The fairy tale tablecloth samobranka who is the main character. Read the fairy tale tablecloth, ram and suma Russian fairy tales online text

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. Once the old man went to the river to fish. He looks - a crane is caught in the net, shouts, beats, cannot get out.

The old man took pity on the crane.

"Why, - he thinks, - such a kind bird to die?"

I went up to the crane, helped him to free himself from the nets. A crane says to him in a human voice:

Thank you, old man! I will never forget your service. Come home to me - I'll give you a nice present.

So they went - the old man and the crane.

They walked, walked and came to the swamp, to the crane hut. The crane took out a linen tablecloth and says:

Here, old man, you have a present. As you want to eat and drink, unfold this tablecloth and say: "Drink, feed, tablecloth!" - you will have everything.

The old man thanked the crane and went home.

He wanted to eat on the way. He sat down under a bush, unrolled the tablecloth and said:

Drink, feed, tablecloth!

He just said - and immediately everything appeared on the tablecloth: both fried and steamed, eat - I don't want to!

The old man ate, got drunk, rolled up the tablecloth and walked on.

Whether he walked long or short - a dark night caught him on the way. He went into the hut to a rich man and asked:

Let a passer-by sleep!

Let’s spend the night, ”says the owner,“ but don’t ask for refreshments.

Yes, I don’t need any treats, ”the old man replies,“ I have such a tablecloth that will always feed and drink to my heart's content.

Show me!

The old man unrolled the tablecloth and said:

Drink, feed, tablecloth!

I didn't have time to say - everything appeared on the tablecloth, whatever your heart desires!

The owner was surprised and decided to steal this tablecloth.

As soon as the old man fell asleep, he pulled out a wonderful tablecloth from him, and put a simple one in its place.

In the morning the old man went home and did not notice that his tablecloth was not the same. He came and said to his old woman:

Well, old woman, now you don't need to knead bread and cook cabbage soup!

How so?

Yes, like this, this tablecloth will regale us!

He unrolled the tablecloth on the table and said:

Drink, feed, tablecloth!

And the tablecloth lies as it was laid.

Apparently the crane deceived me! - says the old man. - I'm going to reproach him: why deceive!

Gathered and went to the crane.

A crane met him and asks:

Why did you come, old man?

So and so, - the old man answers, - your little tablecloth does not drink, does not feed me!

Do not grieve, says the crane. - I'll give you a ram. This ram is not simple. How do you tell him: "Ram, shake yourself!" - gold will fall out of it.

The old man took the ram and took him home.

Towards evening he came to the same rich man:

Let me spend the night!

Yes, I'm not alone, the ram is with me.

And you leave the ram in the yard.

I can't: the ram is not simple - it gives gold.

It can't be! - says the rich man.

But it can!

The old man spread the matting in the middle of the room, put a ram on it and said:

Ram, shake yourself!

The ram shook itself, and gold fell from it.

The rich man decided to take a ram for himself.

He put the old man to bed and hid the ram. And in his place he put one of his own: go and find out!

In the morning the old man said goodbye to the owner and went home. Came and says:

Well, old woman, let's live richly now!

Where do we get this wealth from?

This ram will give!

The old woman looks at the old man, marvels, cannot understand anything.

And the old man says to her:

Well, spread the matting on the floor!

The old woman spread it out. The old man put a ram on the mat and says:

Ram, shake yourself!

And the ram stands as it was placed.

The old man again:

Ram, shake yourself!

And the little ram is standing and just memorizing.

Eh, the crane deceived me again! - says the old man. - I'll go to him, at least I reproach for deception!

I got myself together and went.

I came to the swamp, to the crane hut, and began to call for the crane. A crane came out to him and said:

Why did you come again, old man?

Why, all your gifts are bad, there is no use in them!

The crane listened to him and asked:

Didn't you go to someone on the way?

I went to see a rich man.

Did he brag about my gifts?


Well, so be it, - says the crane, - I will give you the last gift: he will give you some intelligence and return my old gifts.

I went to the hut and brought out the bag.

Take it and say: "Forty, out of the bag!"

The old man took the bag and said:

Well, forty, out of the bag!

Before I had time to say, forty fellows jumped out of the bag with truncheons - and at the old man ...

The old man guessed, shouted:

Forty, in the bag, Forty, in the bag!

Well done with truncheons at the same moment again hid in the bag.

The old man took the bag, thanked the crane and went.

As it got dark, he came to a rich man for the night. And he will not wait for him. Met as a dear guest. The old man entered the hut and said:

Where should I put this bag?

Throw her at the door.

I can’t: it’s not a simple bag. Just say: "Forty, out of the bag!" - so reward that it is better not!

The owner says:

Well, then hang it on a carnation.

The old man hung the bag on a carnation, and he climbed onto the stove and looked at what would happen.

The owner waited, waited, thought - the old man fell asleep, and said:

Forty, out of the bag!

Forty fellows jumped out with truncheons and let's beat him. They beat, beat, do not allow to escape. The owner shouted not in his own voice:

Oh, grandpa, grandpa! Wake up soon, help!

And the old man from the stove asks:

Who changed my tablecloth?

I do not know!

Don't you know, don't ask me for help!

I changed! I changed! I'll give it to you, just save it!

The old man asks:

And who replaced my ram?

And I'll give the ram, just leave me alive!

You will not deceive people from now on?

Oh, never!

Here the old man says:

Forty, in the bag!

Forty fellows hid in the bag, as if they had never happened.

The owner brought a tablecloth, brought in a ram, grunts and groans himself.

The old man took his tablecloth and the ram and went home. He came and began to live and live with his old woman, to feed and treat everyone. And I was with him, he drank honey-beer, it flowed down my lips, but it didn't get into my mouth!

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. We lived and grieved, interrupted from bread to kvass. From autumn to spring, they somehow toiled, and from spring to autumn they were in trouble at all: they fed on swans and berries.

Once the old man got hold of a basket of wheat and says:

All people sow and plow, we will sow too - we will have our own bread in the fall.

Sowed. Wheat has given birth to glory.

The old man and the old woman are not overjoyed, they walk around every day admiring the wheat: the wheat is a wall, an ear of an ear is fatter.

The neighbors are jealous:

Such a harvest has never been seen! It's time to clean up the bread.

The old man sharpened the sickles:

Tomorrow, old woman, let's go harvest wheat!

At that time, a strong wind rose, a black cloud came, and a large hail fell on the old man's strip. That hail completely knocked out all the wheat, not a single ear was left.

The old man twisted, hung his head, and the old woman swears:

All my life I have grieved with you, with the untalented. You are not lucky in anything. For once, they got hold of seeds and raised wheat - and then it dashingly caught on, trouble struck. In other strips, the ear was not spoiled, and we did not have any grain left.

The old man consoles:

Do not cry, old woman, do not grieve, tears and swearing at losses cannot be reversed. The wind has driven a cloud, we will begin to look for a council - let the wind compensate the losses.

Even worse, the old woman swore:

The old man has lost his mind: he grinds with his tongue, which has never been heard. Look now for the wind in the field!

And the old man keeps repeating:

I'll go from the wind to ask: the wind is to blame - the wind is in the answer.

He walked long, short, close, far, and reached a high mountain.

There is a large hut near the mountain. There are four porches in the hut: one overlooks the sunrise, the other at noon, the third to the west, and the fourth porch at midnight.

At that time buckets rattled, an old woman went down to the well, old-old - just barely able to stand on her feet. She scooped up some water.

The old man greeted:

Hello grandma! Let me help you bring the water.
- Great, kind person! Thank you for your kind words. Go to the hut, take a break from the road, and I'll handle the buckets myself: I'm still capable.

We went up to the porch and entered the hut. The old woman laid the table, fed the guest, gave him drink, put him to sleep on the stove and began to ask:

Where, good man, are you going, where are you going? Did he come to us of his own free will or did bondage-need bring us?
- Oh, grandma, you don't know my trouble. The old woman and I grew a wheat, but the wind drove a cloud with hail, and knocked everything out clean - there was no grain left. We have nothing to live with, even though the world go. And so I went across the world to look for councils.
- Well, if so, it can be fixed. After all, I am the mother of all four winds, and my sons did not come out of my will. By all appearances, the mischievous Midnighter, my youngest son, offended you - he is good for such things. Wait a little, the sons will return home, I will make the guilty one return the loss to you.

After a short time, a noise was heard from the east side, the doors from the east porch were thrown open - the east wind flew in. After that, there was a smell of warmth from the midday side - and a gentle Midday wind flew into the hut from the noon porch. And at that very moment, from those doors that go out at sunset, the West-wind appeared.

Suddenly it rumbled, rustled around, the hut started shaking - and with a laugh and a whistle burst into the hut from the midnight side Midnight-wind:

Oh, and I asked the fear of ships at sea today! Played enough, amused myself, I want to eat!

Meanwhile, the old woman gathered on the table, fed and watered her sons and said:

Well, which of you, sons, has done some trouble recently?

Called the old man:

Go, speak, don't be afraid of anything!

The old man came down from the stove and told everything how it was. Midnighter calmed down, lowered his head.

Apparently, you, Midnighter, are to blame, - said the mother, - and you have an answer.
- Nothing, mom, - Midnighter shook his head, - the whole thing will get better! And you, dear guest, are brave and energetic - I love those. If he was not afraid to look for me and tell the whole truth to my face, be my named brother, and do not worry about the loss.

He took out a bundle from his bosom and handed it to the old man:

Here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you - at any time you will be full. Just unfold the tablecloth and say: "Drink, eat!" - and eat, drink what your heart desires. Only, mind you, an agreement: if you go home, don't go to the inn.

The old man thanked his named brother and the mother of the four winds for the affectionate reception, for the treat and for the gift, said goodbye to everyone and set off on the way back.

He walked, walked, walked and was so tired, completely exhausted, he thinks himself:

“We'll have to spend the night on the way, too, today we still can't get home. Why didn't Midnighter tell me to go to the inn? It’s not in the field for me to while away the night! Your own bread - at least stay with the priest. "

And he went to the inn.

He sat down at the table, resting, the owner asks:

Maybe collect dinner, and drink vodka with ustatka? Order!
- I don't need anything purchased, I have everything of my own. He took out a tablecloth from his bosom, unrolled it and said:

Fathers-lights, where did it come from: different dishes were taught, fragrant honey, sweet wines, snacks, all kinds of snacks - the table is breaking! Drink, eat - the soul is measure!

The owner was dumbfounded, looked with all his eyes, could not utter a word. I have never seen such a diva.

And the old man is glad-radekhonek:

Now the old woman and I will have what to drink and eat; there will be something to regale and good people.

And for joy he calls the owner:

Sit down with me to have supper and call everyone you have - there will be enough treats for everyone!

The owner called his wife and the guys, and they all sat down at the old man's table. They sit and treat themselves. The old man drank some sweet wine yeah strong honey, and there was a noise in his head, the song started.

Here the owner and the thought fell:

"I wish I could use this tablecloth!"

After supper, the old man fell on the bench and fell fast asleep. The owner replaced the self-assembled tablecloth with exactly the same-looking simple tablecloth.

The next morning the old man woke up at dawn and soon went home.

The old woman greeted him with abuse:

Where does the goblin carry you? There is no grain of bread at home, no log of firewood, and he has not enough grief!
- Be quiet, old woman! Sit down at the table, treat yourself to whatever your heart desires, drink, eat your fill!

He sat the old woman down at the table, unrolled the tablecloth:

Drink, eat!

What? There is nothing…

Drink, eat!

Again, nothing. The old woman could not stand it, jumped up, grabbed the frying pan:

Oh, you idiot, you thought of joking and mocking! - And once, once a frying pan: - On, here, on you, hateful!

The old man struggled out of the hut forcibly - but he ran away.

Stopped outside the outskirts:

“Something is wrong here. Apparently Midnighter deceived me. Well, he attacked the wrong one! Now I am familiar with the road. "

And he went to the mother of the four winds.

He walked, walked, and late in the evening came to a high mountain, to a large hut with four porches. At that very time, the brothers-winds from all four directions fled home. They picked up the guest and carried him to the hut.

The old man greeted the mother of the four winds and his brothers and said to the wind Midnight:

You are not brotherly, named brother, you are doing business. Your self-assembled tablecloth gave me drink, fed me only once, but that was the end of it. Is that the same way to mock me?
- Wait, wait, - says the Midnighter, - did you come to the inn?
- I did.
- Well, blame yourself for everything if you did not obey me.

He took out a wallet from his bosom:

Take this wallet and go. You will never need anything. What you need, shake your wallet - and how much money you need, you will shake so much. Yes, look, remember my word: don't go anywhere dear.

The guest was watered, fed, and he went home. The tale soon tells itself, and even more so the old man is in a hurry to go home.

He walked, walked and came to the inn where he had stayed before.

“I was completely emaciated, and my legs no longer bend, anyway I can't get to the house today. I'll come overnight. "

I went in and greeted. The innkeeper recognized the old man and greeted him affectionately:

Sit down and rest, kind person. If you do not disdain our treat, order a drink and eat from the road.

And the old man is cold and hungry. "Let me try what Midnighter awarded me!" He ordered supper to be served, and asked for wine.

I drank a glass or two and got drunk with the ustatku. Calls:

Sit down, master, and call everyone of yours, what do you have in the oven, all swords on the table! I will pay for everything, you will not remain at a loss.

The owner fussed, applied various dishes and all kinds of drinks, called his wife and children, and everyone began to help themselves.

They drink, eat, and the owner can't wait to find out what kind of curiosity the old man has. He is demanding more and more new dishes, and what will be used to calculate? He endured, endured and says:

Well, kind person, thanks for the treat, it's time to rest. It's early tomorrow, tea, if you go, we'll pay for everything today.

The old man took out a self-shaking wallet from his bosom. He shook it once, twice - and silver and gold fell. Shook, poured a full dish of money:

Take it, master, everything is yours - I have enough of this stuff!

And he stared at the old man, sits silent. Then he grabbed the dish, began to sort out the money with his hands: the money is correct, gold and silver are real.

This is a curiosity!

The guest fell asleep and fell asleep in a sound, deep sleep. He sleeps, does not sense trouble over himself, but trouble-adversity is right there.

The owner found the same wallet and replaced the old men with a self-shaking wallet.

In the morning wounds, the old man jumped up early and went home.

At home I only crossed the threshold, grabbed a wallet from my bosom, shows:

Do not swear, old woman, this time without deception. Give me a basket, I’ll shake some money, and go to the market, buy what you need.

The old woman looked:

Seems tough.

She brought a basket, set it up.

The old man shook his wallet once, twice, an old copper button fell out - and there was nothing else. The wallet began to shake again. Shaking, shaking - there is nothing.

Here the old woman let the old man regale with what was at hand. She beats, and she herself cries, says:

Oh you, windbag, windbag, ruined me, miserable! All my life I wasted with you, I haven't seen a good day, but in my old age I’ve gone completely crazy, day by day it becomes stupider.

Beat, until the basket crumbled, then rushed for the poker. And the old man - God give his feet - jumped out of the hut and ran until the village was out of sight.

He stopped: “Well, where to go now? The old woman scolds and fights, and after such deceptions I feel ashamed in her eyes. Until I find a council, I don’t toss and turn home. Has the innkeeper replaced the self-assembled tablecloth and the self-shaking purse? Or is the wind Midnighter taunting? I will go to my named brother: the owner, if he changed the tablecloth and the purse, will still not obey.

For the third time the old man went to the high mountain.

Wind Midnighter was at home. He went out of the hut and greeted the named brother unfriendly:

I know everything about you. Again you didn't listen to me, blame yourself now! For this bag and live with your own mind. Need will come - shake the bag and just say: "Two from the bag!" - and you will see what will happen. Now goodbye!

The Midnighter said nothing more, whistled, screeched, soared under the clouds and flew off to distant lands, distant seas.

The old man put on his bag and trudged back. He walks and thinks: “It would be nice to drink, eat! Let me try the bag. " He took off his bag, shook it and said:

Two of the bag!

At the same moment two lads with clubs jumped out of the bag and began to beat and pound the old man. And until then they beat and thrashed, until he thought to shout:

Two in the bag!

Immediately, the fellows disappeared, as if they had not happened for a century.

The old man scratches his sides, and he thinks: "It is not for nothing that the Midnighter gave me this bag." And then I guessed: "Why, as with the mind, so the bag will do a good job!"

I put on my bag and began to continue on my way.

How long or short he walked and got to the familiar inn:

"That's where there is a case for my bag!"

And the owner saw the old man through the window and ran out onto the porch:

Come in, come in, dear guest!

He brought him to the room and hovers around the old man like a loach:

We'll hang the caftan over here, and put the darling in this corner. - Pushed the bench to the stove: - Sit down, warm up, and I will tell you to collect on the table, today it's my turn to treat you.

Fussing, shouting:

Wife, wife, what joy we have! Come here!

The hostess ran out and greeted me affectionately. And the owner makes a noise, does not calm down:

Put it on the table quickly. Put on the nicest food and give more sweet vodka!

The table was set, they brought in all kinds of food. The old man was seated in the most honorable place:

Drink, eat, my dear guest, but tell me where you've been, what you've seen. We are couch potatoes - we don't go anywhere, we don't know anything. What's going on in this world?

The old man treats himself and leads the conversation, but the owner cannot take his eyes off the bag, pours wine to the guest:

Try this one more, do not offend with refusal. Bow down, wife, treat your dear guest!

The old man laughed: "Not otherwise, he is getting close to the bag." He drinks and eats himself, grins.

They feasted and dined, the owner could not resist and asks:

Tell me, my dear guest, what do you have in this bag - go, again, some curiosity?

The old man answers:

This is not an insanity, but a miracle from miracles. Just shake it up and say: "Two of the bag!", As the magicians will appear and whatever you want, they will do for you. What a curiosity it is!

The owner of the old man listens, looks at him affectionately, and he thinks:

"Well, I won't, if I don't take possession of this bag!"

We had a feast, had supper, took the guest to a distant rest, laid him on a soft feather bed:

Sleep, rest!

And the owner can't sleep. He got exactly the same-looking bag and, as everyone in the house fell asleep, he made his way into the guest's room, hung his bag on a nail, and took the old man to his room.

Woke up his wife:

Look what I brought. Now all my wishes will come true. First of all, let the sorcerers build me a palace more beautiful than the king's, and give me a large estate, and we will live in bars.

He shook his bag and shouted:

Two of the bag!

Two lads with clubs jumped out of the bag and began to regale the owner and his wife, only the clubs whistle. The owner and the mistress are afraid to scream, but the good fellows beat and beat from the bag.

I could not endure, the owner began to beg and pray:

Have mercy, good fellows, spare us! I'll pour handfuls of money!

And two of the bag know thresh, like peas on a current.

The hostess is beating, crying. And the owner shouted in good language:

Guard! Slay!

The old man heard a cry and a noise, he is laughing. And the owner screams inconsolably, straining:

Guard! They kill! Slay!

The old man hesitated for a short time:

"Well, now it's time to go, otherwise Two of the thief's bag will beat you to death."

He came, and the owner and his wife were already lying in bed, oykayut. They prayed to the guest:

Calm down, kind man, your fighters, do not leave our little children orphaned!
- Give me my self-assembled tablecloth and my self-shaking wallet, then I will help out of trouble.
- What are you, dear guest, where can I get a self-assembled tablecloth and a self-shaking wallet? I have never had such wonders for centuries!
- And how did you get my bag? Listen, master, if you don’t give back the tablecloth and the wallet, they will hammer you. Two of the bags to death, and I’ll never say a word.

Then the hostess became completely unbearable, burst into tears:

Yes, you obey, hubby, your life is dearer than a tablecloth and a wallet, damn them thrice!

And the owner can't stand the beatings:

Kill the good fellows, and I'll give you back both the self-assembled tablecloth and the self-shaking wallet, and I'll give you a horse with a sleigh, just don't ruin us!

The old man was just waiting for that. Shouted:

Two in the bag!

The fellows fled with truncheons, and the owner and his wife lay and groan:

Oh, sickeningly, they didn't leave the bones alive, they completely mutilated! Who will feed and drink us? If only you, kind person, had pity on us - you gave us a self-assembled tablecloth or a self-shaking wallet!

The old man got angry:

You have been taught a little, apparently! Give a tablecloth and a wallet briskly, otherwise I'll call the good fellows from the bag, and then blame yourself.

After that, the owner did not hesitate, took out a tablecloth and a wallet from the chest:

Take it, take it, we don't need yours!

Drink, eat!

All sorts of food and drinks appeared at once. I rolled up the tablecloth, hid it in my bosom:

Mine is.

I shook my wallet once, then again - silver and gold fell:

And this is my wallet!

I hid my wallet, took my bag:

Harness the horse, master, it's time for me to go.

The owner told the worker to harness the horse and went out into the courtyard to see off the guest, while he himself groaned and groaned. The old man sat down in the sleigh:

Well, goodbye, master! Do not forget the lesson and remember: if I hear that you will covet someone else's good, it will be bad for you.

And he left. Goes and laughs:

"Now I need to teach the old woman a little, otherwise she completely got out of her hands, she eats me as she goes." Drove up to the house:

The old woman ran out onto the porch, saw the old man and, well, swear:

The whole summer is red and autumn has been staggering about who knows where, and for the winter I came home! Who's got some bread about you?
- Wait, old woman, go to the hut, do not freeze!

We went into the hut, the old woman does not calm down, she scolds even more. Then the old man shook the bag and shouted:

Two of the bag!

Two fellows jumped out with truncheons: who needs to be taught wisdom?

The old woman was frightened:

Oh, old man, don't touch me, have pity! I will never say a word to you!
- Well, it would be like that long ago, - said the old man. And he shouted: - Two in the bag!

The fellows fled with clubs, and the old man shook it, unfolded the tablecloth and said:

Drink, eat!

And where did it come from: they put various dishes and drinks on the table.

The old woman looks and does not believe her eyes - the age of such a miracle has not been seen.

And the old man calls:

Sit down, drink, eat what your heart desires! It's all ours now.

He gave him a drink, fed the old woman, then picked up a self-shaking purse:

Look here!

He shook the wallet once, twice - and silver and gold, gold and silver fell.

And this is all ours.

The old woman was delighted, and the old man told her how he got these curiosities and how the innkeeper robbed him twice, and how he forced the owner to give him a self-assembled tablecloth, and a self-shaking wallet.

Well, nothing, old man, what was, then passed, let the past grow, and now we have plenty of everything: we ourselves have something to drink and eat, and there will be enough good people to enjoy.

Since then, the old man and the old woman began to live and be happy. And who of the neighbors gets into trouble or adversity, the old people help everyone. And from all of them honor and respect.

At that very time, the master returned to the estate from somewhere from across the sea.

He found out that the old man and the old woman were living in prosperity, he ordered to call to him. The old man came. The master asks:

You were the very last poor man, but now you have become the most competent owner. Tell everything without concealing where you got it from.

The old man told him everything frankly, and the master answered him:

I will never believe in these stories until I see your wonders with my own eyes.
- So what's the matter! - the old man says. - Perhaps to me myself, when you like, and I'll show you both a self-assembled tablecloth and a self-shaking wallet.

The master ordered three horses to be loaded into the carriage. He put the old man with the coachman on the box and sat down himself:

Let's go! And you, man, show the coachman the way. Have arrived. The old man brought the master to the upper room, sat him in the red corner.

The old woman brought a self-assembled tablecloth:

Look, master!

The old man shook the tablecloth, unfolded it and said:

Drink, eat!

The table stared with all sorts of dishes, pickles and drinks.

Taste, your mercy, our bread and salt, if you will not disdain, - the old man and the old woman treat them.

The master tried one and the other - nice, sweet, better not. He got drunk, ate to the dump, got drunk.

Well, you spoke the truth about the self-assembled tablecloth,

The old man brought a wallet. Once, another shook - and silver and gold, gold and silver fell from the purse.

The master's eyes flared up. Looks at the money - it won't. Then he says:

And about the self-shaking wallet your truth. And now listen to my truth: briskly wrap this self-assembled tablecloth and self-shaking wallet in a new canvas and carry me into my carriage.
- Have mercy, sir! - ask the old man with the old woman. - How so? After all, the wind Midnighter gave us these wonders, not you.

The master stamped his foot:

Be silent! Otherwise, I will order you to take them to the stable and pour in a hundred rods, and you will immediately become smarter. Whether your servile business to contradict me? You are both mine, and whatever you have is mine. Got it?
- How not to understand! - says the old man. - We understood everything as it is.
- But you understand, so hurry up - I won't wait!
- Bring me, old woman, quickly my new bag, you see - the master is in a hurry. Sorry, sir, no new canvas happened at our house.

The old woman brought a bag, and the master hurries:

Stack it down quickly!
- Now, now, master!

The old man shook the bag and shouted:

Two of the bag!

Two stalwart fellows with clubs jumped out.

Treat the master better so that the century will remember.

The fellows began to haunt the master with clubs. At first he dismissed and swore, then shouted:

Hey, coachman, go to the rescue!

The coachman came running. Once or twice he was hit with a club. He sees: it's a bad thing, and sideways, sideways - but he took off.

And Two of the bag are doing their job: they beat, pound, only clubs whistle.

Oh, little man, - shouted the master, - let me out before they beat me to death! After all, you will have to be responsible for me!
- About me, sir, do not worry, - the old man replies, - I don't care: seven troubles - one answer, but without you at least people will feel better, and that's good!

Then the master fell to his knees:

Sorry little man! I give a vow: I will never encroach on someone else's property!
- Well, no, sir, you're not made of that dough, so as not to covet someone else's. If the dog is already in the habit of licking the millstones, then it will not be left behind. If you write to us, to all your peasants, free and give up your property and leave us altogether, so be it - I'll leave you alive, otherwise you have only one way out of here - to the churchyard.

And the good fellows know they beat, they beat, they rule their business. I could not resist - shouted the master:

Oh, little man, I agree to everything! Give me a pen and some ink and paper, I’ll write everything as you said, just let the living go!

The old man brought a pen, ink and paper, and told Two to wait from the bag.

The master wrote free to all his peasants and wrote off the estate to the peasants. He handed the paper.

The old man read the paper: "That's right!" - and shouted:

Two in the bag!

The good fellows disappeared, and the master dragged himself out of the hut forcibly and says:

Tomorrow I will leave here forever, and you, little man, don't tell anyone that I was beaten here.

The next day, the master left.

The peasants took the land and began to live and live and praise the old man. And they still live and live, they do not know any trouble, and from year to year everything is better and richer.

Here the fairy tale is over, but whoever listened - well done.

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. We lived and grieved, interrupted from bread to kvass. From autumn to spring, they somehow toiled, and from spring to autumn they were in trouble at all: they fed on swans and berries.

Once the old man got hold of a basket of wheat and says:

All people sow and plow, we will sow too - we will have our own bread in the fall.

Sowed. Wheat has given birth to glory.

The old man and the old woman are not overjoyed, they walk around every day admiring the wheat: the wheat is a wall, an ear of an ear is fatter.

The neighbors are jealous:

Such a harvest has never been seen! It's time to clean up the bread.

The old man sharpened the sickles:

Tomorrow, old woman, let's go harvest wheat!

At that time, a strong wind rose, a black cloud came, and a large hail fell on the old man's strip. That hail completely knocked out all the wheat, not a single ear was left.

The old man twisted, hung his head, and the old woman swears:

All my life I have grieved with you, with the untalented. You are not lucky in anything. For once, they got hold of seeds and raised wheat - and then it dashingly caught on, trouble struck. In other strips, the ear was not spoiled, and we did not have any grain left.

The old man consoles:

Do not cry, old woman, do not grieve, tears and swearing at losses cannot be reversed. The wind has driven a cloud, we will begin to look for a council - let the wind compensate the losses.

Even worse, the old woman swore:

The old man has lost his mind: he grinds with his tongue, which has never been heard. Look now for the wind in the field!

And the old man keeps repeating:

I'll go from the wind to ask: the wind is to blame - the wind is in the answer.

He walked long, short, close, far, and reached a high mountain.

There is a large hut near the mountain. There are four porches in the hut: one overlooks the sunrise, the other at noon, the third to the west, and the fourth porch at midnight.

At that time buckets rattled, an old woman went down to the well, old-old - just barely able to stand on her feet. She scooped up some water.

The old man greeted:

Hello grandma! Let me help you bring the water.

Great, kind person! Thank you for your kind words. Go to the hut, take a break from the road, and I'll handle the buckets myself: I'm still capable.

We went up to the porch and entered the hut. The old woman laid the table, fed the guest, gave him drink, put him to sleep on the stove and began to ask:

Where, good man, are you going, where are you going? Did he come to us of his own free will or did bondage-need bring us?

Oh, grandma, you don't know my trouble. The old woman and I grew a wheat, but the wind drove a cloud with hail, and knocked everything out clean - there was no grain left. We have nothing to live with, even though the world go. And so I went across the world to look for councils.

Well, if so, it is fixable. After all, I am the mother of all four winds, and my sons did not come out of my will. By all appearances, the mischievous Midnighter, my youngest son, offended you - he is good for such things. Wait a little, the sons will return home, I will force the guilty one to return the loss to you.

After a short time, a noise was heard from the east side, the doors from the east porch were thrown open - the east wind flew in. After that, there was a smell of warmth from the midday side - and a gentle Midday wind flew into the hut from the noon porch. And at that very moment, from those doors that go out at sunset, the West-wind appeared.

Suddenly it rumbled, rustled around, the hut started shaking - and with a laugh and a whistle burst into the hut from the midnight side Midnight-wind:

Oh, and I asked the fear of ships at sea today! Played enough, amused myself, I want to eat!

Meanwhile, the old woman gathered on the table, fed and watered her sons and said:

Well, which of you, sons, has done some trouble recently?

Called the old man:

Go, speak, don't be afraid of anything!

The old man came down from the stove and told everything how it was. Midnighter calmed down, lowered his head.

Apparently, you, Midnighter, are to blame, - said the mother, - and you have an answer.

Nothing, mom, - the Midnighter shook his head, - the whole thing will get better! And you, dear guest, are brave and energetic - I love those. If he was not afraid to look for me and tell the whole truth to my face, be my named brother, and do not worry about the loss.

He took out a bundle from his bosom and handed it to the old man:

Here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you - at any time you will be full. Just unfold the tablecloth and say: "Drink, eat!" - and eat, drink what your heart desires. Only, mind you, an agreement: if you go home, don't go to the inn.

The old man thanked his named brother and the mother of the four winds for the affectionate reception, for the treat and for the gift, said goodbye to everyone and set off on the way back.

He walked, walked, walked and was so tired, completely exhausted, he thinks himself:

“We'll have to spend the night on the way, too, today we still can't get home. Why didn't Midnighter tell me to go to the inn? It’s not in the field for me to while away the night! Your own bread - at least stay with the priest. "

And he went to the inn.

He sat down at the table, resting, the owner asks:

Maybe collect dinner, and drink vodka with ustatka? Order!

I don't need anything purchased, I have everything of my own. He took out a tablecloth from his bosom, unrolled it and said:

Fathers-lights, where did it come from: different dishes were taught, fragrant honey, sweet wines, snacks, all kinds of snacks - the table is breaking! Drink, eat - the soul is measure!

The owner was dumbfounded, looked with all his eyes, could not utter a word. I have never seen such a diva.

And the old man is glad-radekhonek:

Now the old woman and I will have what to drink and eat; there will be something to regale and good people.

And for joy he calls the owner:

Sit down with me to have supper and call everyone you have - there will be enough treats for everyone!

The owner called his wife and the guys, and they all sat down at the old man's table. They sit and treat themselves. The old man drank sweet wine and strong honey, and there was a noise in his head, he started a song.

Here the owner and the thought fell:

"I wish I could use this tablecloth!"

After supper, the old man fell on the bench and fell fast asleep. The owner replaced the self-assembled tablecloth with exactly the same-looking simple tablecloth.

The next morning the old man woke up at dawn and soon went home.

The old woman greeted him with abuse:

Where does the goblin carry you? There is no grain of bread at home, no log of firewood, and he has not enough grief!

Be quiet, old woman! Sit down at the table, treat yourself to whatever your heart desires, drink, eat your fill!

He sat the old woman down at the table, unrolled the tablecloth:

Drink, eat!

What? There is nothing...

Drink, eat!

Again, nothing. The old woman could not stand it, jumped up, grabbed the frying pan:

Oh, you idiot, you thought of joking and mocking! - And once, once a frying pan: - On, here, on you, hateful!

The old man struggled out of the hut forcibly - but he ran away.

Stopped outside the outskirts:

“Something is wrong here. Apparently Midnighter deceived me. Well, he attacked the wrong one! Now I am familiar with the road. "

And he went to the mother of the four winds.

He walked, walked, and late in the evening came to a high mountain, to a large hut with four porches. At that very time, the brothers-winds from all four directions fled home. They picked up the guest and carried him to the hut.

The old man greeted the mother of the four winds and his brothers and said to the wind Midnight:

You are not brotherly, named brother, you are doing business. Your self-assembled tablecloth gave me drink, fed me only once, but that was the end of it. Is that the same way to mock me?

Wait, wait, says the Midnighter, did you come to the inn?

I went in.

Well, blame yourself for everything, if you didn't listen to me.

He took out a wallet from his bosom:

Take this wallet and go. You will never need anything. What you need, shake your wallet - and how much money you need, you will shake so much. Yes, look, remember my word: don't go anywhere dear.

The guest was watered, fed, and he went home. The tale soon tells itself, and even more so the old man is in a hurry to go home.

He walked, walked and came to the inn where he had stayed before.

“I was completely emaciated, and my legs no longer bend, anyway I can't get to the house today. I'll come overnight. "

I went in and greeted. The innkeeper recognized the old man and greeted him affectionately:

Sit down and rest, kind person. If you do not disdain our treat, order a drink and eat from the road.

And the old man is cold and hungry. "Let me try what Midnighter awarded me!" He ordered supper to be served, and asked for wine.

I drank a glass or two and got drunk with the ustatku. Calls:

Sit down, master, and call everyone of yours, what do you have in the oven, all swords on the table! I will pay for everything, you will not remain at a loss.

The owner fussed, applied various dishes and all kinds of drinks, called his wife and children, and everyone began to help themselves.

They drink, eat, and the owner can't wait to find out what kind of curiosity the old man has. He is demanding more and more new dishes, and what will be used to calculate? He endured, endured and says:

Well, kind person, thanks for the treat, it's time to rest. It's early tomorrow, tea, if you go, we'll pay for everything today.

The old man took out a self-shaking wallet from his bosom. He shook it once, twice - and silver and gold fell. Shook, poured a full dish of money:

Take it, master, everything is yours - I have enough of this stuff!

And he stared at the old man, sits silent. Then he grabbed the dish, began to sort out the money with his hands: the money is correct, gold and silver are real.

This is a curiosity!

The guest fell asleep and fell asleep in a sound, deep sleep. He sleeps, does not sense trouble over himself, but trouble-adversity is right there. - site

The owner found the same wallet and replaced the old men with a self-shaking wallet.

In the morning wounds, the old man jumped up early and went home.

At home I only crossed the threshold, grabbed a wallet from my bosom, shows:

Do not swear, old woman, this time without deception. Give me a basket, I’ll shake some money, and go to the market, buy what you need.

The old woman looked:

Seems tough.

She brought a basket, set it up.

The old man shook his wallet once, twice, an old copper button fell out - and there was nothing else. The wallet began to shake again. Shaking, shaking - there is nothing.

Here the old woman let the old man regale with what was at hand. She beats, and she herself cries, says:

Oh you, windbag, windbag, ruined me, miserable! All my life I wasted with you, I haven't seen a good day, but in my old age I’ve gone completely crazy, day by day it becomes stupider.

Beat, until the basket crumbled, then rushed for the poker. And the old man - God give his feet - jumped out of the hut and ran until the village was out of sight.

He stopped: “Well, where to go now? The old woman scolds and fights, and after such deceptions I feel ashamed in her eyes. Until I find a council, I don’t toss and turn home. Has the innkeeper replaced the self-assembled tablecloth and the self-shaking purse? Or is the wind Midnighter taunting? I will go to my named brother: the owner, if he changed the tablecloth and the purse, will still not obey.

For the third time the old man went to the high mountain.

Wind Midnighter was at home. He went out of the hut and greeted the named brother unfriendly:

I know everything about you. Again you didn't listen to me, blame yourself now! For this bag and live with your own mind. Need will come - shake the bag and just say: "Two from the bag!" - and you will see what will happen. Now goodbye!

The Midnighter said nothing more, whistled, screeched, soared under the clouds and flew off to distant lands, distant seas.

The old man put on his bag and trudged back. He walks and thinks: “It would be nice to drink, eat! Let me try the bag. " He took off his bag, shook it and said:

Two of the bag!

At the same moment two lads with clubs jumped out of the bag and began to beat and pound the old man. And until then they beat and thrashed, until he thought to shout:

Two in the bag!

Immediately, the fellows disappeared, as if they had not happened for a century.

The old man scratches his sides, and he thinks: "It is not for nothing that the Midnighter gave me this bag." And then I guessed: "Why, as with the mind, so the bag will do a good job!"

I put on my bag and began to continue on my way.

How long or short he walked and got to the familiar inn:

"That's where there is a case for my bag!"

And the owner saw the old man through the window and ran out onto the porch:

Come in, come in, dear guest!

He brought him to the room and hovers around the old man like a loach:

We'll hang the caftan over here, and put the darling in this corner. - Pushed the bench to the stove: - Sit down, warm up, and I will tell you to collect on the table, today it's my turn to treat you.

Fussing, shouting:

Wife, wife, what joy we have! Come here!

The hostess ran out and greeted me affectionately. And the owner makes a noise, does not calm down:

Put it on the table quickly. Put on the nicest food and give more sweet vodka!

The table was set, they brought in all kinds of food. The old man was seated in the most honorable place:

Drink, eat, my dear guest, but tell me where you've been, what you've seen. We are couch potatoes - we don't go anywhere, we don't know anything. What's going on in this world?

The old man treats himself and leads the conversation, but the owner cannot take his eyes off the bag, pours wine to the guest:

Try this one more, do not offend with refusal. Bow down, wife, treat your dear guest!

The old man laughed: "Not otherwise, he is getting close to the bag." He drinks and eats himself, grins.

They feasted and dined, the owner could not resist and asks:

Tell me, my dear guest, what do you have in this bag - go, again, some curiosity?

The old man answers:

This is not an insanity, but a miracle from miracles. Just shake it up and say: "Two of the bag!", As the magicians will appear and whatever you want, they will do for you. What a curiosity it is!

The owner of the old man listens, looks at him affectionately, and he thinks:

"Well, I won't, if I don't take possession of this bag!"

We had a feast, had supper, took the guest to a distant rest, laid him on a soft feather bed:

Sleep, rest!

And the owner can't sleep. He got exactly the same-looking bag and, as everyone in the house fell asleep, he made his way into the guest's room, hung his bag on a nail, and took the old man to his room.

Woke up his wife:

Look what I brought. Now all my wishes will come true. First of all, let the sorcerers build me a palace more beautiful than the king's, and give me a large estate, and we will live in bars.

He shook his bag and shouted:

Two of the bag!

Two lads with clubs jumped out of the bag and began to regale the owner and his wife, only the clubs were whistling. The owner and the mistress are afraid to scream, and the good fellows beat and beat from the bag.

I could not endure, the owner began to beg and pray:

Have mercy, good fellows, spare us! I'll pour handfuls of money!

And two of the bag know thresh, like peas on a current.

The hostess is beating, crying. And the owner shouted in good language:

Guard! Slay!

The old man heard a cry and a noise, he is laughing. And the owner screams inconsolably, straining:

Guard! They kill! Slay!

The old man hesitated for a short time:

"Well, now it's time to go, otherwise Two of the thief's bag will beat you to death."

He came, and the owner and his wife were already lying in bed, oykayut. They prayed to the guest:

Calm down, kind man, your fighters, do not leave our little children orphaned!

Give me my self-assembled tablecloth and my self-shaking wallet, then I will help out of trouble.

What are you, dear guest, where can I get a self-assembled tablecloth and a self-shaking wallet? I have never had such wonders for centuries!

How did you get my bag? Listen, master, if you don’t give back the tablecloth and the wallet, they will hammer you. Two of the bags to death, and I’ll never say a word.

Then the hostess became completely unbearable, burst into tears:

Yes, you obey, hubby, your life is dearer than a tablecloth and a wallet, damn them thrice!

And the owner can't stand the beatings:

Kill the good fellows, and I'll give you back both the self-assembled tablecloth and the self-shaking wallet, and I'll give you a horse with a sleigh, just don't ruin us!

The old man was just waiting for that. Shouted:

Two in the bag!

The fellows fled with truncheons, and the owner and his wife lay and groan:

Oh, sickeningly, they didn't leave the bones alive, they completely mutilated! Who will feed and drink us? If only you, kind person, had pity on us - you gave us a self-assembled tablecloth or a self-shaking wallet!

The old man got angry:

You have been taught a little, apparently! Give a tablecloth and a wallet briskly, otherwise I'll call the good fellows from the bag, and then blame yourself.

After that, the owner did not hesitate, took out a tablecloth and a wallet from the chest:

Take it, take it, we don't need yours!

Drink, eat!

All sorts of food and drinks appeared at once. I rolled up the tablecloth, hid it in my bosom:

Mine is.

I shook my wallet once, then again - silver and gold fell:

And this is my wallet!

I hid my wallet, took my bag:

Harness the horse, master, it's time for me to go.

The owner told the worker to harness the horse and went out into the courtyard to see off the guest, while he himself groaned and groaned. The old man sat down in the sleigh:

Well, goodbye, master! Do not forget the lesson and remember: if I hear that you will covet someone else's good, it will be bad for you.

And he left. Goes and laughs:

"Now I need to teach the old woman a little, otherwise she completely got out of her hands, she eats me as she goes." Drove up to the house:

The old woman ran out onto the porch, saw the old man and, well, swear:

The whole summer is red and autumn has been staggering about who knows where, and for the winter I came home! Who's got some bread about you?

Wait, old woman, go to the hut, do not freeze!

We went into the hut, the old woman does not calm down, she scolds even more. Then the old man shook the bag and shouted:

Two of the bag!

Two fellows jumped out with truncheons: who needs to be taught wisdom?

The old woman was frightened:

Oh, old man, don't touch me, have pity! I will never say a word to you!

Well, it would be like that long ago, - said the old man. And he shouted: - Two in the bag!

The fellows fled with clubs, and the old man shook it, unfolded the tablecloth and said:

Drink, eat!

And where did it come from: they put various dishes and drinks on the table.

The old woman looks and does not believe her eyes - the age of such a miracle has not been seen.

And the old man calls:

Sit down, drink, eat what your heart desires! It's all ours now.

He gave him a drink, fed the old woman, then picked up a self-shaking purse:

Look here!

He shook the wallet once, twice - and silver and gold, gold and silver fell.

And this is all ours.

The old woman was delighted, and the old man told her how he got these curiosities and how the innkeeper robbed him twice, and how he forced the owner to give him a self-assembled tablecloth and a self-shaking wallet.

Well, nothing, old man, what was, then passed, let the past grow, and now we have plenty of everything: we ourselves have something to drink and eat, and there will be enough good people to enjoy.

Since then, the old man and the old woman began to live and be happy. And who of the neighbors gets into trouble or adversity, the old people help everyone. And from all of them honor and respect.

At that very time the master returned to the estate from somewhere across the sea.

He found out that the old man and the old woman were living in prosperity, he ordered to call to him. The old man came. The master asks:

You were the very last poor man, but now you have become the most competent owner. Tell everything without concealing where you got it from.

The old man told him everything frankly, and the master answered him:

I will never believe in these stories until I see your wonders with my own eyes.

So what's the deal! - the old man says. - Perhaps to me myself, when you like, and I'll show you both a self-assembled tablecloth and a self-shaking wallet.

The master ordered three horses to be loaded into the carriage. He put the old man with the coachman on the box and sat down himself:

Let's go! And you, man, show the coachman the way. Have arrived. The old man brought the master to the upper room, sat him in the red corner.

The old woman brought a self-assembled tablecloth:

Look, master!

The old man shook the tablecloth, unfolded it and said:

Drink, eat!

The table stared with all sorts of dishes, pickles and drinks.

Taste, your mercy, our bread and salt, if you will not disdain, - the old man and the old woman treat them.

The master tried one and the other - nice, sweet, better not. He got drunk, ate to the dump, got drunk.

Well, you spoke the truth about the self-assembled tablecloth,

The old man brought a wallet. Once, another shook - and silver and gold, gold and silver fell from the purse.

The master's eyes flared up. Looks at the money - it won't. Then he says:

And about the self-shaking wallet your truth. And now listen to my truth: briskly wrap this self-assembled tablecloth and self-shaking wallet in a new canvas and carry me into my carriage.

Have mercy, sir! - ask the old man with the old woman. - How so? After all, the wind Midnighter gave us these wonders, not you.

The master stamped his foot:

Be silent! Otherwise, I will order you to take them to the stable and pour in a hundred rods, and you will immediately become smarter. Whether your servile business to contradict me? You are both mine, and whatever you have is mine. Got it?

How not to understand! - says the old man. - We understood everything as it is.

But you understand, so hurry up - I won't wait!

Bring me, old woman, quickly my new bag, you see - the master is in a hurry. Sorry, sir, no new canvas happened at our house.

The old woman brought a bag, and the master hurries:

Stack it down quickly!

Now, now, sir!

The old man shook the bag and shouted:

Two of the bag!

Two stalwart fellows with clubs jumped out.

Treat the master better so that the century will remember.

The fellows began to haunt the master with clubs. At first he dismissed and swore, then shouted:

Hey, coachman, go to the rescue!

The coachman came running. Once or twice he was hit with a club. He sees: it's a bad thing, and sideways, sideways - but he took off.

And Two of the bag are doing their job: they beat, pound, only clubs whistle.

Oh, little man, - shouted the master, - let me out before they beat me to death! After all, you will have to be responsible for me!

Don't worry about me, sir, - the old man replies, - I don't care: seven troubles - one answer, but without you at least people will feel better, and that's good!

Then the master fell to his knees:

Sorry little man! I give a vow: I will never encroach on someone else's property!

Well, no, sir, you're not made of that dough, so as not to shave on someone else's. If the dog is already in the habit of licking the millstones, then it will not be left behind. So if you write to us, to all your peasants, free and give up your property and leave us completely, so be it - I'll leave you alive, otherwise you have only one way out of here - to the churchyard.

And the good fellows know they beat, they beat, they rule their business. I could not resist - shouted the master:

Oh, little man, I agree to everything! Hurry up with a pen and ink and paper, I’ll write everything as you said, just let the living go!

The old man brought a pen, ink and paper, and told Two to wait from the bag.

The master wrote free to all his peasants and wrote off the estate to the peasants. He handed the paper.

The old man read the paper: "That's right!" - and shouted:

Two in the bag!

The good fellows disappeared, and the master dragged himself out of the hut forcibly and says:

Tomorrow I will leave here forever, and you, little man, don't tell anyone that I was beaten here.

The next day, the master left.

The peasants took the land and began to live and live and praise the old man. And they still live and live, they do not know any trouble, and from year to year everything is better and richer.

Here the fairy tale is over, but whoever listened - well done.

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Development of creative thinking. We work according to the fairy tale Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna

Tale "Tablecloth, ram and bag"

This tale is very curious: the crane gives the old man gifts, and he, by his innocence, loses them one after another. The first two gifts - a self-assembled tablecloth and a magic ram - are very attractive, but the old man breaks up with them because of his stupidity. Finally, a very strange thing, in general, of dubious need, is given as a gift - forty fellows are ready to choke off everyone, including the owner of the bag. This third gift, outside the context of a fairy tale, may seem meaningless to a normal person. But in a fairy tale, it is this thing that turns out to be the most important: it allows you to return the rest of the gifts.

The suma with the good fellows is first presented to the old man as another gift, and it seems to him another reward for his once kindness shown - after all, he is already used to receiving various benefits from the crane (such a habit, as we know, is formed very quickly). Then forty fellows beat their new owner, that is, the gift turns into its opposite - into punishment. But as a result, the old man understands his mistakes, grows smarter, and understands how to use new gift for their protection and return of lost values. This is how the action manifests itself in this tale closures: at first the object seems to be very desirable (a gift, a reward), then it turns out to be something completely opposite (it causes suffering), but then it is thanks to this quality that it becomes a reward.

However, it is perhaps even more interesting: we are faced with a gift that at the same time brings suffering, grief, and at the same time, and even thanks to this, helps to change, and therefore brings joy. In life, quite often we meet with all sorts of disappointments, unexpected obstacles, etc., which are very easy to mistake for trouble and punishment. But dialectical thinking helps to become keener and learn from experience a lesson, and then a person can come out of the test rejuvenated. This is how dialectical action manifests itself associations.

It is not so easy for children to find dialectical actions in a fairy tale. If, after reading the fairy tale "Tablecloth, ram and bag", you ask preschoolers what gift they consider the best, almost certainly the tablecloth and ram will be named first of all. This means that it is difficult for children to grasp the dialectic of a fairy tale: they seem to “forget” that these gifts did not make the old man happy, and, on the contrary, the bag only first brought suffering, but then helped to return all other values.

However, the soum does not by itself help to return the gifts, but thanks to its effect on the old man: the fact is that, receiving cuffs, he realizes how he was outwitted by a rich man, that his bragging is to blame, etc. The third gift clearly changes the hero: from it happens transformation.

Transformation is an elementary dialectical action that suggests the possibility of changing an object. Sometimes this action is enough to anticipate a radical change in the situation and, therefore, at least partially prepare for it (or prepare it). The transformation action is also necessary in order to notice the transition of an object to the opposite one. It is difficult to do this because the change occurs only in one, most often hidden quality, but outwardly the person or object remains the same, so the illusion arises among those around that nothing has happened. In relations between people, this happens all the time - how often we do not notice the changes taking place, because outwardly a person remains the same. And sudden discoveries of another, and sudden losses are connected with this. And watching the world around us, we are not at all so sensitive to transformations: isn't this the secret of the fact that some people perceive the incredible diversity of life as boring monotony?

Of course, these actions do not exhaust the dialectic of the tale. In "Tablecloth, ram and bag" there are a number of opposites, and in fact it turns out that in no case can one make an unambiguous judgment about the hero! It is not so easy to answer the question: is it a strong crane or a weak one, ordinary (once entangled in networks) or magical (once presented with gifts)? And the cuffs that helped the old man gain his mind, are they good or evil? Is the innkeeper really rich, or is he poor (as is every person who is gnawed by envy of other people's good)? All these questions can be discussed with children, remembering that the main thing is to help them to be surprised, to see a problem situation, and not to get a clear “answer formula”.

1. We read a fairy tale, answer questions

Goal.Development of the ability to highlight the main characters and the sequence of the main episodes of a literary text.

Materials.The fairy tale "Tablecloth, ram and bag" with illustrations, pictures with the image of an old man, a crane, a tablecloth, a ram and a bag.


The teacher reads a fairy tale to the children, then asks questions about the sequence and reasons for the events in the fairy tale and puts the corresponding pictures on the board.

Questions might be, for example:

What happened to the old man in the swamp?

Why did the crane decide to give him a gift?

What happened to the first gift?

What did the old man find at home?

What was the old man hoping for? And how did it really turn out?

What did the old man think about why the tablecloth didn't give him food? (It is important here to help the children catch the irony of the tale: the old man did not understand that he was deceived.)

What did the crane give the old man the second time? What happened to the second gift? What did the old man find at home?

What did he think about why the ram didn't give him money?

What did the old man complain to the crane when he came to him for the third time?

What did the crane give the old man the third time? Did he like the gift? Why did the crane give the old man such a gift? What did the old man do with the third gift?

After all the questions about the content of the fairy tale are asked and all the pictures depicting gifts appear on the board, the teacher invites the children to retell the fairy tale, based on illustrations. When retelling, an adult helps children to restore causal relationships, and not just list the events that happened.

2. Role-play a fairy tale

Objectives.Expression of attitude towards the heroes of the tale through symbolic means. Revealing different positions in a fairy tale.

Materials.Badges with images of fairy tale characters: an old man, a crane, an innkeeper, an old woman, as well as gift items.


In this fairy tale, everything is based on cunning: first a rich man substitutes for gifts, and the old man innocently believes that they have lost their strength, then the old man goes to teach the owner a lesson, and he falls into the trap and innocently tries to get his hands on the third gift.

The work on dramatization should help children understand that the characters see the same situation in fundamentally different ways.

To do this, the teacher asks special "positional" questions. In the episode, when the old man takes the already changed tablecloth:

Did the owner know that the tablecloth was not the same? How do you show that he cheated and wants the old man not to guess?

Did the old man know about the deception? How can this be shown?

In the episode when the old man shows the changed tablecloth to the old woman:

What did the old man expect from the tablecloth? And what did he think - why didn't she prepare the tablecloth?

In the episode when the old man came to the inn with a bag:

What did the owner of the yard expect from the bag? And how do you portray it?

And what did the old man expect from the bag? How to show it? How will he say his words?

When assigning roles, the teacher distributes badges to the performers with the image of the characters of the fairy tale.

In order to play the heroes of a fairy tale, children will have to try to portray rather complex emotions: naive ignorance, calculating cunning, simple-hearted bewilderment. An adult can help - show with facial expressions and gestures how to play innocence and cunning. The playful, symbolic image of the dual position of the characters will lead children to the solution of a problem-contradictory situation in the next lesson.

3. We solve the dialectical problem using the transformation scheme

Goal.Solving a problematic-contradictory situation with the help of a dialectical transformation scheme.

Materials.Pictures depicting a crane, an old man, a tablecloth, a ram and a bag; black and white squares.

Dialectical problem:how was the old man in the fairy tale - smart or stupid?

"Formal-logical trap": children pay attention one by one to those episodes where the old man behaved "smartly", then to those where he behaves "stupidly", not noticing the transformation.


Today the subject of discussion with the children will be the act of transformation. In the fairy tale, the transformation takes place with the old man: after the lesson taught by the crane, he grew wiser. Children must discover that although the hero remains the same, he is still different. Oddly enough, this transition is not so obvious for children: you have to ask additional questions and even re-read a passage from a fairy tale so that they understand: the crane did not tell the old man anything, the old man guessed it himself, but, of course, after the bag had taught him a lesson.

As always, when solving a problem, it is necessary to create a problem situation for children when different answers arise. It is this ambiguity that makes the task a task. During the discussion, it is important not only to give the correct answer, but to give children the opportunity to reason, defending their position.

The teacher asks:

Who can remember what happened to the old man in the fairy tale?

Helps children remember the entire chain of events: saving the crane, receiving and losing the first gift, receiving and losing the second gift, receiving the third gift, the lesson learned from the crane, and releasing all other gifts. In the course of the joint story, pictures with images of an old man and gifts appear on the board.

Dialectical problem.

What was the old man in the fairy tale - smart or stupid, what do you think?

As usual, the teacher listens to the versions and draws attention to their opposite. If suddenly everyone unanimously speaks out only for the mind or only for stupidity, the adult offers another version. At this stage, the main thing is to hear opposite answers and point out to the children their possibility. The dialectical scheme should help children "fix" opposites.

Now we will carefully listen to every point of view and all explanations, but it is already clear that you have different answers: someone thinks that the old man is stupid, and someone thinks that he is smart. Let's call "mind" a white square and "stupidity" black.

A picture with an old man is attached in the center of the board, on opposite sides of it there are white and black squares.

This means that if we believe that a man is smart, a white square suits him, and if we believe that he is stupid, a black square suits him.

You say that the man is stupid. Explain why you think so?

A brief justification is enough here: the innkeeper twice circled the old man, cheated.

If we think the old man is stupid, which square suits him?

The black square is attached under the picture with the old man.

And you say that the old man is smart. Why do you think so?

Here, too, for now, a brief justification is enough: the old man eventually returned the gifts to himself.

The white square is attached next to the black one. This point is very important: before showing the limitations of each answer, it is necessary that the children see the ambiguity of the situation, the possibility of opposite answers.

How is it that we have two squares under the picture with the old man at once: some of you say that the man is smart, others that he is stupid.

After that, you can already start working with each point of view:

You say that the man is smart. And how did this manifest itself? How did he show his mind?

Children should remember that the old man returned the gifts to himself, ultimately outwitting the innkeeper.

Only when the old man's mind becomes obvious to everyone, you can proceed to the counter-question:

You say the old man was smart. But didn't he lose the tablecloth and the ram? How did he lose his gifts? Remember how he behaved when he came to the inn?

Here it is necessary to recall the details of the tale and various "mistakes" of the old man: both the fact that he boasted, and the fact that even after the second change he did not suspect the innkeeper, and therefore did not check that the gift was changed for him. After that, we can conclude:

You see: the old man was clearly acting stupid! So the black square is suitable here?

If the children agree, it is worth asking the counter-question again:

You agree that the old man was stupid, but did he behave stupidly all the time? Was it that the old man behaved wisely?

If the children do not remember themselves, you can help them:

The crane told the old man that it was the rich man who was deceiving him, or that the man guessed himself? Did the crane tell you how to get out your old gifts?

The opinions of the children will almost certainly differ: many have forgotten these important details. It is imperative to give them the opportunity to express opposite judgments, but this situation has an unambiguous solution in the text of the tale. You can invite the children to reread this passage.

Now I will reread this piece of the tale, and you listen and tell me who was right: did the crane tell the old man or not.

Surely, after such a request, the children will listen to the passage very carefully.

Then the teacher returns to the problematic issue.

Returning to the solution of a dialectical problem using a diagram.

It turns out that the old man is smart: he figured out how to return the gifts, although the crane helped him. So the white square fits here. How to be? How to answer the question - a smart old man or a stupid one?

Surely there will be a child who will say "and he is smart and stupid", but in this case it will not correspond to the truth: after all, the hero showed intelligence and stupidity at different moments of the tale.

It is good if the children pay attention to the fact that at the beginning of the tale the old man behaved stupidly, and then he became smart. This version is worth grabbing and supporting:

So this is what: at the beginning of the tale he acted stupidly, and at the end - cleverly!

Even if the words have already been spoken, the true solution will only be found if the children can depict it using a diagram.

But what about squares? How to indicate that our hero was at first stupid and then wiser? Do we need one square for this or both?

If the children answer that there is one, you must immediately remove one of the squares and show what happened then in the fairy tale:

Are you saying that only the white square should be left because the old man ultimately outwitted the rich man? But then this is what happens: the old man was smart, intelligent, he did not get into trouble, no one deceived him.

Do you suggest leaving only the black square? But this will mean that the old man never grew wiser and was left without gifts.

After these questions, children will once again discover that designation is a responsible process, a process of understanding, that by designations you can see how a person understands a fairy tale.

The teacher supports the version that it is worth leaving two squares.

This means that you cannot leave one square. We leave two. How would you read the diagram - what is written here?

It is good if the children say that the old man has changed from stupid to smart. If they do not say, this word can be pronounced by the educator.

You see how interesting it turns out: he was stupid, and then turned into smart. But let's look at our squares, it is not clear that this transformation happened: as if it were about different people - someone is smart, and someone is stupid. And we all have the same old man - he was stupid, but wiser. How can we show this on the diagram?

If the idea of \u200b\u200ban arrow comes to the mind of children - great, if not - the teacher suggests it.

So what does this diagram mean? Who can read it? The transformation is encrypted here.

It is not necessary to acquaint children with the names of mental actions, but the word "transformation" is familiar to them (precisely because transformation is the most common of the unusual things that happen in life and fairy tales).

Provocative question.

This question can be asked at the end to check how well the children were able to solve the problem, and not just follow the pattern.

Or maybe it is still worth marking the old man with only a white square?

How children will answer this question will be a sign of independence in solving the problem.

The teacher must summarize by suggesting to the children:

Look, we have got such a scheme. Your mums and dads will come in the evening for you and wonder: “What are these squares? What do they mean? " They do not know how to "read" the diagram, but which of you can "read" the diagram?

It will be good if one of the children deciphers the scheme like this: the old man in the fairy tale was at first stupid, and then grew wiser.

4. We solve the dialectical problem using the dialectical circuit of the closure

Goal.Solving a problematic-contradictory situation using a dialectical circuit.

Materials.Pictures depicting a crane, an old man, a tablecloth, a ram and a bag; three black and white squares; paper-cut arrows.

Dialectical problem:wouldn't it be better to do without such a strange gift as a soum?

"Formal and logical trap": the tale ends well, but this has nothing to do with the fact that the bag caused the hero to suffer.


The tale is about three gifts. The problematic situation is that children first evaluate each gift without regard to the entire content of the tale; therefore, it is the first two gifts that seem unconditionally valuable: the tablecloth gives food, and the ram gives money. But the value of the bag is far from so obvious: in order to understand it, one must discover the dialectical effect of closure. This is what this lesson is aimed at.

The teacher starts the conversation:

Let's remember what gifts the crane gave the old man?

Three pictures of gifts are attached to the board at a short distance from each other. The teacher asks the children:

What gifts do you like the most?

It is very likely that children will respond positively to the first two gifts. Here they are worth supporting:

Indeed, forty of the old man's bag was beaten, hardly anyone would like it!

Dialectical problem.

Guys, what do you think, maybe it would be better to do without such a strange gift as a soum in a fairy tale? All the same, she brought a lot of grief!

All children's versions should be listened to, highlighting contrasting options and emphasizing that opposite answers were heard. If the children themselves do not build opposites, but express themselves unambiguously, they need to help them - to object. After that, you can proceed to solving the problem using the scheme.

Solution of a dialectical problem using a diagram.

You see, it turned out to be a difficult task - we clearly disagree with each other. Let's try to solve this problem using the already familiar squares: we will denote opposites - what is the opposite. If the gift made you happy, let's designate it with a white square, and if you upset it, then with a black one.

Further, each gift is discussed separately and a diagram is created for the tablecloth, for the ram, and for the bag. In the first two cases, the result will be a transformation circuit, and in the latter, just the circuit should appear.

Substantiation (proof) of opposite judgments.

Now let's get back to our tale. Look at the tablecloth and remember whether it made the old man happy or upset?

Further work is being done to help children detect the transformation.

What square do we designate the tablecloth? Why white?

After waiting for the children to explain why it is good to have a self-assembled tablecloth, the teacher attaches a white square under the picture with the tablecloth.

A counter-question is asked:

Wait, but when the old man came home and opened the tablecloth, she fed him?

Most likely, the children will remind that they did not feed, but precisely because it was already another tablecloth, replaced by the owner of the inn. But still the fact remains: the original gift loses its properties, the tablecloth turns from a magical gift into its opposite, into an ordinary object, and upsets the old man very much.

So which square should be used to mark the tablecloth?

We must support the one who says that the black square is also necessary, put it next to the white one under the tablecloth and once again ask a problematic question.

So the tablecloth made the old man happy or upset? How do we define the tablecloth?

If children continue to give one of the opposite answers, it is necessary to look for arguments in order to refute them each time, and only if someone says that the tablecloth first pleased, and then upset, and you can leave two squares with an arrow (this work has already been done in the analysis of the previous fairy tales), you need to support this version:

Of course, we will mark the tablecloth with both a white and a black square and put an arrow so that it is clear that the transformation has taken place.

The teacher places the transformation diagram under the picture with the tablecloth, asks one of the children to “read” the diagram, and moves the picture and the diagram related to it to the corner of the board.

A similar work is carried out with a ram. Even if the smartest children immediately say that white and black squares are needed here, the situation still needs to be discussed, all the arguments must be listened to both for the fact that the ram upset the old man and for the fact that he made him happy, create a diagram, read it and then this move it along with the image of the ram to the corner of the board.

Did the bag make the old man happy or upset?

It should be noted that the situation with the bag is very different from the situations with other gifts: it was not replaced, and it did not lose its magical properties, but her own actions led to a closure. The task of the educator is to help the children discover that it was the repulsive properties of the bag that were important for the good ending of the tale.

Substantiation (proof) of opposite judgments.

First, you should discuss all the characteristics of the bag, see it from different angles.

Suma made the old man happy?

Of course, this is a provocative question: most likely, the children simply by inertia will agree with what made them happy. An adult should support this version by specifying:

Do you think at first the old man was delighted when the crane brought him the third gift? Why do you think he was happy? What did he expect from the crane - good or bad?

We must support those who say that the old man liked to receive gifts, and he expected that the crane would again give him something pleasant.

After the children offer a white square, you need to place it under the picture with the bag and ask a counter question:

I wonder if you think this is a good gift - when they pound? And would you like to receive such a birthday present?

Children need to be helped to feel this dramatic situation - without this the essence of the fairy tale will not become clear!

If the guys agree that they would not be pleased with the cuffs, you can ask the question:

What square do we designate the sum?

Most likely, children, by analogy with the other two gifts, will immediately offer to designate the bag with a transformation scheme:

If the children say that only the black square should be left, the discussion continues:

You say that the wallet only brought grief, but was the crane going to punish the old man? With what words he handed him the bag, who remembers?

If none of the children remember the words of the crane, the teacher asks:

How can we be - everyone has already forgotten what the crane said to the old man.

Surely, some of the children will remember how in the previous lesson they re-read an excerpt of a fairy tale, and will offer to do the same. This is an important point, because very often children miss the most important details when reading - they listen to a fairy tale, but do not hear.

After reading the passage, the discussion continues:

So the crane said: "Here's another gift for you." So how do we designate the bag, what squares?

The teacher supports the version that at first the old man was delighted with the new gift, and then he was upset because of the cuffs, and this transformation can be designated by the appropriate scheme.

After that, the teacher is surprised that, according to the resulting scheme, everything ends up so badly:

But did it end with grief?

It is very interesting what the children will say. It is necessary to support those guys who will remind that the beatings did not go unnoticed, and the old man became wiser after that. Next, you can ask about the scheme:

So how do we mark the bag on the diagram?

The solution must be suggested by the children. To make it easier to spot, an adult shows in every way that the usual scheme of transformation does not fit the fairy tale in any way: it means a bad end, but the fairy tale still ended well.

The solution will be the discovery of the need for either a second white square or a second arrow, which will show a return from black to the same white square. Both schemes can be considered possible.

Dialectical transformation is a solution to a problem.

The educator returns to the question asked at the beginning:

Let's look at our diagram: it turns out that the crane punished the old man? So maybe it was not worth giving a crane such a strange gift as a soum? See how much trouble he brought him! Maybe he was superfluous? Would I give you a tablecloth again - and the old man would stay without beatings? Maybe you should fix the fairy tale? Ask the crane to give the old man some nice present for the third time?

Let's read the diagram: the gift turned into not a gift (because the old man was beaten), but then it turned out to be a real gift that helped to return everything else.

5. We solve the dialectical problem using the unification scheme

Goal.Solution of a dialectical problem using a union scheme.

Materials.Pictures depicting a tablecloth, a ram and a bag; black, white and gray squares.

Dialectical problem.Suma - a good or a bad gift?

"Formal-logical trap": children notice only one side of the gift (bad - because it brought beatings; good - because it helped to free the rest of the gifts).


The teacher asks the question:

What gifts did the crane give the old man?

Three pictures with pictures of gifts are attached on the board at a short distance from each other.

Dialectical problem.

What do you think is the best gift in the fairy tale? Explain why you think so.

If this question had been asked before the previous lesson, almost certainly most of the children would have named a tablecloth and a ram. But even after the previous discussion, it is likely that someone will first name the first two gifts and in response will explain that the tablecloth gives food, and the ram gives money. This means that children answer the question from their own perspective, without taking into account the dialectical action performed in the fairy tale, where exactly the “harmfulness” of the last gift turned into its true usefulness. But, most likely, at least one weak vote will be cast for the bag, it is unlikely that the justifications will be intelligible, and yet it is worth supporting this vote.

So, many people think that the tablecloth and the ram are the best that the crane has presented, but Misha thinks that the suma. Why do you think the sum is so disliked by everyone as a gift?

In fact, this is some anticipation of events: children do not think about what they are not satisfied with the third gift, rather the attractiveness of the first two is just obvious. It is worth helping the children to make a judgment that the bag brought the old man trouble, upset him.

So is the soum a good or bad gift? Let us, if you think this is a good gift, we will mark it with a white square, and if it is a bad one - with a black one.

Substantiation (proof) of opposite judgments.

Further, the work is structured so as to help children discover the union in the bag of two mutually exclusive properties: the correctness of each statement is proved in turn, the teacher builds up objections and helps the children to substantiate them, the children decide how to use the scheme to indicate the unity of opposites in this gift.

Dialectical transformation.

In previous tales, a gray square has already appeared in the unification scheme. The task of the teacher is for children to really solve problems, even if someone remembers that a similar task has already happened.

Provocative question:

So bad or good that the fellows beat the old man?

It is necessary to listen to different versions, but support those who can explain why it was good for the old man, that without this harmful quality - to inflict beatings - the bag would never help the old man to return the lost property.

6. We compose a fairy tale according to the dialectical scheme of transformation

Objectives.The development of the ability to compose a fairy tale according to a model, to express one's attitude to reality by symbolic means.

Material.Pictures depicting an old man and a crane, a dialectical scheme of transformation.


In this lesson, children will have the opportunity to perform a creative action - to compose a story using a transformation scheme.

The teacher attaches a transformation diagram to the board and asks a question:

In one of the classes we had such a scheme. And what did she mean?

If children remember a specific episode of a fairy tale and say that the scheme is about turning an old man from smart to stupid, it is worth supporting them and generalizing:

Yes, this diagram shows that there has been a transformation of something into its opposite. It was like this, but it has become the opposite. For us, this scheme meant the transformation from smart to stupid.

Children can name other transformations - but if it is about opposites, it is quite possible to agree with this.

We begin to compose our own fairy tale.

So, this diagram shows the transformation: it was so, but it was the other way around. But you already know that this scheme helps not only to read a fairy tale, but also to compose your own. So, with her help, we can also be storytellers and compose a fairy tale. In the fairy tale, the transformation happened to the old man: he was stupid, but became clever. And we will come up with a fairy tale about this hero. (The teacher puts some expressive toy in front of the children, which will then be easy to draw.) Well, storytellers, let's think about what kind of transformation could have happened to our hero? Surely you will have different ideas!

The most important thing is to run the "fantasy wheel": for children, the task of coming up with different options is unusual, and it is important to show that it is interesting when the options differ from each other.

Each proposed option must be correlated with the scheme.

Here Vasya says that the puppy was small, but became big. Does this fit our scheme? And Petya says that the puppy was without wings, and then his wings grew. Does this fit our scheme?

The choice of the transformation option.

Look, we got several options for transformations. Let's pick the one you like the most.

Children choose one of the best options, the most unusual or interesting. Choosing the option you like is a separate, very difficult action: after all, the child needs to stop at what he liked! Therefore, it is imperative to invite a few guys to say which option they liked the most.

Composing "reasons for transformation".

But transformation is not a fairy tale yet. To get a fairy tale, you need to figure out how the transformation happened. Therefore, the second step is to come up with a reason for the transformation.

Now let's think about how such a transformation happened? Remember what kind of transformation was in the fairy tale? That's right: the man has become clever from being stupid. How did this happen?

The teacher listens to the versions of the children and supports the correct ones: the crane helped, or forty of the bag attacked - so he grew wiser, or he himself guessed when he was beaten, etc.

And in our fairy tale, you thought that the puppy was ugly, but became beautiful (for example!). Let's figure out why this could happen. Who has any ideas?

Here, only one of the selected transformations is discussed, the teacher focuses on the fact that the transformation is one, and the options for the reasons may be different, rejoices at each new reason for the transformation proposed by the children. In this situation, an adult should pick up children's ideas and try to immediately turn each into a fairy tale (which, of course, is not so easy to do). For example: "Look, what a fairy tale we got: the puppy was ugly, ate a magic mushroom and became beautiful."

Alyosha's wonderful idea, but maybe someone will come up with another option - and then the tale will turn out to be different.

The children will probably repeat each other's answers without noticing it. This happens for two reasons. First, the guys turn to the teacher - so they don't listen to each other, but wait for the moment to express their idea. Secondly, sometimes it is not so easy to notice that your idea is the same - after all, it is formulated a little differently, in different words. This is already an analytical action that the educator must do - so that the children then learn to do it themselves.

Guys, we had one transformation, but how many different fairy tales you have invented!

In conclusion, the teacher praises the children for the invented options for transformations and suggests drawing the one that they liked the most.

Now I will distribute to you these pieces of paper: they are divided into two parts, in half. Each draws on his sheet of paper that invented fairy tale that he liked the most. On one half of the sheet, you will draw what was at the beginning, and on the other half, what was after the transformation. And then we will collect all the drawings in one book.

The choice of the episode that he likes is a separate work for a preschooler, because he must overcome his imitativeness and choose what he liked.

Even after the discussion, many children will need help, so it is worth approaching and helping those who have not made a choice. It is good to ask the question of how it will be possible to notice from the drawing that the transformation has occurred.

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author Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna

The fairy tale "Kolobok" "Kolobok" opens a very interesting group of fairy tales, which includes "Zayushkina izbushka", "Turnip" and many others. In all these tales, the heroes have to solve a certain problem. For example, a bunny from the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut" needs to drive out a fox, and in

From the book Development of Creative Thinking. We work according to a fairy tale author Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna

Fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" In "Zayushkina hut", just like in "Kolobok", the characters are arranged in a series on two grounds: in size and in hidden quality. However, when working with the first fairy tale, the teacher himself offered the children two reasons and just line up in

From the book Development of Creative Thinking. We work according to a fairy tale author Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna

Fairy tale "Reasonable" In folklore there are many fairy tales similar to "Reasonable"; in all such tales, the heroine has to perform difficult tasks. At first glance, they sound rather strange and seem to violate all the laws of logic: you need to come "neither barefoot, nor shod",

From the book Development of Creative Thinking. We work according to a fairy tale author Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna

The tale "About the toothy pike" "Don't dig a hole for another - you will get into it yourself" - this is how you can express the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis short tale. The hero begins to act for his own good, and to the detriment of others, and thinks that this is how it will continue all the time. But what is directed against

From the book Development of Creative Thinking. We work according to a fairy tale author Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna

Tablecloth, ram and bag Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. Once the old man went to the river to fish. He looks - a crane has got caught in the net, shouts, beats, cannot get out. The old man regretted the crane. "Why, - he thinks, - such a kind bird to die?" He went up to the crane, helped him out of the nets

From the book Games that are very useful for child development! 185 easy games every smart kid should play author Shulman Tatiana

An Old Tale in a New Way Read the children a little story, fairy tale, or passage. Now invite the children to read the story. Just let them reincarnate as anyone - an old man or a two-year-old child, a dwarf, a giant, a robber or