Oblomov and Stolz: Comparative Characteristics. Literature lesson on the topic: "Oblomov and Stolz

The novel "Oblomov" is one of the iconic works of the 19th century, covering many social and philosophical themes. An important role in revealing the ideological meaning of the work is played by the analysis of the relationship in the book of the two main male characters. In the novel "Oblomov" the characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reflects their completely different natures, opposed by the author.
According to the plot of the work, the heroes are best friends from an early age, helping each other as much as possible even in adulthood: Stolz Oblomov - by solving many of his pressing problems, and Ilya Ilyich to Andrei Ivanovich - with pleasant conversations that allow Stolz to return peace of mind.

Portrait characteristics of heroes

Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz in Goncharov's novel Oblomov are given by the author himself and is most remarkable when comparing their portrait characteristics, as well as characters. Ilya Ilyich is a soft, quiet, kind, dreamy, reflective goof who makes any decision at the behest of his heart, even if his mind leads the hero to the opposite conclusions. The appearance of the introverted Oblomov fully corresponds to his character - his movements are soft, lazy, round, and the image is inherent in excessive effeminacy, not typical for a man.

Stolz, both internally and externally, is completely different from Oblomov. The main thing in the life of Andrei Ivanovich is the rational grain, in all matters he relies only on reason, while the dictates of the heart, intuition and the sphere of feelings for the hero are not only something secondary, but are also inaccessible, incomprehensible to his rational reflections. Unlike Oblomov, "flabby beyond his years", Stolz seems to consist of "bones, muscles and nerves." His life is a rapid race forward, an important attribute of which is the constant self-development of the individual and continuous work. The images of Oblomov and Stolz seem to be a mirror image of each other: active, extroverted, successful in society and in the career field, Stolz is contrasted with the lazy, apathetic, unwilling to communicate with anyone, let alone re-enter the service, Oblomov.

Differences in raising heroes

When comparing Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, as well as for a better understanding of the characters' images, it is important to briefly describe the atmosphere in which each of the characters grew up. Despite the "addictive", as if covering with a shroud of half-sleep and laziness, Oblomovka's environment little Ilya was a cheerful, active and curious child, which at first is very similar to Stolz. He wanted to learn as much as possible about the world around him, but the excessive care of his parents, the "hothouse" upbringing, the inculcation of obsolete, obsolete and aimed at the ideals of the past, made the child a worthy successor of the traditions of "Oblomovism", the bearer of the "Oblomov" worldview - introverted, living in his own illusory world.

However, Stolz also did not grow the way he could have grown. At first glance, the combination in his upbringing of the strict approach of a German father and the tenderness of a noble mother of Russian origin would allow Andrei to become a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Nevertheless, as the author points out, Stolz grew "a cactus accustomed to drought." The young man lacked love, warmth and gentleness, since he was mainly raised by his father, who did not believe that a man needed to be instilled in sensitivity. However, Stolz's Russian roots until the end of his life were looking for this warmth, finding it in Oblomov, and then in the idea of \u200b\u200bOblomovka, which he denied.

Hero education and career

The inconsistency of the characters of Stolz and Oblomov manifests itself already in his youth, when Andrei Ivanovich, trying to learn as much as possible about the world around him, tried to instill in Ilya Ilyich a love of books, ignite a flame in him that would make him strive forward. And Stolz succeeded, but for a very short time - as soon as Oblomov remained on his own, the book became less important for him than, for example, a dream. Somehow, more likely for his parents, Ilya Ilyich graduates from school, and then the university, where he was absolutely not interested, since the hero did not understand how mathematics and other sciences could be useful to him in life. Even a single failure in the service was the end of his career for him - it was too hard for the sensitive, soft Oblomov to rebuild under the strict rules of the capital world, far from the norms of life in Oblomovka.

Stolz, on the other hand, with his rational, active outlook on the world, is much easier to move up the career ladder, because any failure was more likely another incentive for him than a defeat. Andrei Ivanovich's continuous activity, high efficiency, ability to please others made him a useful person at any workplace and a pleasant guest in any society, and all thanks to the purposefulness laid down by his father and the continuous thirst for knowledge, which his parents developed in Stolz as early as childhood.

Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz as carriers of two opposite principles

In the critical literature, when comparing Oblomov and Stolz, it is widely believed that the characters are two opposites, two types of “superfluous” heroes who, in their “pure” form, cannot be found in real life, even though Oblomov is a realistic novel , and, therefore, the described images must be typical images. However, when analyzing the upbringing and formation of each of the characters, the reasons for Oblomov's apathy, laziness and dreaminess become clear, as well as excessive dryness, rationality, even a similarity with a certain Stolz mechanism.

Comparison of Stolz and Oblomov makes it possible to understand that both heroes are personalities not only typical of their time, but also tendentious images for any time. Oblomov is a typical son of wealthy parents, brought up in an atmosphere of love and heightened care, shielded by his family from the need to work, decide something and actively act, because there will always be "Zakhar" who will do everything for him. Stolz, on the other hand, is a person who is taught from an early age to the need to work and work, while being deprived of love and care, which leads to a certain inner callousness of such a person, to a misunderstanding of the nature of feelings and emotional deprivation.

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Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts



"A man of average height, pleasant appearance, softness prevailed in his face, his soul shone openly and clearly in his eyes", "flabby beyond his years"

"All composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse", thin, "even complexion", expressive eyes


"Stolz is only half German, after his father: his mother was Russian"


The upbringing was patriarchal in nature, passed "from embraces to the embraces of relatives, friends"

The father brought up tough, accustoming to work, "the mother did not quite like this labor, practical education"

Attitude towards learning

He studied "out of necessity", "serious reading tired him", "but the poets hurt him ... for a living"

"He studied well, and his father made him an assistant in his boarding house"

Further education

He spent up to 20 years in Oblomovka

Stolz graduated from university


"Lying at Ilya Ilyich's was a normal state"

"Participates in some kind of company that sends goods abroad", "he is incessantly on the move"


Didn't do business in the village, earned little income and lived in debt

“Lived on budget”, constantly controlling my expenses

Life aspirations

"Preparing for the field", thinking about his role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded social activities from his dreams, his ideal was a carefree life in unity with nature, family, friends

Having chosen an active principle in his youth, he did not betray his desires, "work is an image, content, element and purpose of life"

Views on society

All "members of society are dead, sleeping people", they are characterized by insincerity, envy, the desire by any means to "get a loud rank"

Immersed in the life of society, a supporter of professional activities, which he himself does, supports progressive changes in society

Attitude towards Olga

I wanted to see a loving woman capable of creating a serene family life

Brings up in her an active principle, the ability to fight, develops her mind


He considered Stolz his only friend, able to understand and help, heeded his advice.

He highly appreciated the moral qualities of Oblomov, his "honest, faithful heart", loved him "firmly and ardently", saved him from the swindler Tarantiev, wanted to revive him to an active life


Constantly doubted himself, this manifested his dual nature

Confident in his feelings, deeds and actions, which he subordinated to cold calculation

Character traits

Inactive, dreamy, slovenly, indecisive, lazy, apathetic, not devoid of subtle emotional experiences Oblomov and Stolz... Problem tasks Group Be able to compose comparative characterization Oblomov and Stolz... ... Frontal, group Be able to compose comparative characterization Oblomov and Olga, to reveal ...

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  • Oblomov Stolz
    origin from a wealthy noble family with patriarchal traditions. his parents, like grandfathers, did nothing: serfs worked for them from a poor family: father (Russified German) was the manager of a rich estate, mother is an impoverished Russian noblewoman
    education his parents accustomed him to idleness and peace (they did not allow him to pick up the dropped thing, dress, pour himself water) labor in the dumping was a punishment, it was believed that he had the stigma of slavery. the family had a cult of food, and after eating, a deep sleep his father gave him the upbringing that he received from his father: he taught him all the practical sciences, forced him to work early, and sent his son, who had graduated from the university, away from him. his father taught him that the main thing in life is money, strictness and accuracy
    pledged program vegetation and sleep-passive beginning energy and vigorous activity - active principle
    characteristic the kind, lazy one worries most about his own peace. happiness for him is complete peace and good food. he spends his life on the sofa with his comfortable robe on. does nothing, has no interest in anything. loves to withdraw into himself and live in the world of dreams and dreams created by him. the amazing childish purity of his soul and introspection, worthy of a philosopher the embodiment of gentleness and meekness. strong and intelligent, he is in constant activity and does not shy away from the dirtiest work. thanks to his hard work, willpower, patience and enterprise, he became a rich and famous person. a real "iron" character was formed. but in some way he resembles a machine, a robot, his whole life is so clearly programmed, verified and calculated in front of us is a dryish rationalist
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    • Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to compose detailed psychological portraits. Female images in the novel were no exception. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the method of oppositions and the system of antipodes. These pairs can be called "Oblomov and Stolz" and "Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna". The last two images are complete opposites of each other, their [...]
    • Andrey Stolts is Oblomov's closest friend, they grew up together and carried their friendship through life. It remains a mystery how such dissimilar people with such different outlooks on life could maintain a deep affection. Initially, the image of Stolz was conceived as a complete antipode to Oblomov. The author wanted to combine German prudence and the breadth of the Russian soul, but this plan was not destined to be realized. As the novel developed, Goncharov realized more and more clearly that under these conditions it was so simple [...]
    • In his novel Oblomov, the remarkable Russian prose writer of the second half of the 19th century, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, reflected the difficult time of transition from one era of Russian life to another. Feudal relations, the estate type of economy were replaced by the bourgeois way. For centuries, the established views of people on life were crumbling. The fate of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov can be called an "ordinary story" typical of landowners who lived serenely at the expense of the labor of serfs. The environment and upbringing made them weak-willed, apathetic people, not [...]
    • Oblomov's image in Russian literature closes the row of "superfluous" people. An inactive contemplator, incapable of active actions, at first glance really seems incapable of a great and bright feeling, but is this really so? In the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, there is no place for global and cardinal changes. Olga Ilyinskaya, an extraordinary and beautiful woman, strong and strong-willed nature, undoubtedly attracts the attention of men. For Ilya Ilyich, an indecisive and timid person, Olga becomes an object [...]
    • IA Goncharov's novel is all permeated with various opposites. The reception of the antithesis on which the novel is built helps to better understand the character of the characters, the author's intention. Oblomov and Stolz are two completely different personalities, but, as they say, opposites converge. They are connected by childhood and school, which you can learn about in the chapter “Oblomov's Dream”. From it it becomes clear that everyone loved little Ilya, caressed, did not let him do anything himself, although at first he was eager to do everything himself, but then they resorted to him [...]
    • In the novel "Oblomov" the mastery of Goncharov as a prose writer was fully manifested. Gorky, who called Goncharov "one of the giants of Russian literature," noted his special, plastic language. The poetic language of Goncharov, his talent for figurative reproduction of life, the art of creating typical characters, compositional completeness and the enormous artistic power of the picture of Oblomovism and the image of Ilya Ilyich presented in the novel - all this contributed to the fact that the novel "Oblomov" took its rightful place among the masterpieces [...]
    • In the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov” one of the main methods for disclosing images is the method of antithesis. With the help of opposition, the image of the Russian master Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is compared with the image of the practical German Andrei Stolz. Thus, Goncharov shows what is the similarity and what is the difference between these heroes of the novel. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a typical representative of the Russian nobility of the 19th century. His social position can be briefly characterized as follows: “Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, [...]
    • There is a type of book where the reader is carried away by the story not from the first pages, but gradually. I think Oblomov is just such a book. Reading the first part of the novel, I was inexpressibly bored and did not even imagine that Oblomov's laziness would lead him to some kind of sublime feeling. Gradually, the boredom began to go away, and the novel gripped me, I read it with interest. I have always liked books about love, but Goncharov gave it an interpretation unknown to me. It seemed to me that boredom, monotony, laziness, [...]
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  • 1. Childhood impressions and personality traits.
    2. Central ideas in worldviews.
    3. Debunking myths.

    In the novel Oblomov, A. A. Goncharov created images of two people, each of whom is in many ways a typical representative of a certain circle of people, an exponent of ideas that were close to the corresponding strata of contemporary society. Andrei Stolts and Ilya Oblomov, at first glance, seem to have nothing in common, except for the memories of children's games. And yet, no matter how appreciated these characters in Goncharov's novel, it is impossible to deny that they are connected by a sincere, disinterested friendship. What's the matter here? Do the dreamy bummer Oblomov and the calculating businessman Stolz attach so much importance to the past that it continues to unite them in the present, when their paths, in fact, diverged? After all, they both met many other people in life. But the old friendship, as it is easy to see, after reading the novel to the end, will survive even Oblomov's early death: Stolz willingly takes care of raising the son of a deceased friend.

    Indeed Oblomov and Stolz are strikingly different from each other in their way of life. In Stolz's view, the essence of being lies in movement: "Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine." Oblomov, having not yet begun any business, already dreams of peace, which he already has enough: "... Then, in honorable inaction, enjoy a well-deserved rest ...".

    For a while Oblomov and Stolz were brought up together - in the school, which was kept by Andrey's father. But they came to this school, one might say, from different worlds: the undisturbed, once and for all established order of life in Oblomovka, similar to a long afternoon nap, and the active labor education of a German burgher, interspersed with the lessons of a mother who was struggling to instill to my son love and interest in art. Little Oblomov's gentle parents were afraid to let go beyond their own porch, and suddenly what would happen to their beloved child: the child is used to living, waving his hand at alluring, but painfully troublesome adventures. Stolz's mother, it should be noted, would gladly follow the example of Ilya's parents, fortunately, Andrei's father turned out to be a much more practical person and gave his son the opportunity to show independence: "What kind of child is he if he has never broken his own or another's nose?"

    Both Oblomov's parents and Stolz's parents, of course, had certain ideas about how the life of their children should develop in the future. However, the main difference is that Oblomov was not taught to set goals and go towards them, and Stolz perceives this need naturally and sensibly - he knows how not only to make a choice, but also to diligently achieve results: “Above all, he put perseverance in achieving goals : it was a sign of character in his eyes, and people with this persistence he never denied respect, no matter how important their goals were.

    It is also important to note how Oblomov and Stolz relate to life in general. According to Oblomov's own feeling, his existence is more and more like a fruitless wandering in a forest thicket: no path, no ray of the sun ... "Someone seemed to have stolen and buried in his own soul the treasures brought to him by the world and life." Here is one of Oblomov's main miscalculations - he subconsciously seeks to blame responsibility, his failures, his inaction on someone else: on Zakhar, for example, or on fate. And Stolz “attributed the cause of all suffering to himself, and did not hang it like a caftan on someone else’s nail”, therefore “he also enjoyed joy like a flower plucked along the way, until he wilted in his hands, never drinking his cup to that drop of bitterness which lies at the end of all enjoyment. " However, all of the above does not yet shed light on the foundations of strong friendship among people so different in their habits and aspirations. Apparently, their sincere, warm relationship to each other is rooted in the fact that both Stolz and Oblomov are in essence worthy people, endowed with many high spiritual qualities. It would seem that Stolz is a business man, he should strive to profit from everything, but his attitude towards Oblomov is devoid of any calculations. He sincerely tries to get his friend out of the swamp of apathy and inactivity, since Stolz is sincerely convinced that the existence that Oblomov leads is slowly but surely ruining him. As a man of action, Stolz always takes an active part in Oblomov's fate: he introduces his friend to Olga, he suppresses the intrigues of Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich, he puts in order Oblomov's estate, and finally, he takes on the education of the son of his early deceased friend. Stolz strives to do everything he can to change Oblomov's life for the better. Of course, for this, first it would be necessary to change the nature of Ilya Ilyich, but this is within the power of God alone. And it is not Stolz's fault that most of his efforts were in vain.

    We can say that in Stolz everything that sleeps in Oblomov has reached a high degree of development: its implementation in business, his sensitivity to art and beauty, his personality. This, like Andrey's sincere, benevolent attitude, of course, resonates in the soul of Ilya, who, despite his laziness, has not lost his spiritual nobility. Of course, we see that Ilya Ilyich is ready to trust everyone around him: the scoundrel Tarantiev, the crook Ivan Matveyevich Pshenitsyn. At the same time, he trusts Andrei, a childhood friend, incomparably more - Stolz really deserves this trust.

    However, in literary criticism and the minds of many readers, there are still myths about the positive and negative in the images of Oblomov and Stolz. The unambiguity of such myths leads to the fact that Stolz is often interpreted as a negative hero, whose main interest lies in the acquisition of money, while Oblomov is almost proclaimed a national hero. If you read the novel carefully, it is easy to notice the flaw and injustice of this approach. The very fact of Stolz's friendship with Oblomov, the constant help that the supposedly heartless businessman is trying to provide to his friend, should completely dispel the myth that Stolz is an antihero. At the same time, Oblomov's kindness, "pigeon tenderness" and dreaminess, which, of course, evoke sympathy for this character, should not obscure from readers the unsightly aspects of his existence: inability to organize himself, useless projection and aimless apathy.

    No matter how we relate to the heroes of Goncharov's novel Oblomov, we must remember that the author created images of living people, in whose characters, of course, there are various qualities, both worthy and those that may not seem to us as such. And yet one should not close our eyes to the fact that it is Stolz, who is sometimes regarded as a not too noble person, who works, benefits himself and others, while Oblomov not only does not suit the life of the peasants who depend on him, but also himself sometimes it is a burden.

    Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov is a remarkable Russian realist writer. His work has firmly entered the classical literature of our country. The originality of his artistic world is, according to N.A. Dobrolyubov, in the fact that he was able to embrace in his work the full image of the subject, sculpt, mince it.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bGoncharov in the novel "Oblomov"

    In his novel, Ivan Alexandrovich condemns the noble inactivity. Oblomov's characterization in the novel "Oblomov" proves this, and soon you will see this. The author salutes the businesslike entrepreneurial class that was emerging at that time. For Goncharov, Oblomov's character is essential to his lordly pampering, as well as the inactivity resulting from it, the impotence of will and mind. The image of this hero under the hand of such an eminent master has resulted in a broad picture, in which the reader is presented the pre-reform life of the country's local nobility. The work was written more than 100 years ago, but it still attracts attention. This novel is undoubtedly a classic work created by the wonderful Russian language.

    Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

    What is the characteristic of Oblomov in the novel Oblomov? After reading it, everyone probably wants to understand who is closer in spirit to him: Stolz or Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov's characterization, at first glance, is devoid of attractiveness. In the novel, this hero appears as a man of not his first youth. He tried to serve in the past, but withdrew from any activity and became unable to return to it. He does not want not only to do something, but even to be in society, go for a walk, get dressed, just get off the couch. The serene state of this hero is violated only by visitors who come only with selfish ends to Oblomov. For example, Tarantiev simply steals from him, borrowing money and not returning it. Oblomov turns out to be a victim of his visitors in the work, because he cannot understand the true purpose of their visits. The only exception is Stolz, a friend of his youth, who comes to visit him in Oblomovka.

    However, Oblomov's characterization is not so unequivocally negative. We will return to it later.

    Andrey Ivanovich Stolts

    Stolz is the opposite of this hero in the novel. Goncharov portrayed him as a "new man". Stolz from childhood was brought up in harsh conditions, gradually getting used to the difficulties and hardships of life. He is a businessman, alien to both official careerism and laziness of the nobility, who is distinguished by such a level of culture and such activity that at that time were not characteristic of the Russian merchants. Apparently, not knowing where to find such a person among the Russian business people, Goncharov decided to make his hero the offspring of a semi-German family. Stolz, however, was raised by a Russian mother, who was a noblewoman, and also studied at the capital's university. This hero believes that through the construction of highways, fairs, marinas, schools, patriarchal "scraps" will turn into income-generating comfortable estates.

    Views on Oblomov's life

    The characteristic of Oblomov is not only apathy marked. This hero is trying to "philosophize". Ilya Ilyich opposes the sincerity and kindness of the patriarchal life to the moral depravity of the representatives of the bureaucratic and noble society of the capital. He condemns him for striving for careerism, lack of serious interests, covered by ostentatious courtesy of mutual hostility. In this respect, the author of the novel agrees with Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov's characterization is complemented by the fact that he is a romantic. This hero dreams mainly of quiet family happiness.

    Stolz's attitude towards life

    On the contrary, Stolz is the enemy of the "dream", everything mysterious and enigmatic. However, he means by "dream" not only rosy romance, but all kinds of idealism. The author, explaining the beliefs of this hero, writes that in his eyes that which is not subjected to the analysis of practical truth, experience, is an optical illusion or fact, to which the turn of experience has not yet reached.

    The meaning of a love conflict in revealing the characters of the main characters

    A comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz would be incomplete if we did not reveal the topic of the relationship of these heroes with Olga Ilyinskaya. Goncharov introduces his characters into a love conflict in order to experience them with life itself, which will show what each of them is worth. Therefore, the heroine of "Oblomova" was supposed to be an outstanding personality. In Olga Ilyinskaya, we will not find any secular coquetry, no lordly quirks, nothing mannered, with a purpose made for success in life. This girl is distinguished by her beauty, as well as natural freedom of action, speech and look.

    Both main characters created by Goncharov are defeated in a love relationship with this woman, each in its own way. And this reveals the inconsistency of the author's illusions in the assessment of both. Oblomov's "honest and faithful", "golden" heart suddenly turns into doubt, along with his decency. Let us note that this hero, possessing "a heart as deep as a well," is disgraceful in front of the girl, referring to the fact that he "warned her" about his character. Olga understands that Ilya Ilyich "died a long time ago."

    The consistent characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reveals more and more interesting details. Andrei Ivanovich appears again in the novel. He reappears in the work in order to take the place that Oblomov previously occupied. The characterization of Stolz's hero in his relationship with Olga reveals some important features in his image. Goncharov, showing his Parisian life with Ilyinskaya, wants to show the reader the breadth of views of his hero. In fact, he lowers it, since being interested in everything means nothing systematically, in depth, seriously not to get carried away. It means to learn everything from someone else's words, to take from someone else's hands. Stolz could hardly keep up with Olga in her languid haste of will and thought. Contrary to the will of the author, the story about the joint life of these two heroes, which should have been praise for Stolz, in the end turned out to be a means of exposing him. Stolz at the end of the novel seems to be only a self-confident reasoner. The reader no longer believes this hero, who could not save his friend, give his beloved happiness. Only the author's tendentiousness saves Stolz from complete collapse. After all, Goncharov ("Oblomov") was on his side. The characteristic of Oblomov, created by the writer, as well as the author's voice in the novel, allow us to judge this.

    The weakness of both heroes and the classes they represent

    In addition to his own desire, Goncharov was able to show that not only the Russian nobility is degenerating. Not only Oblomov is weak. The characterization of Stolz's hero is also not devoid of this trait. Respectable entrepreneurs cannot historically become the successors of the nobility, since they are weak, limited and unable to take responsibility for solving the fundamental issues of the country's life.

    The value of the image of Olga Ilyinskaya in Russian literature

    So, the comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz shows that neither one nor the other can, each in its own way, evoke sympathy. But the heroine of the work, Olga Ilyinskaya, will become the prototype of the enlightened Russian woman. This prototype will later be found in the works of many classics of the 19th century.

    Often a comparison between Ilya Ilyich and Andrei Ivanovich is presented as a table. The characteristic of Oblomov and Stolz, presented visually, helps to better remember information. Therefore, a comparative table in literature lessons as a type of work is often used at school. When deep analysis is required, it is better to refuse it. Namely, this was the task that stood at the creation of this article.