Music from different countries. Musical journey

    Guys, were you surprised when you saw me? - Let's say hello in surprise.

    Now it's sad, as if someone offended you,

    and having fun, we will sing merrily - Hello!

    1. Station "Prevraschalkino"

    (harsh or gentle); (smooth or abrupt)

    (Jerky or smooth); (harsh or gentle)

    (trying everything together)


    2. Station "Nesseznaykino"

(honey)and who is his best friend (piglet, piglet)

Crocodile Gena - sing along with me!

(with a big turtle)

  • (musical instruments) Name them.

Let's hit the road!


3. Station "Tantsevalkina"

Well let's dance?



4 Station "Surprisekino"

And it will help me ... (child's name).

Come behind the screen, guys ... (child's name) will play

Listen carefully.



5. Station "In the center vozratalkino"

And it's time for us to say goodbye.

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"Theme:" Musical Journey "

Theme: "Musical Journey"

(According to the program "Merry Rhythm")

Technological class map

Dances, music and songs

Additional education teacher

Gorbunova S.A.

Lesson topic

"Musical Journey"

Occupation type

Open new knowledge class

Purpose of the lesson

about musical instruments.

Artistic-pedagogical tasks

Basic terms and concepts

Songs, music games, dances.

Forms of conducting

Individual, group

Planned results

development of creative abilities in the process of musical and choreographic activity

Musical repertoire

Musical game "Hello"!


Techniques and methods

listening and performing songs; learning musical instruments.

Expected Result

fostering musical taste, sustained interest in classical music;

development of creative abilities in the process of musical activity.

Used modern technologies

Developmental learning, system-activity approach.

Forms of organizational activity

Individual, group performance of songs, dance learning.


Computer, speakers.

Goal: Introducing the child into the world of art through creativity.

Using different types activities to consolidate knowledge

about musical instruments.

Task:Learn to distinguish between the timbres of musical instruments, listen carefully to music, rhythmically play children's musical instruments.

Form singing skills, sing harmoniously in an ensemble and solo, pronounce the words of songs clearly. Learn to adjust your voice to the teacher's singing.

Develop the ability to move in accordance with the music, develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.


Hello children!

Today we will go on an exciting journey through the world of music, on an unusual music train.

But before I hit the road, I suggest you say hello,

let's remember how you can greet each other. (showing as needed)

    nod, wave your hand

    shake hands

    hug each other

And we will say hello on the musical.

Musical game "Hello"!

Guys, were you surprised when you saw me? - Let's say hello in surprise.

Now it's sad, as if someone offended you,

but we didn't come here to be sad

and having fun, we will sing merrily - Hello!

Now it's time to go, take a good mood with us

take your places in the trailers.

1. Station "Prevraschalkino"

Guys, sit down, now you will hear unusual music. Listen carefully.

Now let's repeat, what kind of music is this?

(harsh or gentle); (smooth or abrupt)

A) That's right, this music sounds rhythmically, clearly, abruptly.

Guys, who can move to such music? (robots, aliens, clockwork drummers, soldiers)

B) We listen to other music. What kind of music?

(Jerky or smooth); (harsh or gentle)

Smooth, gentle, affectionate music. Interestingly, and to this music, who can move? (snowflakes, fairies, stars, princesses)

Guys, let's try to move as the music tells us.

(trying everything together)

One, two, three, boys into robots, and turn girls into stars.

Robots and stars, be careful, you can move only to your music.

What wonderful robots and stars you have!

Turn right and left guys turn back!

It's time for us to hit the road, take your seats!


2. Station "Nesseznaykino"

This station is for true connoisseurs of music. Interesting tasks await us.

    Guys, we need to guess which cartoon character is singing this penny? Listen.

Leopold, right guys, you know the lyrics to this song, sing along.

Winnie the Pooh, and what Winnie the Pooh loves most (honey)and who is his best friend (piglet, piglet)

Crocodile Gena - sing along with me!

Lion cub, and with whom does the lion cub sing this song? (with a big turtle)

Well done, you easily guessed all the heroes.

    Guys, look closely at the screen and tell me what is shown on it? (musical instruments) Name them. (guitar, drum, balalaika, harp) Take a close look at these musical instruments again, tell me which one is superfluous? Why? (listen to the children one by one and remind them not to interrupt each other) All agree? Well done and you coped with this task!

    Before you are musical instruments, name them from top to bottom. (violin, music. Triangle, metallophone) But they will be able to play only with the help of their assistants. Here they are. Look closely and pick up a couple of muses. tools.

(music triangle - he needs a wand;

The metallophone will play with sticks

and a gentle violin will sound with a bow)

And you have coped with this task. Friends, you are true connoisseurs of music!

Let's hit the road!


3. Station "Tantsevalkina"

This is my favorite station. I really love to dance and invite you to dance.

Well let's dance?


How amazing! You are wonderful dancers! Let's clap each other! Let's go further in good mood!


4 Station "Surprisekino"

We came to the music. glade.

Take a seat, I've got a surprise for you

but bad luck, my musical

the chest does not open. I think I know how to open it.

And it will help me ... (child's name).

Come behind the screen, guys ... (child's name) will play

on musical instruments, but we need to guess which instrument sounds.

Listen carefully.


We open, I have prepared different muses for you. tools. Take your pick.

I will be the conductor and you will be the musicians. Musicians, check your instruments sound, get comfortable, listen to the conductor.


What good fellows you are, we have a real orchestra! Did you enjoy being musicians?

We put the tools in the chest and hit the road.

5. Station "In the center vozratalkino"

Guys, I really enjoyed our musical journey. And you? Which station did you like the most?

Friends, we have learned a lot, learned a lot about music.

You tried very hard, were attentive, funny and musical.

And it's time for us to say goodbye.

December 21 at 19:00

December 21, 2018 at 19:00 "House of Gogol" invites you to make a New Year musical journey with a composer and pianist Svetlana Raldugina.

Concert-meditation "Musical Journey" is an insight into the secrets of your subconscious. An opportunity to experience emotions and sensations that are beyond everyday life. Meditation and catharsis, relaxation and sensual intensity. A real exciting adventure where main character - you yourself.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, Svetlana Raldugina will perform her most striking compositions, including premieres, giving warm feelings of childhood, magic and sincere happiness.

About the composer

"That tuning fork by which you can check the truth of each moment, separate the main from the secondary, stop and hear yourself ..."

The pianist Svetlana Raldugina is a brilliant contemporary neoclassical composer. Her music is an opportunity to penetrate into your soul, to discover the incomprehensible in yourself.

Svetlana's debut took place at the age of 7 on the stage of the Great Hall of the Gnessin Academy. Even then, the young pianist performed with a symphony orchestra. And the next year - in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.

Svetlana began to write music at the age of 5 - not knowing the notes yet, she put books with illustrations on the piano and expressed with sound what she felt.

“There are states of the soul when I cannot express in words the accumulated feelings, thoughts, some completely new amazing realizations - the results of deep spiritual work and mental stress. This is comparable to the moment of waiting for the birth of a child, when the most incredible mystery on Earth is about to happen - the mystery of the birth of a new life. And then an acute, vital need arises to give this something floating and inexplicable to the world. I sit down at the piano and some cosmic stream begins to spontaneously guide the movement of my fingers, giving birth to music ... "

This music, born of the movement of the soul, is understandable and close to everyone: the piercing of the compositions touches any heart, no matter what state the listener is in, melts a crust of ice, pulls it out of the deepest abysses, or gives an inspired pure joy, sincere to tears! Fans of creativity even compare Svetlana's concerts with a kind of tuning fork, by which you can compare the truth and value of each lived moment, separate the main from the important, the important from the secondary, stop and hear yourself ...

Developing a music lesson for grade 3

"Musical journey"

music teacher, secondary school № 123, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg.

Lesson type: game lesson (using multimedia technologies)


1) include students in the active process of learning music through a lesson-game

2) identify the level of musical knowledge.


  1. Develop the resourcefulness and activity of children
  2. Improve the level of musical literacy
  3. Encourage children to be creative
  4. Elicit an emotional response in children

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, synthesizer, DVD-player, discs with musical works.

During the classes:

Teacher: Dear guys! Today we embark on a musical journey on a magic train.

The "Passing Song" by M.I. Glinka sounds.

Uch: What kind of work was sounded now? Who wrote it? (slide number 1)

(The teacher hands over little toy notes to children who answered the question correctly)

On the screen is a slide with a "musical" map, which depicts the stations "Zagadkino", "Notkino", "Executing", "Composer", "Listening".

Teacher: Under the "Passing Song" we drive up to the station "Zagadkino".

(slide number 2)

  1. Triangular board, 2) The piano and the accordion made friends

And there are three hairs on it. And united forever.

The hair is thin, and you will guess the name

3) That tool for a long time

Decorated the cathedral.

Decorates and plays

The entire orchestra replaces. (organ)

Teacher: Rearrange the syllables or letters in places so that the names of the musical instruments can be read.

Bayan, tambourine, guitar, violin, clarinet, xylophone, timpani, horn, harp

The "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians" sounds

Teacher: to the song we drive up to the Notkino station

Teacher: The next task is very fun. You have pieces of paper and colored pencils on your tables. Come up with and draw a rebus with any of the notes. (children draw and answer)

Slide number 4

Find all the notes and musical words in these verses

The monkey was walking home, but it was so

Leap from branch to branch. Barsukov's share ...

I saw a lame badger That he fell at the trunk,

Frisky neighbor. Roared in pain.

"Eh!" - decided then the badger, Whined for a long time and shed tears,

Cowardice overpowered, Poor, from powerlessness

I'll catch the bitches - And for five minutes I forgot

In vain they taught me? What is his surname.

Having spread out a large mattress, But for luck here, under the sticky,

The contrabass sat on the shore. A bulldog ran with a violin.

He sat for a long time, hummed, He said that there is no

Everyone is terribly tired of him. Things are better than a duet.

Even a gray marmot But the button accordion said that the trio

I couldn't take it any longer. Looks nice too.

And the poor raccoon “No and no! - said the clarinet, -

The hiccups have already begun. The quartet sounds the best. "

Well, and the room moth And since then there have been strife,

I could not understand what the salt is, Whose role is most important in the quartet,

Where is sharp and where is flat. Even tomatoes from the garden

For whom and what plays even turnips and beans

Bored double bass Came to beg

It is already the tenth hour! End the argument and play.

The song "Blue Carriage" is played

Teacher: So, we are approaching the station "Executing".

Let's remember and sing the song "The Road of Good" by the words of Entin muses. Minkova

Children sing a song

Teacher: Tell me, in this song, by the expression "the road of good", what do we mean? (children answer)

Slide number 5

Solving the crossword puzzle


3. A group of artists making up a single artistic collective. (ensemble)

5. Musical ensemble of three musicians-performers, vocalists or instrumentalists. (trio)

6. A large group of instrumental musicians. (orchestra)

9. Leader of learning and performing ensemble (orchestral, choral, opera, etc.) music. (conductor)

10. Musical group of two people. (duet)


1. The musical profession associated with singing. (vocalist)

2. Musician, piano player. (pianist)

4. Musician, performer on the accordion. (accordionist)

7. Solo performance of a piece of music on stage. (soloist)

8. Musical ensemble, consisting of a large number of singers. (chorus)

  • Words sometimes need music, but music doesn't need anything. (E. Grieg)
  • The past in the present is my task. (M.P. Mussorgsky)
  • When they say about music that it looks like something, it's not scary. But if the music is not like anything, then it's really bad! (N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov)
  • “I would like with all the forces of my soul that my music would spread, that the number of people who love it, who find support and consolation in it, would increase” (PI Tchaikovsky)
  • "Melody is the soul of music" (P. Tchaikovsky)
  • The people create music, and we, the artists, only arrange it. (M.I. Glinka)

Teacher: So, we are approaching the station "Listening". A difficult task awaits you. You have to remember and name the works and authors of the music that you will hear at this station.

1) "Morning" from suite "Peer Gynt" by E. Grieg

2) "Doll's disease" from "Children's Album" by P.I. Tchaikovsky

3) The main melody from symphony No. 2 ("Heroic") by A.P. Borodin

4) "Dawn on the Moscow River" from the opera "Khovanshchina" by M.P. Mussorgsky

5) "Midnight" from the ballet "Cinderella" by S.S. Prokofiev

6) Petya's theme from the symphonic tale “Petya and the Wolf” by S.S. Prokofiev

7) Overture to the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. I. Glinka

Teacher: Our journey is over. Whoever reached the terminal station and collected the most "notes" is today the best musical traveler. Well done boys!

The teacher encourages the children with grades.

They come out of the class to the song "It's fun to walk together."

Travels to different countries of the world were bright pages in the life of many outstanding composers. The impressions received from the trips inspired great masters to create new musical masterpieces.

F. Liszt's great journey.

The famous cycle of piano pieces by F. Liszt is called “The Years of Wanderings”. The composer has combined in it many works inspired by visits to famous historical and renowned cultural sites. The beauties of Switzerland are reflected in the musical lines of the plays "At the Spring", "On the Wallenshtadt Lake", "The Thunderstorm", "The Valley of Obermann", "Geneva Bells" and others. During his stay with his family in Italy, List got acquainted with Rome, Florence, Naples.

F. Liszt. Fountains of Villa Este (with views of the villa)

The piano pieces inspired by this journey are inspired by Italian Renaissance art. These plays also confirm Liszt's conviction that all forms of art are closely related. Seeing Raphael's painting "Betrothal", Liszt wrote a piece of music with the same name, and the stern sculpture of L. Medici by Michelangelo inspired the miniature "The Thinker".

The image of the great Dante is embodied in the fantasy sonata After Reading Dante. Several pieces are united under the title Venice and Naples. They are brilliant transcriptions of popular Venetian tunes, among them the fiery Italian tarantella.

In Italy, the composer's imagination was struck by the beauty of the legendary 16th-century Este villa, whose architectural complex included a palace and lush gardens with fountains. Liszt creates a virtuoso, romantic play "The Fountains of Villa d. Este", in which one can hear the thrill and flickering of water jets.

Russian composers-travelers.

Mikhail Glinka, the founder of Russian classical music, managed to visit different countries, including Spain. The composer rode a lot on horseback in the villages of the country, studying local customs, manners, Spanish musical culture... As a result, the brilliant Spanish Overtures were written.

M.I. Glinka. Aragonese Jota.

The magnificent Jota Aragonese is based on the authentic dance tunes of the province of Aragon. The music of this work is characterized by brightness of colors, richness of contrasts. Castanets - so typical of Spanish folklore - sound especially impressive in the orchestra.

The cheerful, graceful theme of khota bursts into the musical context, after a slow, stately introduction, brilliantly, like a "stream of a fountain" (as noted by one of the classics of musicology B. Asafiev), gradually turning into a jubilant stream of unrestrained folk fun.

M.I. Glinka Aragonese hota (with dance)

M.A. Balakirev was delighted with the witchcraft nature of the Caucasus, its legends, the music of the highlanders. He creates a piano fantasy "Islamey" on the theme of the Kabardian folk dance, the romance "Georgian Song", the symphonic poem "Tamara" based on the famous poem by M. Yu. Lermontov, which turned out to be consonant with the composer's intentions. Lermontov's poetic creation is based on the legend of the beautiful and insidious queen Tamara, who invites the knights to the tower and dooms them to death.

MA Balakirev "Tamara".

The Poem's introduction paints a gloomy picture of the Daryal Gorge, and in the central part of the work there are bright, passionate melodies in an oriental style, revealing the image of the legendary queen. The Poem ends with restrained dramatic music, pointing to the tragic fate of admirers of the crafty Queen Tamara.

The world has become small.

The exotic East attracts C. Saint-Saens' travels, and he visits Egypt, Algeria, South America, Asia. The composer's acquaintance with the culture of these countries resulted in compositions: the orchestral "Algerian Suite", the fantasy "Africa" \u200b\u200bfor piano and orchestra, "Persian melodies" for voice and piano.

Composers of the XX century. there was no need to shake off-road in a stagecoach for weeks to see the beauty of distant countries. British musical classic B. Britten went on a long journey in 1956 and visited India, Indonesia, Japan, and Ceylon.

The ballet - fairy tale "The Prince of Pagodas" was born under the impression of this grandiose voyage. The story of how the evil daughter of the Emperor Ellyn takes away the crown from her father, and tries to take away the groom from her sister Rosa, is woven from many European fairy tales, and the plots of eastern legends are interspersed there. The adorable and noble princess Rose is carried away by the cunning Jester to the mythical Kingdom of the Pagodas, where she is met by the Prince enchanted in the Salamander monster.

The princess's kiss removes the spell. The ballet ends with the return to the throne of the Father-Emperor and Rose's wedding with the Prince. The orchestral part of the meeting scene between Rosa and Salamander is full of exotic sounds reminiscent of the Balinese gamelan.

B. Britten "The Prince of the Pagodas" (Princess Rose, Scamander and Jester).

“Musical journey. Music of different countries "

Methodical development of a concert event for students in grades 5-7

1. Italy. About Italian songs (students of grades 6 and 7 tell )

Italy has been repeatedly called a country of high culture and art. After all, Italy is the homeland of people who have made a huge contribution to the world development of painting, music, theater, architecture. But now we are going to talk about music and about Italian songs.

Italy is considered by many to be the cradle of the art of music, because many music industries have developed in Italy.

Italian songs are the most beloved in the whole world, they are world hits of the most famous artists. The history of Italian music goes back centuries, and it is precisely such a rich history of the development of musical art in Italy that can be called the reason for the current popularity of Italian pop music.

And in general, as Italians very often say, jokingly: "If there is something that we can do well, it is to compose and sing songs." And this joke is very true, because Italians do not lose heart in any situations and always compose songs, expressing their aspirations and dreams, fun and sadness, all feelings and desires, and sing the best that is in their life. By studying songs, you can learn a lot about the culture of a country, people, and more. Italian folk songs have been created for centuries. They express the entire culture of the people, and are associated with various events that took place in many parts of Italy.

Italy has a very large heritage , and they all differ depending on the area in which they originated. Historians who study Italian folk songs have managed to systematize thousands of ancient directions of folk songs. They determined that often the same melody can have different texts, or, on the contrary, the same text is superimposed on different melodies.

One of the most striking examples of Italian song isneapolitan song ... The Neapolitan song is a gem of Italian culture. It is called the second largest diamond after Italian opera. All over the world, a very large number of different performers include elements from this gem of song lyrics into their repertoire. In addition, many performers include several whole Neapolitan songs in their repertoire. And this is an excellent solution, because Neapolitan songs allow you to demonstrate all the beauty and power of the performer's voice, at the same time, these songs are pleasant to almost all listeners, thanks to their unusually beautiful melody.

Today we will listen to some Italian songs arranged for piano.

The Neapolitan song "Come back to Sorrento" was written in 1902 by two brothers Ernesto and Giambatista de Curtis, as one version says, at the request of the mayor of Sorrento for the arrival of the Italian Prime Minister.

E. Curtis "Return to Sorrento" performsBobrova Yana .

How beautiful is the sea distance,

How she attracts, sparkling,

Heart tender and caressing

Like your gaze is blue.

Do you hear in the orange groves

Sounds of nightingale trills?

All fragrant in flowers,

The earth flourished around.

Chorus: But you're driving dear

Dal calls you different ...

Am I forever

Lost you my friend?

Don't leave me!

I beg you!

Come back to Sorrento

My love!

3. Mexico.

"Cucaracha" - a comic folk song in Spanish in the genre of corrido. It became popular during the Mexican Revolution of the early 20th century, as government troops were called "cockroaches". However, there are references to the song dating back to 1883 and even 1818.

One of the versions of the song in Russian (Irina Bogushevskaya):

We recently bought a dacha, there was a suitcase at the dacha.

And we got a foreign cockroach in addition.

We just put on the record and start the gramophone

In yellow leather boots, he jumps on the plate.

"I am a kukaracha, I am a kukaracha," the cockroach sings.

"I am a kukaracha, I am a kukaracha" - American cockroach.

Mexican folk song "Cucaracha" will be performedSokov Andrey.

4. Great Britain.

The famous and successful American composer John Williams wrote the music for the Harry Potter films. The very first of this series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, was released in 2001.

J. Williams Music from the film "Harry Potter" played by Veronica Razina .

5. USA.

Another piece of music from another famous movie saga"Dusk". It is noteworthy that two songs were composed and performed by Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen). In addition, in one of the scenes in the film, Pattinson sings at the pianoBella's Lullaby ... And we will listen to Bella's Lullaby performed byKatya Ryazantseva.

6. France.

Jan Tiersen - French and conductor. Plays various instruments. Among them are violin, piano, accordion, acoustic and electric guitar, etc.Amelie » will fulfill Davydova Vika.

Yet Soundtracks.

E. Morriconefilm soundtrack "Good, bad, evil" - Ganenkov Vlad

E. Morricone film soundtrack"1900" ("The Reincarnation of Mozart" - Salimgareeva Irina.


O. Petrova, A. Petrov Waltz from the film series "Petersburg secrets" will be performedDeeva Lera .

At the endour concertmusic will sound P.I.Tchaikovsky.

"Seasons" December "Christmastide" performsSnezhana Poleshchuk.