Designing role-playing games in kindergarten. Role-playing corner

“Architecture of Kindergartens” - 1913 - 100 kindergartens were opened in Moscow. Maximum use of color. Austria. Switzerland. City universal kindergarten named after ON Kelina on Bolshaya Tsaritsynskaya (1910-1911). Trends in domestic construction. China. Using different materials to the touch. Complex of Social Kindergarten in Bogota.

Kindergarten Adaptation - Try to think of and practice several different ways to say goodbye in the morning beforehand. Important little things. Phases of the adaptation process: Adaptation. Conditions for successful adaptation: Be consistent and firm in your decisions. According to the severity of the acute phase, adaptation is divided into: Adaptation - from the Latin "to adapt" - in a broad sense, adaptation to environmental conditions.

“Kindergarten of the Future” - For beauty and aroma, the kindergarten of the future will continue the tradition of floriculture, but the flowers will be even more beautiful. A bird and a butterfly are permanent residents of the tree. "When it gets sad, you can go to a tree and get a portion of happiness." All animals are very fond of children. The solar battery successfully converts solar energy into electricity and heat.

"Adaptation in preschool educational institutions" - Stages of adaptation development. Factors affecting adaptation. The main stage. Adaptation is the process of entering and adjusting the child. Advice for parents. The final stage. Adaptation of the child to kindergarten. The reactions of the child's body. Preparatory stage for adaptation. Way to success.

Children's Design - Combining different types of children's art activities into design classes. For successful work with children, the teacher organizes: Develop spatial imagination, the ability to arrange objects in the interior. 3 BLOCK Interior decoration (object-decorative design). Secrets of the rainbow (color vision).

"Flower gardens" - Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type No. 12, Serdobsk. "A flower garden is a place where flowers are planted, a flower bed." Flowerbed "Sweet couple". What is a Flower Garden? Round flower beds at the kindergarten site. The bench is a flower bed. Explanatory dictionary, author S. I, Ozhegov Publishing house M .: Azbukovnik, 1999.

There are 17 presentations in total

Olga Voitova

Role-playing game"Post office"

Purpose of the game: development of the ability to act with and without objects, talk about the performed action. In-depth familiarization with the work of communication workers, the formation of respect for the postman profession, the development of imagination, interaction with each other.

Role-playing game"Score"

goal: to expand the area of \u200b\u200bsocial and moral orientations of children through role-playing game"Score".


1. Consolidate the ability to consciously accept the game task, to perform game actions according to the rules.

2. To enrich ideas about people, their relationships. Consolidate knowledge about professions: salesman, cashier, security guard, manager, administrator.

3. Strengthen the skill of practical application of communication skills.

4. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish in an object its name, purpose, material from which it is made, qualities that the material possesses. Group items based on essential features.

5. Enrich the speech of children with polite speech patterns.

6. Educate personal quality: politeness, benevolence.

Role-playing game"Family"


Strengthen children's ideas about the professions of adults;

To form in children a respectful attitude towards adult work;

To develop in children a creative attitude to play, the ability to use substitute objects;

To teach collectively, to build buildings necessary for the game, to carry out our plans together;

Foster a culture of communication.

Role-playing game"Beauty saloon"

goal: Generalization of ideas about the purpose of a beauty salon, the activities of specialists working in it.


Educational: continue teaching children to play different roles according to the plot of the gameusing attributes, substitute items.

Developing: development of dialogical speech, intonational expressiveness, the ability to understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.

Educational: cultivate friendly relationships in the game, speech and behavioral etiquette.

Role-playing game"Library"

Goal. Teaching children to implement and develop the plot of the game. Creating interest in working in the library. Acquaintance with the rules for using the book. Awakening children's interest and love for books, fostering a respectful attitude towards them.

Game material. Books, forms.


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Kindergarten teachers are able to make many objects and toys used in role-playing games with their own hands, many objects are given a second life. For example, an old suitcase, having designed it, can be used as a house for dolls. Unwanted clothes are altered and decorated in a folk style that can be used in many story games.

DIY game manuals

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 366.
All sections | Role-playing games. DIY attributes and benefits

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Dear colleagues, I continue to acquaint you with the play areas of my group. You know that through a plot-role-playing game, children learn about the world around them, learn to communicate, prepare for society by "trying on" adult life. It is in our power to explain, create a social ...

Needless to say that children strive to embody in games all those situations that they observe in everyday life... Girls imitate their mothers, playing "Family", "Mother's Daughters". Boys imitate men's professions that evoke in them a sense of patriotism and courage: "Military", "Sailors".

For the games of children in the group, there is a separate place in the zone of the plot-role-playing game, where the children can freely choose the equipment for the game they will play. The toys used emphasize the image of a real prototype. These can be exact copies of objects in miniature (realistic), or substitute objects (prototype). Such toys, objects, through designations or highlighted main parts, convey meaning and content.

For example, the kitchen stove used in many kindergartens can be a smaller copy of the real one, with handles and burners. Or maybe painted on large sheet paper, or made from a cardboard box. Often, in the manufacture of toys, teachers use papier-mâché techniques, sculptural and textile techniques, knitting, etc.

Olga Nemtsova
Subject-developmental environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Analytical reference.

Compliance material and technical base for OOP implementation and optimization subject-developing environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in senior group No. 5 GBOU SOSH SP d / s "Sun"

Educator: Nemtsova Olga Viktorovna April 2015

The group created a comfortable subject-spatial environment, age-appropriate, gender, individual characteristics of children. Development environment has flexible zoning, which allows children to conformity with their interests and desires at the same time, freely engage, without interfering with each other, different kinds activities. The spheres of independent children's activity within the group do not overlap, there is enough space for the freedom of movement of children. All games and materials in the group are arranged in such a way that every child has free access to them. Such an organization of space allows preschoolers to choose activities that are interesting for themselves, alternate them throughout the day, and the teacher to organize the educational process taking into account individual characteristics children.

IN developing environment groups reflect the main directions of educational areas FSES DO: - cognitive development; - communicative and personal development; - speech development; - artistic and aesthetic development; - physical development.

The space of the group room is organized in the form of well-delineated corners (centers development) : - a corner for theatrical games; -a corner according to traffic rules -musical corner; -book corner; - a corner for role-playing games; - corner of mathematical games; - a corner of nature and experimentation; -sports section; -corner for fine arts (drawing, sculpting, applique, modeling) ; - construction corner; - a corner of privacy;

Role-playing corner games: The play area is equipped with corners and attributes for role-playing games, selected taking into account the age characteristics of children. Into it enters: - Puppet furniture: sofa, table, chairs, bed, stove, cabinet, furniture set for dolls medium size.

-Toys utensils: a set of tea utensils (large and average, a set of kitchen and tableware.

Doll bedding set (3 pcs.).

Large dolls (5 pieces.) and average(6 pcs.).

Doll stroller (4 things.).

Beds for dolls (2 pcs)

Attributes for games with a production plot that reflect professional work of people: "Score", "Hospital", "Barbershop" - Salon "Charm", "A cafe", "Steamer", "Sailors", steering wheel for the best man. ; With a household plot "Family", "Kindergarten", "To the dacha" etc.

8. Different attributes for mummers: hats, glasses, shawls, skirts, cap, peakless cap, etc.

Two robes for the hospital game.

Children's furniture for children (sofa, two armchairs, hairdresser mirror, ironing board, kitchen furniture set.

Pageant's corner activities: Found next to the mini-library. Children can, based on vivid illustrations, recreate the plot of a fairy tale, which contributes to development theatrical activity, creativity, memory and thinking. In addition, for this, there are various attributes: -Screen. (large)

Small screen for a table theater.

-Different types of theater: planar, shadow, puppet ( "Red Riding Hood", "Teremok", "Ryaba chicken", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs").

Costumes, masks, attributes for playing fairy tales, parsley doll;

Animals and birds, volumetric and planar on stands, small, 7-10 cm

-Family figurines set: (Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, boy, girl)

-Set of masks: animals, fairy tale characters.

Corner of nature: situated directly by the window... Conditions for enrichment are created here views children about the diversity of the natural world, fostering love for nature and respect for it., as well as familiarizing children with caring for plants, forming the beginnings of ecological culture. To a natural corner enters: -Aquarium with fish: guppy, sword-bearer, others;

Watering cans, sticks for loosening the soil, sprayer, cloths, brushes for wiping leaves, aprons;

Picture of the season, model of the year and day, days of the week;

Calendar with models icons (clear, cloudy, rainy, cloudy, etc.) and a moving arrow pointing to them;

Encyclopedia with images of birds, animals, insects, fish;

Children's drawings on the topic "Nature at different times of the year".

Paper doll with different clothes - seasons;

Corner of traffic rules: includes a street layout, various sizes and purposes of the car, traffic lights, road signs, didactic games, models of houses, trees, posters, an album with illustrations. it subject filling contributes to the assimilation of material about traffic rules through a role-playing game. To the corner enters: -Layout of the road, with a sidewalk, an intersection and a pedestrian crossing.

Small transport. (bus, cars and trucks)

Models of houses, trees, road signs, traffic lights.

Didactic games with traffic rules

Small toys (figures of people).

Illustrations according to DD rules

DD Signs Posters

Music corner development: promotes the formation of interest in music, introduces to musical instruments. Children learn to play the simplest melodies on different musical instruments... The group has created a music library, which contains records of classical and folk music, sounds of nature (forests, bird voices, the sound of the sea, the noise of the street, as well as various musical tales and tools: - metallophone, drum, tambourine, bells, rattle, triangle, rattles, harp, toy guitars, pipes, wooden spoons.

Record player.

Cards with notes and pictures.

Book corner: located on a special shelf. Here presented books in accordance with the program - author's books on one shelf, on the other - oral folk art, puzzles. Same portraits of authors are presented(poets and writers)... All books and illustrations are updated 1-2 times a month.

Books selected by age and current program

Portraits of writers and poets

Scene pictures

Schemes for memorizing poems

Schemes for retelling works

Desktop-printed games by development of speech

Favorite Russian folk tales

-Albums for viewing: "Professions", "Family" and etc.

Math Corner - Board Games « Developing attention» "Fold the picture", "Learning to Compare" and etc.

Logic cubes;

Logic and numbers;

Fold the pattern;

Color lotto;

Puzzle "Hexagon";

Math tablet;

A set of geometric shapes for each;

A set of numbers for each;

Find the figure, Columbus egg;

We lay out the tracks;

Logical chains;

Didactic games;

Experimentation Corner: with natural material, bulk materials, containers of different capacities, nature calendar, houseplants, hourglass, watering cans, sprayers. Here presented books and booklets about the seasons (poems, illustrations)

Mini laboratory

Mini Museum "Magic Water"

Sports section: whose purpose is development motor activity of physical qualities of children. Subject filling the corner is used in outdoor games, individual physical activity, in the free activity of children. Where are located materials:

Ring toss;


Balls (large, average, small);

Buttoned tracks, sewn-on walking tracks, ribbed tracks;

Multi-colored plastic balls;

Baskets 3pcs;

Checkboxes; throwing bags;

Artistic creation: there is a wide range of visual materials to form the creative potential of children, development interest in fine activities:

Albums, white sheets, A4 format;

Colored cardboard, colored paper;

Wax crayons;

Colour pencils;

Simple pencils;

Gouache, watercolor paints, brushes of different diameters;

Self-adhesive paper;


Samples for drawing;

Colored plasticine, boards, stacks;

-art objects;

Waste and natural material for artistic work;

Coloring pages for each child;

Colored crayons;

Building kits are at the center of building construction games (large, small) constructors with different ways fastening parts. Free space on the floor makes it possible to construct buildings. There are also animal figures here, which makes it possible for more development fantasy and creative thinking. To the corner enters:

Large wooden construction set;

Small wooden construction set;

Lego (average size) ;

Lego (small);

Constructors - 4 sets (helicopter, 2 set of cars, 1 set of trucks) ;

Constructor of an ancient fairytale city (medium size) .

Duty Corner: the ability to fulfill the duties of those on duty is formed, instilling a positive attitude to work, independence.

Stand for attendants with pockets and hooks;

Photos of children (whole group)

2 Apron;



Napkins for each child;

Glasses for napkins on each table.

Privacy corner: A place fenced off from everyone by a screen.

-"Holiday House"

CONCLUSION: developing subject-spatial environment group provides an opportunity for communication and joint activities of children, adults, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. Material base wants the best in physical equipment development, design, replenishment of the plot role-playing corners with children's furniture, in the mathematical corner purchase "Blocks of Gienesh", "Cusemera sticks".