Fadeev routing frost analysis of the hero. Comparative characteristics of Morozka and Mechik (based on the novel A

Which we will carry out in this article was written in 1927. For the first time in Russian literature, Alexander Alexandrovich focused on the depiction of the inner world and revolution - ordinary heroes. In the novel, everything is subordinated to the solution of this problem - from the peculiarities of the composition, the choice of the situation to the methods of psychological analysis used in the text. This is the peculiarity of Fadeev's "The Defeat". An analysis of it, as well as a summary of this novel, we bring to your attention.

The author's choice of time and place of action

Fadeev, talking about the unfolding in the Far East during the civil war, chooses for his story a tragic situation, which is indicated in the title: we are talking about the defeat of one detachment of partisans. The characters of various heroes are revealed most vividly in these tests, as our analysis shows. "The Defeat" (Fadeev) is a work in which the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality transformation plays an important role. According to the author himself, "people are being altered".

Portrayal of hero psychology

A detailed introduction is made up of the first 8 chapters of Fadeev's "The Defeat". Analyzing them, one can notice that a whole series is named after the names of the main characters of the novel: "Levinson", "Mechik", "Frost". It can also be noted that the author deliberately slows down the pace of development of the action in order to present the stories of the main characters to the readers, describe their relationships, prepare them to understand their behavior during battles.

Depicting the psychology of the heroes, the writer uses the tradition of classical Russian literature. Analyzing the novel "The Defeat" by Fadeev, it should be noted that Alexander Alexandrovich mostly relies on the work of Leo Tolstoy. The author follows his principles, despite the fact that the time at which the work was created was marked by a violent denial of the past, including the literary, and attention to the analysis of the inner world was considered "psychotic". In the traditions of Tolstoy, the text contains the techniques of psychological analysis: landscape and portrait details, as well as internal monologues that reveal the secret reasons for the actions of the heroes, their feelings and thoughts (chapters Nineteen, Cargo, Levinson).

Using the antithesis technique, its analysis

"Defeat" (Fadeev A. A.) is a work that uses the method of antithesis, which reveals the tension of psychological, moral, historical conflicts. In contrast to Morozka and Levinson, as well as the latter and Mechik, the significance of consciousness, conviction in the formation of the human personality is shown.

So, in the work Mechik and Morozka collide. Analysis of the novel "The Defeat" by Fadeev reveals what is their confrontation. From the very beginning, this reveals the superiority of the "class instinct" inherent in the proletarians over the doubts of this "clean" intellectual, who is interested not in the revolution as such, but in himself in it. After reading the work, we can be convinced that the novel clearly dominates the class principle when evaluating a person. This is primarily due to the historical limitations inherent in the views of the author.

The image of the inner formation of a person

The main attention in the novel "The Defeat" Fadeev proves this) pays such a moment as the formation of the personality of a person fighting for a new life, his moral and psychological formation. The process of his maturation is most fully revealed on the example of Ivan Morozov, a miner nicknamed Morozka. 12 chapters out of 17 are connected with it in one way or another. The work depicts successively changes in the thoughts and feelings of this person. Levinson, the squad leader, plays a special role in this process. The feat was the result of the short life of Ivan Morozov. He saved his comrades at the cost of his own life.

The hero who could not stand the test

As we have already noted, Fadeev builds his novel "The Defeat" on the antithesis. Analysis of the work shows that the antipode of Ivan Morozov is Pavel Mechik, who has not withstood the tests of harsh reality. The author interprets each of his actions as an expression of selfishness, weakness, lack of a moral core. All these traits ultimately push Mechik to betrayal. In debunking this hero, the author is consistent. For him, this person is initially cowardly, shallow, and his suffering is insignificant, superficial. In the description of this intellectual, we do not find the desire to portray a contradictory, complex personality, characteristic of the author's contemporaries.

We have identified only the main points that are present in the work "The Defeat" by Fadeev. Our analysis can be supplemented. After all, each of us understands literature in his own way. Try to find some other features of the novel "The Defeat" (Fadeev) yourself. Chapter-by-chapter analysis will help you better understand the work and identify interesting patterns.

The story tells that Levinson, the commander of a partisan detachment, orders Morozka, his orderly, to take a package to another detachment. Tom does not want to go, he therefore suggests sending someone else. The commander, having heard about this, calmly orders his orderly to surrender the weapon, and then go wherever he pleases. After thinking it over, Morozka decides to take the letter and goes with the assignment, noticing that he cannot "leave the squadron" in any way. It is no coincidence that Fadeev ("The Defeat") notes this. The analysis of Morozko, the main character of the novel, reveals his complex character, internal struggle. You will find out how it will end by reading the summary of the work to the end.

Frost's backstory, the hero picks up Sword

Let's describe further events. Then comes the back story of Ivan Morozov. He worked as a miner, already in the second generation. Morozka thoughtlessly did everything in his life, including marrying Vara, a walking hauler, and then he also left to defend the Soviets in the eighteenth year.

On the way to the detachment under the command of Shaldyba, where the orderly is taking the package, he notices a battle between the partisans and the Japanese. Russian soldiers flee, leaving behind a wounded boy dressed in a city jacket. Frost picks him up and returns to his commander Levinson. Analyzing the story "The Defeat" by Fadeev, we have already mentioned Pavel Mechik. Below we will introduce you to this hero in more detail.

Mechikov in the infirmary

Pavel Mechik, who was picked up by Ivan, woke up only in the forest infirmary, noticed nurse Varya (who is Morozka's wife) and doctor Stashinsky. The wounded is bandaged. It is reported in the background of this character that when he was still living in the city, he wanted to become heroic, so he decided to go to the partisans. However, I was disappointed when I got to the red. In the infirmary he is trying to talk to Dr. Stashinsky. But he, having learned that this man was making friends mainly with the maximalist Socialist-Revolutionaries, is reluctant to talk with Mechik.

Frost's offense

Morozka didn't like the wounded hero at once. His opinion of him was strengthened when Morozka visited his wife in the infirmary. After that, he tried to steal melons from Ryabets, the village chairman. However, he was forced to retire, caught by the owner. The chairman complains to Levinson, and he gives the order to take the weapon from Morozka. A village gathering was scheduled for the evening to discuss the orderly's misconduct. Having crowded among the men, Levinson finally understands that the detachment needs to retreat, since the Japanese are already very close. The partisans gather at the appointed hour, and the commander sets out what the matter is, offering to decide for everyone what to do with Morozka.

Morozka makes a promise, guesses about the relationship between his wife and Mechikov

Dubov, a partisan, a former miner, says that it is necessary to expel the orderly from the detachment. This has such a strong effect on the offending hero that he pledges never to disgrace the title of a former miner and partisan in any way. Frost, on one of his trips to the infirmary, realizes that Mechik and his wife have a special relationship. Having never been jealous of his spouse before, this time he feels anger both towards his wife and towards this "mama's son" (the definition awarded by Mechik Frost).

Mechik gets a horse

Everyone in the squad thinks that Levinson is a “correct”, “special” breed. The partisans believe that the commander understands and knows everything, although he sometimes experienced hesitation and doubts. Levinson, collecting information from all sides, orders his detachment to retreat. The mechik, who has already recovered, returns to the detachment. The commander orders to provide him with a horse. So Mechik gets a "mournful tearful" mare named Zyuchikha. The offended partisan does not know how to deal with her. Not being able to get close to other members of the squad, he is not able to see the "main springs" of his mechanism.

Mechikov and Baklanov go on reconnaissance

Mechikov, together with Baklanov, decide to send them to reconnaissance. They run into a Japanese patrol in the village and kill three in a shootout. Having found the main forces of the Japanese, the two partisans return to their detachment.

The Frolov story

It is necessary to retreat, it is required to evacuate the hospital, but the mortally wounded Frolov cannot be taken with you. Stashinsky and Levinson therefore decide to give him poison. Mechik overhears their conversation. He tries to interfere with the doctor. He shouts at him. Frolov understands what the matter is, and agrees to drink the poison.

Events in the village

The detachment retreats, Levinson goes to check the guards during the night, starts a conversation with Mechik, who is at the sentry's post. He tries to explain to the commander that he feels bad in the detachment, but after this conversation Levinson gets the impression that this partisan is "an impenetrable confusion." The commander sends Blizzard to reconnaissance. He sneaks into the village where the Cossacks are at that time, climbs the fence of the house in which the squadron leader temporarily lives. The Cossacks find him, lock him up in a barn, and interrogate him the next morning, after which they lead him to the square. Here a man in a waistcoat steps forward, leading a frightened shepherd boy by the hand. Blizzard left his horse for this boy the day before, having met him in the forest. The head of the Cossacks wants to interrogate the child "in his own way", but Blizzard, trying to strangle, rushes at him. The chief shoots - and the Blizzard dies.

Battle with the Cossacks

Continues his work ("The Defeat"). Analyzing the further content, the following key points can be distinguished. The Cossack squadron leaves along the road. At this time, he is discovered by partisans who ambush him, putting the Cossacks to flight. Frost's horse is killed during the battle. The partisans, having occupied the saddle, by order of the commander, shoot the aforementioned man in a vest. The enemy cavalry arrives in the village at dawn. Levinson's detachment, significantly thinner, retreats into the forest, to the swamps, but gets stuck there, because there is a bog in front. Then Levinson decides to drive the swamp. Having accomplished this, the detachment makes its way to the bridge, where the Cossacks ambushed. Mechik goes on patrol, but escapes, discovered by the Cossacks, fearing to warn Levinson's detachment. Frost, who was driving after him, shoots three times, as agreed, and dies. Levinson's squad rushes into the attack, only 19 people remain alive.

So, we examined the work that Fadeev created, his analysis was presented to you. We hope you found this article helpful.

In 1927 A. Fadeev's novel "The Defeat" was published, in which the author turned to the events of the revolution and the civil war. By that time, this topic had already been sufficiently covered in the literature. Some writers considered the events that completely changed the life of the country as the greatest tragedy of the people, others portrayed everything in a romantic halo.

Aleksandrovich approached the coverage of the revolutionary movement somewhat differently. He continued the traditions of L. Tolstoy in the study of the human soul and created a psychological novel, which was often accused by "new writers" who rejected classical traditions.

The plot and composition of the work

The action is developing in the Far East, where the combined troops of the White Guards and the Japanese fought a fierce struggle against the partisans of Primorye. The latter often found themselves in complete isolation and were forced to act independently, without receiving support. It is in this situation that Levinson's detachment finds itself, about which Fadeev's novel "The Defeat" narrates. An analysis of his composition determines the main task that the writer set himself: to create psychological portraits of people of the revolution.

The novel of 17 chapters can be roughly divided into 3 parts.

  1. Chapters 1-9 - an extensive exposition introducing the situation and the main characters: Morozkoy, Mechik, Levinson. The detachment is on vacation, but its commander must maintain discipline in the "combat unit" and be ready to act at any time. Here the main conflicts are outlined and the plot of the action takes place.
  2. 10-13 chapters - the detachment makes endless transitions and enters into minor clashes with the enemy. Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich pays great attention to the development of the characters of the main characters, who often find themselves in difficult situations.
  3. Chapters 14-17 - the culmination of the action and the denouement. Of the entire detachment, forced to fight alone, only 19 people remain alive. But the main emphasis is on Frost and Mechik, who find themselves in equal conditions - in the face of death.

Thus, in the novel there is no heroic description of the military exploits of people defending the ideas of the revolution. To show the influence of the events on the formation of the human personality - this was what A. Fadeev strove for. "Defeat" - an analysis of a difficult situation when there is a "selection of human material". In such conditions, according to the author, everything "hostile is swept away", and "that which has risen from the true roots of the revolution ... is tempered, grows, develops."

Antithesis as the main device of the novel

Opposition in the work occurs at all levels. It concerns both the position of the opposing sides ("red" - "white"), and the moral analysis of the actions of people involved in the events that served as the basis of Fadeev's novel "The Defeat".

An analysis of the images of the main characters, Frost and Mechik, makes it clear that they are opposed in everything: origin and education, appearance, actions performed and their motivation, relationships with people, place in the squad. Thus, the author gives his answer to the question of what is the path of different social groups in the revolution.


The reader is introduced to the "second generation miner" already in Chapter 1. This is a young man who goes through a difficult path

At first it seems that Frost consists of some flaws. Rude, uneducated, constantly violating discipline in the unit. He did all his actions thoughtlessly, and he saw life as "simple, unwise." At the same time, the reader immediately notices his courage: he, risking his life, saves an absolutely stranger - Mechik.

Much attention is paid to Moroz in Fadeev's novel "The Defeat". An analysis of his actions allows us to understand how the hero's attitude towards himself and those around him changed. The first significant event for him was the trial for the theft of melons. Frost was shocked and frightened that he could be expelled from the detachment, and for the first time he gave the "miner's" word to improve, which he would never break. Gradually, the hero realizes his responsibility to the detachment, learns to live meaningfully.

The advantage of Morozka was the fact that he clearly knew why he had come to the detachment. He was always attracted only to the best people, of whom there are many in Fadeev's novel "The Defeat". Analysis of the actions of Levinson, Baklanov, Goncharenko will become the basis for the formation of the best moral qualities in the former miner. A devoted comrade, a selfless fighter, a person who feels responsibility for his actions - this is how Moroz appears in the finale, when he saves the squad at the cost of his own life.


Paul is completely different. First introduced in a rushing crowd, he will never find a place for himself until the end of the novel.

Mechik is introduced into Fadeev's novel "The Defeat" for a reason. A citizen, educated and well-mannered, clean (in the description of the hero, words with diminutive suffixes are often used) is a typical representative of the intelligentsia, whose attitude to the revolution has always caused controversy.

The mechik often evokes contempt for himself. Once he imagined a romantic, heroic setting that would await him in the war. When the reality turned out to be completely different ("dirtier, lousier, tougher"), I experienced great disappointment. And the more Mechik was in the detachment, the thinner the connection between him and the partisans became. Pavel does not use the opportunities to become part of the "detachment mechanism" - Fadeev gives them to him more than once. The "defeat", the problems of which are also associated with the role in the revolution of the intelligentsia cut off from the roots of the people, ends with the hero's moral downfall. He betrays the detachment, and the condemnation of his own cowardice is quickly replaced by joy from the fact that for him now "a terrible life" is over.


This character begins and ends the story. Levinson's role is significant: he helps to unite the detachment, unites the partisans into one whole.

The hero is interesting already because his appearance (due to his short stature and wedge he resembled the Mechik of the dwarf) did not in any way correspond to the image of a heroic commander in a leather jacket created in literature. But the unsightly appearance only emphasized the uncommon personality. The attitude of all the heroes of Fadeev's novel "The Defeat" to him, the analysis of actions and thoughts prove that Levinson was an indisputable authority for everyone in the detachment. No one could even imagine the commander as doubting, he always served as an example of a "special, correct breed." Even the moment when the last of the men is taken away to save the detachment, Morozka sees, for example, not as a robbery, similar to stealing melons, but as a necessary deed. And only the reader becomes a witness to the fact that Levinson is a living person with fears and insecurity inherent in everyone.

It is also noteworthy that difficulties only temper the commander, make him stronger. Only such a person, according to the writer, is capable of leading people.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel as Fadeev saw it

The "Defeat", the content and theme of which is largely explained by the author himself, shows how in the process of complex historical events the true character of a person manifests itself.

"Huge rework of people" concerns representatives of different ages and social groups. Some come out of trials with dignity, while others reveal emptiness and worthlessness.

Today, Fadeev's work is perceived ambiguously. So, the indisputable merits of the novel include a deep analysis of the psychology of the main characters, especially since this was practically the first attempt in post-revolutionary literature. But at the same time it is difficult to agree with the opinion that for the sake of the triumph of the idea, all methods are good, even the murder of the mortally wounded Frolov. No goals can justify cruelty and violence - this is the main principle of the inviolable laws of humanism, on which humanity rests.

Fadeev's novel is still controversial. His heroes are real, alive, but many see them as state orders and Soviet revolutionary propaganda. And although history has now turned against the "reds", there are still millions of people in the country who are close to the position of Morozka and Levinson, but there are those who sympathize with Mechik, they are against goodness and freedom, mixed with blood.

The author wrote the novel at the age of 25, but despite this, the work was mature enough. Critics immediately noted the talent of the writer. The work brought him success and recognition, because the ideological basis of the book was very suitable for the political course of the new state. The action in "Mayhem" takes place during the Civil War in the Ussuri region. Alexander Alexandrovich himself fought in the 1920s in the Far East against the army of Kolchak and Semyonov and personally experienced the hardships of battles. Therefore, the descriptions of military sorties and frontline life looks so convincing and vivid, as if the reader himself witnessed these events and is now listening to the nostalgic story of a comrade of those years.

the main idea

Fadeev spoke about the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work as follows:

The first and main idea: in a civil war, a selection of human material takes place, everything hostile is swept away by the revolution, everything incapable of a real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is eliminated, and everything that has risen from the true roots of the revolution, from the millions of people, is tempered, grows, develops in this fight. A tremendous transformation of people is taking place. This alteration is successful because the revolution is led by the advanced representatives of the working class - the communists, who clearly see the goal of the movement and who lead the more backward and help them to re-educate. "

And, indeed, throughout the narrative, in the center of which are three heroes, we see how they change. The author describes in detail their experiences, dreams, desires, sufferings, thoughts. Many critics even accused Fadeev of excessive internal probing of the characters, of unnecessary "Tolstoyism". But without this it would be simply impossible to reveal the images of Morozka, Mechik and Levinson. The writer managed to overcome the superficiality of socialist realism and preserve in literature the psychologism typical of classical Russian prose.

Frost's image

The heroes are representatives of different strata of society, with different fates, but they were united by the revolution. They found themselves in the same squad, fighting side by side with the enemy, experiencing similar feelings every day. The author describes in detail the development of each of them.

Morozka is a miner guy who has been living a physically difficult but disorderly life since childhood. At the age of 12, he already started working at the mine, learned to swear and drink vodka. Fadeev writes that Morozka got into the detachment, most likely, rashly, it was just that then it was impossible to do otherwise. It turns out that he appeared with his wife Varka among the partisans by chance, unconsciously, fate itself took him there. But in the first chapter we see that Morozka values \u200b\u200bhis place in the squadron and will never leave it, this has become the meaning of his useless, aimless life. He initially has the ability to realize real honest deeds, but he can also easily commit a low, dishonoring act. Morozka does not betray his comrades, saves Mechiku's life, but after that he steals melons from Ryabets, with whom he slept under the same blanket and lived with him. Later, Frost changes. The author describes his development in the following way: “He also thought that life was getting more cunning, the old Suchan paths were overgrown, and he had to choose the Road himself.” This suggests that the hero is already quite consciously choosing his path. Then Morozka makes his own decisions. At the trial, he promises that he will never again dare to dishonor their squad, he says that he is ready to shed blood for each of them. The soldier has long become an integral part of the detachment, these are his most dear people, for whom he gives his life without hesitation in the final of the novel. Such people are needed by the revolution. There is no selfishness in them, and they love their comrades more than themselves.

Levinson's image

Levinson is completely different. He is a squad leader and is a role model for most partisans. Everyone considers him to be the strongest, bravest, intelligent person who always knows what to do right. In fact, Levinson grew up in an ordinary Jewish family, helped his father sell supported furniture, was afraid of mice and was in many ways similar to his partisans. But he knew that he could lead people only by deeply hiding all his fears and anxieties, he must be an example for them to follow. Levinson, like Morozka, loves his comrades more than himself and his sufferings. He knows for sure that there is an important cause for which he lives and is ready for anything.

Mechik's image

Sword is the exact opposite of Frost. A guy from an intelligent family, he graduated from high school and got into the detachment of his own free will, only he had completely different ideas about the revolution, the struggle, they are too bookish, romantic. In life, everything turned out differently, but Mechik did not immediately understand that this was not his environment. The author shows him a long way to betrayal.

Fadeev immediately presents him with the eyes of Morozka, who does not like such too clean people, his experience says that these are unreliable comrades who cannot be trusted. But at first Mechik wanted struggle and movement, young hot blood was seething in him. He was not immediately accepted by the partisans, since he was very different from them in appearance. Seeing real, living people - rude, dirty, uncouth - he was disappointed. The image of Mechik is written in the most detail, since it is important to know how good guys seem to become traitors. Fadeev describes this process in detail. The author writes about him without contempt; he seems to justify his fall. After all, it was the partisans themselves who did not accept him, and the main reason for this was that he belonged to a different class. He was constantly offended, mocked and laughed at. He was always, in fact, alone, and loneliness pushes people to desperate actions. Mechik, unfortunately, did not fall into his own environment, but it was no longer possible to leave in an amicable way. Fadeev leaves him alive, he will have to live with his betrayal. The hero will be able to justify himself, because more than anything in the world he loves only himself, such as he is. There is no place for someone like him in the revolutionary ranks. He's too weak to fight.

Main problems

When it comes to a big and responsible business, it is important to understand all its aspects and if you really take on it, then stand to the end. If you rush around, then nothing good will come of it. In this sense, the problem of betrayal is central to the novel. It is to her that the author devotes a lot of time and effort. His position is not one-sided: he does not judge, but tries to understand. So he wants to prove to people that it is not worth chopping off the shoulder if there is a traitor in front of them. It is necessary to take into account the reasons that prompted a person to become one. In this case, the class incompetence of the intelligentsia cannot be blamed for everything, as Soviet literary critics hastened to do on orders from “above”. The roots of the moral crime are much deeper, because we have before us an almost biblical story: the apostle Peter's denial of his teacher. This is exactly what Mechik did, and his betrayal was also foretold. This means that the problem of moral choice faced humanity from the very first day and still stands unchanged. Someone initially does not have the fortitude to defend their beliefs, so at the crossroads they choose a crooked path to save their lives.

The author also found the courage to look at the revolution from different points of view. Someone imagines her as a romantic aspiration, while someone sees a real struggle with blood, sweat and death at every step. However, the realist risks becoming a cynic and a meat grinder, going towards the goal, no matter what. And a romantic can break down and turn off the path at the cost of considerable sacrifices. It is important to maintain balance and perceive the revolution soberly, but at the same time obey the highest moral laws and follow the ideal, not agreeing to compromises.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

Morozka (Ivan Morozov) - miner 27 years old. His appearance is described by his resemblance to a horse: "the same clear, green-brown eyes, the same squat and bow-legged, just the same rustic cunning and lascivious."
From the age of 12 M. worked at a mine, in the First World War he was wounded 6 times, twice shell-shocked. "Life seemed to him simple, unwise ..."
In the novel, M.'s image is shown in development. In the beginning, he is Levinson's capricious orderly, reluctant to send a letter to another partisan unit. At the end of the novel, M. is a mature person who realizes the meaning of life and his duty to people.
During a battle in Shaldyba's detachment, M. rescues the wounded Mechik, whom he immediately disliked, describing him as "clean".
A few days later, on the way to the detachment, M. steals the melons of the peasant Ryabets, who for a whole month “fed and dressed” him “like a son”. For this offense they want to expel M. from the detachment. He, shocked, gives the "miner's" word to improve.
Upon learning that his wife is in love with Mechik, M. feels insulted: “I don’t need lordly scraps.” However, having cooled down, he feels very lonely.

/\u003e On the way from the hospital M. saw people who panicked at the news of the approach of the Japanese. First, the hero wants to scare them even more. But instead he begins to calm down the peasants.
In "Nineteen" M. appears before us as a person fully aware of his human duty. Before dying, the hero performs a feat. “He was not sorry that he would die now, that is, that he would stop feeling, suffer and move, ... but he clearly understood that he would never see the sun-drenched village and these close, dear people that were driving behind him. But he so vividly felt them in himself, these tired, unsuspecting people who trusted him, that he did not conceive of any other possibility for himself, except for the possibility to warn them of danger ... He drew his revolver and, holding high over his head, to make it more audible, he shot three times, as agreed ... ".
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  2. Mechik Pavel is an intelligent young man who graduated from high school. There are a lot of immature traits in his character. Looking for adventure and exploits, M ....
  3. 1.MOROZKA Levinson, the commander of the partisan detachment, gives the package to his orderly Morozka, ordering him to take him to the commander of another detachment, Shaldyba, but ...
  4. Mechik is one of the main characters in A. Fadeev's novel "The Defeat". He first appears on the pages of the work, when brave, desperate, a little ...
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  23. The heroine of the story is an open, proud, ardent girl, striking at first sight with her unusual appearance, spontaneity and nobility. She is the daughter of a serf ...
  24. D-503 is the hero of EI Zamyatin's novel "We" (1920). An inhabitant of a fantastic state of the future, embodying the technocratic utopia of a mechanized and totally organized ...

What is a feat? This is a heroic, selfless act, when a person sacrifices himself for the sake of the salvation of others, for the sake of his lofty and noble idea, for the protection of the Motherland. Who is called a hero? Outstanding for his bravery, valor of a person who selflessly performs feats. Heroism is a hero's mode of action. Heroism is shown by those who, risking their lives, save others, who, driven by love for people and the desire to protect their ideals, fearlessly rush into danger, thinking not about themselves, but about others.

Courage is courage and presence of mind in danger. “We know that today lies on the scales, and courage will not leave us,” wrote A. Akhmatova.

Is everyone able to accomplish a feat? What are the reasons why a person, forgetting about himself, commits a heroic act, going to certain death? What motivates people who courageously look into the face of death, why do they risk themselves? Answers to these questions can be found in AA Fadeev's novel "The Defeat".

Let us recall the hero of this work, the orderly of the red commander of the Far Eastern partisan detachment, Levinson Morozka. At first, this former miner in the second generation, a participant in the First World War, who received six wounds and two concussions in battles and was fired from the tsarist army even before the revolution, seems like a frivolous, irresponsible, irresponsible, undisciplined fighter, incapable of heroic deeds. He refuses to obey Levinson's orders to bring the package to a nearby guerrilla unit because he doesn't want to. Steals melons from the bashtan of the village chairman Ryabets, because of which his behavior is discussed at the meeting. In general, life seems to Morozka simple and unpretentious, like a Murom cucumber from Suchansky bashtans. He walks through life on the beaten path, not thinking about anything. In 1918 he left to defend the Soviets, taking his wife with him. The Soviets lost in the battle with the combined army of Kolchak and the Japanese, the way to the mine was ordered to him, he remained in the partisan detachment. He gave little thought to what he was living for, what was the meaning of his existence. But at a meeting organized by Levinson for educational purposes, shocked that he could be expelled from the detachment, suppressed by the condemnation of his comrades, the same former miners like himself. Morozka says that he will give blood on a vein for each. And these are not big words, and this is what actually happens. He accomplishes the feat of saving his comrades.

Frost goes on patrol with Mechik. But Mechik showed cowardice, could not cope with the fear for his life. Having stumbled upon a Cossack patrol, he slipped off the saddle, rolled down the slope and shamefully ran into the forest, not thinking about the people who trusted him, having committed a vile and vile betrayal.

Levinson's former orderly behaves differently. Having stumbled upon the Cossacks, he realizes that Mechik has committed a heinous betrayal. At this moment, Morozka is not thinking about himself, although he understands that he will die now. He regrets that he will not see the sun-drenched village where the detachment is going, that he will not see his comrades, people close and dear to him. He did not even have a thought to flee, saving himself, he thought only of his comrades who trusted him and were defenseless against the enemy. Morozka fired three times, as agreed, saving the partisan detachment. And at the same moment an enemy shot sounded. So Morozka died, having accomplished a feat in the name of people and revolution, sacrificing himself for the sake of others.


Another partisan, platoon Blizzard, also displays heroism. Former Shepherd Blizzard

commanding a horse platoon. The blizzard was the favorite of the detachment, and Levinson could not help admiring it. The former shepherd - "a man of the minute", "all fire and movement", could not sit still, and his "predatory eyes always burned with an insatiable desire to catch up with someone and fight." When the Blizzard, bent over like a hawk, rushes on his horse, the whole detachment with some unconscious pride sees off his "tenacious shepherd's landing, not marked by any regulations." Levinson, a physically weak man who looked like a little gnome, admired in Blizzard those qualities that he did not have: an impetuousness of movements, a flexible body, tightly twisted like a belt whip. At a military meeting, Blizzard puts forward his plan of retreat, from which it is clear that the scout's hot head is not afraid of large spaces and is not devoid of military intelligence. The nineteen-year-old Levinson's assistant is delighted with the bold flight of Blizzard's thought, emphasizing that not long ago Blizzard passed horses, and in two years could become the commander of a partisan detachment. True, Levinson, taking advantage of the heated discussion, imperceptibly replaced the Blizzard's plan with his own - simpler and more cautious, but no one noticed this, and everyone voted for Blizzard's proposal.

The blizzard is sent on reconnaissance at the most dramatic moment for the detachment, when hungry partisans stay overnight in the taiga. Chapter 14 is called "Exploration of the Snowstorm" and is completely devoted to this hero. At first, Blizzard was thought of as a secondary hero, but then, carried away by his hero, the author enlarged this image, devoting two whole chapters to the former shepherd, which seem to be an independent work.

Having received the order to return from reconnaissance that same night, Blizzard drove his stallion conscientiously, like a bird of prey, cruelly and merrily flaring his thin nostrils. The hero loves movement, risk, danger, intoxicated by a frantic run. Having run over to the fire, he saw a thin black-headed boy-shepherd in a wretched jacket from the master's shoulder. Blizzard's soul softened, he felt pity for this frightened child. A relationship of trust was immediately established between the adult and the child. When the boy said that he had horses here, Blizzard laughed merrily at the "owner", infecting the shepherd boy with his laugh. The boy said that he had already been an orphan for half a year, his father, mother and brother had been killed by the Cossacks. The scout asked the orphan to guard his horse, deciding to go on foot to the village of Khanikhezu, having first found out from the boy where the head of the white squadron was. Jumping over the fence of the priest's house, passing through a dense garden, Blizzard stopped at a lighted window and began to observe what was happening in the house, where an old priest, a full officer with a pipe in his mouth, and two more, one of whom was in a black hat, were playing cards. a burqa without shoulder straps, interested the scout more than others. Blizzard wanted to move away from the window, but ran into a man in a Cossack overcoat. The panic began. Until the last minute, the scout did not believe that they would be able to twist him, saying in the struggle: "You lie, you won't catch." Blizzard came to himself in a large dark barn and immediately decided to find out if it was possible to run. After all the trials of life, exploits and successes that accompanied him in every business and glorified his name among people, the hero could not believe that he could die. Making sure that it was impossible to leave, Metelitsa ceased to be interested in the question of his own life and death. The most important question for him was how he can show those people who will kill him that he is not afraid and despises them.

During the interrogation, Metelitsa said nothing. No matter how much they threatened him with a revolver, "promising the most terrible punishments in the future, no matter how much they begged him to truthfully tell about everything, promising complete freedom, he did not utter a single word, never even looked at those who asked." Then the platoon commander was taken out to the church square, where people crowded, surrounded by mounted Cossacks. Earlier it seemed to Metelitsa that he did not like and despise people "with all their boring and petty vanity." He thought he didn't care how others treated him. “But at the same time, all the most important things that he did in life, he, without noticing it, did for the sake of people and for people, so that they would look at him, be proud and admire him and glorify him.” Everyone on the square felt "how animal and light, like this gait, strength lives in his flexible and greedy body." The blizzard was ordered to stand on the porch, and then everyone saw him. A courageous man stood in front of the crowd - "tight and slender, black-haired, in soft deer horns, in an unbuttoned shirt." His "flying eyes" "with a distant predatory glint" looked at the majestic ridges covered with gray morning fog. Suddenly a man came out of the crowd, holding the shepherdess by the hand. The fist demanded that the boy point to the Blizzard, who had left his horse in the master's herd. But the boy did not want to betray the Blizzard. When the squadron leader grabbed the shepherdess by the slender shoulders and stared into the boy's eyes, he screamed in horror. At that moment, a swift and flexible body rushed from the porch. This Blizzard pounced on the enemy, trying to strangle him. But the chief of the squadron managed to pull out the revolver and shoot several times at the scout. So the red partisan Metelitsa died, having accomplished a feat, defending the poor shepherdess, while remaining loyal to the ideals of the revolution.