Works in various spheres of human activity. Basics of professional activity

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    Sphere (gr. sphaira - ball) is the limit of propagation of any action.

    Sphere of professional activity
    Industry (or area) of labor that has certain boundaries of application.
    According to the results of labor activity, the products of labor distinguish between two large spheres of the economy:
    • the sphere of material production;
    • non-production sphere.

    They are also spheres of professional activity (Figure 41).
    In the field of material production two types of products are produced: means of production and consumer goods.
    Non-production spherecovers industries and types of professional activities to service the population, other sectors of the economy and management.
    The sphere of material production and non-production branches are closely interconnected. The state and development of the non-production sphere have an active impact on socio-economic progress and are its most important indicators.
    With the socio-economic development of society, the number of workers in the sphere of material production decreases, and in the non-production sphere - increases.

    Scheme 41. Spheres and branches of professional activity

    Areas of professional activity can be qualified on the subject of labor (what is the purpose of human labor). Five areas are distinguished here:

    • man is nature,
    • man is a technique,
    • man is a sign system,
    • man - man,
    • man is an artistic image.

    Man is nature (B-P)
    Objects of labor: plant, animal organisms, microorganisms.
    Labor objects: soil, water, forest, atmosphere, seeds, minerals, plants, animals, microbiological processes.
    Areas of work: plant growing, animal husbandry, forestry, microbiology.
    : love of animals and plants, observation, the ability to foresee changing natural factors, courage, precision of movements, patience and perseverance, operative visual-figurative thinking, physical endurance.

    Man - Technique (Ch-T)
    Items of Labor: machines, mechanisms, technical systems, units.
    Labor objects:machinery, devices, equipment, apparatus, soil, rocks, timber, plastics, fabrics, building materials, energy, agricultural products.
    Labor area: extraction and processing of soil and rocks; processing of materials; assembly, installation, repair, patching, maintenance of equipment, buildings and structures, electrical and radio equipment; management of lifting and transport vehicles; processing of agricultural products.
    love of technology, technical thinking, coordination of movements, reaction speed, technical hearing, resistance to monotomy, the ability to technical creativity.

    Man is a sign system (Ch-Z)
    Items of Labor: signs, symbols, formulas, words, numbers, texts, codes.
    Labor objects: Computers, typewriters, indicators, measuring instruments, drawings, diagrams, graphs, drawings, maps, notes, money, photographs, written and oral speech, documents.
    Areas of work: creation and execution of documents, analysis and translation of texts, office work, communications, accounting, economics, finance, insurance, lending, printing, cartography, topography, geodesy, drafting, design, modeling and archiving, statistics, computer work
    Professionally important qualities for successful business: visual perception, visual analyzer, operative memory, logical thinking, healthy musculoskeletal system, concentration of attention, coordination of movements, emotional stability.

    Man - man (H-H)
    Items of Labor: people, groups of people, collectives, educational conditions.
    Labor objects: methods, means, conditions of education, service of people and their guidance.
    Areas of work: management of people, education, training, medical, commercial, social, household, information services for people.
    Professionally important qualities for successful business: love for people, observation, resourcefulness, politeness, responsiveness, honesty, communicative tendencies, emotional stability.

    Man is an artistic image (Ch-X)
    Items of Labor: artistic image and patterns of its creation.
    Labor objects: paints, notes, letters, words, artistic speech, body plastic, materials.
    Areas of work: arts and crafts, sculpture, photography, fine, musical, choreographic arts, architecture, literature, television.
    Professionally important qualities for successful business: creative, imaginative thinking, imaginative memory, observation, artistic taste, artistic special abilities.
    Areas of professional activity can also be classified by labor goals:

    • gnostic, associated with cognitive work - D (controller, inspector, etc.);
    • transformative, associated with an active change in the properties and states of objects - P (turner, builder, etc.);
    • prospecting, associated with finding the best solution for a complex practical problem - AND (cutter, programmer, etc.).

    By tools of labor professions are divided into the following groups:

    • manual labor - R;
    • mechanized labor - M;
    • automated labor - AND;
    • labor using functional features of a person (body plastic, voice, etc.) - F.

    By working conditions professions are divided into the following groups:

    • outdoor labor - ABOUT;
    • work in normal living conditions - B;
    • work in unusual conditions (underground, under water, in space, etc.) - H;
    • labor with increased material and moral responsibility for life, health, education of people - M.

    For a clearer and more visual presentation, the classification of the spheres of professional activity can be schematically depicted in the form of four tiers (Figure 42).

    Scheme 42. Classification of spheres of professional activity by subject, goals, tools and working conditions

    Based on this scheme, it is possible to draw up a formula for any profession, consisting of four letters, where the first indicates the type, the second - the class, the third - the department, and the fourth - the profession group.
    For example, the formula for the profession of a teacher can be written as follows: CPFM.

    The main areas of professional activity in the modern labor market and requirements for them
    Administrative and managerial activities.

    The main requirements for managers and managers are work experience in a similar position or managerial work experience. Average age - 35-40 years old. Often, leadership positions are occupied by people of a younger age, provided that they started working in this area from the very bottom, gained a lot of experience and thoroughly know their job. The administrative apparatus also includes the so-called office staff - secretaries, office - managers, personnel department employees, PC operators. The main requirement here is the availability of special skills, such as knowledge of office equipment. Knowledge foreign languages adds points in favor of the person looking for a job. The average age for office staff is 25-30, mostly girls. For an accountant, the main requirement is work experience and knowledge of specialized programs.

    In this field of activity, special education is not a strict requirement. It is much more important to have work experience and certain personal qualities (sociability, delicacy, energy). Even in the absence of work experience, many firms provide training and internship opportunities.
    Manufacturing, construction, transport

    This direction is now one of the most demanded, as it is associated with ensuring the daily needs of society. However, men are traditionally invited to work.
    Insurance, real estate

    The requirements of employers for specialists in these areas are similar. The absence of strict conditions attracts: age restrictions are rarely set, there are no claims to the presence of special education. The skills of communication with people, energy and efficiency are of great importance, since the level of earnings depends on the number of transactions concluded.
    Medicine, pharmacy

    Everything related to health is always in demand. However, in order to work in this direction, special education is required. The emergence of a significant number of commercial firms in the field of medicine, pharmacology opens up wide opportunities for work.
    Entertainment and restaurant business

    To work in this area, special education is often not required. But activity, youth and attractive appearance are welcomed. This direction provides ample opportunities for young people and students, since with a fairly flexible schedule and a shift-oriented nature of the activity, it is possible to combine work with study, earn good money and advance in the service.

    Lesson 6. What do I know about professions?

    Goal:Acquaintance with the principle of a reasonable choice of a profession, reasonable planning of a professional career, taking into account the needs of personal self-determination in a real labor market.


    1. To identify the level of formation of personal professional plans, the degree of professional readiness.

    2. To acquaint with the rules for choosing a profession, taking into account personal characteristics and requirements of the labor market.

    3. Provide information on the possibilities of vocational education in modern conditions.
    Technical requirements: multimedia support in the form of Power Point presentation is used.

    When students enter the classroom, the first slide of the presentation with the title of the topic is displayed on the screen: “choosing a profession is serious”.

    I. Informational part.


    During the class hour with students, it is important to discuss, first, the basic rules for choosing a profession, taking into account significant factors; secondly, to focus on the need for a conscious approach to the situation of choice, on taking responsibility for the results of the choice, thirdly, to show the need for self-knowledge so that the chosen profession (specialty, field of activity) corresponds individual characteristics person.

    An analysis of the prospects of the modern labor market shows that in the near future, when today's adolescents begin their professional path, personality traits such as, for example, the willingness to learn, constantly acquire new knowledge and skills, communication skills, willingness to work, focus on achievement of a result, independence, responsibility, etc.

    To begin classroom hour you can from the following:

    As you already understood, today we will talk about professions.

    The world of professions is huge, there are more than 40 thousand of them, and about five hundred new ones appear annually and the same number disappears or changes.

    The word "profession" comes from two Latin words: "professio" - an officially specified occupation, specialty and "profiteor" - I declare my business. This word, like many other terms, is ambiguous.

    Profession - a type of work activity that requires some training and is usually a source of livelihood.

    Often, the problem of choosing a profession arises more than once in life. The earliest professional self-determination occurs in art, and the latest in politics and science.

    Requirements for a person by profession.

    When a young man chooses a profession for himself, he is interested in making his profession popular with employers not only today, but also in 10-20 years. This is called the stability of demand for the profession.

    Along with the “eternal” professions - builder, doctor, teacher, etc., the transport, chemical industry, high technologies, communications, communications, new professions at the intersection of traditional ones, economic management, and the social sphere are becoming relevant. At the same time, for professional success at the present stage of development of society, personal qualities, communication skills, motivation of a person to work, readiness to continuously improve their professionalism, to change become more important than the traditionally understood volume of knowledge.

    An indicator of the stability of demand for a profession is the number of jobs in a particular specialty available at different enterprises in the district and region. The achievement of the goal depends on the desire of a person, determination and will.

    The main factors or conditions for choosing a profession are aspects of a sound professional plan, which takes into account the interests, abilities, health status, the ability of the choosing a profession and the needs of society for personnel.

    Conventionally, these components of the profession formula can be designated as "I want", "I can", "I must".

    "Want" - (interests and inclinations). Interest is the desire to learn about an object or phenomenon, the desire to study it.

    Propensities - the desire to engage in any certain activities... Interests and inclinations may or may not coincide with each other, may be directed towards one, several, many types of activity.

    "I can"- (abilities, health status).

    Abilities - the individual abilities of a person, ensuring the success of performing any activity, the ease of assimilation and mastery of this activity, the creative potential of a person.

    "Must" - (needs of society in personnel).

    Society needs specialists in various professions. Choosing a profession, you need to coordinate your choice with the need of social production in personnel. The combination of these three important aspects when thinking about a professional plan will help determine the best ways to choose a profession for each person, which is extremely important for the current labor market conditions.

    The general structure of vocational education in the field

    The profession can be obtained in various educational institutions, depending on the level of professional education you choose:

    Vocational education is primary, secondary and higher.

    Initial vocational educationf - represented by lyceums, vocational schools, which provide a working specialty.

    Secondary vocational education allows you to become a mid-level specialist in most professions of the executive or creative class. Secondary vocational education can be obtained with basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education.

    Moreover, if a person already has a secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, then he can get a secondary vocational education according to reduced accelerated programs.

    Higher professional education represented by state and non-state universities. When choosing a non-state educational institution, it is necessary to check the licenses, accreditation and attestation of the educational institution. Without these 3 documents, a diploma of an educational institution does not give national guarantees of employment.

    Where can I get information about vocational educational institutions.

    Information about educational institutions providing vocational training can be obtained:

    • in reference books for applicants to educational institutions;

    • in telephone directories;

    • in computer information retrieval programs on the INTERNET;

    • in advertisements;

    • in libraries;

    • in the OPPK;

    • in regional employment centers;

    • in conversations with representatives of educational institutions and teachers;

    • when meeting with students and alumni;

    • during personal visits to educational institutions.
    II. Diagnostics of professional preferences and building a personal professional plan.

    1. Conducting group testing according to the mini-Holland method.

    2. Interpretation of results, conversation about personality typology and spheres of activity according to J. Holland.
    Description of personality types in the theory of JJ. Holland

    Realistic type (R)- prefers realistic careers, work with some specific objects of labor and mechanisms more than with people. Possesses mechanical and engineering skills, loves working with tools and machines, gets satisfaction from the concrete results of his labor. Management and communication skills are generally low. Has difficulty expressing himself, communicating his feelings and thoughts to others.

    Research Type (I) - focused on science and scientific activity. Possesses mathematical and research skills. He gets more satisfaction from solving abstract problems than translating them into practical action. Prefers to work with ideas rather than people and objects. Not inclined towards leadership, avoids monotonous physical or other actions. Doesn't feel discomfort in a situation of uncertainty and doesn't like strictly structured activities with many rules.

    Artistic type (A) - prefers to work in an artistic environment that offers many opportunities for self-expression through artistic means. Show little interest in problems that require serious organizational preparation to solve them, or apply significant effort, preferring those that can be solved through self-expression in the artistic field. He enjoys creating creative works, has a good imagination, creativity.

    Social type (S) - prefers social careers, is focused on interaction with people, likes to help people, to solve their problems. He expresses himself well and expresses himself with others, loves attention and seeks situations that allow him to be the center of the group's attention. Avoids activities requiring mechanical repetitive actions.

    Entrepreneurial type (E) - activities related to influencing people, organizing them to solve certain problems. Possess leadership and oratorical speech abilities. Competitive-oriented, often display verbal aggression. They get satisfaction from the opportunity to be in the center of attention, events, to convince others of their point of view. High claims to power and material wealth. Leadership and economic abilities, business qualities are highly valued, aesthetically poorly developed.

    Traditional type (E) - prefers to work with data and information, to work on processing and systematizing information. Inclined to order, seeks to streamline and structure the surrounding reality. Avoids areas of activity related to persuading people. Feels comfortable accepting the role of a member of a certain structure. Possesses calculating and clerical skills.

    3. Conversation about typical mistakes when choosing a profession.

    Each person makes the final decision on choosing a profession independently. There are two types of errors:

    1. following other people's advice, choosing for the company;

    2. choice of a nearby university or an outwardly attractive, prestigious profession;

    3. lack of essential information about the profession or specialty, ignorance of their personal characteristics and character traits, etc.
    III. Career guidance games and exercises aimed at activating the construction of a personal professional plan.

    1. Exercise "Plus - minus - interesting".

    Exercise on the development of skills necessary when choosing a profession (analysis, all-round consideration, expansion of ideas about professions). Each participant must draw a sign and describe the situation when he received a profession and began to work on it, as follows:

    • in the first column, write down as many positive aspects (pluses) of this situation as possible;

    • in the second column - as many disadvantages of this situation as possible;

    • in the third column, write down as many interesting things as possible related to it.
    The exercise is given 10-15 minutes, the results are announced and discussed.

    2. Sign up for individual consultations.
    Lesson 7. What do I know about professions?

    Labor saves us

    From three great evils:

    Boredom, vice and need.

    Labor (labor activity) - human activity aimed at creating a socially useful result, goods or services.

    Profession - type of work activity of a person, which requires a certain level of special knowledge and skills, and can serve as a source of income.

    Specialty - type of occupation within one profession.

    Position- this is the name of the status in the structure of a specific organization, enterprise (school director, head of department ...)

    The type of profession is determined by the subject of labor with which a person interacts.

    Allocate fivemain types of professions:

    • man - technology

    • man - man

    • man is nature

    • man is a sign system

    • man is an artistic image

    Human - technology:

    Includes equipment maintenance, repair, installation, commissioning, management, production and processing of metal and non-metal products, mechanical assembly, assembly, etc. (locksmith, turner, chauffeur, engineer, driver, electrician, radio technician).

    The work of people of these professions is aimed at education and training, information, household, labor and medical services for people (salesman, librarian, journalist, doctor, teacher, educator, waiter, administrator)
    Human nature:

    This type includes professions associated with objects of animate and inanimate nature (farmer, forester, biologist, gardener, livestock technician, agronomist, geologist, beekeeper)