The most interesting facts about Disney cartoons. Interesting facts about Soviet cartoons

Not only filmmakers and screenwriters love to leave various Easter eggs and references to their works, animation creators also "sin" with this business. So familiar cartoons can open up from a completely unexpected side.

We have found several interesting stories that will surely inspire you to watch your favorite cartoons: who knows, maybe you yourself will find secret tips from the creators?

1. What do the hens hide from the cartoon "Chicken Coop"
In the cartoon "Escape from the Chicken Coop" each character must have some kind of accessory around his neck - a necklace, a scarf or a necklace. This was done for a reason: the chickens in this cartoon, or rather their models, are molded from plasticine, and besides, they had to turn their heads. To hide the formed joint, the animators came up with a clever trick with jewelry on the neck.

2. Why the first curly-haired princess appeared so late

Initially, the creators of the cartoon "The Little Mermaid" wanted to make Ariel beautiful curly hair, but, alas, the computer graphics of 1989 did not allow this.

Therefore, the first curly-haired Disney princess was Merida from the cartoon "Brave" - \u200b\u200band this happened only in 2012. For 3 years, a special simulator has been created that predicts the behavior of 1,500 curls. Just imagine: the scene where Merida takes off the hood from her head and her curls fly away, was created over 2 months!

3. "Coco's Secret", which few people have guessed

In the cartoon "Coco's Secret" there are some interesting references. For example, on the main street of the Mexican town where the main character lives, you can see big dolls - Buzz Lightyear and Cowboy Woody from the cartoon Toy Story.

Another scene in which Miguel walks past the table with toys refers us to the characters of the cartoon "Finding Dory": here you can see a whale shark named Destiny and the fish Nemo and Dory.

4. Mufasa and Scar were not brothers

It turned out that the creators of The Lion King were hiding one curious detail: according to the authors, Mufasa and Scar are not brothers, but rather two lions who live in the same pride. The directors argue that in the wild, when the leader gets old, a stronger and younger lion appears, and they wanted to use facts from animal life. At that moment, they realized that Mufasa and Scar could not be brothers, but for some reason they did not tell the audience about this for many years.

So now that very scene in the gorge no longer seems so tragic, although it is still very painful to watch it.

5. There is a curious reference in the "Puzzle"

And here is another Pixar cartoon, in which the attentive viewer will find a lot of "greetings" from other works of the studio. One of them appears at the beginning of the cartoon in the scene when Riley and her parents travel across the country to a new home. Several round birds can be seen on the wires: they look exactly like the characters from the 2000 short film "About the Birds".

6. What is the real secret of the success of Disney cartoons

In literally every new cartoon, Disney studio hides either a Mickey Mouse toy or his outline. So, in "Zootopia" the toy was hidden in a baby carriage, and in "Frozen" it was hidden on a shelf with dishes. They say that this is precisely the secret of the popular love for the studio and the commercial success of their cartoons: who knows, if this is really the case?

7. Announcements of upcoming novelties in Zootopia

In one of the scenes of Zootopia, we are shown a real collection of Disney cartoons, the names of which have been slightly changed according to the rules of the animal world. Here you can see the discs "City of Heroes", "Rapunzel", "Moana", "Ralph", as well as cartoons that have not yet appeared on the screens - these are "Frozen - 2" (will be released in 2019) and "Giants" (premiere expected in 2018).

8. Snow White could have been blonde

Initially, the creators planned to make Snow White a blonde, but in the end they still decided to be guided by the source - the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, according to which the girl's hair is "pitch black".

Moreover, everyone's favorite gnomes could get completely different names: they wanted to be called Shorty, Jumper, Bald, Dirty, Bad Boy, Screamer ... For the seventh gnome, the creators did not have enough imagination, and they planned to call him simply the Seventh.

By the way, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", contrary to popular belief, is not the first full-length animated film in history, but differs from its predecessors in that it has sound and color.

9. Where did the sculptures in Beauty and the Beast come from?

Surely everyone remembers those creepy figures of monsters that adorn the castle of the Beast. The sculptures look especially creepy and gloomy at the beginning of the cartoon, when Belle is studying the castle in fear. As it turns out, most of the sculptures are various early versions of the Beast that were made by artists in the process of creating his image.

10. Shrek has his own real prototype

The word "shrek" is translated from German as "horror", but everyone knows perfectly well that it is difficult to find a character kinder than this green ogre. It turned out that the beloved hero has a prototype - this is the French wrestler Maurice Tillet.

He had a rare condition that caused his bones to grow and thicken, especially in the face. Tiye achieved great success in sports, spoke 5 languages \u200b\u200bfluently and learned over the years to treat his specific appearance with humor.

One of the most beloved children's cartoon characters - SpongeBob - is actually just as popular with adults. At least about 35% of fans of this cartoon have long grown out of short pants. But from the "square", apparently not.

Many actors have gained national fame not for their roles in the movies, but for dubbing cult cartoons. So, for example, happened with our Boris Novikov, who "presented" his voice to the postman Pechkin.

Walt Disney is considered the most Oscar-winning cartoonist in the world. He owns 26 figurines. The prize for the cartoon about Snow White looked very unusual: it was one large figurine and seven "undersized" ones.

The image of a wolf from "Well, wait a minute!" one of the authors of the cartoon V. Kotenochkin “copied” from a real person: a guy dressed in the style of a courtyard punks. The creators of the legendary cartoon saw Vysotsky in the role of a wolf. And Vladimir Semenovich himself did not mind voicing the character and writing a song for him. But the artistic council refused the services of the disgraced bard and actor. Anatoly Papanov became the "voice" of the wolf, who also perfectly coped with his task. And yet justice, at least a little, but prevailed. In one of the episodes, climbing a tightrope, a wolf whistles a song about a friend. It was written by Vysotsky and sounded in the film "Vertical", where Vladimir Semenovich starred.

Faina Ranevskaya, who voiced Miss Bok in the cartoon about Carlson, flatly refused to say at the end of the series "Carlson is back" the words "Darling, dear ..." To her this ending seemed too corny, moreover, “overheard” from her heroine from the movie “Spring”. The authors of the cartoon could only agree. Although later they cheated, and the words "dear, dear!" were still recorded. Only in the voice of the editor R. Frichinskaya, who perfectly fell into the tone of Faina Georgievna.

Mickey Mouse might not be called Mickey, but Mortimer. At least that was the name Walt Disney liked.

The cartoon about Uncle Styopa has been lying on the shelf for more than 20 years by an absurd accident. During the final viewing, the censors noticed that Stepan Stepanov was reading a newspaper with a clear heading "Pravda", but apart from the headline there was nothing else on the page. "Yeah, so our press doesn't write the truth!" - the commission was offended and did not allow the cartoon to the viewer.

The longest running animated series on American television is The Simpsons, running non-stop since 1989. During this time, fans of Homer Simpson and his family saw over 400 episodes. By the way, the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, published in the Vatican, considers the Simpsons family to be zealous Catholics. On the basis that they pray before

April 2, 2018 6:52 pm

When working on The Princess and the Frog cartoon, the studio had to change several key elements of the cartoon after receiving complaints about the creators' racial insensitivity:

1) the first name "The Frog Princess" was changed to "The Princess and the Frog", as many African Americans did not like that the first "black" Disney princess was called that, although other white princesses do not have offensive nicknames;

2) the appearance of the princess was also corrected, since many considered her ugly and like an animal;
3) the first name of the princess, Maddie, had to be changed to Tiana, since Maddy sounds like Mammy (black mommy);
4) the profession has also undergone adjustment: if Tiana was originally supposed to work as a maid, then in the end she was "transferred" to a waitress in order to avoid accusations of stereotypical thinking.

Dumbo the Elephant is the only Disney character who didn't say a word in the cartoon.

Do you think Beauty and the Beast is just a fairy tale? In fact, the hero has a real prototype. In the 16th century, Petrus Gonsalvus lived on the island of Tenerife in Spain. He suffered from hypertrichosis (a disease that causes excess hair growth on the face and body). In those days, such people were treated with caution, seeing in this something demonic. But Petrus had a strong patron - King Henry II. Gonsalvus married a beautiful woman, Catherine, with whom he had seven children, four of whom inherited hypertrichosis. It is believed that the story of Petrus Gonsalvus and his marriage formed the basis of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast."

Linda Wolverton, screenwriter for Beauty and the Beast, said: “I have nothing against Snow White or Cinderella, they reflected the values \u200b\u200band traditions of their era. And I wanted to create a heroine of the 90s, who, instead of waiting for the prince on a white horse, would decide on a brave act. " The screenwriter also said that she was inspired to create the image of Belle by Joe, the heroine from the novel "Little Women" by Louise Alcott.

The first stained glass window in the prologue to the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" has an inscription in Latin "vincit qui se vincit", which means: "The one who conquers himself wins."

The scene from The Lady and the Tramp, in which Jim gives his wife a hatbox with an adorable puppy, is said to be based on a true story. Once Walt Disney presented his wife for Christmas with a chow-chow puppy in this way.

The scene with eating spaghetti from the cartoon is one of the most iconic, quoted and parodied today ... However, Disney himself was ready to cut it out of the film, thinking that a romantic scene with dogs would look very stupid.

It took 3 years to produce Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Assuming that the cartoon would fail at the box office, representatives of the Hollywood film industry called the cartoon "Walt Disney's mistake." However, in the end, "Snow White" held the title of the highest grossing film for about a year until she was replaced by "Gone with the Wind."

Some of Snow White's dance moves were used in Robin Hood.

The Little Mermaid is the last hand-painted Disney animated film. About 1000 different colors were used on 1100 backgrounds. In total, over 1,000,000 drawings were made.

Eric is the only "official" Disney prince who does not show his vocal abilities on screen. Despite the fact that all the characters sing in the cartoon, including minor representatives of the depths of the sea, Eric did not get a single solo part.

The movement of Ariel's hair underwater was based on the movement of the hair of astronaut Sally Ride in space. That is why Ariel's hair is like a cloud around her head all the time.

19 out of 21 princesses never show up in pants. Only two princesses in Disney cartoons appear in trousers - Jasmine and Mulan.

The animation industry is developing by leaps and bounds, not yielding to its "cinematic" brothers. It has become a good family tradition to go to see some cartoon in the cinema, and there is no need to talk about home gatherings in front of the TV or computer - this is sacred. Do not count the sea of \u200b\u200bfascinating stories associated with the creation of certain masterpieces of animation, both in our time and in the distant past.

Interesting facts about Disney cartoons

Few people know, but when Walt Disney went on stage to receive an Oscar for "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", he did not even suspect that instead of one statuette he would receive eight: a large and seven small ones. On the set of the famous cartoon, a lot of interesting "behind-the-scenes" things happened - for example, to inspire the animators for the maximum working atmosphere, an impromptu menagerie was arranged at the studio, and to make Snow White's skin natural whiteness, real powder was applied to the film and then painted on it.

And here are some more amazing stories, but already about other Disney masterpieces:

  • The well-known Gadget from the cartoon saga "Chip and Dale Rushing to the Rescue" was called so only in Russian voice acting. In fact, her name was Gadget - a rather unusual word for the early 90s. In order not to confuse the audience, it was decided to adapt the name to post-Soviet realities. So the brave and quick-witted mouse became Gadget, quickly and skillfully "screwing" the brains of hot-tempered chipmunks.

  • The end of the 80s of the last century was marked by the release of the film "Back to the Future" and the animated "Aladdin". It is not surprising that the prototype of the image of the mischievous oriental bully, the Disney leadership saw the actor Michael Jay Fox, who was bathed in popularity at that time. But the result did not satisfy the animators, and as a result, the face of Aladdin was "written off" from Tom Cruise, who also collected millions in film distribution. Well, the chic harem pants were borrowed from rapper MC Hamer.
  • Mickey Mouse is undoubtedly the hallmark of the Disney studio. A funny little mouse also has its own "oddities", because if you look closely, you can pay attention to its unusual ears. From whatever angle you look at them, their position in the frame remains unchanged - two black circles "full face" and never "in profile". By the way, the actors who voiced Mickey Mouse and Minnie were in real life a married couple.

  • All Disney princesses were teenagers by age. To confirm this fact, it is enough to conduct a small investigation. Young Aurora was only 16 years old, because the curse said that it was then that she would prick her finger. The beauty Ariel celebrates her 16th birthday at the beginning of the cartoon. Jasmine was a little older, almost an adult girl. Her father was very worried about his daughter's marriage, or rather, his absence, because it was until the age of 18 that she had to go down the aisle with some prince.

  • The flamboyant and charismatic Pumbaa of their "The Lion King" was the first character that animators allowed frivolously to fart on screen. Before that, no Disney hero had the opportunity to behave so uncultured, and even absolutely not ashamed of his bad manners. By the way, the cartoon has been dubbed into dozens of world languages, including Zulu.

More than one generation of children has grown up on the cartoons "Winnie the Pooh", "Just Wait", "Little Brownie Kuzya" and "Cheburashka". This means that it is doubly interesting to learn new facts about their creation and offscreen life, which can make even the most inveterate skeptics and pessimists laugh.

  • "Kid and Carlson" was released in Soviet theaters in 1968 and immediately won the recognition of young viewers. All the images were invented by the artists Anatoly Savchenko, including the portrait of the "housewife" Freken Bock. Dozens of actresses auditioned for the voice acting of this heroine, and none of them satisfied the director's requests. In the end, Faina Ranevskaya was invited, who perfectly coped with her task, but added a lot of gray hair to the director's head. Not only did she flatly refuse to listen to all the comments, but she was also frankly indignant at the appearance of her heroine. She considered her scary and ugly, taking offense and taking her "portrait" onto herself.

  • "Leopold the Cat" was forged at the Soviet cartoon "smithy" from 1975 to 1993. The name of the good-natured person who called everyone to live in harmony has become a household name, but how exactly it stuck to a charming and cheerful cat is a separate story. The authors did not want to call the main character some Vaska or Murzik, but it took a long time to come up with a worthy name. The problem was solved with the light hand of the son of the author of the script, Arkady Hayt, who was then still a little boy, who watched the development of the cartoon plot by adults and the adventures of "The Elusive Avengers" on TV with equal enthusiasm. It was then that he had an offer to give the cat the name of one of the heroes of the film - Colonel Leopold Kudasov.

  • The old woman Shapoklyak is perhaps one of the most memorable characters from the cartoon "Cheburashka". The artist Leonid Shvartsman could not think of how this harmful weasel should look like, constantly doing all sorts of dirty tricks on the screen. But in the end, the image was formed, and his own mother-in-law could do it. It was from her that the portrait of a nasty old woman was sketched - a sharp nose, a hunched figure, gray hair pulled into a bun, nimble eyes. Well, the top hat, lace jabot and cuffs are already a reference to the French “roots”, because in French the word “beanie” means “folding top hat”.

  • The Bremen Town Musicians is another masterpiece from the pen of the talented trinity, Gennady Gladkov, Yuri Entin and Vasily Livanov. It is interesting that all the characters in the cartoon were voiced by Oleg Anofriev, who could not choose one and because of "greed" said that he wants to become the voice of every character. He succeeded in this ambitious plan perfectly, and in just one night. The images of the robbers were copied from the famous screen "freeloaders" - Experienced, Coward and Goonies. The princess also had a real prototype, and the wife of Yuri Entin became her. It was in that very red short dress that she did not marry her beloved songwriter.

A little about Japanese anime

The Japanese style of making cartoons cannot be confused with anything. It has many genres, and the video stories themselves are designed not only for children, but also for adults. Even James Cameron himself admitted in an interview that he loves anime and watches them almost every day.

  • The first anime-style cartoons hit the cinema screens in 1917, and since then they literally enslaved the world. The name of the genre of animation comes from the English "animation", and modern terminology has appeared relatively recently. In the 20th century, another expression was used - "manga-eiga", which literally meant "movie comics".

  • A distinctive feature of the appearance of the characters used in the anime is their large eyes. As conceived by the artists, it is with the help of an expressive gaze that you can convey the entire intensity of emotions raging in the soul of a particular hero. But oddly enough, the idea of \u200b\u200b"gifting" their actors with big eyes was borrowed from Walt Disney, and the Japanese do not hide this at all.
  • Traditionally, the more significant the role of the character, the longer the artists work on drawing his facial features, including the eyes. Moreover, only positive heroes can have the happiness of having two "bottomless oceans", but notorious villains have to rely only on narrow slits like the Eskimos.
  • Many famous film actors and pop singers are fighting for the right to voice roles in anime. The process itself is called "seiyu", moreover, recently it has been transformed into a full-fledged profession.

  • Japanese anime can also boast of its "Santa Barbara". The series "Sazae-san", for example, has not left the TV screens for almost half a century, starting its history in 1969 and continuing it to this day. Observing the ups and downs of the Sazae family, more than one generation of Japanese grew up and "fledged", which they are terribly proud of and consider the heritage of their country.

Do you know how and when cartoons appeared?
At the end of the 19th century, there were no televisions, no computers, no smartphones, no tablets. They haven't been invented yet. But there were such devices as zootrope, magic lantern, thaumatrope, dedaleum and others.
These devices set in motion a series of images replacing each other, creating the illusion of movement. They were initially used in entertainment shows, for special effects, and as toys.
On October 28, 1892, in Paris, the French inventor Emile Reynaud surprised the audience with a new, never-before-seen entertainment - the "Optical Theater".

In front of the astonished audience, he demonstrated the "Glowing Pantomimes" using an optical device.
And it all began like this ...
All the same Emile Reynaud in 1877 designed a device - a praxinoscope. He looked like this. A tape with 8 or 12 pictures was placed on the inside of the rotating cylinder. In the center is a row of small mirrors. When the cylinder was set in motion, each picture was reflected in the mirror and there was a smooth movement effect.

Emile Reino's comedy scenes were very popular at the time.
The first traditional cartoon is "Humorous phases of funny faces." It was created in 1906 by an Anglo-American film director
J. Stuart Blackton. Through time-lapse photography, he combined the art of graphics with film technique.
And the first cartoon character that became famous all over the world is the cat Felix from the film "The Adventures of Felix" by the American screenwriter and artist Otto Messmer.

Over the years of development of animation, various techniques for its creation have appeared. One of the oldest types is hand-drawn animation.

Initially, each frame was drawn separately. It was a very long and laborious process, so the layering technique was invented.
The characters and decorations were painted on transparencies and superimposed on each other.
To do this, first, the movements of the characters were developed, then the details were drawn with a pencil on tracing paper and the drawings were transferred to celluloid.
The resulting frames were colored and photographed one by one.
Another oldest technique is silhouette animation.
For a cartoon, flat figures are cut out of paper or thick fabric. Then they move in each frame and are filmed on camera.

For example, one of the famous Russian cartoons shot in this way is "Lefty" (1964).

Puppet animation appeared in Russia in 1906.

Balleteister Alexander Shiryaev createdal is the world's first domestic puppet cartoonilm, in which 12 dancing figures participate.

They say h then during its creation, the author rubbed a hole in the floor with his feet, because he constantly walked from the camera to the scenery and back.

Puppet and plasticine animation is well known to everyone. Here voluminous characters are set against the backdrop of scenery and photographed. After each frame in the scene, the pose of the hero changes.

The first plasticine cartoons appeared in 1908 in the USA.

In animation, there are techniques such as "painting on glass" - this is when the artist paints with slowly drying oil paint on a glass surface, each time adding new strokes right in front of the camera; "Tubeless animation" - when the artist does not photograph images, but draws them directly on the film, black or colorless;or "powder animation", where materials such as sand, salt, coffee, spices ... are poured onto the illuminated glass in thin layers, creating a drawing with your hands or a brush and transferring its image to the screen.

Today, to create cartoons, they increasingly use computer
3D animation. Scenes are simulated in 3D space on a computer,
and the figures have a virtual skeleton.
The first such full-length cartoon is Toy Story (1995).

In our country, the largest animation studio appeared in 1936. It was called Soyuzdetmultfilm, and later became Soyuzmultfilm.

The first Russian animated series "Well, wait!" Was created here.

You can get acquainted with the history of animation in the Moscow Museum of Animation.

Its collection contains more than five thousand exhibits, unique materials collected by the museum are shown on video screens in the halls, there is a cinema for children, where cartoons are filmed and shown.

DIY cartoon Take notepad and pencil. Think of who you want to portray.
For example, it will be a walking man.
On the first page - the opening frame - it stands.
On the next one, the right leg and left arm are slightly raised.
On the third - even higher, then the leg is bent at the knee, and the arm at the elbow, and so on. On each page you need to consistently depict all the parts of the movements that the hero makes while walking.
When the last frame is ready, you can quickly flip through the pages and see how the man moves.
Your first cartoon is ready!

Some interesting facts about cartoons:

Mickey Mouse
Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice.
Mickey Mouse received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The Walt Disney Company is fighting to maintain copyright protection for the image of Mickey Mouse, which in 2008 was estimated at more than three billion US dollars.
Due to the company's activities aimed at periodically extending the terms of protection of property rights, Mickey Mouse by 2008 did not become public domain
Scrooge McDuck
In 2007, the Glasgow City Council named Scrooge McDuck as a distinguished city dweller.
Scrooge McDuck topped the 2007 Forbes list of the fifteen richest fictional characters.

When recording the lines of characters, the actors never met - each of them worked separately, and the lines of their partners were pronounced by an assistant.

The movements of the Donkey in the film were modeled by the animators based on the movements of the dog - with the exception of the chase scene at the beginning of the film, in which the movements of the Donkey were modeled on the movements of the rabbit.

Winnie the Pooh
In the Soviet cartoon, Winnie the Pooh was voiced by Yevgeny Leonov. To achieve more comic, the artist's speech was accelerated by about 30%. If you decrease the speed by this value, you can hear the usual Leonov.

Wait for it!
The Wolf acquired his famous hairstyle and characteristic appearance only in the second issue of the cartoon. In the first issue, his hairstyle and appearance are different from the usual version of the audience.
The wolf can play the guitar (as well as the harp, albeit in a dream) and sing in a hoarse voice in the manner of Vysotsky. Dances well. Skates and skates competently. Poorly drives a car and motorcycle. It is much better controlled with a truck crane, harvester and other similar mechanisms.

Return of the prodigal parrot
Child psychologists use the plot of the cartoon to resolve conflict situations with adolescents.
Parrot Kesha has long been a commercial brand that is actively promoted by copyright holders and pirates.
Thus, video games have been created (for example, "Freedom to Parrots!" And "Kesha in the World of Fairy Tales"), coloring books, etc.
The popularity of the cartoon prompted A. Kurlyandsky to write a book, which included the stories "Have you been to Tahiti?", "And we are fed well here too!" and "Adorable!"
Once upon a time there was a dog

A bronze monument to the Wolf weighing about 200 kg was erected in Tomsk in 2005.
The authors are a foundry worker Maxim Petrov and a consultant artist Leonty Usov.
The wolf can pronounce eight phrases ("I'll sing right now!", "God help me!", "Well, you come in, if that!" and etc.).

The filmmakers talk about the specifics of creating the Wolf character. At first, in the cartoon, he was not drawn as we know him.
However, when A. Dzhigarkhanyan voiced the role of this hero, it turned out that the depicted character did not fit the voice of the actor, after which the Wolf was redrawn, and the cartoon character that the viewer saw appeared.

Remi has 1.15 million hairs, while Colette has 115,000 hairs. The average person has about 110,000 hairs.
To create a realistic look of the rubbish heap, the artists photographed and examined real decay products.

Fifteen different types of food, such as apples, berries, bananas, mushrooms, oranges, broccoli and lettuce, were left to rot and then photographed.
During the initial character design, the sculptor created nine Remy clay sculptures.
The cartoon was nominated for 5 Oscar nominations, including Best Animated Film 2007.

Kozlov S. Favorite fairy tales - cartoons: fairy tales and poems.- Moscow: AST, 2006.- 176 p .: ill.

Lagerlef S. Niels's Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese.- Moscow: Eksmo, 2003.- 224 p.: Ill.

Livanov V. Bremen Town Musicians / V. Livanov, Y. Entin. - Samovar, 1997. - 100 p.

Milne A. Winnie the Pooh and Everything - everything: a fairy tale / A. Milne, B. Zakhoder - Moscow: AST, 2000. - 384 p .: ill.

Siemens A. 101 Dalmatians .- Moscow: Strekoza-press, 2002.- 80s.: Ill.

Oster G. Fairy tales - cartoons by G. Oster: fairy tales. - Moscow: Astrel, 2007 .-- 240 p .: ill.

Tom and Jerry: a fairy tale. - Minsk: Literature, 1995. - 288 p.: Ill.

Uspensky E. Crocodile Gena and His Friends: Story-Fairy Tale.- Moscow: Astrel, 2011.- 144p .: ill.

Murzilka in the Museum of Animation // Murzilka - 2015 - №8 - p.20 - 21.

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How did "Dunno on the Moon"

How to learn to draw. We draw the Little Mermaid.