Modernity is woe from wit. Topicality of the sound of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" in our time

The political comedy "Woe from Wit", whose catchphrases are often used today by people in their speech, was relevant in the time of Griboyedov and remained so in the 21st century. The author, with the help of vivid statements that he put into the mouths of the main characters, conveys a description of opportunists, careerists, unscrupulous people who made up the majority in Russian society, and those who oppose them.

Chatsky's image

The representative of progressive youth striving for change, knowledge and reforms is the main character of that time - Chatsky. It is he who owns the catch phrases in the drama "Woe from Wit" that expose the inertia of the tsarist system.

“I would be glad to serve, it would be sickening to serve” - this is the position of an intelligent, educated young man who has a desire to be useful, but is not in demand in retrograde society.

In this one phrase, the meaning of the life of Griboyedov's contemporaries is revealed. People cannot make a career with their intelligence and achievements in the service. To receive new titles, you must serve the highest ranks and be a sycophant. In modern society, the same thing happens - nepotism, corruption, the purchase of ranks, as if the author only wrote his work yesterday.

For Chatsky, personal freedom is the main criterion that people should strive for, but, having arrived from abroad to Russia, he sees that "the houses are new, and the prejudices are old." This was very typical of Griboyedov's contemporaries, and is still relevant today.

Under the cover of beautiful facades, there are no visible changes in society itself, there is no desire to change, to grow professionally and spiritually. Money and power are at the head of everything.

The image of opportunists

In the play Woe from Wit, catch phrases and expressions characterize not only Chatsky, but also his antipode Molchalin.

Griboyedov remarkably conveyed his "growth" from a rootless Tver bourgeoisie to the secretary of Famusov with the rank of assessor: "... he will reach the degrees of the known, because nowadays they love the dumb", - this is how Molchalina Griboyedov describes.

Adaptation, pleasing the highest ranks - nothing has changed since the writing of the comedy. In the work "Woe from Wit" catch phrases (2nd action) very clearly convey the characteristics of that social order. In words, everyone wants change, but at the same time they condemn those who strive for it. “The tradition is fresh, but it is hard to believe” - this is what they say today, when they hear arguments about the need for reforms with the complete inaction of those in power.

Griboyedov in his comedy in the form of Molchalin revealed the category of people who are ready to humiliate themselves for the sake of honors, and having achieved them, humiliate and destroy others on their way.

Modern careerists are not much different from Skalozub, Molchalin and Famusov. "Ranks are given by people" - so in "Woe from Wit" catch phrases (action 3) convey the possibility of obtaining titles, ranks and privileges.

Famus Society

A separate object in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is considered the Famus society, which, as if by selection, consists of careerists, opportunists, hypocrites and thieves.

Such vivid images as Skalozub, Famusov, Molchalin and Prince Tugoukhovsky are representatives of the environment in which Griboyedov lived. “They have found protection from the court in their friends, and the modern social elite is also in favor.

In the play "Woe from Wit", whose catchphrases are still relevant today, Griboyedov pushed together different representatives of society in the same house, opening his "abscess". Chatsky finds himself alone with his ardent desire to change the life of society for the better. He has followers, which are indirectly mentioned in the comedy, for example, Skalozub's cousin, who gave up his military career and went to the estate to equip the life of serfs.

But these people are too few to influence public opinion. The same is happening in modern society. Freethinkers are considered outcasts and are persecuted by both the public and the authorities.

Hero of time

In his comedy, Griboyedov was the first writer to create the image of a "superfluous" person in an ossified society. Pechorin, Bazarov, Onegin will appear much later. Therefore, for the first time in Woe from Wit, catch phrases characterize the state of mind of a person who cannot use his talents for the good of the country and society.

It is difficult for an intelligent and enlightened person who is ready to sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland to understand that no one needs changes, but only power and money.

“Who are the judges? Where, tell us, fatherland fathers, whom we should take for models? " In this, which has become a winged phrase, Chatsky is trying to find his like-minded people, but they are not. There is no one to take an example from and continue the initiated reforms. The whole society is frozen in its desire not to change anything.

This is also true in modern society. Personal interests in matters of prosperity, profit and power are put ahead of the needs of the country and society.

Modern heroes

Unfortunately, in the material world, where money has a great influence on people, in any society there will appear those who seek to "climb" to the top of power at any cost, and those who oppose them.

It is the quantitative preponderance of the progressive members of society that develops it. Without the "chatskys" there would be no changes in the social, cultural and personal spheres of the public. They push other people to take a step towards changing life for the better.

What is the relevance of the comedy "Woe from Wit"? What is the modernity of its sound?

The comedy "Woe from Wit", written by A. S. Griboyedov back in the 19th century, has not lost its relevance today. People have not changed, only time has changed. The author here in its entirety reveals the vices that struck society at the beginning of the 19th century. But, reading into the play, we can find in it the heroes of today.

It is no coincidence that the names of the described characters have already become household names.

Through the image of Famusov, we can recognize the features of our contemporaries. Indeed, to this day, many in the first place are precisely the values \u200b\u200bthat the heroes of the comedy had. Like Famusov, any parent today is ready to spare no effort to arrange a better life for their child, but sometimes this happens against the wishes of the child himself. Famusov wanted to successfully marry his daughter Sophia. The candidates were not just anyone, but Skalozub, according to Famusov, it was he who was suitable for the role of the future spouse. But Sophia herself needed another person - Molchalin.

Molchalin and Skalozub. Their main goals are to build a career, take a place in society and everything that is related to this. These heroes of Griboyedov make up the part of society that is ready to meekly curry favor with the authorities, whatever that may be.

Chatsky. It embodied the qualities that were characteristic of the progressive man of his time. In his outlook, he is close to the Decembrists. He has a negative attitude towards serfdom, the dominance of landowners, respect for rank. Chatsky proclaims humanity, service to the cause, that the common man must be respected. He also contributes ideas about the prosperity of science and art, respect for the native language and culture. And these views of Chatsky are still relevant today.

It is the creation of complex images and characters that are endowed with common human features that make the comedy "Woe from Wit" relevant at all times.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Any essay should be written according to a plan, which necessarily includes an introduction, a main part and a conclusion, and the central part should be the most voluminous.

In administered it should be pointed out that the relevance of a work is an indicator of how interesting it is to the current reader. Works that have stood the test of time, interesting to many generations of readers, are included in the golden fund of literature, are considered classics. "Woe from Wit", written by A. S. Griboyedov almost two centuries ago, undoubtedly refers to them.

IN main part essay, which can be started after the introduction, we must provide evidence. What can serve them?

    Comedy makes fun of vices that are common to people at any time: hypocrisy and success at any cost. Just beginning to climb the career ladder, Molchalin is ready to indulge his superiors in everything, he is ready to play a romantic lover in front of the boss's daughter, hoping to arrange his career growth in this way. Having achieved a lot in life, Famusov maintains his position in society with endless vanity - in our time they would say that he "keeps his finger on the pulse of society." Another career type - Colonel Skalozub - is shown as a notorious cynic, who sees in the deaths of his comrades a cleared road to generals, because the dead cannot stand in his way. Each of these statements is easily found in quotation confirmation in the text of the work. The ability to navigate the text is a prerequisite for creating a full-fledged essay.

    Lively spoken language, which perfectly fit into the poetic size, light syllable, became the reason that many lines from the work have long become proverbs. This suggests that the work has become an integral part of Russian culture and may lose its relevance only if the entire Russian culture loses it:

Final part should be brief to indicate that the above features of the work ensure its enduring relevance.


The comedy "Woe from Wit" touches on acute socio-political problems. Essay on one of the themes based on the work of Griboyedov involves the study of artistic conflict. And here he is not alone. At the beginning of the work, a kind of love conflict is tied up. Then the comedy author raises socio-political issues. On the one hand, a progressive-minded young man. On the other, representatives of the reactionary nobility. Their time is running out, but there is still no place for progressive ideas in this society. The clash of two social worlds alien to each other is traditionally devoted to the themes of essays.

Woe from Wit is a work with an open ending. Who has won? Chatsky? Or taciturn and famus? The comedy "Woe from Wit" does not give a clear answer to these questions. For almost two centuries, the work of the tragically deceased diplomat and playwright has provided food for deep philosophical reflections.


The very name of the comedy speaks of the misfortune of the protagonist. Chatsky's problem is that he is smart. Here, however, the mind is rather synonymous with the word "freethinking".

The author makes it clear to the reader that all his characters, with the exception of Chatsky, are stupid. But each of them does not know about this, believing himself to be smart, but a madman who does not want to share his views. Essay on the topic “Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" "can reveal the question of the ambiguity of such a concept as mind. After all, Famusov and Molchalin believe that he is nothing more than the ability to adapt and derive material benefits. To grovel, commit meanness and conclude marriages solely for convenience - this is a peculiar way of thinking and way of life that reign in Moscow society, modern to Griboyedov.

Two hundred years later, little has changed in the worldview of people. That is why the essay on the theme “Griboyedov. “Woe from Wit” ”can answer such questions as“ What is the modern comedy of a Russian classic? ”,“ What is its relevance? ”.

Chatsky's image

This hero occupies a special place in Russian literature. The work contains the Decembrist spirit, so relevant for that time. The author pays attention to national-historical, social and political issues.

But if you close your eyes to the events in the atmosphere of which the brilliant play was created, and see in the system of images only characteristic psychological types that are invariably present in society, the question arises: "Is such a Chatsky capable of evoking sympathy today?" Hardly. He is witty and intelligent, independent in his judgments and sincere. However, appear now before those who pored over literature textbooks during their school years, creating an essay on the theme “Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" ", he would not have been understood. He would only have seen the bewildered Famusian look.

Artistic originality

Griboyedov combined in his work the features of dying classicism and a new literary trend for that period - realism. The play is also not devoid of romantic features.

The author does not ignore the obligatory principles of classicism. There is only one storyline in the work, and all the actions take place in one place. The author endowed his characters with speaking surnames, which is typical for the creativity of representatives of classicism. But Chatsky's romantic exclusivity is not typical of this literary movement. And finally, comedy has historical accuracy, which is a sign of realism.

The school curriculum offers a variety of essay topics. "Woe from Wit" is a unique work of art. The literary techniques used in it should not be ignored in the work on a creative task. This play was written at a turning point in the history of Russian literature. That is why he combines such different artistic forms.

Comedy A.S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit" has not lost its relevance for the second century. Time is different, but people are still the same. Modern society is characterized by all the problems that were so close to that time.
In our time, we, like the heroes of the play, are not alien to the problem of “fathers and children”. It sounds extremely topical in the unstable times in which we live. Nowadays, the misunderstanding between generations is increasing, the relations between parents and children are becoming more and more aggressive, but in fact the reasons remain the same as several centuries ago. Just like Famusov, any modern parent is ready to do everything possible for a good life for his child, sometimes completely ignoring the dreams and desires of the child himself. Famusov seeks to successfully marry Sophia. None other than Skalozub, a successful military man, according to his caring father, is suitable for the role of Sophia's future spouse. But Sophia herself needs a completely different person, in Molchalin she found the ideal of a man. We observe a similar situation in Galina Shcherbakova's modern story "The Door to Another's Life".
Often, two generations collide in their political and ideological views. In our country, nepotism, honor and worship are still held in high esteem. What Famusov recognizes as being clever seems insane to Chatsky. In Famusov society "he was famous, whose neck was more often bent", while Chatsky's service and patronage are disgusting, and to Famusov's reasonable advice to serve, he replies: "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve." Nothing has changed, serving the Fatherland is still ambiguous. The ball is ruled by the same officials, for whom a relative is more important than any professional worker, and the flatterer is the first in the list of employees. Because of all this bureaucratic red tape and bureaucracy, the country is losing its minds - more and more people want to go abroad, because only there they will be judged according to their merits. Perhaps Chatsky did the same when he left Moscow with the words: "I don't come here anymore!"
The problem of upbringing and education, raised in comedy, remains key in our time. Society will always need education, because it does not stand still, it always develops. Just as then Famusov read newspapers "of the times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea", so now the main source of judgments for the older generation is Soviet ideology.
We do not have to stand still - we have to grow and develop, so we do not need “teachers of the shelf, more in number, at a cheaper price”, we need to eradicate nepotism and give way to a new generation of purposeful and educated people. Thus, reading the comedy "Woe from Wit", we feel the moods that are so close to a modern person, precisely because the play has not lost its relevance in our time.

In order to understand the relevance of the comedy "The Minor" in our time, it is enough to recall what are the main problems raised in it. This work was written at the end of the 18th century by the outstanding Russian classic D.I.Fonvizin. The author presented in it heroes from various strata of the population and their vices. Among the main characters are nobles, and serfs, and ordinary servants, and impostor teachers, and civil servants.

The comedy, first of all, condemns the traditional upbringing of the nobility and its "ill will". The central character is a young nobleman, an "ignoramus" who received a written certificate of training from a teacher. People like him were not accepted into the service and they were not given documents authorizing marriage. The moral issues raised by the author in the work are undoubtedly relevant to this day. There is only one difference between modernity and two hundred years ago. Serfdom has long been abolished, so society now does not consist of serfs and nobles.

For the rest, you can easily see all the problems associated with upbringing and education, even in our time. After all, a high position in society is often occupied by people who are not entirely educated and have a low level of education, while many more literate people remain in secondary roles. The problem of "undergrowth" has always existed. There have always been those in society who did not want to learn and did not take useful sciences into account. So here, Fonvizin showed the Prostakov family - domineering, tough and ready to go for almost anything for their own benefit.

Comedy A.S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit" has not lost its relevance for the second century. Time is different, but people are still the same. Modern society is characterized by all the problems that were so close to that time.
In our time, we, like the heroes of the play, are not alien to the problem of “fathers and children”. It sounds extremely topical in the unstable times in which we live. Nowadays, the misunderstanding between generations is increasing, the relations between parents and children are becoming more and more aggressive, but in fact the reasons remain the same as several centuries ago. Just like Famusov, any modern parent is ready to do everything possible for a good life for his child, sometimes completely ignoring the dreams and desires of the child himself. Famusov seeks to successfully marry Sophia. None other than Skalozub, a successful military man, according to his caring father, is suitable for the role of Sophia's future spouse. But Sophia herself needs a completely different person, in Molchalin she found the ideal of a man. We observe a similar situation in Galina Shcherbakova's modern story "The Door to Another's Life".
Often, two generations collide in their political and ideological views. In our country, nepotism, honor and worship are still held in high esteem. What Famusov recognizes as being clever seems insane to Chatsky. In Famusov society "he was famous, whose neck was more often bent", while Chatsky's service and patronage are disgusting, and to Famusov's reasonable advice to serve, he replies: "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve." Nothing has changed, serving the Fatherland is still ambiguous. The ball is ruled by the same officials, for whom a relative is more important than any professional worker, and the flatterer is the first in the list of employees. Because of all this bureaucratic red tape and bureaucracy, the country is losing its minds - more and more people are striving to go abroad, because only there they will be judged according to their merits. Perhaps Chatsky did the same when he left Moscow with the words: "I don't come here anymore!"
The problem of upbringing and education, raised in comedy, remains key in our time. Society will always need education, because it does not stand still, it always develops. Just as then Famusov read newspapers "of the times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea", so now the main source of judgments for the older generation is Soviet ideology.
We do not have to stand still - we have to grow and develop, so we do not need “teachers of the shelf, more in number, at a cheaper price”, we need to eradicate nepotism and give way to a new generation of purposeful and educated people. Thus, reading the comedy "Woe from Wit", we feel the moods that are so close to a modern person, precisely because the play has not lost its relevance in our time.