Theatrical miniatures “The world of fairy tales by G. Kh

Elementary school miniatures

"Tales of the Brothers Grimm"

Elementary school miniature

Material Description: This miniature may be interesting for teachers of additional education and primary school teachers. The miniature is dedicated to the bicentennial of the publication of the first collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and can become a prologue to a play based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, to reading a fairy tale, to watching a feature or animation film based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.
Goal: Acquaintance with the work of the Brothers Grimm.
Tasks: To attract the attention of children to the work of the Brothers Grimm, to instill a love for fiction and theater, to develop creative abilities.
Materials and equipment used:
Costumes for characters, dresses for Snowflakes, paper snowflakes and paper clips for them, white confetti, soundtrack and audio equipment.
1. Mrs. Blizzard.
2. Stepdaughter.
3. Cat.
4. Dog.
5. Snowflakes.
Thumbnail structure:
1. Coming out of Lady Blizzard.
2. Stepdaughter's exit.
3. Dance of Snowflakes.
4. The exit of the Cat and the Dog.
5. Mistress Blizzard exit.
6. Stepdaughter's exit.
7. Final song and dance.
Recommendations for preparation and implementation:
- if there is no dance group, girls from the class can perform a simple dance of the Snowflakes;
- while dancing, Snowflakes can sprinkle the audience and each other with white confetti;
- the final dance (it can be very arbitrary - simple dance movements) and the song (1 verse and chorus is enough) are performed by all the characters and Snowflakes;
Miniature travel:

Fabulous music.
Lady Blizzard comes out and slowly hangs paper snowflakes.
The Stepdaughter runs out.

Stepdaughter -Mistress Blizzard? (crouches down)
Mistress Blizzard -Isn't it time to whip the feather bed, honey?
Stepdaughter -Yes, Mrs. Metlitsa! (runs away)

The sound of a blizzard.
Snowflake dance.
During the dance, Mrs. Blizzard leaves.
The dance ends and the sound of a blizzard is heard again.
The Cat and the Dog come out, shake off the snow.

Cat -That's because Mistress Blizzard tried - how much snow covered.
Dog -And the blizzard continues, soon all the roads will be swept up - how then will we get to the city of Bremen?
Cat -(looking up calls) Mistress Blizzard! Mistress Blizzard, can you hear us, Mistress Blizzard?
Mistress Blizzard -(voice from behind the curtain) Of course I can hear you.
The Cat and the Dog look around.

Lady Blizzard comes out.
Mistress Blizzard -Hello. Did you call me?
Cat and Dog -Yes, Mistress Blizzard. We called you. Hello! (bow)
Mistress Blizzard -Glad to see you. Has anything happened to you?
Cat -Madam Blizzard, you will forgive us, but the road is completely covered with snow!
Dog -And we are in a hurry to the city of Bremen, to join our
musician friends, Donkey and Rooster, to celebrate a wonderful
Cat -After all, 200 years ago, the first collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm was released.
Dog -And for 200 years now the whole world has been crying and laughing together with the beloved heroes of German folk tales recorded by the great brothers.
Mistress Blizzard -Don't worry, the snow will stop soon and you can safely continue on your way.

Stepdaughter -(leaves timidly)Forgive me, please ... Good afternoon! (crouches down)
Cat and Dog -Hello!
Stepdaughter -I have a little request for you. Could you convey our regards to my friend, the Brave Tailor, if you suddenly meet him at the holiday?
Cat -We will certainly pass it on!
Dog -But maybe you, together with Mrs. Blizzard, would like to go to the holiday yourself?
Cat -After all, all the heroes of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales will gather in Bremen! And Thumb-Boy, and the Blackbird King, and a straw, a coal and a bean ...
Dog -And Snow White, and the seven dwarfs, and the sleeping beauty and Iron Hans, and little men, and even a golden goose ...
Cat -And all the other fairytale heroes, too, gather in the city of Bremen to celebrate such a grand event!
Dog -We invite you to join the celebration! (Cat and Dog bow)
Mistress Blizzard -Thank you, my dears! 200 years is a long term ... I think this event is worth celebrating! (To stepdaughter) What do you think, honey?
Stepdaughter -Of course, Mistress Blizzard! (To the Cat and the Dog) We will gladly join you!
Cat -Then, immediately, let's hit the road!
Dog -To the glorious city of Bremen!
Cat -For the holiday of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales!

The song "There is nothing better in the world ..." from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" sounds, all the characters and Snowflakes sing and dance. Bow. Care.

Elena Gubushkina
Theatrical miniatures "The world of fairy tales by G. H. Andersen"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 126"

nizhny Novgorod

Theatrical miniatures"World fairy tales G... H. Andersen»

joint event for children and parents

Educator: E. N. Gubushkina

Tasks: To systematize the knowledge of children about the work of G. Kh. Andersen... Develop children's creativity in the process theatrical activities... To cultivate a desire to please others, a desire to participate in joint creative activities.

Facilities: exhibition of children's drawings fairy tales G... H. Andersen, magic chest, screen, dolls, masks, decorations for fairy tales, presentation "Life and work H. Andersen» , multimedia equipment, three chests, colored cardboard coins.

Children sit on a highchair in a semicircle in the music room in front of the screen, parents behind them. The teacher addresses children and parents and invites them to go on a journey into the magical world fairy tales... H. Andersen.

A photograph of G. Kh. Appears on the screen. Andersen and the teacher tells children about the childhood of the writer, accompanying his slide story... At the end of his story the teacher makes a riddle and offers to guess which work is in question. Before each viewing miniatures an illustration for fairy tale.

Snow beauty in the tale of that lived,

And her soul was cold.

One evening in a white winter

She took Kai on a sled to her cold land.

The Snow Queen.

Children guess the riddle. Gerda and the Snow Queen appear from behind the screen (excerpt from fairy tales, in which Gerda falls into the palaces of the Snow Queen, shows the pupil of the group with her mother). At the end miniatures the teacher thanks the artists, invites the artists to go to the auditorium and tells the children the following riddle.

He endured troubles

No one saw him crying.

Because that's why they say

That he is a tin soldier.

The Steadfast Tin Soldier.

Children guess the riddle and "Scene" a soldier and a princess appear, a pupil of the group with his mother show an excerpt from fairy tales, the first meeting of the soldier with the princess.

At the end miniatures the next riddle sounds.

Who, tell me, is a wonder to everyone

Appeared from a flint?

All desires were fulfilled

Did you perform the service honestly?

The teacher invites the children to remember which coins were stored in the chests, and then offers the game "Spread the coins".

Game progress: coins are scattered in the center of the hall "Copper", "Silver", "Gold"... Children are divided into three teams, team start collecting coins, whose team is faster.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to go to the places, and to "Scene" next miniature performed by the next duet of mom and son, an excerpt from fairy tales"Flint".

The teacher informs the children that the journey continues and offers the next riddle.

A girl appeared in a flower cup.

And there was that girl a little smaller than a marigold.

In an orange shell that girl slept

And she saved the little swallow from the cold.


And on "Scene" in front of the audience next miniature, excerpt from fairy tales, wherein is told about the life of Thumbelina in a field mouse, performed by the next family.

The teacher offers the children the following riddle.

In childhood, everyone laughed at him.

They tried to push him away.

After all, no one knew that he

Born as a white swan.

Ugly duck.

And on "Scene" excerpt from fairy tales"Ugly duck", which tells about the life of a duckling in an old house with an old woman, a chicken and a cat.

At the end miniatures the teacher thanks all the actors for a wonderful and exciting journey and invites everyone to plunge everyone into fairy world of danceinviting everyone to perform the minuet.

At the end of the evening, the teacher informs the children that a journey into the world fairy tales have come to an endbut familiarity with fairy tales it is just beginning and it will continue for a long time.

Related publications:

Photo report - Defile "Theatrical costumes" In our kindergarten at the end of March there was a theatrical week, during which children showed performances:

The anniversary of G. H. Andersen served as an excellent occasion to devote a little more time to his work and plunge into the magical world of his fairy tales.

On March 27, 2015, our kindergarten hosted a theater festival-competition "Theater Meetings" dedicated to the holiday "International.

PROJECT: The Snow Queen. PROJECT TYPE: creative and informational. DURATION: short term (1 week). PROJECT PURPOSE: acquaintance with.

MADOU No. 13, Tomsk

Marina Vasilievna Basargina



Of the Lord


Our children spend a lot of time at computers and TVs. The consequence of this was a noticeable decrease in children's interest in reading. But should the children be blamed for this? The child copies our behavior. We are at the TV, it is nearby. We are on the Internet - he is there.

We have stopped mastering the language of the classical heritage, including the language of Russian and foreign classics. As a result, the simplification and coarsening of speech, a large number of borrowed words.

Writing a theatrical miniature"Read fairy tales, gentlemen!" preceded by a large-scale educational project“Tales of A.S. Pushkin " , which was developed and implemented by more than one teacher, children from all preparatory groups of two buildings of our kindergarten participated in it. Parents of preschool children took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Theatrical miniature"Read fairy tales, gentlemen!" it is, in a way, a call to adults not to forget about the importance of joint reading, including the works of one of the brightest creators of artistic images accessible to children, A.S. Pushkin. The melodiousness, rhythm, conciseness, expressiveness, musicality of his tales always resonates in the soul of both an adult and a child.

The number of participants in the miniature can increase or decrease.

In our case, there were six of them. The music for the miniature was Russian folk, the song "Our Heroic Power" (Oh, yes you must live beautifully) by N. Dobronravov, A. Pakhmutova, as well as from the cartoon "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" in 1973.

MINIATURE "Read fairy tales, gentlemen!"


Popovna __________________________ Balda _____________________________ Pop _______________________________ Pushkin ____________________________ Cat ________________________________ Princess ____________________________

Music sounds. (theme from the movie "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda"). Balda and Popovna come to the fore, from different wings. Balda now and then raises a weight (dummy), Popovna freezes in admiration.

Popovna: I'm better than a guy in Russia

I've never met

He is both strong and handsome!

What is your name?

Balda: Balda!

I'm looking for a job

Can't you help me?

Popovna: I will help with great pleasure!

I am Martha, the priest's daughter.

Father is looking for just

to the worker's house now.

Balda: I am the groom, I am the carpenter,

I - and a cook anywhere!

The best, in general, I am a worker,

For the priest.

Popovna: Wait, Balda!

I love my father very much,

But I must warn you:

Greedy he will not want

Don't pay you for anything!

Balda: Won't pay? Eh, Marfusha,

We'll see in a year!

Do not be sad, but better

Hurry home go!

He is greedy, but I am cunning,

That's it, the conversation is over.

The minus song "Our heroic strength" (Oh, yes, we must live beautifully) by A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov sounds.

Balda "chops wood". Pop comes out slowly from the wings.

Popovna: Day and night Balda at work

The house of the priest shines, and now

The year of work is running out

The hour of payment has arrived.

Pop: Whatever I have done with him,

And to hell with him.

Sly, dexterous and brave,

Still outwitted me.

I don't want this fee

Pop pays no one.

I'll run away!(pretends to leave, Balda

stops him)

Balda: Hey, where are you going?

Substitute your forehead soon!

Click sound, three bell sounds (bom-bom-bom) Pop gets three click. Rubs his forehead, remains on stage.

Balda: Greedy people in the world

They still live, alas.

If you have to meet them,

Tell you a fairy tale.

Popovna: Here the fairy tale ends,

And who listened - well done!

Balda: Who did not listen - too!

Pop: Yes, save us Bo-oh-oh-oh-oh!

A.S. Pushkin comes out (coat - cylinder - sideburns). He greets the heroes with a nod of his head, goes to the center.

Pushkin: Reads the tale of Balda

Two hundred years all Russia.

There is great wisdom hidden in it.

Oh yes Pushkin, oh yes I am!

Calm music sounds. The Cat and the Princess come out of the wings.

Balda: But not years have passed, but centuries

Everything on Earth has changed.

In speech, most often - interjections

Poor Pushkin! The look faded.

Pushkin: Attitudes towards fairy tales will change

In children after two hundred years:

A terrible beast will settle in every house,

And its name is Internet!


Cat: (shows) Green oak near the sea

There is Internet on that oak tree

There is a scientist cat hanging in ICQ

Discarding songs for later!

Princess holding a phone in one hand.

Princess: There on unknown paths

Perfectly catches a megaphone(shows)

There is fruit juice in a barrel of honey

Rushing across the sea like Guidon.(shows)

Cat: Princess SMS to everyone(The princess writes SMS)

And the gray wolf is looking for his player

There, Tsar Koschey on the site wastes away

There is a wonderful spirit, it smells of food.

Pop. The world has turned into a fabulous screen.

Well, to what technical progress has reached!

And this is definitely good! BUT,

Balda: Read the Lord's fairy tales to the children.
Human kindness is hidden in them,

Popovna: Which, the more it understands,
The wider and faster it grows!

Pushkin: The fairy tale is a lie - but there is a hint in it

Good fellows a lesson!

Folk music sounds. Participants bow to the audience.

The material is intended for reading by teachers to preschool children in kindergarten, reading by primary school children at school and for family reading. Miniature fairy tales in verse broaden the horizons, contribute to the formation of children's interest in the world around them, the development of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

goal: expanding children's horizons.

- to teach to notice the unusual in the ordinary around you, to be attentive to the world around you;
- develop thinking, memory, teach to compare and contrast, draw conclusions;
- to form in children an interest in the world around us, reading, to develop the spiritual and moral qualities of a person.

Miniature fairy tales about children and for children

Dear adults!

It is in our power to lay in the soul of a child the foundations of spiritual wealth, the ability to endlessly admire the secrets of the world, an obsession with the thirst for knowledge and creativity.
My fabulous miniatures are my love for the world, my desire to nurture in children the seeds of kindness, warmth of hearts, and care for those living nearby.
Let the language of fairy tales warm us, make us wiser, cleaner and brighter!

Cat story

On the nose of a cat Ninka
Went down quickly
White snowflake
With a fluffy fringe.

"What is this miracle? -
Ninka was surprised,
You otku .. from where?
Where are you, fluff? "

Rolled down on the asphalt
A droplet. Lost.
"I dreamed about it ..." -
The cat whispered.

The tale of black and white paints

We lived in a small hut
Doing nothing
Two funny girly
Black and white.

But the autumn holiday has come
This is a celebration of knowledge
And sisters to engage
Grandpa sent.

“Do not be naughty at school, children,
After all, now you are 1st grade! "
He did not know how everything in the world

Will change in an hour.

Sisters disobeyed!
Maybe out of boredom
They took a bucket in their hands,
Took hands in hand ...

Today the snow is black in the field,
The birch has a black trunk.
We write with chalk in black and black,
Put black chalk on the table.

Black sheet in my album
Chimney sweep in white soot.
White Negro in the next house,
The black sheet in the notebook is clean.

In the white sky at dark night
Many black stars glitter.
In the sky a flock of black and black
The cranes are flying by.

Guess you guys
What have the girls done?
How to make them now
Fix everything around again?

What happened?

Grandma's on the shelf
Lay in order
Spool, two needles,
In a ruled notebook,

Safety pin
And a woolen thread
Healing Herb Bunch
And an old postcard.

But what happened yesterday
With an old shelf?
The notebook vanished
Coil, two needles.

Suddenly a pin disappeared
And a woolen thread.
Even the weed has disappeared
And an old postcard!

Granny thought
Wearing glasses on the nose:
“I'll ask granddaughter Yulia,
Who was in charge here. "

I saw the coil
An old woman near the stove
The needle turned out
Under an old porch.

A woolen thread
With a bunch of medicinal herb
Tied to the gate
Neighborly granddaughter Klavka.

In a notebook in a ruler
Some icons:
Stripes, dots, snakes
And weird hooks.

And to the old postcard
A pin is pinned.
Perhaps the cat is Lidka?
Or Klavka's neighbor?

Runs to grandmother Julia,
Lowering the cilia:
“Forgive me, granny!
Granny, I'm sorry! "