German graphic artist and illustrator of the 19th century. Great foreign artists


Hermann (Haim Aharon) Struck was born in 1876 in Berlin to an ultra-Orthodox family and was a deeply religious Jew throughout his life. Nevertheless, he chose an occupation that was not entirely accepted for his circle: he became an artist.
From a young age, Herman was fond of drawing, attended an art studio, and at the age of 19 he became a student at the Berlin Academy of Arts.
After graduating from the Academy of Arts in Berlin after five years of study in 1900, Struck went to Holland, where he became a student of Joseph Izraels.
He joined the Zionists early, was one of the founders of a Zionist religious organization in Germany and prepared religious youth for Zionist activities in Palestine.
Struck was most attracted to graphics - in Holland he studied etching and lithography. In the same place, in Holland, Struck met the famous German impressionist Max Liebermann, who later involved Struck in the creative association "Berlin Secession" founded by him.
After completing his studies at the Academy, Struck himself begins to teach. Among his students were the future stars of German Impressionism: Uri Lesser, Lovis Corinth and Max Slevogt.
In 1909, the Berlin publisher Paul Cassirer published Hermann Struck's handbook, The Art of Engraving, which has become a reference book for artists.
In 1923, the fifth edition of this textbook was published with a circulation of 14 thousand copies, which was prepared with particular care.
Struck was widely known as a portrait graphic artist. Among his works in this genre are portraits of Herzl, Freud, Einstein, artists Joseph Israel and Leonid Pasternak, Heine, Stefan Zweig, Henrik Ibsen, Friedrich Nietzsche and Oskar Wilde.
Einstein liked his portrait so much that he printed several copies and sent them as souvenirs to his friends. On the back of these portraits, he did not forget to indicate - "Artist Hermann Struck".
Hermann Struck was an engraver who taught Marc Chagall's engraving technique in Berlin.
Marc Chagall stayed in Berlin from May 1922 to August 1923. This period can be called a turning point in the artist's work. Chagall has long dreamed of mastering various graphic techniques in order to enable as many people as possible to see his work.
The famous publisher Paul Cassirer assisted M. Chagall in his acquaintance with Hermann Struck. Thanks to Hermann Struck, Chagall quickly mastered the technique of etching and in just a week, with a quick and stunning result, he began to create works.

Among the students of Struck was Leonid Pasternak, the father of the poet Boris Pasternak. The artist Pasternak admitted that his friend Hermann Struck not only taught him engraving, but also helped him to draw attention to Jewish themes in Rembrandt's paintings.
During the First World War, Struck served as an officer of the headquarters of the German command in the occupied territories of Lithuania and Belarus and was responsible for contacts with the Jewish population.
At the beginning of World War I, before becoming a soldier, Struck, as a member of the "Jewish Aid Committee for Lithuania and Poland", traveled to the territories of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus occupied by German troops. At the same time, he always had a notebook with him, and he made sketches of all those places that he met on his way.
On the basis of these sketches, a whole series of lithographs was created, published in 1915 in Berlin.
Facilitated the delivery of humanitarian aid from US Jews to Lithuanian Jews; under the special permission of the German command, he traveled to Switzerland in order to resume the supplies of food and medicine to the Jews that had ceased after the US entered the war, which he achieved.
At the end of the war, he was a member of a group of German specialists who participated in the Paris Peace Conference.

Before and after the war he traveled a lot around the world, in 1903 and 1921 he visited Palestine, where he finally settled in 1922. He lived in Haifa, participated in cultural activities, was one of the initiators of the creation of a city art museum in Tel Aviv (opened in 1931), was widely engaged in charity work.
He painted Israeli landscapes, Jerusalem and its surroundings. Struck usually engraved from nature directly onto the board without preliminary sketches. His own technique developed by him was distinguished by a variety of engraving techniques, which expanded his capabilities.
During World War II, Struck did his best to save Jews from the Nazi-occupied countries of Europe.
A wall board in his house reminds that in 1939 Struck saved 50 children from Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria and brought them to the Middle East to an agricultural religious school. They became the third graduate of this school.
He died in 1944 in Haifa and, 63 years after his death, he was awarded a retrospective exhibition in Berlin and the Galilee. In connection with the opening of the exhibition in Tefen (Museum of German-speaking Jewry), German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent a letter to the organizers, where she spoke of Struck as an outstanding German artist.
Published a 600-page book about Struck in Hebrew and German with illustrations.
The name of Hermann Struck, an outstanding representative of Jewish culture of the 20th century, is revered to this day. It is rightfully included in the encyclopedia.

This is more than pretty pictures, it is a reflection of reality. In the works of great artists, you can see how the world and the consciousness of people have changed.

Art is also an attempt to create an alternative reality where you can hide from the horrors of your time, or a desire to change the world. The art of the 20th century rightfully occupies a special place in history. People who lived and worked at that time experienced social upheavals, wars, unprecedented development of science; and all this found an imprint on their canvases. 20th century artists took part in creating a modern vision of the world.

Someone's names are still aspirated, while others are unfairly forgotten. Someone had such a contradictory creative path that we still cannot give him an unambiguous assessment. This review focuses on the 20 greatest artists of the 20th century. Camille Pizarro- French painter. An outstanding representative of impressionism. The artist's work was influenced by John Constable, Camille Corot, Jean Francois Millet.
Born July 10, 1830 in the city of Saint Thomas, died on November 13, 1903 in Paris.

Hermitage at Pontoise, 1868

Opera Passage in Paris, 1898

Sunset at Varengeville, 1899

Edgar Degas -french artist, one of the greatest impressionists. The influence of Japanese graphics was traced on the work of Degas. Born on July 19, 1834 in Paris, died on September 27, 1917 in Paris.

Absinthe, 1876

Star, 1877

Woman combing her hair, 1885

Paul Cezanne -french artist, one of the greatest representatives of post-impressionism. In his work, he strove to reveal the harmony and balance of nature. His work had a tremendous impact on the worldview of artists of the 20th century.
Born January 19, 1839 in Aix-en-Provence, France, died October 22, 1906 in Aix-en-Provence.

Gamblers, 1893

Modern Olympia, 1873

Still life with skulls, 1900

Claude Monet - an outstanding French painter. One of the founders of impressionism. In his works, Monet strove to convey the richness and richness of the surrounding world. His later period was characterized by decorativeism and
For the late period of Monet's work, decorativeism is characteristic, an increasing dissolution of object forms in sophisticated combinations of color spots.
Born November 14, 1840 in Paris, died on December 5, 1926 in Jverny.

Uelk Cliff at Purville, 1882

After Lunch, 1873-1876

Etretat, sunset, 1883

Arkhip Kuindzhi -famous Russian artist, master of landscape painting. Lost his parents early. From an early age, a love of painting began to manifest. The creativity of Arkhip Kuindzhi had a huge influence on Nicholas Roerich.
Born on January 15, 1841 in Mariupol, died on July 11, 1910 in St. Petersburg.

Volga, 1890-1895

"North", 1879

"View of the Kremlin from Zamoskvorechye", 1882

Pierre Auguste Renoir -french artist, graphic artist, sculptor, one of the outstanding representatives of impressionism. He was also known as a master of secular portrait. Auguste Rodin became the first impressionist to become popular with wealthy Parisians.
Born February 25, 1841 in Limoges France, died on December 2, 1919 in Paris.

Pont des Arts in Paris, 1867

Ball at the Moulin de la Galette, 1876

Jeanne Samary, 1877

Paul Gauguin - French artist, ceramic sculptor, graphic artist. Along with Paul Cézan and Vincent Van Gogh, he is one of the most prominent representatives of Post-Impressionism. The artist lived in poverty because his paintings were not in demand.
Born June 7, 1848 in Paris, died May 8, 1903 on the island of Hiva Oa, French Polynesia.

Breton landscape, 1894

Breton village in the snow, 1888

Are you jealous? 1892

Saints Day, 1894

Wassily Kandinsky -russian and German artist, poet, art theorist. It is considered one of the leaders of the avant-garde of the 1st half of the 20th century. One of the founders of abstract art.
Born November 22, 1866 in Moscow, died on December 13, 1944 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

Couple riding a horse, 1918

Colorful life, 1907

Moscow 1, 1916

In gray, 1919

Henri Matisse -one of the greatest French painters and sculptors. One of the founders of the Fauvist movement. In his work, he strove to convey emotions through color. In his work, he was influenced by the Islamic culture of the Western Maghreb. Born on December 31, 1869 in the city of Le Cato, died on November 3, 1954 in the town of Cimieux.

Square in Saint-Tropez, 1904

Outlines of Notre Dame at night, 1902

Woman with a Hat, 1905

Dance, 1909

Italian, 1919

Portrait of Delectorskaya, 1934

Nicholas Roerich - Russian artist, writer, scientist, mystic. During his life, he painted over 7000 paintings. One of the outstanding cultural figures of the XX century, the founder of the movement "Peace through Culture".
Born October 27, 1874 in St. Petersburg, died on December 13, 1947 in the city of Kulu, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Overseas guests, 1901

Great Spirit of the Himalayas, 1923

Shambhala News, 1933

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin -russian artist, graphic artist, theoretician, writer, teacher. He was one of the ideologists of the reorganization of art education in the USSR.
Born on November 5, 1878 in the city of Khvalynsk, Saratov province, died on February 15, 1939 in Leningrad.

"1918 in Petrograd", 1920

Boys Playing, 1911

Bathing a Red Horse, 1912

Portrait of Anna Akhmatova

Kazimir Malevich - Russian artist, founder of Suprematism - trends in abstract art, teacher, art theorist and philosopher
Born February 23, 1879 in Kiev, died May 15, 1935 in Moscow.

Rest (Society in Top Hat), 1908

"Peasant women with buckets", 1912-1913

Black Suprematist Square, 1915

Suprematist painting, 1916

On the boulevard, 1903

Pablo Picasso - Spanish artist, sculptor, sculptor, ceramist designer. One of the founders of Cubism. The work of Pablo Picasso had a significant impact on the development of painting in the 20th century. Based on a survey of Time magazine readers
Born October 25, 1881 in Malaga Spain, died April 8, 1973 in Mougins, France.

Girl on a ball, 1905

Portrait of Ambroise Vallaur, 1910

Three Graces

Portrait of Olga

Dance, 1919

Woman with a flower, 1930

Amadeo Modigliani - Italian artist, sculptor. One of the brightest representatives of expressionism. During his lifetime he had only one exhibition in December 1917 in Paris. Born on July 12, 1884 in Livorno, Italy, died on January 24, 1920 from tuberculosis. World recognition received posthumously World recognition received posthumously.

Cellist, 1909

Spouses, 1917

Joan Hebuterne, 1918

Mediterranean landscape, 1918

Diego Rivera - Mexican painter, muralist, politician. Was the spouse of Frida Kahlo. In their house, Leon Trotsky found shelter for a short time.
Born December 8, 1886 in Guanajuato, died December 21, 1957 in Mexico City.

Notre Dame de Paris in the rain, 1909

Woman at the well, 1913

Union of peasant and worker, 1924

Detroit Industry, 1932

Mark Shagal - Russian and French painter, graphic artist, illustrator, theater artist. One of the greatest representatives of the avant-garde.
Born on June 24, 1887 in the city of Liozno, Mogilev province, died on March 28, 1985 in Saint-Paul-de-Provence.

Anyuta (Portrait of a sister), 1910

Bride with a Fan, 1911

Me and the village, 1911

Adam and Eve, 1912

Mark Rothko (present Mark Rotkovich) - American artist, one of the founders of abstract expressionism and the founder of color field painting.
The first works of the artist were created in a realistic spirit, however, then by the mid-40s, Mark Rothko turned to surrealism. By 1947, the most important turning point in the work of Mark Rothko happened, he created his own style - abstract expressionism, in which he departed from object elements.
Born on September 25, 1903 in the city of Dvinsk (now Daugavpils), died on February 25, 1970 in New York.


Number 7 or 11

Orange and yellow

Salvador Dali - painter, graphic artist, sculptor, writer, designer, director. Perhaps the most famous representative of surrealism and one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.
The author of the design is Chupa-Chups.
Born May 11, 1904 in Figueres, Spain, died January 23, 1989 in Spain.

The Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1946

The Last Supper, 1955

Woman with a head of roses, 1935

My wife Gala, nude, looks at her body, 1945

Frida Kahlo -mexican artist and graphic artist, one of the brightest representatives of surrealism.
Frida Kahlo began painting after a car accident that left her bedridden for a year.
She was married to the famous Mexican communist artist Diego Rivera. In their house, Leon Trotsky found refuge for a short time.
Born July 6, 1907 in Coyoacan, Mexico, died July 13, 1954 in Coyoacan.

Embrace of Universal Love, Earth, Me, Diego and Coatl, 1949

Moses (The Core of Creation), 1945

Two Frida, 1939

Andy Warhole (present Andrei Varhola) - American artist, designer, director, producer, publisher, writer, collector. The founder of pop art, he is one of the most controversial personalities in the history of culture. Several films have been made in the artist's life.
Born August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, died in 1963 in New York.

Home »Foreign artists

Great foreign artists

XIV (14th century) XV (15th century) XVI (16th century) XVII (17th century) XVIII (18th century) XIX (19th century) XX (20th century)

Foreign artists

Lorenzetti Ambrogio
Country: Italy

Lorenzetti's paintings harmoniously combined the traditions of Sienese painting with its lyricism and the generalization of forms characteristic of Giotto's art and the perspectiveness of spatial construction. Although the artist uses religious and allegorical subjects, the paintings clearly show the features of contemporary life. The conventional landscape, characteristic of the paintings of the 14th century masters, in Lorenzetti is replaced by recognizable Tuscan landscapes. He paints very realistically vineyards, fields, lakes, sea harbors, surrounded by impregnable rocks.

Eyck Wang
Country: Netherlands

The birthplace of the Van Eyck brothers is the city of Maaseik. Little information has survived about his older brother Hubert. It is known that it was he who began work on the famous Ghent altar in the church of St. Bavo in Ghent. Probably, the compositional design of the altar belonged to him. Judging by the preserved archaic parts of the altar - "Adoration of the Lamb", figures of God the Father, Mary and John the Baptist- Hubert can be called a master of the transition period. His works brought a lot closer to the traditions of the late Gothic (abstract and mystical interpretation of the theme, conventionality in the transfer of space, little expressed interest in the image of a person).

Foreign artists

Albrecht Durer
Country: Germany

Albrecht Durer, the great German artist, the largest representative of the Renaissance culture in Germany. Born in Nuremberg into a family of goldsmiths from Hungary. Initially he studied with his father, then with the Nuremberg painter M. Wolgemut (1486-89). During his studies and during the years of wandering around southern Germany (1490-94), during a trip to Venice (1494-95), he absorbed the heritage of the 15th century, but nature became his main teacher.

Bosch Jerome
Country: Germany

Bosch Jerome, great Dutch painter. Born in Herzogenbosch. His grandfather, grandfather's brother and all five of his uncles were artists. In 1478, Bosch married a wealthy patrician woman, Aleid van Merverme, whose family belonged to the highest aristocracy. There were no children from this marriage, and he was not particularly happy. Nevertheless, he brought the artist material well-being, and, not yet becoming well-known enough, Bosch could afford to paint as he wanted.

Botticelli Sandro
Country: Italy

Real name - Alessandro da Mariano di Vanni di Amedeo Filipepi, the great Italian Renaissance painter. Born in Florence to a tanner's family. Initially, he was sent to study with a certain Botticelli, a goldsmith, from whom Alessandro Filipepi received his last name. But the desire for painting forced him in 1459-65 to study with the famous Florentine artist Fra Philippe Lippi. Early works of Botticelli ( "Adoration of the Magi", "Judith and Holofernes" and especially the Madonna - "Madonna Corsini", "Madonna with a Rose", "Madonna with two angels") were written under the influence of the latter.

Verrocchio Andrea
Country: Italy

The real name is Andrea di Michele di Francesco Cioni, an outstanding Italian sculptor. Born in Florence. He was a famous sculptor, painter, draftsman, architect, jeweler, musician. In each genre, he has established himself as a master innovator, not repeating what his predecessors have done.

Carpaccio Vittore
(about 1455/1465 - about 1526)
Country: Italy

Carpaccio Vittore (c. 1455/1465 - c. 1526) - Italian painter. Born in Venice. He studied with Gentile Bellini, was strongly influenced by Giovanni Bellini and partly by Giorgione. Carefully observing the events of modern life, this artist was able to saturate his religious compositions with a lively narrative and many genre details. In fact, he created an encyclopedia of the life and customs of Venice in the 15th century. They say about Carpaccio that this master "is still at home in Venice." And even the very idea of \u200b\u200bVenice is inseparably connected with the memory of the greenish, as if visible through the sea water, pictures of the brilliant draftsman and colorist.

Leonardo da Vinci
(1452 - 1519)
Country: Italy

One of the greatest italian artists Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci was also an outstanding scientist, thinker and engineer. All his life he observed and studied nature - the heavenly bodies and the laws of their movement, mountains and the secrets of their origin, water and winds, the light of the sun and the life of plants. As part of nature, Leonardo considered man, whose body is subject to physical laws and at the same time serves as a "mirror of the soul." He showed his inquisitive, active, restless love for nature in everything. It was she who helped him discover the laws of nature, put her forces at the service of man, it was she who made Leonardo the greatest artist, with equal attention capturing a blossoming flower, an expressive gesture of a person and a foggy haze covering the distant mountains.

Michelangelo Buonarroti
(1475 - 1564)
Country: Italy

“A person has not yet been born who, like me, would be so inclined to love people,” wrote the great Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet Michelangelo. He created brilliant, titanic works and dreamed of creating even more significant ones. Once, when the artist was at the marble quarries in Carrara, he decided to carve a statue out of an entire mountain.

Raphael Santi
(1483 - 1520)
Country: Italy

Raphael Santi, great Italian painter of the era High Renaissance and an architect. Born in Urbino in the family of G. Santi - court painter and poet of the Duke of Urbino. He received his first painting lessons from his father. When he died, Rafael moved to T. Viti's studio. In 1500 he moved to Perugio and entered the workshop of Perugino, first as an apprentice and then as an assistant. Here he mastered the best features of the style of the Umbrian School of Painting: the desire for an expressive interpretation of the plot and the nobility of forms. Soon he brought his skill to the point that it became impossible to distinguish the copy from the original.

Titian Vecellio
(1488- 1576)
Country: Italy

Born in Pieve di Cadoro, a small town on the border of the Venetian possessions in the Alps. He came from the Vecelli family, which is very influential in the town. The artist's father, during the war between Venice and the emperor Maximilian, rendered great services to the republic of St. Mark.

Foreign artists

Rubens Peter Paul
(1577 - 1640)
Country: Germany

Rubens Peter Paul, great Flemish painter. "King of painters and painter of kings" was called the contemporaries of the Flemish Rubens. One of the most beautiful corners of Antwerp is still home to Rubens Hughes - the artist's house, built according to his own design, and a workshop. From here came about three thousand paintings and many wonderful drawings.

Goyen Yang Wang
Country: Holland

Goyen Jan van is a Dutch painter. Passion for painting manifested itself very early. At the age of ten, Goyen began to study drawing with the Leiden artists I. Svanenburg and K. Schilperort. The father wanted his son to become a glass painter, but Goyen himself dreamed of being a landscape painter, and he was assigned to study with the mediocre landscape painter Willem Gerrits in the city of Goorn.

Segers Hercules
(1589/1590 - c. 1638)
Country: Holland

Segers Hercules - dutch painter- landscape painter, graphic artist. Studied in Amsterdam with G. van Koninkloo. From 1612 to 1629 he lived in Amsterdam, where he was admitted to the guild of artists. Visited Flanders (c. 1629-1630). From 1631 he lived and worked in Utrecht, and from 1633 - in The Hague.

Frans Hals
(c. 1580-1666)
Country: Holland

The decisive role in the formation of national art at an early stage in the development of the Dutch art school was played by the work of Frans Hals, its first great master. He was almost exclusively a portrait painter, but his art meant a lot not only to Dutch portraiture, but also to the formation of other genres. In the work of Hals, three types of portrait compositions can be distinguished: a group portrait, a custom-made individual portrait and a special type of portrait images, similar in nature to genre painting, cultivated by him mainly in the 20s - early 30s.

Velazquez Diego de Silva
Country: Spain

Born in Seville, one of the largest artistic centers in Spain in the late 16th - early 17th centuries. The artist's father came from a Portuguese family that moved to Andalusia. He wanted his son to become a lawyer or a writer, but did not prevent Velazquez from painting. His first teacher was Fr. Herrera the Elder, and then - F. Pacheco. Daughter Pacheco became the wife of Velazquez. In the workshop of Pacheco, Velazquez was engaged in painting heads from life. At seventeen, Velazquez received the title of master. The career of the young painter was developing successfully.

Country: Spain

El Greco
Country: Spain

El Greco, real name - Domenico Teotokopouli, the great Spanish painter. Born into a poor but enlightened family in Candia, Crete. Crete in those days was the possession of Venice. He studied, in all likelihood, from local icon painters who still preserved the traditions of medieval Byzantine art. Around 1566 he moved to Venice, where he entered the workshop of Titian.

Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi
Country: Italy

Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi, an outstanding Italian painter. The name of Caravaggio is associated with the emergence and flowering of the realistic trend in italian painting late 16th - early 17th century. The work of this remarkable master has played a huge role in the artistic life of not only Italy, but also other European countries. Caravaggio's art attracts us with great artistic expressiveness, deep truthfulness and humanism.

Country: Italy

Carracci, a family of Italian painters from Bologna in the early 17th century, founders of academicism in European painting. At the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries in Italy, as a reaction to Mannerism, an academic direction in painting took shape. Its basic principles were laid down by the Carracci brothers - Lodovico (1555-1619), Agostino (1557-1602) and Annibale (1560-1609).

Bruegel Peter the Elder
(between 1525 and 1530-1569)
Country: Netherlands

Anyone who has read the wonderful novel by Charles de Coster, The Legend of Thiel Ulenspiegel, knows that the entire nation took part in the Dutch revolution, in the struggle against the Spaniards for their independence, in a cruel and merciless struggle. As well as Ulenspiegel, the largest Dutch artist, draftsman and printmaker, one of the founders of the Dutch and Flemish realistic arts, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, was a witness and participant in these events.

Van Dyck Anthony
(1599- 1641)
Country: Netherlands

Van Dyck Anthony, eminent Flemish painter. Born in Antwerp into the family of a wealthy businessman. He originally studied with the Antwerp painter Hendrik van Balen. In 1618 he entered the workshop of Rubens. He began his work by copying his paintings. And soon he became Rubens' main assistant when fulfilling large orders. Received the title of Master of the Guild of St. Luke in Antwerp (1618).

Poussin Nicola
Country: France

Poussin Nicolas (1594-1665), an outstanding French painter, a leading representative of classicism. Born in the village of Andely in Normandy in the family of a small landowner. Initially, he studied in his homeland with a little-known, but rather talented and competent traveling artist K. Varen. In 1612, Poussin went to Paris, where J. Allemand became his teacher. In Paris, he became friends with the Italian poet Marina.

XVII (17th century)

Foreign artists

Cape Albert Gerrits
Country: Holland

Cape Albert Gerrits is a Dutch painter and etcher.

He studied with his father, artist J. Cape. His artistic style was influenced by the painting of J. van Goyen and S. van Ruisdael. He worked in Dordrecht. Cape's early works, close to the paintings of J. van Goyen, are monochrome. He paints hilly landscapes, country roads running into the distance, poor peasant huts. Pictures are most often made in a single yellowish tone.

Ruisdael Jacob van
Country: Holland

Ruisdael Jacob van (1628 / 1629-1682) - Dutch landscape painter, draftsman, etcher. He probably studied with his uncle, the artist Salomon van Ruisdael. Visited Germany (1640-1650s). Lived and worked in Haarlem, in 1648 he became a member of the painters' guild. From 1656 he lived in Amsterdam, in 1676 he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the Treasury and was included in the list of Amsterdam doctors.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
Country: Holland

Born in Leiden in the family of a miller. Father's affairs during this period were going well, and he was able to give his son a better education than other children. Rembrandt entered the Latin School. He studied poorly and wanted to paint. Nevertheless, he graduated from school and entered the University of Leiden. A year later he began to take painting lessons. His first teacher was J. van Swanenburg. After spending more than three years in his studio, Rembrandt went to Amsterdam to see the historical painter P. Lastman. He had a strong influence on Rembrandt and taught him the art of engraving. Six months later (1623) Rembrandt returned to Leiden and opened his own workshop.

Terborch Gerard
Country: Holland

Terborch Gerard (1617-1681), famous Dutch painter. Born in Zwolle into a wealthy burgher family. His father, brother and sister were artists. Terborch's first teachers were his father and Hendrik Averkamp. His father made him copy a lot. He created his first work at the age of nine. At the age of fifteen Terborch went to Amsterdam, then to Haarlem, where he came under the strong influence of Fr. Halsa. Already at this time, he was famous as a master of the genre of genre, most willingly painted scenes from the life of the military - the so-called "guardhouse".

Canalletto (Canale) Giovanni Antonio
Country: Italy

Canaletto's first teacher was his father, theater designer B. Canale, whom he helped to design performances in theaters in Venice. He worked in Rome (1717-1720, early 1740s), Venice (from 1723), London (1746-1750, 1751-1756), where he performed works that formed the basis of his work. He wrote ve-duts - city landscapes, depicted streets, buildings, canals, boats sliding along the waves of the sea.

Magnasco Alessandro
Country: Italy

Magnasco Alessandro (1667-1749) - Italian painter, genre painter and landscape painter. He studied with his father, the artist S. Magnasco, then with the Milanese painter F. Abbiati. His style was formed under the influence of the masters of the Genoese school of painting, S. Rosa and J. Callot. Lived and worked in Milan, Florence, Genoa.

Watteau Antoine
Country: France

Watteau Antoine, an outstanding French painter, whose work is associated with one of the significant stages of development household painting in France. Watteau's fate is unusual. Neither in France, nor in neighboring countries, during the years when he painted his best works, there was not a single artist who could compete with him. The Titans of the seventeenth century did not live up to the Watteau era; those who followed him glorified the XVIII century, became known to the world only after his death. Indeed, Fragonard, Quentin de La Tour, Perronneau, Chardin, David in France, Tiepolo and Longhi in Italy, Hogarth, Reynolds, Gainsborough in England, Goya in Spain - all this is the middle, if not the end of the 18th century.

Lorrain Claude
Country: France

Lorrain Claude (1600-1682) - French painter. At an early age he worked in Rome as a servant to A. Tassi, then became his student. The artist began to receive large orders in the 1630s, his customers were Pope Urban VIII and Cardinal Bentivoglio. Since that time, Lorrain has become popular in Roman and French art lovers circles.

XVIII (18th century)

Foreign artists

Gainsborough Thomas
(1727- 1788)
Country: England

Gainsborough Thomas, an outstanding English painter, creator of the national type of portrait. Born in Sudbury, Suffolk, the son of a cloth merchant. The picturesque surroundings of the town located on the Stour River attracted Gainsborough from childhood, who endlessly depicted them in his childhood sketches. The boy's passion for drawing was so great that his father, without hesitation for a long time, sent his thirteen-year-old son to study in London, which at that time had already become the center of artistic life.

Turner Joseph Mallord William
Country: England

Turner Joseph Mallord William is an English landscape painter, painter, draftsman and printmaker. Took lessons in painting from T. Molton (c. 1789), in 1789-1793. studied at the Royal Academy in London. In 1802 Turner became an academician, and in 1809 he was a professor in academic classes. The artist traveled a lot in England and Wales, visited France and Switzerland (1802), Holland, Belgium and Germany (1817), Italy (1819, 1828). His artistic style was formed under the influence of K. Lorrain, R. Wilson and Dutch marine painters.

Jan Vermeer of Delft
Country: Holland

Jan Vermeer Delft is a great Dutch artist. Almost no information about the artist has survived. Born in Delft in the family of a burgher who owned a hotel. He was also involved in the production of silk and traded in paintings. Perhaps that is why the boy became interested in painting early. Master Karel Fabricius became his mentor. Vermeer soon married Katherine Bolnee, the daughter of a wealthy burgher, and already in 1653 was accepted into the guild of St. Luke.

Goya y Lucientes Francisco Josse
Country: Spain

One day little Francisco, the son of a poor gilder of altars from a village near the Spanish city of Zaragoza, painted a pig on the wall of his house. A stranger passing by saw the real talent in the children's drawing and advised the boy to study. This legend of Goya is similar to those that are told about other masters of the Renaissance, when the true facts of their biography are unknown.

Guardi Francesco Lazzaro
Country: Italy

Guardi Francesco Lazzaro - Italian painter and draftsman, representative of the Venetian school of painting. He studied with his older brother, the artist Giovanni Antonio, in whose workshop he worked with his younger brother Niccolo. He painted landscapes, paintings of religious and mythological themes, historical compositions. He worked on the creation of decorative decorations for the interiors of the Manin and Fenice theaters in Venice (1780-1790).

Vernet Claude Joseph
Country: France

Vernet Claude Joseph is a French artist. He studied first with his father A. Vernet, then with L. R. Viali in Aix and B. Fergioni, from 1731 - in Avignon with F. Sauvan, and later - in Italy with Manglars, Pannini and Locatelli. In 1734-1753 worked in Rome. In the Roman period, he devoted a lot of time to work from nature in Tivoli, Naples, on the banks of the Tiber. He painted landscapes and sea views ("Seashore near Anzio", 1743; "View of the bridge and castle of St. Angela", "Ponte Rotto in Rome", 1745 - both in the Louvre, Paris; "Waterfall at Tivoli", 1747; "Morning in Castellamare ", 1747, Hermitage, St. Petersburg;" Villa Pamphili ", 1749, Pushkin Museum, Moscow;" Italian harbor "," Sea coast with rocks ", 1751;" Rocks by the sea ", 1753 - all in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg). These works amaze with virtuosity in the transmission of the light-air environment and lighting, reliability and subtle observation.

Verne Horace
Country: France

Vernet Horace is a French painter and graphic artist. Studied with his father, Karl Verne. Writing in the heyday of the art of romanticism, the artist uses in his works the means inherent in romantics. He is interested in a person at the mercy of natural elements, in extreme situations. Vernet depicts fiercely fighting warriors, hurricanes and shipwrecks ("Battle at Sea", 1825, Hermitage, St. Petersburg).

Delacroix Eugene
(1798 - 186)
Country: France

Born in Charenton into a prefect's family. Received an excellent education. He studied painting first at the School of Fine Arts in Paris, then in the workshop of P. Guerin (1816-22), whose cold skill had less influence on him than the passionate art of the romantic T. Gericault, with whom he became close at the School. A decisive role in the formation of the painterly style of Delacroix was played by the copying of the works of old masters, in particular Rubens, Veronese and D. Velazquez. In 1822 he made his debut at Talona painting Dante's Rook ("Dante and Virgilia") on a plot from the first song "Hell" ("Divine Comedy").

Gericault Theodore
Country: France

Born in Rouen into a wealthy family. Studied in Paris at the Imperial Lyceum (1806-1808). His teachers were K.J. Berne and P.N. Guerin. But they did not influence the formation of his artistic style - in the painting of Gericault, the tendencies of the art of A. J. Gros and J. L. David can be traced. The artist visited the Louvre, where he made copies of the works of old masters, especially his painting by Rubens admired him.

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Hiroshige Ando
Country: Japan

Born in Edo (now Tokyo) in the family of a petty samurai Ando Ganemon. His father served as the foreman of the city firefighters, and the family's life was quite well off. Thanks to early training, he quickly learned to understand the properties of paper, brush and ink. The general level of education at that time was quite high. Theaters, prints, ikeba fa were part of everyday life.

Hokusai Katsushika
Country: Japan

Hokusai Katsushika is a Japanese painter and draftsman, master of color woodcuts, writer and poet. Studied under the engraver Nakayama Tetsuson. He was influenced by the artist Shunsho, in whose workshop he worked. He painted landscapes in which the life of nature, its beauty are closely connected with human life and activities. In search of new experiences, Hokusai traveled a lot around the country, making sketches of everything he saw. The artist sought to reflect in his work the problem of the relationship between man and the surrounding nature. His art is permeated with the pathos of the beauty of the world and the awareness of the spiritualized principle introduced by man into everything with which he comes in contact.

Foreign artists

Bonington Richard Parks
Country: England

Bonington Richard Parks is an English painter and graphic artist. From 1817 he lived in France. He studied painting in Calais with L. Francia, from 1820 he attended the School of Fine Arts in Paris, where his teacher was A. J. Gros. From 1822 he began to exhibit his paintings in the Parisian Salons, and from 1827 he took part in exhibitions of the Society of Artists of Great Britain and the Royal Academy of Arts in London.

Ensor James
Country: Belgium

Ensor James (1860-1949) - Belgian painter and graphic artist. The artist was born and raised in the port city of Ostend, where he spent almost his entire life. The look of this seaside town with narrow streets inhabited by fishermen and sailors, with annual Maslenitsa carnivals and the unique atmosphere of the sea often appears in many of his paintings.

Van Gogh Vincent
(1853- 1890)
Country: Holland

Van Gogh Vincent, great Dutch painter, representative of Post-Impressionism. Born in the Brabant Village of Groot Zundert in the family of a pastor. From the age of sixteen he worked for a company selling paintings, and then as a teacher's assistant at a private school in England. In 1878 he got a job as a preacher in a mining area in the south of Belgium.

Anker Mikael
Country: Denmark

Anker Mikael is a Danish artist. He studied at the Academy of Arts in Copenhagen (1871-1875), as well as in the workshop of the Danish artist P. Kreyer. Later in Paris he studied at the workshop of Puvis de Chas-bathtub, but this period was not reflected in his work. Together with his wife Anna he worked in Skagen, in small fishing villages. In his works, the sea is inextricably linked with the images of Jutland fishermen. The artist depicts people in the moments of their hard and dangerous work.

Modigliani Amedeo
Country: Italy

How subtly, elegantly Anna Akhmatova told about Amedeo Modigliani! Why, she was a poet! Amedeo was lucky: they met in 1911, in Paris, fell in love with each other, and these feelings became the property of the art world, expressed in his drawings and her poems.

Eakins Thomas
Country: USA

He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and at the School of Fine Arts in Paris (1866-1869). The formation of his artistic style was greatly influenced by the work of the old Spanish masters, which he studied in Madrid. Since 1870, the painter lived in his homeland, in Philadelphia, where he was engaged in teaching. Already in the first independent works Eakins showed himself as a realist ("Max Schmitt in a boat", 1871, Metropolitan Museum, New York; "On a sailboat", 1874; "Sailing boats on Delaware", 1874).

Kent Rockwell
Country: USA

Kent Rockwell is an American landscape painter, draftsman, graphic artist and writer. He studied with the representative of the plein air school of the artist William Merritt Chase in Shinnecock on Long Island, then with Robert Henry at the School of Art in New York, where he also attended Kenneth Miller's classes.

Homer Winslow
Country: USA

Homer Winslow is an American painter and draftsman. He did not receive a systematic education, having mastered only the craft of a lithographer in his youth. In 1859-1861. attended the evening drawing school at the National Academy of Arts in New York. From 1857 he made drawings for magazines, during the Civil War (1861-1865) he collaborated in the illustrated weekly publication "Harpers Weekly", for which he made realistic drawings with scenes of battles, characterized by expressive and strict forms. In 1865 he became a member of the National Academy of Arts.

Bonnard Pierre
Country: France

Bonnard Pierre - French painter, draftsman, lithographer. Born in the vicinity of Paris. In his youth, he studied law, while studying drawing and painting at the School of Fine Arts and at the Julian Academy. He was fond of Japanese engraving. Together with the artists E. Vuillard, M. Denis, P. Serusier formed the nucleus of a group that called itself "Nabis" - from the Hebrew word for "prophet". The members of the group were supporters of symbolism that was less complex and literary than that of Gauguin and his followers.

Marriage Georges
Country: France

Braque Georges is a French painter, printmaker and sculptor. In 1897-1899. studied at the School of Fine Arts in Le Havre, then at the Academy of Amber and at the School of Fine Arts in Paris (1902-1903). His early work was marked by the influence of the Fauves, especially A. Derain and A. Matisse. It was during this period that the artist most often turned to the landscape genre: he painted harbors, sea bays with boats, coastal buildings.

Gauguin Paul
Country: France

Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), an outstanding French painter. Representative of Impressionism. Born in Paris. His father was a moderate republican employee of the Nacional newspaper. A change in political course forced him to leave his homeland in 1849. On a ship bound for South America, he died suddenly. Gauguin spent the first four years of his life in Lima (Peru) with his mother's relatives. At the age of 17-23 he served as a sailor, fireman, helmsman in the merchant and navy, sailed to Rio de Janeiro and other distant cities.

Degas Edgar
Country: France

Edgar Degas was a controversial and strange person at first glance. Born into a banker family in Paris. A scion of an aristocratic family (his real name was de Ha), he abandoned the noble prefix from a young age. He showed interest in drawing as a child. Received a good education. In 1853 he passed the exams for a bachelor's degree and began to study law. But already at that time he studied with the painter Barrias, then with Louis Lamotte. Like Édouard Manet, he was prepared for a brilliant career, but he dropped out of law school to pursue the École des Beaux-Arts.

Derain Andre
Country: France

Derain André is a French painter, book illustrator, engraver, sculptor, one of the founders of Fauvism. He began painting in Shatu in 1895, his teacher was a local artist. In 1898-1900 studied in Paris at the Academy Career, where he met A. Matisse, J. Puy and A. Marquet. Derain very soon left the academy and began to study on his own.

Daubigny Charles Francois
Country: France

Daubigny Charles Francois - French landscape painter, graphic artist, representative of the Barbizon school. He studied with his father, the artist E. F. Daubigny, then with P. Delaroche. Influenced by Rembrandt. In the Louvre he copied paintings by Dutch masters, especially his works by J. Ruisdael and Hobbems were attracted. In 1835-1836. Daubigny visited Italy, and in 1866 went to Holland, Great Britain and Spain. But these trips were practically not reflected in the artist's work, almost all of his works are devoted to French landscapes.

Dufy Raoul
Country: France

Dufy Raoul is a French painter and graphic artist. He studied in Le Havre, in the evening classes of the Municipal Art School, where he taught Lue (1892-1897). Here Dufy met O. J. Braque and O. Friez. During this period he painted portraits of his family members, as well as landscapes similar to the paintings of E. Boudin.

Isabe Louis Gabrielle Jean
Country: France

Isabe Louis Gabriel Jean (1803-1886) - French romantic painter, watercolorist, lithographer. He studied with his father, the miniaturist J.-B. Isabe. Influenced by the painting of English marine painters and the small Dutch of the 17th century. He worked in Paris. In search of new impressions, Isabe visited Normandy, Auvergne, Brittany, Southern France, Holland, England, as an artist accompanied an expedition to Algeria.

Courbet Gustave
Country: France

Courbet Gustave is an outstanding French painter, a remarkable master of realistic portraiture. "... never belonged to any school, or to any church ... to any regime but the regime of freedom."

Manet Edward
Country: France

MANET Edouard (1832-1883), an outstanding French artist who reinterpreted the traditions of realistic plot painting. “Brevity in art is both necessity and elegance. A person who speaks briefly makes you think; a verbose person gets boring. "

Marche Albert
Country: France

Marquet Albert (1875-1947) - French painter and graphic artist. In 1890-1895. studied in Paris at the School of Decorative Arts, and from 1895 to 1898 - at the School of Fine Arts in the workshop of G. Moreau. He painted portraits, interiors, still lifes, landscapes, among which - views of the sea, images of harbors and ports. In the landscapes created by the artist of the late 1890s - early 1900s. the strong influence of the Impressionists is noticeable, in particular A. Sisley ("Trees at Billancourt", circa 1898, Museum of Fine Arts, Bordeaux).

Monet Claude
Country: France

Monet Claude, French painter, founder of impressionism. "What I write is an instant." Born in Paris to a grocer's family. He spent his childhood in Le Havre. In Le Havre, he began to make cartoons, selling them in a stationery shop. E. Boudin drew attention to them and gave Monet the first lessons in plein air painting. In 1859, Monet entered the Paris School of Fine Arts, and then at the Gleyer atelier. After a two-year stay in Algeria in military service (1860-61), he returned to Le Havre and met Yonkind. Ionkind's landscapes, full of light and air, made a deep impression on him.

Pierre Auguste Renoir
Country: France

Pierre Auguste Renoir was born into the family of a tailor with many children, and from early childhood he learned to “live happily ever after” even when there was no piece of bread in the house. For thirteen years he had already mastered the craft - he painted cups and saucers in a porcelain factory. His work blouse, stained with paint, was on him when he came to the School of Fine Arts. At Glair's atelier, he picked up empty paint tubes thrown by other students. Squeezing them out to the last drop, he purred something light-heartedly cheerful under his breath.

Redon Odilon
Country: France

Redon Odilon is a French painter, draftsman and decorator. He studied architecture in Paris, but did not finish the course. For some time he attended the School of Sculpture in Bordeaux, then studied in Paris in the workshop of Jerome. As a painter, he was influenced by the art of Leonardo da Vinci, J. F. Corot, E. Delacroix and F. Goya. Botanist Armand Clavo played an important role in his life. Having a rich library, he introduced the young artist to the works of Baudelaire, Flaubert, Edgar Poe, as well as to Indian poetry and German philosophy. Together with Clavo Redon he studied the world of plants and microorganisms, which was later reflected in his engravings.

Cezanne Paul
Country: France

Until now, one of the participants in the first exhibition on Boulevard des Capucines, the most silent of the visitors to the Herbois cafe, Paul Cezanne, remained in the shadows. It's time to get closer to his paintings. Let's start with self-portraits. Let's look into the face of this bearded man with high cheekbones, who looks like a peasant (when he is wearing a cap), then a sage scribe (when his steep, powerful forehead is visible). Cezanne was both one and the other, combining stubborn peasant industriousness with the testing mind of a scientist-researcher.

Toulouse Lautrec Henri Marie Raymond de
Country: France

Toulouse Lautrec Henri Marie Raymond de, eminent French painter. Born in Albi in the south of France into a family that belonged to the largest aristocratic family that once led the crusades. From childhood, he showed the talent of an artist. However, he took up painting after falling from a horse (at the age of fourteen), as a result of which he became disabled. Soon after his father introduced him to Prensto, Henri himself began to constantly come to the workshop on the rue Faubourg-Saint-Honoré. For hours he could watch the artist paint or write.

Foreign artists

Dali Salvador
Country: Spain

Dali Salvador, the great Spanish artist, the largest representative of surrealism. Born in Figueres (Catalonia) in the family of a famous lawyer. At the age of sixteen, Dalí was sent to a Catholic college in Figueres. The formation of his personality was greatly influenced by the Pichot family. All family members owned musical instruments, arranged concerts. Ramon Pichot - painter, worked in Paris and knew P. Picasso well. In the Pichot house, Dali was engaged in drawing. In 1918 his first exhibition took place in Fegeras, favorably noted by critics.

Kalninsh Eduardas
Country: Latvia

Kalnins Eduardas is a Latvian painter-marinist. Born in Riga in the family of a simple craftsman, he began to draw early. The first teacher of Kalninsh was the artist Evgeny Moshkevich, who opened in Tomsk, where the boy's family moved at the beginning of the First World War, a studio for novice painters. After 1920, together with his parents, Kalnins returned to Riga and in 1922 entered the Latvian Academy of Arts. His teacher was Vilhelme Purvitis, a student of A.I. Kuindzhi.

German artist Karl Friedrich Lessing (1808-1880).

Karl Friedrich Lessing (Karl Friedrich Lessing (1808-1880) - German artist of the romantic direction. KF Lessing was the great-nephew of the famous poet and playwright Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Karl Friedrich was born into the family of a judicial officer in the dwarf Silesian state of Groß-Wartenberg (now Sycuv). The childhood of the future artist was spent in idyllic regions of Silesia with its old towns, castles and dense forests. Even as a young man, Lessing developed a love for the nature and history of his native country. At the age of 14, Lessing left for Berlin, where he studied with Karl Friedrich Schinkel at the Academy of Architecture. In 1823, without receiving parental consent, he decided to become an artist, and in 1823-26 he studied at the Berlin Academy of Arts. Then, together with his friend F.V. von Schadov, he entered the Dusseldorf Academy of Arts. The first success came to the young artist in 1825 after writing the canvas “ Monastery courtyard under the snow”, Which received positive reviews from critics and successfully sold at the Berlin exhibition. This event reconciled KF Lessing with his father, who at first condemned his son's professional choice. In the first half of his career, Lessing painted melancholy-romantic landscapes in the style of KD Friedrich, as well as paintings on literary and legendary subjects. As a landscape painter, he was a huge success. None of his contemporaries could so poetically and romantically express the beauty of the German forests and the wild rocks of the Harz and Eiffel. Reproductions of Lessing's paintings were often printed in many German magazines in the 19th century. Later he turned to historical subjects, in 1832-1867 the artist painted almost exclusively historical canvases. Thus, by order of Count von Spree, Lessing decorates his castle Helfort near Düsseldorf with frescoes from the life of Friedrich Barbarossa. KF Lessing belonged to the Düsseldorf School of Painting. KF Lessing was from 1832 a member of the Berlin Academy. In 1848 he was awarded the title of professor by the King of Prussia. Chevalier of the Order "Pour le Mérite" (Prussia), as well as many other German and foreign orders and medals. Member of various German and foreign academies and art societies.

Monastery courtyard under the snow

Lessing Karl Friedrich (Lessing, 1808-1880) - one of the most important German painters of the 19th century. His activity falls into two periods: in the first he was a zealous follower of the then romantic-elegiac trend and depicted mainly melancholic cemeteries, the ruins of knightly castles and gloomy rocky terrain, reviving them with small figures of knights, monks, robbers.

Romantic landscape with the monastery 1834

The second period of the artist's activity begins around 1836, when in his paintings he advocates the predominance of state power over the church and praises the heroes of the Reformation.

The last crusader

The robber and his child

Forest chapel

From the church.

Fire in the monastery

Landscape with a cemetery

Monastic cemetery in the snow 1833


Millennial oak 1837

Ruins gorge

Horsemen in the background of a landscape with ruins

Grieving royal couple 1838

Siege (Defense of the churchyard during Thirty Years War )

Arrows in the gorge 1851

Crusaders in the desert

Hussite sermon

Jan Hus on the Constance Council 1842

Captivity of Pope Paschalia II. 1840.

Battle of Iconium

Autumn landscape

Silesian landscape

Landscape in the Eifel mountains

Landscape in the Eifel mountains (detail)

Knight's castle


Porträt von Robert Krause 1858

Lessing Karl Friedrich (1808-1880)

In 1858 Lessing was invited to the position of director of the picture gallery in Karlsruhe and from that time until his death he lived in this city, mainly engaged in landscape historical painter Lessing has lost its significance for the present time, but as a landscape painter he still occupies a prominent place among the first-class craftsmen.

German painting began its development in the early Middle Ages under the influence of the classical art of Ancient Rome and Byzantium.

During the period of the Gothic domination, painting turned to painting window glass, and for a long time was closely associated with architecture.

Painting takes a new direction in the 15th century under the influence of the Flanders school, brilliantly developed thanks to the van Eyck brothers.

Michael Wolgemut is recognized as the first significant master of Germany. He probably learned the craft from the works of Flemish painters. Albrecht Durer studied in his workshop in 1486-89, who later became the greatest artist in Germany. His paintings show the real grandeur of the Renaissance

Simultaneously with Durer, the largest artist worked - Mathis Niethardt, nicknamed Grunewald. The coloristic richness of his painting also belongs to the highest achievements of the national artistic culture.

The further development of painting was influenced by the work of an outstanding portraitist, master of mythological and religious scenes, Lucas Cranach the Elder, who possesses a virtuoso art of decorative solutions and a delicate sense of landscape.

His influence influenced the work of a whole galaxy of artists, in whose painting and graphics landscape played an important role and who are known as the "Danube School".

The most prominent representative of the Danube school of painting is Albrecht Altdorfer.

In the 17th century german artistsborrowing the ideals of classicism from other national schools and trying to keep them, they open their own Academy of Arts. Before its opening in 1694, German artists, in order to receive professional training, had to go abroad - to Flanders, Italy, Holland. Therefore, the influence of these national schools in the works of German painters is so noticeable.

The most gifted artists tried to defend their originality, although they could not completely abandon other people's samples. German artists of the 17th century became a kind of prophets in a foreign country. In Germany itself, national talents were not appreciated or supported, the artist was in a humiliating, dependent position. Characteristic feature German art of the 17th century as a whole is contradictory, primarily it is noted in the work of Joachim von Sandrart.

In the 18th century, German national painting styles began to develop in parallel in various German states. Bavaria became one of the main centers of art. In the early period, the development of national painting proceeded within the framework of the Baroque, later it approached the styles of Rococo and Classicism.Anton Raphael Mengs, the largest German painter of the era of classicism, had a greater influence on the painting of the 18th century and subsequent painting.

The first original and national-feeling German artist of the modern era was Danzig-born Daniel Chohovetsky, one of the main representatives of enlightenment realism.

In the second half of the 19th century, artists who were disappointed both in realism and in imitating the old masters, searched for new themes and ways of their embodiment.

Karl Blechen became known as one of the first German "industrial" painters to celebrate the emerging industrial power.

The greatest master of the mid-19th century was the Berlin painter and graphic artist Adolf von Menzel.

Prized for its accurate yet picturesque 19th century city views, Johann Philip Eduard Gertner.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the outstanding talent of the famous German impressionist Lesser Uri was manifested.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner went down in the history of painting as the founder of one of the most notable phenomena of the artistic life of the early 20th century - expressionism.

You can buy reproductions of paintings by German painters painters in our online store.