the owner. Why not the whole hut? But because you can go to a meeting with the king with what the king himself. The hut, in this case, is not only an internal space that is being tested, but the whole world of Emelya, and at that time he was not the owner of him yet. So I decided to go not to the stove and show strength, because I already understood and had a presentiment of what awaited him. And waiting for his dedication to the king.

The Tsar looks out the window, marvels: "What is this miracle?" The biggest nobleman answers him: - "And this is Emelya on the stove to you."

Although the king is a king, he is also not ready for such a manifestation of Emelya's selfhood, he needs to comprehend what is happening, which he does through the mind - the greatest nobleman.

The tsar came out onto the porch: “Something, Emelya, there are many complaints about you! You have suppressed many people. " - "Why did they climb under the sled?"

A very indicative dialogue: it is said that a lot of people were suppressed somehow, as if not about people. The real offender would have been punished long ago without the king. And here the tsar personally tests the strength and ability of Emelya to realize, destroy and create images, including social ones. Emelya clearly shows strength, but not quite skill yet: why did they climb under the sled? What allegorically means - I have strength, and I know how to direct it to achieve my goal, even if directly and harshly, artlessly, but I can. The king here and in general in a fairy tale is a teacher, a mentor, possessing knowledge, a spiritual father. Not the head of the state as a community. Although of course there were different Emelyas ...

One can also trace here, firstly, the recognition of the acting tsar, and secondly, the lesson of power management.

At this time, the royal daughter, Marya the princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly: - "By the pike's command, according to my desire - let the tsar's daughter love me" ... And he said again: "Go, bake, home" ... The stove turned and went home, went in into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

Emelya could not fall in love with Marya the princess if she did not love him. It was here in the royal court, during the initiation, that Emelya had a meeting with her inner female part - the anima. Only over this does he really have the power to let her manifest. And he understood it. The time has come to gain not only strength, but also inner integrity. He realized that for love you don't need much, you need permission. In this: “let the royal daughter love me” and there is permission to love oneself - the word “let”. And there is also another layer of meaning - the beginning of realizing oneself as a king.

Note that the tsar released Emelya without any objection and did not oppose his departure on the stove, since what followed was done - Emelya passed the test and they communicated with the tsar not on a social level, but in the language of forces, therefore it looks so unceremonious and short.

And the king in the palace screams and tears. Marya the princess misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Then the tsar got into trouble, drowned and spoke again to the great nobleman. - "Go, bring Emelya to me alive or dead, otherwise I will take my head off my shoulders."

Here it turned out to be encrypted: the time comes when the teacher also needs to learn. Alive or dead means - either Emelya in feelings, or by agreement. Because the tsar himself lacks skill here, and he does not know in advance. And the king, teaching the student, himself passes the examination for mastery of art.

Bought a large nobleman of sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to regale Emelya. Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king. The tsar immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled. They put Emelya and Marya the princess in it, they ground it up and threw the barrel into the sea.

Why did the tsar go, in fact, to kill his daughter, and even Emelya, although he had not attempted this before? Why into a barrel in the sea, and not into a fire, for example, or a cave or a river?The tsar, through the largest nobleman, arranged for Emelya one more test - for the temptations of the body and senses. It worked flawlessly. It shows the dependence of a person on the body and its needs. And also shows the periods in the development of consciousness and self-awareness and rebirth after traveling in a state of integrity - in the sea of \u200b\u200bfeelings. The sea here is the collective unconscious or the world of prototypes, Emelya is the Spirit who has forgotten itself. And the teacher along the way gives Emelya a lesson in remembering himself. Marya Tsarevna is a Soul that feels and remembers itself and knows life. She cannot live without the Spirit. The king, the teacher, knew what would be the result of the journey. It also shows a slice of real life - how real kings, for the sake of power or a whim, sometimes do not spare their children either. The tale teaches you to see life and several meanings at once and, taking everything as it is, not to confuse one with the other.

How long or short - Emelya woke up; sees - dark, closely. - "Where am I?"

And they answer him: - “Boring and sick, Emelyushka! We were tarred into a barrel, thrown into the blue sea. " - "And who are you?" - "I am Marya-princess." Emelya says: - "By the pike's command, by my will, the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand" ...

The violent winds blew. The sea was agitated, the barrel was thrown out on the dry shore, on the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the princess left her.

The Soul helped the Spirit to remember itself in a wandering according to prototypes and gave the strength to wake up, desire and be reborn, to gain independence.

- “Emelyushka, where are we going to live? Build whatever hut there is. "

- "And I don't want to" ... Then she began to ask him even more, and he said: - "According to the pike's command, according to my desire, a stone palace with a golden roof will be built ..." Only he said - a stone palace with a golden roof. Around - a green garden: flowers bloom and birds sing.

Whatever hut, and not a palace, - for some reason, asks the princess, who seems to be accustomed to palaces. She doesn’t need much to begin with in a holistic state with the Spirit. She already feels good. But there was also a kind of check for squalor, suddenly Emelya does not wake up and does not remember what power and opportunity he possesses and builds some kind of hut and not a palace. Emelya also passed this exam.

How can you build and where? Not otherwise than a thought in your mind.

Marya the princess with Emelya entered the palace, sat down at the window. - "Emelyushka, can't you become handsome?" Here Emelya did not think for long: “By the pike's command, by my desire - to become a good fellow, a written handsome man” ... And Emelya became such that he could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen.

When it came to selfhood and inner transformation, Emelya immediately agreed, that is, he saw, recognized and accepted the Divine beauty of the world and himself, which his Soul reminded him of, saw God in himself. He was transformed internally. Obviously, this is a special action, maybe even its goal, and it completes the whole chain of Emelya's transformations.

And at that time the tsar went hunting and saw - there was a palace where there was nothing before.

- "What kind of ignorant man has built a palace on my land without my permission?"

And he sent to find out and ask: "Who are they?"

Why did the tsar go hunting, and not fishing or embassy somewhere?Here, the ordinary life of earthly kings is also displayed, but also the space of O-HOTA is shown, in which other kings live - kings to oneself. They live in about-hote, that is, they do what they want. And so, in this world of hunting, one unnamed king (apparently because this is a symbol of the teacher) saw the hunting of another - now also internally transformed, a full-fledged king, who had passed all the tests of Emelya, and decided to check if he was ignorant. That is, is Emelya's knowledge complete? An ignoramus is in other words: one who does not know any rules. That is, here is the final exam and the final recognition of Emelya's right to the kingdom. This right must be attested by another king.

The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking. Emelya answers them:

- "Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself." The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads him to the palace, sets him down at the table. They begin to feast. The Tsar eats, drinks and does not wonder: - "Who are you, good fellow?" - “Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be ground into a barrel, to throw into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want it, I will burn and destroy your whole kingdom. "

Emelya invites the teacher personally to his world, so that he looks and appreciates everything as it is. He comes and evaluates. At first, both pretend that they do not recognize the friend, or maybe the king does not really recognize Emelya. This shows the completeness of the changes that took place with Emelya and their depth.

And then for the last time Emelya passes the exam and shows his strength and the fact that now he can cope with the whole kingdom. Previously, I could not, and there was no question of it.

The tsar was very frightened, began to ask for forgiveness: - "Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, just do not destroy me!" They arranged a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya the princess and began to rule the kingdom.

To ask for forgiveness is also a sacred inner act - the old tsar, who brought up a full-fledged successor - a student, understands that he can leave, and he purifies his soul with permission and repentance, transfers the kingdom to young Emela and leaves on a fiery journey, the famous and mysterious fiery transition that he the student will help to accomplish. Therefore, Emelya says that he will burn with fire, shows that he owns fire, and threatens not to pour water, for example.

Here, just "to destroy the king" (the image of the king of the owner - the creator as a stage of personal evolution) could be precisely by not accepting the kingdom of Emelya, and here life is clearly shown with its laws of transition and continuity, commanding everyone to grow and develop, multiply knowledge and skills. To be king on earth and master.

Here the fairy tale ends.

So an ingenuous, seemingly simple fairy tale turned out to be an accurate guide and pointer on a person's path to himself, to God, to the meaning of life.

"By the pike's command" summary will remind you of what the tale "By the Pike's Command" and what this tale teaches.

"By the pike's command" summary

The peasant had three sons; two are smart, and the third, Emelya, is a fool and a lazy person. After the death of his father, each of the brothers received "one hundred rubles." The older brothers go to trade, leaving Emelya at home with their daughters-in-law and promising to buy him red boots, a fur coat and a caftan.

In winter, in severe frost, the daughters-in-law send Emelya for water. He reluctantly goes to the hole, fills the bucket ... And catches a pike in the hole. The pike promises to fulfill any Emelino desire if he lets her go. It will be enough for him to say the magic words: "At the dictates of the pike, at my will." Emelya lets go of the pike. And he wants the buckets of water to go home by themselves. Emelya's wish comes true

After some time, the daughters-in-law ask Emelya to chop wood. Emelya orders the ax to chop wood, and the wood to go to the hut and lie down in the oven. The daughters-in-law are amazed, as this wish also came true.

Then the daughters-in-law send Emelya to the forest for firewood. He does not harness the horses, the sledges themselves go from the yard. Passing through the city, Emelya crushes a lot of people. In the forest, an ax chops wood and a club for Emelya.

On the way back in the city, they try to catch Emelya and crush his sides. And Emelya orders his baton to beat all the offenders and returns home safely.

The king, having heard about all this, sends his governor to Emela. He wants to take the fool to the king, but Emelya refuses.

The voivode returned to the king empty-handed. Then the Tsar got angry and said that if the governor returned without Emelya, he would lose his head. The second time the governor went after the Fool, he began to persuade him with kind and gentle speeches. Promising Emely goodies and refreshments, he persuades him to come to the king. Then the fool tells his stove to go to the city itself.

In the royal palace, Emelya sees a princess and wants her to fall in love with him.

Emelya leaves the king, and the princess asks her father to give her in marriage to Emelya. The king orders the officer to deliver Emelya to the palace. The officer gives Emelya a drink, and then ties her up, puts her in the wagon and takes her to the palace. The king orders to make a big barrel, put his daughter and the fool there, grind the barrel and put it into the sea.

The fool wakes up in the barrel. The royal daughter tells him about what happened and asks him to get them out of the barrel. The fool says magic words, and the sea throws the barrel ashore. It crumbles.

Emelya and the princess find themselves on a beautiful island. According to Emelin's desire, a huge palace and a crystal bridge appear to the royal palace. And Emelya himself becomes smart and beautiful.

Emelya invites the king to visit her. He arrives, feasts with Emelya, but does not recognize him. When Emelya tells him everything that happened, the king rejoices and agrees to marry the princess to him.

The king returns home, and Emelya and the princess live in their palace.

What does the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" teach?

First of all, a fairy tale teaches us kindness. That if you do even a small good deed, then you will be repaid for it with the same good. If Emelya hadn't let the pike go, he wouldn't have gotten anything in return.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" is that a person's happiness depends on himself. If you don't know what you want, then nothing will happen. Emelya, presented to us at first as a lazy and foolish person, married the princess and began to live with her in the castle.


A country: Russia

Creator: Slavic folklore

Activity: bummer, master of the magic pike

Family status: married

Emelya: character story

A talking pike, a warm stove and a self-propelled sleigh - the life of the village Emelya is full of unexpected decisions and turns. A Russian folk tale tells how a lazy man, with the help of ingenuity and kindness, will become a royal son-in-law in a short time. Great personal growth for a person who is too lazy to bring a bucket of water home.

History of creation

The tale of a guy who lay on the stove and then married the king's daughter is the fruit of folk art. The author of the Old Russian legend is not known for certain. By the time of the first publication, there were 3 different versions of the work.

The most popular version differs significantly from the modern tale. In it the main character appears to be a complete orphan who does not even know his own name. The people around him just call the guy - poor.

The character has no time to lie aimlessly on the stove - the man works hard every day. True, constant work does not bring money. Another difference between the original and the usual Emelya is the words that the hero pronounces so that dreams come true:

"By the pike's will, by God's blessing."

Three versions of the folk tale were recorded and published under his own name by the folklorist and literary critic Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. The collection "Russian folk tales" was published in 1855. Emelya, familiar to a modern child, is a figment of fantasy. The writer adapted the classic version "By the Pike's Command", adjusting the folk tale to the norms of Soviet literature.

Image and plot

Emelya was born into the family of a simple hard-working peasant. The young man is the third son in the family. The elder brothers of the hero brought their wives to the house long ago, and they took care of the family. All men, except for Emelya, are employed in arable work. The brothers periodically go to the city fair, where they sell the harvested crop.

The only one who does not participate at all in the life of a large family is Emelya. The guy is too lazy to get off the stove. Older men have long come to terms with the peculiarity of their younger brother, therefore they do not entrust Emela with any work once again.

But, leaving for the city, the men ask the youngest to help the women with the housework. For the obedient performance of household chores, the brothers promise to bring Emelya a red caftan. The color red appears in a fairy tale for a reason. In ancient Russia, shades of red symbolized the color of the sun and energy, which the hero lacks so much.

The house runs out of water. The women ask Emelya to go to the river, the guy shrugs off persistent requests. But the thought of a new caftan still makes you rise from the stove. Having collected water, the curious Emelya looks into the hole. With an unexpectedly dexterous movement for such a bumpkin, the hero catches a fish from the river. And now a talking pike looks into Emelya's eyes, asking the guy for freedom:

"Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want."

Despite many negative qualities, Emelya is not a cruel person. The guy lets go of the pike, and receives a reward for his kindness - now all Emelya's wishes will be fulfilled immediately.

It would seem that with such opportunities, a guy can completely change his life, but all that Emelya wants is the ability to transfer water to the house on its own, contactless collection of firewood and the ability of a sled to move around the village without the help of horses.

Modern psychologists argue that such desires are not at all a sign of stupid laziness. Emelya's characteristic in this case is creativity and resourcefulness. After all, a young man equips his own life without leaving his comfort zone.

Emelya's carefree life ends when the tsar finds out about the peasant's tricks. Vladyka summons Emelya to him, but the spoiled young man is in no hurry to leave his beloved oven. The exiled nobles only receive refusals from the guy and beatings with a wooden stick. After lengthy persuasion and sweet gifts, the hero still goes to visit the king - right on the stove.

During the visit, the guy with the help of pike magic bewitches the king's daughter. The girl loses her head from an ugly and careless man. The king is not ready to put up with the choice of his daughter, so he puts the young in a barrel and throws the load into the sea. And even here Emelya does not strive to show leadership qualities. The tears of the princess make the guy look for a way out of the situation.

Thanks to the spell, the barrel is carried ashore, where Emelya and an attractive bride are equipping a new house. Impressed by the capabilities of the groom, the princess asks her betrothed to work not only on the palace, but also on herself. Now the lazy Emelya is the happy owner of a titled bride, a wealthy house and an attractive appearance.

The tsar passing by decided to meet new neighbors. A sudden meeting with his daughter left the sovereign speechless. The rejected groom turned out to be full of secrets and talents. The tale teaches one more lesson - you shouldn't judge people by their first impression.

After seeing the changes, the king agrees to bless the marriage. Nobles and noble boyars come to the wedding. At the same time, the good-natured hero does not forget to invite village relatives to the celebration.

Screen adaptations

For the first time the fairy tale appeared on television screens in 1938. The black-and-white film is based on the play by Elizaveta Tarakhovskaya, based on the legend “By the Pike's Command”. The role of Emelya in the motion picture was played by actor Pyotr Savin. The shooting did not have time to finish before the end of winter, so the writers added a new trait to Emelya's character - the guy does not like winter and as soon as possible accelerates the arrival of spring.

In 1957, Soyuzmultfilm released an animated version of the fairy tale. The title of the cartoon is "In a certain state." The actor gave the voice to the painted Emela. The cartoon received an award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the category "Best Animated Film".

The film adaptation in the form of a puppet show was released in 1970. The creative association "Ekran" released a film based on the performance of the Kalinin Puppet Theater. Emelya's voiceover was the Soviet actor Anatoly Kubatsky.

Another cartoon titled "By the Pike's Command" was released in 1984. The script based on the fairy tale of the same name was written by Alexander Timofeevsky. Emelya's scoring was entrusted to Nikolai Kholmogorov.

  • The meaning of the name Emelya is hardworking.
  • The German Democratic Republic has issued 6 stamps depicting the adventures of Emelya.
  • A miniature home robot has been developed in Russia. The creators gave the project the name Emelya. The robot recognizes the owner's voice and answers simple questions.
  • The image of Emelya inspired not only the representatives of the cinema. The writer has created a fairy tale "The Letter". The main characters of the work: Emelya, and other fairy-tale characters.


“From bad and good man the circles on the water are the same. "
"I want the buckets to go home by themselves and the water would not splash ..."
"According to the pike's command, according to my desire - an ax, chop some dry wood, and you, woods, fall into the sleigh yourself, get involved ..."
“I am the same Emelya. If I want it, I will burn and destroy your whole kingdom. "

One of the characteristic components of the folklore of any country is the presence of fairy tales. And our country is no exception here. All of you probably remember how in childhood one of your parents or, for example, a grandmother, read you a bedtime story so that you would rather close your eyes and fall asleep. A calm and monotonous native voice, telling about something very interesting before going to bed, has a truly calming and soporific effect. However, it will not be about what effect it has on reading fairy tales before bedtime, but about the meaning that lies in these tales, but very often remains incomprehensible due to the fact that it is hidden. And not only children, but even adults cannot understand it.

The fact is that fairy tales are often imbued with the deepest symbolism, and are also inexhaustible and information about all kinds of events of antiquity. In most fairy tales there are no random images and characters, names, names and words, and the semantic load can be so deep that you just wonder - akin to a Russian nesting doll, inside which there is another, and inside it - another, etc. the main meaning of the tale may be hidden somewhere in its depths - under a layer of simpler semantic layers. All levels of the tale can represent a window into the unknown world of the structure of the universe and the foundations of life.

We all should know that fairy tales, in addition to the usual everyday educational function, can also perform a number of others - more complex ones, for example:

  • Uncover the secrets of the universe and other secret knowledge
  • Indicate the cyclical nature of being
  • Serve astronomical or natural
  • Be a repository of history
  • Link with ancestors
  • Explain initiation rites as a person progresses from childhood to adulthood
  • Guide a person on the path and personal growth, etc.

In many fairy tales, the directions presented can not only go next to each other, but also intersect and even synchronize. The characters of fairy tales are some symbols, each of their actions bears a sacred meaning, and the paths along which they go indicate special methods of obtaining secret knowledge and achieving inner harmony. Often, fairy tales are even compared to magic formulas that lose their power if they are incorrectly pronounced.

And let's take a look at a few well-known Russian folk tales as examples. It is not a fact that our transcripts will fully reflect the truth, but they will still be able to serve as a kind of algorithm for understanding the hidden meaning inherent in fairy tales.

So, let's consider three fairy tales: "Turnip", "By the pike's command" and "Koschey immortal".

Fairy tale "Turnip"

What we know from a fairy tale: We know that my grandfather planted a turnip, and due to a particularly fruitful year, it grew very large. To stretch the turnip, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse came to my grandfather in turn to help. They were able to pull the turnip only when they pulled it all together.

Hidden meaning:If we talk about the hidden, esoteric meaning of this tale, then it tells us about the knowledge that was accumulated by the ancestors who lived in ancient times. The turnip acts as the roots of the clan, and it was planted by the ancestor - the same grandfather, who is the oldest and wisest.

The grandmother in this tale symbolizes the traditions of the home; father - the support and protection of the family; mother - care, warmth and love; granddaughter - procreation; Beetle - protection of welfare; cat - a blessed state in the house and; and the mouse is wealth.

Each of the presented images is closely related to each other, and together they represent one whole. Only by connecting all the parts together, a person is able to achieve true harmony of being, learn to live in when everything that is inside a person, and everything that surrounds him outside, comes in line with each other.

Fairy tale "By the pike's command"

What we know from a fairy tale:A young man named Emelya was sitting on the stove and doing nothing. One day, going to the river for water, he caught a pike. The pike asked Emelya to let her go, and in return agreed to fulfill several desires. After some deliberation, Emelya asked the pike for the princess and the palace, which he received in the end, and also became a handsome man.

Hidden meaning:The stove symbolizes the space of consciousness in which the hero of the fairy tale was most of the time, and from which he really did not want to get out, because I contemplated myself all the time. However, a person cannot be in harmony if his inner world is in no way connected with the outer one.

“Having got acquainted” with the pike, Emelya realized his true desires and found an intention, which is expressed in the words: “By the pike's will, by my will”. The pike, in turn, is a mother nature, in relation to which Emelya showed attentiveness. And only then, nature gave him the opportunity to realize his intention and self-awareness.

The phrase: "By the pike's will, by my will" means the unity of two facets of being - the Spirit of a person and his Soul. Pike can also be interpreted as "Schura", i.e. ancestor - the ancestor of everything and the human spirit. The river, from which Emelya decided to draw water, is a kind of energy-informational channel, into which one can penetrate, only by abandoning the constraining beliefs. Ultimately, Emelya, through the liberation of his spirit, reached the possibilities inaccessible to man in the ordinary state of consciousness and became the master of his fate. In addition, Emelya's becoming a beautiful prince is a manifestation of inner beauty on the outer plane.

Fairy tale "Koschey the Immortal"

What we know from a fairy tale:Koschey is the evil lord of the dark kingdom of the dungeon, regularly stealing beautiful girls. He is wealthy, and strange birds and animals live in his possessions. Koshchei is the Serpent Gorynych, who has a huge amount of secret knowledge, which is why he has great power. Koschey is considered immortal, and it is not possible to defeat him in the usual ways, although if there is a desire, you can learn unusual ways that, as a rule, to Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga reveals.

Hidden meaning:If we turn to the pantheon of the gods of the Slavs, we will see that Koschey is one of the manifestations of Chernobog, ruling over Navu, Darkness and the Pekelny kingdom. Koschey also personifies the winter cold, and the girls whom he steals - the life-giving power of Nature and spring. Ivan Tsarevich is a symbol of sunlight and spring thunder, accompanied by rain (remember the god Perun), in search of Koshchei, which all natural forces contribute. Defeating Koshchei, Ivan Tsarevich, darkness and death.

As we know, the death of Koshchei can be found in the egg, which is a symbol of rebirth and the possibility of the existence of all that exists that only can be. Proceeding from this, Koschey is at the beginning of Everything, and his death is equated with the emergence of the world.

The needle, on the tip of which is Koscheev's death, serves as a reference to the world Tree, connecting the underworld, earth and sky, as well as the winter and summer solstices. Koschei can be interpreted as the winter solstice, and Ivan Tsarevich as the summer solstice. They are always in a state of struggle with each other. The death of one is the birth of another, just as winter leaves and summer comes, and after that this cycle repeats.

And one more detail: Koschey the Immortal is an attempt to scare Ivan Tsarevich, which contains a completely different message - Koschey the Immortal is Koschey the Bes Mortal.

A small parting word

Time is running inexorably forward. The world is changing. And together with the world, man and his perception are changing. Today, very few people can understand and explain the sacred and very deep meaning of the tales of our wise ancestors, and, as you yourself have seen, of course, there is. And the knowledge that was transmitted in these tales, in general, very soon may sink into oblivion. It is easy to see that over time, that delicate connection that connected different generations of people with each other was interrupted.

In order to understand the true essence of fairy tales, especially Russian ones, a person must push into the background his current worldview, and try to look at the world and life in it, which people who lived in those distant times, when fairy tales just began to appear, looked at them. ...

The search for meaning, without fail, must be present, because the Laws of Being, no matter how time is, no matter how developed society is, no matter how high-tech a person's life is, have always remained and will remain the same. Therefore, let the tales of Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Emela, Alyonushka and other characters be for you not just interesting notions, but those pointers that you will be guided by in your everyday life, in which, it would seem, there is no true magic left at all.

Remember: there is magic, and it surrounds you everywhere!

The fairy tale By the pike's command is loved by more than one generation of readers. Children, as adults, told it to their children. The tale attracts readers with kindness, humor, a comic main character, over whom everyone made fun of, and he became a king. The opinion about the tale is contradictory. The tale baffles many too "correct" readers who see only its superficial meaning. How? Does a fairy tale praise lazy people? Teaches idleness? First, don't forget that this is a humorous tale. Secondly, you need to think about its inner meaning. We recommend a fairy tale for reading online with children.

Fairy tale By the pike's command to read

Who is the author of the tale

Fairy Tale By Pike Command is a folklore work that reflects the dreams of the Russian people for a better life. For children, the tale was published in A.N. Tolstoy.

Lazy and foolish Emelya does not want to do anything at a time when his older brothers are busy with work. They barely persuaded the fool's daughter-in-law to go to the river for water. And in the hole Emelya caught a pike. Lazy - and caught. I realized that you can fry a pike. Until he was convinced that the pike was magic, he did not let go. He was a clever fool! Well, then the pike fulfilled any desires of Emelya: the buckets themselves went home, the firewood themselves were chopped, the sleigh went without horses, but what about the sleigh, the fool went to visit the king himself on the stove and wanted to marry the royal daughter. And the princess could not live without Emelya. The king ordered the young to be put in a barrel, ground up and thrown into the sea - out of sight, away from sin. On the deserted bank of Emelya he built a palace for his beloved (the princess was not spoiled, she asked for a hut). The king was very surprised when he saw in which mansions young people live. And Emelya turned from a fool into a good fellow. Why not a son-in-law for the king? It all ended with a happy wedding. You can read the tale online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale By the pike's command

A humorous tale about a lazy and a fool Emelya, who, perhaps, was not at all a fool and a lazy person, prompts philosophical reflections: how well-being and happiness are obtained. Hard work? Mind? Luck? By coincidence? Agree, the fool Emelya is not devoid of common sense. Fortunately, the hero "caught luck (in our case, a pike) by the tail." Who doesn't dream of such a gift of fate? Well, then the fool acted quite logically. He did not work, but he did not force others to work for himself. Without deceiving or offending anyone, he found a way to get what he wanted: the blessings of life, comfort, the beautiful princess. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale is that each person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Fairy tale By pike's command it teaches to dream, believe and achieve success.

Moral of the tale By the pike's command

If fate sends you good luck, be able to use it. It is the image of Emelya that can be presented to adolescents as an example of a hero who sought and found his place in life. Let the modern "emeli" learn rationalism from the fairytale hero and find their way to success and prosperity.

Proverbs, sayings and expressions of a fairy tale

  • Without experiencing, you will not know.
  • The expression At the behest of a pike is used in a humorous or ironic context in the sense of "immediately".

Research by the method of Magic Theater

Together with Evgeny Naydenov

Revealing the meaning of Russian folk tales

with the help of the Magic Theater.

Russians fairy tales and the Magic Theater .

Fairy tale, legend, tale, story, show, it seems ... Words from the same root. To say, to tell means to show an image or a prototype with the help or with the medium of the word. C - word, show - show. An image from life, from that life, from the space where the Soul lives, where the Spirit lives, where there is no unconscious yet, there is no prohibition, where everything is possible, where the Gods live,

Heroes and fabulous, as we call them, creatures.

In earlier, very recent times, the custom was widespread in workers' artels: the artel workers kept a special person - a storyteller, paid him for living with them, and did not work every day, but told them fairy tales and epics in the evenings and on vacation , the stories are different. So those people fed their souls with impressions and images of the world, lived with the narrator of the fate of the heroes of the stories, learned life, recognized it and entered those worlds and states where all this happened.

Then the place of the narrator was taken first by newspapers, then by radio, then by television, and stories and fairy tales became completely different ...

And before that - in the old epic times - they dedicated the old young with fairy tales to the states of life and led them into all kinds of worlds, and educated, and conveyed the wisdom of life. Fairy tales are easily remembered by both children and adults, and all children love them, they have a mysterious, enchanting, captivating magic that attracts the soul with some kind of pristine purity and integrity.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows; neither in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen; and, on the contrary, - not try to think, not guess - just say in a fairy tale ... How often have we all heard these words and, to be honest, did not particularly think about what they mean, and whether they mean anything at all. Somehow it happened to us that we mean the meaning of the word fairy tale as a fable, a beautiful and, perhaps, senseless fiction, which probably could have been somewhere out there, in the past (who knows how it was there, after all, everything was , but it was ...), but for us it seems completely unreal, with an incomprehensible purpose, retold from generation to generation by the people.

The word “storyteller” in its meaning is often compared with an inventor and a liar. Maybe it's such a folk trick, humor - to cover up your own squalor and innocence with a vivid incomprehensibility, to pretend that there is something behind this, to protect your culture and the right to an original life, but there, in fairy tales, there is nothing - just beautiful fables. But why do people from generation to generation, despite all the efforts of teachers and psychologists who are still trying to come up with a scientific substitute for reading for children like: "Mom washed the frame, we are not slaves - we are not slaves", retell and rewrite fairy tales? And why were very famous adults engaged in this business: A. Tolstoy, for example, and N. Afanasyev? What kind of power is there in them? And why, for example, the laws of physics or the rules of spelling, persistently memorized, are somehow quickly forgotten and, despite painful attempts, are never remembered or are remembered with boredom, and fairy tales are remembered by almost everyone and emerge from memory easily and vividly, cheerfully , and bring with them a wave of optimism, lively and bright joy? Questions and questions ... And, perhaps, it is impossible to resolve them otherwise than through your soul and your heart. Unfortunately, science is powerless here. Many generations of scientists have achieved only the decomposition of fairy tales into their component parts, comparison and statistical analysis. Theses defended, figuring out how many times, and what letter occurs in such texts ... Of course, interesting ... Informative. But ... Science has not yet proved to itself that the Soul exists, therefore science cannot understand a fairy tale without a Soul.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ... I wonder how and what can be a lesson in a lie, and what kind of lie is this, in which there is a lesson, and even good fellows? Let's pay attention - under an incomprehensible allegory there is always one, or even several layers of meaning. Or - “do not try to think, do not guess, just say in a fairy tale” ... Let us think: do not try - in a modern way - do not invent, do not guess - accordingly, do not guess, only tell in a fairy tale. It turns out - not to invent, not guess, but only retell. And you can only retell what happened! That which existed and was seen. And it is said. C - in the sense of taken, and - shown, that is, shown as an image. Said. It couldn't be better.

It was the incomprehensibility in the texts, illogicalities, and outright absurdities that made them pay attention to them and think about why these texts, which do not have an explicit, harmonious logic, are passed on from generation to generation. Moreover, the people who were and are in such conditions that there is neither strength nor time for anything but the most necessary for life. And what kind of inner latent invisible force do these absurdities and incidents hold, what do they serve, and why does no one erase them, correct the text to the correct and beautiful, everyday life? What kind of incidents? More on this later ...

That is, the process of our cognition of the meaning of fairy tales began precisely with the fact that finally, all these absurdities and inconsistencies, felt, but not realized from childhood, semantic swirls and squiggles of fairy tales became visible and caught the same attention, realized, it became very interesting - what lies behind them. Felt - covered. And, at different times, literally a few phrases related to the meaning of fairy tales were read and heard from different sources. These were sparks, albeit small, but as if they had entered the soul, and had already flashed and deposited, ignited inside, and the movement began - the rest was a matter of time and technique.

You read a fairy tale, and immediately a lot of questions arise. Why or why in a fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" the old man and the old woman beat the egg and didn't break it? This is a question of interest to many. Indeed, why beat him? It's much easier to sell and raise money. Why did the mouse smash or crush it lightly with its tail? Why did the old man and the old woman cry because of this, they also wanted to break him? Why did the Hen promise to lay a simple testicle for consolation? Why, in different versions of the tale, the wolf howled and cried along with his grandfather and grandmother, and the bear even tore off his tail? Or, in another version, the deacon interrupted the church bells, and the priest tore the books when they learned that the golden egg had broken?

Why was Emelya lying on the stove? Who are the daughters-in-law, and what are the pikes in the ice-hole in winter - are they in the pits? Why was it necessary to go to the forest through the city for firewood? Why did the king put him in a barrel with his daughter and let him go by sea? Why did Emelya always resist when it was necessary to do something, and how the princess invited him to become a handsome man, so agreed immediately? This is only part of the questions that arise when reading well-known fairy tales.

Why did the soldier stand at the tower alone on the clock? This is from the fairy tale "Elena the Wise". Why thirty years? Why did he release the devil? And in general - a complete nonsense, it would seem, when the devil says to a hungry soldier complaining to him: "go to my palace, I have three beautiful daughters, you will look after them, and they will feed you for it." What a normal father - even the devil - would calmly leave his beautiful daughters to a young soldier and still feed him for it! Who are these soldiers, and what are these beauties? And what kind of supervision is this? And so on and so forth…

And the most mystical alchemical and meaningful, perhaps, a fairy tale "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what." Also, from childhood, thoughts became a dead end: how is it possible there - I don't know where to go, and then - I don't know what to bring?

And so, if you look closely - in every fairy tale. Questions, questions and questions ...

You could brush it off and miss it all under the label - "fictional fiction", but something inside did not give rest.

And then, finally, one day, it happened. There was an awareness, an insight that you can try in the Magic Theater, according to a scheme that is not quite classical for it, to play from a slightly different angle of view, put on a fairy tale and see what happens. In MT, after all, the performers of the roles perceive the states of the displayed images and personalities, and answer questions about their essence, so I thought that it would be possible to ask around - these are the same questions given above and many others. And one day they decided, and put a fairy tale and asked around ... But we did not expect such power and grace ...

It turned out that every famous Russian folk tale has its own clear semantic life and sensory space. There are several levels of semantic plots at once, several levels or layers of information about the structure of the world, man, human society and the foundations of life processes, deeply hidden and unfolding in layers - they are also the key or entrance to a special state, a state of enlightenment and integrity. There is not a single random empty word or image in a fairy tale, and each image has several levels of meaning and several sections of semantic relationships with other images, and participates in the display and formation of many meanings. And you can open them for a very long time; our work went on as long as there was enough strength and a general sense of comprehension was preserved. Moreover, strength and desire ended at about the same time - just by the end of the passage of several of the most prominent and obvious layers of meaning. We finished when the feeling of completion of the process came, but it was clear to everyone that there was still a lot more. After the completion of the process of revealing the tale, a very blissful, light and joyful state descended on all the participants, the tale lived in us and shone its light on us.

The work went like this: a group of people who were familiar with the work in the Magic Theater gathered. They agreed to stage or reveal a fairy tale chosen by a general vote, chose a fairy tale and assigned roles according to their feeling - whoever they wanted to, who would respond to what. Along the way, depending on what the fairy tale was, they solved therapeutic problems, a person with a personal request took the appropriate roles, which he worked through through living the path of the protagonist.

The very first fairy tale revealed in this way was "Ryaba Hen", in other versions just "Egg". We do not give it here, firstly, because there is already a good printed interpretation and, secondly, because this tale is so ingeniously simple that its interpretation can be reduced either to two or three lines, or to write a whole book. These two or three lines are as follows: in the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" it is told how the human world was born - a way of thinking appeared - not directly, but through samples, prints of what was previously understood. And the perception of the world was thus distorted, people lost their vision.

And one of the first tales, it seems the third, revealed in this way, was "By magic"... Classical, known to everyone, which, one might say, set the teeth on edge with its usual "generally accepted" and, nevertheless, not quite clear "meaning" and regular mention of Emelya. Moreover, it took place in the May forest. One of the group members had a request, briefly formulated as follows - "destiny, the way of man on Earth."

He became Emelya. First, we read the fairy tale aloud, listened to it carefully.

Then the rest of the participants sorted out the roles. We had a Pike, a River with an ice-hole, and a Stove. Izbu and Dubina were played by the same person. There were also Sleighs, Daughters-in-law, Officer, Big Nobleman, Tsar, Marya-princess and Emelya.

Mirrors were distributed ... The states, unlike the custom, had to be distributed to the Host.

And, gradually, the work started. Each turned into a researcher, a kind of hunter for meaning. This was somewhat different from the cut and direction of work in the "usual" MT, but it was no less lively and interesting. At first they switched and swayed with difficulty, but gradually, after several successful questions from the Leader, which were interesting to everyone, the work gradually went, and went deep. The meaning was realized by everyone in turn, depending on who the focus was on. Sometimes the meaning was revealed to everyone at the same time, sometimes to the Leader. And it was clear that the fairy tale was alive, and it beckons in itself and wants to be revealed. It was created for this ...

Study of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command".

In one village there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

The older brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day and does nothing.

Who is Emelya, why the fool and why exactly on the stove, and not on the bench, for example. And so almost the whole story ... And why does nothing? This is the first question that came up. And what are the brothers doing there for work?

Once the brothers left for the market, and women, daughters-in-law, let's send him:

- "Go, Emelya, for water." And he told them from the stove: - "Reluctance" ...

- "Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will come back from the market, they won't bring you any presents."

- "Okay".

Who is this daughter-in-law? Why do they frighten Emelya with the possible deprivation of gifts? And who are these brothers? Why is Emele reluctant to go to fetch water? Is it just laziness or something else?

Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

He cut through the ice, scooped up the buckets and set them down, while he himself looked into the hole. And I saw Emelya pike in the hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand: - "That ear will be sweet!"

Why does the action take place in winter? Why did not Emelya go to the forest, and didn’t talk to a devil or a tree? Why did it start with fish? Where does the pike come from in the ice-hole in winter - is it known that pike, like any fish for the winter, hides in holes to the bottom? Why did Emelya look into the ice-hole after he had collected water? You could have gone home, rather to the stove ... Next: how is this - an obvious, like, a fool - a simpleton - a slothful Emelya not only saw a pike, but also turned out to be so agile and agile that he managed to snatch the pike out of the water the world is probably possible for a few masters? What kind of pike is it that can be snatched out of the hole, and what kind of hole is this where such pikes are found? Maybe these are symbols of something? What? Why does a pike speak in a human voice? Is it possible? In a fairy tale, every ridiculous, or even somehow different from the generally accepted, smooth, simple sense of the place, serves as an indication of the entrance to the deeper layers of the essence. There are fairy tales, consisting almost of some absurdities and, nevertheless, living in centuries, for example, the same "Ryaba Hen". And what does the desire for Emelya's sweet soup mean? After all, it is clear that the ice-hole and the pike symbolize something. Maybe the ear is also a symbol?

Emelya is a fool - so that the mind does not interfere with him to see the world and learn. The clever one thinks that he already knows what he needs and, therefore, does not study and does not see the world, but for ease of adjusting it to his ideas and seeing what he wants to see or what he decided to see.

His brothers are just like that - smart - and they work in society and for society, so that it will be appreciated and approved; and with these "blessings" the daughters-in-law seduce Emelya. He learns himself, lying on the stove.

Winter is a free time from the harvest, a good time for learning, and it, learning, begins when there is a desire for the soul. Emelya was attentive to the world, he listened and felt himself and the world, and therefore he saw a pike in the hole - here, among other things, the pike denotes a chance, quite rare, but real, a chance to realize oneself or Spirit, Soul in oneself. And the vigilant Emelya took advantage of it - he grabbed with his attention (here with his hand) something in his consciousness and in his inner world.

Suddenly the pike speaks to him in a human voice: - "Emelya, let me go into the water, I'll be useful to you." And Emelya laughs: - “What will you be useful to me? No, I will carry you home, I will tell my daughters-in-law to cook some fish soup. The ear will be sweet. " The pike begged again:

- "Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want."

Why was Emelya not surprised that the pike was talking? Again the question is - what kind of pike is it that fulfills wishes? And what kind of intention and state does Emelya show when he concludes an agreement and verifies its observance?

He was ready, so he was not surprised. He knew or felt the language of the Spirit, the language of intention, and therefore dispassionately tested what kind of power it was by threatening to cook a pike. And the strength showed itself.

- "Okay, just show first that you are not deceiving me, then I will let you go." The pike asks him: - “Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

Exactly - not what you need, but what you want now, the pike asks and it is clear that this is connected with the desires of the Soul, with desires, with desire and not with responsibilities, that is, the power of the pike refers to the inner world of a person, to his state of mind and impulses. Simply put, here the pike-fish reflects the human soul - Emelya in this case, swimming in the global soul, and the vigilant - attentive Emelya acts as a symbol of a student seeking himself in this world. And Emelya learns to listen and be aware, to see her desires, their strength - her most simple, holy, natural desires. And not the image that is needed in order to become strong or smart. Those simple desires and feelings that we, in the modern world, on the contrary, hide deeper, trying to be someone better, but not ourselves. Pike-Soul taught Emelya to be exactly herself.

And why, after all, did he release the pike, although he could cook it? And the answer to this question was found: it turned out that making fish soup would mean a stop in cognition at the level of mastering some kind of craft that allows one to feed and live. Emelya was not a fool, and went further, overcoming the call of primary needs. And learning to accept them and satisfy.

- "I want the buckets to go home by themselves, and the water would not splash" ...

The pike says to him: - "Remember my words: when you want something - just say:" By the pike's command, according to my desire. " Emelya and says: - “At the pike's command, at my will - go, buckets, go home yourself” ... He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets. Buckets are going through the village, people are amazed, and Emelya is walking behind, laughing ...

What does the desire mean - for the buckets to go home on their own, and what does it mean - “at the pike's will, at my will”? What does the pike symbolize here and what is my desire? Why the people are amazed at what is happening, it seems to be understandable - a miracle, after all, but there is a sense here too - people are surprised at the simple and easy satisfaction of inner desires, harmony in themselves, apparently, not everyone has this. Emelya let the pike go into the hole, that is, he observes the agreement, he is honest and thus shows the animated world that it is possible to cooperate with him. The next layer of meaning - when faced with the power of the soul, he realized its essence and realized that it is impossible to completely possess it, you cannot keep it in check, but you can only touch and let it pass, lead through yourself, and therefore he became a contemplator, he realized that there is always he, there is always a river and you can always go to the ice hole ...

"By the pike's command, by my will" means the unity of the Soul and Spirit, that is, the Soul commands to want, and the Spirit conducts this will. It is impossible not to want at all, and it is better then to want correctly, in accordance with the pike - a mental command, which also reflects the world soul, its essence, desires and structure. And Emelya's awareness of his soul was also an awareness of the animality of the world.

We entered the buckets into the hut and stood on the bench ourselves, while Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much time has passed, how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him: “Emelya, why are you lying? I would have gone to chop wood. " - "Reluctance" ... - "You won't chop wood, the brothers will come back from the market, they will not bring you any presents."

And yet - who are these women-daughters-in-law? Why did everything happen without a father, who will be remembered for some reason at the beginning? What gifts should the brothers bring? What does firewood mean?

The women of the daughter-in-law turned out to be the natural natural needs of the body for life, without which it does not matter whether they want to do it or not, no one can live normally, even the great ascetic Buddha one day began to eat food and profess moderation in everything. The Father, of course, means the Creator and therefore is clearly not present, but it is indicated at the beginning of the tale. Brothers are also other people who are busy with life in society (they do not have time to explore themselves) and, at the same time, society itself, which is dangerous for those who do not want to agree with it. But if Emelya cooperates, that is, goes to fetch water, firewood, etc., takes care of himself, then although he is a "fool", he is not crazy, and you can not touch him, let him live. The promised gifts are here the approval of other people.

The sacred meaning of Russian fairy tales

Emele is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly says:

- "By the pike's command, according to my desire - go, ax, chop wood, and firewood - go into the hut and put it in the oven" ...

Emelya on the stove and forgot about the pike and its capabilities, and clearly was not tied to the possession of power, which is emphasized by this passage of the tale for the second time. Lying on the stove, he was busy with something. Namely, by being aware of oneself, by wandering in the world of one's consciousness ...

The stove here means selfhood, God's spark, inner fire, light and space of his consciousness, in which Emelya strove to be all the time and left there with apparent reluctance, especially at first, and only to perform the most necessary actions. That is, he was busy with almost constant self-contemplation.

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let's chop wood, and they themselves go into the hut and climb into the stove. How much or how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law again say: “Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest, chop it. " And he told them from the stove:

- "But what are you doing?" - "How are we to what? .. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?" - "I don't feel like it" ... - "Well, you won't have any gifts."

But, nevertheless, the world regularly reminds of itself, and the matter is no longer about water - here is the symbol of the Mental depth and the power of the Soul and Spirit as an active unit. It concerns firewood, which here also mean the impressions of the events of the world to maintain the inner Divine fire - a lively interest in the world, and knowledge about the external world, which also has to be obtained, like firewood, by a kind of labor of attention. But now it is already much easier, since a new way of thinking and accomplishing has been mastered - not chaotic and instinctive as before, but the unity of conscious desire and intention. Here, his daughter-in-law needs just teach him how to satisfy them. Emelya, it was, tried to blame this business on them, but it was not there, the laws of nature can not be violated by anyone, and it is not necessary, nature is natural. Here the tale also teaches this obvious - you do not need to fight with your nature, it is better to follow it.

Nothing to do. Emelya got off the stove, put on his shoes and dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat down in the sleigh: - "Women, open the gate!" His daughters-in-law say to him: "Why, you fool, got into the sleigh, but didn't harness the horse?" - "I don't need a horse."

The daughters-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya says quietly: - "By the pike's command, according to my desire - go, sleigh, into the forest yourself" ...

A trip outside the gate marks the beginning of the necessary, albeit forced, work of becoming aware of the outside world. By this time, Emelya had already learned to control himself - the gates were opened for him by his daughters-in-law, the horse, that is, ordinary attention, is not needed, which means that some internal forces have already turned out to be obedient to his will. Sledging here means a journey of consciousness simultaneously in the external and internal world, which reflects the external.

The sledges themselves drove to the gate, but so quickly - you couldn't catch up on horseback.

And he had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed a lot of people, suppressed them. The people are shouting: “Hold him! Catch him! ”, And he knows the sleigh is driving. I came to the forest: - "By the pike's command, according to my desire - an ax, chop dry wood, and you, woodsmen, fall into the sled yourself, get involved yourself" ... The ax began to chop, chop dry wood, and the wood fell into the sled with a rope knit. Then Emelya ordered the ax to cut out his club - one that could be lifted by force. He got on the cart: - "By the pike's command, according to my desire - go, sleigh, home" ...

Why go to the forest through the city? Why press people in it? What kind of city is this, what kind of people? The city is the world of ordinary people, which Emelya, being a man himself, cannot escape in his journey of consciousness. People in the city are human faces, masks created for deception, which in fact do not mind crushing, even though they scold and threaten with reprisals. The club is a force and a means of transforming masks, which is done only by force, by effort.

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya passes through the city where he had just crushed, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her from the cart, scolded and beat. He sees that things are bad, and slowly: - "By the pike's command, according to my desire - well, club, break off their sides." The club jumped out - let's beat. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Why break off the sides and not kill, for example? And just the sides - the edges - are the most obvious symbol of the form, and it is not worth killing masks at all, they are needed for some reason. And this is not an easy thing, work with masks and images, you have to repeat it, break through with effort, with a fight - so great is the knitting power of images.

Whether it was long or short - the tsar heard about Emelin's tricks and sent an officer after him: to find him and bring him to the palace.

The king is the master, the real master. Something Emelin's tricks interested him. For some reason, he does not order Emelya to be imprisoned in prison, for example, but sends an officer to bring Emelya to him. Here the officer is a symbol of the simple power of hierarchical social subordination-management and, at the same time, his appearance is the first test, since the tsar does not intend to destroy Emelya, and the tsar needs Emelya for some reason. What for? The king needs a worthy successor.

An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks: "Are you Emelya's fool?" And he from the stove: - "What do you need?" - "Get dressed quickly, I'll take you to the king." - "And I don't want to" ... The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says on the sly: - “At the pike's command, at my will - a club, break off his sides” ... The club jumped out - and let's beat the officer, he took his legs forcibly.

“Fool” is already something like a title or status here, and, by the way, Emelya did not name himself here - “I’m a fool,” he immediately began to look at the root. The cudgel as a force of transformation of disguises, which, in turn, are created for public - hierarchical use, and here helped to overcome the now pressure of the forces of society in the person of the officer. That is, Emelya has proven his independence and independence from the opinion of society, independence from public thinking. He showed the king his self, - that he should be taught further.

The Tsar was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent the greatest grandee: - "Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I will take my head off my shoulder." The big nobleman bought raisins, prunes, gingerbread, arrived in that village, entered that hut and began to ask his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

- “Our Emelya loves to be kindly asked and promised a red caftan - then he will do everything, whatever you ask.”

The king, as a sovereign, immediately felt a successor (as the figures - the performers of the roles immediately reported), but order is order - from simple to complex and from small to large, therefore the officer was the first - note that without an army, that is, a symbol of a peculiar dedication.

The greatest nobleman means strength of a completely different order. This is the mind - the manager who plans and thinks about actions, organizes events, comprehends and understands causes and effects and is able to understand them. For him, the result is important, not the method, and there is a wide variety of ways to achieve the goal.

The biggest nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, gingerbread and said: “Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king. " - "It's warm for me here too ..." - "Emelya, Emelya, the tsar will give you good food and drink, - please, let's go." - "And I don't want to" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots." Emelya thought and thought: - "Well, go ahead, and I will follow you."

The greatest nobleman understands that you cannot take it by force, and promises food, a caftan, a hat and boots, that is, bodily and sensual satisfaction and satisfaction of vanity. This attracted Emelya due to the natural inclination of people to pleasure and because of its novelty and unknown, and was another test-test. In addition, Emelya understood well what was going on.

The sacred meaning of Russian fairy tales

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said: “At the pike's command, according to my desire - come on, bake, go to the tsar” ... Here in the hut the corners crackled, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the king.

Why on the stove, not on a sleigh, for example, and not together with the hut? Here a complex mixing of meanings turned out. The stove here acts as a symbol of the inner strength of the stove - the inner space, which is mastered, realized, of which you are the owner. Why not the whole hut? But because you can go to a meeting with the king with what the king himself. The hut, in this case, is not only an internal space that is being tested, but the whole world of Emelya, and at that time he was not the owner of him yet. So I decided to go not to the stove and show strength, because I already understood and had a presentiment of what awaited him. And waiting for his dedication to the king.

The Tsar looks out the window, marvels: "What is this miracle?" The biggest nobleman answers him: - "And this is Emelya on the stove going to you."

Although the king is a king, he is also not ready for such a manifestation of Emelya's selfhood, he needs to comprehend what is happening, which he does through the mind - the greatest nobleman.

The tsar came out onto the porch: “Something, Emelya, there are many complaints about you! You have suppressed many people. " - "Why did they climb under the sled?"

A very revealing dialogue: it is said that a lot of people were suppressed somehow, as if not about people. A real offender would have been punished long ago without the king. And here the tsar personally tests the strength and ability of Emelya to realize, destroy and create images, including social ones. Emelya clearly shows strength, but not quite skill yet: why did they climb under the sled? That allegorically means - I have strength, and I know how to direct it to achieve my goal, even if directly and harshly, artlessly, but I can. The king here and in general in a fairy tale is a teacher, a mentor, possessing knowledge, a spiritual father. Not the head of the state as a community. Although of course there were different Emelyas ...

One can also trace here, firstly, the recognition of the acting tsar, and secondly, the lesson of power management.

At this time, the royal daughter, Marya the princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly: “By the pike's command, according to my desire, let the tsar’s daughter love me” ... And he said again: “Go, bake, home” ... The stove turned and went home, went into the hut and stood to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

Emelya could not fall in love with Marya the princess if she did not love him. It was here in the royal court, at the initiation, that Emelya had a meeting with her inner female part - the anima. Only over this does he really have the power to let her manifest. And he understood it. The time has come to gain not only strength, but also inner integrity. He realized that for love you don't need much, you need permission. In this: “let the royal daughter love me” is the permission to love oneself - the word “let”. And here there is another layer of meaning - the beginning of realizing oneself as a king.

Note that the tsar released Emelya without any objection and did not oppose his departure on the stove, since what followed was done - Emelya passed the test and they communicated with the tsar not on a social level, but in the language of forces, therefore, it looks so unceremonious and short.

And the king in the palace screams and tears. Marya the princess misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Then the tsar got into trouble, drowned and spoke again to the great nobleman. - "Go, bring Emelya to me alive or dead, otherwise I will take my head off my shoulders."

Here it turned out to be encrypted: the time comes when the teacher also needs to learn. Alive or dead means - either Emelya in feelings, or by agreement. Because the tsar himself lacks skill here, and he does not know in advance. And the king, teaching the student, himself passes the examination for mastery of art.

Bought a large nobleman of sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to regale Emelya. Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king. The tsar immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled. They put Emelya and Marya the princess in it, they ground it up and threw the barrel into the sea.

Why did the tsar go, in fact, to kill his daughter, and even Emelya, although he had not attempted this before? Why into a barrel in the sea, and not into a fire, for example, or a cave or a river? The tsar, through the largest nobleman, arranged for Emelya one more test - for the temptations of the body and senses. It worked flawlessly. It shows the dependence of a person on the body and its needs. And also shows the periods in the development of consciousness and self-awareness and rebirth after traveling in a state of integrity - in the sea of \u200b\u200bfeelings. The sea here is the collective unconscious or the world of prototypes, Emelya is the Spirit who has forgotten itself. And the teacher along the way gives Emelya a lesson in remembering himself. Marya Tsarevna is a Soul that feels and remembers itself and knows life. She cannot live without the Spirit. The king, the teacher, knew what would be the result of the journey. It also shows a slice of real life - how real kings, for the sake of power or a whim, sometimes do not spare their children either. The tale teaches you to see life and several meanings at once and, taking everything as it is, not to confuse one with the other.

How long or short - Emelya woke up; sees - dark, closely. - "Where am I?"

And they answer him: - “Boring and sick, Emelyushka! We were tarred into a barrel, thrown into the blue sea. " - "And who are you?" - "I am Marya-princess." Emelya says: "By the pike's command, by my will, the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand" ...

The violent winds blew. The sea was agitated, the barrel was thrown out on the dry shore, on the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the princess left her.

The Soul helped the Spirit to remember itself in a wandering according to prototypes and gave the strength to wake up, desire and be reborn, to gain independence.

- “Emelyushka, where are we going to live? Build whatever hut there is. "

“But I don’t want to” ... Then she began to ask him even more, and he said: “According to the pike's command, according to my desire, a stone palace with a golden roof will be built…” Only he said - a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. Around - a green garden: flowers bloom and birds sing.

Whatever hut, and not a palace, - for some reason, asks the princess, who seems to be accustomed to palaces. She doesn’t need much to begin with in a holistic state with the Spirit. She already feels good. But there was also a kind of check for squalor, suddenly Emelya does not wake up and does not remember what power and opportunity he possesses and builds some kind of hut and not a palace. Emelya also passed this exam.

How can you build and where? Not otherwise than a thought in your mind.

Marya the princess with Emelya entered the palace, sat down at the window. - "Emelyushka, can't you become handsome?" Then Emelya did not think for long: “By the pike's command, by my desire - to become a good fellow, a written handsome man” ... And Emelya became such that he could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen.

When it came to selfhood and inner transformation, Emelya immediately agreed, that is, he saw, recognized and accepted the Divine beauty of the world and himself, which his Soul reminded him of, saw God in himself. He was transformed internally. Obviously, this is a special action, maybe even its goal, and it completes the whole chain of Emelya's transformations.

And at that time the tsar went hunting and saw - there was a palace where there was nothing before.

- "What kind of ignorant man has built a palace on my land without my permission?"

And he sent to find out and ask: "Who are they?"

Why did the tsar go hunting, and not fishing or embassy somewhere? The ordinary life of earthly kings is also displayed here, but also the space of O-HOTA is shown, in which other kings live - kings to oneself. They live in about-hote, that is, they do what they want. And so, in this world of hunting, one unnamed king (apparently because this is a symbol of the teacher) saw the hunting of another - now also internally transformed, a full-fledged king, who had passed all the tests of Emelya, and decided to check if he was ignorant. That is, is Emelya's knowledge complete? An ignoramus is in other words: one who does not know any rules. That is, here is the final exam and the final recognition of Emelya's right to the kingdom. This right must be attested by another king.

The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking. Emelya answers them:

- "Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself." The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads him to the palace, sets him down at the table. They begin to feast. The Tsar eats, drinks and does not wonder: - "Who are you, good fellow?" - “Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be ground into a barrel, to throw into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want it, I will burn and destroy your whole kingdom. "

Emelya invites the teacher personally to his world, so that he looks and appreciates everything as it is. He comes and evaluates. At first, both pretend that they do not recognize the friend, or maybe the king does not really recognize Emelya. This shows the completeness of the changes that took place with Emelya and their depth.

And then for the last time Emelya passes the exam and shows his strength and the fact that now he can cope with the whole kingdom. Previously, I could not, and there was no question of it.

The tsar was very frightened, began to ask for forgiveness: - "Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, just do not destroy me!" They arranged a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya the princess and began to rule the kingdom.

To ask for forgiveness is also a sacred inner act - the old tsar, who brought up a full-fledged successor - a student, understands that he can leave, and he purifies his soul with permission and repentance, transfers the kingdom to young Emela and leaves on a fiery journey, the famous and mysterious fiery transition that he the student will help to accomplish. Therefore, Emelya says that he will burn with fire, shows that he owns fire, and threatens not to pour water, for example.

Here, just "to destroy the king" (the image of the king of the owner - the creator as a stage of personal evolution) could be precisely by not accepting the kingdom of Emelya, and here life is clearly shown with its laws of transition and continuity, commanding everyone to grow and develop, multiply knowledge and skills. To be king on earth and master.

Here the fairy tale ends.

So an ingenuous, seemingly simple fairy tale turned out to be an accurate guide and pointer on a person's path to himself, to God, to the meaning of life.

Study of the fairy tale "Elena the Wise".

And here is another tale, and we will analyze it a little differently.

"Elena the Wise"

In ancient times, in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to a soldier at a stone tower to stand at the clock; the tower was locked and sealed with a seal, but it was at night.

Here the soldier is a man, and a social man, and at the same time he is the Human Spirit with its qualities. The tower is the repository of his inner strength. Lock and seal are prohibitions.

Exactly at twelve o'clock the soldier hears that someone is shouting from this tower: - "Hey, servant!" The soldier asks: - "Who is calling me?" - “It's me - the devil,” a voice says from behind the iron bars, “I've been sitting here for thirty years without drinking or eating.”

Damn - the inner strength, which, for the time being, sat in him without a person's attention. Thirty years is a sacred age, an age of growing up. It is also designated by the image of a devil because unbridled strength is fraught with temptations and danger.

- "What do you want?" - “Let me out. As soon as you are in need, I myself will be useful to you; just remember me - and at that very moment I will come to your rescue. "

The soldier immediately tore off the seal, broke the lock and opened the doors - the devil jumped out of the tower, soared upward and disappeared faster than lightning. “Well,” the soldier thinks, “I've done things; my whole service was gone for nothing. Now they will put me under arrest, put me on trial and, what good, make me walk through the line; I'd rather run away while I have time. " He threw the gun and knapsack on the ground and went wherever he looked.

His act is a spontaneous realization of the inner need for freedom.

He walked a day, and another, and a third; sorted out his hunger, but there is nothing to eat or drink; sat down on the road, cried bitter tears and thought: “Well, am I not stupid? He served with the king for ten years, and every day he received three pounds of bread. But no! He fled into freedom to starve to death. Oh, damn it, you are to blame for everything! "

Comprehension of what is happening from old habits.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he stood in front of him unclean and asked: “Hello, servant! What are you grieving about? " - "How can I not grieve if the third day I go to hunger." - "Do not grieve, this is a good thing!" - said the devil. He rushed here and there, brought in all sorts of wines and provisions, fed and watered the soldier and called him with him:

First use of force.

- “You will have a comfortable life in my house; drink, eat and walk as much as your heart desires, just look after my daughters - I don't need anything else. "

The soldier agreed. The devil grabbed him by the arms, lifted him high, high into the air and brought him to the distant lands, to the thirtieth state - to the white-stone chambers.

The thirtieth state is the very center of itself. Travel to yourself - by your strength.

The devil had three daughters - beautiful women. He ordered them to obey that soldier and feed and water him as much as he could, while he himself flew to do dirty tricks: you know - hell! He never sits on the spot, but everything prowls around the world and confuses people.

Three daughters - three organs of perception. Sight, hearing and touch.

There remained a soldier with red maidens, and he had such a life that he did not need to die. One thing makes him twist: every night red girls leave the house, and where they leave - no one knows.

The yet unconscious space of dreams.

I began to ask them about that, they do not say that, they lock themselves up. “All right,” the soldier thinks, “I’ll be on guard all night, and I’ll see where you are going.”

Where you cannot penetrate with a word, but only with a feeling.

In the evening the soldier lay down on the bed, pretended to be fast asleep, but he himself could not wait - something will happen? That's how the time came, he crept quietly to the girl's bedroom, stood at the door, bent down and looked through the keyhole. The red girls brought a magic carpet, spread it on the floor, hit that carpet and became doves; startled and flew out the window. “What a marvel! - thinks the soldier. "Let me try." He jumped into the bedroom, hit the carpet and turned into a robin, flew out the window and followed them.

Mastering the change in the state of consciousness through deep contemplation of one's own rhythms and processes. Consciousness merging with oneself.

The doves sank into the green meadow, and the robin sat under the currant bush, hid behind the leaves and looked out from there.

Traveling in a dream through the space of the world soul and learning in a dream.

Doves flew into that place, apparently invisibly, the whole meadow was covered; in the middle stood a golden throne. A little later, both heaven and earth shone - a golden chariot flies through the air, in harness six fiery serpents; on the chariot sits the princess Elena the Wise - of such an indescribable beauty that you can neither think of, nor guess, nor say in a fairy tale!

Elena the Wise is the World Soul and at the same time its reflection in every woman.

She got off the chariot, sat on the golden throne; began to call the dove to her in turn and teach them different wisdom. Finished her studies, jumped on a chariot - and she was! Then every single dove took off from the green meadow and flew each in its own direction. The robin bird flew up after the three sisters and with them found itself in the bedroom. The doves hit the carpet - they became red maidens, and the robin hit - turned into a soldier. - "Where are you from?" the girls ask him.

- "And I was with you in a green meadow, I saw a beautiful princess on a golden throne and heard how the princess taught you various tricks." - “Well, it's your happiness that he survived! After all, this princess is Elena the Wise, our mighty mistress. If she had her magic book with her, she would immediately recognize you - and then you would not escape an evil death. Beware, servant! Do not fly to the green meadow anymore, do not marvel at Helen the Wise, or you will lay your head on the rampage. "

Danger from selfish use of your power.

The soldier is not discouraged, he ignores those speeches. He waited another night, hit the carpet and became a robin bird. A robin flew into a green meadow, hid under a currant bush, looks at Elena the Wise, admires her beloved beauty and thinks: “If I could get such a wife, there would be nothing left to wish in the world! I'll fly after her and find out where she lives. "

An inner call for integrity, for the union of the Spirit with the Soul.

So Helen the Wise came down from the golden throne, sat on her chariot and rushed through the air to her wonderful palace; after her and the robin flew. The princess came to the palace; the nannies and mothers ran out to meet her, grabbed her by the arms and took her to the painted chambers. And the robin bird flew into the garden, chose a beautiful tree that was just standing under the window of the princess's bedroom, sat on a branch and began to sing so well and pitifully that the princess did not close her eyes all night - she listened to everything. As soon as the red sun rose, Elena the Wise cried in a loud voice:

- “Nurses, nurses, hurry to the garden; catch me a robin bird! "

Nurses and mothers rushed into the garden, began to catch the songbird ... But where should they, old women! The robin flies from bush to bush, does not fly far and does not give a handle.

The princess could not stand it, ran out into the green garden, wants to catch a robin bird herself; comes to the bush - the bird does not move from the branch, sits after the wings, as if waiting for it. The princess was delighted, took the bird in her hands, brought it to the palace, put it in a golden cage and hung it in her bedroom.

The whole process of fishing and the golden cage are the possessive feelings inherent in female nature. And it also shows the Spirit's need to test itself and take risks.

The day passed, the sun went down, Elena the Wise flew to the green meadow, returned, began to take off her clothes, undressed and went to bed. As soon as the princess fell asleep, the robin bird turned into a fly, flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and became a good fellow.

The ability to soar in a dream freely in feelings for both the Soul and the Spirit.

A good fellow came up to the princess's bed, looked, looked at the beauty, could not stand it and kissed her on the sugar lips. He sees - the princess wakes up, quickly turned into a fly, flew into the cage and became a robin bird. Elena the Wise opened her eyes, looked around - there was no one. "It can be seen," he thinks, "I dreamed it in a dream!" She turned on the other side and fell asleep again. And the soldier is impatient; tried again and for the third time - the princess is lightly asleep, after every kiss she wakes up. For the third time, she got out of bed and said: “There’s something for good reason: let me look into the magic book.” She looked at her magic book and immediately found out that it was not a simple robin bird, but a young soldier sitting in a golden cage.

The magic book is the awareness of one's nature and the very ability to be aware. Self-awareness is deep.

Elena the Wise

- "Oh you! - Elena the Wise shouted. - Get out of the cage. You will answer me with your life for your lies. " There is nothing to do - a robin bird flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. - "You have no forgiveness!" - said Elena the Wise and shouted to the executioner to chop off the soldier's head. Out of nowhere - a giant with an ax and a chopping block stood in front of her, knocked the soldier to the ground, pressed his wild head to the block and raised the ax. The princess will wave her handkerchief, and the brave head will roll ...

Finding sincerity and humility for both.

- "Have mercy, fair princess," said the soldier with tears, "let me sing a song at last." - "Sing, and hurry!" The soldier started a song, so sad, so mournful that Elena the Wise burst into tears herself; She felt sorry for the good fellow, she says to the soldier: “I give you ten hours; if you manage to hide so cunningly at this time that I cannot find you, then I will marry you; but if you fail to do this, I will order you to chop off your head. "

The first test of sincerity and purity has been passed, the second begins - the ability to create something new - unprecedented.

A soldier came out of the palace, wandered into a dense forest, sat down under a bush, thought, twisted. “Ah, the unclean spirit! All because of you I disappear. At that moment the devil appeared to him: - "What do you want, servant?" “Eh,” he says, “my death is coming! Where am I going to hide from Elena the Wise? "

Dense forest - a state of slumber - a creative state in which, as a rule, all issues are resolved.

The devil hit the damp ground and turned into a gray-winged eagle: - "Sit down, servant, on my back, I'll bring you into the skies." The soldier sat on the eagle; the eagle soared upward and flew behind the clouds, black clouds. Five hours passed. Elena the Wise took the magic book, looked - and saw everything as if in the palm of her hand; she cried in a loud voice:

- “Completely, eagle, fly through the skies; get down to the bottom - you can't hide from me. "

Everything happens in a world known and accessible to both, until nothing new is created and comprehended.

The eagle sank to the ground. The soldier twirled more than ever: “What to do now? Where to hide? " “Wait,” the devil says, “I'll help you.” He jumped to the soldier, hit him on the cheek and turned the pin, and he himself became a mouse, grabbed the pin in his teeth, sneaked into the palace, found the magic book and stuck the pin into it.

The last five hours have passed. Elena the Wise unfolded her magic book, looked, looked - the book shows nothing; the princess became very angry and threw her into the oven. "

A pin is a subtle sharp thought, a mouse is thinking; to stick a pin into a magic book means so much merging with real life in thought that you cannot tell it, and this is the highest degree of purity and skill. Pure vision. The book thrown into the oven is the destruction of the old idea of \u200b\u200bthe world of Elena the Wise.

The pin fell out of the book, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.

Elena the Wise took his hand. - "I," he says, "are cunning, and you are cunning me too!"

They did not hesitate for a long time, got married and healed themselves happily.

Which was the goal of the whole enterprise. To unite the Spirit and Soul of Male and Female in full-fledged harmonious unity and respect and live happily ever after, that is, with a song.

There is still a lot of meaning here, and we leave it to the reader himself to reveal it.

Study of the fairy tale "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what."

Once upon a time there was a king. He was single, not married. And he had a shooter named Andrei in his service.

The king here personifies the ego - personality, and its behavior. Andrey shooter - Spirit of a man and, at the same time, a man-student.

Once Andrey the shooter went hunting. I walked, walked all day in the forest - I was not lucky, I could not attack the game. The time was towards evening, he goes back - twists. He sees - a turtledove is sitting on a tree. "Give," he thinks, "I'll shoot this one." He shot and wounded her - a turtledove fell from a tree onto the damp earth. Andrei picked her up, wanted to roll her head, put her in a bag.

And the turtle-dove says to him in a human voice: “Don’t ruin me, Andrey the shooter, don’t chop off my head, take me alive, bring me home, put me on the window. But look how a nap will find me - at that time beat me with your right hand with a swing: you will achieve great happiness. "

The soul asks the Spirit to take care of it and awaken from sleep-wanderings in Navi and return to the world of Revelation, to manifest, to spiritualize. The teaching began.

Andrey the shooter was surprised: what is it? It looks like a bird, but speaks in a human voice. He brought the turtledove home, put it on the window, and he himself stood waiting.

A little time passed, the turtledove put its head under its wing and dozed off. Andrei remembered what she was punishing him, hit her with his right hand with a backhand. The turtledove fell to the ground and turned into a maiden, Marya the princess, and so beautiful that you could not think of it or guess it, just tell it in a fairy tale.

Meeting of Soul and Spirit in full awareness in the World of Revelation and their connection. And in man and between man and woman.

Marya the princess says to the shooter: - “He managed to take me, be able to keep me - with a leisurely feast and for a wedding. I will be an honest and cheerful wife to you. " On that and got along. Andrei the shooter married Marya the princess and lives with his young wife, laughing. And he does not forget the service: every morning the dawn goes into the forest, shoots the game and carries it to the royal kitchen. They did not live so long, Marya the princess says:

Study agreement. And while the old life is in the service of the Personality.

- "You live poorly, Andrey!" - "Yes, as you can see." - "Get a hundred rubles, buy different kinds of silk with this money, I'll fix the whole thing." Andrey obeyed, went to his comrades, from whom he borrowed a ruble, from whom he borrowed two, bought various silk and brought it to his wife. Marya the princess took the silk and said: "Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening." Andrew went to bed, and Marya the princess sat down to weave. All night long weaved and weaved a carpet, which has never been seen in the whole world: on it the whole kingdom is painted, with cities and villages, with forests and fields, and birds in the sky, and animals in the mountains, and fish in the seas; the moon and the sun are walking around ...

Joint Soul and Spirit, awareness of the wealth of the mental and spiritual World. And in a dream.

The next morning Marya the princess gives the carpet to her husband: - "Bring it to the guest house, sell it to the merchants, but look - don't ask for your price, but take what they give."

Realization - has no price.

Andrei took the carpet, hung it on his arm and walked down the rows of living rooms.

A merchant runs up to him: - "Listen, sir, how much do you ask?" - "You are a merchant, you and give the price." Here the merchant thought, thought - he could not appreciate the carpet. Another jumped up, followed by another. A great crowd of merchants has gathered, they look at the carpet, marvel at, but cannot appreciate. At that time, the tsar's adviser was passing by, and he wanted to know what the merchants were talking about. He got out of the carriage, forced himself through the great crowd and asked: “Hello, merchants, overseas guests! What are you talking about? " - "So and so, we cannot evaluate the carpet." The Tsar's counselor looked at the carpet and himself was given a marvel:

The Tsar's Counselor - Human thinking, in this case in the service of the Personality.

- "Tell, shooter, tell the truth: where did you get such a nice carpet?" - "So and so, my wife embroidered." - "How much should I give you for it?" “I don’t know myself. My wife told me not to bargain: how much they give is ours. " - "Well, here's ten thousand for you, shooter." Andrey took the money, gave the carpet and went home. And the tsar's advisor went to the tsar and showed him the carpet. The king looked - on the carpet all his kingdom was in full view. He gasped: - "Well, whatever you want, but I won't give you the carpet!"

The ego personality is possessive, cunning, conqueror and rapist by nature.

The tsar took out twenty thousand rubles and gives the adviser from hand to hand. The adviser took the money and thinks. “Never mind, I'll order something else for myself, even better.” He got into the carriage again and galloped into the settlement. He found the hut where Andrey the shooter lives and knocks on the door. Marya the princess opens it to him. The tsarist adviser brought one leg over the threshold, but he could not stand the other, he stopped talking and forgot about his business: there is such a beauty in front of him, he would not take his eyes off her for a century, all would look and look. Marya the princess waited, waited for an answer, then turned the Tsar's adviser by the shoulders and closed the door. Forcibly he came to his senses, reluctantly trudged home. And from that time on, he eats - does not eat and drinks - does not drink: everything seems to him the shooter's wife. The tsar noticed this and began to ask what kind of grief he had. The adviser says to the tsar: “Ah, I saw the wife of a shooter, I think about her all the time! And do not wash it down, do not seize it, do not bewitch it with any potion. "

The beauty of the Soul conquers both Thoughts and Ego.

The Tsar wanted to see his wife himself. He dressed in a simple dress, went to the settlement, found a hut where Andrey the shooter lives, and knocks on the door. Marya the princess opened the door for him. The tsar brought one leg over the threshold, the other and could not, he was completely numb: in front of him was indescribable beauty. Marya the princess waited, waited for an answer, turned the king by the shoulders and closed the door. The tsar was pinched by a heartache. “Why,” he thinks, “am I single, not married? That would be to marry this beauty! She should not be an archer; she is written to be a queen by birth. " The tsar returned to the palace and conceived a bad thought - to beat off his wife from a living husband. He summons an adviser and says: - “Think about how to lime Andrey the arrow. I want to marry his wife. If you come up with it - I will reward towns and villages and a golden treasury, if you come up with it - I will take my head off my shoulders.

The manifestation of the predatory nature of the Ego, the assignment of the Thinking to solve the problem.

The tsar's advisor got into a whirl, went and hung up his nose. How to lime the shooter will not come up with. Yes, out of grief, and wrapped in a pub to drink some wine. A tavern tereben (tereben is a regular visitor to the tavern) in a tattered caftanie runs up to him:

Kabatskaya tereben is here a manifestation of the Shadow, the shadow side of the unconscious. The shadow knows all the needs and capabilities of a person, so to speak, from within and from below ...

- "About what, the tsar's adviser, got upset, why did he hang his nose?" - "Go away, tavern fink!" - "And you do not drive me, better bring a glass of wine, I'll bring you to mind."

Thinking with old patterns did not give results, it took immersion into unknown depths. The Shadow initiates the knowledge of the person by the Spirit of himself (!!!). Using the Ego

(!). The first task: mastering travel in consciousness and the transition to other worlds.

The Tsar's counselor brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief.

Kabatskaya tereben and says to him: - “To harass Andrey the arrow is not a tricky business - he himself is simple, but his wife is painfully cunning. Well, yes, we will solve a riddle such that she cannot cope. Return to the tsar and say: let him send Andrey the arrow to the next world to find out how the late tsar-father is doing. Andrey will leave and will not come back. " The tsar's adviser thanked the tavern's tereben and ran to the tsar: - "So and so, you can lime the arrow." And he told where to send him and why. The tsar was delighted, ordered to call Andrey the arrow. “Well, Andrei, you served me faithfully, do another service: go to the other world, find out how my father is doing. Otherwise my sword is your head off your shoulders. "

Andrei returned home, sat down on the bench and hung his head. Marya-princess asks him: - “What is sad? Or what misfortune? " Andrew told her what the tsar had given him a service. Marya the princess says: “There is something to grieve about! This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. "

Early in the morning, as soon as Andrei woke up, Marya the princess gives him a bag of crackers and a golden ring. “Go to the tsar and ask the tsar's advisor to be your comrades, otherwise, say, they won't believe you that you were in the next world. And when you go out with a friend on the road, throw a ring in front of you, it will bring you. Andrei took a bag of crackers and a ringlet, said goodbye to his wife and went to the Tsar to ask for a travel comrade. There is nothing to do, the tsar agreed, ordered the adviser to go with Andrey to the next world.

So the two of them went out on the road. Andrei threw the ring - it rolls, Andrei follows him with clean fields, mosses-swamps, rivers-lakes, and the tsar's adviser drags after Andrei. Tired of walking, eating crackers - and again on the road. Whether close, far, soon, or short, they came into a dense, dense forest, went down into a deep ravine, and then the ring stopped.

The dense forest, again, is a state of slumber - a key for penetration by thought, for insight.

Andrew and the Tsar's adviser sat down to eat crackers. Look, past them on the old, old tsar, two features of firewood are being carried - a huge cart - and they are driving the tsar with clubs, one from the right side, the other from the left. Andrew says: - "Look: no way, is this our late tsar-father?" - "Your truth, it is he who carries the firewood." Andrey shouted to the devils: - “Hey, devil gentlemen! Free this dead man for me at least for a short time, I need to ask him about something. The devils answer: - “We have time to wait! Are we going to take the firewood ourselves? " - "And you take a fresh person to replace me." Well, the devils unharnessed the old tsar, in his place they harnessed the tsar's adviser to the cart, and let them drive him with clubs from both sides - he bends, but carries. Andrew began to ask the old tsar about his life. “Ah, Andrei the shooter,” the tsar replies, “my life is bad in the next world! Bow down to my son and tell him that I firmly order people not to offend, or even with him the same will happen.

As soon as they had time to talk, the devils are already going back with an empty cart. Andrew said goodbye to the old tsar, took the tsar's advisor from the devils, and they went on their way back. They come to their kingdom, they come to the palace. The tsar saw the arrow and in hearts snapped at him: - "How dare you go back?" Andrey the shooter answers:

- “So and so, I was in the next world with your late parent. He does not live well, he ordered you to bow down and firmly punished people not to offend. " - "And how can you prove that you went to the next world and saw my parent?" - "And so I will prove that your adviser is on his back and now the signs are still visible, as the devils chased him with clubs."

Then the tsar was convinced that there was nothing to do - he let Andrey go home. And he himself says to the adviser:

- "Think how to lime the arrow, otherwise my sword is your head from your shoulders."

The first task is completed. The Shadow continues to use the Ego and Spirit to know itself.

The tsar's adviser went and hung his nose even lower. He goes into a tavern, sat down at the table, asked for wine. A tavern tereben runs up to him: - “What are you getting pissed off? Bring me a glass, I'll put you on your mind. " The counselor brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief. Kabatskaya terebeny to him and says: - “Go back and tell the king to give the shooter this kind of service - it’s not something to perform, it’s difficult to invent: I would send him to the distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom to get the cat Bayun” ... ran to the king and told what service to give the arrow so that he would not come back. The Tsar sends for Andrey. - “Well, Andrei, you did me a service, do another: go to the thirtieth kingdom and get me the cat Bayun. Otherwise my sword is your head off your shoulders. " Andrey went home, hung his head below his shoulders and told his wife what the tsar had given him a service.

The second task for the student is awareness of himself and his inner strength presented in the image of Bayun's cat.

- "There is something to twist about!" - Mary the princess speaks. - “This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. " Andrew went to bed, and Marya the princess went to the smithy and ordered the blacksmiths to forge three iron caps, iron tongs and three rods: one iron, another copper, and the third tin. Early in the morning Marya-princess woke Andrey up: “Here are three caps and pincers and three rods for you, go beyond the distant lands, to the thirtieth state. You won't get three miles, it will overwhelm you strong sleep - the cat Bayun will let you slumber. Do not sleep, throw your hand by hand, drag leg by leg, and where and roll like a roller. And if you fall asleep, Bayun the cat will kill you. " And then Marya the princess taught him how and what to do, and let him go.

The Soul again shows the Spirit the way of knowledge.

Soon the tale tells itself, not soon the matter is done - Andrew the archer came to the thirtieth kingdom. For three versts sleep began to overwhelm him. Andrei puts three iron caps on his head, throws his hand by hand, drags his leg by foot - he goes, and where he rolls like a roller. Somehow he survived the nap and found himself at a high post.

Bayun the cat saw Andrei, grumbled, purred and jumped from the pillar on his head - broke one cap and broke the other, took up the third. Then Andrey the shooter grabbed the cat with pincers, the scum to the ground and let's stroke it with rods. First, he struck with an iron bar; broke the iron one, began to treat him with copper - and this one broke and began to beat with tin. The tin rod bends, does not break, wraps around the ridge. Andrei beats, and the cat Bayun began to tell tales: about priests, about clerks, about priest's daughters. Andrei does not listen to him, you know he is harassing with a rod. The cat became unbearable, he sees that it is impossible to speak, he prayed: - “Leave me, good man! I will do everything you need. ” - "Will you come with me?" - "Wherever you want to go." Andrew went back and took the cat with him. He got to his kingdom, came with the cat to the palace and said to the king: “So and so he did the service, got you the cat Bayun”. The king was surprised and says:

- "Come on, cat Bayun, show great passion." Here the cat sharpens its claws, gets along with the king, wants to rip his white chest, take it out of a living heart. The king got scared:

- "Andrey the shooter, kill Bayun's cat!"

For the first time, the ego realizes the power of the Spirit and the threat to itself, is frightened, but so far it does not lose its position.

Andrei calmed the cat and locked it in a cage, while he himself went home to Marya the princess. He lives and gets on, - amuses himself with his young wife. And the tsar is even more chilled by the sweetness of the heart. Again he called on the adviser: - "What do you want to come up with, take Andrey the shooter, otherwise my sword is your head off your shoulders." The Tsar's advisor goes straight to the tavern, found there a tavern's tereben in a torn caftanish and asks him to help him out, to bring him to his mind. Kabatskaya tereben drank a glass of wine, wiped his mustache. “Go,” he says, to the tsar and tell him: let him send Andrey the rifleman there — I don’t know where, bring that — I don’t know what. Andrey will never fulfill this task and will not return back. "

The third task is to find and realize your instincts and Reason, brilliantly shown as "go - I don't know where and bring that - I don't know what."

The adviser ran to the king and reported everything to him. The Tsar sends for Andrey.

- “You served me two faithful services, concelebrate the third: go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what. Serve - I will reward in a royal way, otherwise my sword - your head off your shoulders. " Andrey came home, sat down on a bench and began to cry. Marya the princess asks him:

- “What, dear, is not happy? Or some other misfortune? “Eh,” he says, “I carry all misfortunes through your beauty! The king told me to go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what. "

- “This is a service, so a service! Well, don't go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. "

Marya the princess waited until nightfall, unfolded the magic book, read, read, threw the book and grabbed her head: nothing is said in the book about the tsar's riddle. Marya the princess went out onto the porch, took out a handkerchief and waved. All sorts of birds flew in, all sorts of animals came running. Marya the princess asks them: "Wild beasts, birds of the heavens, you, beasts, prowl everywhere, you birds fly everywhere — have you ever heard how to get there — I don’t know where, bring that — I don’t know what?" Animals and birds replied: - "No, Marya-princess, we have not heard of that." Marya the princess waved her handkerchief - the animals and birds disappeared as they had never been. She waved another time - two giants appeared in front of her: - “Anything? What is needed? - "My faithful servants, take me to the middle of the Ocean-Sea."

The giants seized the princess Marya, carried her to the Ocean-Sea and stood in the middle of the very abyss - they themselves stand like pillars, and they hold her in their arms. Marya the princess waved her handkerchief and all the reptiles and sea fish came to her. - "You, reptiles and sea fish, you swim everywhere, visit all the islands, have you ever heard how to get there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what?" - "No, Marya-princess, we have not heard about that."

Marya the princess swirled and ordered to carry herself home. The giants grabbed her, brought her to Andreev's yard, put her on the porch.

The task even for the Soul is unbearable, obviously due to the difference between its nature and Mind. But the path still indicates here.

Early in the morning Marya-princess gathered Andrey for the road and gave him a ball of thread and an embroidered fly (fly is a towel). - “Throw a ball in front of you - wherever it rolls, there and go. Look, wherever you come, you will wash, don’t wipe yourself with someone else's fly, but wipe yourself with mine. ”

To follow the ball of a scooter means to unwind the thread of thoughts, which ultimately leads to their source - Reason.

Andrey bade farewell to Princess Marya, bowed in all four directions and went to the outpost. He threw the ball in front of him, the ball rolled - it rolls and rolls, Andrey follows him. Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon. Andrey went through many kingdoms and lands. The ball rolls, the thread stretches from it. The ball became small, about the size of a chicken head; that's how small it has become, it is not visible even on the road.

Andrey reached the forest, he sees there is a hut on chicken legs. - "Hut, hut, turn your back to me, back to the forest!" The hut turned, Andrei entered and saw a gray-haired old woman sitting on a bench, spinning a tow. - “Phew, phew, the Russian spirit has not been heard by hearing, the sight has not been seen, but now the Russian spirit has come by itself! I'll roast you in the oven and eat you and ride on the bones. " Andrei replies to the old woman: - “What are you, old baba-yaga, are you going to eat a traveling man! The road man is coarse and black, you heat the bathhouse in front of me, wash me, evaporate, then eat. " Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse. Andrei evaporated, washed himself, took out his wife's fly and began to wipe off with it. Baba Yaga asks: - “Where did you get your fly? Her daughter of mine was embroidering. - "Your daughter is my wife, she gave me a fly."

Baba Yaga lives very close to the goal, the ball of the thread of thoughts is small, almost invisible, and yet the goal is still further, beyond the ordinary world.

- "Ah, beloved son-in-law, what can I treat you to?" Then Baba Yaga gathered supper, instructed all kinds of food and honey. Andrei does not swagger - he sat down at the table, let's gobble it up. Baba Yaga sat down next to her. He eats, she asks: how did he marry Marya the princess, and do they live well? Andrew told everything: how he got married and how the tsar sent him there - I don't know where, to get that - I don't know what. - "If only you could help me, grandma!"

Ah, son-in-law, even I have never heard of this marvelous thing. One old frog knows about it, she lives in a swamp for three hundred years ... Well, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.

The old frog is the Shadow. The shadow is as ancient, apparently, as reptiles and lives in the swamp of feelings.

Andrei went to bed, and Baba Yaga took two goliks (golik - a birch broom without leaves), flew into the swamp and began to call: - "Grandma, jumping frog, is she alive?" - "Alive."

- "Come out of the swamp to me." An old frog came out of the swamp, Baba Yaga asks her

- "Do you know, somewhere - I don't know what?" “I know. - “Indicate, do mercy. My son-in-law was given the service: to go there - I don't know where, to take that - I don't know what. " The frog answers:

- “I would see him off, but it’s too old, I don’t get there. Your son-in-law will bring me in fresh milk to the river of fire, then I will tell you. " Baba Yaga took a jumping frog, flew home, milked milk in a pot, put a frog there and woke up Andrei early in the morning: - “Well, dear son-in-law, get dressed, take a pot of fresh milk, a frog in milk, and sit on my horse , he will take you to the river of fire. There, drop the horse and take the frog out of the pot, she will tell you. " Andrei got dressed, took the pot, and mounted Baba Yaga's horse. For a long time, or for a short time, the horse drove him to the river of fire. Neither the animal will jump over it, nor the bird will fly over.

The fiery river is here, through which animals and birds and even people cannot cross alive - apparently the border with the world of the Gods, therefore, Reason is a divine quality if it is found in the world of the gods.

Andrei got off the horse, the frog said to him: "Take me out, good fellow, from the pot, we need to cross the river." Andrey took the frog out of the pot and let it down.

- "Well, good fellow, now sit on my back." - "What are you, grandma, what a little tea, I'll crush you." - “Don't be afraid, you won't run over. Sit down and hold on tight. "

Andrei sat down on a jumping frog. She began to sulk. Pouted, pouted - she became like a shock of hay. - "Are you holding on tight?" - "Tight, grandma."

Again the frog sulked, sulked - it became taller than the dark forest, but as it jumped - and jumped over the fiery river, carried Andrey to that bank and became small again. - “Go, good fellow, along this path, you will see a tower - we do not tower, a hut - not a hut, a barn - not a barn, go in there and stand behind the stove. You will find that there - I don’t know what ”.

The shadow has access to another world, knows everything, but not everything.

Andrei walked along the path and saw: the old hut is not a hut, it is surrounded by a backyard, without windows, without a porch. He entered and hid behind the stove. A little later it rattled, thundered through the forest, and a peasant with a fingernail, a beard like an elbow, enters the hut, and as he shouts:

- "Hey, matchmaker Naum, I want to eat!" He just shouted - out of nowhere, a table appeared, on it a keg of beer and a baked bull, a chiseled knife in his side. A little man with a fingernail, a beard the size of an elbow, sat down next to the bull, took out a chiseled knife, began to cut the meat, soak it in garlic, eat and praise. He worked the bull to the last bone, drank a whole keg of beer. - "Hey, matchmaker Naum, take away the leftovers!"

A little man with a fingernail is instincts and bodily needs, ancient deeply hidden, as well as an image of a person with limited needs.

And suddenly the table disappeared, as it had never happened - no bones, not a barrel ... Andrei waited for the little man to leave, walked out from behind the stove, plucked up courage and called:

- “Swat Nahum, feed me” ... He just called, out of nowhere, a table appeared, on it various dishes, snacks and snacks, and meads. Andrey sat down at the table and said:

- "Swat Naum, sit down, brother, with me, we will eat and drink together." An invisible voice answers him: “Thank you, kind person! I have been serving here for a hundred years, I have never seen a burnt crust, and you put me at the table. " Andrey looks and is surprised: no one is visible, and the food from the table is like someone sweeping away with a broom, beer and honey are poured into the ladle themselves - and jump, jump and jump. Andrey asks: - "Matchmaker Naum, show yourself to me!" - "No, no one can see me, I do not know what." - "Swat Naum, do you want to serve me?"

- “Why not want? You, I see, are a kind person. " So they ate. Andrew and says:

- "Well, clean up everything and come with me." Andrey went from the hut, looked around:

- "Swat Naum, are you here?" - "Here. Do not be afraid, I will not leave you alone. "

Reason itself is not visible in any way, and it can be determined, apparently, only by traces, according to the results of its activity, and it, Reason, more willingly serves a person with various needs. Satisfying only instincts is boring for him, he has self-awareness and is able to determine kindness, evaluate the owner, although he is called to serve and serves. Here the Divine self-conscious nature of Mind is also brilliantly shown.

Andrey reached the fiery river, where a frog was waiting for him: - "Good fellow, I found that - I don't know what?" - "Found it, grandma." - "Sit on me." Andrei sat down on it again, the frog began to swell, swelled, jumped and carried him across the fiery river.

Then he thanked the jumping frog and went the way-road to his kingdom. Goes, goes, turns around: - "Swat Naum, are you here?" - "Here. Do not be afraid, I will not leave you alone. " Andrey walked, walked, the road was far - his brisk legs nailed down, his white hands fell.

- "Eh, - he says, - what I got worn out!" And matchmaker Naum said to him: “What haven’t you told me for a long time? I would take you to your place quickly. " A violent whirlwind caught Andrei and carried him - mountains and forests, cities and villages so below and flicker. Andrey flies over the deep sea, and he became scared. - "Swat Naum, take a break!" Immediately the wind weakened, and Andrey began to descend to the sea. He looks - where only blue waves rustled, an island appeared, on the island there is a palace with a golden roof, a beautiful garden all around ...

The mind creates images and ways of solving problems. Travel in the world of consciousness.

Matchmaker Naum says to Andrey: “Rest, eat, drink, and look at the sea. Three merchant ships will sail past. Call the merchants and treat them, treat them well - they have three curiosities. You exchange me for these curiosities; don't be afraid, I'll come back to you. " For a long time, or for a short time, three ships sail from the western side. The sailors saw the island, on it a palace with a golden roof and a beautiful garden all around.

- "What a miracle?" - they say. “How many times have we swam here, we have not seen anything but the blue sea. Let's dock! " Three ships dropped anchors, three merchant ship-builders got on a light boat and sailed to the island. And Andrei the shooter meets them: - "Please, dear guests." Merchants-shipbuilders are marveling: on the tower the roof burns like heat, birds sing on the trees, wonderful animals jump along the paths. - "Tell me, kind man, who built this wonderful miracle here?" - "My servant, matchmaker Naum, built in one night." Andrey took the guests to the tower: - "Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us some drink, eat!"

Out of nowhere, a laid table appeared, on it - food that the soul wants. The Ship-Merchants just gasp. “Come on,” they say, “a kind man, change: give us your servant, Naum's matchmaker, take any curiosity from us for him.”

- “Why not change? What will your curiosities be? " One merchant takes out a club from his bosom. Just tell her: "Come on, club, break off the sides of this man!" - the club itself will start pounding, any strong man will break off the sides.

Another merchant takes out an ax from under the floor, turned it upside down - the ax itself began to bite: tyap yes blunder - the ship came out; dude yes blooper - still a ship. With sails, with guns, with brave sailors. Ships are sailing, cannons are firing, brave sailors are asking for orders.

He turned the ax upside down - immediately the ships disappeared, as if they were not there.

The third merchant took a pipe out of his pocket, hummed - an army appeared: both cavalry and infantry, with rifles, with cannons. Troops are marching, music is thundering, banners are fluttering, horsemen are galloping, they are asking for orders. The merchant blew a tune from the other end - there is nothing, everything is lost. Andrey the shooter says: “Your curiosities are good, but mine is more expensive. If you want to change, give me all three curiosities for my servant, matchmaker Naum. " - "Wouldn't it be a lot?" - "As you know, otherwise I won't change."

Awareness of the power of Reason, interacting with the world and its forces. Reason as an all-embracing thing. And from those who have realized it, they will not go anywhere.

The merchants thought, thought: “What do we need a club, an ax and a pipe for? Better to change, with the matchmaker Naum we will be without any care day and night and are fed and drunk. "

The merchant shipbuilders gave Andrey a club, an ax and a pipe and shouted:

- “Hey, matchmaker Naum, we are taking you with us! Will you serve us faithfully? " An invisible voice answers them: “Why not serve? I don't care who I live with. "

Merchants-shipbuilders returned to their ships and let's feast - they drink, eat, know they shout: - "Swat Naum, turn around, come on, come on that!"

All drunk drunk, where they sat, there and fell to sleep.

And the shooter sits alone in the tower, sulking. “Oh,” he thinks, “somewhere now my faithful servant, matchmaker Nahum?” - "I'm here, what is needed?"

Andrey was delighted: - "Matchmaker Naum, isn't it time for us to go to our home, to our young wife?" Take me home. Again the whirlwind caught Andrei and carried him to his kingdom, to his homeland. And the merchants woke up, and they wanted to get drunk: - "Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us a drink - eat, turn around quickly!" No matter how much they called or shouted, there was no point. They looked, and there was no island: only blue waves were rustling in its place.

Merchants-shipbuilders grieved: "Oh, an unkind man cheated us!" - Yes, there is nothing to do, raised the sails and swam where they needed.

The power of images created by Reason captivates, fascinates people who are especially absorbed in their own goals, such as, for example, the same Marxism-Leninism.

And Andrey the shooter flew to his homeland, sank down near his house, looking: instead of a house, a burnt pipe sticks out. He hung his head below his shoulders and went out of the city to the blue sea, to an empty place. He sat down and sits. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a gray dove flies in, hit the ground and turned into his young wife, Marya the princess. They hugged, greeted, began to question each other, tell each other. Marya the princess said: “Since you left home, I have been flying like a gray dove through the forests and groves. The tsar sent for me three times, but they didn’t find me and burned the house. ”

The last decisive inner crisis of the student before the final reunification in a perfect whole form.

Andrey says: - "Swat Nahum, can we not build a palace from scratch by the blue sea?" - “Why not? It will be done now. " They didn't have time to look around - and the palace was ripe, but such a glorious, better than the king's, green garden all around, birds sing in the trees, wonderful animals gallop along the paths. Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess entered the palace, sat at the window and talked, admiring each other. They live, they do not know grief, and the day, and the second, and the third. And the king at that time went hunting, to the blue sea, and sees - in the place where there was nothing, there is a palace. - "What ignoramus without asking took it into his head to build on my land?" The messengers ran, scouted everything and reported to the tsar that that palace was erected by Andrey the rifleman and he lives in it with his young wife, Marya the princess. The tsar became even more angry, sent to find out if Andrey went there - I don't know where, whether he brought it - I don't know what. The messengers ran, scouted and reported: - "Andrey the archer went there - I don't know where and got that - I don't know what." Then the Tsar became completely angry, ordered to assemble an army, go to the seaside, destroy that palace to the ground, and put Andrew the shooter and Marya the princess to cruel death.

For the sake of maintaining power, the ego goes all-in and is ready to even destroy the Spirit and Soul for this. Full manifestation of the nature of the Ego.

Andrey saw that a strong army was approaching him, he rather grabbed an ax, turned it upside down. An ax hog and blooper - there is a ship on the sea, again hock and blooper - there is another ship. He tapped a hundred times, a hundred ships sailed across the blue sea. Andrey took out his pipe, blew out - an army appeared: cavalry and infantry, with cannons, with banners.

The chiefs are waiting for the order. Andrew ordered the battle to begin. The music played, the drums hit, the shelves moved. The infantry aches the soldiers, the cavalry gallops, takes prisoners. And from a hundred ships cannons hit the capital city.

The king sees, his army is running, rushed himself to the army - to stop. Then Andrey took out his club: - "Come on, club, break off the sides of this tsar!" The cudgel itself went as a wheel, from end to end it is thrown across the open field; overtook the king and hit him in the forehead, killed him to death. And then the battle came to an end. He pushed the people out of the city and began to ask Andrew the shooter to become king. Andrew agreed and became king, and his wife - queen.

Spirit and Soul, fully armed and fully aware, with the help of Mind, conquer the Ego-personality. Man appears - God is his complete master - the king.

The shadow initiates a person's path to himself, the knowledge of the whole world on this path and provides motivation for almost all the heroes of the fairy tale! Here comes the Shadow! This tale is just a treasure in terms of the amount of accuracy, the depth and power of knowledge inherent in it. I wonder who you have to be to create such a fairy tale? This is a matter of further work ...

    The children's tale about Emla teaches everything that is good and good. Although Emelya was not too hard-working and did not like to get off the stove, he was kind-hearted and attentive. He took pity on the pike and released it back into the water, for which he was rewarded. Good deeds always find a response and gratitude, good returns a hundredfold. It was not a simple pike that is caught to cook food, but a magic and talking one, which it is a pity to send to the pan, so wonderful and unusual. For the attentiveness and generosity of the soul, Emlya gets the opportunity to fulfill many desires. In fact, in life you have to work independently to support yourself. But if a miracle happens in life, then you need to see, notice and appreciate it. Children's stories teach a lot to children so that they become more attentive and more sensitive in life.

    All Russian fairy tales are full of secret meaning, which is hidden from the common reader sealed with seven seals;. The fool is not really a fool, it is a kind of mask that hides the real essence of the hero.

    So Emelya looks like a bummer lying on the stove. But on the other hand, he himself caught a pike in the hole. He was going to fetch water, but after he got some water, he looked into the water and saw a pike. He was not too lazy to catch her!

    Why was he looking at the water? The water is like a mirror, he looked inward. Why was he lying on the stove? Probably thinking.

    He was not a fool after all. And in the end he married a princess.

    It is worth looking not at the external and visible, but deeper. Judging by the fruits.

    The fairy tale By the pike's will, in my opinion, is full of positive and kindness. Emelya, having caught a pike, did not bring it home to the frying pan, but, feeling sorry for the fish speaking in a human voice, released it into the water, for which he was awarded a hundredfold. Goodness breeds kindness - this is the leitmotif that runs through the whole tale. And all the wonderful transformations, wonderful things that did all the work for Emelya and helped him in everything - this is the folk dream about happiness, about life easier and more comfortable than working in the field from dawn to dawn. This tale is a dream of a better lot.

    Fairy tale By the pike's command is relevant in our time. The current younger generation (at least many) is dreaming of how beautiful they will live and how much they will have. And all this will happen, because a lucky star will appear in the sky and everything will be decided in their favor.

    Not many people understand that for this one needs to study a lot, work hard, develop and improve. And you also need to appreciate and accept with gratitude every help, advice and other participation of others in your life. And ingratitude and pride never lead to anything good. After all, what is easy to get is just as easy and lost.

    There was a story in my life when one person helped another in life. At the same time he gave everything he had. And this grateful when he got to his feet, he did not even give his hands to his benefactor. His life then turned out badly, he was left in his old age with nothing. I don't know if I realized my mistakes. It seems not. He thinks that he is unlucky and fate has acted unfairly with him.

    This tale teaches, first of all, that laziness is a great engine of progress and usually lazy people are able to invent such things to make their life as easy as possible, which hardworking never dreamed of. Let's take Emelya, what he does first of all creates self-propelled buckets, that is, robots, comes up with a scooter oven, that is, a prototype of a steam locomotive or even a car, because the first cars also had steam engines. That is, if a person is not so much lazy as has a developed imagination and fantasy, a sense will come out of him.

    Further, this fairy tale teaches that debt by payment is red and if someone helped you out once, you must also help him in difficult times. In other words, any of your good deeds should turn out good for you.

    Well, the third lesson of this tale is that having powerful patrons you can not even be afraid of the king. Not the most ethical conclusion, but we admit that if Emelya had no gratitude for the pike, he would not see Marya the Tsarevna.

    Only dream. Unfortunately, I don't see anything useful in it. Emelya lies on the stove, and he and this and that ... at the behest of the pike. It has no useful meaning. I like fairy tales much more, where labor is brought up, and not loafing.

    Success. Minimum movement, maximum result. What exercises to develop abilities. Meditation. Psychological exercises. And catch your pike - that is, intuition as well. I did the first exercise with a braid in my hand. I think, why not? Remembering how Emelya said to his friends- well, buckets, go yourselfquot ;. And I said, "Well, scythe, mow yourself". At the same time, imagining that my scythe is magical, it moves itself, I just hold on to it and mowed a slightly larger area than usual at a time. Nor was he tired. And then I understood Emelin's wisdom. From the head it is necessary to remove the problems that interfere with success. I don't know if Emelin's methods are applicable to business, but they are quite suitable for physical affairs. Especially in rhythmic works. With a shovel, hand saw.

    Later I met similar exercises at Hasai Aliyev, the same one who trained Soviet cosmonauts. Only with him exercises concern only the body. For example, mentally raise your hand. No muscle involvement.

    Now I am watching an educational documentary in six episodes, conducted by Rainbow, also similar exercises. For example, you need to twist a thin body around its axis, while the physical body remains in place. Although he has these exercises for learning to enter the astral plane, having learned to detach the subtle body from the physical, I believe that it will be useful in the household.

    I immediately started with Emelya's exercises, without preparation. That is, not from the body, but immediately from external objects. Over time, I understand more and more how deep the wisdom of Russian fairy tales is.

    Any fairy tale carries just a lesson and is read so that conclusions can be drawn and life dogmas are drawn from it. And this fairy tale clearly says that a good person will always find the benefits and love of other people, and that evil will always be defeated only good.

    And there is also such a moral that if a good deed was done to you from someone, then you need to pay with the same coin, that is, it is necessary to answer the good, so that there is always a mutual exchange with the Universe.

    And there is also such a morality that you need to judge a person, not according to his clothes and appearance, but to value him according to his soul and see all the beautiful that is hidden in her.

    To hope and dream. You need to believe that you will be lucky, to attract positive events to yourself. A little bit of the film Secret, most likely all these years Emelya lay on the stove, chewing rolls and imagining how soon everything would change for him. Visualized. And I did not admit the thought that it would not work.

    My opinion is that Emelya is a freeloader in life. he is like those who believed in MMM - he wants to get profit for himself.

    Yes, he is a dreamer. But it's good to sit on a warm stove and dream of something beautiful. The brothers are struggling, and he dreams of the unrealizable. And it comes true. And luck itself goes into his hands.

    I don’t know if it’s worth bringing up today on such a fairy tale - everything will come by itself, just don’t do anything yourself.

    The children's tale about Emla teaches everything that is good and good. Although Emelya was not too hard-working and did not like to get off the stove, he was kind-hearted and attentive. He took pity on the pike and released it back into the water, for which he was rewarded. Good deeds always find a response and gratitude, good returns a hundredfold. It was not a simple pike that is caught to cook food, but a magic and talking one, which it is a pity to send to the pan, so wonderful and unusual. For the attentiveness and generosity of the soul, Emlya gets the opportunity to fulfill many desires. In fact, in life you have to work independently to support yourself. But if a miracle happens in life, then you need to see, notice and appreciate it. Children's stories teach a lot to children so that they become more attentive and more sensitive in life.

    All Russian fairy tales are full of secret meaning, which is hidden from the common reader sealed with seven seals;. The fool is not really a fool, it is a kind of mask that hides the real essence of the hero.

    So Emelya looks like a bummer lying on the stove. But on the other hand, he himself caught a pike in the hole. He was going to fetch water, but after he got some water, he looked into the water and saw a pike. He was not too lazy to catch her!

    Why was he looking at the water? The water is like a mirror, he looked inward. Why was he lying on the stove? Probably thinking.

    He was not a fool after all. And in the end he married a princess.

    It is worth looking not at the external and visible, but deeper. Judging by the fruits.

    The fairy tale By the pike's will, in my opinion, is full of positive and kindness. Emelya, having caught a pike, did not bring it home to the frying pan, but, feeling sorry for the fish speaking in a human voice, released it into the water, for which he was awarded a hundredfold. Goodness breeds kindness - this is the leitmotif that runs through the whole tale. And all the wonderful transformations, wonderful things that did all the work for Emelya and helped him in everything - this is the folk dream about happiness, about life easier and more comfortable than working in the field from dawn to dawn. This tale is a dream of a better lot.

    Fairy tale By the pike's command is relevant in our time. The current younger generation (at least many) is dreaming of how beautiful they will live and how much they will have. And all this will happen, because a lucky star will appear in the sky and everything will be decided in their favor.

    Not many people understand that for this one needs to study a lot, work hard, develop and improve. And you also need to appreciate and accept with gratitude every help, advice and other participation of others in your life. And ingratitude and pride never lead to anything good. After all, what is easy to get is just as easy and lost.

    There was a story in my life when one person helped another in life. At the same time he gave everything he had. And this grateful when he got to his feet, he did not even give his hands to his benefactor. His life then turned out badly, he was left in his old age with nothing. I don't know if I realized my mistakes. It seems not. He thinks that he is unlucky and fate has acted unfairly with him.

    This tale teaches, first of all, that laziness is a great engine of progress and usually lazy people are able to invent such things to make their life as easy as possible, which hardworking never dreamed of. Let's take Emelya, what he does first of all creates self-propelled buckets, that is, robots, comes up with a scooter oven, that is, a prototype of a steam locomotive or even a car, because the first cars also had steam engines. That is, if a person is not so much lazy as has a developed imagination and fantasy, a sense will come out of him.

    Further, this fairy tale teaches that debt by payment is red and if someone helped you out once, you must also help him in difficult times. In other words, any of your good deeds should turn out good for you.

    Well, the third lesson of this tale is that having powerful patrons you can not even be afraid of the king. Not the most ethical conclusion, but we admit that if Emelya had no gratitude for the pike, he would not see Marya the Tsarevna.

    Only dream. Unfortunately, I don't see anything useful in it. Emelya lies on the stove, and he does this and that ... at the behest of the pike. It has no useful meaning. I like fairy tales much more, where labor is brought up, and not loafing.

    Success. Minimum movement, maximum result. What exercises to develop abilities. Meditation. Psychological exercises. And catch your pike - that is, intuition as well. I did the first exercise with a braid in my hand. I think, why not? Remembering how Emelya said to his friends- well, buckets, go yourselfquot ;. And I said, "Well, scythe, mow yourself". At the same time, imagining that my scythe is magical, it moves itself, I just hold on to it and mowed a slightly larger area than usual at a time. Nor was he tired. And then I understood Emelin's wisdom. From the head it is necessary to remove the problems that interfere with success. I don't know if Emelin's methods are applicable to business, but they are quite suitable for physical affairs. Especially in rhythmic works. With a shovel, hand saw.

    Later I met similar exercises at Hasai Aliyev, the same one who trained Soviet cosmonauts. Only with him exercises concern only the body. For example, mentally raise your hand. No muscle involvement.

    Now I am watching an educational documentary in six episodes, conducted by Rainbow, also similar exercises. For example, you need to twist a thin body around its axis, while the physical body remains in place. Although he has these exercises for learning to enter the astral plane, having learned to detach the subtle body from the physical, I believe that it will be useful in the household.

    I immediately started with Emelya's exercises, without preparation. That is, not from the body, but immediately from external objects. Over time, I understand more and more how deep the wisdom of Russian fairy tales is.

    Any fairy tale carries just a lesson and is read so that conclusions can be drawn and life dogmas are drawn from it. And this fairy tale clearly says that a good person will always find the benefits and love of other people, and that evil will always be defeated only good.

    And there is also such a moral that if a good deed was done to you from someone, then you need to pay with the same coin, that is, it is necessary to answer the good, so that there is always a mutual exchange with the Universe.

    And there is also such a morality that you need to judge a person, not according to his clothes and appearance, but to value him according to his soul and see all the beautiful that is hidden in her.

    To hope and dream. You need to believe that you will be lucky, to attract positive events to yourself. A little bit of the film Secret, most likely all these years Emelya lay on the stove, chewing rolls and imagining how soon everything would change for him. Visualized. And I did not admit the thought that it would not work.

    My opinion is that Emelya is a freeloader in life. he is like those who believed in MMM - he wants to get profit for himself.

    Yes, he is a dreamer. But it's good to sit on a warm stove and dream of something beautiful. The brothers are struggling, and he dreams of the unrealizable. And it comes true. And luck itself goes into his hands.

    I don’t know if it’s worth bringing up today on such a fairy tale - everything will come by itself, just don’t do anything yourself.

One of the characteristic components of the folklore of any country is the presence of fairy tales. And our country is no exception here. All of you probably remember how in childhood one of your parents or, for example, a grandmother, read you a bedtime story so that you would rather close your eyes and fall asleep. A calm and monotonous native voice, telling about something very interesting before going to bed, has a truly calming and soporific effect. However, it will not be about what effect it has on reading fairy tales before bedtime, but about the meaning that lies in these tales, but very often remains incomprehensible due to the fact that it is hidden. And not only children, but even adults cannot understand it.

The fact is that fairy tales are often imbued with the deepest symbolism, and are also inexhaustible and information about all kinds of events of antiquity. In most fairy tales there are no random images and characters, names, names and words, and the semantic load can be so deep that you just wonder - akin to a Russian nesting doll, inside which there is another, and inside it - another, etc. the main meaning of the tale may be hidden somewhere in its depths - under a layer of simpler semantic layers. All levels of the tale can represent a window into the unknown world of the structure of the universe and the foundations of life.

We all should know that fairy tales, in addition to the usual everyday educational function, can also perform a number of others - more complex ones, for example:

  • Uncover the secrets of the universe and other secret knowledge
  • Indicate the cyclical nature of being
  • Serve astronomical or natural
  • Be a repository of history
  • Link with ancestors
  • Explain initiation rites as a person progresses from childhood to adulthood
  • Guide a person on the path and personal growth, etc.

In many fairy tales, the directions presented can not only go next to each other, but also intersect and even synchronize. The characters of fairy tales are some symbols, each of their actions bears a sacred meaning, and the paths along which they go indicate special methods of obtaining secret knowledge and achieving inner harmony. Often, fairy tales are even compared to magic formulas that lose their power if they are incorrectly pronounced.

And let's take a look at a few well-known Russian folk tales as examples. It is not a fact that our transcripts will fully reflect the truth, but they will still be able to serve as a kind of algorithm for understanding the hidden meaning inherent in fairy tales.

So, let's consider three fairy tales: "Turnip", "By the pike's command" and "Koschey immortal".

Fairy tale "Turnip"

What we know from a fairy tale: We know that my grandfather planted a turnip, and due to a particularly fruitful year, it grew very large. To stretch the turnip, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse came to my grandfather in turn to help. They were able to pull the turnip only when they pulled it all together.

Hidden meaning:If we talk about the hidden, esoteric meaning of this tale, then it tells us about the knowledge that was accumulated by the ancestors who lived in ancient times. The turnip acts as the roots of the clan, and it was planted by the ancestor - the same grandfather, who is the oldest and wisest.

The grandmother in this tale symbolizes the traditions of the home; father - the support and protection of the family; mother - care, warmth and love; granddaughter - procreation; Beetle - protection of welfare; cat - a blessed state in the house and; and the mouse is wealth.

Each of the presented images is closely related to each other, and together they represent one whole. Only by connecting all the parts together, a person is able to achieve true harmony of being, learn to live in when everything that is inside a person, and everything that surrounds him outside, comes in line with each other.

Fairy tale "By the pike's command"

What we know from a fairy tale:A young man named Emelya was sitting on the stove and doing nothing. One day, going to the river for water, he caught a pike. The pike asked Emelya to let her go, and in return agreed to fulfill several desires. After some deliberation, Emelya asked the pike for the princess and the palace, which he received in the end, and also became a handsome man.

Hidden meaning:The stove symbolizes the space of consciousness in which the hero of the fairy tale was most of the time, and from which he really did not want to get out, because I contemplated myself all the time. However, a person cannot be in harmony if his inner world is in no way connected with the outer one.

“Having got acquainted” with the pike, Emelya realized his true desires and found an intention, which is expressed in the words: “By the pike's will, by my will”. The pike, in turn, is a mother nature, in relation to which Emelya showed attentiveness. And only then, nature gave him the opportunity to realize his intention and self-awareness.

The phrase: "By the pike's will, by my will" means the unity of two facets of being - the Spirit of a person and his Soul. Pike can also be interpreted as "Schura", i.e. ancestor - the ancestor of everything and the human spirit. The river, from which Emelya decided to draw water, is a kind of energy-informational channel, into which one can penetrate, only by abandoning the constraining beliefs. Ultimately, Emelya, through the liberation of his spirit, reached the possibilities inaccessible to man in the ordinary state of consciousness and became the master of his fate. In addition, Emelya's becoming a beautiful prince is a manifestation of inner beauty on the outer plane.

Fairy tale "Koschey the Immortal"

What we know from a fairy tale:Koschey is the evil lord of the dark kingdom of the dungeon, regularly stealing beautiful girls. He is wealthy, and strange birds and animals live in his possessions. Koshchei is the Serpent Gorynych, who has a huge amount of secret knowledge, which is why he has great power. Koschey is considered immortal, and it is not possible to defeat him in the usual ways, although if there is a desire, you can learn unusual ways that, as a rule, to Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga reveals.

Hidden meaning:If we turn to the pantheon of the gods of the Slavs, we will see that Koschey is one of the manifestations of Chernobog, ruling over Navu, Darkness and the Pekelny kingdom. Koschey also personifies the winter cold, and the girls whom he steals - the life-giving power of Nature and spring. Ivan Tsarevich is a symbol of sunlight and spring thunder, accompanied by rain (remember the god Perun), in search of Koshchei, which all natural forces contribute. Defeating Koshchei, Ivan Tsarevich, darkness and death.

As we know, the death of Koshchei can be found in the egg, which is a symbol of rebirth and the possibility of the existence of all that exists that only can be. Proceeding from this, Koschey is at the beginning of Everything, and his death is equated with the emergence of the world.

The needle, on the tip of which is Koscheev's death, serves as a reference to the world Tree, connecting the underworld, earth and sky, as well as the winter and summer solstices. Koschei can be interpreted as the winter solstice, and Ivan Tsarevich as the summer solstice. They are always in a state of struggle with each other. The death of one is the birth of another, just as winter leaves and summer comes, and after that this cycle repeats.

And one more detail: Koschey the Immortal is an attempt to scare Ivan Tsarevich, which contains a completely different message - Koschey the Immortal is Koschey the Bes Mortal.

A small parting word

Time is running inexorably forward. The world is changing. And together with the world, man and his perception are changing. Today, very few people can understand and explain the sacred and very deep meaning of the tales of our wise ancestors, and, as you yourself have seen, of course, there is. And the knowledge that was transmitted in these tales, in general, very soon may sink into oblivion. It is easy to see that over time, that delicate connection that connected different generations of people with each other was interrupted.

In order to understand the true essence of fairy tales, especially Russian ones, a person must push into the background his current worldview, and try to look at the world and life in it, which people who lived in those distant times, when fairy tales just began to appear, looked at them. ...

The search for meaning, without fail, must be present, because the Laws of Being, no matter how time is, no matter how developed society is, no matter how high-tech a person's life is, have always remained and will remain the same. Therefore, let the tales of Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Emela, Alyonushka and other characters be for you not just interesting notions, but those pointers that you will be guided by in your everyday life, in which it would seem , there is no true magic left at all.

Remember: there is magic, and it surrounds you everywhere!

Analysis of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" will help prepare for the lesson and find out the main idea.

Analysis "By the Pike"

"By the Pike's Command" is a Russian folk tale. The main character Emelya was lucky enough to catch a talking pike. With her help, he fulfilled all his desires: the buckets themselves carry water, the sledges go without a horse, the oven itself takes the protagonist to the palace to the king. The plot has a deep meaning.

Emelya is the youngest son in the family, a fool to whom everything is forgiven and gets away with. He is lazy and indifferent to everything that happens around him. But when something interests him, he willingly gets down to business. He was not lazy and caught a pike, and even with his hands - it's not easy at all! It means that he is also strong and agile. But he is also kind - he left the prisoner alive. And thanks to the fact that now all his desires were fulfilled, he achieved a lot and even won the princess.

Heroes of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"

  • Emelya is the main character of the fairy tale
  • Marya - princess
  • Emeli brothers
  • Voivode
  • Shchuva is a fairytale character

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" is that you need to be kind. You can't judge people by their appearance, in the end Emelya turned out to be not at all a fool and the pike helped him in everything. Emelya and pike become friends.

"By the Pike's Command" a summary will remind you of what the tale "By the Pike's Command" and what this tale teaches.

"By the pike's command" summary

The peasant had three sons; two are smart, and the third, Emelya, is a fool and a lazy person. After the death of his father, each of the brothers received "one hundred rubles." The older brothers go to trade, leaving Emelya at home with their daughters-in-law and promising to buy him red boots, a fur coat and a caftan.

In winter, in severe frost, the daughters-in-law send Emelya for water. He reluctantly goes to the hole, fills the bucket ... And catches a pike in the hole. The pike promises to fulfill any Emelino desire if he lets her go. It will be enough for him to say the magic words: "At the dictates of the pike, at my will." Emelya lets go of the pike. And he wants the buckets of water to go home by themselves. Emelya's wish comes true

After some time, the daughters-in-law ask Emelya to chop wood. Emelya orders the ax to chop wood, and the wood to go to the hut and lie down in the oven. The daughters-in-law are amazed, as this wish also came true.

Then the daughters-in-law send Emelya to the forest for firewood. He does not harness the horses, the sledges themselves go from the yard. Passing through the city, Emelya crushes a lot of people. In the forest, an ax chops wood and a club for Emelya.

On the way back in the city, they try to catch Emelya and crush his sides. And Emelya orders his baton to beat all the offenders and returns home safely.

The king, having heard about all this, sends his governor to Emela. He wants to take the fool to the king, but Emelya refuses.

The voivode returned to the king empty-handed. Then the Tsar got angry and said that if the governor returned without Emelya, he would lose his head. The second time the governor went after the Fool, he began to persuade him with kind and gentle speeches. Promising Emely goodies and refreshments, he persuades him to come to the king. Then the fool tells his stove to go to the city itself.

In the royal palace, Emelya sees a princess and wants her to fall in love with him.

Emelya leaves the king, and the princess asks her father to give her in marriage to Emelya. The king orders the officer to deliver Emelya to the palace. The officer gives Emelya a drink, and then ties her up, puts her in the wagon and takes her to the palace. The king orders to make a big barrel, put his daughter and the fool there, grind the barrel and put it into the sea.

The fool wakes up in the barrel. The royal daughter tells him about what happened and asks him to get them out of the barrel. The fool says magic words, and the sea throws the barrel ashore. It crumbles.

Emelya and the princess find themselves on a beautiful island. According to Emelin's desire, a huge palace and a crystal bridge appear to the royal palace. And Emelya himself becomes smart and beautiful.

Emelya invites the king to visit her. He arrives, feasts with Emelya, but does not recognize him. When Emelya tells him everything that happened, the king rejoices and agrees to marry the princess to him.

The king returns home, and Emelya and the princess live in their palace.

What does the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" teach?

First of all, a fairy tale teaches us kindness. That if you do even a small good deed, then you will be repaid for it with the same good. If Emelya hadn't let the pike go, he wouldn't have gotten anything in return.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" is that a person's happiness depends on himself. If you don't know what you want, then nothing will happen. Emelya, presented to us at first as a lazy and foolish person, married the princess and began to live with her in the castle.

Once upon a time there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

Those brothers are working, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, she doesn't want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the market, and women, daughters-in-law, let's send him:

Go, Emelya, for water. And he told them from the stove:


Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will come back from the bazaar, they won't bring you any presents.


Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

He cut through the ice, scooped up the buckets and put them down, while he himself looked into the hole. And I saw Emelya pike in the hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:

That ear will be sweet!

Emelya, let me go into the water, I'll be useful to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What will you be useful to me? No, I will carry you home, I will tell my daughters-in-law to cook some fish soup. The ear will be sweet.

The pike begged again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I'll do whatever you want.

Okay, just show me first that you are not deceiving me, then I will let you go.

The pike asks him:

Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home themselves and the water would not splash ...

The pike tells him:

Remember my words: when what you want - just say:

According to my desire.

Emelya and says:

According to my desire -

go, buckets, go home yourself ...

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets.

Buckets are going through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya is walking behind, laughing ... We entered the buckets into the hut and ourselves stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much time has passed, how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law tell him:

Emelya, why are you lying? Would go to chop wood.


You won't chop wood, the brothers will come back from the bazaar, they won't bring you any presents.

Emele is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly says:

According to my desire -

go, ax, chop wood, and firewood - go into the hut and put it in the oven ...

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let's chop wood, and they themselves go into the hut and climb into the stove.

How much or how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law again say:

Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest, chop it.

And he told them from the stove:

What are you doing?

How are we to what? .. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

I don't feel like ...

Well, there will be no gifts for you.

Nothing to do. Emelya got off the stove, put on his shoes and dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat down in the sleigh:

Women, open the gate! Daughters-in-law tell him:

Why, you fool, got into the sleigh, but didn't harness the horse?

I don’t need a horse.

The daughters-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya says quietly:

According to my desire -

go, sleigh, into the forest ...

The sledges themselves drove through the gate, but so quickly - you couldn't catch up on horseback.

And he had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed a lot of people, suppressed them. The people are shouting: “Hold him! Catch him! " And he knows he drives the sleigh. I arrived

According to my desire -

ax, chop some dry wood, and you, woods, fall into the sleigh yourself, get involved yourself ...

The ax began to chop, chop dry trees, and the woods themselves tumbled into the sleigh and tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered the ax to cut out his club -

such as to forcefully lift. Sat on a cart:

According to my desire -

go, sleigh, home ...

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya passes through the city where he had just crushed, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and

dragged from the cart, scolded and beat.

He sees that things are bad, and slowly:

According to my desire -

well, club, break off their sides ...

The club jumped out - and let's beat. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Whether it was long or short - the tsar heard about Emelin's tricks and sent an officer after him: to find him and bring him to the palace.

An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:

Are you Emelya's fool?

And he is from the stove:

What do you need?

Get dressed quickly, I'll take you to the king.

And I don't want to ...

The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says on the sly:

According to my desire -

baton, break off his sides ...

The club jumped out - and let's beat the officer, forcibly he took his legs.

The tsar was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sends his greatest nobleman:

Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, or I'll take my head off my shoulders.

The big nobleman bought raisins, prunes, gingerbread, arrived in that village, entered that hut and began to ask his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

Our Emelya loves to be kindly asked and promised a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.

The greatest nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, gingerbread and says:

Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king. - I'm warm here too ...

Emelya, Emelya, the tsar will give you good food and drink - please, let's go.

And I don't want to ...

Emelya, Emelya, the tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought and thought:

Well, go ahead, and I'll follow you.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said:

According to my desire -

come on, oven, go to the king ...

Here in the hut the corners crackled, the roof swayed, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window, marvels;

What is this miracle? The greatest nobleman answers him:

And this is Emelya on the stove to you. The king came out onto the porch:

Something, Emelya, there are many complaints about you! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they climb under the sled?

At this time, the royal daughter, Marya the princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and says quietly:

According to my desire -

let the tsar's daughter love me ... And he said again:

Go, oven, home ...

The stove turned and went home, entered the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

And the king in the palace screams and tears. Marya the princess misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Here is the king

was in charge, slowed down and said again to the greatest nobleman:

Go and bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, or I'll take my head off my shoulders.

Bought a large nobleman of sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to regale Emelya.

Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king.

The tsar immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled. They put Emelya and Marya the princess in it, they ground it up and threw the barrel into the sea.

How long or short - Emelya woke up; sees - dark, closely:

Where am I?

And they answer him:

It's boring and sickening, Emelyushka! They ground us into a barrel, threw us into the blue sea.

I am Marya the princess. Emelya says:

According to my desire -

violent winds, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand ...

The violent winds blew. The sea was agitated, the barrel was thrown out on the dry shore, on the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the princess left her.

Emelyushka, where are we going to live? Build whatever hut there is.

And I don't want to ...

Then she began to ask him even more, and he says:

By the pike's command, At my desire - to build a stone palace with a golden roof ...

Only he said - a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. Around - a green garden: flowers bloom and birds sing.

Marya the princess with Emelya entered the palace, sat down at the window.

Emelyushka, can't you become handsome?

Here Emelya did not think long:

According to my desire -

become me a good fellow, a written handsome man ...

And Emelya became such that he could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen.

And at that time the tsar went hunting and saw - there was a palace where there was nothing before.

What kind of ignorant man has put a palace on my land without my permission?

And he sent to find out and ask: "Who are they?"

The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads him to the palace, sets him down at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and does not wonder:

Who are you, good fellow?

Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be ground up in a barrel, to throw into the sea? I am the same Emelya.

If I want it, I will burn and ruin your whole kingdom.

The tsar was greatly frightened, began asking forgiveness:

Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, just don't destroy me!

There was a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya the princess and began to rule the kingdom.

Here the fairy tale is over, but whoever listened - well done.