Magic colors. Evgeny Permyak - Magic colors: Tale Continuation of the tale about the magic colors of Santa Claus

Once in a hundred years, the kindest of all the kindest old people - Santa Claus - on the night under New Year brings seven magic colors. With these paints, you can paint whatever you want, and the painted will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want - draw a ship and sail on it ... Or a spaceship - and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, for example a chair, please ... Draw and sit on it. You can paint anything with magic paints, even soap, and it will wash. Therefore, Santa Claus brings magic colors to the kindest of all the kindest children.

And this is understandable ... If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can do a lot of trouble. It is worth, say, with these paints to add a second nose to a person, and he will be two-nosed. It is worth adding horns to the dog, the mustache to the chicken, and the hump to the cat, and the dog will be horned, the hen will have a mustache, and the cat will be humped.

Therefore, Santa Claus checks the hearts of children for a very long time, and then he chooses which of them to give magic colors.

For the last time, Santa Claus gave magic colors to one of the kindest of all the kindest boys.

The boy was very happy with the paints and immediately began to draw. Draw for others. Because he was the kindest of all the kindest boys. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a new hunting rifle for his father. A boy painted eyes for a blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades ...

He painted, without unbending, all day and all evening ... He painted on the other, and on the third, and on the fourth day ... He painted, wishing people well. I painted until the colors ran out. But...

But no one could use what was drawn. The handkerchief drawn by the grandmother looked like a rag for cleaning the floors, and the dress drawn by the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from the club. The eyes for the blind were like two blue blots, and he could not see them. And the school, which the boy drew very diligently, turned out to be so terrible that they were even afraid to come close to it. Falling walls. The roof is on one side. Curved windows. Slanting doors ... a bogeyman, not a house. They did not want to take the ugly building even for a warehouse.

Thus, trees appeared on the street, similar to old panicles. There were horses with wiry legs, cars with some strange round pieces instead of wheels, airplanes with heavy wings, electric wires as thick as a log, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other ... So there were thousands of things that could not be used, and the people were horrified.

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?

And the boy began to cry. He so wanted to make people happy, but not being able to draw, he wasted paints in vain.

The boy was crying so loudly and inconsolably that the kindest of all the kindest old people, Santa Claus, heard him. I heard and returned to him. He returned and put paints in front of the boy.

Only this, my friend, simple colors ... But they can become magical if you want it ...

So said Santa Claus and left ...

A year has passed ... Two years have passed ... Many, many years have passed. The boy became a young man, then an adult, and then an old man ... He painted with simple colors all his life. I painted at home. I painted people's faces. Clothes. Aircraft. Bridges. Railway stations. Palaces ... And the time has come, happy days have come, when what he had drawn on paper began to pass into life ...

Many beautiful buildings appeared, built according to his drawings.

Wonderful planes flew. Unknown bridges stretched from coast to coast ... And no one wanted to believe that all this was painted with simple colors. All of them were called magic ...

It happens in this world ... It happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or a sewing needle and even with simple clay ... It happens with everything that the hands of the greatest wizard of all the greatest wizards touch - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person ...

Once in a hundred years, on New Year's Eve, the kindest of all the kindest old people, Santa Claus, brings seven magic colors. With these paints, you can paint whatever you want, and the painted will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want, draw a ship and sail on it. Or a starship and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, such as a chair, please. Draw and sit on it.

Santa Claus brings these colors to the kindest of all the kindest children. And this is understandable. If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can do a lot of trouble. They will give the person a second nose, and the person will be two-nosed. They will draw horns for a dog, a mustache for a chicken, and a hump for a cat, and the dog will be horned, the chicken will have a mustache, and the cat will be humped.

Therefore, Santa Claus takes a very long time to choose which of the children to give magic colors.

The last time he gave them to a very kind boy. The kindest of the kindest.

The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to draw. He drew a warm shawl for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a hunting rifle for his father. The boy drew eyes to the blind old man, and to his comrades a big, big school.

But no one could use what was drawn. The handkerchief for the grandmother looked like a rag for cleaning the floors, and the dress, drawn by the mother, turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from the club. The eyes for the blind were like two blue blots, and he could not see them. And the school, which the boy painted very diligently, turned out to be so ugly that they were even afraid to come close to it.

Trees that looked like panicles appeared in the street. There were horses with wiry legs, cars with crooked wheels, houses with falling walls and roofs on one side, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other ... There were thousands of things that could not be used. And people were horrified:

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys ?!

And the boy began to cry. He so wanted to make people happy! .. But he did not know how to draw and only wasted paints in vain.

The boy was crying so loudly that the kindest of all the kindest old men - Santa Claus - heard him. I heard, and returned to him, and put a new box with paints in front of the boy:

Only this, my friend, is simple paint. But they can also become magical if you really want to.

So said Santa Claus and left.

And the boy thought. How to make simple colors magical and so that they please people, and not bring them misfortune? The kind boy took out a brush and began to paint.

He drew without unbending all day and all evening. He painted on the other, and on the third, and on the fourth day. I painted until the colors ran out. Then he asked for new ones.

A year has passed ... Two years have passed ... Many, many years have passed. The boy became an adult, but he still did not part with the colors. His eyes became sharp-sighted, his hands were skillful, and now, instead of crooked houses with falling walls, tall, light buildings flaunted in his drawings, and instead of dresses that looked like bags, bright, elegant clothes.

The boy did not notice how he became a real artist. He painted everything that was around, and what no one had ever seen: planes that looked like huge arrows, and ships that looked like planes, air bridges and glass palaces.

People looked at his drawings in surprise, but no one was horrified. On the contrary, everyone was happy and delighted.

What wonderful pictures! What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary.

The paintings were really so good that people wanted to bring them to life. And then happy days came when what was drawn on paper began to pass into life: palaces made of glass, and air bridges, and winged ships ...

It happens in this world. This happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or sewing needle, and even with simple clay. This happens with everything that the hands of the greatest of the greatest wizards touch - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person.

Abstract of a literature lesson in grade 4

Theme: E. Permyak "Magic Colors"


    Enrich the vocabulary of children, develop oral and written speech;

    Develop observation and thinking;

    To foster a culture of communicative speech, the ability to work in groups, build a monologue speech

    Improve the ability to work with text with elements of reasoning.

Equipment: texts, illustrations on the topic of the lesson.

Lesson thesis: « In every profession, the main thing is to be a good man »

The lesson is made using the techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking

During the classes

Implementation of the plan

Stage 1

Organizing time

Today in the lesson we will work under the motto:

“Put your mind and heart into work,

Treasure every minute in your work "

Let's wish each other every success.

Stage 2

Evocation ( Evocation ) - motivation for action

A) brainstorming

Not so long ago, people celebrated the New Year. Surely, you remember the beautiful Christmas tree, gifts, and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, and a cheerful festive mood. The events of this holiday are reflected in the work with which we will work in the lesson. Guess what it is about. (paint puzzle)

This is the story of E. Permyak "Magic Colors"

Find related words to the word "paints".

What associations arise when we hear the word "paint"?

And if the word "paints" became a painting, what kind of painting would it be?

And if the word "paints" became music, what kind of music would it be?

Guess why the colors in the story are magical?

In the course of our lesson, we must find out why simple paints helped a person become happy, and magical ones brought grief.

Stage 3

Implementation of the concept ( Realization of Meaning ) - search for answers, understanding the meaning

A) DRTA - directed reading or reading with stops (children read the text until the "stop" label, then work on each passage goes on)

1 episode.

Who of the main characters did we meet? What did he bring?

How many colors did he bring? Is this number random?

What is the magic of these colors?

Prove with the words of the text what transformations took place.

What could happen if you got to an evil child?

Santa Claus checks the hearts of children for a long time before donating paints. Is it really necessary to do this carefully?

Episode 2

How do you see the boy?

Suppose why Santa Claus chose him?

And to whom of you Santa Claus could give such paints?

Match what and to whom the boy painted.

Grandma warm shawl

Mom fancy dress

Daddy's new gun

Blind eyes

School comrades

Why do you think these items?

What would you paint if you had such paints? What and to whom?

Suppose why no one was able to use the drawn one?

Episode 3

So why couldn't people use the drawing? Who has the same opinion?

Pick up epithets for this passage.

Find arguments why such necessary things were unnecessary. What did they look like?

What caused this?

Why was the boy crying?

How else can you look at these events, how else could they have ended?

Episode 4

How to understand the expression "crying inconsolable"? For the word cry, pick up synonyms (sob, sob) In which of them is the stronger feeling expressed?

What way out did Santa Claus offer from this situation?

What happened to the boy?

Find and read what the grown-up boy was drawing now?

The colors were simple, not magical, how did the painted objects come to life?

Why were people, when the boy painted with magical colors, were horrified, and now admired?

Have paints really become magic?

Pick up phrases with the word "painted" in the literal sense and in the figurative, using the technique of impersonation.

Episode 5

Prove that similar miracles happen with an ordinary ax? And with a sewing needle? So what's the magic?

Returning to the question I asked at the beginning of our research:

“So why did simple paints help a person become happy, while magic paints brought grief?”

What is the theme of the piece? What is the theme of this story?

Does the title match the topic?

Listen to the poem and tell me if the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story and the poem coincide?

Who is he, what is his name?

Who is the most important in the world

The kindest, most glorious?

Who is he, what is his name?

Well, of course,

it work!

Who is the smartest in the world

The oldest, the youngest?

Who is he, what is his name?

Well, of course,

it work!

For all ages and years

The real king of nature?

King of the fields

Who is he, what is his name?

Well, of course,

it work!

So what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story and the poem?

Stage 4

Reflection ( Reflection ) - stage of display, reflection

A) "Tree of Wisdom"

Let's work with the "tree of wisdom". It, as always, asks wise questions, we try to answer them. (cards are attached to the tree drawing)

    What qualities, character traits did the boy have?

    Why are the hands of a hardworking person compared to the hands of a wizard?

    For the second time, Santa Claus gives the boy simple paints. What would you do?

    Why did the boy draw only others and not for himself?

    What do you think this story teaches?

B) work in groups

Rules: Learn to listen to others

Your opinion is no worse than others

We work - one for all and all for one

1st group

Remember what phraseological turns are. Determine which phraseological units are suitable for the boy. Prove.

Nick down

Keep your chin up

Work carelessly

Work tirelessly

2nd group

Compose and write down other headlines for the story

Group 3

Establish correspondence. What proverbs about work most closely match the content of the story?

Business - time, fun - an hour

Hard work leads to a heroic deed, a heroic deed will bring glory

The work of the city decorates, laziness turns them into a desert

A day without work seems like a year

C) Expansion of ideas about modern professions

The story tells about work, about different professions. Many of them are familiar to you. But time does not stand still and dictates its rights. IN modern world new professions appear. And what - the guys will tell you (children's performance).


The firm is run by

Both intelligently and skillfully.

He distributes money like that

So that the business grows and grows stronger.

He gives instructions

To all their employees.

For the firm to go forward

Made a profit for them.


I'll tell you guys

The farmer is who he is.

He grows tomatoes for us

All in the works he is day-to-day!

The birds are singing loudly

On the branches of native birches.

The farmer sows rye, wheat,

And buckwheat and oats.

Fertilizes and plants -

After all, the earth loves sweat!

The farmer supplies herbs

We are with you all year round!

Programmer Designer

I have one concern - These people create

All computers work! Amazing coziness!

There is no worse drama for them, they pick up, for example,

Than the lack of a program. Suitable interior.

In the house, in the office, in the garden -

I'm going to become a designer.

D) work in the systemRAFT

Imagine that 20 years have passed, you matured and met at school. R - (role) - this is our 4th grade 20 years later. You tell each other what successes you have achieved, who you have become (F is the form) - dialogue. Your classmates are listening to you - this is (A) the audience. And the topic (T) of your story is: "And I work ..."

R - (role) we are in 20 years

A - (audience) - classmates

F - (form) - dialog

T - (topic)

(the melody sounds, the children talk)

Stage 5

Lesson summary

In one big house, some parents had a boy, a very good and kind boy. He had a lot of toys, he had beautiful books with bright pictures. He went to kindergarten. And the boy's name was Vitya. And everything would be fine with this boy. If only ... But I will tell everything in order ...

Once Vitya came back from the kindergarten very upset. He didn't play with his toys, he didn't look at his books. He went up to mom, hugged her and quietly said:

- I probably won't go to kindergarten anymore. I'd rather be alone at home all day.

- Why so? Has something happened, Vitya? And why are you so upset? Has someone offended you?

- The boys are teasing. Vitya - Neumitya, Vitya - Neumitya ...

- Why are they teasing you?

- Because I can't draw. They can, but I can not. They are already drawing cars, houses, and airplanes. But I can't do anything. I guess I'm not like that.

And Vitya sniffed resentfully.

- Why not? You are so! You are the same as everyone else. And for me you are the nicest boy in the world. And we will learn to draw with you. So I finish cooking dinner, and we will sit next to you and draw. Good?

- No. I've tried it a hundred times already. Probably in my childhood I fell from the balcony and hit my head. Hit very hard.

- Why do you think so? You did not fall from any balcony. And who told you such nonsense?

- Dad said.

- Well, he was joking. And I will seriously talk to him in the evening, whether he himself fell from somewhere in childhood.

In the evening, my mother took out pencils, paper, felt-tip pens.

- Look, Vitya, this is grass, this is trees, this is a house in the forest. Here is the sun, a cloud. And these are birds flying across the sky.

- South. Here, try it yourself.

- No, I won't even try. I can never do that. I’ll just screw it up.

And Vitya pushed the paper aside.

- What do we do? The situation is really serious.

Mom removed the drawings, but then conspiratorially said:

I know what to do. You need to find a magic store and buy magic paints there.

- Is there a magic store?

- Of course it happens. Where do you think you can buy a hat - invisibility or a carpet - an airplane? In the magic shop, of course.

- Or maybe we'd better buy an invisibility hat right away?

- Well, no, Vitya. I don’t have enough money for the invisible hat. How much does it cost! But I think I can master the magic colors.

- When will you buy them for me?

- As soon as I find out where we have a magic store in the city, I'll buy it.

And then one day my mother announced to Vita:

- I got real magic paints. I even had enough money for a small magic brush. Vitya, holding his breath, watched as his mother took the coveted box out of her bag. He, not believing in his happiness, with his hands trembling with excitement, accepted this box, pressed it to his chest and whispered:

- Are they really magical?

- Sure. It is written on them: “FABULOUS honey paints”. And do you know who sold them to me? A real magician. In a big hat, pink gloves and a blue cloak.

- Mom, can I open the box?

- Of course. Let's see.

Vitya opened the box. It had seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue and purple.

- So beautiful. Do you want, Vitya, we will check them right now?

- No, not now. Then.

- And when then? When do we want to draw something wonderful? Anything unusual?

And Vitya put his magic paints on the shelf where he had the most expensive things - river stones, a shell and broken soldiers.

And then one day ... Vitya was at home. Not because I got sick, it was just Sunday. Dad went to the garage, Mom was baking pies in the kitchen. It was raining outside the window. But not a simple sad rain. And cheerful summer rain.

There was a wonderful big puddle under the window of the Vitin House. It was with her that the neighboring boys started a fuss. They threw stones into the puddle and laughed. The rain drove the boys into the entrance, but they still jumped out into the rain and, having reached the puddle and throwing a stone into it, rushed like an arrow under the canopy of the front door.

Vitya went out onto the balcony to better see what was happening in the yard.

Now the rain is over. The sky was cleared, and the blinding sun flooded everything around with a joyful, pure light.

Vitya looked after the flying cloud - at the juicy green of the grass, at the swallows soaring high into the sky, at the boys by the big, wonderful puddle in the yard. And my mother was busy in the kitchen over pies. No, no, I looked at what Vitya was doing on the balcony. After all, still a child.

She put the pies in the oven. The dough today turned out to be airy, even squeaked when she rolled it out.

- Mama! Mama! Rainbow! Run here quickly! Look what a rainbow!

Mom went to Vita on the balcony and with him froze in mute amazement. A huge multicolored rainbow ran across the sky from forest to river.

- What a miracle, Vitya! What a beauty! But it will soon melt. Now, if only to draw it! Where are our magic colors?

Mom brought paper, paints, a jar of water, laid it all out on a stool in front of Vitya. Vitya squatted down.

- Can I do it?

- It will work. Draw. Start with red.

Vitya took a brush in his hands, dipped it in water, then in red paint, and ran a red arc-shaped strip through the sheet.

- Now take the orange paint.

- How's the orange?

- Like an orange.

And Vitya drew an orange arc side by side.

- And now?

- And now it's yellow.

- Yellow as a chicken?

- Yellow as a chicken.

And the third, yellow stripe lay on the paper.

- The next one is green.

- Green like grass?

- Green as grass.

- And now what?

- And now it's blue. But it's a pity we don't have blue. Well, well, let's get the blue one.

The blue stripe lay next to the green one.

- Well, the last one is purple. Here, look, Vitya, what you did. A real rainbow. How alive. And you drew it yourself.

- Mom, so what does this come out? What do I mean now, I can draw myself? Can I myself?

- Of course you can. You drew the rainbow yourself. So pretty.

- So, now I can draw cars, and planes, and birds, and flowers?

- Of course you can. After all, you now have magic colors. You will succeed, Vitya.

- Will it work out? How great, Mom!

Since then, Vitya has never come from kindergarten upset.


I took this book in my hands and found myself in childhood. What fairy tales !!! Many are reprinted, but many are not.

But my eight-year-old child did not look away from the book, until the last page.

There are only a few such books.

There are many fairy tales in it, there are famous ones, and there are not so many.

The book begins with Gaidar's tale. Not all modern children know who Malchish-Kibalchish is.

I love all the stories in this book.

The tale of wasted time by Yevgeny Schwartz tells about the boy Petya, who is not particularly diligent and does not like to do everything on time. Once evil wizards turned him and three other schoolchildren into old men, then Petya began to understand and appreciate all the minutes of his life. After all, as they say in the tale of wasted time: a person who wastes time in vain does not himself notice how old he is.

Kataeva's fairy tale Seven-color flower about the kind girl Zhenya, who received a magic flower with transparent petals of different colors as a gift. Casting spells and tearing off one petal, Zhenechka could make any wish and it was immediately fulfilled. And when she had the last petal, she found a new friend ...

An unusually touching tale, Two Brothers by Evgeny Schwartz, that brothers should not swear, otherwise trouble may happen. All misfortunes happened to the Elder brother because of the rude words that he said to the Younger: "Leave me alone!" The evil, despicable great-grandfather Frost (the father of the good-natured New Year's grandfather Frost) took the Younger to his ice house. Only the kindness and courage of the Elder helped the brothers to reunite and learn to appreciate each other.

The fairy tale Two Brothers is not just a magical children's story, but a work from which you can draw a lot of interesting and useful things. Evgeny Schwartz explains in it that the same concepts for different people can mean different things. For example, peace in the understanding of the Big Brother is an opportunity to be alone with oneself, read a book or go about one's business, without being distracted by games with the Younger, without paying attention to him and not caring about him. Peace in the understanding of Frost is insensitivity and cold. Why does gray hair disappear with joy very, very rarely? Yes, simply because, unfortunately, people do not often experience such a strong joy, comparable in depth to the grief from the loss of a child.

And Paustovsky's fairy tale "Disheveled Sparrow" - how much good is in it. The girl's mother Masha worked in the theater. She was soon to perform, for her fairy tale, my mother took out a small glass bouquet from the table and did not even allow her to touch it. But the old crow stole the bouquet and took it to her "treasury". The same crow caught the sparrow Pashka for theft and beat him hard. The policeman found the sparrow and gave it to Masha. Pashka settled down with her .. Finally, the day of the performance came, my mother was dancing on the stage, when suddenly a sparrow flew into the hall and threw her a bunch of flowers ..

And this tale gave the name to the book

Evgeny Andreevich Permyak

Magic colors

Once in a hundred years, the kindest of all the kindest old people - Santa Claus - brings seven magic colors on New Year's Eve. With these paints, you can paint whatever you want, and the painted will come to life.

If you want, draw a herd of cows and then graze them. If you want - draw a ship and sail on it ... Or a spaceship - and fly to the stars. And if you need to draw something simpler, for example a chair, please ... Draw and sit on it. You can paint anything with magic paints, even soap, and it will wash. Therefore, Santa Claus brings magic colors to the kindest of all the kindest children.

And this is understandable ... If such paints fall into the hands of an evil boy or an evil girl, they can do a lot of trouble. It is worth, say, with these paints to add a second nose to a person, and he will be two-nosed. It is worth adding horns to the dog, the mustache to the chicken, and the hump to the cat, and the dog will be horned, the hen will have a mustache, and the cat will be humped.

Therefore, Santa Claus checks the hearts of children for a very long time, and then he chooses which of them to give magic colors.

For the last time, Santa Claus gave magic colors to one of the kindest of all the kindest boys.

The boy was very happy with the paints and immediately began to draw. Draw for others. Because he was the kindest of all the kindest boys. He drew a warm scarf for his grandmother, an elegant dress for his mother, and a new hunting rifle for his father. A boy painted eyes for a blind old man, and a big, big school for his comrades ...

He painted, without unbending, all day and all evening ... He painted on the other, and on the third, and on the fourth day ... He painted, wishing people well. I painted until the colors ran out. But...

But no one could use what was drawn. The handkerchief drawn by the grandmother looked like a rag for cleaning the floors, and the dress drawn by the mother turned out to be so lopsided, colorful and baggy that she did not even want to try it on. The gun was no different from the club. The eyes for the blind were like two blue blots, and he could not see them. And the school, which the boy drew very diligently, turned out to be so terrible that they were even afraid to come close to it. Falling walls. The roof is on one side. Curved windows. Slanting doors ... a bogeyman, not a house. They did not want to take the ugly building even for a warehouse.

Thus, trees appeared on the street, similar to old panicles. There were horses with wiry legs, cars with some strange round pieces instead of wheels, airplanes with heavy wings, electric wires as thick as a log, fur coats and coats with one sleeve longer than the other ... So there were thousands of things that could not be used, and the people were horrified.

How could you do so much evil, the kindest of all the kindest boys?

And the boy began to cry. He so wanted to make people happy, but not being able to draw, he wasted paints in vain.

The boy was crying so loudly and inconsolably that the kindest of all the kindest old people, Santa Claus, heard him. I heard and returned to him. He returned and put paints in front of the boy.

Only this, my friend, simple colors ... But they can become magical if you want it ...

So said Santa Claus and left ...

A year has passed ... Two years have passed ... Many, many years have passed. The boy became a young man, then an adult, and then an old man ... He painted with simple colors all his life. I painted at home. I painted people's faces. Clothes. Aircraft. Bridges. Railway stations. Palaces ... And the time has come, happy days have come, when what he had drawn on paper began to pass into life ...

Many beautiful buildings appeared, built according to his drawings. Wonderful planes flew. Unknown bridges stretched from coast to coast ... And no one wanted to believe that all this was painted with simple colors. All of them were called magic ...

It happens in this world ... It happens not only with paints, but also with an ordinary ax or a sewing needle, and even with simple clay ... It happens with everything that the hands of the greatest wizard of all the greatest wizards touch - the hands of a hardworking, persistent person ...