How to make a modular painting with your own hands: budget options for wall decor. Modular paintings in the interior DIY composite paintings

Choosing modular paintings will allow you to create a special interior style. A series of several elements merge into one composition - it looks lively and dynamic. By choosing to make modular paintings with your own hands, you can express your individuality. The master class will help you quickly master the basics, and you will become the owner of the original decor element.

What are modular paintings

A modular picture is several canvases that are combined into one composition.

There are many options for the arrangement of elements:

  • symmetrical arrangement in the horizontal plane;
  • horizontal and vertical displacement and asymmetry;
  • mixed vertical-horizontal;

The most popular variations are with symmetrical and asymmetrical offsets - they literally change the space of a room. It's amazing how this design technique can achieve a visual increase in space. This is very important for arranging the interior of a small room.

Depending on how many parts the overall picture consists of, they are distinguished:

  • diptych - 2 canvases;
  • triptych - 3 canvases;
  • polyptych - more than three canvases.

There are no strict rules for decorating an interior with a modular painting. In addition, with the current possibilities of printing, you do not need to be an artist to make such a composition yourself. Isn't this a challenge for the real creative nature?

How to do it yourself

The material that can be taken as an image can be selected depending on the availability of finances and wishes.

Options for the canvas with the image:

  • fabric with a bright, crisp print, such as flowers;
  • photo or picture printed on a printer;
  • favorite version of wallpaper with a photo.

The choice of frame depends on the chosen base. A master class on making such paintings will help you create an interior masterpiece.

Master class from fabric


  • fabric with a plot or ornament, a printed image or wallpaper with a photo design;
  • base: wooden slats 50x20 and plywood, fiberboard or foam;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil, crayon or soap;
  • centimeter;
  • stapler for furniture.

Step 1. Preparing the base

Depending on the budget you are looking for, you can buy a ready-made base with canvas or make one yourself. The first option is suitable for those who are inspired to paint a picture with paints. For the first experience, it is better to make a triptych - three elements, for which we prepare three bases. From slats and pieces of plywood, you can quickly build a base for a modular picture. To do this, we connect the wooden slats into a frame, cutting off the ends at an angle of 45 degrees. They can be stapled or glued together.

For strength at the corners of the frame from the seamy side, we fasten plywood triangles (with 10 cm legs). As a lining, you can stretch a neutral in color fabric over the frame, fixing it with a stapler.

It is much easier to use pieces of fiberboard as a base, you only need to process the base around the edges. If you chose the option of wallpaper or a printed image, then you can choose a very simple and lightweight base - foam.

Step 2. We attach the canvas to the base

Before cutting out the segments, plan well and mark the cuts in a “measure seven times and cut once” principle. The size of the fabric should take into account the folds on the back. We fix the fabric on the stretcher with a furniture stapler, fastening the staples from the wrong side of the work. It is important here to evenly stretch the canvas without forming folds. First we fix the long side, and then the short one.

Printed versions can be glued even to thin foam ceiling tiles with PVA glue.

Many, instead of wallpaper with a photo image, order the printing of the picture they like in numerous print services. You do not need to be a master for this, however, when printing, you need to think about how to make several separate elements with overlapping pattern. Thus, you will maintain the integrity of the big picture.

Step 3. Place the paintings

At this stage, you need to come up with a place where you will hang your composition, as well as a way of positioning the canvases relative to each other. For fastening, you can choose the usual small format furniture hinges. If the pictures are fixed on stretchers, then they can be fixed on screws that are screwed into the dowels and protrude slightly from the wall.

The location options are extremely interesting, where one canvases are displaced in an interesting way. The element looks unique, which is deliberately shifted in the "flight" as if from the wind.

The master class will give you an understanding of the main points of creating a modular picture. You can safely experiment with the materials of the canvas itself and the base, choosing what you have in stock. For the first tests, even pieces of drywall or foam, on which pictures from a printer or rectangles from wallpaper are glued, will do. When you practice on simple materials, you can make more complex compositions for interior decoration.

Model paintings are a fashionable decoration for any interior. In essence, these are reproductions of paintings by famous artists, successful photographs, even children's drawings, which are divided into several segments and hung on the wall.

Most often, conceptual works of contemporary artists are used as a basis for a modular painting. However, if you divide the reproduction into several rectangular parts, you get an interesting artistic accent that emphasizes the "as if" old interior in dark colors. Contemporary art unites so many things into a single whole.

A modular picture can consist of several rectangles with fragments of one canvas with one plot. Sometimes photographers compose a modular picture from several frames of the same type that simulate sequential "movement".

In addition to rectangular segments, you can divide the base into squares, wavy fragments, trapezoids, and even triangles. The only thing to take into account is that the work is best perceived, divided precisely into rectangles. Such work optically emphasizes the verticality of the space, and the artistic accent depends only on the taste of the owner of the house.

Prices for modular paintings

A modular painting can be ordered on the Internet, bought in special stores, and also made by yourself, since it is not at all difficult. A finished modular painting will cost approximately 5,000 rubles. This is the average price for a medium-sized job.

If you decide to make the interior decoration yourself and to your liking, then everything will be much cheaper.

First, you can use pieces of a cardboard box from a TV, refrigerator or other household appliances for a modular picture. Choose a base - a reproduction of a famous painting, a photograph, your own drawing and carefully stick it onto the base. Then cut into segments, reinforce each segment (with a second layer of cardboard, corners, etc.) and fix each segment separately on the wall.

To make the work look more professional, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made base for a modular picture in the store. In this case, the basis for the segments will be frame with stretched canvas... In this case, you can do different things: create a work yourself (draw something using paints that are in harmony with the interior, or, on the contrary, sharply contrasting with it), or you can fix the segments on the basis separately (in the case of photography).

If the interior allows, you can buy a print of an old engraving. Many people use beautiful photographs from the web, ordering a printout in large format.

Modular art gives unlimited scope for the creativity of anyone, even the most inexperienced artist and designer.

Many owners of houses and apartments are increasingly taking the decoration of premises into their own hands. And if it is sometimes advisable to entrust the creation of a common interior to specialists, then figurines, vases, paintings and other small elements are best done on your own, so that in the end you get completely unique things. Fortunately, today there are a huge number of opportunities to master the simplest ways of making various decor.

Initially, modular paintings, which are several canvases united by a single sketch, semantic or color composition, appeared in the 1960s and were actively used to decorate interiors in the modern and minimalist styles. In modern design, such elements always look organic, you just need to choose a suitable plot.

In this article, we will tell you about do-it-yourself modular paintings from wallpaper. A master class describing a simple technology and its features will allow you to understand the principle and use it when creating original home decorations.

Modular paintings options

Segments of the picture can be the same or different sizes. A clear square or rectangular shape is considered the most optimal, however, there are also original compositions with round, oval or polygonal elements.

Depending on the number of components, the following types of paintings are distinguished:

  • diptych (2 segments);
  • triptych (3 segments);
  • polyptych (more than three segments).

Modular decor can be located:

  • strictly symmetrical horizontally;
  • strictly symmetrical vertically;
  • offset in different directions.

For changing the visual perception of a room, asymmetry is best suited, allowing you to expand, stretch or otherwise adjust the space.

So that which will later show off in the home album, turned out to be integral, all segments should be at the same distance from each other.

For beginner decorators, it is better to choose square modules in the amount of two or three segments and arrange them horizontally.

How to make modular pictures from wallpaper

The selection of the correct patterns and colors is one of the most important points in the correct creation of modular paintings with your own hands from paper wallpaper. The master class presented below will show the fundamental points in the technology of making decor from ordinary or photo wallpaper.

Stages of work:

First of all, you need to decide what the size and shape of the future composition will be.
Next, determine the general stylistic orientation and, depending on this, select the necessary materials. These can be scraps left over from repairs or wallpaper specially purchased to create decor.

Then choose a base for the picture. Lightweight foam is ideal, but plywood or fiberboard will work as well. Measure and cut off the pieces to the desired size, process the edges.

Mark the wallpaper and cut it into segments, taking into account the required folds of the paper floorfrom the other side.

An important nuance! When choosing a wallpaper with a clear landscape or pattern, you will need, depending on the number of segments, two, three or more pieces of wallpaper with the same image. This is due to the fact that each module of the picture must be designed by bending the pattern to the sides and slightly to the back. Due to this, from one large piece of wallpaper, only one part can be cut out for a future picture.

Attach the prepared pieces of wallpaper to the base with PVA glue, pulling tight enough so that no folds or wrinkles form.

Also coat the sides with glue, gently bend a paper sheet on them and fix it on the back with a regular or furniture stapler.

At the back, make a loop fastener made of strong wire or special furniture awnings of a suitable size.

Screw the screws into the wall in certain places at a distance clearly measured using the level, corresponding to the location of the future modular composition, hang pictures on them.

Using the same technology, you can make, the various options of which we considered in one of the last articles.

Modular paintings in the interior

An excellent addition to the design of the room will be original modular pictures with your own hands from wallpaper. The master class of their manufacture, discussed above, will allow you to create unique masterpieces, you just need to take into account that for each room you should select the appropriate image for the general design so that the atmosphere turns out to be harmonious.

Pictures for the living room

Pictures with city landscapes will organically look in the living room. Within the framework of modern stylistic trends, it is better to choose monochrome or not too bright color wallpapers with skyscrapers, bridges and roads of large cities.

To complement a living room decorated in a modern or high-tech style, unusual, abstract or clear geometric images are suitable.

Compositions with various floral prints, as well as photo wallpapers with flowers shot in macro mode or just close-up are quite versatile.

Paintings for the bedroom

The main condition for a comfortable stay in the bedroom is the creation of a suitable relaxing environment. Modular decor for this room should be selected based on the overall design of the room, but be sure to avoid oversaturation with bright colors.
Natural landscapes are considered universal, which depict mountains, trees, forest, fields, sea, sunsets.

Floristic images are also very popular. They can be contrasting or match the overall color scheme of the bedroom.

Pictures for the kitchen

For the convenience of caring for the picture in the kitchen and preserving its original appearance for a long time, it is best to place such decor over the dining table, away from the stove and sink. The ideal choice is plot motifs in one way or another related to food.

Most often, the kitchen is decorated with fruits, pastries, tea and other drinks. With the correct selection of shades, such paintings fit optimally into the environment.

Unusual bright plots made in various styles also look spectacular.

An excellent way to diversify the interior and add new interesting accents to it is to use modular paintings made with your own hands from wallpaper.

A master class describing a simple technology for making such a decor, discussed in this article, will make it possible to make original hand-made creations that can give a particular room a certain zest.

Modular paintings will allow you to create a special, unique interior style in the room. A series of elements merging into a single composition looks fresh and dynamic. Today we will figure out how to make a modular painting with our own hands in order to be able to express our own individuality. Detailed master classes will help you master the basics of creating real masterpieces, and as a result, you will become the owner of an unusual decor decoration.

What are modular paintings

For a long time, beautiful canvases have replaced the shovel carpets. This is a modern way to quickly and inexpensively decorate any room, be it a discreet office or a cozy bedroom. The main difference between segment pictures and ordinary ones is that they are divided into several elements that visually merge into a single whole.

The range of sizes will allow you to fit beautiful decor into a room of any size. In addition, the composite elements can be displaced relative to each other vertically or horizontally, arranged symmetrically or chaotically.

Interesting! A special group is made up of works on a glass base, but their creation requires special paints and printers.

Functions of modular panels

Wall decor serves a number of interesting functions:

  • creating the illusion of movement in the room;
  • attracting the attention of guests;
  • displacement reception - expanding the boundaries of the room;
  • creation of a stylish interior "with taste".

Types of modular canvases

Depending on how many separate particles the canvas consists of, the following types are distinguished:

  • diptychs are an option consisting of 2 segments that fit perfectly even into the interior of a small room;
  • triptychs - contain 3 segments that are most common among users, and from this they began to be considered classics of the genre;

  • penaptychs - 4 pieces, freely located on the wall;
  • polyptych - from five and more elements of a solid canvas.

Remember! To decorate small rooms, you should not use compositions from many segments, so as not to overload the area.

In order to arrange a room, you do not need to adhere to strict rules. With the capabilities of today's printing industry, you don't have to be a professional artist to create modular paintings at home. Isn't this a challenge for the real creative nature?

How to choose canvases for different rooms

Before you learn how to create modular canvases with your own hands, you need to figure out for which room this or that model of canvas is suitable.

  • Bedroom. To decorate the walls of this cozy and secluded place, remember that this is a room for privacy and relaxation. That is why you should not choose aggressive or sharp lines or bright colors in images. For a bedroom, a muted, calm landscape or a beautiful abstract image is most suitable, which must be in harmony with the rest of the rest room decoration, since a sharp resonance will attract all attention only to the wall element of the interior.

  • The living room is a place for the whole family to relax together, therefore it is a testing ground for bold experiments and combinations of light or bright colors. The dimensions of the canvas should correspond to the dimensions of the room. Huge wall compositions will look ridiculous in a small living room, and small images will simply get lost in a large space.

  • In the design of children's rooms, bright, saturated colors are often used, and their number can be the most numerous. If a wide palette has already been used in the decor, then it is better not to choose active tones for additional decor. Few children will appreciate abstraction, so it is better to pay attention to images of animals, cartoon characters and fairy tales.

  • If a teenager's personal space is being formed, it is better to involve him in the choice of design. It is better to find out in advance what kind of decoration the teenager wants to see in his room. You can invite an older child to use for a collage photos with his friends, favorite musicians or actors.

  • For the hallway, choose simple canvases. This is due to the fact that guests and residents do not stay in this room for a long time, so it is not worth spending a lot of effort and money on decoration. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the entrance hall is the beginning of the house, so the image should set the tone for the overall impression of the home.

  • Before you start making a decorative element for the kitchen, you need to find a place for it where it would not get dirty later. If the footage of the walls allows, then it is better to choose a still life or any other "tasty" motives of wall paintings.

The process of making modular paintings with your own hands

When you have decided on the location of the future work location, you need to choose a topic. We do not recommend choosing a portrait, as a split face does not look quite appropriate.

You can simply download any high-resolution image you like from the Internet and print it on fabric, paper or canvas.

Modular pictures from photo wallpaper

For your attention, a master class is not a topic: a modular picture from photo wallpaper. For work you will need:

  • printed drawing;
  • wooden blocks or 2 cm foam panels;
  • furniture stapler or glue gun.

Segmented canvases from wallpaper require special preparation of the image selected for implementation in the interior. In many photo salons you can be offered for review already selected catalogs of options. You can also refer to the downloaded image or even draw your own personal pattern. It will be intelligently divided into parts in a graphic editor and printed on the desired material. If desired, you can purchase it at any hardware store.

  1. The first is the frame for the modular picture or the foam base. Take wooden blocks with a cross-section of 2 x 2 cm, and build as many frame frames as you want to create a canvas from how many parts. Or, cut the foam to the appropriate size. Remember that the dimensions of the foam base should be slightly smaller than the area of \u200b\u200bthe wallpaper pieces, since the pattern will also have to fall on the side of the segment.
  2. Cut out the images, leaving small allowances for the sides and a slight fold on the wrong side of the frame.
  3. Lay all the cut-out elements from the wallpaper face down, on top put the appropriate frames made of wood or a foam base.
  4. Secure the pieces of wallpaper with a hot glue gun, first bending the edges to the wrong side of the wooden frame. For a foam base, hot glue may not work, it can melt the material, so it is better to use a special glue or furniture stapler. It is important that it is better not to fix only those parts of the picture that are on the wrong side when wrapping, otherwise the entire surface of the photo will wrinkle.

Interesting! In the same way, you can create modular paintings from photographs by printing them on photo paper of the appropriate size.

Production of modular cloths from fabric

Another material that is usually used for handmade art is fabric. For this type of decor, you can use a variety of bright patches, of which there are many in any home.

The main advantage of this method is that you don't have to try to match the edges of the modules. In this regard, the work will go much easier and more fun.

The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. First, you need to decide on the future number of modules and their size. For fabric material, it is better to prepare not polystyrene, but wooden frames.
  2. Cut the cloth to the size of the modules, not forgetting about 5-6 cm for the next bend.
  3. Attach frames to the inside of the finished cut elements.
  4. Temporarily secure the fabric to the frame using needles or pins.
  5. Turn over and check the correct position of the fabric, sequentially fix the allowances on the frame using a construction stapler. It is best to start with the long sides, gradually moving on to the short ones. At the very end, the corners are fixed.
  6. The seamy side can be closed with a stretcher made of a piece of chipboard or plywood.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of decorative elements in a modern interior. Choose images that complement and emphasize the stylistic orientation of the room, adding coziness and creativity to it. Do you have any experience in creating segment pictures? Share your secrets in the comments.

Video: Simple modular paintings with a wooden base

Modular paintings consist of several parts (of two or more) related to a common theme or plot. Due to the division of the whole image into parts, such pictures are also called segmented. The segmented picture modules are hung on the wall at a short distance from each other.

This is an avant-garde trend of art, therefore, modular exhibitions are considered to be somewhat "modern": they look great in modern interiors.

The design of the picture can be very different, so segmented expositions are suitable for many premises: home, workplace, entertainment venue, etc.

Modular paintings have long become fashionable in Europe, but the fashion for them in Russia has appeared only recently. Russian artists-designers quickly and rather successfully master the technique of modular art, therefore, they have already developed the basic principles.

First steps in creating modular paintings

Determine the number of segments. The first thing an artist does when he starts painting a modular painting is to determine how many segments there will be. This is done based on the size of the wall and the specifics of the image. There can be plenty of segmented picture shapes. There are usually three or four blocks, but there can be more (3-4 is the most optimal number).

Mark out the canvas. As a rule, modular expositions are painted with oil or acrylic. By the beginning of work, there should be a canvas prepared for the modules, approximately marked with the drawing that will subsequently be drawn.

Where will the painting be? Many artists, while writing their creation, do not think about where this picture will be located, and this is actually the most important thing. Modular paintings are mostly interior items, therefore it is necessary to develop a color scheme in advance that will ideally match the interior of the room. For a hospital, for example, sky blue or beige tones are suitable. And for a university, for example, something brighter: orange, red, yellow, all warm colors.

A few words about the performance of the picture. Of course, paintings are also painted with oil or acrylic. But sometimes, when creating a modular picture, authors use ordinary printers or printers for fabrics, with the help of which they print ready-made images. If the technique is good, at first glance it will not even be noticeable that the picture is artificial. Most designers, after printing, finish their creations with paints.

By the way: the exposition, made not on the canvas with our own hands, in the end loses little. There is an opinion that painting is no longer in vogue, that photography has replaced them. This is partly true, but I disagree. Still, painting is an art that will live forever. Oil, canvas - traditional noble materials that no modern photography can replace.

Things to consider when creating a painting

As mentioned above, before creating modular paintings, you should think about where they will be located.

Experts recommend making segmented paintings either darker or lighter than the main palette of the room. Exposures of the same color as the wall will be lost. In addition, there must be an obligatory bright element that will add zest to the interior of the room.

Too close up
Better composition

In this picture, you can see a complete, complete image of the correct size. The color scheme of the picture does not match the decoration of the room and furniture. However, there are sofa cushions, together with which the modular pattern creates a very different look.

Painting decoration

It is noteworthy that modular paintings are not required. Therefore, when painting a picture, you should think about how to make the ends of the picture neatly. Of course, you can frame your painting in a small metal frame that is barely visible. Or you can stick adhesive tape, which is removed after the painting is completed.