Human activity has a definite purpose. Human activity, its main forms

Human activity, its main forms

The ability of a person to transform the world through his actions is a quality that distinguishes us - people, from other creatures living on earth. Activity is understood as a purposeful human activity aimed at changing the world around him and himself as a part of the world. From natural materials, a person creates new products with properties, qualities that are useful for himself. The subject of human activity can be any object - things, phenomena, other people. In the social sciences, activity is understood as a form of human activity aimed at transforming the world around him.

In the structure of any activity, it is customary to single out the object, subject, goal, means of achieving it and the result. An object is what this activity is aimed at; the subject is the one who implements it. Before starting to act, a person determines the goal of the activity, that is, he forms in his consciousness an ideal image of the result that he seeks to achieve. Then, when the goal is determined, the individual decides what means he needs to use to achieve the goal. If the means are chosen correctly, then the result of the activity will be the receipt of exactly the result that the subject aspired to.

The main motive that prompts a person to activity is his desire to satisfy his needs. These needs can be physiological, social, and ideal. Perceived in one way or another by people, they become the main source of their activity. People's beliefs about the goals that need to be achieved and the main ways and means leading to them play a huge role. Sometimes in the choice of the latter, people are guided by the stereotypes that have developed in society, that is, by some general, simplified ideas about any social process (specifically, about the process of activity). Unchanging motivation tends to reproduce similar actions of people and, as a result, a similar social reality.

Distinguish between practical and spiritual activities. The first is aimed at transforming objects of nature and society that exist in reality. The content of the second is to change the consciousness of people.

Practical activities are divided into:

a) material and production;

b) socially transformative;

Spiritual activities include:

a) cognitive activity;

b) value-predictive activity;

c) predictive activity.

ABOUTthe main types (methods) of activity are learning (study), play and work. You can also refer to this group and communication. However, it is not possible to rigidly divide them among themselves. A person studies, learns the world and himself in the process of communication, as well as in work and in play.

In childhood, extremely important activity for human becoming is play. It is in the game that the child imitates situations from life, as if getting used to the role of an adult. Remember, for example, how you played mother and daughter, school, and even war. A person plays games throughout his life, not only in childhood. Only the place and role of the game, the very nature of the games, changes. For example, while studying at an economic university, students necessarily play business games, simulate situations developing in the company, and look for solutions to problems that arise during the game. Games take a significant place in the process of studying at school. For example, many schools hold Self-Government Day (usually on Teacher's Day). Pupils-high school students on that day become subject teachers, teach lessons in the lower grades, perform the functions of director, head teacher, deputy director for economic affairs. This is also a game. Adults also play. For example, parents, as well as children, can play computer games, improve their skills at work, take internships, where they also have to play parts, simulate management decisions, production situations.

There is also a special type of games - gambling (for money). These are card games, roulette. You've probably all heard about the so-called "one-armed bandits" - slot machines. Many people, especially adults, are so addicted to them that they lose entire fortunes. Gambling addiction is becoming a kind of disease for some people today. This is used by the owners of casinos, slots salons, making huge profits. Therefore, the issue in the Russian parliament about the allocation of special territories for gambling, about prohibiting the placement of casinos near schools and other children's institutions is so acute.

Such activities as study and work play a special role at school age. In the process of learning (study), people acquire new knowledge about the material world as a whole, about nature as a natural habitat of man, about society, about man. Also, while learning, we master the necessary techniques and skills of cognitive and practical activities, methods and experience of behavior in life situations, we form own set value guidelines, ideals.

A specific distinction of labor activity is the creation of products useful for a person, both material and spiritual. Many schoolchildren take temporary jobs during the summer holidays, go to youth labor camps, weed and harvest crops. IN last years in many schools in our country a socially significant children's action “I am a citizen of Russia” is being implemented. In the process of its implementation, schoolchildren are improving city parks, collecting funds for the restoration of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, organizing recreation areas in their neighborhood, and helping lonely elderly people. This labor activity also has great moral and educational value.

However, it is not possible to rigidly separate these types of activities from each other. A person learns the world and himself in the process of communicating with his own kind, as well as in work. In childhood, play is extremely important for the development of a person. While playing, the child imitates situations from adult life, as if getting used to the role of adults. Remember, for example, how you played "mothers and daughters", "family", and even "war".

Also, in the spheres of public life, one can talk about political, economic, social, cultural activities. A special type of activity, the result of which is the creation of a new, not yet known, which has no analogues in nature, is creativity... There are other classifications of human activities.

Any activity is necessarily subject to consciously determined goals that reflect our own interests and needs. We want to live more comfortably, more conveniently, less dependent on natural elements. Scientists subdivide goals human activity on objective - determined by socially significant, important for the overwhelming majority of people motives, and subjective - associated only with personal aspirations, interests, intentions of specific people. In addition to goals, in human activity, it is possible to distinguish the means and methods of its implementation, the process of activity, results, reflection (comprehension and evaluation of results).

Each of us knows that not all people act for the benefit of others, many seek to satisfy only their own "selfish" interests. For example, a gang of robbers and crooks will fill their pockets by stealing from the state or other people. And such activities will certainly be very purposeful. But it is negative, since it contradicts the values, ideals of most people, or even threaten their lives, peace, happiness, property. Sometimes, trying to avoid difficulties and problems, or simply out of pampering, we go to the setting of such goals, for example, write off a test, get an undeserved high grade, fake a mark in a journal, put a button on a teacher's chair, or pour glue on a friend's chair. And if you think that the same can be done in relation to us?

Speaking of negative goals, it must be emphasized that they are much less common in society than positive ones. The overwhelming majority of people put forward positive goals in their activities.

Depending on the results obtained, the activity can be characterized as destructive or constructive.
Activity has a huge impact on the personality, being the basis on which the development of the latter takes place. In the process of activity, the individual realizes himself and asserts himself as a person, it is the process of activity that underlies the socialization of the individual. Exerting a transformative effect on the world around him, a person not only adapts to the natural and social environment, but rebuilds and improves it. The entire history of human society is the history of human activity.

Communication as an activity. Often, in order to achieve the set goal and obtain the desired result, one has to resort to interaction with other subjects, to communicate with them.
Communication is the process of exchange of information between equal actors. The subjects of communication can be both individuals and social groups, strata, communities and even all of humanity as a whole. There are several types of communication:

1) communication between real subjects (for example, between two people);

2) communication with a real subject and an illusory partner (for example, a person with an animal, which he endows with some qualities unusual for him);

3) communication of a real subject with an imaginary partner (it means communication of a person with his inner voice);

4) communication of imaginary partners (for example, literary characters).

The main forms of communication are dialogue, exchange of views in the form of a monologue or remarks.

The question of the relationship between activity and communication is debatable. Some scientists believe that these two concepts are identical to each other, because any communication has signs of activity. Others believe that activity and communication are opposite concepts, since communication is only a condition of activity, but not the activity itself. Still others consider communication in its relationship with activity, but consider it to be an independent phenomenon.
Communication must be distinguished from communication. Communication is the process of interaction between two or more subjects for the purpose of transferring some information. In the process of communication, in contrast to communication, the transfer of information occurs only in the direction of one of its subjects (the one who receives it) and there is no feedback between the subjects, in contrast to the communication process.

Man and his activities

7. Is it true that:

A) only a) is true B) only b) is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are wrong

A) only a) is true B) only b) is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are wrong

A) only a) is true B) only b) is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are wrong

Man and his activities

1. What is the aim of the activity?

A) actions B) games C) instinct D) goals

2. What is the result of human activity?

A) action B) result C) need D) goal

3. The common feature that characterizes humans and animals is:

A) consciousness B) instinct C) thinking D) speech

4. Kind of activity based on compliance with the rules and


A) study B) communication C) game D) work

5. What stage of activity gives it an assessment?

A) action B) result C) instinct D) goal

6. What distinguishes human activity from animal behavior?

A) caring for offspring B) obedience to instincts

C) awareness of actions D) achievement of the result

7. Is it true that:
a) both man and animals build dwellings for themselves;
b) the actions of animals are guided by instinct?

A) only a) is true B) only b) is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are wrong

8. Are the judgments about the activity correct:
a) human activity is based only on instincts;
b) is labor an activity that has no result?

A) only a) is true B) only b) is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are wrong

9. Are the judgments about the activity correct:
a) the goal determines the actions of the person;
b) a person is engaged in various activities?

A) only a) is true B) only b) is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are wrong

10. Are judgments about personality correct:
a) personality is manifested and formed in actions;
b) teaching contributes to the development of personality?

A) only a) is true B) only b) is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are wrong

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Methodological support of a lecture course in the discipline Economics and sociology of labor Lecture notes

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