Biography by dates. Key dates of life and work d

1755 - Fonvizin entered the noble gymnasium at Moscow University.

1758 , December - Fonvizin was transferred to the upper classes of the gymnasium.

1759 , December - brothers Denis and Pavel Fonvizin visit St. Petersburg (until January 1760). First impression of the theater.

1760 (?)

1761 - publication of the translation of "Moral Fables" by L. Holberg. Publication in the magazine "Useful entertainment". Work on the translation of Voltaire's tragedy "Alzira".

1762 , June - The Fonvizin brothers are promoted to students at Moscow University.

October - Fonvizin leaves the university and goes to serve in the Collegium of Foreign Affairs.

Winter (1762/63) - a trip to Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Translations for the "Collected Best Works" magazine. The release of the first volume of translation of the novel by J. Terrasson "Seth".

1763 - moving to St. Petersburg. Service under the direction of I.P. Elagin. Translation of the novel "Love of Carita and Polydor" by J. J. Barthélemy. The first original poems of Fonvizin: "A message to my servants: Shumilov, Vanka and Petrushka", "A message to Yamshchikov", "To my mind."

1764 - Fonvizin is promoted to titular advisors. Staging of the first comedy "Corion".

1768 - completion of translation and publication of the book "Heroic Virtue, or the Life of Seth".

1769 - promotion to the rank of court counselor and appointment as secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia NI Panin. Translations of "Sydney and Scilly" by D'Arnot and "Joseph" by J. Bitobe. The beginning of cooperation with N. I. Novikov. Completion of work on "Brigadier".

1771 - the creation of the "Word for the recovery of His Imperial Highness the Tsar Tsarevich and Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich."

1772 , August - first production of "The Brigadier" at the court theater in Tsarskoe Selo.

1773 - NI Panin awards Fonvizin an estate in Belarus.

1774 - marriage to Ekaterina Ivanovna Khlopova.

1777 , August - travel to France (to October 1778). Letters to Sister Feodosia, Peter Panin and Yakov Bulgakov. Translation of "Words of Commendation to Marcus Aurelius" by AL Tom.

1779 - appointment to the position of "office of the adviser" at the Secret Expedition. Translation from the French of the book "Ta-Gio, or the Great Science, which contains high Chinese philosophy."

1780 - staging of the comedy "Brigadier" in St. Petersburg.

1781 - takes the place of State Counselor, member of the Public Expedition for Postal Affairs.

1782 - promoted to state councilor and retires.

September - premiere of "Minor" in St. Petersburg.

1783 - publications in the magazine "Interlocutor of lovers of the Russian word". Work on the "Dictionary of the Russian Academy".

1784 - journey to Italy. Edition of "The Life of Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin" in French.

1785 - continued travel to Italy, the first apoplectic stroke. Visiting Austria, Germany. Translation from German "Discourse on national curiosity" by IG Zimmerman. Return to Moscow.

1786 - creation of the story "Callisthenes".

June - travel to Austria.

1787 - publication of the fable "The Fox-Treasurer".

August - return to Russia.

1788 - preparation of articles for the magazine "Friend of honest people, or Starodum". Writing an article "Opinion on the election of plays in" Moscow works "".

1789 , June - September - visiting Riga, Baldon, Mitava.

1790 , November December - arrival from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

1791 - creation of "Discourse on the vain human life", dedicated to the death of Prince GA Potemkin-Tavrichesky. Unfinished "Sincere confession in my deeds and thoughts." Drive to Polotsk.

The main dates of the life and work of I.S. Turgenev

1818, October 28 (November 9 of the new style) - The birth of I. S. Turgenev, "in Orel, in his house at 12 o'clock in the morning."

1833, September 20 - Turgenev was accepted as a native student in the language department of the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow University.

1834, July 18 - Turgenev is transferred to the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg University.

1837, autumn - Receives a candidate's degree.

1838, early April - Issue No. 1 of Sovremennik with Turgenev's poem "Evening".

1840, February - early May - Travel to Italy, friendly relations with Stankevich.

1841, spring - Turgenev finishes his studies at the University of Berlin and returns to Russia.

1841, summer - In Spassky-Lutovinovo, Turgenev is getting closer to A.E. Ivanova.

1841, October 10-16 - Turgenev visits Premukhino. Beginning of a love affair with T. A. Bakunina.

1842, April - May - Passing master's examinations in philosophy and Latin literature at St. Petersburg University.

1843, end of February - Acquaintance with Belinsky.

1844, summer - Close rapprochement between Turgenev and Belinsky. Acquaintance with Nekrasov.

1846 - Publication of the "Petersburg Collection" with Turgenev's story "Three Portraits" and the poem "Landowner".

1846, end of the year - Transfer of the Sovremennik magazine into the hands of Nekrasov and Panaev.

1847 - The first book of Sovremennik contains the essay “Khor and Kalinich” from “Notes of a Hunter”.

1852, May 18 - After a month's imprisonment, Turgenev was exiled to Spasskoye-Lutovinovo under police supervision.

1853, March - Turgenev's secret ten-day trip to Moscow to meet with P. Viardot.

1854, autumn - Turgenev hunts with Nekrasov in Spassky-Lutovinovo.

1855, January - Turgenev at the anniversary of Moscow University, visits Granovsky, A. N. Ostrovsky, Aksakovs.

1855, November 19 - L. N. Tolstoy returns from Sevastopol and stays at Turgenev's apartment in St. Petersburg.

1856, summer - Turgenev's trip to Pokrovskoye to M.N. Tolstoy. Work on the story "Faust".

1856, mid-October - Turgenev leaves for France.

1857 - A falling out with Pauline Viardot.

1859 - The first issue of Sovremennik published the novel “Noble Nest”.

1859, mid-September - Turgenev returns to Petersburg, then - to Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. Working on the novel "On the Eve".

1860 - In the first and second issues of MN Katkov's "Russian Bulletin" the novel "On the Eve" is published. Turgenev's falling out with Nekrasov and leaving the editorial board of the Sovremennik magazine.

1860, August - Formulary list of characters in the novel "Fathers and Sons", compiled by Turgenev during sea swimming in the city of Ventnor on the Isle of Wight.

1862 - Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons is published in the February book of the Russian Messenger.

1867, mid-April - The third book of the "Russian Bulletin" with Turgenev's novel "Smoke" is published.

1870, July 3. - With the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war, Turgenev, together with the Viardot family, leaves Baden-Baden and moves to England.

1871, February 13 - Turgenev arrives in St. Petersburg. He meets Stasov, reads the story "Burmister" in the artists' club.

1873, July - Turgenev, together with the Viardot family, hires a country villa "Ash" in Bougival.

1877 - Turgenev's novel "Nov" is published in the January and February books of Vestnik Evropy.

1879 - March - Honoring Turgenev in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The writer's decision to return to Russia.

1879, from 3 to 10 June - Turgenev in England for the award of a doctorate of ordinary character from the University of Oxford.

1881, summer - Turgenev's last visit to Spasskoye. A visit to Spassky by L. N. Tolstoy, D. V. Grigorovich, M. G. Savina.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Turgenev author Lebedev Yuri Vladimirovich

The main dates of the life and work of I.S. Turgenev 1818, October 28 (November 9 of a new style) - The birth of I. S. Turgenev, "in Orel, in his house at 12 o'clock in the morning."

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BASIC DATES OF THE LIFE AND CREATIVITY OF N. A. Nekrasov 1821 - November 28 (December 10 according to the new style) in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province in the family of Alexei Sergeevich and Elena Andreevna Nekrasov, a son Nikolai was born. 1824 - The Nekrasovs moved to the ancestral Greshnevo of Yaroslavl

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The life and work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, the great writer of the 19th century, is distinguished by its originality and uniqueness. Especially for those who are interested in the fate of this classic of literature, a chronological table of Dostoevsky was compiled, with the help of which you can easily and briefly familiarize yourself with the events that took place in his life. This material is suitable for both students and ordinary lovers of literature. Using this source, you will study Dostoevsky's complete biography by date. Here you will discover little-known facts that will become the highlight of your report or abstract. But, of course, the main role is assigned to the main events and works of F.M. Dostoevsky in the chronological table.

1834-1837 - Study of the brothers Fedor and Mikhail Dostoevsky at the boarding house of L. I. Chermak.

1837, winter - Death of Dostoevsky's mother.

1839, early summer - Death of Dostoevsky's father.

1844, June-July - In the 6th and 7th books of the "Repertoire and the Pantheon", O. de Balzac's story "Eugene Grande" was published in Dostoevsky's translation.

1845, end - The story "The Double" has been written.

1847, spring - Dostoevsky becomes a permanent member of the Petrashevsky circle.

1848 - The novel "White Nights" has been written.

1849 - The novel "Netochka Nezvanova" has been written.

1854, autumn - Acquaintance of Dostoevsky with the regional prosecutor A. Ye. Wrangel.

1859, 2nd half of December - Return of Dostoevsky from exile to St. Petersburg.

1859 - Completed "Uncle's Dream" and "Stepanchikovo Village and Its Inhabitants."

1860 - The novel "Notes from the House of the Dead" was written;

the first collection of Dostoevsky's works in 2 volumes, published by P.A. Osnovsky, was published in Moscow.

acquaintance with A.P. Suslova.

1862, summer - Dostoevsky's trip to Europe.

1863 - The series "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" was released.

1864 - "Notes from the Underground" have been written.

1867-1868 - Dostoevsky and his wife are being held abroad.

1867 - Dostoevsky's three-month-old daughter Sophia dies in Geneva

the novel "Crime and Punishment" was written.

1868 - The "Russian Bulletin" magazine published the novel "The Idiot".

1870 - The story "Eternal Husband" has been written.

1872 - Completed the writing of the novel "Demons".

1873-1874 - Dostoevsky is the editor of the weekly "Citizen", from which the general reader becomes aware of the "Writer's Diary".

1875, August 12 - The Dostoevskys have a son, Alexei, who dies three years later from epilepsy.

1877, December 2 - Dostoevsky was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Department of Russian Language and Literature.

1880 - Completed the writing of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov".

1881 Feb 1 / Feb 9 - The burial of the writer at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

The most popular materials in February for your class.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - Russian prose writer, thinker and publicist who, in his work, raised the most important problems of spiritual life and expanded the boundaries of a realistic depiction of a person. Dostoevsky's focus was on the theme of the struggle between "God and the devil" in the human soul, for the artistic recreation of which he developed new methods of psychological analysis. The writer himself called his creative style “fantastic realism”.

F. Dostoevsky's life in dates and facts

1837 g.- entered the St. Petersburg Engineering School. In the same year, the writer's mother died, and two years later, under mysterious circumstances, his father passed away. After their death, Dostoevsky renounced the right to inherit land and serfs.

1843 g.- completed a full course of study in the higher officer class and was enrolled in the engineering corps under the St. Petersburg engineering team, but the next year he left military service and devoted himself to literary creativity.

1845 g.- debuted as a novel "Poor people", which was highly praised in literary circles.

1846 g.- met M. Petrashevsky, a follower of the teachings of the French utopian philosopher S. Fourier, and became a member of a secret political circle, whose members set themselves the goal of implementing a "coup in Russia" and were engaged in the dissemination of illegal propaganda literature.

April 23, 1849- Dostoevsky was arrested for participation in the activities of this circle and sentenced to death as "one of the most important" conspirators.

December 22, 1849- a staged procedure was held in St. Petersburg to replace the execution of the "rebels" with a less severe sentence: a minute before the execution, the writer and his comrades were announced that they had been sentenced to four years of hard labor with further military service. The period of punishment, which lasted ten years, enriched Dostoevsky with invaluable spiritual and life experience, which in the future fed all his creativity. Immediate impressions of being in hard labor are reflected in his famous "Notes from the House of the Dead"(1862).

1857 g.- the wedding of F. Dostoevsky and M. Isaeva took place. This marriage turned out to be unhappy and ended with the death of Isaeva in 1864.

1859 g.- thanks to the efforts of friends, the writer got the opportunity to return to St. Petersburg and again engage in literary activity.

First half of the 1860s -together with his brother Mikhail, he published the magazines "Time" (1861-1863) and "Epoch" (1864-1865). Journalistic work not only gave impetus to the development of journalistic talent of the writer, but also inspired him to create novels "with sequel", which could be published in parts in periodicals. The first such work was the novel "Humiliated and offended"(1861).

1864 g.- there was a "story-paradox" "Notes from the Underground", in which for the first time appeared the type of "underground man" that was significant for Dostoevsky's work. In the same year, the elder brother of the writer died, whose debts he took upon himself. Material from the site

1866 g.- Dostoevsky married his secretary-stenographer A. Snitkina, who became a faithful companion until the end of his life. This year is dated "Crime and Punishment" - the first in the five of his top novels, which also includes novels "Idiot"(1868), "Demons" (1872), "Teenager"(1875) and The Brothers Karamazov(1879-1880).

During 1876 - 1878.- published my monthly "Writer's Diary", in which he acted as a philosopher, moralist and preacher.

1880 g.- at a meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, he read Pushkin's speech, which became a bright event in the cultural life of the country.

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