Shukhov is the main character. One day of Ivan Denisovich

If I had thought to describe the life of a hero of my time, a simple office worker, I would have acted like Solzhenitsyn. The story "One Day in Ivan Denisovich" is one of the best works in Russian. The author describes in great detail, thoroughly and without haste, one day, from getting up at 5 am to lights out at 10 pm, the prisoner of the GULAG. His every day is similar to the previous one. And the next day will most likely be exactly the same. Therefore, it makes no sense to describe his whole life. It is enough to repeat the description of the previous day.

For example, the life of a peasant is subject to an annual cycle: work in the spring, work in the fall, work in the winter and work in the summer are different. We sow there, we reap here. It all depends on the weather, and on climate change, and on many other things. One day is not like the next, except that there is repetition in the annual cycles. To describe the life of a peasant, you need to describe a whole year of his life, otherwise you will not describe anything. The cycle of a modern city dweller, like the cycle of a prisoner of the GULAG, does not depend on the weather and the season. To describe the life of a modern office worker, it is enough to describe one of his days. Which, as a carbon copy, is similar to all previous and all subsequent days.

The text presents my personal point of view. I speak on my own behalf and not on behalf of my employer, Microsft.


How does a prisoner's day begin? With a thermometer.

"They passed by<…> another pillar, where in a calm so as not to show too low, all covered with frost, hung a thermometer. Shukhov looked hopefully at his milky-white pipe: if he showed forty-one, he shouldn't have been kicked out to work. Only today it didn’t stretch for forty ”.

Likewise, a modern office worker in the morning peers at the indicator on Yandex early in the morning, wondering how long it will take today to push through endless traffic jams in his new credit car. True, even if the indicator shows ten points, and the news tells about an unexpected snowfall in December, hardly anyone will allow not to come to work.

Therefore, the morning of most office workers, like the prisoners of the Gulag, starts early: in order to catch the traffic jams. Once a friend of mine who moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, it was traffic jams that explained “Moscow workaholism” - the habit of coming to work early and leaving later. Fortunately, residents of small towns, complaining about traffic jams no less than Muscovites, do not fully know this trouble. I remember how once a tour guide in Vladimir, when asked by a big Microsoft executive to whom we showed Russian antiquity, why she, so talented, works in the provinces and does not move to Moscow, answered:

This is where I work to live. And in Moscow I will have to live in order to work.

Likewise, office clerks subject their lives to the rhythm of the city and office. Another friend of mine, when the office switched to open space, without dedicated jobs, came to work specifically at seven in the morning to take the most comfortable table by the window, went to fitness, so that later on to start working with everyone. I also met colleagues in the office parking lot who came to work at 6 am to avoid traffic jams and take a trump spot in a warm garage, and then “get” a couple of hours of sleep right in the car. Just like in the GULAG.

“Shukhov never woke up, always got up on it - before the divorce it was an hour and a half of his own time, not official, and who knows the camp life, can always earn extra money: sew someone from the old lining a cover for mittens; for a rich brigadier to serve dry felt boots directly on the bed, so that he does not stomp around the heap with bare feet, does not choose; or run through the lockers, where someone needs to be served, sweep or bring something; or go to the dining room to collect the bowls from the tables and take them to the dishwasher with slides - they will also feed, but there are many hunters, there is no end to it, and most importantly, if there is anything left in the bowl, you cannot resist, you start licking the bowls.


Of course, no one has to lick bowls now, but food in the life of an office worker is almost the only joy of the working day. It's the same in the Gulag.

“In front of the dining room today - such a wonderful case - the crowd was not thick, there was no queue. Come in. "

A favorite topic for discussion of office workers is which canteen serves the best. In the one that is closer, or in the one that is farther. The first one is near, and to the second one must go in bad weather. But it tastes better there. And in this one we even met a caterpillar in a salad! Moreover, according to the stories of colleagues from the distant building, they think exactly the opposite: their own canteen is worse, and the distant one, ours, is better. Despite the caterpillars.

“Balanda did not change from day to day, it depended on what kind of vegetable would be prepared for the winter. In the summer year, they prepared one salted carrot - and this is how the gruel went on a clean carrot from September to June. And nonche - black cabbage. The most satisfying time for the camp is June: every vegetable ends up and is replaced with cereals. The worst time is July: they whip nettles into the cauldron. "


An ordinary office worker does not like to work. His job is to count the days from Monday to Friday to indolent on weekends. During the working day, it is best to devote maximum time to smoke breaks, coffee with colleagues and lunch. These are the brightest moments of the day. At this time, you can dream of a vacation, which is almost like freedom for a prisoner. But you have to work. The question is how?

“Work is like a stick, there are two ends in it: for people you do - give quality, for a boss you do - give a show. Otherwise, everyone would have died a long time ago, it's a well-known business. "

Therefore, everyone chooses: to root for the cause or to do metrics. And here, too, there is a direct analogy with Solzhenitsyn's story.

“It depends more on interest than on the work itself. The one who is the brigadier is smart - that is not so much on work, as on the percentages ".

However, a good boss can also captivate with work, and then the office worker will forget about smoke breaks and about tea and coffee. And it will start working without looking at the clock.

“Such is the nature of man that sometimes even the bitter damned work is done by him with some incomprehensible dashing passion. Having worked for two years with my own hands, I experienced it myself. "

Let's talk about the bosses. Here, too, we find many similarities.


The boss is the third most important question for an office worker (after meals and vacations).

"The brigadier in the camp is everything: a good brigadier will give you a second life, a bad brigadier will drive you into a wooden jacket."

Everyone works for a good boss, everyone is passionate about work and achieves great goals. But where can we get so many of them - good bosses?

“Everywhere his foreman will stand, his chest is steel at the foreman. But he raises an eyebrow or points a finger - run, do it. Whomever you want in the camp you deceive, only do not deceive Andrei Prokofich. And you will be alive. "

That is why they say all the time that “people come to the company, and they leave - from the boss”.


The prisoner spends most of his time with other prisoners, and the office worker with colleagues. They eat together, go on smoke breaks together, work together. The prisoners, however, also sleep together. However, some office workers do too. The feeling of elbowing is very important, and competent leadership uses this very well, introducing collective responsibility, when the award, for example, depends not on individual results, but on the overall achievements of the team.

“That's what the brigade was invented for. Yes, not such a team as in the wild, where Ivan Ivanovich has a separate salary and Petr Petrovich is paid a separate salary. In the camp, the brigade is such a device that not the bosses of the prisoners urge on, but the prisoners of each other. Here it is: either all additional, or all die. You do not work, you bastard, but because of you I will sit hungry? No, work hard, you bastard! And if you press such a moment as now, the more you will not sit back. Free is not free, but jump and jump, turn around. If after two hours we do not make a heating unit for ourselves, then everything will be lost. "

That is why so much in corporations talks about team spirit, common big goals. True, this does not always help, and very often squabbles and intrigues arise.

“Who is the main enemy of the prisoner? Another prisoner. If the prisoners hadn't gotten along with each other, the bosses wouldn't have had the power over them.

But for this it is necessary that people put the common cause and common interests above their private ones, and this is hampered by the difference in cultures and the desire to get a better place at the expense of another.

"Caesar is rich, twice a month, he has given parcels to everyone who needs it, and he works like a moron in an office, as an assistant to the rationer."


Finally the working day is over. If he worked, and did not drive tea during smoke breaks, the working day will pass unnoticed.

“Wonderful wonder: now the time goes by at work! How many times has Shukhov noticed that the days in the camp are rolling - you can't look back. "

This is what the life of a modern office worker really radically differs from the life of a prisoner of the GULAG, so it is a general and even unhealthy hobby for sports, all these Pilates, CrossFits, bicycles, marathons and other mysterious and incomprehensible things to a normal person.

“There are loafers - they run in good faith at the stadium. That is how to drive them, devils, after a whole day of working, with their backs not yet unbent, in wet mittens, in worn-out felt boots - but in the cold. "

So the night is just around the corner. You need to watch a couple more episodes of your favorite TV series, drop an hour or two on Facebook - and you can sleep.

“Shukhov fell asleep quite satisfied. Today he had a lot of luck today: they didn’t put the team in the punishment cell, they didn’t expel the brigade in Sotsgorodok, at lunchtime he cut the porridge, the brigadier closed the interest well, Shukhov laid the wall cheerfully, he didn’t get caught with a hacksaw, he worked at Caesar’s evening and bought tobacco ... And he didn't get sick, he got over it. A day passed, unclouded by anything, almost happy. "


We looked at one day of a Gulag prisoner and one day of an office worker. One seems to be in prison, the other seems to be at large. But are their lives really so different? And here and there an endless series of days, where one day is no different from another. Both here and there thoughts about food, boss, colleagues and freedom (or vacation). Only in one case does a person know that he is in prison, in the other he indulges himself with the illusion that he is free.

Ivan Denisovich Shukhov is an ideal office worker. Calm, balanced, loyal to his bosses, hardworking and competent, able and loving to work. And yet - completely resigned to his share.

“Shukhov silently looked at the ceiling. He himself did not know whether he wanted will or not. At first, I really wanted to and every evening I counted how many days had passed from the deadline, how many were left. And then I got tired. And then it became clear that such people were not allowed home, they were driven into exile. And where he will be better off - whether there, there - no one knows.

Ivan Denisovich

IVAN DENISOVICH is the hero of the story-story by A.I.Solzhenitsyn "One day of Ivan Denisovich" (1959-1962). The image of I.D. as if it is a complex author of two real people. One of them is Ivan Shukhov, already a middle-aged soldier of an artillery battery commanded by Solzhenitsyn during the war. The other is Solzhenitsyn himself, who served time under the notorious Article 58 in 1950-1952. in a camp in Ekibastuz and also worked there as a bricklayer. In 1959, Solzhenitsyn began writing the story "Shch-854" (the camp number of the convict Shukhov). Then the story was called "One Day of One Convict." In the editorial office of the magazine "Novy Mir", in which this story was first published (No. 11, 1962), at the suggestion of AT Tvardovsyugo it was given the name "One day of Ivan Denisovich".

The image of I.D. is of particular importance for Russian literature of the 60s. along with the image of the pre-time Zhivago and Anna Akhmatova's poem Requiem. After the publication of the story in the era of the so-called. Khrushchev's thaw, when Stalin's "personality cult" was first condemned, I.D. became for the entire then USSR a generalized image of a Soviet convict - a prisoner of Soviet forced labor camps. Many former convicts under Article 58 recognized "Shv.D. themselves and their destiny.

ID Shukhov is a hero from the people, from the peasants, whose fate is being destroyed by the ruthless state system. Once in the hellish machine of the camp, grinding, destroying physically and spiritually, Shukhov tries to survive, but at the same time remain a man. Therefore, in the chaotic whirlwind of camp nothingness, he sets a limit for himself, below which he must not fall (not eating in a hat, not eating fish eyes floating in the gruel), otherwise death, first spiritual, and then physical. In the camp, in this kingdom of incessant lies and deceit, it is precisely those who betray themselves (lick bowls), betray their bodies (hang around in the infirmary), betray their own (informer) perish - lies and betrayal destroy, first of all, those who obeys them.

Particular controversy was caused by the episode of "shock labor" - when the hero and his entire team suddenly, as if forgetting that they are slaves, with some joyful enthusiasm, take up the laying of the wall. L. Kopelev even called the work "a typical production story in the spirit of socialist realism." But this episode has primarily a symbolic meaning, correlated with Dante's Divine Comedy (the transition from the lower circle of hell to purgatory). In this work for the sake of labor, creativity for the sake of creativity I.D. he builds the notorious thermal power station, he builds himself, remembers himself free - he rises above the camp slave nothingness, experiences catharsis, purification, he even physically overcomes his illness. Immediately after the release of One Day in Solzhenitsyn, many saw the new Leo Tolstoy, "Shv.D. - Platon Karataev, although he is “not round, not humble, not calm, does not dissolve in the collective consciousness” (A. Arkhangelsky). In essence, when creating the image of I.D. Solzhenitsyn proceeded from Tolstoy's idea that the day of a peasant could constitute a subject for a volume as voluminous as several centuries of history.

To a certain extent, Solzhenitsyn opposes his I.D. "Soviet intelligentsia", "educated people", "paying tribute in support of obligatory ideological lies." Disputes between Caesar and the Cavto rank about the film "Ivan the Terrible" I.D. incomprehensible, he turns away from them as from far-fetched, "lordly" conversations, as from a boring ritual. The phenomenon of I.D. associated with the return of Russian literature to populism (but not to nationality), when in the people the writer no longer sees the "truth", not the "truth", but comparatively less, in comparison with the "education", "to submit a lie."

Another feature of the image of I.D. in that he does not answer questions, but rather asks them. In this sense, the dispute between I.D. with Alyoshka the Baptist about imprisonment as suffering in the name of Christ. (This dispute is directly related to the disputes between Alyosha and Ivan Karamazov - even the names of the heroes are the same.) I.D. disagrees with this approach, but reconciles their "cookies", which I.D. gives it to Alyosha. The simple humanity of the act overshadows both Alyoshka's frenzied “sacrifice” and reproaches to God “for imprisonment” of I.D.

The image of ID, like the story of Solzhenitsyn itself, is among such phenomena of Russian literature as "Prisoner of the Caucasus" by A.S. Pushkin, "Notes from the House of the Dead" and "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky, " War and Peace "(Pierre Bezukhoye in French captivity) and" Resurrection "by Leo Tolstoy. This work became a kind of prelude to the book "The Gulag Archipelago". After the publication of One Day in Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn received a huge number of letters from his readers, of which he later compiled an anthology, Reading Ivan Denisovich.

Lit .: Niva J. Solzhenitsyn. M., 1992; Chalmaev V.A. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: life and work. M., 1994; Curtis J.M. Solzhenitsyn's traditional imagination. Athens, 1984; Krasnov V. Solzhenitsyn and Dostoevsky. Athens, 1980.

Ivan Denisovich Shukhov - prisoner. The prototype of the protagonist was the soldier Shukhov, who fought with the author in the Great Patriotic War, but never sat. The camp experience of the author himself and other prisoners served as material for creating the image of I. D. This is a story about one day of camp life from rising to lights out. The action takes place in the winter of 1951 in one of the Siberian penal camps.

ID is forty years old, he left for the war on June 23, 1941, from the village of Temgenevo, near Polomnia. His wife and two daughters remained at home (the son died when he was young). ID served eight years (seven in the North, in Ust-Izhma), and is in prison for the ninth - the term of imprisonment ends. In the "case" it is believed that he sat down for treason - surrendered, and returned because he was carrying out a task of German intelligence. During the investigation, he signed all this nonsense - the calculation was simple: "if you don't sign it - a wooden pea jacket, if you sign it, you will live a little more." But in reality it was like this: they were surrounded, there was nothing to eat, nothing to shoot with. Little by little, the Germans caught and took them through the forests. Five of them made their way to their own, only two were put down by the machine gunner, and the third died of wounds. And when the two remaining said that they had escaped from German captivity, they did not believe them and handed them over where necessary. At first he got into the Ust-Izhmensky general camp, and then out of the total fifty-eighth article was distilled to Siberia, to a convict camp. Here, in the convict, says ID, it is good: “... freedom here is from the belly. In Ust-Izhmensky you say in a whisper that there are no matches left, they put you in jail, they rivet a new top ten. And here shout whatever you like from the upper bunks - the informers don't inform, the operas have given up.

Now I. D.'s teeth are missing half, but his healthy beard has protruded, his head is shaved. Dressed like all prisoners: wadded trousers, sewn over the knee with a worn, soiled rag with the number Ш-854; a quilted jacket, and on top of it - a pea jacket, belted with a string; felt boots, under boots there are two pairs of footcloths - old and newer.

For eight years, ID has adapted to camp life, understood its main laws and lives by them. Who is the main enemy of the prisoner? Another prisoner. If the zeks hadn't gotten along with each other, the bosses would not have had power over them. So the first law is to remain human, not fuss, maintain dignity, know your place. Not to be a jackal, but he must also take care of himself - how to stretch the ration so as not to feel constantly hungry, how to have time to dry the boots, how to use the necessary tool, how when to work (in full or half-heartedly), how to talk with the bosses, who does not get caught on the eyes, how to earn extra money in order to support yourself, but honestly, not dexterously or humiliating yourself, but using your skill and ingenuity. And this is not only camp wisdom. This wisdom is rather even peasant, genetic. ID knows that working is better than not working, and working well is better than bad, although he will not take any work, it is not in vain that he is considered the best foreman in the brigade.

The proverb applies to him: hope for Vog, but don't make a mistake yourself. It happens that he will pray: “Lord! Save! Don't give me a punishment cell! " - and he will do everything to outwit the warden or someone else. The danger will pass, and he will immediately forget to give thanks to the Lord - once and already out of place. He believes that "those prayers are like statements: either they do not reach it, or" they refuse the complaint. " Rule your own destiny. Common sense, everyday peasant wisdom and truly high morality help ID not only survive, but also accept life as it is, and even be able to be happy: “Shukhov fell asleep quite satisfied. During the day, he had a lot of luck: they didn't put him in a punishment cell, the brigade was not kicked out to Sotsgorodok, at lunchtime he mowed the porridge, the foreman closed the interest well, Shukhov laid the wall cheerfully, he didn't get caught with a hacksaw, he worked at Caesar's in the evening and bought some tobacco. And he didn't get sick, he got over it. A day passed, unclouded by anything, almost happy. "

The image of I.D. goes back to the classical images of old peasants, for example, Tolstoy's Platon Karataev, although it exists in completely different circumstances.


IVAN DENISOVICH is the hero of the story-story by A.I.Solzhenitsyn "One day of Ivan Denisovich" (1959-1962). The image of I.D. as if it is a complex author of two real people. One of them is Ivan Shukhov, already a middle-aged soldier of an artillery battery commanded by Solzhenitsyn during the war. The other is Solzhenitsyn himself, who served time under the notorious Article 58 in 1950-1952. in a camp in Ekibastuz and also worked there as a bricklayer. In 1959, Solzhenitsyn began writing the story "Shch-854" (the camp number of the convict Shukhov). Then the story was called "One Day of One Convict." In the editorial office of the magazine "Novy Mir", in which this story was first published (No. 11, 1962), at the suggestion of AT Tvardovsyugo it was given the name "One day of Ivan Denisovich".

The image of I.D. is of particular importance for Russian literature of the 60s. along with the image of the pre-time Zhivago and Anna Akhmatova's poem Requiem. After the publication of the story in the era of the so-called. Khrushchev's thaw, when Stalin's "personality cult" was first condemned, I.D. became for the entire then USSR a generalized image of a Soviet convict - a prisoner of Soviet forced labor camps. Many former convicts under Article 58 recognized I.D. themselves and their destiny.

ID Shukhov is a hero from the people, from the peasants, whose fate is being destroyed by the ruthless state system. Once in the hellish machine of the camp, grinding, destroying physically and spiritually, Shukhov tries to survive, but at the same time remain a man. Therefore, in the chaotic whirlwind of camp nothingness, he sets a limit for himself, below which not

must go down (do not eat in a hat, do not eat fish eyes floating in the gruel), otherwise death, first spiritual, and then physical. In the camp, in this kingdom of incessant lies and deceit, it is precisely those who betray themselves (lick bowls), betray their bodies (hang around in the infirmary), betray their own (informer) perish - lies and betrayal destroy, first of all, those who obeys them.

Particular controversy was caused by the episode of "shock labor" - when the hero and his entire team suddenly, as if forgetting that they are slaves, with some joyful enthusiasm, take up the laying of the wall. L. Kopelev even called the work "a typical production story in the spirit of socialist realism." But this episode has primarily a symbolic meaning, correlated with Dante's Divine Comedy (the transition from the lower circle of hell to purgatory). In this work for the sake of labor, creativity for the sake of creativity I.D. he builds the notorious thermal power station, he builds himself, remembers himself free - he rises above the camp slave nothingness, experiences catharsis, purification, he even physically overcomes his illness. Immediately after the release of One Day in Solzhenitsyn, many saw the new Leo Tolstoy, and in I.D. - Platon Karataev, although he is “not round, not humble, not calm, does not dissolve in the collective consciousness” (A. Arkhangelsky). In essence, when creating the image of I.D. Solzhenitsyn proceeded from Tolstoy's idea that the day of a peasant could constitute a subject for a volume as voluminous as several centuries of history.

To a certain extent, Solzhenitsyn opposes his I.D. "Soviet intelligentsia", "educated people", "paying tribute in support of obligatory ideological lies." Disputes between Caesar and the Cavto rank about the film "Ivan the Terrible" I.D. incomprehensible, he turns away from them as from far-fetched, "lordly" conversations, as from a boring ritual. The phenomenon of I.D. associated with the return of Russian literature to populism (but not to nationality), when in the people the writer no longer sees the "truth", not the "truth", but comparatively less, in comparison with the "education", "to submit a lie."

Another feature of the image of I.D. in that he does not answer questions, but rather asks them. In this sense, the dispute between I.D. with Alyoshka the Baptist about imprisonment as suffering in the name of Christ. (This dispute is directly related to the disputes between Alyosha and Ivan Karamazov - even the names of the heroes are the same.) I.D. disagrees with this approach, but reconciles their "cookies", which I.D. gives it to Alyosha. The simple humanity of the act overshadows both Alyoshka's frenzied “sacrifice” and reproaches to God “for imprisonment” of I.D.

The image of ID, like the story of Solzhenitsyn itself, is among such phenomena of Russian literature as "Prisoner of the Caucasus" by A.S. Pushkin, "Notes from the House of the Dead" and "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky, " War and Peace "(Pierre Bezukhoye in French captivity) and" Resurrection "by Leo Tolstoy. This work became a kind of prelude to the book "The Gulag Archipelago". After the publication of One Day in Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn received a huge number of letters from his readers, of which he later compiled an anthology, Reading Ivan Denisovich.

Lit .: Niva J. Solzhenitsyn. M., 1992; Chalmaev V.A. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: life and work. M., 1994; Curtis J.M. Solzhenitsyn's traditional imagination. Athens, 1984; Krasnov V. Solzhenitsyn and Dostoevsky. Athens, 1980.

A.L. Tsukanov

Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .

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    Ivan Denisovich Tsybulsky Date of birth 1771 (1771) Date of death 1837 (1837) Affiliation ... Wikipedia

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    Yasnygin, Ivan Denisovich (1745 September 13 (25), 1824, Kaluga) architect, author of the urban development plan for the city of Kaluga. Born into the family of a soldier of the Perm Regiment. Yasnygin Ivan Denisovich Date of birth: 1745 Date of death: September 13, 1824 Place ... ... Wikipedia

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    Gene. major; † 1872 Addition: Geshtovt, Ivan Denisovich, general. major 1870 (?) †. (Polovtsov) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    One of the organizers of the partisan movement in Belarus during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Member of the CPSU since 1927. Born into a peasant family. AT… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    A steward in 1692 and a general under Peter I. (Polovtsov) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

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  • "Dear Ivan Denisovich! .." Letters from readers 1962-1964,. The basis of the jubilee collection was formed by previously unpublished letters-responses of readers to the first publication of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in Ivan Denisovich" in the magazine "New World" in 1962 ...

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story came to the mind of the writer when he was serving time in the Ekibastuz concentration camp. Shukhov - main character "One Day in Ivan Denisovich" is a collective image. He embodies the features of the prisoners who were with the writer in the camp. This is the first published work by the author, which brought worldwide fame to Solzhenitsyn. In his narrative, which has a realistic direction, the writer touches the topic of the relationship of people deprived of freedom, their understanding of honor and dignity in inhuman conditions of survival.

Characteristics of the heroes "One day of Ivan Denisovich"

main characters

Minor characters

Brigadier Tyurin

In Solzhenitsyn's story, Tyurin is a Russian peasant with a heart for the brigade. Fair and independent. The life of the brigade depends on his decisions. Smart and honest. He came to the camp as the son of a kulak, he is respected among his comrades, they try not to let him down. This is not the first time Tyurin has been in the camp; he can go against the authorities.

Captain of the second rank Buinovsky

A hero of those who do not hide behind the backs of others, but impractical. He is recently in the zone, so he still does not understand the intricacies of camp life, the prisoners respect him. He is ready to stand up for others, respects justice. He tries to keep himself cheerful, but his health is already failing.

Film director Caesar Markovich

A person far from reality. Often he receives rich parcels from home, and this gives him the opportunity to settle down well. Likes to talk about cinema and art. He works in a warm office, so he is far from the problems of inmates. There is no cunning in him, so Shukhov helps him. Not spiteful or greedy.

Alyoshka - Baptist

Calm young man, sitting for faith. His convictions were not shaken, but even more strengthened after imprisonment. Harmless and unassuming, he constantly argues with Shukhov about matters of religion. Clean, with clear eyes.

Stenka Klevshin

Deaf, so he is almost always silent. He was in a concentration camp in Buchenwald, organized subversive activities, brought weapons into the camp. The Germans brutally tortured the soldier. Now he is already in the Soviet zone for "treason".


In the description of this character, only negative characteristics prevail: weak-willed, unreliable, cowardly, unable to stand up for himself. Causes contempt. In the zone he is engaged in begging, does not hesitate to lick dishes, and collect cigarette butts from the spittoon.

Two Estonians

Tall, thin, even outwardly similar to each other, like brothers, although they met only in the zone. Calm, not belligerent, reasonable, capable of mutual assistance.


Significant image of the old convict. He spent his whole life in camps and exiles, but he never bowed to anyone. Arouses everyone's respectful respect. Unlike others, he does not place bread on a dirty table, but on a clean cloth.

This was an incomplete description of the heroes of the story, the list of which is much longer in the work “One Day in Ivan Denisovich” itself. This table of characteristics can be used to answer questions in literature lessons.

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