General issues. Iconic item: jukebox history of juke boxes

Dedicated to everyone who is interested in musical vending - a business associated with musical (vending) machines. I share my own experience. For those in the tank: a jukebox is not something that sells discs, not at all. It stands somewhere in a cafe or bar, music is pouring out of it, you can come up and throw in a piece of money (say 10 rubles), order a song to your liking and turn it up, or ask the bartender for a microphone and sing karaoke. The first machine was purchased in February 2008, now the total number of machines is 11 (9 mine + 2 from my brother). The transition to jukeboxes was associated with a constant search for reducing labor costs, before that there was a network of 14 coffee pots, it was rather troublesome to serve one, natural laziness makes you constantly look for ways to work less and earn more. In short, laziness is the engine of progress! Some of the coffee pots were sold and monoblock jukeboxes were purchased to replace them.

1. The choice of the machine.

There are quite a few different models of machines, especially among the brothers of the Slavs in Ukraine. When choosing, I was guided by the following considerations:

  • the machine should have a nice design, smooth lines are better than sharp corners. Among the Slavic brothers, automatic machines are often similar to square three-headed coffins.
  • the machine must have a wooden case and its own active and powerful acoustics
  • the vending machine must have convenient software for the client, i.e. the client must find the desired song quickly in 10-20 seconds

For this menu, there must be three fields - music style / group / song (for example, "Russian rock / Aria / Hero of the asphalt" or Chanson / Mikhail Krug / Vladimirsky central). The Slavic brothers have 2 fields and you can search for the desired song for 15 minutes ...

  • since I myself am a computer scientist in the past, it was convenient for me that the software was based on the familiar Windows
  • there must be karaoke in the machine

1.1. Vending machine software

The jukebox program deserves a separate subsection. The program that came in the first avatomat and the software now are completely different programs. I worked very closely in this direction with the developers, because Their initial software did not suit me at all, I once sent them 3 pages of text with the proposed improvements. Now, in the program, the client can adjust the volume of both background music and customized, you can set the maximum (ceiling) volume for both background and customized, you can throw a virtual credit through the service menu, a log of switching on and off is kept, TOP100, History and much more appeared.

I miss the remote control. That is, I would like to remotely “see” my machines in real time, whether they are turned on or not, the number of bills and the total amount in the banker's stack, the ability to remotely “throw credit”, viewing statistics, remote editing of statistics, remote editing of prices, remote volume control , remote “restarting the machine”, remote “locking” and “unlocking” the machine. The machine must inform about incorrect disconnection from the network and removal of the stacker (if removed when the service mode is not turned on).
If all this happens, the software will be almost perfect.

1.2. Music Library

The machine comes with a library of more than 20 thousand songs and clips. Plus karaoke. The music library is very easy to update. I constantly drop in fresh compilations, compilations, etc. On his own he brought the music library to almost 30 thousand songs.

2. Choice of installation location

During the year there were installations of automatic machines in cafes, barbecue, eateries, summer cafes on the embankment, restaurants.
My opinion is the best places - cheap eateries (10 rubles per song, 20-30 rubles for karaoke) - these are the places that give the greatest revenue. It is better if the place is open from evening to morning than from morning to evening - in the second case, the canteen regime and profitability will be zero. In a cafe where from 6 pm to 6 am at a cost of 30 rubles per song, the revenue of 15 thousand / month is quite real (I had this), although then competitors kicked me out of there by offering 50% for rent, I had 30% - for 50/50 I didn't go for reasons of principle. A wretched bar-type machine on tokens was stuck there.
We must be prepared that there are few really good places, and this business also has its own competition. I was surprised, but the business that I decided to do - it turns out that other people have been doing it for many years.

3. Problems of music vending

Problems are very similar to coffee vending - a small number of highly profitable places, competition, and - more frequent breakdowns of machines. In cafes, as a rule, unstable electricity, a lot of equipment such as refrigerators, kettles, grills, etc. is used, electricity jumps, there are often jumps. The machines are quite delicate and amplifiers often fly (the sound disappears). In such cases, you can connect external speakers with built-in amplifiers (active) to the machine, for example, Mikrolab solo 2/3/4/5/6 / 7. I highly recommend solo 7, although they cost 9 thousand per pair, but in this case built-in MA columns are not needed at all.
To do this business, it is desirable to be an advanced PC user (to be able to replace the motherboard, install the OS, driver, software, configure everything, be able to copy, or better synchronize directories in the vehicle), be friends with a tester and soldering irons, not be afraid of wires, be able to solder, for example, sound wire, etc. All this knowledge and skills will surely come in handy if you decide to go into music vending.

4. Profitability of music vending

If you do not take into account the fact that there are a LOT of unprofitable places and the machines will have to be constantly moved, I will say that there are also profitable and highly profitable places! Those. it is quite possible to have, say, 2-3 thousand a week - this is a normal profitable place. It is possible and 4 - 5 thousand a week - this is already highly profitable. Vendors of machines have their own grid and their peak profitability in one place has reached 8 thousand rubles per week - they cheat or not - it's on their conscience. I had five a week (though not for long, 2 months, then the crisis began and now this point is not there at all). If I have 1 thousand a week, I can leave it without rent (there are such places) - although in theory it is necessary to look for and move to other places.

If during the permutations the average profitability (profit) is 5 thousand rubles. with an automatic machine - this is a normal result. The machine costs about 70 - 80 thousand (sometimes more expensive). By the way, MA can be assembled by yourself - all the components are on free sale, the case can be ordered from furniture makers, if you have hands and a head cooks - a very real topic (I plan to do it myself in the future). With self-assembly, I think to achieve savings of 30-50% of the retail cost of machines.

Do not forget that in music vending there are no such costs as ingredients and snacks. We sell air, so you can pay more rent. I offer 20% if the revenue is less than 10 thousand / month and 30% if it is higher.

5. Royalties

There are several organizations that protect copyright
RAO - Russian Authors' Society - collects money and gives it to the authors of music and songs.
RFA and ROUPI - two competing firms - collect money for related copyrights. That is, for example, a person wrote a song and music - he is the author (copyright), then this song was sung by a famous singer (related copyright) and a large recording company released a disc. So the record company and the singer - they have related rights to the song. RAO does not take (or at least did not take before) a bribe from the owners of musical machines - they only racketerate the owners of the site.
RFA and ROUPI - some of them (or both) have to pay for the related copyright. RFA takes 500 rubles. from the owner of the machine. My opinion is that this is wrong, it is necessary to take ONLY from the site owners, tk. their income is incomparably higher. But I digress, it is up to everyone to pay or not. And do not forget that RFA and ROUPI are competitors who are at war with each other, each has a certain package of agreements with the authors and each will demand to be paid to him (or both organizations). And also RAO, RFA and RUPI are not state organizations. They are TYPE non-commercial, the state stands aside here and does not take part. In general, legalized racketeering. Not so long ago, the head of the RFA was killed, so the money seems to be spinning there a lot.

6. Friends are neighbors or competitors

Competitors in my city are divided into local and federal networks. Local - practically all of this is handicraft bar-type homemade products that work on tokens. The federal network is all the same brothers Slavs from Ukraine. I don’t know how many of them, but I think at least fifty, tk. they have decent resources. They also offered me to participate, but I refused, not used to working for my uncle. Better to have 10 of your own than a hundred strangers. In addition, it was necessary to invest a lot of money, because They would have made these machines with my money - in short, their circuit is cleverly twisted, for suckers. A person with a head on such conditions will never go. But this is a separate topic.
Ukrainian machines are square as coffins and consist of three parts, IMHO design is terrible, we call them "three-headed monsters".
In general, in Ukraine, this topic is much more developed than in our country, and there are a lot of options for machines there. Take a look - the whole zoo is shown on this site
And the software for hohlyatsky machines ALL have about the same interface (apparently copied from each other), it looks something like this:

That is, ALL groups are included in one long list, in my opinion it is very inconvenient. For example, the cursor is on the ARIA group and you need to put CHIFF - you need to scroll through EVERYTHING from the letter A to the letter H (I have 3 thousand directories / folders in the machine) - you can evaporate. And if the cursor is on the English letter A, then I simply do not envy you, because the HOUR will not be enough. A separate field has been added in my software - the style of music, so the search is reduced tenfold. You can find any desired composition (if any) within a minute if you know exactly the name of the group and the song.

7. Taxation

With regards to taxation, how many I have not looked for direct legislative acts anywhere. Someone offers to pay UTII as from a trading place with a basic yield of 9000, but then this type of activity will become unprofitable, because real profitability can be 3-4 thousand from the machine (on average over the network).

Personally, I decided for myself that jukeboxes should be attributed to public catering and pay from the number of employees, including individual entrepreneurs (4500 rubles. Basic profitability per person. Why did I decide that? And what is public catering?

The answer to the question of what is meant by catering services is given by< Общероссийский классификатор услуг населению> OK 002-93 (OKUN), approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 1993 ode No. 163. According to this regulatory documents, services with the code 122000 - 122706 are classified as catering services.

The services provided to consumers by catering organizations can be divided into:
catering services;
services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery products;
services for the organization of consumption and maintenance;
services for the sale of products;
leisure services;
information and consulting services;
other services.

So, catering services should be understood as services for the manufacture of public catering products and the creation of conditions for their implementation in accordance with the type and class of public catering organization. Based on this, catering services are divided into:
restaurant catering services;
bar catering services;
cafe catering services;
canteen catering services;
snack food services.

The services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery products include such types of services as:

production of culinary products and confectionery products by customer orders;

production of products from the customer's raw materials in the catering organization;
production of culinary products and confectionery products at home.

Services for the organization of consumption and maintenance are represented by a fairly wide range of services, which include the following types:

organization and service of celebrations and ritual events;
organization and service of cultural events;
product delivery and customer service in the workplace and at home;
home waiter services;
delivery of culinary products and confectionery products to hotel rooms;
organization of complex meals and others.

Services for the sale of products in public catering include:
sale of products and kitchen products through shops - cookery and buffets;
vacation home meals.

Leisure services include:

organization of music services;
holding concerts and other similar events;
provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

The jukebox provides a musical arrangement service and can be included in public catering. And as a result, we pay UTII tax as a catering from the number of employees, including individual entrepreneurs. Previously, coffee machines were also treated in the same way, so I submitted one declaration for coffee pots and MA.

The article is discussed in this

In the Soviet era, there were jukeboxes in canteens and small cafes, you throw a patch and choose a musical composition. Today I want to present to you a homemade product - the result of a broken kalym.

Nowadays, many cafes have LCD panels on which music videos are constantly played. The idea was that each visitor could, from his smartphone (only Android), insert his composition, video or clip into the playlist of this panel (for example, shoot a congratulation on his phone and make it sound). The customer was confused by the cost of the thermal printer + coin acceptor. But the task is interesting and I have already started work, so the idea was cut down, I refused from the thermal printer and coin acceptor, and this is what happened.
There are such media players on sale (on Aliexpress - up to 2000r):

This is a full-fledged computer on the RK3066 chip, frequency up to 1600 MHz, 2-processor, video processor, HD video, can work as a WIFI access point, read flash-ki, SD cards.

We connect the media player to the HDMI input of the TV (switch the TV input to HDMI) and install the mPlay.apk file (at the end of the article) on the media player (don't open it yet). We set up an access point on the device (a small digression - on my player WIFI is weak, so it is advisable to still use a public access point, since all cafes now have free WIFI). Launch mPlay and select the directory in the settings where the music videos are located (only plays * .mp3, * .mp4 files), in the settings, press –play -. (I forgot to say, the player has 3 connectors: we connect one to a 5 volt charger, in the second - the mouse, the third remains under the flash drive. If you have a mini SD - then the player has a slot for a card). Android starts playing music files from the selected subdirectory. The server is installed and running.

In order to be able to transfer your clips to the server from your smartphone, install the clPlay.apk file on your smartphone (do not forget to enable the item in the settings - installation from unknown sources -). (Do not open yet)

We connect to the access point with a smartphone and run clPlay, if everything is correct, then the program will show the presence of a server, select the file that we want to play on the server (the file must already be on the smartphone, for example, taken using the smartphone camera, * .mp3 or * .mp4 is mandatory).

Press the -send- button, wait for the indicator window to disappear. File - transferred. At the end of the current clip, your clip will play in turn. Theoretically, there can be any number of clients at the same time; in practice, the file transfer speed depends on the number of clients and the size of the transferred files. So far I have tested it on 2 smartphones - the speed is acceptable.

Also this player can be used with a projector (if it has HDMI). In order to test this system, a tablet and a smartphone with Android at least version 4 are enough.

If someone is interested in the idea of \u200b\u200ba vending machine based on this idea - contact us.

BoxEasy is a media player with a style interface musical machine gunwhich uses album covers to access songs. ... The interface of this program is very similar to the pub musical machine and works the same way.

It doesn't matter if you want to use DJ Mixer Professional for special occasions or at a private party or as a virtual one musical machine in a restaurant, hairdresser, disco, nightclub or even in a store - you will make the right choice by downloading DJ Mixer Professional. ... Complete system automatic mixing, one-click bass picking, smooth repetition, ...

Wimpy Player is musical machine with replaceable skins for your website that automatically displays the list and plays the entire directory with MP3 files. ... - Use an online configuration tool to control the functionality and interaction of the mp3 player with your website. ... - Display SWF or JPG cover for each track, for each folder or for ...

When the drums of the playing machine gun, a Mexican guitar is playing and every stop of the drum is voiced by the strumming of a guitar. ... Amigos is a 3 reel 2 coin 1 game classic gambling machine with an obvious Mexican theme. ... Also musical instruments that you associate with Mexican music, including guitar and maracas.

how musical machineTunopia lets you queue up different songs for endless playback. ... Tunopia is musical a player that provides quick access to every MP3 song on your computer. ... With the Tunopia scheduling software, you can program Tunopia to automatic play songs by marking certain ...

ZenPoint DigitalCenter can be customized to suit all your requirements, from personal musical center to musical machine gun or a slideshow for all your images. ... You can also set the program to PartyMode and it will function as musical machinewhere the songs will be arranged in turn.

ALSong ( musical machine). ... - ALSee (image viewer). ... - ALShow (loses). ... - ALMap (highly detailed map program). ... - ALPass (password manager). ... - ALGIF (GIF animator). ... - ALFTP (FTP utility). ... - ALZip (zip utility). ... ALTools Lunar Zodiac Snake wallpaper is one of the many installable wallpapers from the ALTools series ...

ALTools Desktop wallpaper is a free application from ESTsoft - developers of ALZip (zip utility), ALFTP (FTP utility), ALSee (image viewer), ALSong ( musical machine), ALShow (play), ALMap (highly detailed map program), ALGIF (GIF animator), and ALPass (password manager). ... These high quality wallpapers come with resolutions from ...

Many people are interested in "How to assemble a jukebox yourself?"

You can purchase all the necessary components for assembling the machine in the section. Additionally, I recorded video clips, where I tried to visually show about all the intricacies of assembling a jukebox. See what happened after each section. Don't forget to expand the video to full screen for easy viewing :). And in the "Download" section, there are direct links for downloading both individual videos and all reference material in one archive. To see if you can build a jukebox, let's split this task into several parts:

1. Working with the computer part of the machine

  • motherboard - I recommend using a board with an already integrated video card. the external video card may "fall out" from the slot due to frequent shaking. It is desirable to have two video outputs (VGA and DVI / HMDI). The second video output is needed if you plan to connect a second monitor, for example, a TV for convenient karaoke use;
  • processor, RAM - even the most ancient ones will do, the main thing is that Windows XP itself works normally;
  • hDD - 500 GB is recommended to fit the entire base of music and clips, especially now the difference in the cost of 250 GB and 500 GB is not so strong to save on this;
  • power Supply - in terms of power, 400 watts is enough, but preferably good, solid, tk. the machine has a lot of work to do, and there are often power outages in the cafe;
  • voltage regulator - if a good power supply is not necessary;
  • monitor - our program supports any monitor resolution, so the choice is yours. You can put at least 24 inches. True, historically it has taken root that they often put 17 or 19 inches, which are "square", not "widescreen";
  • acoustics - you decide. Earlier, a good option was to put a home theater with 5.1 speakers, where the volume control panel was included in the kit. Now many people buy amplifiers, speakers and make their own acoustics.

Setting up the jukebox:

  • installation of Windows XP, required Service Pack 3 and all drivers. Also, the program works fine on Windows 7 x32 / 64;
  • windows customization (disabling unnecessary sounds, screensavers, etc.);
  • installation of the necessary programs (codecs, players);
  • complete with a demo version of the program, there is a file "Purchase the program". It contains instructions "How to buy a program";
  • if necessary, you can also buy a music database from us;
  • setting up a music program for your tasks.

2. Working with non-computer components

  • bill acceptor - you can buy from us a used one with a guarantee of 6 months, or a new ICT P77 bill (there are two types - with and without a bill stacker). If you are using another bill, make sure it works in pulse mode. Also, perhaps, your banknote needs to be reflashed to accept small bills (1 and 2 UAH) and calibrated in case of poor reception of money. We also do flashing and calibration;
  • coin acceptor - you can buy from us a used one with a 6-month guarantee, or a new coin acceptor from WEY YA (accepts only the denomination of coins that is inserted into it as a sample);
  • radio remote control for charging money - an additional, optional option that allows bartenders to add money to the jukebox (the program keeps detailed statistics);
  • lock for charging money - also allows you to add money to the machine. Due to the fact that the castle is relatively inexpensive, it is recommended to install it. It is used as another way of charging money, if the bill acceptor suddenly fails (jamming the bill);
  • 7 main buttons on the front panel of the jukebox. If you want to implement a free preview of a piece of a song, then you need 8 buttons. Also, we strongly recommend buying 1-2 buttons in reserve, so that at the right time you can quickly replace it in case of a breakdown;
  • keyboard controller - a device based on a conventional computer keyboard is used to connect the buttons of the machine, bill and coin-changer with the motherboard. If you are confident in holding the soldering iron in your hand, then you can solder yourself, see the diagram and video instructions on our website, and you can also order a ready-made one from us.

3. Machine body and assembly

Here, as with acoustics, everyone does it for themselves. A few tips:

  • the angle of inclination of the monitor and its height should be comfortable for a person of average height. Better to do a little lower than higher;
  • remove (or minimize) the amount of any wires that will be in the collection compartment (for safety). Try to place all live wires in other places;
  • if you are making an outdoor version, immediately reinforce the bottom of the machine, i.e. its legs, because the chipboard crumbles if the machine is often turned over. Alternatively, fill in some aluminum strips.
In principle, if after reading all these points you more or less understand what to do what, then feel free to get down to work. If you have any difficulties - call us, we will try to help. ...

For many, the best option would be to buy a so-called kit kit.
It usually includes the following components:

  1. Computer components, namely: motherboard, processor, RAM and hard disk with already installed and correctly configured Windows, as well as a music program and a downloaded music database. Also, you can send us your components yourself, and we will perform all the customization on your details. If not, then we can buy them in Kherson, for example, in the Rozetka online store, and as proof that they are new, we will hand over all receipts, documents and packaging to you.
  2. A ready-made, already wired keyboard controller, to which buttons (7 pieces) are already connected, conclusions have been made for the bill, coin and statistics button. Plus 1 button separately, spare.
  3. Bill acceptor ICT P77 without bill stacker, used condition, but cleaned, calibrated, excellent bill acceptance and with a 6 month warranty.
  4. WEY YA coin acceptor, new, 9 months warranty.
  5. Mechanical locks 3 pieces. 2 for the case, 1 spare.
  6. Electronic lock - allows bartenders to charge money on the machine using the key (detailed statistics are kept).
  7. Radio remote control - similar to an electronic lock, but a more convenient option, because you can add money without going to the machine.

In fact, having bought such a kit from us, you just have to add a power supply, monitor, acoustics, case to it and get a ready-made jukebox.


Jukebox "Wurlitzer", model 1936. Designed for a repertoire of 12 records at 78 rpm.

Jukebox - electromechanical apparatus for automatic reproduction of gramophone records. The mechanism of the apparatus consists of an electrophone, an amplifier, a loudspeaker and an electronic device for selecting a phonograph record. Powered by a coin or token.

Jukeboxes are usually installed in cafes, bars, restaurants, dance clubs and other places of recreation. An important feature of the jukebox is its stylish design.

Other names for the jukebox in the United States are "automatic phonograph", "nickellodeon" (eng. nickelodeon), "Jukebox" (eng. juke box).

The term "jukebox"

The English word "juke" has been known since the 19th century. In the days of Queen Victoria, it had something to do with dancing. In the twentieth century in the United States, it also began to mean "disorder or horror"; "Juke house" (eng. juke house) - said African Americans, describing the mess in the house. When the "black only" eateries appeared, located near the cotton fields, they were nicknamed "juke joint" (eng. juke joint). They were played, respectively, by "juke-gangs" (eng. juke-bands) - musical ensembles of colored musicians. Then the musicians were replaced by a jukebox - a jukebox.

The spread of the term was uneven. For example, when in 1937 the Wurlitzer company received an order from Texas for a device called a jukebox, the office wondered for a long time what it was until they realized that the customer wanted an automatic phonograph.

History of creation

Manufacturers in the USA

"Wurlitzer 1015"

The mechanism of the machine, designed for gramophone records

Automatic mechanism designed for CDs

In the USA, one of the most popular juke boxes is probably the 1946 Wurlitzer 1015 or Bubbler, which means Bubble in English. He had a repertoire of 24 records at 78 rpm. Today the company produces a similar model under the name "One More Time", and it can play CDs.

The Wurlitzer company was founded by the German émigré Rudolf Wurlitzer. In the United States, he opened stores in all major cities, and began selling musical instruments. In 1896, the firm introduced the Tonophone, a mechanical piano powered by coins.

In the early 1930s, the firm bought a patent for the music box mechanism, and hired its creator Homer Capehart and designer Paul Fuller to design the Bubble. In 1946-1947, 56,000 of these machines were produced and they were sold out in 18 months.

The 1930s are believed to be the golden age of juke boxing. For a visitor of a restaurant or bar, it has become habitual to have a nice nightstand there, from which music sounds.

The second most popular company "Rock-Ola" was founded by Canadian David Rockola. He started his business with the production of pinball slot machines, and in 1936 switched to juke boxes.

After the war, the firm "Seaburg" gained popularity, founded in the early 1920s by the Swede Justice Seaburg. In 1928, the Audiophone became the first juke box of this company. A few years later, a new model appeared, but the design developments did not lead to the desired result, and the company began to fade until the son of Siburg, Noel, took over the board.

A successful businessman, he set the firm on its feet and produced several successful models in the first half of the 1940s. In 1949, Siburg revolutionized the game with the M100A, which could play both sides of 50 records; in other words, it was the world's first 100-song jukebox. In 1950 "Siburg" made the first jukebox for forty-fives, and in 1955 presented the first automatic machine for 200 songs.

Notably, these three major U.S. jukebox companies were based in the city of Chicago.

Manufacturers in Europe

Jukeboxes in the USSR

Single gramophone record with a large hole for a jukebox

Insert to allow playing a single with a large hole on a regular turntable

Photo gallery



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  • Music video

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