Is it possible to change fate for the better. The fate of a person - what does it depend on and how to change it

In modern society, there is still an opinion that the fate of a person is something already predetermined, that fate cannot be avoided, and nothing can be changed. This is an old statement, built on stereotypes, and therefore it is worthwhile to understand in detail what a person's fate is, what is its essence, what affects it and how to change your fate for the better.

What is human destiny? The essence

To begin with, what is human destiny? In fact, fate is a path, a life path and a sequence of events in a person's life. And it turns out that when something does not work out for a person in his life, he says that, they say, such is fate and blames his fate, as if he had nothing to do with it.

Although all the violations that led a person to such a fate were committed by the person himself.

In fact, the person himself is responsible for his own destiny. After all, what is the fate of a person? It turns out that fate is to live in and, love for your body, for all your deeds, for the whole world around you and people.

This is the essence of a person's destiny, when the tasks of a person's Soul are fulfilled, and his life is then filled with joy, well-being, health and spiritual evolution.

And according to his fate, a person can determine how harmonious, correct and blissful his life path is. Man creates his own destiny, living in the Laws or breaking them, living on love or in its absence.

If you look at other countries, you can see that each country, nation and even the planet has its own destiny, and not just an individual.

And if, for example, we take the fate of an individual country, then it will be determined by how the people are governed, nobly or with a desire to subordinate them to their interests, attitude towards the environment and relations with other countries.

How the name affects the fate of a person

We have decided what the fate of a person is, we continue to break various stereotypes. For example, about how the name affects the fate of a person.

In our world, there is a lot of information about the influence of a person's name on fate, which can be quite contradictory. And sometimes you can find just amusing information that 90 percent of the name affects the fate of a person.

All human names are overgrown with unthinkable legends and stereotypes. So, some say that it is necessary to take a name by the name of a grandmother or grandfather to strengthen the force of birth, others will say not to do this, because the negative from their ancestors is taken over.

In fact, the date of birth, month and year are more important, which will influence the energy-information field of a person.

And how does the name affect the fate of a person? It is unlikely that the name has such a fateful meaning. It is clear that all names and patronymics are just a person's identification, like his passport, that's all.

The meaning of a child's name for fate

The significance of the child's name for his destiny is also exaggerated. Often there are such advices that it is necessary to give a name to the child in honor of some relative, that this will somehow protect him in life.

Others will advise against doing this because bad karma is being passed on. They even advise giving a name to the child depending on the seasons or by some sound combination.

Is the name really so important for the future fate of the child? In fact, everything is much simpler - it is necessary that the name of the child corresponds to cultural and national traditions, that's all.

Because names already exist in society, and there is no need to look for something new.

How to name a child correctly

So what is the correct name for the child? Even if we consider that the name of the child does not matter for fate. Probably, you should not call your child some exotic name, because he will have certain inconveniences in life.

The main parameters are already laid down in the date of birth of the child, the place of his birth, at what time of day he was born, and this will bear a certain imprint in his information field and the field of the Earth.

In addition, a child is given a name without asking him whether it suits him or not, whether he wants to have such a name or not.

Then how to give the name to the child that best suits him and which he most desires. What is the correct name for a child? The fact is that many parents already before birth learn from doctors who will be born to them - a boy or a girl.

And you need to know that during pregnancy, the child sees the world through the eyes of the mother, hears the world with her ears, in other words, contacts the outside world using the mother's senses.

Let the child choose a name for himself!

And here, in the last month of pregnancy or earlier, when the gender of the child is already known, and you need to ask a question in silence, referring to your child, and ask what name he wants. Let the child choose a name for himself!

And so, referring to her child, the mother can gradually list the names, respectively, for a boy or for a girl. And then, when the child hears a name that suits him, he can give a sign that this is his name, he likes it, and it suits him.

He can move inside the mother or somehow manifest himself, thereby giving her a sign. If this happens, then this will be the best way to give a fateful name to your child. Thus, the child will choose a name for himself.

How to change your destiny for the better

Having found out what a person's fate is, whether a person's name affects it, we determined the main thing: the fate of a man is in his hands... A person has the initial right to change his life and his destiny, change it every day and at any moment, making the necessary and correct choice.

It turns out that a person builds and creates his own destiny. And if so, how can you change your fate for the better?

In general, to put it bluntly, the Soul of every person comes into this world not to suffer and experience sorrow and torment.

And therefore, if a person's life is not harmonious, not blissful and difficult, this indicates that he is going in the wrong direction and has deviated from the real light path, from the goal for which he was incarnated on Earth.

Therefore, living his life on the knowledge of the Laws of God and showing love for himself and others, a person follows.

A person can control his destiny precisely when he lives in love, joy, harmony and manifests himself in the Laws of the Absolute. When a person violates the Laws of God, his life changes for the worse, towards diseases, life losses and failures.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to change your fate for the better, suggests itself.

Sometimes a person thinks to himself or says out loud that he seems to live well and correctly, but at the same time there is no satisfaction from such a life, but there is discontent and life problems.

And everything comes from the fact that there is a negative in the Soul, whether it is greed or a manifestation of envy and hatred.

And it turns out, when this joy of life is absent, a person goes into artificial joy in the form of drugs, alcohol, smoking, gluttony and sexual excesses. And there is only harmful addiction and loss of health.

Sometimes a person comes to a state of stress and tragedy, loss of interest in life - all this is ignorance and misunderstanding of the Laws of God, the Absolute.

And changing your fate for the better is easy. Satisfaction with life comes when the tasks of the Soul for this life are fulfilled, and they are the same for all people - this is following the laws of God and living in love.

You just need to understand that the fate of a person is always blissful and happy, since the Soul is precisely for this that comes to Earth.

When a person lives in the Commandments and Laws of God, fate becomes favorable and begins to lead a person through this life. As a result, he has contentment and harmony in life.

And a person can change his life and destiny for the better, since this is already laid down in the tasks of his life, laid down in his Soul. And walking through this life, it turns out that everyone determines their own destiny, living in goodness or living in violation.

Today we discussed what a person’s fate is, what is its essence, perhaps we have dispelled some myths, for example, about how a person’s name affects his fate, about the meaning of a child’s name for fate. And most importantly, we figured out how to change our destiny for the better. I hope my advice will help you.

The American psychologist Eric Berne introduced into science such a concept as the "life path scenario" (aka "fate scenario"). This scientist became the founder of the theory of transactional analysis. A significant number of people at the subconscious level have created for themselves a certain scenario (life plan).

According to this scenario, most people structure periods of time of different lengths: it can be either months or years. Throughout life, a person is engaged in nothing more than the implementation of his life plan. As a rule, the basis for scenarios lies in childhood, in childhood dreams and illusions that can accompany a person throughout his life.

What is a script? Synonyms for "scenario" can be such words as "program", "plan". As with theatrical performances, plays, programs and life plans are “written” in advance. Moreover, like any other script, the script for life has its own author. The folding of a person's fate is influenced by different people and factors, but a determining, important influence, are exerted on the fate of their child by parents.

Let's take an example. Mom, raising her son alone, protects him so much that the boy gets the idea that he is not capable of anything. In addition, my mother often repeats: “How weak you are! I don't even know if you can start and support a family! " As a result, a man grows out of a boy, afraid to take responsibility for his family, making decisions with difficulty, incapable of a responsible act, etc.

Fairy tales loved by a person in the early stages of his life also have a huge impact on his future destiny. You will be surprised, but you will find many similarities in your behavior and that fairytale hero, with whom they did not part in childhood. For example, "The Little Mermaids" and "Thumbelina" are susceptible to sacrificial love, the "koloboks" cannot stop for a long time on any business; without encountering serious obstacles, they roll through life, etc.

It can be said with all justice that man is the creator of his own destiny. His ability to think and rationally perceive the world around him determine his fate. Each person plans his life path independently. Freedom and strength are two components that any person needs.

Freedom is directly related to the plans that a person intends to implement. Power allows a person to comprehend the freedom in his hands. This is also typical for the case when the genetic code, along with relatives and friends, determined the life path of a particular person. The life of such a person is constantly in a state of struggle.

Thus, fate is determined by two main factors:

1.the influence of parents on the formation of the psyche of their child;

2. subconscious programming by a person of the plot, along which the entire life path or a certain period of time should pass.

So how do you change your destiny? Any deed brought to life is generated either by the independent will of a person, or is an integral part of the "script". A psychologist will argue that your behavior is "scenario" if, for example, you complain to him that your fate is determined by bad luck, that you feel the oppressive influence of circumstances during the day and night, etc. Circling is what is characteristic feature for scenario behavior.

If similar life episodes are constantly repeated, then the best option would be to consult a psychotherapist. For example, there is nothing shameful for an American if he went to see a psychotherapist. This situation is not typical for Russia, which may be due to our worldview, culture and upbringing.

We do not want to "wash dirty linen in public," even if the hut is our consciousness, and the rubbish is our thoughts. In this case, introspection will help. Doing it yourself is very difficult. And yet, any person is able to help himself by his own efforts.

Firstly, one should realize the attitudes that we acquired at a very early age, an adult person is quite capable of implementing such an attempt. A person should assess the extent to which attitudes often repeated in childhood by parents and close people influenced his future destiny.

A good effect will be if there is someone to talk to about this topic, so to speak, "pour out your soul." This can be a close friend or girlfriend and, of course, a sister or brother. Let's give an example. If a boy constantly repeats something like “men should not complain and cry,” then a boy - a future man - can grow up withdrawn and unable to express his feelings. These not very good qualities can accompany him throughout his life.

It is possible that you are at the mercy of the first childhood memory. For example, if such is "poking" in kindergarten for an age that is slightly less than the average for the group, then a child can grow into an adult who slightly, but feels his "worse" in comparison with others, some insignificant but inferiority.

When you have found out what is your obstacle, then you are quite capable of freeing yourself from the program that prevents you from changing your fate. This applies to the most important events in your life, such as career growth, starting a family, having children, etc. You should take the following steps.

Step one. Identify the reason for the recurrence of events in your life. Answer the following questions and then analyze them:

1. What is the common cause of recurrence of episodes?

2. Who are the actors in each specific episode, and is there any similarity between them, if we consider all the episodes together?

3. What do you do with each recurring episode?

All you need is to find a pattern, arrange all events in one logical series. The causes of all sorts of troubles often lie in ourselves. Only by identifying these reasons, you can turn your destiny. The reason for failures can be both the attitude you received in childhood (for example, you were constantly told that there were only dishonest people around, and now you only deal with such people), and a plot created exclusively by you (after any defeat, you programmed yourself as a loser in all matters).

Step two. Put excuses aside. Forget about such combinations of words as "I could make this a reality if ..." or "If only ...". Look at events that have already taken place from a different angle. For example, several years have passed since you did not enter a higher educational institution. " However, from time to time you convince yourself that you could become well, just an excellent student in the event that there were no entrance tests. Most likely, similar moments on your life path there were many. What do you need? You do not need to lament "If only ...", but to evaluate the reasons why you did not even try to pass the exams. The reasons may vary. This is laziness, and family attitudes (to work right away, and not "sit out your pants" at the university), and doubt about luck (lack of confidence in a loved one), and insufficient preparation, etc. Think about what could be done in This moment. Systematize this approach to introspection to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Step three. Stop looking for the culprit. Neither the circumstances, nor the people around you, nor you yourself should become a source of guilt in what happened. Both the feeling of resentment and the feeling of guilt have never been and will not be a good adviser for you or for anyone else. Do you have a problem with fate? This article is intended to help you, but not to turn you against your parents. They are not to blame for the course of your life. To a greater extent, a person himself is the creator of his own destiny and often writes with his own hand this or that story, positive or negative (almost always without knowing it).

Step four. Do not expect the result to be immediate. Don't disappoint yourself if you don't get instant results. It takes a long period of time for human psyche rebuilt to the "new wave". The psyche is an extremely complex instrument. You need to be able to look fate in the eye. You should not curse your fate, but make friends with it. Don't be afraid to look back. Learn to see the good in your past, and not just the negative combination of circumstances.

Think about whether you yourself are striving for unhappiness. No, not that consciously. It is about your subconscious desire. It often happens that a person generally likes to feel unhappy, he begins to feel sorry for himself, receiving satisfaction from pity. He seeks pity and support from other people. He lives by it. You "compose" yourself as a happy person. Don't make a chain of negative events to justify your dramatic plot. Build the plot of a happy person.

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How to change your Destiny? 6 best methods for everyone

Many people ask themselves this question, especially those who are not happy with their lives, who experience constant suffering and, for some reason, cannot achieve their goals.

In the life of every person there is something that can and should be changed, eliminated and improved, there is always evil that interferes with life, and one must learn to eliminate it.

But to change some quality in oneself or to completely change one's destiny are tasks of different complexity.

And now everything is in order ...

How can you change your Destiny? 6 best ways

Every normal person would like to change their Destiny, improve something, correct a little, change something a lot, and remove something altogether. No matter how wonderful a destiny may seem to a person, there is always something to improve and improve in it.

But the situation is often different. When life or fate brings a person simply unbearable suffering and it is so painful, sickening, scary and painful to live that a person is ready for anything in order to radically change his fate. And even when he is ready to change his life and change himself - desire alone is not enough, you still need to know how to do it! You need to know what most of all affects the fate of a person and what tools are available to change it. Then you can change your destiny quickly enough!

But before you start changing something, study in more detail what Fate is in general, as well as read the article - Is there Fate? Esoteric look. Much of what is described in this article will become clear to you.

So, how to change Destiny! 6 main ways

We will consider the ways (methods) of changing one's destiny that are available to absolutely every person, as well as purely esoteric techniques that can only be used by a trained esoteric practitioner.

1. The most affordable way to start changing your destiny is to change your life goals! Set higher and more meaningful Goals, take on new things, start doing what you have long wanted, what you dreamed of, but put it off all the time.

For an esotericist, a change in the Goals of life is a change in the protection of the forces of the Subtle World that lead a person through life (help, teach and protect him). Goals grow - a person's responsibility grows and he is given higher and more influential Patrons in Destiny. In addition, goals and thoughts must necessarily be worthy, that is, pure, in order to be sure that the Light Forces will help you, and not those that patronize bandits and scum.

The pattern is simple: patronage changes - a person's fate changes. And I recommend working with the Goals from the books and lessons of Brian Tracy (the world's best coach in setting and achieving goals).

2. Search for a deeper, eternal, higher Sense of Life!
This is a continuation of the work with the Goals! Only in clause 1 there are external goals (what a person wants to achieve in life, what to create and how to contribute to the development of society), and in clause 2 - internal.

That is, honestly and sincerely answering the question for yourself: - "What am I living for?", "What do I want to devote my life to?", "What to leave behind, what benefit to bring?"- finding strong answers that respond with joy and inspiration in the heart, in the soul, a person also launches deep and irreversible changes in his life. And if his answers are positive, correct, then the changes will be very good, although often not without surprises.

It is best to answer such questions in writing, listening to your heart, your soul, sincerely and carefully. Answers will surely come and may be the most unexpected.

3. Direct appeal to the Higher Forces (to the Forces of Light, to Karma)! It can be an arbitrary heartfelt prayer, with a pre-prepared and thought-out meaning. It always works if you approach it responsibly and seriously.

What can and should be asked from Higher Forces:

  • Higher meaningful Goals (teach, specify)
  • Rapid development of your Soul and Personality (always leads to a change in fate)
  • Atonement for sins and cleansing of the Soul (removes blocks, prohibitions by fate, opens up new opportunities)
  • Understanding (studying, realizing) your Karmic Tasks
  • A bright and worthy Spiritual Teacher, Mentor (who will help, teach how to change your destiny for the better)
  • Understanding (awareness) - what God wants from you, what your Soul wants

These are good requests, in their fulfillment the Light Forces will help especially strongly, and this will certainly lead to positive changes in your destiny.

Advice: write all your requests to God in the form of a letter to the Higher Powers, with justification why you are asking for this. And then make a sincere prayer of the heart, enclosing the whole meaning of the written letter. This is a very powerful tool. Personally, this method has never let me down!

4. The Power of Gratitude! This is not accessible to everyone, because there are few truly grateful people in our time. You can easily change your future by simply changing your attitude towards your past. Our wise ancestors knew this at all times. That is why there have always been rituals of gratitude to the Gods for everything given to a person in his destiny.

Advice: Write a letter of Gratitude to God for your already lived part of life - for all achievements, awards, trials, even for hardships and tragedies (if you have enough courage) and do not skimp on words. A letter can take many sheets, which is great, the more the better. You can write it for several days and that's fine.

This technique will give you the opportunity to completely re-realize your life and thank the Higher Forces for everything that has already happened! Gratitude - frees a person, his consciousness, from the past, the old, making room for a new future.

After a while, and maybe the next day after writing the letter, you will feel and see that your life has already begun to change.

When the first 4 methods are not enough!

Almost always, the above methods, the techniques of working with Destiny are enough to start changing your life for the better. But not always! There are difficult situations when a person's fate is burdened by strong karmic punishments coming from the past (from past lives), which a person simply does not remember. And then you need to work with a professional in these matters - with a Spiritual Healer.

When it happens:

  • When a person is sick with an incurable disease
  • When he tried everything, but according to fate he cannot get out of the hole (no matter how much he beats and works, but there is no sense, as if someone cursed)
  • When he is in intense mental or physical distress

In such cases, serious work is required with the fate of a person and with his soul, and this will require, as a rule, more than one session with a Spiritual Healer.

5. Working with Destiny with the help of a Spiritual Healer! This is a very good method and one of the fastest to implement. A good healer immediately sees your destiny in full view - past, present and future. He sees the reasons for certain problems in a person's life, prohibitions and blocks according to Destiny and knows exactly what needs to be done to remove them.

A healer can very quickly access information about your Karmic Tasks, about punishments that are programmed for you by fate, and tell you what to do with it. And complex problems, such as an incurable disease (cancer, for example), the Healer can help to remove personally by working with you.

But the next method of changing Destiny is even more radical and powerful.

6. Becoming on the path of purposeful Development! Entering the Light Spiritual System. Continuous development of spiritual, energetic, personal growth and growth in self-realization - most of all change the fate of a Man, because they most quickly reveal a person's potential and get rid of weaknesses, shortcomings and problems.

Effective Development - gives an increase in the level of a person (his Power), adequacy and positivity, and this instantly affects fate, rebuilding it. The growth of a person's strength attracts higher Goals to his destiny, strong people, more serious lessons, responsibility and rewards of course. The growth of positivity leads to the fact that a person makes fewer mistakes and creates troubles for himself in life, faster attaining his goals.

Ultimately, developing and constantly working on oneself, a person can earn the right to a complete replacement of Destiny and to receive new Karmic Tasks. But for this you need to exhaust the previous fate.

At the same time, the data on the birth of karmic tasks cannot be canceled, but they can be strengthened, replaced with higher and more significant for the Higher Forces. And in order to do this, you need to walk the path, master the techniques of working with Karma and study the Laws.

Source -, Everything about fate, its formation and development

Elena Golunova calls the fate of a person karma. According to her, from birth, each of us carries a certain kind of cross. Most often, this cross leaves a negative imprint on a person's entire life. Can you change your destiny and how to do it?

Is it possible to change your destiny

Elena Golunova, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, told in her blog that fate can be corrected. To do this, you do not need to resort to magical rites and rituals. It is enough to give up some kind of karma and break the energy connection with your family. There will be no harm from this, the relationship will remain the same, only your fate will not be similar to the fate of your relatives.

How to change your destiny

The most efficient way change fate - is to part with ancestral karma. How to do it?

Psychic Elena Golunova advises to completely move away from the worldview and views of her kind and go along a different path. For example, if in your family all the women in the family remained single mothers, and you do not want such a fate for yourself, then change your attitude towards life and the people around you. Let it be different from that of your relatives.

In this way you will program yourself for a different life, a different destiny. Make decisions for yourself and proceed from your other beliefs and experiences, and not from the experience of someone else's life that you have not lived. In this way, you will break the energetic connection with your kind.

What does it mean to break an energy connection? According to Elena Golunova, this does not mean to stop communicating with your relatives and honor the memory of those who are not alive. The break in the energy connection should not in any way affect communication and relationships in the family.

You can change your life and destiny in one day. Just decide for yourself what is important to you and who you want to see yourself and strive for this goal. Getting rid of the energy of a kind, you do not become strangers to him, you become yourself. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.06.2014 09:15

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The Vedic point of view is that the so-called human destiny is, in fact, karma, which he created in the past and which he will experience in the future, as well as material desires that he developed in the past and which are in his subtle body. All this creates a kind of "rails" along which a person is forced to move from the present to the future. These "rails" are laid in your subtle body for some distance forward, but when you move along them, performing actions, you constantly create a new karma and new desires, and thus completing the rails. Or, one might say, you write additional pages into the "TV program" of your future destiny. Thus, destiny exists, but you created it - by your past actions. Your actions create your destiny, because they shape your consciousness, your subtle body, and it depends on your consciousness what kind of gross body you will have and what will happen to it. You are creating your destiny by your actions right now.

If you understand this, then you will also understand that you can change your destiny. You cannot do anything about the past, it has already happened. But you can decide what kind of future you want for yourself, and start taking certain actions that will shape your consciousness in such a way that this future becomes a reality.

Someone might say, “Okay, you are saying that my current actions are dictated by my desires that I have formed in the past. In other words, what I am doing now was predetermined by me earlier. And the same thing (i.e., the actions that I am doing now) will predetermine my future destiny. It looks like a vicious circle, from which it is impossible to get out - everything is predetermined, and the personality, in fact, has no freedom. "

If you stay within the scope of only the law karma, such a conclusion will be correct - there is no way out. But the fact is that each of us, as a spirit soul, at any time can make a choice to get out of the law. karma. We always have this freedom. My spiritual teacher answers the question of how you can get out of this “vicious circle” and change your destiny in the following way: “It is very difficult. In essence, you are like an insect caught in a web. The only way for you to get out is to have, to some extent, a desire to serve God ”(brochure“ The Reality of Transmigration of the Soul ”).

Thus, if you do not have the slightest desire to act according to the will of God, and all you want is to act in your own way, in accordance with your own whims ("I know better what I need"), change your destiny you cannot, and your life will be completely determined by the "TV program", which you yourself will write under the dictation of an inexorable law karma - material actions and their consequences. But as soon as you remember God and start asking Him for help, adjustments are made to the “TV program” (in other words, to your destiny, programmed for some time ahead), aimed at returning you, a spirit soul, home to God ... In other words, the "rails" in front of you begin to rebuild a little.

Thus, your future destiny can be "rewritten", but only God can do this in response to your sincere request for help. This is how my spiritual master says in his brochure The Reality of Transmigration of the Soul:

Only by the causeless grace of God can you get out of this circle. This is the same situation when a small animal or bird gets trapped. The bird can get out of the trap only when the person next to him releases it. She will never get out on her own. Likewise, you cannot get out of the wheel of birth and death, the wheel of reincarnation, without the direct intervention of God.

God is always ready to save anyone, help him return to His kingdom, but only to those who really ask for help. He wants all of His children to return to Him, to His kingdom, but he raises only those who really want Him to do it - only those who turn to Him and want to love Him. God is not the one who will impose a relationship with Himself on someone. The fact is that these relationships exist, but if someone does not want to know about them - if he is too proud and does not want to turn to Him - then He does not impose Himself and does not force to serve Him. Otherwise it would be slavery. Thus, the only way for sentient beings to free themselves from the wheel of birth and death, actions and reactions is through God's saving intervention. And God directly intervenes only if the living entity actually desires it.

When you begin to truly serve God, your programmed destiny in the past begins to change radically - the "rails" completely change direction. Devotional service not only does not create a new karma, but also destroys karma, created in the past. More on fate and overcoming karma can be read in the article "Heaven and Hell, Destiny, Overcoming Karma."

Someone may ask: "What determines whether a soul turns to God for help or not?" The answer is this: it depends on you and only on you. There are no material reasons for this. You are an eternal spirit soul, a spark of God, which means that at any moment you can turn to God for help, if you only wish. Whether you wish or not depends on you. There is always love for God in the heart of a living entity, because it is an integral part of his eternal nature. But one who is under the control of material energy, may and, this love is dormant. A living creature comes under control may and because he wants to be himself “the master of his life,” a kind of false God, and therefore does not want to surrender to the real God. But such a life is unnatural for the spirit soul, and therefore inevitably leads to suffering. Suffering can awaken doubts in the soul about the correctness of her actions and aspirations, and then she has a chance to remember that she is, in fact, a servant of the Supreme Lord and needs His help and care. Thus, the dormant desire to serve God, or bhakti, can awaken. But when this happens and how quickly this desire will supplant the opposite desire to be the master of this world depends on each individual soul. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that bhakti is causeless, has no reason. This means that no material actions, pious or sinful, can be considered the cause of awakening. bhakti. The experience of the material world helps the soul to remember who it really is, but when this will happen, it is impossible to predict. This will happen when the soul really wants to return to its original, spiritual consciousness.

Thus, your fate is in your hands. If you want to get out of the wheel of birth and death and return to the kingdom of God, you need to consciously develop your love for God, serve God, fulfill His will, make God the main thing in your life, develop God consciousness, and then you will create your spiritual destiny. If you desire God, you go to God.