What are the fairy-tale characters and their names. Heroes of Russian folk tales - detailed description: collective images and individual characteristics

A folk tale is a message from our ancestors, transmitted from time immemorial. Through magic stories, sacred information about morality is conveyed to us ...

From Masterweb

16.04.2018 19:01

A folk tale is a message from our ancestors, transmitted from time immemorial. Through magic stories, sacred information about morality and spirituality, traditions and culture is conveyed to us. The heroes of Russian folk tales are very colorful. They live in a world full of wonders and dangers. There is a battle between light and dark forces, as a result of which good and justice always triumphs.

Ivan the Fool

The main character of Russian fairy tales is a seeker. He sets off on a difficult journey to get a magic item or a bride, to deal with a monster. At the same time, the character may initially occupy a low social position. As a rule, this is a peasant son, the youngest child in the family.

By the way, the word "fool" in ancient times had no negative meaning. Since the 14th century, it served as a name-amulet, which was often given to the youngest son. He did not get an inheritance from his parents. Older brothers in fairy tales are successful and practical. Ivan spends time at the stove, as he is not interested in living conditions. He is not looking for money or fame, he patiently endures the ridicule of others.

However, it is Ivan the Fool who is ultimately lucky. He is unpredictable, able to solve non-standard riddles, cunningly defeats the enemy. The hero is characterized by mercy and kindness. He helps those in trouble, lets go of the pike, for which he is rewarded with magic help. Having overcome all obstacles, Ivan the Fool marries the tsar's daughter, becomes rich. Behind the unprepossessing clothes is the image of a sage who serves good and is wary of falsehood.


This hero was borrowed from epics. He is handsome, courageous, noble. It often grows "by leaps and bounds." Possesses great strength, is able to saddle a heroic horse. There are many plots where the character enters into a fight with a monster, dies, and then resurrects.

The names of the heroes of Russian fairy tales can be different. We meet Ilya Muromets, Bova Korolevich, Alyosha Popovich, Nikita Kozhemyaka and other characters. Ivan Tsarevich can also be attributed to this category. He enters into battle with the Serpent Gorynych or Koshchey, saddles Sivka-Burka, protects the weak, rescues the princess.

It is significant that the hero sometimes makes mistakes (rudely replies to the oncoming grandmother, burns the frog's skin). Subsequently, he has to repent of this, ask for forgiveness, correct the situation. By the end of the tale, he gains wisdom, finds a princess and receives half a kingdom as a reward for his exploits.

Wonder bride

An intelligent and beautiful girl by the end of the story becomes the wife of a fairytale hero. In Russian folk tales, we meet Vasilisa the Wise, Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful. They embody the popular idea of \u200b\u200ba woman who stands guard of her kind.

The heroines are distinguished by resourcefulness and intelligence. Thanks to their help, the hero solves ingenious riddles, defeats the enemy. Often, a beautiful princess is subject to the forces of nature, she is able to turn into an animal (swan, frog), to create real miracles. The heroine uses powerful forces for the benefit of her beloved.

The image of a meek stepdaughter who achieves success thanks to her hard work and kindness is also present in fairy tales. The common qualities for all positive female images are loyalty, purity of aspirations and a willingness to help.

Baba Yaga

Which hero of Russian fairy tales is the most beloved and popular among children and adults? The first place rightfully belongs to Baba Yaga. This is a very controversial character with a frightening appearance, a hooked nose and a bone leg. "Baba" in ancient times was called the mother, the oldest woman in the family. "Yaga" can be associated with the Old Russian words "yagat" ("shout loudly, swear") or "yagaya" ("sick, angry").

An old witch lives in the forest, on the border of our world and the other world. Her hut on chicken legs is fenced off with a fence made of human bones. The grandmother flies on a mortar, makes friends with evil spirits, kidnaps children and keeps many magic items from intruders. According to scientists, it is associated with the kingdom of the dead. This is indicated by the loosened hair that women unraveled before burial, the bone leg, and also the house. The Slavs made wooden huts for the dead, which they put in the forest on stumps.

In Russia, ancestors were always respected and they turned to them for advice. Therefore, good fellows come to Baba Yaga, and she tests them. To those who passed the test, the witch gives a hint, shows the way to Koschei, grants a magic ball, as well as a towel, a comb and other wonders. Baba Yaga does not eat children either, but he puts them in the oven and conducts the ancient rite of "baking". In Russia, it was believed that in this way it was possible to heal a child from an illness.


The name of this fabulous hero of Russian fairy tales could come from the Turkic "koshchey", which translates as "slave". The character for three hundred years was chained and held in captivity. He himself also loves to kidnap beautiful girls and hide them in a dungeon. According to another version, the name comes from the Slavic "knuckle" (to scold, harm) or "bone". Koschey is often depicted as a skinny old man, more like a skeleton.

He is a very powerful sorcerer, lives far from other people and owns untold treasures. The death of the hero is in the needle, which is reliably hidden in objects and animals, nested in each other like a nesting doll. The prototype of Koshchei may be the winter deity Karachun, who was born from a golden egg. It froze the earth and brought death with it, forcing our ancestors to move to warmer areas. In other myths, Koshchei was the name of the son of Chernobog. The latter could control time and commanded the army of the underworld.


This is one of the most ancient images. The hero of Russian fairy tales differs from foreign dragons by the presence of several heads. Usually their number is a multiple of three. The creature can fly, spews fire and kidnaps people. It dwells in caves, where it hides captives and treasures. Often appears in front of a positive hero, leaving the water. The nickname "Gorynych" is associated either with the character's habitat (mountains), or with the verb "burn".

The image of the terrible Serpent is borrowed from the ancient myths about the dragon that guards the entrance to the underworld. To become a man, a teenager had to defeat him, i.e. perform a feat, and then enter the world of the dead and return back as an adult. According to another version, the Serpent Gorynych is a collective image of the steppe nomads who attacked Russia in huge hordes. At the same time, they used shells of fire that burned wooden cities.

Forces of nature

In ancient times, people personified the Sun, Wind, Month, Thunder, Rain and other phenomena on which their lives depended. They often became heroes of Russian fairy tales, married princesses, and helped goodies. There are also anthropomorphic rulers of certain elements: Moroz Ivanovich, goblin, water. They can play the role of both positive and negative characters.

Nature is portrayed as spiritualized. The well-being of people largely depends on her actions. So, Morozko awards gold and a fur coat to the old man's meek, hardworking daughter, whom her stepmother ordered to be abandoned in the forest. At the same time, her self-serving half-sister is killed by his spell. The Slavs bowed before the forces of nature and at the same time were wary of them, tried to appease with the help of victims, made requests.

Grateful animals

In fairy tales, we meet a talking wolf, a magic horse and a cow, a goldfish, a wish-fulfilling pike. And also a bear, a hare, a hedgehog, a crow, an eagle, etc. They all understand human speech and have unusual abilities. The hero helps them out of trouble, bestows life, and in return they help to defeat the enemy.

Traces of totemism are clearly visible here. The Slavs believed that each genus descended from a specific animal. After death, the soul of a person is transferred to the beast and vice versa. For example, in the fairy tale "Burenushka" the soul of a deceased mother is reborn in the form of a cow to help an orphaned daughter. Such an animal could not be killed, because it became a relative and protected from harm. Sometimes the heroes of a fairy tale themselves can turn into an animal or a bird.


Many positive heroes of fairy tales are trying to take possession of it. A wonderful bird dazzles the eyes like a golden sun and lives behind a stone wall in rich lands. Freely floating in the sky, it is a symbol of the heavenly body, which bestows good luck, abundance, and creative power. This is a representative of another world, who often turns into a kidnapper. The firebird steals rejuvenating apples, bestowing beauty and immortality.

Only those who are pure in heart, believe in a dream and are closely connected with deceased ancestors can catch it. Usually this is the youngest son who had to look after old parents and spent a lot of time near the birthplace.

Thus, the heroes of Russian fairy tales teach us to respect our ancestors, listen to our hearts, overcome fear, go towards a dream, despite mistakes, always help those who ask for help. And then the divine radiance of the magic firebird will fall on a person, transforming him and granting happiness.

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The most popular Russian fairytale hero is Ivanushka the Fool, however, this image does not always personify exclusively positive features. In the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo" the image of the Russian Ivan is presented in the most beautiful and unambiguous way. The hard-working hero fights with a sword and bare hands, cunning and ingenuity with the monsters that have flooded the Russian land. He is kind and handsome, brave and courageous, strong and smart, undoubtedly, this is the most positive image of the Russian fairy tale.

Another Ivan in "The Tale of Vasilisa the Golden Scythe" also saves all the people and his own people from the terrible snake that captured the beauties and his own sister. Ivan Gorokh is a strong and formidable hero, ready to deal with any evil, defend his native land and defend his sister's honor. But in the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" the wolf acts as a more positive character, Ivan Tsarevich was only lucky to meet such a faithful and devoted friend. The same tendency can be observed in the fairy tales "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "By the Pike's Command" and many others.

Russian people for the most part believed that "the humpbacked grave would fix it," therefore, the transformation of the hero from a negative character into a positive one is not typical for Russian fairy tales.

The most positive female characters in Russian fairy tales are Vasilisa the Beautiful and the Wise. The Russian beauty is primarily distinguished by intelligence and kindness, she helps her chosen one to defeat evil with cunning and ingenuity, to get a magical object or directs it to the wise. Oddly enough, in some fairy tales, even Baba Yaga may be positive, which supplies the traveler with parting words, ancient knowledge and provides material assistance in the form of magical objects: a scarf, a comb, a ball of thread or a mirror.

Positive heroes of foreign fairy tales

The heroes of European fairy tales are fundamentally different from Russian ones, they are physically weak, intelligence and cunning are not sung in them as in folklore. In the first place are such qualities as kindness, humility, and hard work. Snow White and Cinderella are downtrodden beauties, born for love and luxury, but, by the will of evil people, they are obliged to play the role of maids. They do not make any effort to change their fate, they are submissive to it and are freed from the shackles only by chance. Moreover, the main idea of \u200b\u200bsuch tales is the idea that only virtue and hard work are necessary for the triumph of justice, and God or good fairies will generously reward the heroine for all hardships.
Pinocchio is a tale of an Italian writer about the transformation of a stupid, naughty and, at times, cruel wooden doll into a kind and caring boy. Pinocchio or Pinocchio are some of the most positive children's characters.

Warrior heroes are rarely represented in foreign fairy tales; Cipollino is considered one of the few such characters, although this is more an image of a revolutionary fighting dictators against the bourgeoisie and slavery. Another positive hero, the medieval revolutionary Robin Hood, stands apart. The collective image of the noble robber-warrior is romanticized and spiritualized. He fights against evil in the face of cruel feudal lords, against lawlessness and injustice.

Eastern fairy tales in their ideas are closer to Russian ones, for example, Aladdin is an analogue of Ivan the Fool or Emelya. Eastern characters, like Russians, are often helped by cunning, dexterity and resourcefulness, the most popular hero is the “Baghdad thief,” a criminal who managed to outwit more than a dozen moneybags and was never caught. In almost every Arabian tale, there is also a guiding hand - as in the Russian tradition, this is a woman. The clever and cunning wife of Ali Baba, Sakine, Scheherazade, like the Vasilises in Russian fairy tales, personify such ingenuity and ingenuity that is inherent only in women.

The artist Roman Papsuyev created a series of drawings in which he rethought the images of the heroes of the fairy tales of Ancient Rus. In the author's interpretation, such heroes as Ilya Muromets, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Kashchei the Immortal and many others. others may well look like characters from the fantasy world.

Ilya Muromets. I started, of course, with him. By the way, on his belt hangs a bottle of dead water, heal wounds. And with a shield, he can easily destroy enemies. I drew this picture from my head, just based on the types from childhood, but later, after checking the sources, I came to the conclusion that I had completely got into the image.

The author of the project will in no way distort the history of the great heritage of our ancestors. He is only trying to make his vision of famous heroes. “I do not invent characters, they are all in mythology, I only interpret their descriptions in my own way, I try to find common features in these descriptions and at the same time try to maintain a single style to make it look like the game world.

Most of all, I am glad that some people who have looked at my pictures begin to re-read fairy tales, epics, learn a lot for themselves and understand why Vasilisa the Beautiful has a doll in her bag, why Water on a catfish, why Ilya Muromets has a sword in her hands, and not a mace, etc. This return to the origins through my humble project pleases me as an author most of all. " - explains Roman.

Dobrynya. What is known about him (in parentheses - how I played it). A relative of the prince (armor must be rich), the second most popular hero after Ilya (smaller in size, but still cool), a serpent fighter (a magic shield covered with fiery dragon skin, shooting fire), a seven-tailed whip, with which he whipped a horse so that trampled the snakes, and so on. It is difficult to depict diplomatic abilities, education and knowledge in the picture, but I put a scroll in a tube on his belt, like he reads at his leisure. Right there he has living water, it complements the set of Ilya, who, let me remind you, has dead water on his belt. Well, the motive of the sun, like Ilya's, is that they serve one prince.

Popovich. Well, obviously he must be a witch hunter, right?

Sudden turn slightly to the side, towards Finist.

The turn of the girls has come. I'll start with Vasilisa the Beautiful (not to be confused with Vasilisa the Wise, aka the Frog Princess). A battle mage, even there is nothing to think about, one skull that incinerates enemies (mentioned in the tale), which is worth it. And of course, the doll is in the bag, everything is as it should be. A small remark: perhaps it is not so clearly visible, but her kokoshnik is steel, part of a half-helmet.

Vasilisa the Wise (The Frog Princess). It turned out to be not so simple with her. There are as many as three common versions of the tale (in one of them she is generally called Elena the Beautiful), so I decided to try to collect everything that is known about her in one image. So, the sorceress. He conjures with the help of his own strength, and with the help of mothers-nannies (grandmothers-nannies, mothers-manki, etc.). I decided that the nannies in my version will be plump flying fairies. The magic of nursing mothers individually is not that strong, but if they start doing something together, just hold on.

I did not find confirmation in fairy tales that Vasilisa is the daughter of Koshchei the Immortal (although there is such a version, and it is quite logical), therefore I did not begin to make obvious necromantic paraphernalia. But the Wise, it seems to me, could play with dark magic, she has such a character ... I completely forgot to mention - an arrowhead hangs on her chest in the form of a pendant. The same one.

Princess Nesmeyana. First I wanted to make my face open, then I decided to show the visor mask right away. Kokoshnik is part of the helmet. Observant viewers will pay attention to the wineskin and horn on her belt. Why? Because because of the eternally bad mood, he is constantly addicted to alcohol. By the way, when she laughs (and she laughs extremely rarely), it means that she has a seizure and she becomes a berserker - a very scary ability.

Marya Morevna. Everything is clear here. The only remark is that since the fairy tale indicates that she is a steppe warrior, I slightly added Asian elements.

Barbara beauty. Mound Raider. Strictly speaking, this is a cinematic character, in the mythology of the Barbara beauty, it seems, there was no. But, firstly, everyone probably knows Rowe's film, and secondly, her name was too noble, I could not pass by. I think it's clear who the reference was. A few comments: the hatchets are attached to the scabbard on the hips, amulets-amulets hang on the belts, the kokoshnik, as always, is metal. When there are many opponents, she attacks, spinning like a top, and mows down the enemies (ha-ha). The braid itself may well be made of leather, like a whip, that is, it is not the hair pulled back, but part of the helmet.

Baba Yaga. V. 1.0.

Koschey. It feeds on the souls of the victims. He also drew this, based on stamps from his head, then carefully studied the sources and came to the conclusion that I would change Koshchei's head. So later there will be Koshchey Mark 2. :)

Nightingale the robber. Part one. Upper. We'll have to explain something. In fairy tales, the Nightingale sits on nine oak trees, sits high, looks far away, whistles like a nightingale, screams like an animal. I thought for a long time how to beat it all ("sitting on nine oak trees" was the biggest problem - a giant, or what? Or small oak trees?), In the end I came to the conclusion that the Nightingale would be a monster-rider. He will ride an oak tree. Its scream whistle is a sonic weapon. Whistle - aimed strike, shout - wide-range wave. He will also have a magic staff to control the oak. And notice the acorn necklace around his neck. It is not without reason, it is a solution to the problem with nine oak trees. Yes, many have strange associations with his mouth, I advise you to go to the mirror and try to make "chicken sponges" - be surprised. :)

Nightingale the robber. Part two. Riding an oak tree. In general, he lives on a tree, this is his storage and fortress. Chests (trophies) and shields are hung on the branches, which move if the Nightingale is threatened. The oak also has chains with hooks with which it pulls the victim to itself in order to eat it.

The oak moves both like a spider and like a centipede, that is, it supports the trunk with large branches, and finely touches the roots. Moves slowly, but if it gets there, the hero will be fucked. Now about the problem of nine oaks. Acorns are magic. When the Nightingale throws one acorn on the ground, a minion oak rapidly grows from there, ground support, so to speak. I drew one of them on the left. They are faster and more aggressive than the fortress oak. They run up to the hero and beat him. The necklace has eight acorns plus a fortress oak, nine in total. Oaks themselves are pretty weird trees, but when nine oak trees, plus the Nightingale with his sonic weapon, move on the hero, the hero should be uncomfortable.

Yes, and the scale here is a bit arbitrary (otherwise it would not fit), but roughly be guided by the skulls on the branch, these are the skulls of adults. That is, the Nightingale is slightly larger than an ordinary person. Yes, and in the picture he just screams like an animal.

Tugarin Serpent. This is probably the last picture where I use complex frames - they take too much time, the characters are more important, so the frames will be very arbitrary further on.

Lesovik. Owner of the forest. I will share the forest spirits, this one is the most important. He, in principle, is kind, but stern and fair, if anything, he can punish harshly.

Visually I decided to start from zooanthropomorphic descriptions, with elements of phytoanthropomorphism, for each forest spirit I will choose the main animal and I will dance from this

Leshy. I tried to embody in this handsome man the main thing that is known about the goblin in the generally accepted (and most importantly, evil) sense. Leshy's character, to put it mildly, is not very pleasant. One eye is normal (left), the right one is usually larger than the left and is "dead", motionless. The beard and hair are gray. They often write about a tapered head, in my interpretation - because of the hair gathered in a bun. He wraps his clothes to the left and wears them inside out (it turned out to be not so easy to show in a pencil that this is the wrong side). Arms and legs are covered with wool. In some versions of the legends it is belted, in others it is necessarily not. On the belt hang trophies and essential things: the skulls of defeated, lost and impolite travelers, a horn to drink, and bast shoes, because my Leshem just likes bast shoes, he collects them. In the legends, the classic Leshy also has some kind of fixation on bast shoes. But considering that he is often described as ungulates, the question is - how did he wear them? The logical answer is that he did not wear them on his feet, he just carried them with him as souvenirs.

Bolotnik. A disgusting creature living in swamps pretends to be a hummock, eats everyone. Throws "swamp lights" from the bracelet to paralyze the victim. Poisonous.

P. S. I also want to add a decoy, like an angler fish. The decoy is long, telescopic, in fact a symbiote, that is, a separate creature, lures and hypnotizes travelers, leads them right into the bog to the Bolotnik.

Spirits of the forest. Part 1. It was impractical to draw a separate picture for each small spirit of the forest, so I decided to divide them into groups. All these guys are Lesovik's retinue. I tried to do it according to the descriptions that I could find, but it was not without arbitrariness.

Vodyanik, for example, is like one of the names of the Water One. But I decided that small ponds, streams and small rivulets should also have their own spirits, so I separated the name "Vodyanik" into a separate group of small spirits. All spirits of the forest are quite neutral to themselves, but if they are pissed off, they can attack.

The most aggressive of this group is Mokhovik; according to legend, he could eat children, if that.

The berry, for all its external harmlessness, can also cause damage (with poisoned berries).

Rustic - in one character he combined Rustic and Kornevik - stupid, awkward, but quite strong, can entangle with roots and drink juices from the victim with them.

Spirits of the forest. Part 2. Mushroom picker, Leafman, Herbalist, Kustin. I call this picture "Russula is late for the meeting." Finishing the theme of forest spirits and Lesovik's retinue, let's quickly go over the characters and abilities.

The mushroom picker is not a very kind character (in mythology, mushrooms are generally not very fond of, there is a lot about genitals and excrement), not very strong, but very tenacious and touchy (he thinks that people stipulate him). Can infect offenders with rapidly growing fungi. His dream is to conquer the whole world.

The herbalist is a hippie. In case of danger, he can think of the offender's head and even kill if he gets very angry.

Leaflet (combined with Steblevik, so as not to produce essences) - the most harmless of all, usually acts as a support group for Derevyanik and Kustin, giving them additional strength and protection.

Kustin (Kuschanik) is the younger brother of Derevyanik, they are very similar in character and usually work in pairs. Kustin knows how to remotely braid the offender with branches, paralyzing him.

Water on catfish. For this picture, I will simply list the main characteristics with explanations why this is so, and we will talk about the details of the Waterman's character in the next picture. I’ll say right away: I tried to incorporate everything that the Internet knows about Vodyanoy, at the same time offering some of my own solutions. Please forget the song of the Water One from The Flying Ship right away. So let's go.

It is known that Vodyanoy is a fat old man with a big belly (done), he is often seen in a red shirt (I have a chain mail made of scarlet gold), he has a thick beard and a green mustache (here I cheated and made him a SOMOV mustache, part of his beard - also catfish probes, hence the greenish color). Among the northern peoples of Russia, the Water One is often represented with a club. In general, the Water One is a serious evil, and he has a very nasty character (quote: "The embodiment of the element of water as a negative and dangerous principle"). And the main quote for the picture, from which, in fact, the image itself was born. “He is credited with catfish as his favorite fish, which he drives around and which delivers drowned people to him. For this, the catfish is popularly called the "damn horse". " Then I came up with the idea to make a mount boss. Since the Water One is sometimes still seen on land, I made the catfish not quite a catfish. In fact, there is a whole mix of animals (everyone quite lives on the territory of Russia, by the way), whoever defines them all, that pie.

I paid special attention to the harness, harness and saddle, I had to fantasize, of course, but there are no combat pack catfish in nature, so I apologize, if anything. This is not the last picture of Vodyanoy: here he is too small and details are not visible, so I will make it separately, as Nightingale did.

Water and Vodyanitsa. Forgive that many letters, but necessary. I present to your attention a family photo, because of which I spent a sleepless night at work, so it covered. Let's start with Vodyanitsa, because the new character. There is very little information about Vodyanitsy (where the emphasis should be placed, I prefer to put on and), there is very little information, it is known that she is NOT a mermaid, she is dressed in a torn sundress, she has a big chest, she is a mischievous woman, but in general she does not offend anyone much, that is, . quite a positive character. He drew her at forty (headdress of married women) to emphasize marital status. And this character also has a key feature that really hooked me. "The Vodyanitsa is a drowned woman among the baptized, and therefore does not belong to the undead." Do you understand, yes? The baptized drowned woman is the wife of the Water One, who is actually undead (undead). There is a huge scope for imagination, of course. And that's what I fantasized.

As I wrote earlier, Vodyanoy has an extremely nasty character. He seems to be neutral, but with a greater bias towards evil. He constantly needs to be appeased, otherwise he does dirty tricks, and drowns, and waves his club. However, he can provide a catch and save, if anything, and in my version all his good deeds are directly related to Vodyanitsa. Since his wife is essentially kind, but young, mischievous and quarrelsome, she twists the old man as she wants. And often forces hubby to do good deeds, although this is contrary to his impure nature. And vice versa, when they quarrel, the Water One goes on a campaign and rages even more, letting off steam. Vodyanitsa herself is not particularly visible to people, and in my interpretation she is not even a separate character, but simply an addition to the image of the Water One. She buffs (increases strength) the Water One when she yells at him.

Sister Alyonushka, brother Ivanushka Another sweet couple. I understand that I shock many with this picture, but before judging, I ask - re-read the tale. However, I will briefly explain everything to you. In the tale (in many of its iterations), there are several key points that are the same for all options. So the facts:
1. Ivanushka became a kid.
2.Alyonushka was drowned.
3. Practically in all variants there is a "fierce snake", which sucked Alyonushka's heart (and there is also a "heavy stone" on the neck, "white fish ate eyes", "yellow sands on the chest lay down", "silk grass on the hands", dust, ashes, hopelessness, that's all).
4. There is a witch-witch who arranged all this confusion with drowning.
5. Alyonushka was taken out of the river, “they dipped it, rinsed it in clean water, wrapped it in a white cloth, and it became even better than it was”.
6. In all versions of the tale, where Ivanushka turned into a goat, he remained so. Well, you understand what I mean, right?

I was not lazy and still compiled my own "dictionary of runes". They, of course, are fictional, they took as a basis the Scandinavian and those scribbles that I dug up in the pre-Christian writing of the Slavs. Moreover, I invented the meanings of the runes myself, not really looking back at the real ones. My version, my runes, I turn what I want. There will be an additional game for the audience - to read what the characters have on their clothes.

Fairy tales are a treasure trove of folk wisdom! From seemingly uncomplicated stories, you can glean a lot of useful information: how to marry a prince, how to deceive Koshchei, or how to turn from a frog into a princess.

Now fairy tales are read only to children, but it is never too late to learn female wisdom! So, what can the heroines of fairy tales teach adult girls and women?

Princess Frog

What it teaches: the ability to behave in any situation and the ability to make a king out of an ordinary man.

The Frog Princess was not ashamed of her appearance, as she perceived herself exactly as she was. She understood that beauty is not the main thing, but the main thing is the ability to present herself correctly. It was this skill that she showed at a reception with the king, when, with a wave of her hand, a lake and swans appeared from her sleeves. And thanks to her ingenuity and wisdom, she was able to make a successful man out of the loser Ivan Tsarevich.

Princess on the Pea

What does it teach: healthy sleep is important for a woman, and no peas should hinder this!

In a fairy tale, the Prince finds his Princess. It would seem that everything will end well, but it was not so! They decided to check the girl for the authenticity of her blue blood and put a pea under a lot of mattresses and feather beds. In the life of a modern woman there are many "peas" that interfere with sleep - work, children, problems, household chores, trips, etc. But you always need to remember that healthy sleep not only gives you the opportunity to relax, but also helps preserve beauty.

Vasilisa the Beautiful

What it teaches: follow your intuition.

One of the strongest abilities of a woman is her intuition. But sometimes women simply do not trust her, and want to do everything logically, like men. Vasilisa received a doll from her mother. It is she who helps her in the future to overcome difficulties. The doll gave advice and helped in everything. This doll can be compared to intuition.

Nastenka from "Morozko"

What it teaches: to be a woman to the bone! Put yourself in such a way that a man feels his need, so that he wants to protect and take care of you.

A humble, patient, modest girl Nastenka finds her happiness thanks to her kind, sympathetic character. The man next to her understands that such a fragile girl needs to be taken care of and does it without any questions.


What it teaches: they are greeted by their clothes, escorted by their minds.

Not for nothing did Marilyn Monroe say: "Give a woman a pair of good shoes and she will conquer the whole world!" The heroine Cinderella teaches neatness, beauty and harmonious appearance. What can we say - men like beautiful, well-groomed and stylishly dressed girls. Of course, the Prince fell in love with Cinderella not for her appearance, but for her kindness, talent and sincerity, but at first she made an effect with her dress, shoes and hairdo!

Baba Yaga

What it teaches: hospitality and thrift.

Despite the fact that Baba Yaga is a negative character, you can also learn a lot from her. Remember how this grandmother met good fellows? And she stoked the bathhouse, and treated her to tea, and put her to bed. And only after that she asked about business.

Alyonushka from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

What it teaches: do good and it will definitely come back to you.

When Alyonushka's brother was stolen, Alyonushka went in search of him. On the way, she met various characters who asked for help, but the girl did not help. When she needed help herself, those who came her way also refused to help her. And only when Alyonushka herself began to help others, they also came to help her.

The Snow Queen

What it teaches: never hold a grudge to yourself, otherwise your heart will become cold as an ice floe.

Apparently, the Snow Queen had a hard time in life, since she imprisoned herself in an ice castle and stole the innocent boy Kai. The callous, evil and cold heart of the Snow Queen does not accept either the joy of others, or love, or mercy. And all from resentment for the whole world, which ultimately destroyed her.

Live realities, but do not forget about good fairy tales - take from them all the brightest and good that is lacking in the modern world. And remember that all fairy tales end with a happy ending! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of fairy-tale characters who are the protagonists of your favorite fairy tales, and maybe you. They will help you more specifically choose certain fairy tales for your children for corrective purposes. Perhaps you will learn something new and interesting ... Or perhaps you will not agree with something. But acquaintance with the characteristics of the characters will help you in choosing the hero of your own fairy tales for your baby, as well as for general awareness.

Cinderella lives in the kitchen near the stove and sleeps in a box of ash. Ash (ash) represents the essence of what is burnt. Fire is a symbol of destruction, purification and transformation. Cinderella lives next to fire, which transfers its strength to her, and she in turn helps her to survive adversity and suffering. Like a fire that turns water into steam, Cinderella recycles, burns out humiliation, resentment and pain, turning them into pure love. You need to have a warm heart so as not to become embittered and harden in soul when you are insulted, humiliated and hated.

Princess Frog

The amphibian frog and Vasilisa the Beautiful are one and the same creature: animal and earthly forces are fused together. Every person has incredible and wonderful possibilities. Merging with the image of Vasilisa the beautiful, you feel omnipotent, harmonious and joyful. the frog, turning into a beauty, realizes its potential, given from birth.

sleeping Beauty

In the days of the Sleeping Beauty, a person perceived and realized the world around him differently. Consciousness never stands still, it develops, and logical thinking had to replace intuitive perception. The spindle is a symbol of spinning. And the processes of spinning and thinking are inherently related. Until now, there are expressions “I lost the thread of reasoning”, “I pulled the thread and remembered everything”. "Spinning" in figurative language means building thoughts, creating a logical chain.

A princess who, by the curse of an evil fairy, will prick on a spindle and die (fall asleep), is not ready to easily and quickly switch to a different type of thinking. And she falls asleep to accept this process on an unconscious level.

The Snow Queen

A woman of ice ... Ice is frozen crystallized water. The ice queen symbolizes frozen feelings and emotions, stopped movement. Admiring ice crystals, correct lines, geometry of space and time and not feeling the tenderness of a flower, the warmth of the sun, the soft touch of your beloved hands means living with a cold, frozen heart. The Snow Queen and her ice castle are at the psychological level detachment, insensitivity, firmness, determination, icy calmness, composure, the ability to control oneself. Are these qualities really that bad? Aren't there situations in life when we need to be cool, balanced and calm? It's just that all excess is harmful. And even the most beautiful, in large quantities, tires. And when the mind and feelings are in harmony - what could be better?

The image of the Snow Queen is very useful for children (adults) weak and weak-willed, insecure and timid, vulnerable and soft: it will give them strength, firmness, self-confidence, resilience in the face of difficulties. The image of the Snow Queen will also help the overly excited, temperamental and hot: it will cool the excessive ardor, balance and calm.


The little mermaid is a child of the element of water and symbolizes the emotional and sensual world. The passionate desire of the Little Mermaid to experience earthly love and spend her life not in water spaces, but on solid land can be associated with the fact that the intangible and invisible seeks to take shape. But life on earth is connected with the Little Mermaid with great pain. It is probably no coincidence that the heroine did not manage to fulfill her dream - to become the beloved and wife of the prince. It would seem that the Little Mermaid deserved her happiness, but did not receive it.

In such cases, you can invite children to compose their own fairy tale and change its end. The technique of changing fairy tales allows you to look at the world around you more optimistically and happily. This is especially important for sad, indecisive, inhibited, and weak children.

Mistress of Copper Mountain

This woman is unusually beautiful, balanced and strong. The stone woman, however, is capable of crying, and is just, and compassionate. So why does it not bring joy even to good people? Maybe it’s not the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, but the person who goes out to fight the stronger, but is not able to withstand the fight? Gems are a symbol of wealth and power. How many are capable of possessing treasures and not having attachment to them, not falling into dependence? The image of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain allows one to feel strong and powerful in a good way, just and at the same time ruthless, powerful and rich.

Light, airy creature, endowed with magical powers. The messenger of fate, the witch, the sorceress - her other names. Fairy is a wonderful star creature, a kind of mediator between Space and Earth, the world of people. The fairy is inextricably linked with the light that permeates any space. To feel like a fairy means to have an indestructible belief in yourself, in the power of your thought; to survive the state of a wizard, for whom nothing is impossible.

It got its name from the verb "to know" - to know. Her other titles are witch, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, witch. A witch is, first of all, a healer, a sorceress. She easily commands the diverse forces of nature and any creatures. Unlike a fairy and a good sorceress, a witch uses forces to harm a person or a creature, requires a considerable fee for services, rejoices when she herself is well, radiates anger, envy, tension and brute force (the force of a hurricane, whirlwind, earthquake).

One of the witches. The ancient Slavs in Russia called her a hellish goddess, a terrible goddess who destroys the bodies and souls of people. Baba Yaga is a powerful sorceress, and her hut on chicken legs is something like a walk-through, a kind of bridge between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead. Only a brave hero, able to overcome the fear of death, can resist Baba Yaga. To incarnate in Baba Yaga, to live her image means to feel power, crushing strength and the absence of fear of death.

Koschei the Deathless

Belongs to the world of the dead. Why is he called immortal? Koschey the Immortal consists of some bones. bones are the hardest, most durable, toughest tissue in the human body, capable of withstanding enormous loads. Bones do not rot or decompose under certain conditions, they are not easily combustible.

Koschey the Immortal symbolizes complete insensitivity and lack of spirituality, rigidity, stereotypicality, limitation and inertia. At the same time, the image of Koshchei the Immortal helps to gain firmness of mind, fearlessness, unshakable self-confidence, determination and strength.

King (king)

Manages the state, in his subordination a huge number of people. At the symbolic level, the king means a certain dominant higher psychic center. To be in a regal state means to feel the unification of all parts of the “I”. To feel like a king means to control your thoughts, emotions, states, to feel responsibility for everything that happens in your “kingdom”.

The supreme regulatory center is responsible and governed. However, unlike the king, she symbolizes women's emotions and feelings.

A wonderful sign of beauty and the flowering of vitality. To more accurately understand the symbolism of a particular flower, describe it for yourself with 3-5 adjectives. These adjectives will mean the state of your soul that you see in a flower. If, for example, take "The Scarlet Flower", then you would like to describe it with such adjectives: beautiful, burning, flaming, scarlet. Is it not true, associated with heart, love? The desire of a merchant's daughter to find a scarlet flower is a desire for love, passion, dedication, heartfelt affection.

Freedom symbol. Living the state of a bird, you can get rid of heavy attachments to desires, feel the state of independence, lightness, airiness and flight.

A simple and at the same time mysterious bird. Ravens are endowed with mystical power and the ability to penetrate supernatural worlds, including the afterlife. Crows are smart and wise birds. Reincarnated as a crow, it becomes possible to look at the world with different eyes, see the deep and mysterious spheres of life, explore the dark side of your soul and touch the inner wisdom.


The beautiful swift-winged bird is a symbol of spring and renewal, a symbol of new life. It is no coincidence that it was the swallow that brought Thumbelina to a new world, in which the girl found a home, her prince and happiness. To look after the swallow, as Thumbelina did, means to prepare for changes, for the state of spring, joy, happiness.

The white swan symbolizes beautiful and pure thoughts. The swan is a sign of greatness, beauty and grace.

Owl (owl)

A predatory nocturnal bird that sees perfectly in the dark. She symbolizes the unknown and darkness. Unknown dark spaces are usually terrifying, and therefore people are always afraid of an owl (owl). But it is not for nothing that the owl (owl) is considered a symbol of wisdom. It is his fearless perception of the dark and mysterious side of life that gives depth and wisdom. Eagle owl (owl) is a symbol of transformation, the transition of negative dark states into a calm and harmonious perception of life.

A predatory beast, strong, smart and careful. Sometimes he is endowed with such traits as cruelty, ferocity, gluttony and greed. Wolves have a strong sense of family and pack. They are caring parents and partners who feel great about each other. In some fairy tales, the wolf is a bloodthirsty, ferocious and merciless monster, while in others, in particular in "Mowgli", it is a caring, attentive and even noble parent. Therefore, the wolf can symbolize different states of the soul.

In Russian fairy tales, he usually acts as an independent intelligent and resourceful creature who can easily defend himself and repulse any beast. Its needles symbolize caution, inaccessibility, closeness, fear of pain and the need for protection.

The hare is considered a symbol of fear, weakness, as well as bragging, unjustified self-confidence. And in many fairy tales, he is really presented that way. However, in the fairy tale "The Hare Koska and the Spring" other sides of the hare nature are shown: curiosity, playfulness, patience and courage.

An ambiguous and deep image, they are afraid of her, cunning and meanness are associated with her. Biblical motives characterize the serpent as a seducer and tempter. The snake has the ability to change skin frequently, and by this it symbolizes rebirth and renewal. Different snakes symbolize different things: a boa constrictor, for example, can symbolize a huge stifling squeezing power and strength, and a viper - perhaps cunning and meanness.

It belongs to the category of amphibious animals and feels equally good in water and on land. She is subject to both the emotional and sensory world, and the material and objective. In different fairy tales, we see different images of frogs. in the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler" curiosity, the desire for change, boasting and bombast come to the fore; in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" there is nobility hidden behind the seeming external ugliness.

When interpreting the image of a bear, one should take into account its dual nature. On the one hand, the bear is considered a clumsy, clumsy, heavy creature, on the other hand, the bear is unusually agile and fast. The bear represents cruelty, rudeness, evil force, and at the same time its image is associated with good nature and protection. In the fairy tale "Mowgli" the bear is a symbol of teacher's wisdom, attention, nobility and protection.

She is smart, courageous, fearless, cunning, has seductive grace and flexibility, quietness, patience, and sometimes ruthlessness. The image of a panther will help to balance the existing qualities, give strength, firmness, sobriety, determination and courage.

Many different expressions are associated with the image of a fish: to be silent like a fish, to fight like a fish on ice, like a fish in water ... each of these expressions describes certain actions of a person. The image of a fish is often associated with the "emergence" of deep psychic unconscious information. You can also talk about such character traits as coldness and dispassion. Sometimes the fish symbolizes slipperiness, when the person with whom we are communicating deftly leaves the right topic, avoids acute moments or situations.

Known for its ability to shed its tail in times of danger and grow a new one over time. Therefore, it is considered a symbol of renewal, reincarnation, resourcefulness and vitality. Perhaps, thanks to Bazhov's tales, or perhaps for another reason, the habitats of lizards are associated with deposits of precious stones, gold or treasures. And that is why lizards are considered a symbol of wealth, material gain or reward.