Summary of the lesson of literary reading on the topic: J. Rodari. "The sun and the cloud"

Lesson topic: “Gianni Rodari "The Sun and the Cloud". The secret of happiness. " Grade 2 (EMC "School 2100)


Formation of the type of correct reading activity through dialogue with the author.


Teach predictive text based on title, illustration and keywords.

To form correct and conscious reading aloud with the observance of the necessary intonation, pauses, logical stress to convey the exact meaning of the statement.

Develop the ability to argue your point of view, your attitude to what you read.

To cultivate kindness, the ability to give joy to others.


illustrations, interactive whiteboard, lesson presentation.

During the classes:

1 class organization

Hello guys! Smile at each other, greet our guests.

2. Stage "Challenge".

I will guess riddles, having solved them, you will recognize the main characters of the work, which we will meet today in the lesson.

One fire warms the whole world

He rolls across the sky, smiles at people.

(the sun)

No legs, but walking

No eyes, but crying.


Guess what is the title of the piece we will be studying today?

("The Sun and the Cloud")

Right. Open the tutorials on page 122, read who is the author of this work.

What do you know about him?

D. Rodari lived in Italy. He was fond of music, took violin lessons. His favorite pastime was writing humorous poems.)

In his youth, he worked as a primary school teacher, was very friendly with the children and invented funny games for them.

What works of D. Rodari are familiar to you?

And the genre of the work with which we will get acquainted today, you will learn if you insert the voiceless consonants correctly. (FAIRY TALE)

Have you read J. Rodari's tales? Would you like to read it?

3. Stage "Comprehension".

Reception "Reading with stops".

1st stage

Pay attention to the illustration. Describe it.

(The artist took bright juicy colors. The sun is bright, festive, affectionate. The cloud is formidable, gloomy, heavy. I think that these are the main characters of the tale and something good or not very good can happen between them.)

2nd stage (reading aloud, conversation as you read, vocabulary work)

The sun traveled across the sky in its chariot of fire merrily and proudly. It scattered beams generously in all directions.

And everyone had fun. Only the cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun.

Who knows what a chariot is?

1). Chariot - in the old days: a large wheeled carriage, a wagon

Chariot of fire- orange-red, fire color

Q What question did you ask the author?

Why was the cloud angry and grumbling?

What are your assumptions?

And no wonder - she was in a thunderous mood.

    Thunderous mood - very dangerous, intimidating, awe-inspiring

You are a squander! ”The cloud frowned.“ Leaky hands! Throw, throw your beams! Let's see what you're left with!

And in the vineyards, each berry caught a ray of the sun and rejoiced in it. And there was no such blade of grass, a spider or a flower, there was not even such a drop of water that would not try to get its piece of the sun.

Well, a spender still, - the cloud did not calm down, - a squander of your wealth! You will see how they will thank you when you have nothing to take from you!

    A squander is one who spends money indiscriminately

Leaky hands

Have you met with such an expression?

Will the sun listen to the cloud?

The sun cheerfully continued to roll across the sky and in millions, billions gave away its rays.

When the sun had counted them by sunset, it turned out that they were all together - look, every one of them!

Learning about this, the cloud was so surprised that it immediately crumbled like a hail. And the sun splashed merrily into the sea.

    Floundered - show me how?

Why was the cloud surprised?

What happened to her?

What was the sun like at the end of the day? (Happy). Why?

-Let's remember where the lesson began and check the assumptions: "What is the story about?"

3rd stage.

Reception "Cluster".

Working in groups. Find phrases and sentences in the text that characterize the sun and the cloud.

Conclusion: In each group, discuss and then read the characteristics of the main characters in the tale.

4. Stage "Reflection".

What secret of happiness did the author reveal to each of you?


In the next lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the work of this wonderful writer. And now I suggest you write a syncwine. Topic: Option 1: The Sun.

Option 2: Cloud.

Let me remind you that cinquain is a poetic work that is composed according to the rules.

how do it:
Title (usually noun) ___________________________
Description (usually an adjective) ____________________________
Feeling (phrase) _____________________________________________
Repetition of the essence ____________________________________________

5. Homework. At home, try to retell the tale from the perspective of one of the characters.

Open lesson on the topic: Gianni Rodari "The Sun and the Cloud"

Grade 2, "School 2100" program

MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in Konstantinovsk

Teacher: V.V. Fandeeva

The purpose of the lesson:

To acquaint with the work of Gianni Rodari "The Sun and the Cloud", with a new literary genre (fairy tale - nocturne), a literary device (allegory).

Development of speech skills when working with text, development of skills to unravel the secrets of the author, compare and draw conclusions.

Analyze the character traits of the sun and clouds, help students make an independent conclusion about what it means to be generous.

Foster a sense of mutual understanding, mutual support, hear and listen, work in groups.


Reading textbook "Small door to the big world" - by R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, grade 2, explanatory dictionary, assignment cards for groups, electronic presentation.

During the classes:

Organizing time.

Working with the text of the work before reading.

    Read the sentence on the board.

("It traveled across the sky in its chariot of fire, scattering rays in all directions")

What is this about?

What helped determine?

What is a chariot? (Large wheeled carriage)

How could the sun travel in a chariot?

    (on an interactive whiteboard)

Match the words for the word "sun" (rays, sun, grumbled, generously, cloud, disintegrated, hail, fun, angry)

The sun




And the rest of the words to what can be attributed? (Cloud)






And a cloud can grumble, get angry? (figurative meaning)

In my opinion, the words grumble, angry are synonymous words. And what do you think?

- "The Sun and the Cloud" is the title of the new work (slide 1)

Who are the main characters of the work?

Judging by the keywords, guess what the heroes of the work will be?

    Open the tutorial page 122

Judging by the last name, could you guess in what country the author lived? (In Italy) slide 2

What can you say about the country, judging by the picture?

b)- Biographical message prepared by the child. (slide 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9)

Gianni RodariIs a famous Italian children's writer and journalist. He was born on October 23, 1920 in the small town of Omegna (Northern Italy). His father, a baker by trade, died when Gianni was only 10 years old.

Rodari had two brothers, Cesare and Mario.

Gianni grew up in his mother's native village, Varisotto. A sick and weak boy was fond of music (took violin lessons)

After three years of study at the seminary, J. Rodari received his teacher's diploma and at the age of 17 began teaching in the primary classes of a rural school.

Works by G. Rodari: "The Journey of the Blue Arrow", "Tales by Phone", "Pot of Porridge", "The Adventures of Cipollino", "What Crafts Smell About", etc.

in)- You have already met the keywords of the text. Is it possible to determine by keywords genre works? (Fairy tale)

This is not just a fairy tale, but fairy tale nocturne.

What is not clear in the definition?

( Nocturne- a small lyrical work)

Is everything clear now?

(Lyric workis a work that expresses feelings, experiences.)

d)- Look at the illustration.

This is a fairytale. What's fabulous about her? (nothing fabulous)

Pay attention to the nature shown in the illustration. This is Italy.

What is the sun in the picture? (Bright, affectionate, festive)

What can happen between the sun and the cloud? (assumption)

Working with text while reading

The sun traveled across the sky in its chariot of fire merrily and proudly. (What could the sun be proud of?) It generously scattered rays - in all directions.

And everyone had fun. Only the cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun. (What was the cloud unhappy with?) And no wonder - she was in a thunderous mood. (That's why she was angry!)

You are a squander! (“Spender” is… ..) - the cloud frowned. - Leaky hands! (I wonder how the sun can have holes with holes) Throw, throw your rays! Let's see what you're left with!

And in the vineyards, each berry caught a ray of the sun and rejoiced in it. And there was no such blade of grass, a spider or a flower, there was not even such a drop of water that would not try to get its piece of the sun.

Well, a hedgehog's spender, - the cloud did not calm down, - a spender of your wealth! You will see how they will thank you when you have nothing to take from you! (Doesn't trust others - that's bad)

The sun cheerfully continued to roll across the sky and in millions, billions gave away its rays. (How much warmth got it ?!)

When the sun had counted them by sunset, it turned out that they were all in place - look, every one of them! (How did they get back?)

Learning about this, the cloud was so surprised that it immediately crumbled like a hail. (That's how much anger accumulated in her, that it crumbled like hail, not rain) And the sun flopped into the sea.

    Summarizing conversation:

Have your assumptions been confirmed?

And why was the cloud surprised?

What was the sun like at the end of the day? (Cheerful, happy, kind, generous)

Isn't “kind, generous” the same thing?

Let's clarify the meaning of the words. (Workbook p. 47 No. 3)

What is the most accurate definition for the sun? (slide 11)

(Kind, affectionate, happy, generous, sweet, warm)

Who was happier - the sun or the cloud? Why?

(Generously distributed the rays)

    Selective reading (by options)

Option 1

You said the sun was generous and kind. Mark the supporting words in the text to prove this.

(It traveled merrily and proudly, each berry rejoiced at it, gave away its rays, flung merrily)

Option 2

What was the cloud doing?

(Frowned, did not calm down, was angry, grumbled, surprised, crumbled like a hail)

(Arrogantly, mockingly, reproachfully)

    Expressive face reading (the author changes as he reads)

    Working with text after reading

Whom do the sun and the cloud resemble by their actions, speech? (Of people)

Allegory-expression containing hidden meaning.

What is the hidden meaning in the tale?

(It's good to be generous to others)

What question did we try to answer in the lesson? (What does it mean to be generous?)

So what does it mean to be generous?

(Do not be greedy, dissatisfied. If a person is generous in relation to others, then he does not impoverish, but will become richer spiritually.)

    Working in groups (task on cards).

1st, 2nd group- Read the highlighted portion of the story by role. Using pictures, gestures, facial expressions, enumerate the fairy tale.

3rd group - You are the sun! Tell us about yourself. (What is your character, mood. Seek help from the author.)

4th group - Which of these proverbs are for the Sun and which for the Cloud.


    What unusual did Gianni Rodari see in ordinary natural phenomena?


Each of you worked hard in the lesson. Rate your work using color cards.

D / Z - Compose a fairy tale on the topic: "Water and Fire";

Rose and Thorns.

Current page: 1 (total book has 1 pages)

Rodari Gianni
Sun and cloud

Gianni Rodari

Sun and cloud

The sun, cheerful, majestic, traveled across the sky. It rushed in a chariot of fire and scattered its hot rays in all directions.

And the cloud, which at that time had the most pre-storm mood, was angry and grumbled:

- Mot, wasteful! Scatter, scatter your rays! Impoverished you will remember! ..

In the vineyards, every grape that was ripening on the vines strove at all costs to drag off one, and if it was possible, then two rays. And there was no blade of grass, spider, flower or drop of water that did not try to take their share.

- Well, allow yourself to be robbed by everyone. You will see how they will thank you when there is nothing left to take from you, ”the cloud thundered.

And the cheerful sun, as if nothing had happened, rolled across the sky and gave away its rays in millions, billions, without counting - to everyone who needed them.

2 1 4 3 3 3

1. Working with the text of the work before reading.

Find such a tale in the textbook.

- What have we read from the works of J. Rodari? (Besides "The Adventures of Cipollino" G. Rodari wrote many other fairy tales, amazing stories and wonderful poems.)

- Who will be the heroes of the new work?

2. Examining the illustration... Slide 5

- Is there anything fabulous in the artist's illustration? (No . )

- What is the sun in the illustration? (Bright, affectionate, festive . ) And the cloud?

Pay attention to the illustration. What colors did the artist take?

- What can happen between the sun and the cloud?

Children's assumptions.

2. Working with text while reading.

1. Reading to oneself (setting is given to conduct a dialogue with the author through the text).

Use a pencil in the text to mark where you would ask the question and underline the words, the meaning of which will not be clear to you.

Our assumptions were confirmed?

Which of them was happier - the sun or the cloud?

Let's try to figure out why the sun is happy and the cloud is not.

What incomprehensible words did you meet? Slide 6

Chariot - in the old days: a large wheeled carriage, a cart drawn by horses

The chariot of fire is orange-red, the color of fire.

Proudly - expressing their own superiority and dignity. Slide 7

Generously - not stingy or greedy. Slide 8

A squander is one who frivolously spends indiscriminately or distributes something. Slide 9

FizminutkaSlide 10

2. Reading aloud and talking as you read.

Productive reading.

The sun traveled across the sky in its chariot of fire merrily and proudly. It scattered beams generously in all directions.

Where did the sun travel?

Why did the sun have a chariot of fire? (The sun is hot like fire. Therefore, the chariot is fiery like the sun)

And everyone had fun. Only the cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun.


P your assumptions

And no wonder - she was in a thunderous mood.

What does stormy mood mean? (Thunderous mood - very dangerous, frightening, inspiring great fear.)

-You are a squander! ”The cloud frowned.“ Leaky hands! Throw, throw your beams! Let's see what you're left with!

Holey hands -

Have you met with such an expression?

Will the sun listen to the cloud?

And in the vineyards, each berry caught a ray of the sun and rejoiced in it. And there was no such blade of grass, a spider or a flower, there was not even such a drop of water that would not try to get its piece of the sun.

Why did everyone rejoice in the sun's rays?

Why was everyone trying to get their piece of the sun? (Everything around was awakened by the sun's rays. Looking at the sun, everyone's spirits rose. Warm rays warmed up, and this also made the soul warmer.)

Who didn't like the sun? Why?

-Well, a spender still, - the cloud did not calm down, - a squander of your wealth! You will see how they will thank you when you have nothing to take from you!

The sun cheerfully continued to roll across the sky and in millions, billions gave away its rays.

When the sun had counted them by sunset, it turned out that they were all together - look, every one of them!

Learning about this, the cloud was so surprised that it immediately crumbled like a hail. And the sun splashed merrily into the sea.

What surprised the cloud? What happened to her? (The fact that by the time the sun went down not a single ray had disappeared. They were all together. The cloud crumbled like hail.)

What was the sun like at the end of the day? (cheerful, happy) Why?

Working in groups (check by slide)Slide 11

Connect words, sentences related to heroes.

3.Preparing for expressive reading.

and) Selective reading.

- What was the sun like? ( “It traveled merrily and proudly”, “each berry rejoiced in it”, “gave away its rays”, “floundered merrily”.)

- What was the cloud doing? Select from the text the verbs related to it.

(She frowned, did not calm down, was angry, grumbled, surprised, crumbled. )

Prepare in pairs.

b) Expressive reading

3. Working with the text after reading.

- Describe the main characters of this tale.

- Which of the heroes did you like more? Why?

Whom does the sun and the cloud resemble by their actions, speech? (People who are as generous as the sun, and greedy, dissatisfied, like a cloud.)

What kind of people can we compare with the sun? (Kind, sympathetic, generous, caring.)

And about what people can we say "go blacker than clouds"? (Gloomy, unsociable, evil.)

What attracts him to people? (Kindness, generosity, openness.)

What is repulsive? ( Rudeness, spite, envy.)

In this, at first glance, a funny tale, J. Rodari wanted to tell us something very important.

6) What do you think, what advice does Gianni Rodari give us? (be generous, kind)

- So who was happier - the sun or the cloud? Why?

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bGianni Rodari's tale?

Working in pairs

Read and select the proverbs that characterize the cloud, underline them with a blue pencil, the sun with a red pencil.

Match proverbs - "nuts" with their "nucleoli" - thoughts.

Good century will not be forgotten. do not be arrogant

Do not raise your nose: you will stumble. say less, do more

Life is given for good deeds. do good

Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds. they remember good for a long time