Secret springs of the human psyche, or how to expand the sphere of its influence

Tsvetkov Ernest "The secret springs of the human psyche Or how to expand the sphere of its influence"

The training book "The Secret Springs of the Human Psyche" will tell you about amazing phenomena that you did not even know about. It turns out that each of us is subject not only to someone else's influence, but also to psychoprogramming. Every day we are exposed to psychic attacks and psychic viruses. Our psyche is an incredibly fragile structure, and it must be protected. You will learn how to do this by familiarizing yourself with the unique psychotechnics of Ernest Tsvetkov, which will help you not only to neutralize the negative impact, but also to learn independently, to program the situations you need, using the reserves of your subconscious.


When I start writing this manual, I am fully aware of the possible scope of application of the knowledge and skills that you will learn from it. Therefore, I reduce theoretical information as much as possible, focusing primarily on practical techniques and a well-developed training system that can give the effect of "immediate action."
Our training course begins with mastering the technique of applied (non-medical) psychoanalysis in order to conduct a fairly quick and productive analysis of the partner's behavior in the course of just one conversation, revealing his ulterior motives and potential intentions.
Using the "secret" information that you have extracted with the help of the mastered analytical methods, in the process of observing the verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal - body and gesture language) signals of your opponent, you can successfully apply the "built-in" hypnotic forms of your influence on someone's subconscious and thus, through subtle psychological manipulation, form his desired programs for you. Elements of Ericksonian hypnosis, which is also called "hypnosis without hypnosis", will give you new opportunities and significantly expand your sphere of influence among people.
In presenting this material, which may seem new and unfamiliar to you, to facilitate perception and assimilation, I cite below the main points, or "reference points" of the program of our correspondence seminar.


Interpersonal relationships.
Psychological protection.
Partner behavior during negotiations.
Revealing hidden motives.
Latent motives and their unconscious demonstration during a conversation.
Behavior and its connection with the unconscious. Motivation management.


Psychoanalytic basis:
- Basic psychoanalysis
- Applied (non-medical) psychoanalysis
- Communication analysis
- Behavior analysis
- Protection
- Transfer (Transfer) and work with it
- Methods to enhance transfer
Kinesics (the science of reflecting human behavior in its external manifestations):
- Dynamic analysis of gestures, postures, behavioral maneuvers
- "Language of the body"
- Using kinetic knowledge to enhance impact.
- Methods of hypnotization in the structure of communication
- Hidden hypnotization during conversation
- Achieving specific results through hypnotic imprinting
- Working with the partner's subconscious
- Programming the partner for the desired reaction
- Strengthening partner reactions
- Increased contact efficiency
- Pinning the program
As an autopsychotraining focused on improving self-regulation of the psychophysical status of the body and the development of creative (creative) resources, you will be offered the developed and tested author's method of "psychosensory synthesis".


Business makes people just like people do business. But people are primarily psychology, and the space of the human person is, first of all, psychological space, and only then economic or social.
When it comes to management or business partnerships, it is, of course, impossible to ignore the psychodynamic factors that determine communication style and underlie human behavior.
The history of the great millionaires has many diverse biographies, destinies, and unexpected zigzags. Each of them went his own way, but something in common united them all. This is the common knowledge of people.
This is confirmed by the statements of the capitalists themselves, who have achieved success and have taken their place at the highest rungs of the social ladder - statements that, having become classic, have become the golden rules of Big Business. One of them reads:


For some, this ability is an innate gift, for others it is the result of constant internal work. But in both cases, it requires active training and practice, which, in fact, is the focus of this manual.



The universe is infinite, the mind is limited, but in its limitation it has very much succeeded and achieved a certain mastery. We need to delineate the boundaries of this or that phenomenon as clearly as possible, trying to determine its beginning and end.
The completion of what we are going to do is not and is not expected, but a beginning, and quite great, exists. It is associated with the name of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis-discovery, which became the foundation on which the entire modern science of the human mental world is based.
Freud believed that his metapsychology was the third teaching that dealt the most devastating blow to the narcissism (egocentric narcissism) of humanity. The first was Copernicus's assertion that the Earth is not at all the navel of the Universe, but its distant province. The second is Darwin's theory, which declared the relationship, and not the most distant, of the so-called "king of nature" with his humanoid brethren. And, finally, Freud, at the suggestion of these intellectual monsters, scores a decisive goal to the very core, striking the scrupulous morality of indignant humanity. It turns out that Homo Sapiens is far from Sapiens. And what we call consciousness and intelligence is by no means the main thing in the human psyche. Quite the opposite - mysterious, elusive forces determine our behavior. These forces belong to the world of the Unconscious - the original, but infinite, inaccessible, but comprehensible. One psychoanalytic aphorism expresses this position in a laconic and refined form - the formula:


How does this mysterious Unconscious manifest itself (as a synonym for this concept in contemporary literature you can find the term Subconscious)!
The unconscious is the space of ours:
- Dreams
- Fantasy
- Pulses
- Incentives
- Attractions
- Forbidden Desires
- Instincts
- Reservations
The unconscious is what we really think, but are not aware of it.
What we really think is hidden from ourselves behind seven seals.
The psychoanalytic method breaks the seals off these seals and allows us to get into the secret of the secrets of the human person.
Modern psychoanalysis, depending on the goal, is divided into therapeutic and applied. The functions of the first follow from the name itself and are quite clear. Applied psychoanalysis, which is of direct interest to you and me, also began with Freud's works on culture, religion, sociology, that is, the field of social life, where the researcher first tried to interpret known phenomena from the psychoanalytic point of view. You are faced with tasks of a more modest scale - you do not need to reform society, found a new religion, create new states. Your task is to do only one thing - money.
Therefore, we will limit ourselves to the psychology of human relationships and the knowledge of how, using this same psychology, to exert the most effective influence on other people and ourselves.
Let's start with the fact that human behavior is deterministic and does not recognize any accidents, although at first glance, the opposite strikes us - our everyday life seems to be filled with accidents - met by chance, did not accidentally meet, accidentally forgot, accidentally made a slip of the tongue, etc. (there is no point in continuing this countless series, you yourself can find many similar "accidents" in your life). Moreover, one should remember an important point:




Freud, in his work "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life", gives several examples where seemingly innocent platitudes turned out to be fatal.
In the first case, in a family of young spouses, happy, gentle and devoted, the wife accidentally loses her wedding ring. She is upset, but soon the ring is - under the table in the bedroom. It seems that one can ignore such a trifle, but meticulous Freud gave and predicted that the marriage would be unsuccessful. After a while, the marriage was upset.
In another case, in a conversation with a patient, Freud noticed that she, constantly extolling the merits of her married life, now and then took off and put on her wedding ring. It is not hard to guess which assumption Freud made this time too. As in the previous case, it turned out to be prophetic.
What's the matter here?
Mysticism has nothing to do with it.
Everything rests on those inexorable mechanisms according to which psychodynamic forces operate.
At the conscious level, that is, the generally accepted and permissible level, both situations can be considered favorable, but the Unconscious, both in the first and in the second case, resists marriage. If Consciousness persuades: “Everything is wonderful, everything is beautiful”, then the Unconscious stands on its own: “Sorry, you are my friend, but the truth is dearer. You simply either do not want to, or are afraid to admit that this alliance is disgusting to you, simply disgusting and there can be no question of any love. "
However, the voice coming from the depths is diligently drowned out, and if it becomes too insistent, repression begins. Our ego has at its disposal a censorship apparatus that reaches the level of bureaucratic perfection, which works clearly and rigorously. Censorship is always on guard and will not let any seditious thought from the dark unconscious depths into the light Consciousness. Therefore, while the surface is calm and quiet, a real storm rises in our vague depths.
In principle, man is more perfect than humanity, and the individual is more intelligent than society. Before declaring a revolution, the body repeatedly warns its owner: “Attention! Unwell! " And if the owner is reasonable enough, then the unfavorable situation is resolved quite loyally.
The trouble is that we have forgotten how, and most likely have not learned how to recognize these signals, we ignore the warning signs and wait for the explosion.
The unconscious signals its intentions precisely by means of such symbolic signs, which are perceived either as innocent trifles or as annoying accidents.
Now let's get back to the examples.
Action: The woman loses her ring.
Explanation: The ring is a symbol of marital union, fidelity, love, devotion.
Interpretation: A woman loses the symbol of marital union, fidelity, love, devotion.
Question: Why?
Answer of the Unconscious: Because in this case I do not accept this and reject this man. I could say this directly, but the censorship does not allow it. How else can I make my claim? We have to resort to the Aesopian language.
Strategy: Finding a socially acceptable option and taking action through it.
As we can see, despite all its monopoly positions, censorship is weakened. She makes sure that the Unconscious does not break into Consciousness. Well, if that's the case, it doesn't break through. But in this case, it seeps out and begins to speak to us, not directly, but in a truly Aesopian language. In any case, it declares itself only using devious maneuvers. These workarounds are just those "little things" that we do not attach importance to.
If Sherlock Holmes were not a detective, but a psychoanalyst, he would still have uttered his famous phrase: “My dear Watson, there are not and cannot be trifles in our case. All our work is based on these little things, which are much more important than visible evidence. "
Therefore, train yourself to pay attention first of all to externally insignificant, subtle details in the behavior of people and mentally ask yourself the question: "What is hidden behind this?" Do not be afraid at first to go too far and become like two characters from an anecdote where two psychoanalysts meet, and one of them thinks: “What if I say to him not“ Hello, colleague ”, but“ Good morning ”. I wonder how he will react? ”And says:“ Good morning ”. "What do you have in mind?" - immediately followed by the answer of another psychoanalyst.
Over time, your perception will train and your behavior will be natural.
Let this principle - the principle of determinism - enter your subconscious. By constantly using it, you will begin to see things that others do not see.
Get started as soon as possible, now.
Think about times in your life when you:
- were late for any meeting or date
- forgot about their promises, referring to vanity, routine or simply their forgetfulness and absent-mindedness
- they said "yes" and did "no", and vice versa
- lost someone's gifts
- appropriated "accidentally" someone's trinket.
Do you remember?
Now scroll through the same phenomena in your memory, only that happened not with you, but with those people with whom you communicated or communicate.
A new world will open up for you, and you will discover a lot of new and interesting details. But do not forget to keep in mind the principle of determinism.
If a person:
- is late - it means that he unconsciously is not too eager to meet,
- forgets - it means that he unconsciously does not want to remember.
By the way, about forgetting and forgetfulness. When consciousness receives some not very pleasant or not very significant information, it seeks to get rid of it. And this is logical. After all, when you are faced with certain problems, you do not jump with delight, but think how to get rid of them, push them out of your life. Our consciousness is no more stupid than you and me and, having received a portion of problematic information, drives it out of its legal possession. Information has nothing to do but go to where it will be readily accepted, that is, to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Unconscious. This process has received the appropriate name - Repression, and the information material, which has been subjected to such ostracism, is repressed into the Unconscious.
Thus, we do not forget, but supplant.
If I forgot to sign important papers for you, sorry, absent-mindedness, vanity and circumstances have nothing to do with it. I just supplanted this event due to my subconscious unwillingness to do what I have to do.
You have a business meeting, let's say, at three in the afternoon. Your partner is a few minutes late, or at this time, if you meet on his territory, he is busy with something else, draw the appropriate conclusions. You already know what this can mean.


Every psychotherapist familiar with psychoanalysis can talk about how the patient's behavior changes during treatment. It can manifest itself as a pronounced positive up to falling in love and even love, or take negative forms, sometimes reaching outright aggressiveness.
These changes in behavioral responses are called transference or transfer, and represent an unconscious direction in one direction or another of the flow of psychodynamic forces.
The patient himself does not understand why he "falls in love" with the therapist or begins to hate him.
Over time, he develops an understanding of what is happening to him, as a rule, due to the explanations of the therapist, who is well aware of the mechanisms that govern individual relationships.
However, the transfer phenomenon occurs not only in a psychotherapeutic situation. Freud considered it as an integral part of any experience of human communication. It turns out that people build their relationships in the present by reproducing emotionally significant aspects and impressions of their past. The fact is that our brain is able to create and hold certain informational matrices, consisting of sets of memories of those people who in the past have influenced us in one way or another. These internal memories are called objective representations, and the perception of any new person is consistent with these objective representations. We unconsciously evaluate people using the experience of memory, which contains ideas about the most significant figures who once had a certain impact on us. A new person is learned through thoughts and feelings that were previously directed at a friend, a loved one or the enemy. Thus, it turns out that our present is a projection of our earlier reactions, but this mechanism lies outside of consciousness. It forms what is defined as a transfer. With its help, we "transfer" our attitude, which we once displayed towards persons important to us, to a new object. This new object can be a psychotherapist, boss, subordinate, business partner, friend, husband, wife, lover.
Based on the above, it is easy to guess that the transfer can be:
- positive (positive transfer)
- negative (negative transfer) In the case when a stranger evokes in us an unconscious feeling of sympathy and trust, we can speak of a positive transference. If, being close to someone, we feel in ourselves discomfort and the desire to quickly get rid of such communication, then, most likely, our personality in this case is in a situation of negative transfer.
If you pay closer attention to this fact, then it will not be difficult for you to recall similar cases from your life, when you began to experience outwardly unmotivated awkwardness or a sudden feeling of fatigue, or mild anxiety when meeting with a certain person, despite the fact that he could show signs of benevolence, openness, while looking quite nice and, in any case, not repulsive. This means that this subject unconsciously reminded you of the person who earlier, perhaps in distant childhood, frightened you or made you go through some negative experience.
Try to consider situations for a while from a psychoanalytic position, and many hidden things will become obvious to you. Moreover, knowing the dynamics of the transference will allow you to grasp even more subtle nuances in interpersonal relationships. This skill can be compared with the ability that the great scientist Cuvier once spoke about: “I will be able to restore the full appearance of the whole animal by only one mammoth bone”. From just one seemingly insignificant detail, you can determine the psychology of your partner and his attitude towards you, in order to use this to enhance the effectiveness of your influence.


Direct expression of interest
- The predominance of "open" gestures (when the arms and legs do not cross and the partner often shows his open palms)
- The partner listens carefully to you and unwittingly copies your gestures
- Your partner comes to the meeting on time or before the agreed time
- Your partner pays you money on time
- Your partner is or is trying to show you personal attention
- Your partner gives you gifts
- Your partner is inclined to talk about himself, about certain moments of his personal life, shares his impressions.


Partner is late for a meeting
- Partner at the wrong time, pays money with a delay
- The partner does not fulfill or does not fulfill his promises on time
- Expresses doubts about the productivity of contact with you
- Prefers "closed" gestures, often looks aside
- May not show up for a meeting, motivating his behavior with "unforeseen circumstances"
- He talks little about himself, is not inclined to share personal memories and impressions with you.
The word Partner used here is a universal concept and, depending on the communication situation, can mean your:
- Business partner
- Patient
- Buddy
- Intimate partner
- Chief
- Subordinate
In the future, we will also use this word, and each of you can put your own meaning in it, based on the contact that is relevant to you.
Now you know the dynamics of the transfer, its manifestations and, using the information received, you are able to see situations from a new angle that might at one time or may at present seem problematic to you.
Remember when your partner:
- Was late
- Didn't appear at all
- made you wait

Forgetting your promises or your requests
- Didn't pay money on time. What interpretations can you suggest regarding these events?
This question also applies to the following situations:
- Your partner is on time for a date
- Pays money on time
- Neatly fulfilled your requests or willingly went to meet your wishes
- Gave you gifts
- I left my home phone number.
Now try to restore in your memory these same actions, only belonging not to another person, but to you personally. In this way, you will learn about your transference and your true attitude towards your partner. If in a communication situation you occupy a formally dominant position (for example, you are a leader or a psychotherapist), then your subconscious intentions directed at the person with whom you interact form what is commonly called countertransference, which, of course, can also be both positive and negative.
Being able to identify your countertransference is just as important as knowing how to identify your partner's transference. This will greatly facilitate the process of your communication and give you additional psychological strength.
And in order for you to feel confident and free enough in any situation, learn the following metaprinciple algorithm:
1. During business communication, try to take the inner position of an observer psychoanalyst. Get used to this role. Play it.
2. Look at your partner as a potential patient (by doing this you will not humiliate or belittle him in the least, because the priest also perceives his flock, which does not in the least infringe upon the dignity of people). This means that you:
- show complete correctness in relation to him
- carefully monitor his behavior, based on knowledge of the dynamics of transference and countertransference
- you keep external neutrality
- you constantly analyze the signs typical for this or that type of transfer.
3. Analyze the subtlest nuances of your feelings, which can help you understand not only your condition, but also the condition of your partner. Over time, this tendency can develop in you the ability to "microwave" - \u200b\u200bsupersensible perception - a phenomenon that psychoanalysts have written about as mental telepathy. This means that from your feelings, you can guess the hidden intentions of your partner. Many successful businessmen talk about their intuitiveness, which is often more useful than rational calculations.
Practice the last point separately. The Here and Now exercise will help you develop a subtle sense of the moment.
Right now, when you are reading these lines, without changing anything, "freeze" the position and state in which you are, and answer two questions:

Don't criticize your thoughts and give them complete freedom.
Your consciousness only mirrors their spontaneous flow.
Now change your pose to the exact opposite and answer the following questions:
- Have my feelings changed?
- What do I feel now?
Another exercise is similar to this, but uses the element of surprise:
Set an alarm for a specific time and remove it from your field of vision. It would be nice if you forgot about it altogether. Continue to do your usual business. As soon as the bell rings, freeze in the position in which the signal caught you. Rate how relaxed or tense you are, comfortable or not, mark tense areas on your body. And ask yourself questions:
- What am I thinking about right now?
- What do I feel right now?
Briefly write down your results.
Do these exercises daily for two weeks. They will not be difficult for you and will not seem boring at all, especially since they can be practiced in a playful way.


If you want to activate behavioral responses from your partner, do not resort to specific techniques such as hypnotic induction or neurolinguistic programming. You can use different ways of enhancing the transferred experience. To do this, you should:
- Maintain external passivity and neutrality - in this case, you become a kind of “projection screen” for another person.

Show interest in your partner's personal life by non-intrusive interviewing about his past experiences, childhood memories, significant emotional relationships.
- Build your behavior in such a way that your partner unwittingly compares you to someone who previously had a certain influence on him - for this you can even sometimes ask him if you remind him of some other person.
- Trying to listen more and talk less is one of the most important principles, since it allows the effect of the "projection screen" to be manifested to the maximum extent.


Quite often we are faced in life with such a phenomenon as resistance - our own and others'. It is an unconscious force that prevents certain actions that lead to changes or personality, or situations that can revive certain unpleasant sensations. Imagine the following example. You receive a letter from your friend and, delighted by this fact, are going to answer. But at the same time you postpone your decision, justifying yourself with a multitude of accumulated cases or fatigue, or your "damned forgetfulness." However, with an effort of will, you force yourself to write a couple of pages, but it turns out that you do not have an envelope. Having bought an envelope in a week, you forget to write the address on it, and after writing the address, keep the letter in your pocket for several days, since you do not find mailboxes anywhere. At the end of the day, you send your return message and breathe a sigh of relief.
If you carefully, intently, and frankly analyze your actions and feelings, you will realize that the person you call your friend is actually deeply unpleasant to you. You do not know this, but your Unconscious is aware of this and seeks to resist so as not to cause a surge of negative emotions or anxiety in you.
We are reluctant to remember unpleasant events in our life or completely forget about them - the process of repression is triggered, which is also due to resistance.
Try a simple experiment.
Think of a time or event that was psychologically painful — maybe the death of a close friend or relative, or deep humiliation, or a situation when you were beaten or caught in the act.
Note, first of all, the lack of interest in remembering the event clearly, resistance against talking about it. Perhaps you will doubt the need to do such an exercise, or you suddenly think of urgent matters.
All your "extraneous" thoughts and doubts are interpreted as resistance. To overcome resistance, it is often enough to be aware of it.
Once you are aware of your resistance, continue the memory work. In addition to an almost material feeling of resistance, you will achieve that you will free yourself from a significant part of your inner conflicts and inner tension.
It is easy to see that resistance, like repression, has a certain protective function. However, such functions are not limited to just these two mechanisms and have in their arsenal much more techniques that our psyche resorts to. These techniques are called Ego-defenses. All of them have one universal goal, already mentioned above - to prevent the revival of unpleasant feelings and reduce anxiety.
This includes a number that includes:
- Denial
-Reactive formation (reaction formation)
- Reverse feeling
- Suppression
- Rationalization
- Identification with the aggressor
- Asceticism
- Isolation of affect
- Regression
- Splitting
- Projection
- Introjection
- Omnipotence
- Devaluation
- Primitive idealization
- Proactive identification
- Moving
- Sublimation
DENIAL is an attempt to ignore a real event that worries a person. An example is a political leader who leaves office but continues to behave as if he were an outstanding statesman. The ability to remember events incorrectly is also a form of denial.
REACTIVE EDUCATION is a substitution of behavior or feeling that is directly opposite to the actual desire. A person can show excessive cleanliness as a defense against the desire to be dirty all the time. The main feature of reactive education is exaggeration and extravagance. Reactive formations can be seen in any exaggerated behavior.
FEELING BACK is a change in the direction of an impulse - for example, berating yourself instead of expressing disappointment with someone else.
SUPPRESSION - The essence of this protection consists in removing something from consciousness and keeping it at a distance from consciousness. Suppression can result in hysterical symptoms, asthma, arthritis, ulcers, lethargy, frigidity, fears, impotence.
RATIONALIZATION is finding acceptable reasons or grounds for unacceptable thoughts or actions. Rationalization hides our motives and makes our actions morally acceptable.
"I do this solely for your good" - (I want to do this to you. I do not want this to be done to me. I even want you to suffer a little).
“It seems to me that I love you” - (I am attracted by your body: I \u200b\u200bwant you to relax and feel attracted to me).
IDENTIFICATION WITH AGRESSOR - manifests itself in the imitation of what can exert negative pressure. If someone masks his fear of some authority, he can assimilate his manner in an exaggerated or caricatured form.
ASKETISM - most often used to control the intensity of sexual desires. As a rule, he is displayed with an air of complete superiority,
AFFECT ISOLATION is the separation of the anxiety-inducing part of the situation from the rest of the mental sphere. Its normal prototype is logical thinking.
REGRESSION - returning to an earlier level of development or to a way of expression that is simpler and more characteristic of children. Every adult, even a well-adjusted person, resorts to this protection from time to time to “blow off steam”. People smoke, get drunk, overeat, lose their temper, bite their nails, pick their noses, read stories about the mysterious, go to the movies, spoil things, masturbate, chew gum, drive fast and risky, sleep during the day, fight, dream, rebel against authorities and obey them, preening themselves in front of a mirror, playing games of chance, looking for a "scapegoat."
SPLITTING - represents the separation of positive images of a person from negative ones. At some point, a partner may receive a fairly high grade, and immediately after that, a significant decrease in grade may occur, and vice versa. Such a subject can declare that all his friends and allies have betrayed him and turned into enemies, and the next moment make the opposite statement. DEVALVATION - belittling a partner, reducing his value to a minimum up to a contemptuous attitude.
PRIMITIVE IDEALIZATION - a reverse reaction, manifested in the exaggeration of the strength and prestige of another person.
Omnipotence is an exaggeration of one's own power and strength.
PROJECTIVE IDENTIFICATION - is a projection onto another person, followed by an attempt to take control over him. For example, someone may project their hostility towards another person and then fearfully expect an attack on their part.
PROJECTION is the attribution to another person, animal or object of qualities, feelings or intentions that come from the attributor himself.
"All men and women want the same thing."
- (I think a lot about sex). "You can never trust anyone"
- (I do not shy away from deceiving someone sometimes).
INTROJECTION is the desire to appropriate the beliefs and attitudes of others without criticism and to make them your own. Such a subject very often speaks not on behalf of himself, but on behalf of the collective, micro-society, etc. Instead of the pronoun "I", he usually uses the pronoun "WE".
MOVEMENT is a change of the object of feelings, their transfer from the object that served as a source of negative emotions to another object - a safer one.
For example, a subordinate who is angry with his boss, when he comes home, begins to vent his anger on family members.
If someone begins to tell a partner about love, hatred, anger, irritation towards other people, this can often be interpreted as an expression of his feelings for this particular partner.
SUBLIMATION - represents the so-called "mature" or "successful" defense. It is a process by which energy, initially directed towards aggressive goals, is redirected to other goals - intellectual, artistic, cultural, manifesting itself in the form of creative self-expression.
Study these defenses carefully, starting with yourself. Determine which ones are typical for you and which are inherent in others. Once you become aware of your unproductive defenses, you can get rid of them and channel the energy released as a result of this towards more constructive goals, increasing your sublimation.
Strive to apply the information you have just received in your communication - it gives you an additional key to access your partner's subconscious and makes your perception of people deeper and more subtle.
The psychoanalytic method will allow you to "shine through" the darkest layers of the soul of those people with whom you are involved in interaction, and - thanks to your "psychic X-ray" - you will be able to more effectively control the situation in your favor, having an undeniable advantage.



There is a well-known aphorism belonging to Voltaire: "Language is of great importance also because with its help we can hide our thoughts." A similar thought was expressed by the "king of diplomats" William Gladstone: "Words are invented so that people can lie to each other."
Almost every one of us speaks two languages \u200b\u200bsince childhood, one of which is realized and constructed as speech, while the other, completely belonging to the Unconscious, is able to convey our latent motives and motives. In this section, we will try in a concentrated form to master the knowledge of this second language - body language and learn how to effectively use the new knowledge.
Smart people have always attached great importance to the gesture, believing that it is able to quietly exert a very noticeable effect. Each movement can be deciphered and freely read the secret message of our interlocutor, which he can carefully hide from us.
Even if we carefully consider the most sophisticated lies, our involuntary gestures will betray us. At the same time, knowing the meaning of each gesture and consciously using it, we can signal our partner's subconsciousness about our intentions and thereby exert a hidden influence on him, which will allow us to have an extra trump card for mastering the situation.
Just as learning any language is impossible without a dictionary, I believe that the most meaningful form of comprehending sign language would be to compile a kind of short reference book, where you can find certain correspondences without any difficulty.
The dictionary is based on the principle of psychophysical parallelism or the analog principle, which is that the mental is reflected in the physical and vice versa - physical changes entail mental movements.
The analog principle is universal and is an effective model that allows you to accurately identify and qualify the subtlest nuances in human behavior.
In order for the perception of kinesics (a science that studies the reflection of human behavior in its external manifestations) to be as convenient as possible, we will take the following position as an axiom: "A person's character is his gestures."


OPEN GESTURES - evidence of psychological openness, desire for communication and productive contacts. They appear in uncrossed and open positions of the arms and legs.
Open palms - honesty, frankness.
The palm turned up is a requesting gesture. With this attitude, it is easier to get the request to be fulfilled, as it does not show pressure from the asker.
The palm turned down (looks at the floor) - authority. There is psychological pressure on the part of someone who uses this position.
The palm turned up (the palm below is under the partner's palm) is a willingness to obey, an unconscious signal to the one whose dominance is recognized.
The palm turned down (the palm on top is on the palm of the partner) - the desire to dominate, an attempt to take control of the situation.
Palm side down (vertical position) - equality position.
A way to neutralize a dominant position: If your palm is down, take a step towards the meeting and get closer to your partner. As you get closer, your palm position will naturally change and automatically return to an upright position.
Handshake "glove" (two palms clasp one palm of the interlocutor) - the desire to show your sincerity, friendliness, trust.
The toe of the foot is an indicator of interest - its direction indicates who the person is interested in or finds attractive.
Legs wide apart:
1. In a standing position: aggression, including sexual aggression. Confidence. Readiness for action. Activity.
2. In a sitting position: confidence. Internal relaxation. Demonstration of sexuality.


CLOSED POSITIONS - speak of psychological closeness, a tendency to be fenced off from the situation. They appear as crossed arms and legs.
Arms crossed on the chest - an attempt to hide, to fence off the situation. Negative reaction.
Arms crossed on the chest with palms clenched into fists - an intensified gesture of crossed arms. Hostile attitude. The possibility of a psychic attack.
Crossed hands with fingers tightly squeezing the forearms (grasping the hands) is a negatively suppressed attitude towards the situation.
Crossed arms with thumbs pointing vertically upward - a sense of protection (crossed arms), confidence (showing thumbs).
One hand intercepts the other arm - running vertically along the body - in the forearm, elbow or shoulder area: a lighter form of crossed arms.
Hands are freely lowered, but one kind of shakes the other - an attempt to maintain emotional calm. With one hand, a person makes a gesture, as if he is straightening a button on the sleeve of the other hand, a watch bracelet, a cuff - hidden nervousness.
A man with two hands holds a bouquet of flowers, a purse (women), a cup of tea, etc. - an attempt to hide internal tension, nervousness.
Interlaced fingers, interlocking hands - negative attitude.
Pyramid (palms facing each other, fingertips close) - confidence, confident attitude to something. Hands behind the back:
One hugs the other in the palm area - self-confidence, authority, a sense of superiority.
One hand wraps around the wrist with the other - an attempt at self-control.
One hand intercepts the upper forearm of the other hand - an attempt at self-control, but more pronounced than in the previous case.
The role of the thumb is to demonstrate aggressiveness, strength, pressure, and a sense of superiority.
Hands in pockets, thumbs outside - confidence, conceit, an attacking gesture. Women have aggression, dominant character.
Thumbs sticking out of back pockets are dominant.
Crossing legs (gesture leg by leg) - protection, a tendency towards isolation.
In general, the gesture is interpreted depending on the context of the situation. For example, during a long lecture, a listener in the hall can use a similar position for convenience.
Crossed legs and crossed arms - disapproval, rejection, increased protection.
American position "four" (the ankle of one leg rests on the knee of the other leg) - activity, confidence, self-confidence.
Crossed legs and intertwined toes on the knees - self-concentration, isolation (remember the famous portrait of Dostoevsky).
Crossed ankles - protection, tension, negative attitude, nervousness, fear.


Dynamic I call such positions that cannot qualify as closed or open, since they reflect the mental state of a different spectrum, although outwardly they can represent an imitation of closed or open gestures.
Head straight or slightly raised - neutral position.
The head is slightly raised, the eyelids are slightly closed or the corners of the eyes are narrowed, the gaze is directed downward - arrogance, disdain, superiority.
Head tilted slightly to the side - show of interest.
The head is slightly lowered, the look sullenly, disapproving attitude to the situation, alertness.
Hands behind the head in combination with the position of the legs in the form of a "four" - the desire to demonstrate control of the situation, self-confidence, a sense of superiority.
Extended - excitement, pleasure, expression of interest, including sexual interest.
Narrowed - negative reaction, rejection.
It is aimed at the center of the forehead and does not fall below the eyes of the interlocutor - a business look.
Distributed between the eyes and mouth - a secular look.
Glides from the eyes down the body and back - an intimate look.
Sideways glance:
- in combination with a smile - interest,
- in combination with drooping eyebrows - hostility.
Blinking is often a sign of protection, confusion.
Hands and face
Scratching the chin - thinking and evaluating. Capturing the nose in a pinch slightly below the bridge of the nose in combination with closed eyes is concentration.
The hand at the cheek - the cheek rests on fingers folded into a fist, and the index finger is straightened towards the temple - reflection, thoughtfulness.
The index finger touches the nose, the rest cover their mouth - suspicion, secrecy, mistrust.
Touching or rubbing the nose is deceit on the part of the person who does it.
The index finger touches the cheek and the rest is under the chin - a critical assessment.
The hand strokes the neck - discontent, denial, anger. Protective gesture.
Rubbing an ear is impatience, a desire to interrupt. Nervousness.
The face is slightly bent to the side and rests on the palm or fist - "telephone pose" - an internal monologue. Boredom.
Riding a chair is a demonstration of superiority or aggression.
One leg is raised and rests on something, the body is slightly bent and moved forward - a gesture of the owner, the winner.

Hands rest on the lower back, legs wide apart - a demonstration of aggression and sexual aggression.


Closed formations
The bodies of two interlocutors are located opposite each other, their views are directed at each other - a manifestation of mutual interest, a desire to be only together.
Open formations
Two interlocutors stand at a certain angle in relation to each other, as if forming a certain space where the third can freely enter - a position that allows the participation of one or more interlocutors.
Inclusion and exclusion of a partner from a conversation
Inclusion: in the case of a third partner joining a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn their bodies at an angle in relation to each other and to him, non-verbally inviting the latter to join the conversation.
Exception: in case of an attempt to join a third partner to a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn only their heads in relation to him. But the direction of the bodies remains the same. Which indicates that the third partner is undesirable in this conversation.


SEXUAL GESTURES - represent a manifestation of sexual interest in someone and an unconscious (and sometimes quite conscious) attempt to demonstrate their interest in him or her.
Male sexual gestures
- The hand straightens the tie, collar or touches the throat or touches the hair.
- Thumbs are in the belt.
- The toe of the foot is turned towards the woman who arouses sexual interest.
- An intimate look.
- Hands on hips.
- Legs wide apart, regardless of whether a man is sitting or standing.
Female sexual gestures
- Head tossing.
- Smoothing or touching the hair (hair is a pretty bright sex symbol).
- Exposed wrists.
- Spread legs (standing or sitting).
- Slightly parted mouth and moist lips.
- An intimate look.
- Crossed legs.
Once again I want to remind you that gestures, being a projection of unconscious movements, are capable of exerting the same unconscious effect. Therefore, if you want to express one or another of your aspirations, you can use a gesture for this, but already quite consciously. Your partner will perceive it properly and react accordingly.
For example, sexual gestures not only reflect sexual interest, but also serve as a good way to attract attention and arouse reciprocal interest. If you begin to subtly and gracefully apply these gestures, then they will say about you that you have "sexual magnetism", unaware of the true reasons for your "thoughtful" attractiveness. And this is very important. Even if you do not set yourself the task of finding a suitable sexual partner, it is very important to use this trump card, because sex appeal always contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of business contact due to the revitalization and activation of transfer reactions.



Our entire life, in one way or another, comes into contact with certain influences that we unconsciously have on us or we ourselves also unconsciously have on others. And far from the last place among these natural influences is hypnotic imprinting. In fact, we do not suspect that we are resorting to such an effective method, but we resort to it quite often, if not daily.
A stereotype of hypnosis as a total dream, in which people behave like crazy people, has taken root in our minds. And the hypnotist appears to be a kind of monster that dominates the crowd, the slightest careless gesture of which is enough for hundreds and thousands of people to obey his order without complaint.
In reality, everything happens differently.
The so-called demonstration hypnosis, which is practiced on stage, in a large hall, using all sorts of tricks - exactly what we see so often on TV - is inherently statistical and represents the most primitive form of influence. From a person who engages in such a practice, not art is required, but as many people as possible, because the more people present in the hall, the more likely it is that among them there are people who are highly hypnotizable, who easily and quickly fall into a trance, or somnambulists who fall into a trance at the mere sight of the hypnotist. In addition, among the human congestion, the phenomenon of induction automatically arises - the phenomenon of "mental infection", which contributes to the emergence of a collective trance. This is the law of the crowd, and therefore such a method is defined as statistical.
Take a group of people, say, twenty people, give your face a formidable look and declare that you will now begin to hypnotize them. At least five of them will go into a deep trance state, as many will relax and enjoy, the rest will not react in any way. If you have a group of 100 people, multiply your results by a factor of five. Twenty people will find themselves in a state of pronounced altered consciousness, twenty or forty will experience one or another extraordinary sensation, the rest will show relative neutrality. And personally, you do not have to strain. It will be enough for you to wave your hands a little theatrically and say a phrase with sacred notes in your voice: “Now close your eyes, listen to my silence, focus on your feelings, I charge you with positive energy” or say: “I affect your subconscious and I give it the installation. " After that, you can rest easy until the end of the session.
I say this as a hypnotist with experience working with large audiences and groups.
What may be useful for you is a slightly different form of working with your partner's subconscious.
In the concept that we will use, hypnosis can be presented as a rather powerful means of achieving some special goal. Whatever you do, whether you sell a car or enter into a contract, you can elicit more intense reactions in people. At the same time, your behavior remains natural, unless your communication style becomes more sophisticated.


Can you imagine (or remember) dancing with your partner without paying any attention to him or the melody? If so, you realize very clearly that this is not a dance, but a nightmare. Instead of experiencing a stream of pleasure, you plunge yourself into an abyss of torment. And the reason here is that you have not adjusted to your partner, have not entered into a single resonant rhythm with him. Your communication with him was not congruent.
If you want to communicate effectively, learn to be congruent and learn to adjust.
To be congruent means to be equal to a partner, to be involved, in tune with him, to be an accomplice in that sacrament called communication.
If you are congruent, you are better understood and more often agreed with, even if you say controversial things. Because congruence evokes the sympathy and trust of the subconscious of the one with whom you communicate, and we already know that it is it that controls all our mental processes.
In order to form a congruent position, you need to adjust accordingly.
Adjustment (attachment) - adaptation of one's behavior to the way of behavior of another.
Evolutionary adjustment is a powerful survival mechanism in natural selection. In the animal world, during the mating game, the male who adapts best to the female has a better chance of success. During the mass migration of birds, you can discover how synchronized their flight is.
Watch couples in love. They literally mirror each other. If people are in close emotional contact, they tend to imitate each other's movements, gestures, postures, and behavioral reactions. All this contributes to the creation of a unique education that acts as a whole. No wonder about such cases they say that people understand each other perfectly, if not completely
without words.
When starting to adjust, stick to a certain algorithm. At first, you may feel uncomfortable, awkward, some difficulties, but as you practice, your skills are automated, and you will begin to apply them easily, freely, naturally.


1. Try to take the same postures in which your partner is.
2. Study the rhythm of his movements, gestures. Act in exactly the same rhythm, repeat the same movements and
3. Explore the speech characteristics of the interlocutor:
- Voice volume
- Tempo
- Intonation
Use the same in your speech:
- Volume
- Tempo
- Intonation

Note to 1.

Do not explicitly copy, otherwise it may backfire - your partner will think that you are imitating him, and you will lose contact with him.
- Stick to the general trend: if, for example, he is sitting in a closed position, take the same closed position, but in a different form. Seeing that he is sitting with his arms crossed on his chest, you do not need to make the exact same gesture, you just need to connect your fingers.
- It is best to mirror small movements: hands, facial expressions, etc. Small movements are less conscious and thus your partner will not notice your imitation.

Note to 2.

Stick to the spirit, not the letter. When synchronizing the rhythm, don't try to be a shadow. If your partner's nose is itching, you should not immediately fiddle with yours. A light and involuntary touch of your face with your finger, as if you are straightening your hair, will be enough.

Note to 3.

When it comes to speech, follow the same principles here as in the previous cases. Look for features and subtle nuances, but don't imitate details.
We will define this tuning algorithm as a first-order tuning algorithm, since there are more subtle and therefore more efficient joining methods. But first, master this method. Think about it and be aware of it, if you like, in the form of a diagram:


1. Poses
2. Gestures
3. Speech
Before mastering the following adjustment techniques, we need to become familiar with another important concept - such as representational systems.


The representational system (system of representations, modality, sensory channel) is a system through which the subject perceives and utilizes information coming from the outside world.
Depending on the dominance of a particular method of receiving and processing information, rep-resentative systems can be presented in three main categories:
Visual (perception through visual images)
Audialpaya (perception through auditory impressions)
Kinesthetic (perception through sensations). Each individual, possessing all three modalities, prefers to use one modality with maximum load. This most preferred system is called the main system.


To determine the main representational system, use verbal access keys, that is, the words that your partner uses. Tracking his speech, try to catch what nouns, verbs, adjectives he most often uses, what characteristics of perception convey his designations.
For the visual system, the most adequate words and phrases will be such as:
to consider
from my point of view
angle of view
in focus
I vaguely see the essence of the question
no prospects

If you have an audialist in front of you, then most likely in his speech you will find the following approximately set:
I am listening to you
i listen

A person with a basic kinesthetic modality will often use descriptions of sensory experiences in conversation with you:
grasp the essence of the problem
feel acutely

So, the main representational system is the system that a person uses most often. Besides the main one, there is a leading representational system. It reflects the activity of the brain at the moment, in the “here and now” situation. To determine it, non-verbal (non-verbal) access keys are used, which represent the observation of eye movements.
The fact is that in a conversation, a person constantly makes eyeball movements. You yourself have noticed more than once that in communication the interlocutor's gaze is constantly
moves and never remains stationary. Such movements are called a pattern (from the English, pattern - a grid). It turns out, however, that such movements reflect informational interactions occurring in neural circuits.
Depending on the direction vector, these patterns can be ordered into a specific structure, presented in the following diagram.


Vertically up (as if under the forehead)
To the upper left corner
To the upper right corner
Horizontal - right and left
To the lower left corner
To the lower right corner
The eyes look forward (defocused gaze).
These movements of position are very important, since it is in them that the leading system of ideas manifests itself. In the following table, you will find characteristic matches:

Eye movements
Leading representational system

Vertically up

To the upper left corner
Visual (image recall)

To the upper right corner
Visual (image construction)

Defocused eyes
Visual (image)


To the lower left corner
Auditory (internal hearing)

To the lower right corner
Kinesthetic (fixation of sensations)

To practice identifying non-verbal access keys, ask people you know well a few historical questions.
For instance:
- Do you remember the last time you were in the forest?
- Can you remember:
- your front door
- the first teacher
- first kiss
- the first salary or fee
As you do this, observe your partner's eyes and note their patterns to yourself.
If, before answering your question, he turned his gaze up or up and to the left, this means that he saw an inner picture.
If you notice that his eyes are moving horizontally or to the lower left corner, then he first heard internally what is being said.

If the gaze turned out to be slanted to the right and down, then he first of all tried to evoke a sensation in his memory.
Now that you have information about representational systems as important information channels, you can find out another reason for such frequent ineffective communication.
It is not uncommon for people involved in the communication process to break congruence by literally speaking different languages. This is due to the fact that they do not take into account individual belief systems.
For example, a visual leader asks a kinesthetic-oriented subordinate: “Let's look at this problem. How do you see her? " and thus confuses the latter, since he prefers not to “see” but “feel”. If you are a boss and want to get the most out of your subordinate, use his main and leading representational system. In this case, it is better to ask: "How do you approach this problem?" The next minute you will receive such a stream of productive information that you yourself will be quite surprised. A common mistake can be found among doctors who ask the traditional "medical" question: "How do you feel?" In case the patient is not a kinesthetic, but a visualist or an audiologist, he will tell you only part of the data about himself, while your task is to collect as much information about the client as possible.
Now we come to the second order tuning algorithm, where you:
1. Determine the partner's main representational system.
2. Determine the partner's lead system.
3. Use linguistic means characteristic of its main representation.
4. Repeat after him the movements of the eyes.
Example. X is your partner, Y is you (you are a visualist).
X. I feel that our conversation today may not be very productive. (Makes eyes down
Y. Nevertheless, we can try to overcome some stiffness and more freely approach the problem. (Eyes down to the left - as if mirroring the partner's patterns.)
X. Do you think any of us are pinched?
Y. In any case, nothing prevents us from clinging to an extra opportunity to try to search.
X. Well, let's try. (Eyes down to the right.)
Y. Come on. (Eyes down to the left.)
This example shows how, using adjustment, we can build congruence and correct a situation that started out as unfavorable.
The same example, but without attachment, may fail.
X is your partner, Y is you (you are a visualist).
X. I feel that our conversation today may not be very productive. (Eyes down to the right.)
Y. I don't see any obstacles! (Eyes up to the right.) It seems to me that we could agree.
X. I think it would not be very convenient to discuss this today.
Y. But this is a very promising business. (Eyes up to the right.)
X. I don’t know, I don’t know. (Eyes down to the right.)
The difference between the first and second dialogue (they are taken from real life) has a direct impact on the difference in results.
If we pay attention to the partner's breathing - his rhythm, depth, frequency, and try to breathe in the same way as he does, then the connection will be complete. And we can summarize all this in the tuning algorithm.


1. Poses
2. Gestures
3. Speech
4. Main representational system
5. Leading representational system
6. Verbal access keys
7. Non-verbal access keys
8. Breathing


Adjustment allows you to establish the most congruent relationship with your interlocutor and thereby increase the effectiveness of the contact. But not only. Thanks to her, you take a stronger and more advantageous position that will give you the opportunity to control the situation. In this case, you are able to achieve from the other the desired results and expected reactions that you could not even think about before.
However, such an achievement works under one condition - full accession. Over time, along with trained skills, you will develop a psychological flair to capture the subtle nuances in personal changes, but first, act in accordance with a formula that will help you quickly navigate in a particular position.
The accession occurred if:
1. You change your posture, and your partner, unwittingly adjusting to you, takes the same position.
2. Your partner begins to imitate your gestures and speech.
If you are convinced that these two parameters worked, then you can conclude that you are interesting, they have inner sympathy for you, and you have a chance of success.
You can strengthen your optimal position with a technique such as dribbling.

Leading is a description of the reaction that you want to evoke in your partner, switching the vector of attention to his inner reality. In other words, dribbling is a way of interaction where your opponent, unknowingly, tends to take your side without any criticism or resistance.
When you test how effective your affiliation is, and at the same time make sure that it is effective, then you are already essentially “leading” your partner.
Try to hold on to this lead, recording his willingness to change his behavior depending on yours. And here, be aware of an important rule.
If your partner unconsciously imitates ("mirrors") your postures, gestures, speech features, then by this he unconsciously emphasizes his agreement with your behavior. And by agreeing with your behavior, he will always agree with your thoughts, words, sentences and attitudes.
It is at this moment that you try to fulfill your intentions, which may be associated with the person in whom you are interested.
If you have a business partner with whom you previously experienced problems, then in this situation confidently count on the resolution of these problems. Have you failed to sign or complete a contract? In this situation, success awaits you - without hesitation or hesitation, draw up and sign important papers for you.
The difficult patient will more readily accept and assimilate a suggestion that previously had no effect.
An obstinate wife or husband will willingly agree with those ideas of yours that a few minutes ago would have caused only irritation or outright resistance.
The subordinate will complete the assignment faster, and the boss will more easily meet your wishes.
Without resorting to dramatic effects, you have hypnotized these people.

Note to the "teapot"


There are more than a dozen springs in the Ozone carburetor. The operation of the motor depends on the parameters of some of them (length, stiffness).

Anatoly SUKHOV


Many people are familiar with the "third attempt start syndrome": the motor seizes from a half turn, but then stalls. The next time the starter is turned on, the pattern repeats. In severe frost, the engine sometimes starts to work steadily only from the third or fourth attempt. In warm weather, the engine can be started on the second or even the first attempt, but with a strong "failure" immediately after starting. Most owners of carburetor cars consider this almost the norm. Flushing the carburetor and careful adjustment of the starting clearances "according to the book", as a rule, do not save you from such a misfortune. Usually they use a well-known technique: before starting a cold engine, the gas pedal is pressed several times, while the accelerating pump injects an additional portion of gasoline into the intake manifold. Helps.

Why does the motor suddenly stall, grabbing from a half turn?

The lower the temperature, the weaker the gasoline evaporates and the less its vapors in the cylinders, near the candles. If the mixture is too poor (that is, there is almost pure air in it), then it is difficult to set it on fire with a torch - let alone a spark. Therefore, the carburetor was equipped with a special device that allows, at start-up, to change the ratio of air and gasoline in favor of the latter - to somewhat enrich the mixture. Over-enriched, with an acute shortage of air, it is poorly or does not ignite at all. With the correct operation of the starting device, the mixture near the electrodes of the candles of the optimal composition.

The Zhiguli is equipped with a starting device with an air damper. When it is closed, in the diffusers of the primary chamber and the channels of the idle system, the vacuum increases sharply (in relation to the float chamber) - and additional gasoline is sucked in here. A few revolutions of the crankshaft are enough to obtain an acceptable mixture (the engine makes the first flashes). But if you leave the shutter closed, the mixture, as they say, will be re-enriched - and again will cease to ignite. Keeping its composition within acceptable limits is the task of a simple machine (Fig. 1), in which the diaphragm of the starting device opens the damper, controlled by the vacuum in the intake manifold.

The maximum opening of the air damper by the starting device is indicated in the reference literature and is about 5 mm, depending on the carburetor model. It is this gap that ensures the correct mixture composition when the engine warms up. However, a cold motor and a motor that has been running for at least a few seconds are "two big differences." In the first case, more gasoline should be supplied. If, when opening the air damper for the entire gap, the mixture becomes very lean, the engine will stall. Feedback is needed: as soon as the engine starts to stop (rpm - fall), the air damper should close, enriching the mixture; revs rose - the damper opened again. The starting device is quite capable of this task - after all, the vacuum in the intake manifold depends on the engine speed. So what prevents it from working properly?

By slightly opening the air damper, the starting device overcomes the resistance of the spring 3 of the telescopic rod 1 and the spring 13 of the diaphragm. It is on the stiffness of these springs that the valve opening moment depends. For reliable start-up in any weather, the air damper should fully open at 1200–1500 rpm and fully close below 400–500 rpm, and in the range of 500–1200 rpm, it must be partially open. But imagine that the spring of the telescopic rod has "sagged" over the years of operation, its rigidity has decreased. Now it is easier for the starter to open the air damper - it will open already at a lower vacuum and at the same time it will remain excessively open when the speed drops. In the "extreme" case, the damper will open even at the starting speed from the vacuum in the carburetor diffusers. This is facilitated by the position of its axis - with an offset relative to the center (see Fig. 1). The result is a poor, even non-combustible, starting mixture.

It is not difficult to make sure that the spring rate of the telescopic rod is sufficient. Disconnect the starter from the carburetor (do not lose the rubber O-ring!), Plug the hole in the carburetor body and try to start a cold engine. The air damper should remain closed, and the engine, after an instant “catch”, should stall. It is better to keep an eye on the damper when the air filter cover is removed (do not bring your face closer, there may be a flash in the carburetor!), But you can also observe the rotation of its axis without touching the cover. If the air damper opens slightly with the starting device removed, the telescopic rod spring is too soft and must be replaced (spring or rod). The fact that the motor stalls, barely starting, indirectly indicates this malfunction.

If the spring is too stiff, it also makes starting difficult. Having connected the starting device, make sure that the air damper opens to the prescribed value at engine speed over 1500 per minute; at lower rpm, it can be partially covered (the suction is fully extended!). If a working diaphragm does not have enough strength to open the valve, select a softer spring. In general, the diaphragm mechanism itself may be faulty, which should be checked: is the diaphragm intact, is the joint sealed?

By correctly selecting the spring rate of the telescopic thrust, it is possible to completely eliminate the "start-up syndrome on the third attempt": even in cold weather, the motor starts up with a half-turn, prolonging the life of the battery.

A few words about telescopic rods. Along with the usual design (photo 1a), rods without a protective casing have been produced for many years (photo 1b). The latter never stick, which cannot be said about their predecessors - the slightest distortion or dirt in the "telescope" leads to failure. In addition, to replace the spring, such a rod has to be disassembled, and then again flattened its end and, after several such attempts, thrown away. The spring can be easily removed from the “open” thrust, simply screwing it through the rod and returning it to its place (photo 2). When buying, choose a stiffer traction - the springs can always be shortened a little, especially since in practice they often turn out to be too soft.

Do not forget about the diaphragm spring, which works in conjunction with the telescopic rod spring. When free, it should not be shorter than 17.8 mm. Stiffness is not strictly regulated, but a "crumpled" diaphragm spring will cause the same malfunctions as a too soft telescopic rod spring. Thus, if it is not possible to restore the operation of the starting device by selecting one spring, you can "play" with the second one - the setting method remains the same: with the starting device removed, the air damper must remain closed when the engine is started.


Sluggish acceleration, with a failure, the car reacts badly to "fine" gas operation ... Soon, the smell of gasoline from under the hood may join these symptoms. Do not rush to blame the torn diaphragm of the accelerating pump, it is often just a victim of another malfunction - the mismatch of the stiffness of the two springs located on opposite sides of the diaphragm. Only one is visible - the second is hidden inside a rolled cup on the outside of the diaphragm (Fig. 2). When you press the gas pedal, the cam, located on the axis of the throttle valves, presses the lever of the accelerating pump 1, and that through the diaphragm 4 - on the fuel, pushing it to the nozzle of the sprayer. But gasoline is an almost incompressible liquid, and the throughput of the channels is limited by the diameter of the nozzles. Some kind of damper is needed, otherwise the diaphragm will simply burst. It is the spring 2, sealed in a cup-holder, riveted to the diaphragm plate, serves as it. At the same time, it plays another important role - it extends the fuel injection time, providing a smooth and powerful acceleration, without jerks and dips.

Unfortunately, many diaphragm manufacturers do not bother to select the stiffness of the damper spring, apparently believing that any spring will somehow work. Will it? Recall that in this assembly, two springs work towards each other. The second spring 3 provides a return of the diaphragm to its original position after the gas pedal is released. The space behind the diaphragm is then filled with a new portion of fuel. If the stiffness of the return spring approaches the stiffness of the damper, then the latter simply cannot work, being partially compressed all the time. In this case, a quick rupture of the diaphragm is inevitable.

It is very easy to check the correspondence of the spring rates. If you squeeze the diaphragm with the return spring with your fingers, the latter should be compressed to the stop, and only after that the damper will start working, which, if it is working properly, is not easy to squeeze with your fingers - its rigidity is quite high. It makes no sense to select a damper spring separately for its stiffness - it is difficult to securely seal its clip at home. Better to take the time to select the finished part.

Figure: 1. Launcher: 1 - telescopic thrust; 2 - three-arm lever; 3 - telescopic rod spring; 4 - the choke lever; 5 - axis of the air damper; 6 - thrust of the starting device; 7 - trigger rod; 8 - the body of the starting device; 9 - the diaphragm of the starting device; 10 - starting device cover; 11 - cover screw; 12 - adjusting screw; 13 - spring of the starting device; A - air damper starting gap.

Figure: 2. Accelerator pump: 1 - accelerator pump lever; 2 - damper spring; 3 - returnable spring; 4 - diaphragm.

The ruler of the Russian state in 1682-1689 under two tsars, her young brothers Ivan and Peter, Princess Sofia Alekseevna is one of the most controversial figures in Russian history.

Under Peter the Great and for a long time after his death, Sophia's personality was treated very hostilely, they considered her an enemy of transformations, an intriguer and an ossified defender of "antiquity." But many modern historians emphasize that it was during her reign that the seeds of future Peter's reforms were laid.

The internal political situation in 1682-1689 was extremely difficult, since de jure the tsars were Peter the First and Ivan the Fifth, and de facto the country was headed by Sophia, who was the sister of Ivan and the half-sister of Peter. Between the families of the Tsar's mothers - the Naryshkins and the Miloslavskys - there was constant enmity, the capital was shaken by the riots of the archers, and in such a situation, in the conditions of either conflict or maneuvering between the legal power and the informal power, something successful, but something unsuccessful the policy of Princess Sophia.

“Sofia Alekseevna's reign lasted for seven years. She was a person "more of a man's mind, a full virgin," as one of her enemies put it about her. Historians' judgments about her are not impartial and in most cases are far from similar to each other. Under Peter and after Peter's death, they were very hostile to Sophia's personality, they considered her an enemy of Peter's reforms, an inveterate defender of antiquity and mental darkness. Only at the end of the 18th century are attempts made to remove at least some of the charges against Sophia. "

Philologist and historian Nikolai Alexandrov.

Peter the Great's sister Sophia and her favorite Prince Vasily Golitsyn, who really directed her foreign and domestic policy, were unlucky in our history. A person is prone to simplifications: if not white, then black. This also applies to history.

The reformist image of Peter over time automatically turned his political opponents into retrogrades. Although often it was not about, but only about an elementary struggle for power. This happened with Princess Sophia, who became the ruler of the Russian state for seven years, and with her closest associate. Even the well-known dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron is forced to explain in this regard: "Seeing Golitsyn among the enemies of Peter, most are accustomed to looking at him as an enemy of the reform movement and retrograde."

In fact, Golitsyn was a Westernizer and a supporter of reforms in the European spirit. Moreover, he was one of the most consistent and decisive supporters of Western-style reforms. Sophia, having paved her way to the throne through intrigue, then became far from the worst ruler of Russia.

“The reign of Princess Sofia Alekseevna began with all diligence and justice by all to the delight of the people, so there has never been such a wise government in the Russian state. And the whole state came during her reign seven years later in the color of great wealth, commerce and all kinds of crafts and science also multiplied. "

(Prince Boris Kurakin, diplomat, brother-in-law of Peter the Great, married to the sister of Queen Evdokia Lopukhina).

There is plenty of evidence to support this point. It is known, for example, that during the reign of Sophia and Golitsyn, more than three thousand stone buildings were built in Moscow alone. At that time, the pace was simply unprecedented.

Vasily Golitsyn, who had not only an excellent book education, but also considerable, albeit mostly sad, practical experience in military affairs - in a number of campaigns he failed, faced with shortcomings in the organization of the Russian army - became a consistent supporter of state reforms.

The prince advocated the creation of a regular Russian army according to the most advanced Western models at that time and for the extensive training of Russian nobles abroad. He also believed that the transformation of the state should begin with the liberation of the peasants. But the career of Prince Golitsyn ended with the coming to power of Peter.

“If I wanted to write everything that I learned about this prince, I would never finish; suffice it to say that he wanted to populate the desert, enrich the poor, turn savages into people, cowards into brave men, shepherd's huts into stone chambers. "

De la Neuville, diplomatic agent of the French government about Prince Vasily Golitsyn, Notes on Muscovy, 1689.

In order to understand how it happened that such a strange and atypical situation around the throne developed in Russia, one must recall the prehistory of these events. It all began with the fact that when Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich died, then in 1682 the throne was taken not by the eldest of his brothers, Ivan, but by Peter, who was several years younger. And he took the throne because Patriarch Joachim, the head of the Conservative Party, really did not want the rise of the Miloslavskys, who were associated with Tsar Ivan. He believed that the Naryshkins would pursue a more conservative line, that Peter and the Naryshkins would be under his control, and that in this way he could calmly pursue his policy to strengthen the South Russian and Polish influence.

Thus, the patriarch, with his own hands, placed on the throne the man who seventeen years later actually destroyed the patriarchate in Russia. In addition, Joachim created a dynastic crisis, because soon there was an uprising of the archers, who demanded that Ivan also be king. As a result of all these manipulations, Sophia became regent.

The case with the patriarch is to some extent even typical - manipulative strategies can be very effective in a short time period, but over long periods they can lead to completely unpredictable consequences that go far beyond the thoughts and goals of those who use these strategies. You can recall other similar cases, for example, the fact that Yuri Andropov, as you know, was very supportive of Mikhail Gorbachev, who was then considered an orthodox and moderately conservative member of the Politburo, and then became the largest reformer, who actually destroyed both the CPSU and the USSR.

Or you can recall how Peter the Great was terribly concerned about the problem of succession, decided that the existing order was incomplete, that it was not necessary to automatically transfer the right of inheritance through the male senior line, and the monarch himself must appoint a successor to himself. But as a result, he himself did not leave an heir and did not sign any will, which created a dynastic crisis that did not stop in Russia until the second half of the 19th century. And the first tsar who ascended the throne absolutely legitimately was only Alexander II - before him, every change of power was accompanied by a crisis and was not completely legitimate. That is, Peter's desire to manage the processes with his own hand led to the fact that two different traditions of succession to the throne were mixed and the entire 18th century was left with the opportunity to move from one to the other.

Although, of course, in Russian history there are many such cases when papers were signed, laws were passed, and real life testified to other rules, including the redistribution of power.

In order to understand what the essence of the secret springs of power is, one must first understand such a fundamental problem of humanity as the very general understanding of power. Most simply do not understand what a great power it is, and do not see either its mysticism as the original essence, or its irrational transcendental nature. Power can be a vital necessity and an endless, multifactorial sacrament. This is in many ways real creativity, and no matter whoever holds the dominant instrument of power, villains or geniuses, this is always a significant, fundamental impact on society, country, time. Therefore, in the eyes of many, all power is mysterious, all power is attractive, one might even say sacred. All attempts to understand it from the point of view of legal logic or moral and moral predetermination will always stumble over this deep nature of power as such.

And it is also impossible to understand what is happening to us today and where modern Russia is heading, if you do not learn to carefully, carefully, sometimes even tremulously realize its origins. Therefore, considering the problem as a whole, from Andropov to the patriarchs and princess Sophia, can help caring citizens of Russia think about what every normal person can and should do today in order to get out of this moral sadness, from this spiritual and mental emptiness. There is no other way, because when looking at the face of modern power, many people simply lose heart. And the more we think about history and its lessons, the more optimism and desire will arise to practically influence the present.

And precisely because power in the fog of the past is sacred, mysterious in nature, modern public political and legal mechanisms are being created to somehow keep in check both those in power and those who worship power. However, power is primarily a part of human life and history. And if you take this problem seriously, you will have to think about how three such fundamental hypostases of social life are connected: man, power and freedom.

We are constantly measuring the scale of this or that actually exercised power as an institution that has a procedure, authority, and restrictions. At the same time, we always understand that specific people, specific personalities acted within the framework of their abilities, talents, vocation, purpose, some kind of inner idea or some kind of ideal. And it has always been a manifestation of both power and the essence of human destiny to be a free, creative, creative subject in his personal life, in the life of his generation, his homeland and humanity in general. Therefore, the nature of power cannot be fully and fully technologized, it cannot be one hundred percent spelled out in regulations, rules and constitutions. But the power can be effective, in demand only if there is a possibility to evaluate this person or this group of people ruling at the moment by some rational criteria, to put at least relative control. For this, constitutions and laws are written.

Who, in your opinion, breaks the most laws in Russia - officials or the citizens themselves (not officials)?

. Officials - 77%

. Citizens - 23%

(According to the results of a survey of 1,800 economically active citizens of Russia over eighteen years old on the SuperJob portal).

"Officials - they have more power and less control."

“The more, of course, the officials - they are more tempted to go unpunished if possible.”

"The system is completely like that - right up to the very top."

“Officials violate the law more than ordinary citizens, and they do it against their will: their superiors are pressing.”

“Unfortunately, the point of no return has already been passed. A banal thought, but the system will not destroy itself, the will of the country's highest-ranking officials is needed, but it will not follow, in my opinion, due to their personal interest in the current situation. That is, again, mutual responsibility and general interest in the current state of affairs. "

"Citizens, because there are simply more of them."

"Laws are often not followed simply because they are not known."

(From the comments to the survey on violations of laws in Russia on the SuperJob website).

When discussing power, laws and their violation, one cannot but raise the question of the relationship between formal rules, formal laws and real life in our country. A special regime has developed in Russia, which can be called regime of soft legal restrictions... It is a system in which there are certain written rules, but they do not exist to follow them, but then to break them.

It's like card games, where in some the main goal is to collect as many cards as possible, while in others it is to discard all cards. Likewise, there are rules that work by the fact that they are followed, and those that work by the fact that they are violated. In Russia, violation of the rules is by no means chaotic, but quite systematic. There are certain rules for breaking the rules... Rules are created out of the box so that enforcement is a big problem, and failure to do so gives a competitive edge and some convenience. And the whole life of society is built as a trade of citizens with a bureaucratic mechanism regarding their individual rights to violate the rules. The more such rights you have to violate the written rules, the more opportunities you have, you can expand your business, and you can minimize costs in business, making additional profit.

The same rights to violations include "flashing lights", which have already become the talk of the town in society - as an exception to the rules of the road. Moreover, it is interesting that, like most other similar exceptions, flashing lights create a systemic problem. Because of them, for example, it is impossible to measure speed and issue fines automatically.

The same applies to everything else - in Russia there is no equality, there is no way to automatically check everyone for compliance with the rules. Because different subjects live in different legal regimes: one needs to be given so much, another so much - there is a constant trade. Each level of government has the right to issue rights to violate certain rules. Interestingly, the rules for breaking the rules also change every now and then, they are not static. This allows you to keep each person in constant tension - you cannot acquire excessive autonomy from the system. Today you bought the right to violate the rules, and tomorrow the rules will change, and you will have to prove your right, and you have to pay for this again.

Rules for breaking the rules also create a special hierarchy of the political system. The strongest in it are those who control changes in the rules of violation of the rules - they control not only those who violate the rules, but also those who issue the rights to violate the rules. That is, there are, as it were, three floors: offenders, those who issue the rights to violate the rules, and those who control the activities of both levels.

The trouble is that both in the people's minds and in the outlook of officials, this same pattern is expressed much more clearly. There is behavior according to concepts, and there is behavior according to laws. Today, it is very important for our life to distinguish between the law that regulates relationships between people from the point of view of human freedom, which is a universal measure, and the law, which is increasingly becoming extra-legal.

An illegal law is created in violation of the requirements of both the Constitution as the Basic Law, and law as a system of norms governed by customs and traditions, where moral, ethical and some life foundations are fused, which this right welcomes, consolidates as conditions of stability and development. In addition, a dangerous, harmful, dense and destructive tradition has appeared in Russia for a long time to create a precedent for neglecting the most important right - to human life and dignity, and to consolidate this by codes, regulations, including laws. This tradition must be recognized as a serious illness that requires treatment.

If we turn back to the lessons of history, then it is worth remembering that in 1808 there was a historical meeting in Erfurt between Alexander the First and Napoleon Bonaparte, to which, among others, the young Mikhail Speransky was invited. Then the tsar asked Speransky about his impressions of Europe, and he replied that people are better in Russia, and laws are in Europe. In 1830, already under Nicholas I, Speransky published the "Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire", and in 1832 - the fifteen-volume "Code of Laws", for which Nicholas I personally presented him with the highest order of the empire.

Now Russia has approached the borderline when it no longer makes sense to engage in endless lawmaking, spawning an extra-legal system of governance "by concepts." In Russia there is a real worldview, value, legal base - this is the Russian Constitution. She is often credited with super-presidential powers and insufficient parliamentary functions, and not without reason, but this does not in itself explain all our problems. The constitution is quite reasonable. But most importantly, Russian Federation according to the Constitution - a federal, democratic, secular and legal state. A person, as well as his rights and freedoms, are declared the highest value, and observance, protection and recognition of human and civil rights and freedoms is the duty of the state. And this simple, highly accessible system of rules must be made in demand among citizens.

It is necessary to instill in people the realization that if an official does arbitrariness at work, then after work he goes out into the social world and is faced with the same arbitrariness. We are now in such a historical and cultural situation when one and the same person finds himself in dozens of roles, not realizing that not long ago, an hour ago, he was the bearer of this corporate, extra-legal system of management, and now he himself is becoming a victim of this system. It is necessary that people perceive the situation with corruption not in an abstract way, but to see their own place in this system, both as a source and as a victim of corruption. And power should also be treated not as a despised alien force, but as that reality, within which there will always be a need for change and improvement.

Per last years Russia has adopted not just separate extra-legal laws, but a whole body of legislation has been created that grossly violates the fundamental right, including the Constitution: the law on parties prevents the formation of parties, the law on referendums prevents the holding of referendums, the law on elections prevents the holding of elections and, conversely, encourages fraud. The law on the abolition of gubernatorial elections grossly tramples on the right of the constituent entities of the Federation to form regional power, the law on local self-government prevents the emergence of local self-government in Russia. Dozens of other laws can be cited as examples, in which the law contradicts the law, including that enshrined in the current Constitution.

In this regard, the question arises: the inability of Russian society to create a rule of law, to create and establish the rule of law is a historical track into which we have been sliding all the time since the time of Ivan the Terrible, Princess Sophia and other not always legitimate rulers, or is it the result of motivated and purposeful behavior of the bureaucratic class, imposing illegal order on the entire society? Are we constantly slipping into a rut because it is inherent in our history and culture, or is it the ill will of some corporations and officials?

It is worthwhile to return to history again and remember that in Pushkin's dictionary two concepts are clearly separated: "autocracy" and "autocracy". "Autocracy" is a monarchical power, with its own system of concepts of law and justice. It is autocratic, that is, it is in the same hands, but at the same time it is not autocratic and follows its own rules and laws. And autocracy, as it were, interprets autocracy in the non-legal field as arbitrariness. And now the power in Russia is developing more and more precisely according to the principle of autocracy. That is, the president, ministers, deputies of the State Duma and other representatives of the authorities believe that what they want will be right - they will write on their paper and vote for it.

This is a dramatic situation that is unfolding in front of the population, which is in a kind of "emotional trap". The modern political regime is based on two popular ideas. The first, shared by absolutely everyone, regardless of social status and political views, is that our institutions are very bad, everything is rotten, corruption is everywhere. The second common thought is that it cannot be fixed. People say, “Well, we will overthrow this governor, and another will come. Let's change one thief for another - what's the difference? " People do not believe in a way out and do not see a way out of the vicious circle of arbitrariness and corruption.

This is one of the elements of the so-called institutional trap - a situation where, on the one hand, institutions are bad, and on the other hand, society has adapted to them and some people have learned to benefit from this. Bad institutions impede development, and there is no demand for better institutions. And first of all, the authorities use such a situation and such sentiments. She is within this, she is part of this system. Moreover, the talk that everyone is corrupt does not at all undermine the foundations of this system. Because the statement that everyone is corrupt implies that each person is corrupt at his own level by virtue of his capabilities. One crosses the street in the wrong place, and the other steals an entire oil company - these are, as it were, different levels in the hierarchy of corruption. And of course, it is understood that those who cross the street incorrectly want an oil company, but they simply cannot get it. And climbing the steps in this hierarchy, a person gets more and more rights to violate the rules and more opportunities for corruption.

Every time those who are directly involved in politics and, so to speak, “create”, when they begin to discuss the possibility of creating a rule-of-law state in Russia, they overestimate the possibility of a quick and qualitative improvement of our system of power government. On the other hand, they very quickly lose responsibility for the situation and find themselves either in a position of moral disgust towards the authorities, or in irreconcilable opposition to the authorities, or in deep indifference and life isolation, when a person refuses to actively participate in anything and creates a private living space for himself within the framework of his ideas about dignity, professionalism, honor, friendship, and so on. But the truth is that power has been and remains a process of the life of society, regardless of whether you despise it or not, you morally disgusted with it and withdraw from it, or you struggle with it in opposition by all available means. Therefore, the problem of creating, or rather, not creating a legal state in Russia, is that we have not learned to perceive power as a vital task, without falling into either one or the other or the third extreme. There will always be people who, by virtue of their spiritual qualities, will take on the historical role of public irreconcilable oppositionists. But the absolute majority cannot be infected with impotence and unbelief.

The question arises - what to do? The answer is actually quite simple and clear - first of all, we need to return to the Russian Constitution, especially to its foundations, and learn to strictly follow it. Then the secret springs of power will become apparent, and in such a situation it will already be possible to build a legal state.

V. Dymarsky, V. Ryzhkov. 26 myths about Russia. Lies and secrets of the country.



The training book "The Secret Springs of the Human Psyche" will tell you about amazing phenomena that you did not even know about. It turns out that each of us is subject not only to someone else's influence, but also to psychoprogramming. We are exposed to psychic attacks and psychic viruses every day. Our psyche is an incredibly fragile structure, and it must be protected. You will learn how to do this by familiarizing yourself with the unique psychotechnics of Ernest Tsvetkov, which will help you not only to neutralize the negative impact, but also to learn independently, to program the situations you need, using the reserves of your subconscious.


Starting to write this manual, I am fully aware of the possible scope of application of the knowledge and skills that you will learn from it. Therefore, I reduce theoretical information as much as possible, focusing primarily on practical techniques and a well-developed training system that can give the effect of "immediate action."

Our training course begins with mastering the technique of applied (non-medical) psychoanalysis in order to conduct a fairly quick and productive analysis of the partner's behavior in the course of just one conversation, revealing his ulterior motives and potential intentions.

Using the "secret" information that you have extracted with the help of the mastered analytical techniques, in the process of observing the verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal - body and gesture language) signals of your opponent, you can successfully apply the "built-in" hypnotic forms of your influence on someone's subconscious and thus, through subtle psychological manipulation, form his desired programs for you. Elements of Ericksonian hypnosis, which is also called "hypnosis without hypnosis", will give you new opportunities and significantly expand your sphere of influence among people.

In presenting this material, which may seem new and unfamiliar to you, to facilitate perception and assimilation, I cite below the main points, or "reference points" of the program of our correspondence seminar.



Interpersonal relationships.

Psychological protection.

Partner behavior during negotiations.

Revealing hidden motives.

Latent motives and their unconscious demonstration during a conversation.

Behavior and its connection with the unconscious. Motivation management.

Practical skills:

Psychoanalytic basis:

Basic psychoanalysis

Applied (non-medical) psychoanalysis

Communication analysis

Behavior analysis

Transfer (Transfer) and work with it

Transfer enhancement methods

Kinesics (the science of reflecting human behavior in its external manifestations):

Dynamic analysis of gestures, postures, behavioral maneuvers

- "Language of the body"

Using kinetic knowledge to amplify impact.

Methods of hypnotization in the structure of communication

Hidden hypnotization during conversation

Achieving Specific Results with Hypnotic Imprinting

Working with the partner's subconscious

Partner programming for the desired response

Strengthening partner reactions

Improving contact efficiency

Pinning the program

As an autopsychotraining focused on improving self-regulation of the psychophysical status of the body and the development of creative (creative) resources, you will be offered the developed and tested author's method of "psychosensory synthesis".