Honor and dishonor in the stories of a stalker. Composition "The theme of honor and human dignity in one of the works of Russian literature (Based on the story" The Fate of a Man ")

The writing

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is an outstanding master of the literature of Soviet realism. One of the works in which the author sought to tell the world the harsh truth about the huge price the Soviet people paid for the right of mankind to the future is the story "The Fate of a Man", published in Pravda on December 31, 1956 - January 1, 1957. Sholokhov wrote this story in an amazingly short time. Only a few days of hard work were devoted to the story. However, his creative history takes many years: between a chance meeting with the man who became the prototype of Andrei Sokolov, and the appearance of "The Fate of Man" lasted ten years. The story realistically deepened the great literary tradition and opened up new perspectives for the artistic embodiment of the war theme. If in the late 40s - early 50s, works devoted to the heroic deeds of the people in the war were a rare exception, then in the second half of the 50s, interest in this topic becomes more and more active. It must be assumed that Sholokhov turned to wartime events not only because the impression of a meeting with the driver, who deeply excited him and presented an almost finished plot, was not blotted out. The main and decisive factor was something else: the last war was such an event in the life of mankind that without taking into account its lessons, none of the most important problems of the modern world could be understood and solved.
Sholokhov, exploring the national origins of the character of the protagonist Andrei Sokolov, was faithful to the deep tradition of Russian literature, the pathos of which was love for the Russian person, admiration for him, and was especially attentive to those manifestations of his soul that were associated with national soil. Andrei Sokolov is a truly Russian man of the Soviet era, his fate reflects the fate of his native people, his personality embodied the features that characterize the appearance of the nation. He commits heroic deeds, not attaching importance to them as such. To be convinced of this, it is enough to remember how he is eager to deliver the shells to the battery or without hesitation decides to destroy the traitor. Unselfish feat, modesty and naturalness - these are the features that do not distinguish him among the Soviet people, but make him related to them, talk about him as a person to whom the people generously gave their spiritual wealth. This is a person who represents the people in harsh and tragic circumstances and shows qualities that are not their moral privilege, do not distinguish them from others, but bring them closer to them.
In the story "The Destiny of Man" it is really difficult to find what is sometimes put into the concept of "innovation". And in fact: the laconicism of characteristics and descriptions, the dynamism of the plot, the utmost restraint and objectivity - all this does not have the power of the canon over Sholokhov. Meanwhile, "The Fate of Man" is an innovative work in the most direct and deep sense of the word, innovative in essence, in its ideological and aesthetic essence.
Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the war, lost everything: his family died, his home was destroyed. A peaceful life has come, the time has come for the spring awakening, the time for hopes for a happy future. And he looks at the world around him “as if sprinkled with ashes” and “filled with inescapable melancholy” eyes, the words come off his lips: “Why did you, life, cripple me so? Why did you distort it so? .. ”The words of Andrei Sokolov contain both sad bewilderment and sorrowful despair. A person turns his anxious question to life, and does not expect an answer from it. Looking back in time, remembering and evaluating everything he did, the hero does not feel guilty before life and people. Sholokhov looks for the motives of his tragedy not in the peculiarities of his character, but in the tragic state of the world, in the imperfection of human life. The hero's fate is included in the broad stream of historical life. A problem arises that not a single well-known modern writer has passed by. We are talking about how the fate of those who went through the Great Patriotic War developed, how their peaceful life met them, whether they were rewarded for their exploits and suffering, whether their hopes cherished on the front line came true, what lessons they learned, and what role they played in the affairs and concerns of the post-war world. The return of the front-line soldier to a peaceful life, to his home, naturally became one of the main motives in the writers' work. The post-war reality was depicted in the pictures of construction sites, reviving from the ruins of cities and villages. People work, not finding time to think, not giving free rein to either bitter memories of the past, or the restless feelings that arose in response to injustice and evil that have not disappeared from life. In the forties, many Soviet writers created a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of the people's feat, instilled a frivolous idea that it was not so difficult to restore what was destroyed, to heal wounds, and the historical mission of the Soviet people, who saved humanity from fascist enslavement, was easily accomplished. Some writers seem to have forgotten that the truth about the era did not receive an exhaustive expression in the victory parade, which crowned the heroic deed of the people in the war. It will be only a symbol of the era, but not a realistic picture of time with its suffering, loss and need.
The artistic originality of the story "The Fate of Man" lies in the extraordinary capacity of its content, in the epic scale in the breadth of the pictures. The fate of Andrei Sokolov is the main theme of the plot, but the story gives a vivid panorama of the country's history, depicting military episodes that are stunning in their drama. The discovery of Sholokhov as an artist exploring the soul of the people at the turning points of its history, the character of a person acting in the harsh circumstances of a tragic era, is not limited to the work of individual writers. The experience of a great artist is the property of everyone, but everyone takes from him what is consistent with his creative aspirations. Novels and stories about the war, written in the late 50s - early 60s, despite their artistic individuality, have common features, which allows them to be considered as a phenomenon of literature of a certain era. This is trust in man, the activity of humanism, a conscious desire to give the tragic experience of the past to the service of the present.

Andrei Sokolov begins his story about himself with the words: "at first my life was ordinary." But it was in this “ordinary life” that Sholokhov saw the truly sublime and human, because only in everyday cares and work are honest and modest, noble and selfless people revealed. Sholokhov cautiously uses the artist's right to select material when he reproduces the story of the hero, who recalls both the "harsh words" that happened to his wife, and the drinks with friends, after which "you write out such pretzels with your feet, which, I suppose, is scary to look at from the outside." But the writer knows that this is not the main thing in Andrei's character. A hard-working man, completely absorbed in caring for his family, a gentle husband and father, who finds true happiness in quiet joys and modest successes, which did not pass by his home either - Andrei Sokolov personifies the moral values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in people of labor from time immemorial. With what tender insight he recalls his wife Irina: "Looking from the outside - ..." How much paternal pride he puts into words about children, especially about his son: "And the children made me happy ..."
Sokolov's path in the war was tragic. The milestones on this path were the feats accomplished by a person who was not broken, not reconciled, who did not recognize the power of the enemy over himself and retained moral superiority over them. Only such a person could say so simply and deeply about the exorbitant hardships of the war that fell on the shoulders of women and children: "The whole power leaned on them! .." But even more difficult trials awaited him: a family died, on Victory Day a German sniper's bullet cut off his life son Anatoly. Yet there is neither vengeful hatred nor venomous skepticism in his eyes. Life distorted a person, but could not break him, kill a living soul in him.
And here is the last milestone in the path of the protagonist - Andrei Sokolov adopts little Vanyusha, whom the war deprived of his relatives. Andrei does not try to motivate philosophically his decision to take the orphan with him, this step is not connected with the problem of moral duty. For him, “protecting the child” is a natural manifestation of his soul. In order for a child's eyes to be clear, “like a sky”, and a fragile soul to remain undisturbed, nothing cruel should touch him. That is why it is so important "not to hurt a child's heart, so that he does not see a burning and avaricious man's tear running down his cheek ..."
The compassion that gripped the author, shocked by the story of Andrei Sokolov, did not give the story a sentimental coloration, since what the hero told caused not only pity, but also pride for the Russian man, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his spirit, faith in the immense possibilities of people. This is exactly how the main character appears, and the author gives him his love, respect, and pride when, with faith in justice and reason, he says: "Two orphaned people ..."

Andrei Sokolov is a man of great charm. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and strong man, simple and open, modest and gentle. This tall, “stooped man”, dressed in “a burnt-out padded jacket in several places,” in rough boots immediately won over. How much tenderness there was in his words addressed to the boy: “- Say hello to your uncle, son! ..” We still don't know anything about this man, but by the way he speaks about the boy: “- I’m in trouble with this passenger !. . ", - you can certainly see in him a kind, soft nature. Neither the irritation nor the dismissive indifference of an adult when he talks about a child slipped through his speech. The feigned lament, "I'm in trouble with this passenger," only sharpened his true feelings. Noticing that in front of him “his brother is a chauffeur”, he trustingly and openly, with that noble naturalness that distinguishes simple and good people, entered into a conversation: “Let me, I think, come and have a smoke together. Someone and smoke, and die sick. " His keen eye noticed that the interlocutor "lives richly, smokes cigarettes", from his lips comes the saying, denouncing an experienced and good-natured person: "Well, brother, the tobacco is soaked, that the horse is treated, is no good." Like a seasoned soldier, he asks about the front years and drops: "Well, there I had to, brother, take a sip of the gas up my nostrils and above." Andrei is not looking for a reason to pour out his soul in front of everyone he meets. In the interlocutor, he sees a soldier, whose fate was also not easy. Courageous restraint is a trait that is equally inherent in both the author and the hero of the story. A remark that involuntarily escaped him: “Why did you, life, cripple me so? Why did you distort it so? " - it was interrupted: “And suddenly he caught himself: gently pushing his son, he said: - Go, dear, play near the water, there is always some kind of prey for children near the big water. Just look, don't get your feet wet! "

In the experience and observations, in the thoughts and feelings of Sokolov, the historical, vital and moral concepts of the people are reflected, in the harsh struggle and hard work of comprehending the truth, knowing the world. The depth and subtlety of his statements are combined with simplicity and clarity. Let us recall how poetically he compares childhood memory with summer lightning: "After all, children's memory is like summer lightning ..." However, emotional responsiveness and tenderness, the ability to active love, shown by him when he encounters people who are kind and just or in need of his protection - this is the moral basis of intransigence, contempt, courageous firmness in relation to cruelty and betrayal, lies and hypocrisy, cowardice and cowardice.
Andrei Sokolov went to the front as an already established person, the war was a cruel test of the physical and spiritual forces, convictions and ideals that constituted the essence of his personality, the basis of his worldview and character. Sholokhov does not show the details of the front-line life and camp ordeals in order to focus on depicting the "shock", "climax" moments when the character of the hero is manifested most strongly and deeply. Farewell on the platform, capture, reprisal against a traitor, an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the camp, a clash with Muller, return to his homeland, the funeral of his son, a meeting with the boy Vanyushka - these are the milestones of Andrey's path. Where are the sources that gave strength to withstand, to withstand? The answer to this question is in the pre-war biography of Sokolov - the age of the century whose life path is marked by memorable events in the life of the people and the country where the revolution took place, a new world was created in labor and struggles. Those were the circumstances that shaped the character and worldview of a person, the historical consciousness of the people, whose son he was.

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Sholokhov M.A.

Essay on the work on the topic: The theme of honor of human dignity.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is an outstanding master of the literature of Soviet realism. One of the works in which the author sought to tell the world the harsh truth about the huge price the Soviet people paid for the right of mankind to the future is the story "The Fate of a Man", published in Pravda on December 31, 1956 - January 1, 1957. Sholokhov wrote this story in an amazingly short time. Only a few days of hard work were devoted to the story. However, his creative history takes many years: between a chance meeting with the man who became the prototype of Andrei Sokolov, and the appearance of "The Fate of Man" lasted ten years. The story realistically deepened the great literary tradition and opened up new perspectives for the artistic embodiment of the war theme. If in the late 40s - early 50s, works devoted to the heroic deeds of the people in the war were a rare exception, then in the second half of the 50s, interest in this topic becomes more and more active. It must be assumed that Sholokhov turned to wartime events not only because the impression of a meeting with the driver, who deeply excited him and presented an almost finished plot, was not blotted out. The main and decisive factor was something else: the last war was such an event in the life of mankind that without taking into account its lessons, none of the most important problems of the modern world could be understood and solved.
Sholokhov, exploring the national origins of the character of the protagonist Andrei Sokolov, was faithful to the deep tradition of Russian literature, the pathos of which was love for the Russian person, admiration for him, and was especially attentive to those manifestations of his soul that were associated with national soil. - this is a truly Russian man of the Soviet era, his fate reflects the fate of his native people, his personality embodied the features that characterize the appearance of the nation. He commits heroic deeds, not attaching importance to them as such. To be convinced of this, it is enough to remember how he is eager to deliver the shells to the battery or without hesitation decides to destroy the traitor. The unselfishness of feat, and naturalness - these are the features that do not distinguish him among the Soviet people, but make him related to them, tell about him as a person to whom the people generously gave their spiritual wealth. This is a person who represents the people in harsh and tragic circumstances and shows qualities that are not their moral privilege, do not distinguish them from others, but bring them closer to them.
In the story "The Fate of Man" it is really difficult to find what is sometimes put into the concept of "innovation". And in fact: the conciseness of characteristics and descriptions, the dynamism of the plot, the utmost restraint and objectivity - all this does not have the power of the canon over Sholokhov. Meanwhile, "The Fate of Man" is an innovative work in the most direct and deep sense of the word, innovative in essence, in its ideological and aesthetic essence.
Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the war, lost everything: his family died, his home was destroyed. A peaceful life has come, the time has come for the spring awakening, the time for hopes for a happy future. And he looks at the world around him "as if sprinkled with ashes" and "filled with inescapable melancholy" eyes, words escaping from his lips: "Why did you, life, cripple me so? Why did you distort it so? " In the words of Andrey Sokolov, both sad bewilderment and woeful despair are hidden. A person turns his anxious question to life, and does not expect an answer from it. Looking back in time, remembering and evaluating everything he did, the hero does not feel guilty before life and people. Sholokhov looks for the motives of his tragedy not in the peculiarities of his character, but in the tragic state of the world, in the imperfection of human life. The hero's fate is included in the broad stream of historical life. A problem arises that not a single well-known modern writer has passed by. We are talking about how the fate of those who went through the Great Patriotic War developed, how they met their peaceful life, whether they were rewarded for their exploits and suffering, whether their hopes cherished on the front line came true, what lessons they learned, and what role they played in the affairs and concerns of the post-war world. The return of the front-line soldier to a peaceful life, to his home, naturally became one of the main motives in the writers' work. The post-war reality was depicted in the pictures of construction sites, reviving from the ruins of cities and villages. People work, not finding time to think, not giving free rein to either bitter memories of the past, or the restless feelings that arose in response to injustice and evil that have not disappeared from life. In the forties, many Soviet people created a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of the people's feat, instilled a frivolous idea that it was not so difficult to restore what was destroyed, to heal wounds, and the historical mission of the Soviet people, who saved mankind from fascist enslavement, was easily accomplished. Some writers seem to have forgotten that the era did not receive an exhaustive expression in the victory parade, which crowned the heroic deed of the people in the war. It will be only a symbol of the era, but not a realistic picture of time with its suffering, loss and need.
The artistic originality of the story "The Fate of Man" lies in the extraordinary capacity of its content, in the epic scale in the breadth of the pictures. The fate of Andrei Sokolov is the main theme of the plot, but the story gives a vivid panorama of the country's history, depicting military episodes that are stunning in their drama. The discovery of Sholokhov as an artist exploring the soul of the people at the turning points of its history, the character of a person acting in the harsh circumstances of a tragic era, is not limited to the work of individual writers. The experience of a great artist is the property of everyone, but everyone takes from him what is consistent with his creative aspirations. Novels and stories about the war, written in the late 50s - early 60s, despite their artistic individuality, have common features, which allows them to be considered as a phenomenon of literature of a certain era. This is trust in man, the activity of humanism, a conscious desire to give the tragic experience of the past to the service of modernity.

Andrei Sokolov begins his story about himself with the words: "at first my life was ordinary." But it was in this “ordinary life” that Sholokhov saw the truly sublime and human, because only in everyday cares and work are honest and modest, noble and selfless people revealed. Sholokhov carefully uses the artist's right to select material when he reproduces the story of the hero, who recalls both the "harsh words" that happened to his wife, and the drinks with friends, after which "you write out such pretzels with your feet, which is, I suppose, scary to look at." But the writer knows that this is not the main thing in Andrei's character. A hard-working man, completely absorbed in caring for his family, a gentle husband and father, who finds true happiness in quiet joys and modest successes, which did not bypass his home either - Andrey Sokolov personifies the moral values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in people of labor from time immemorial. With what tender insight he recalls his wife Irina: "Looking from the outside - ..." How much paternal pride he puts into words about children, especially about his son: "And the children made me happy ..."
Sokolov's path in the war was tragic. The milestones on this path were the feats accomplished by a person who was not broken, not reconciled, did not recognize the power of the enemy over himself and retained moral superiority over them. Only such a person could say so simply and deeply about the exorbitant hardships of the war, which fell on the shoulders of women and children: "The whole power leaned on them!" But even more severe trials awaited him: a family died, on Victory Day a bullet from a German sniper cut short the life of Anatoly's son. Yet there is neither vengeful hatred nor venomous skepticism in his eyes. Life distorted a person, but could not break him, kill a living soul in him.
And here is the last milestone in the path of the protagonist - Andrei Sokolov adopts little Vanyusha, whom the war deprived of his relatives. Andrei does not try to motivate his decision to take the orphan with him philosophically; this step is not connected with the problem of moral duty. For him, “protecting the child” is a natural manifestation of his soul. In order for a child's eyes to be clear, "like a sky", and a fragile soul to remain undisturbed, nothing cruel should touch him. That is why it is so important "not to hurt a child's heart, so that he does not see a burning and avaricious man's tear running down his cheek ..."
The compassion that gripped the author, shocked by the story of Andrei Sokolov, did not give the story a sentimental coloring, since what the hero told caused not only pity, but also pride for the Russian man, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his spirit, faith in the immense possibilities of people. This is how the main character appears, and the author gives him his love, respect, and pride, when, with faith in justice and reason, he says: "Two orphaned people ..."

Andrei Sokolov is a man of great charm. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and strong man, simple and open, modest and gentle. This tall, “stooped man”, dressed in “a burnt-out padded jacket in several places,” in rough boots immediately won over. How much tenderness was in his words addressed to the boy: "- Say hello to your uncle, son!" We still do not know anything about this man, but by the way he says about the boy: “- I’m in trouble with this passenger!” - you can certainly see in him a kind, soft nature. Neither the irritation nor the dismissive indifference of an adult when he talks about a child slipped through his speech. The feigned lament, "I'm in trouble with this passenger," only sharpened his true feelings. Noticing that in front of him “his brother is a chauffeur”, he trustingly and openly, with that noble naturalness that distinguishes simple and good people, entered into a conversation: “Let me, I think, come and have a smoke together. Someone and smoke, and die sick. " His keen eye noticed that the interlocutor "lives richly, smokes cigarettes", from his lips comes the saying, denouncing an experienced and good-natured person: "Well, brother, the tobacco is soaked, that the horse is treated, is no good." Like a seasoned soldier, he asks about the front years and drops: "Well, there I had to, brother, take a sip of the gas up my nostril and above." Andrei is not looking for a reason to pour out his soul in front of everyone he meets. In the interlocutor, he sees a soldier, whose fate was also not easy. Courageous restraint is a trait that is equally inherent in both the author and the hero of the story. An involuntarily escaped remark from him: “Why did you, life, cripple me so? Why did you distort it so? " - it was interrupted: “And suddenly he caught himself: gently pushing his son, he said: - Go, dear, play near the water, there is always some kind of prey for children near the big water. Just look, don't get your feet wet! "

In the experience and observations, in the thoughts and feelings of Sokolov, the historical, vital and moral concepts of the people are reflected, in the harsh struggle and hard work of comprehending the truth, knowing the world. The depth and subtlety of his statements are combined with simplicity and clarity. Let us recall how poetically he compares childhood memory with summer lightning: "After all, children's memory is like summer lightning ..." However, emotional responsiveness and tenderness, the ability to active love, shown by him when he encounters people who are kind and just or in need of his protection , - this is the moral basis of intransigence, contempt, courageous firmness in relation to cruelty and betrayal, lies and hypocrisy, cowardice and cowardice.
Andrei Sokolov went to the front as an already established person, the war was a cruel test of the physical and spiritual forces, convictions and ideals that constituted the essence of his personality, the basis of his worldview and character. Sholokhov does not show the details of the front-line life and camp ordeals in order to focus on the depiction of "shock", "climax" moments when the character of the hero is manifested most strongly and deeply. Farewell on the platform, capture, reprisal against a traitor, an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the camp, a clash with Muller, return to his homeland, the funeral of his son, a meeting with the boy Vanyushka - these are the milestones of Andrey's path. Where are the sources that gave strength to withstand, to withstand? The answer to this question is in the pre-war biography of Sokolov, who is the same age as the century, whose life path is marked by memorable events in the life of the people and the country where the revolution took place, a new world was created in labor and struggles. Those were the circumstances that shaped the character and worldview of a person, the historical consciousness of the people, whose son he was.

Honor and dishonor in the story "The Fate of a Man", how to write an essay?

    In the work The fate of a person there are many topics for discussion, and one of them is the topic of honor and dishonor.

    An ordinary person, who lived a life familiar to everyone, had a home, a family, and in an instant - everything collapsed: the war. Millions of citizens of the country found themselves in this position.

    How each person went through the tests is everyone's business, but our hero Andrey Sokolov was able to pass the tests with honor.

    The central episode of the work is the interrogation of Andrei Müller. The fortitude and resilience of the weak, emaciated Andrei aroused the worthy respect of the enemy. The greatness of Andrey's spirit is also manifested in the way he disposes of the ration given to him: he shares with everyone who is with him in the cell. This is possible only if the person has a strong spirit.

    In an essay on the topic of honor and dishonor in the work The fate of a man you can write that the main character Andrei Sokolov is an excellent example of an honest person, that despite what conditions a person is in, he can still act honestly, not betray his comrades to the enemy.

    Honor is the only thing that remains with a person in captivity and this is what makes him move on, despite what he has experienced.

    In the work The fate of a person the author informs the reader that the Russian man, by the example of his hero Sokolov, did not turn into a beast, did not become a traitor and did not bend under the enemy. Once captured, his behavior earned him respect even from the enemy.

    Struggling with severe hunger, he refused food, thereby making it clear that he had his own Russian dignity.

    Honor and dishonor can be shown in several episodes:

    in the church when the hero kills the traitor;

    in a concentration camp, with an episode with three glasses of vodka;

    All these episodes need to be connected by logical ties to the topic. This work of reasoning begins with the thesis of what honor is and why it must be observed, and most importantly, how dishonor harms a person. After writing two paragraphs on this topic, move on to the evidence. You analyze the actions of the protagonist from the point of view of honor, then explain why he did it, fearing dishonor.

    In the conclusion, write that the main character managed to keep in his character, having withstood all the trials of fate. The answer should be inclined to believe that he did not break down, that he retained his human qualities and managed to find the strength to give love to a homeless boy. This is important for understanding the meaning of the story: if they do not cherish their honor, then they do not love themselves, and then they cannot love others either.

    Each person should have such qualities as honor and dignity - this is an indicator of a highly moral personality. Finding themselves in an extreme situation, not everyone can retain these qualities. In the story The fate of a person M. Sholokhov shows how even being face to face with the enemy, you can not stoop and remain human.

    Andrei Sokolov, the hero of this story, was captured by the Nazis. The first escape was unsuccessful; hard work in a stone quarry, humiliation and mockery awaited him. One day a prisoner rashly spoke about overwork, and the next day he was summoned to the camp authorities.

    One of the officers decided to mock the Russian soldier and offered him a drink to the victory of German weapons. Sokolov refused with dignity. Then Müller invited him to drink to his own destruction. Facing death, Sokolov decided that at least getting drunk before being shot would not be so scary. Imagine the surprise of all those present that exhausted by hard work and hunger, he refused a plentiful snack. He drank both the second and the third glass - and only then broke off a tiny piece of bread. And he took the loaf of bread and a piece of bacon, presented to him, to the camp barrack, where he was divided into even pieces for all the inhabitants.

    By his act, he showed that even in inhuman conditions one can remain human. As a sign of respect for a real soldier, the enemies left him with his life, and at the first opportunity Sokolov escaped, capturing an important officer.

    It is not by chance that the story is called The fate of a man and not The fate of Andrei Sokolov - by this the author wanted to say that such an act is typical of a Russian soldier.

    The Russian people are distinguished by their determination, steadfastness, and courage. Of course, not all of its representatives have these qualities, but in most cases this fact takes place.

    Andrei Sokolov is not just a hero of the story, he, although a very real person, is face the Russian nation, who knows firsthand the concept of honor.

    But dishonest people also occur. In the story, Sholokhov tells us about a certain traitor who, being held captive by the Germans, decided to betray his platoon commander. This man was driven by only one desire - to curry favor with the enemy and thus get a chance to survive.

    Our hero is a real patriot of his homeland, a loving family man, and even in the face of death, he does not betray his principles. They tried to break Sokolov, but seeing with what determination he defends his honor, even the Germans were amazed.

    In war, people are more than ever deprived of their masks, which they are usually accustomed to wearing. They are what they really are. And if Victory chose us, then believe me, it means a lot.

    Theme Honor and dishonor in the story of M.A. Sholokhov, is shown against the backdrop of the most bloody time in the entire history of mankind, which officially, and therefore undoubtedly, was the Second World War.

    During this hellish period in history, the main character, Andrei Sokolov, experienced almost all the hardships that can only befall a person. He was captured by the Nazis with an injury, where most people break down and die without passing the test. However, here fate itself shows that a person in whom, by the force and will of fate, such a colossal unbending rod is laid, must undoubtedly live. Moreover, these are not simple words, since the story was written based on real events, which in his narration, Sholokhov, only broadcast, thanks to his excellent literary talent.

    It would seem that after he endured all these troubles and gathered his will into a fist, he fled, in the same way, not without the help of Lady Fortune, this very fate should have already rewarded the person, and the black stripe should be replaced, relatively white, so as in the hellish time of war, in the course of its course, of course, there can be no absolute light.

    However, having saved a person from death, which in subsequent events, for many in general, could seem like a gift, the main character learns that he has lost both his wife and two daughters. Here is all hell from loss and, as can be seen from the storyline of total adversity, with renewed vigor, envelops the main character. However, he still has the last dear person for him, his son. The fate of his son is in many ways similar to the fate of Andrei Sokolov himself, since he also resists the force of the aggressor, which seeks to seize his homeland.

    As a result, as it seemed at this turning point, which, in its tragedy, reached its climax and having survived which, a person is simply obliged to acquire at least some piece of happiness, the author again shows that there really are people who can survive this too. The main character, Andrei Sokolov, mobilizes his will into a fist and goes to fight at the front, suppressing the force that gave rise to all this dishonor. At the same time, in this novel, it is the direct confrontation of these two diametrically opposed phenomena that occurs as in no other. This is because in the course of his narrative, an exemplary person who personifies this very honor is opposed by Nazism, fascism and imperialism. This set of concepts that gave rise to both the horrors of World War II and the concentration camps and bombings, which took away the health, peace of mind, and most importantly, the whole family from the protagonist, since later his last son also dies at the front.

    The moment of the death of his last son, and on the last day of the war, becomes both the quintessence of the novel, and as it seems to be its dead end, since it becomes incomprehensible where such a person as life itself leads, since it was reflected through the real foundations of being, and the plot of the work, which from this, really comes to a standstill. All this is demonstrated in the fact that the main character, who has already really lost everything and gained nothing, has only saved his life, which, as it may seem to him, is no longer really needed. This is because people are arranged in such a way that they must have incentive and motivation, or, in other words, something for which one can and must live.

    As a result, at the end of the narrative, when everything already seems deplorable in terms of its hopelessness, and from that in a moral and psychological dead end, it is fate that gives the meaningfulness of life, which, as it seemed, in the course of the narration of this real story, she purposefully took away. She gives this ray of light, in the face of a little boy Vanya, who, like the main character Andrei Sokolov, has lost everything. However, here, by the will of fate, two people met who can really help each other, belittling their grief, through the creation of family ties and caring for each other.

    In order for all this to pass relatively painlessly and even more inspired the boy that he is not alone, Andrei Sokolov seems to him to be his own father, which in the end unites them even more rapidly and makes the narrative picture, in its finale, rosy and prosperous. At the same time, it is also interconnected with those sorrows that occurred in direct plot connection with it, but given that it is also based on authenticity and a true story, any person who is close to despair and touches this novel with his eyes will be able to understand that always, there is something to live for.

    Russian writer Sholokhov in his work The fate of man shows the character traits of the protagonist. Between life with a line of dishonor and death, but with honor, he chooses the second option.

    In the distant past, during the war, it was not easy for people, many were captured. And then a person had to make a choice to sell his country or choose death. Honor and dignity helped Sokolov stand out in front of the Nazis, they were even surprised at his self-control. And the will and fortitude did not break the hero, but helped to escape from captivity and escape.

    The story of M.A.Sholokhov The Fate of a Man, based on which a magnificent feature film was shot with Sergei Bondarchuk in the title role, is an example of the manifestation of courage, honor and dignity of a Russian person who has fallen into extreme conditions and is facing probable and near death. The main character, Andrei Sokolov, will not even face the question of choosing between life and death - when it comes to the possibility of salvation at the cost of humiliation and betrayal of his own ideas, he unambiguously chooses death. The unbending will, courage and strength of mind of this man amazed the Nazis so much that they left him alive. People for whom there was practically nothing sacred left, began to respect the exhausted Russian peasant, for whom honor and dignity turned out to be the highest, indisputable and absolutely unconditional values.

    Real honor is shown by the example of the main character, Andrey Sokolov, who went through a lot, from German captivity to the loss of all relatives, but managed to remain human, not everyone could cope with such trials. Sokolov's losses were practically broken, but he pulled himself together and won, and the ending shows us that Andrei can still be fine, he tells the orphan boy that he is his father, is this not real honor and human courage?

    You can start withwhat an honor is, for you, for all people and in a large-scale sense, plus touching on the story The fate of a person in the context of honor. Further take a closer look at the main character, a simple Russian man who went to fight and ended up in German captivity. It was hard for him, but it was honor that helped him to survive, as a result Sokolov fled. Then there was a new blow, his wife and two daughters died, Andrei returned to the front. In part, he broke down, but continued to fight and fight. Towards the end, another blow - the death of his son, the man was left alone. The question is, why live ??? Sokolov told the orphan boy that he was his father, for both of them it was a hope for a normal life. It was noted that this is a worthy act. At the end, do conclusion according to the character Sokolov, the conclusion is only positive. If you look like that, then he did not do incredibly heroic deeds, but he was a real hero, honest and correct.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is an outstanding master of the literature of Soviet realism. One of the works in which the author sought to tell the world the harsh truth about the huge price the Soviet people paid for the right of mankind to the future is the story "The Fate of a Man", published in Pravda on December 31, 1956 - January 1, 1957. Sholokhov wrote this story in an amazingly short time. Only a few days of hard work were devoted to the story. However, his creative history takes many years: between a chance meeting with the man who became the prototype of Andrei Sokolov, and the appearance of "The Fate of Man" lasted ten years. The story realistically deepened the great literary tradition and opened up new perspectives for the artistic embodiment of the war theme. If in the late 40s - early 50s, works devoted to the heroic deeds of the people in the war were a rare exception, then in the second half of the 50s, interest in this topic becomes more and more active. It must be assumed that Sholokhov turned to wartime events not only because the impression of a meeting with the driver, who deeply excited him and presented an almost finished plot, was not blotted out. The main and decisive factor was something else: the last war was such an event in the life of mankind that without taking into account its lessons, none of the most important problems of the modern world could be understood and solved.
Sholokhov, exploring the national origins of the character of the protagonist Andrei Sokolov, was faithful to the deep tradition of Russian literature, the pathos of which was love for the Russian person, admiration for him, and was especially attentive to those manifestations of his soul that were associated with national soil. Andrei Sokolov is a truly Russian man of the Soviet era, his fate reflects the fate of his native people, his personality embodied the features that characterize the appearance of the nation. He commits heroic deeds without attaching importance to them as such. To be convinced of this, it is enough to remember how he is eager to deliver shells to the battery or without hesitation decides to destroy the traitor. Unselfish feat, modesty and naturalness - these are the features that do not distinguish him among the Soviet people, but make him related to them, tell about him as a person to whom the people generously gave their spiritual wealth. This is a person who represents the people in severe and tragic circumstances and shows qualities that are not their moral privilege, do not distinguish them from others, but bring them closer to them.
In the story "The Fate of Man" it is really difficult to find what is sometimes put into the concept of "innovation". And in fact: the conciseness of characteristics and descriptions, the dynamism of the plot, the utmost restraint and objectivity - all this does not have the power of the canon over Sholokhov. Meanwhile, "The Fate of Man" is an innovative work in the most direct and deep sense of the word, innovative in essence, in its ideological and aesthetic essence.
Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the war, lost everything: his family died, his home was destroyed. A peaceful life has come, the time has come for the spring awakening, the time for hopes for a happy future. And he looks at the world around him "as if sprinkled with ashes" and "filled with inescapable melancholy" eyes, words escaping from his lips: "Why did you, life, cripple me so? Why did you distort it so? .. ”In the words of Andrei Sokolov, both sad bewilderment and sorrowful hopelessness are hidden. A person turns his anxious question to life, and does not expect an answer from it. Looking back into the past, remembering and evaluating everything he did, the hero does not feel guilty before life and people. Sholokhov looks for the motives of his tragedy not in the peculiarities of his character, but in the tragic state of the world, in the imperfection of human life. The hero's fate is included in the broad stream of historical life. A problem arises that not a single well-known modern writer has passed by. We are talking about how the fate of those who went through the Great Patriotic War developed, how they met their peaceful life, whether they were rewarded for their exploits and suffering, whether their hopes cherished on the front line came true, what lessons they learned, and what role they played in the affairs and concerns of the post-war world. The return of the front-line soldier to a peaceful life, to his home, naturally became one of the main motives in the writers' work. Post-war reality was depicted in the pictures of construction sites, reborn from the ruins of cities and villages. People work, not finding time to think, not giving free rein to either bitter memories of the past, or the restless feelings that arose in response to injustice and evil that have not disappeared from life. In the forties, many Soviet writers created a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of the people's feat, instilled a frivolous idea that it was not so difficult to restore what was destroyed, to heal wounds, and the historical mission of the Soviet people, who saved humanity from fascist enslavement, was easily accomplished. Some writers seem to have forgotten that the truth about the era did not receive an exhaustive expression in the victory parade, which crowned the heroic deeds of the people in the war. It will be only a symbol of the era, but not a realistic picture of time with its suffering, loss and need.
The artistic originality of the story "The Fate of Man" lies in the extraordinary capacity of its content, in the epic scale in the breadth of the pictures. The fate of Andrei Sokolov is the main theme of the plot, but the story gives a vivid panorama of the country's history, depicting military episodes that are stunning in their drama. The discovery of Sholokhov as an artist exploring the soul of the people at the turning points of its history, the character of a person acting in the harsh circumstances of a tragic era, is not limited to the work of individual writers. The experience of a great artist is the property of everyone, but everyone takes from him what is consistent with his creative aspirations. Novels and stories about the war, written in the late 50s - early 60s, despite their artistic individuality, have common features, which allows them to be considered as a phenomenon of literature of a certain era. This is trust in man, the activity of humanism, a conscious desire to give the tragic experience of the past to the service of modernity.

Andrei Sokolov begins his story about himself with the words: "at first my life was ordinary." But it was in this “ordinary life” that Sholokhov saw the truly sublime and human, because only in everyday cares and work are honest and modest, noble and selfless people revealed. Sholokhov carefully uses the artist's right to select material when he reproduces the story of the hero, who recalls both the "harsh words" that happened to his wife, and the drinks with friends, after which "you write out such pretzels with your feet, which is, I suppose, scary to look at." But the writer knows that this is not the main thing in Andrei's character. A hard-working man, completely absorbed in caring for his family, a gentle husband and father, who finds true happiness in quiet joys and modest successes, which did not bypass his home either - Andrey Sokolov personifies the moral values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in people of labor from time immemorial. With what tender insight he recalls his wife Irina: "Looking from the outside - ..." How much paternal pride he puts into words about children, especially about his son: "And the children made me happy ..."
Sokolov's path in the war was tragic. The milestones on this path were the feats accomplished by a person who was not broken, not reconciled, who did not recognize the power of the enemy over himself and retained moral superiority over them. Only such a person could say so simply and deeply about the exorbitant hardships of the war that fell on the shoulders of women and children: "The whole power leaned on them! .." But even more difficult trials awaited him: a family died, on Victory Day a German sniper's bullet cut off his life son Anatoly. Yet there is neither vengeful hatred nor venomous skepticism in his eyes. Life distorted a person, but could not break him, kill a living soul in him.
And here is the last milestone in the path of the protagonist - Andrei Sokolov adopts little Vanyusha, whom the war deprived of his relatives. Andrei does not try to motivate his decision to take the orphan with him philosophically; this step is not connected with the problem of moral duty. For him, “protecting the child” is a natural manifestation of his soul. In order for a child's eyes to be clear, "like a sky", and a fragile soul to remain undisturbed, nothing cruel should touch him. That is why it is so important "not to hurt a child's heart, so that he does not see a burning and avaricious man's tear running down his cheek ..."
The compassion that gripped the author, shocked by the story of Andrei Sokolov, did not give the story a sentimental coloring, since what the hero told caused not only pity, but also pride for the Russian man, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his spirit, faith in the immense possibilities of people. This is how the main character appears, and the author gives him his love, respect, and pride, when, with faith in justice and reason, he says: "Two orphaned people ..."

Andrei Sokolov is a man of great charm. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and strong man, simple and open, modest and gentle. This tall, “stooped man”, dressed in “a burnt-out padded jacket in several places,” in rough boots immediately won over. How much tenderness there was in his words, addressed to the boy: “- Say hello to your uncle, son! ..” We still don't know anything about this man, but by the way he speaks about the boy: “- I'm in trouble with this passenger !. . ", - you can probably see in him a kind, soft nature. Neither the irritation nor the dismissive indifference of an adult when he talks about a child slipped through his speech. The feigned lament, "I'm in trouble with this passenger," only sharpened his true feelings. Noticing that in front of him “his brother is a chauffeur”, he trustingly and openly, with that noble naturalness that distinguishes simple and good people, entered into a conversation: “Let me, I think, come and have a smoke together. Someone and smoke, and die sick. " His keen eye noticed that the interlocutor "lives richly, smokes cigarettes", from his lips comes the saying, denouncing an experienced and good-natured person: "Well, brother, the tobacco is soaked, that the horse is treated, is no good." Like a seasoned soldier, he asks about the front years and drops: "Well, there I had to, brother, take a sip of the gas up my nostril and above." Andrei is not looking for a reason to pour out his soul in front of everyone he meets. In the interlocutor, he sees a soldier, whose fate was also not easy. Courageous restraint is a trait that is equally inherent in both the author and the hero of the story. An involuntarily escaped remark from him: “Why did you, life, cripple me so? Why did you distort it so? " - it was interrupted: “And suddenly he caught himself: gently pushing his son, he said: - Go, dear, play near the water, there is always some kind of prey for children near the big water. Just look, don't get your feet wet! "

In the experience and observations, in the thoughts and feelings of Sokolov, the historical, vital and moral concepts of the people are reflected, in the harsh struggle and hard work of comprehending the truth, knowing the world. The depth and subtlety of his statements are combined with simplicity and clarity. Let us recall how poetically he compares childhood memory with summer lightning: "After all, children's memory is like summer lightning ..." However, emotional responsiveness and tenderness, the ability to active love, shown by him when he encounters people who are kind and just or in need of his protection , - this is the moral basis of intransigence, contempt, courageous firmness in relation to cruelty and betrayal, lies and hypocrisy, cowardice and cowardice.
Andrei Sokolov went to the front as an already established person, the war was a cruel test of the physical and spiritual forces, convictions and ideals that constituted the essence of his personality, the basis of his worldview and character. Sholokhov does not show the details of the front-line life and camp ordeals in order to focus on the depiction of "shock", "climax" moments when the character of the hero is manifested most strongly and deeply. Farewell on the platform, capture, reprisal against a traitor, an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the camp, a clash with Muller, return to his homeland, the funeral of his son, a meeting with the boy Vanyushka - these are the milestones of Andrey's path. Where are the sources that gave strength to withstand, to withstand? The answer to this question is in the pre-war biography of Sokolov, who is the same age as the century, whose life path is marked by memorable events in the life of the people and the country where the revolution took place, a new world was created in labor and struggles. Those were the circumstances that shaped the character and worldview of a person, the historical consciousness of the people, whose son he was.

Honor and dishonor.

Each of us has come across people of honor. People who can selflessly help a person. Such people can come to the aid of even a stranger, without demanding anything in return. But there is also a dark side to honor, one that is gaining strength day by day. Disgrace is a negative quality of a person, which is expressed in meanness, deceit, deception and betrayal. Dishonest people value only their ego, they help others for their own benefit. How can you trust such people? Can you lean on them in difficult times? Of course not.

Today we understand that dishonor is growing, gaining momentum, while destroying the moral values \u200b\u200bof a person. In our time it is difficult to find a person who will help, understand and comfort.

"Take care of honor from a young age," - this is the epigraph of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". The concept of honor became central to the work. Honor is decency, moral purity of heroes such as Pyotr Grinev, his parents, the whole family of Captain Mironov; it is military honor, loyalty to the oath, and, by and large, love for the Motherland. In the story, Pyotr Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin are opposed. Both are young, of the nobility, officers, but how different they are in character, moral principles. Grinev is a man of honor, whether it concerns his relationship to Masha Mironova, or is it his loyalty to the oath, endurance to the end during the Pugachev riot. Without honor and conscience Alexey Shvabrin. He is rude to Masha, it costs him nothing to go over to the rioters, violating the officer's honor. Captain Mironov, commandant of the Belogorsk fortress, evokes deep sympathy. He did not lose his dignity, remained faithful to the oath, did not kneel before Pugachev. In the Grinyov family, the concept of honor was the basis of the character of Father Petrusha. Despite the fact that Peter, like all children, loved to play pranks, but the main thing was brought up in him - human dignity, decency, and this is honor. The hero shows it by returning the card debt, and not humiliated by betrayal, as Shvabrin did.

Let us turn to the work "Song of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young oprichnik and daring merchant Kalashnikov" by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. The writer touches on one of the most important problems facing a person - the problem of honor. How to protect your honor and those of your loved ones, no matter what, how to remain human in any situation?

The action takes place in the distant sixteenth century, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when the guardsmen could commit outrages, knowing that they would not be punished by the tsar. Kiribeyevich is shown as such an oprichnik, who, without thinking about the fate of the woman, Alena Dmitrievna, puts her in a terrible position. The neighbors see him trying to caress her - a married woman, which in those years was considered the greatest sin. Ashamed of an innocent woman. Outraged by her husband, the merchant Kalashnikov, who challenges the oprichnik to an open battle. Defending the honor of his wife, family, he went to a duel, realizing that he would not be spared from the king in any case. And here a duel is played out between truth, honor and dishonor. Because of a man devoid of morality, the noble Kalashnikov dies, his children are left without a father, and a young innocent girl is a widow. So Kiribeevich ruined life not only for himself, but also for his beloved woman. And all because of this, that a person who does not have spiritual values \u200b\u200bwill never be able to comprehend true love, which he elevates to good deeds, in which honor remains pure and innocent. This work teaches a lot: that it is always necessary to protect the honor of the family, loved ones, not to give anyone offense.

In conclusion, I want to call people to conscience. To the fact that at all times was the concept of honor. Honor is one of the highest moral qualities of a person. It is formed from childhood. After all, the foundations of human dignity are a long and thorny path from selfishness to the establishment of moral principles. From person to person, from generation to generation, the foundations of honor, etiquette and human dignity were passed down, and only the person himself chooses which moral ideals to choose as a guide in this life. So let us not be dishonest people, let us not become like those who have already been swallowed up by their own ego, self-interest and selfishness. After all, a manifestation of honor is a feat not only for oneself, but for the whole world!

Dubrovny Egor

Better to be poor with honor than rich with dishonor.

Honor ... What is it? Honor is a person's moral qualities, his principles, worthy of respect and pride, it is a high spiritual force that can keep a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. Without honor, a person has no real life. It is better to be poor with honor than rich with dishonor.

The classics of world fiction have created many works that tell about heroes who relate differently to the concept of honor and dignity. So in the poem in prose by Charles Baudelaire "Counterfeit Coin" shows the meanness of a person and the choice of dishonor. The protagonist gives the poor man a counterfeit coin, not thinking that this unfortunate person could be arrested. Arrest is the least that could be done, he could be flogged, beaten and even simply killed. This poor fellow's life is not sugar anyway, and it will get worse this way. The person who gave this coin committed a dishonorable act, he chose wealth instead of honor, although he would not be impoverished from one coin. The author wants to convey to us the idea that it is unforgivable to be evil, and even worse - to do evil out of stupidity. This is the most dishonest thing ever! Even the kindest deed in the depths can conceal tremendous meanness.

In Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", the protagonist Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov serves as a vivid example of dishonor. Throughout the poem, he deceives people, for his own benefit. Pavel Ivanovich wanted to get rich by buying up "dead souls". These were documents for the ownership of peasants who died, but are listed as alive. Chichikov buys up "dead souls" in order to deceive the whole society. Pavel Ivanovich did not think about people, blatantly lied to them and did everything for himself. Looking at these two examples, we see that more often people choose wealth. But I believe that it is better for the poor to be honored than rich with dishonor.

"Honor is like a precious stone: the slightest speck takes away its luster and takes away its entire value," - once said Edmond Pierre Beauchein. Yes, it really is. And sooner or later everyone will have to decide how to live - with or without honor.

Cheboltasov Igor

Where do dishonest people come from?

Disgrace is a negative quality of a person, which is expressed in meanness, deceit, deception and betrayal. It entails shame, destruction of oneself as a person. Even in the most difficult moment, a person must continue to follow an honest path, without hesitation for a second. From birth, parents educate children to be honest, then where do dishonest people come from?

It seems that different answers can be given to this question, but I believe that dishonor is, first of all, a lack of respect for oneself and others. Therefore, it is very important that we understand that honor and conscience are the main values \u200b\u200bin life. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this and chooses the wrong path. By committing any deception, we approach dishonor. And with each subsequent betrayal, we become dishonest.

The topic of dishonor is touched upon in the story "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In this work, two characters are opposed: Pyotr Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin. You can judge a person by his actions in difficult times. For the heroes, the challenge was the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev, where Shvabrin showed his dishonor. He saves his life by deception. We see him on the side of the rebels, while whispering something in Pugachev's ear. Grinev is ready to share the fate of Captain Mironov and stand for his Motherland.

Let us turn to Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. The main character, Anatol Kuragin, is an irresponsible and hypocritical person. He does not think about the consequences of his actions, does not think about the future and does not pay attention to the opinions of others. Kuragin's dishonor is his desire to marry Marya Bolkonskaya because of her wealth. It shows how the hero for his own good and his own benefit is ready for any dishonorable act. The author wants to convey to us that a dishonest person is ready for a vile act for his own benefit.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude that dishonor means the loss of one's moral character. Having acted dishonestly once, a person cannot stop, becoming a traitor and a liar. We often meet dishonest people in our time, but we would like to see as many honest people as possible.

Evstropova Victoria