Gregory who lives well in Russia. "People's Defender" Grisha Dobrosklonov (based on the poem N

So that my fellow countrymen

And to every peasant

Lived freely and cheerfully

In all holy Russia!

N.A.Nekrasov. Who lives well in Russia

The author's ideal of a positive hero was embodied in the image of the people's defender Grisha Dobrosklonov. This image was the result of N.A.Nekrasov's thoughts about the paths leading to happiness for the Russian people. Truthfully, but very ethically, the poet managed to display the best character traits of Grisha - an optimistic fighter, closely connected with the people and believing in their great and bright future.

Grisha grew up in poverty. His father, Tryfon, a rural dea-chok, lived "poorer than the last seedy peasant", was always hungry. Grisha's mother, Domna, is "an irresponsible laborer for everyone who helped her in some way on a rainy day." Grisha himself studies at the seminary, which for him was a “wet nurse”. No matter how poorly they were fed in the seminary, the young man shared the last piece of bread with his mother.

Grisha thought about life early, and at the age of fifteen he already firmly knew "to whom he would give his whole life and for whom he would die." In front of him, as well as in front of any thinking person, he clearly saw only two roads:

One spacious Road is tornaya. The passion of a slave ...

A crowd greedy for temptation is moving along this path, for which even the thought of “sincere life” is ridiculous. This is the road of soullessness and cruelty, since “eternal, inhuman enmity-war” is boiling there for “perishable goods”.

But there is also a second road: Another is a narrow one, An honest road, Only strong, loving souls walk along it, For battle, for work ...

Grigory Dobrosklonov chooses this path, because he sees his place next to the "humiliated" and "offended." This is the road of people's defenders, revolutionaries, and Grisha is not alone in his choice:

A lot of Russia has already sent its Sons, marked with the Seal of God's gift, On honest paths ...

Grisha has not only a bright mind and an honest rebellious heart, he is also endowed with the gift of eloquence. He knows how to convince the peasants who listen to him and believe his words, to console them, to explain that it is not they who are to blame for the appearance of such people as Gleb the traitor, but the "support" that gave birth to the "sins of the landowner", and the sins of Gleb and the "unfortunate Jacob". Material from the site

There is no support - the new Gleb will not be in Russia!

Gregory better than the rest understands the great power of the word, since he is a poet. His songs lift the spirits of the peasants, delight the Wahlaks. Still very young, Grisha can draw the attention of the disadvantaged people to the idea of \u200b\u200bprotest with his songs and lead them. He believes that the strength of the people is "a calm conscience, truth is alive", therefore he feels "immense strength in his chest."

Grigory Dobrosklonov finds his happiness in love for his homeland and the people, in the struggle for their freedom, and with this he not only answers the question of pilgrims about who lives happily in Russia, but is also the personification of Nekrasov's understanding of the true purpose of his work , own life.

Dobrosklonov Grisha

Poem (1863-1877, unfinished.)

Dobrosklonov Grisha is a character who appears in the chapter "A Feast for the Whole World"; the epilogue of the poem is entirely devoted to him. "Gregory has / His face is thin, pale / And his hair is thin, curly / With a tinge of red." He is a seminarian, the son of the parish deacon Trifon from the village of Bolshie Vakhlaki. Their family lives in extreme poverty, only the generosity of Vlas the godfather and other men helped to put Grisha and his brother Savva on their feet. Their mother Domna, "an unrequited laborer / For everyone who did something / Helped her on a rainy day," died early, leaving a terrible "Salty" song in memory of herself. In D.'s mind, her image is inseparable from the image of her homeland: “In the heart of a boy / With love for a poor mother / Love for all Vakhlachina / Merged”. At the age of fifteen, he was already determined to devote his life to the people. "I do not need any silver, / No gold, but God grant, / So that my fellow countrymen / And every peasant / Lived freely and cheerfully / In all holy Russia!" He is going to Moscow to study, while he and his brother help the peasants to the best of their ability: they write letters for them, explain the "Regulations on peasants who are emerging from serfdom", work and rest "with the peasantry on an equal footing." Observations of the life of the surrounding poor peasants, reflections on the fate of Russia and its people are clothed in poetic form, and the peasants know and love D.'s songs. With his appearance in the poem, the lyrical beginning is intensified, the direct author's assessment invades the narrative. D. is marked with the "seal of the gift of God"; a revolutionary propagandist from among the people, he should, according to Nekrasov, serve as an example for the progressive intelligentsia. In his mouth the author puts his convictions, his own version of the answer to the social and moral questions posed in the poem. The image of the hero gives the poem a compositional completeness. NA Dobrolyubov could have been a real prototype.

All characteristics alphabetically:

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Before you is an essay based on Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia". The essay is devoted to the analysis of the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

People's Defender - Grisha Dobrosklonov

Created in the mid-70s, the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" reflected the period of the democratic rise of Russia, which found itself on the verge of revolution. A mass movement of the intelligentsia to the people began with the aim of revolutionary propaganda. All hopes were pinned on the "revolutionary" peasantry, but the peasant masses remained "deaf" to the preaching of the populists and their "march to the people" was not crowned with success. Disputes about the forms and methods of propaganda in the countryside, about the introduction of revolutionary consciousness into the masses, about how to direct them on the path of active struggle, now and then arose in the populist environment at that time. The author, in the image Grisha Dobrosklonova , gets involved in this dispute.

Nekrasov believed in the need for "live" propaganda among the peasants, in the unity of the intelligentsia and the people, in its effectiveness, even when "going to the people" failed. A fighter-agitator who went to the people, to the peasantry is Grisha Dobrosklonov, the son of a sexton who lived “ poorer than the seedy last peasant ", And" unrequited maids ", Salting bread with tears. Hungry childhood and harsh youth brought him closer to the people, determined his life path.

... about fifteen

Gregory already knew for sure

What will live for happiness

Wretched and dark

A native corner.

Grisha's character traits resemble Dobrolyubov, even their names are consonant. Like Dobrolyubov, Dobrosklonov is a fighter for peasant interests, for all the offended and humiliated. He wants to be there, " ... where it is difficult to breathe, where grief is heard ". He does not need either wealth or personal well-being, he is ready to give his life for that, " so that ... every peasant can live freely and cheerfully in all of Holy Russia! ».

Fate prepared for him

Glorious path, loud name

People's defender,

Consumption and Siberia.

Gregory is not afraid of trials, he believes in the triumph of the cause to which he devoted his life, feeling how a people of many millions are awakening to struggle.

The host rises


The strength in her will affect


The thought of this fills his soul with joy and confidence. The words of Gregory have a strong effect on the Wahlak peasants and on the seven pilgrims, they infect with faith in future happiness for all of Russia.

Grigory Dobrosklonov is the future leader of the peasantry, his path is difficult, but also glorious, " only strong, loving souls "They take it because the greatest happiness, according to Nekrasov, is the struggle for the freedom of the oppressed. To the main question, which is the meaning of the poem: "Who lives well in Russia?" - the author answers: fighters for the happiness of the people.

To be our wanderers under their own roof,

If only they could know what happened to Grisha.

He heard immense strength in his chest,

His blessed sounds delighted the ear,

The radiant sounds of the noble anthem -

He sang the embodiment of national happiness.

The poet connects the connection of the peasantry and the intelligentsia with the fate of the entire people, offering his own solution to the question - how to establish contact and mutual understanding, how to bridge the gap between them. Only the joint efforts of the revolutionaries and the people can lead Russia onto the broad road of freedom and happiness.

I hope this essay has helped you to better understand the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

"Who lives happily, freely in Russia?" Russian schoolchildren are trying to find an answer to this question together with. The writer's poem about the wanderings of men around the world in search of a happy person is called an encyclopedia of folk wisdom. The epic work "Who Lives Well in Russia" contains many characters, and only at the end appears the main character, who turns out to be the lucky one - Grisha Dobrosklonov. The "People's Defender" dreams of the Motherland rising from its knees and the people gaining true freedom.

History of creation

The idea to write an epic in verse about the life of the Russian people, as a summary of the experience and observations of the revolutionary poet, came to Nikolai Nekrasov in the late 1850s. As a basis, the writer took personal impressions from communication with ordinary people, and also relied on some literary works.

So, the main source of inspiration was the "Notes of a Hunter". Here Nekrasov spied on colorful characters and central messages. And only in 1863, when the country had already lived for two years without the shackles of serfdom, the writer got down to work, eventually spending 14 years collecting and arranging material.

As conceived, the folk poem showed the unfolded destinies of various strata of society - from peasants to the ruler of the state. The main characters, looking for happy people on Russian soil, had to go from their native villages to St. Petersburg, where they would even meet with the tsar. The travel time stretched out over a year, containing eight parts. However, what was intended was not destined to come true - the seriously ill author managed to give the world only four chapters.

As soon as they were ready, the parts were published in the magazines Sovremennik and Otechestvennye zapiski. Today the poem looks like it was published, because the author did not have time to clarify the "correct" composition:

  • "Prologue";
  • "The Last One";
  • "Peasant";
  • "A feast for the whole world."

The last chapter did not reach the reader during the life of Nikolai Nekrasov. It was published three years after the death of the author, and then with serious censorship edits. Before his death, the writer changed his idea, trying to convey the main idea, and made the finale open, where the most significant character appears - Grisha Dobrosklonov, who became the desired lucky man.

There was no time left to work out the image, so the readers saw only a hint of the intended outcome of the poem. Feeling the end of his life, Nikolai Alekseevich lamented:

“One thing I deeply regret is that I did not finish my poem“ Who Lives Well in Russia ”.

The writer tried to make the poem as accessible as possible for the perception of ordinary people, so he tried to bring the rhythm of folk tales to the work, added a scattering of songs, sayings and sayings, dialect words.

In the work there was a place for details from fairy tales: a self-assembled tablecloth, the number "seven" (so many wanderers went in search of happiness), a bird that can speak in a human voice, the uncertainty of time and place ("in which land - guess" echoes the phrase from folklore " in a certain kingdom, in a certain state ").

Plot and image

Once "on the pole path" seven peasants met, between whom a dispute ensued about who would live well in Russia. Each voiced his own assumption: for sure, there are lucky ones among the priests, landowners, officials, merchants, boyars. And, finally, the king lives at ease. It was not possible to come to a consensus, so the men went in search of a happy man to personally verify his existence.

The road leads travelers to the Volga, where the heroes get to know the peasants who hide the abolition of serfdom from the crazy old landowner. In return, the relatives of the rich man after his death promise to give the peasants the floodplain meadows. However, they do not hold back their word.

The rumor that a "good-hearted" and successful "governor" lives in a certain city leads the pilgrims to Matryona Timofeevna. However, she disappoints them, claiming that in Russia there is no trace of female happiness. In the chapter "A Feast for the Whole World," the peasants of a village on the Volga organize a holiday on the occasion of the landowner's death. Among the initiators of the party, Grisha Dobrosklonov, the 17-year-old son of a priest, appears.

The author created the image of a people's defender with a difficult life history. The young man was born into the family of a lazy beggar deacon and a farm laborer from a remote village. A hungry childhood, a seminary, where it was also hard ... The support and generosity of the peasants-neighbors helped not to die of hunger, so love for common people from an early age arose in the hero's heart.

From the characterization of the character it is clear that Grisha Dobrosklonov sees happiness not in personal good, but in making life easier and easier for the people. The meaning of his life path contains the phrase:

"... and about fifteen
Gregory already knew for sure
What will live for happiness
Wretched and dark
Native corner ".

Analysis of the image and social position of Nekrasov answer the question of why Dobrosklonov is happy. The hero stands alone in the scattering of characters in the poem, is distinguished by a rebellious character and a special perception of life. All other characters demonstrate resignation to fate, become victims of circumstances. And Grisha is a fighter, the embodied fruit of the author's reflections on the ways that would lead the Russian people to prosperity.

According to critics, the character becomes a continuation of the image, the hero of the work of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", but unlike him, the young man from the literary work of Nekrasov is not alone, the revolutionary fire has already flared up in people's minds.

The poem contains a description of an intelligent democrat, born and raised in an impoverished outback, who seeks the truth in books and kills time for thoughts. Dobrosklonov is a poet who sings songs imbued with revolutionary optimism. The author's attitude to the hero is warm: Nikolai Nekrasov put his own features and thoughts on the triumph of democracy in Grisha.

The artistic canvas of the work is woven from random meetings and conversations, separate destinies are intertwined in it, and all together creates a picture of poor, dirty and drunk Russia, which is on the verge of change.

The work never came to the attention of the directors. Although in 1989 the namesake of the poem appeared - the film "Who Lives Well in Russia" was released on the screens, and in roles. But the picture does not resonate with Nekrasov's poem: the action takes place in the post-war years of the 20th century.


“He heard immense strength in his chest,
His blessed sounds delighted the ear,
The radiant sounds of the noble anthem -
He sang the embodiment of the people's happiness! "
"Fate prepared for him
Glorious path, loud name
People's defender,
Consumption and Siberia ”.
"Pity - pity skillfully ..."
"And I would be glad to heaven, but where is the door?"
“To be underdeveloped is an abyss! To endure is an abyss. "
“Oh mother! oh homeland!
We are not grieving about ourselves, -
Sorry for you, dear. "
“Russian peasants are smart,
One thing is not good
What they drink to the point of stupor
They fall into ditches, into ditches -
It's a shame to look! "

In Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" the writer describes the hard life of a young guy Grisha Dobrosklonov. Grisha is from a very poor family, his mother is seriously ill, and they live poorly by all standards. His childhood and adolescence were spent in eternal starvation and severity, and this is what brought him closer to the people. Poverty does not prevent Dobrosklonov from being a pure, fair person, he loves people very much and stands up for their protection. He hopes that soon all people will live well.

Grisha Dobrosklonov has always fought for the people and their welfare. For him, wealth and blessings were not important, he wanted a good life for everyone, and not just for himself. Dobrosklonov is a very fair young man and he believed that everyone should be reunited and go ahead to their goal.

Nekrasov describes Dobrosklonov as the son of the whole people and a fighter for justice. Grisha is not even afraid to sacrifice his life for the whole people. His life is nothing compared to the lives of a huge number of people. Dobrosklonov is not afraid of hard physical work, he is a hard worker in life and a revolutionary for a good life.

Grisha Dobrosklonov knows that he is not alone in his struggle, because hundreds of people are already fighting, as he is for the people and the Fatherland. Dobrosklonov is not afraid of difficulties, he is sure that his business started will be crowned with success. An immense sense of respect for his people burns in his chest. He knows that they will have to suffer a lot, but at the end of this difficult path, they will all be successful.

He sees how a large number of people rise along with him one step and this gives him even more strength and faith in victory. Nekrasov describes Grisha Dobrosklonov as a person who lives well in Russia, he is happy. His love for the people and zeal to do everything for them is happiness.

At the beginning of the poem, the peasants decide to hit the road and find out who lives well in Russia. They search among the rich and among ordinary people, but they can not find the desired image. Nekrasov, describing Grisha Dobrosklonova, believes that this is exactly what a happy person looks like. After all, Dobrosklonov is the happiest and richest person. True, Grisha's wealth lies not in an expensive house and a lot of money, but in his sincerity and spiritual maturation. Dobrosklonov is happy that he sees that his people are starting a new life. Nekrasov made it clear to the reader with his poem that wealth is not the main thing, the main thing is the soul and self-sacrifice for the sake of others.

Composition by Grisha Dobrosklonov. Image and characteristics

The image of Grisha completes Nekrasov's poem, in which the poet showed so many misfortunes, sufferings of ordinary people. It seems that they no longer have hope ... But in the epilogue itself there is a positive note - Dobrosklonov! The surname itself tells us that this is a very good hero.

Grisha is a poor young man who received a church education. He's an orphan. His mother (with the strange name Domna) did everything to educate him. She loved him very much, and also tried to help other people. But how to help if you yourself have nothing (especially salt)? The poem says that you can ask for bread from friends, neighbors, but you have to pay for salt, which is not there. And little Grisha is crying - he refuses to eat without salt. I think that this is not a whim, but a need for a growing organism. The blast furnace has already sprinkled flour on the bread in order to deceive his son, and he demands "more" salt. Then she began to cry, tears fell on the bread, and this made it salty.

The mother's story greatly influenced Grisha. After her death, he always remembered his mother, sang her song ... He did not finish eating, he suffered. Love for the mother was combined with love for the Motherland. And the older he got, the better he understood how difficult it was for all his fellow citizens. He is horrified that the Slavs are brought to the market in chains in order to sell, that they are taken from the serfs of their children. (Sons - in the army for twenty years, and daughters, in general, to "shame".)

And Gregory feels the strength to change everything for the better. Nekrasov writes that Dobrosklonov is destined for the role of the people's defender, and also predicts this hero of consumption and exile to Siberia. But Grisha has already chosen his path.

The choice, according to the poet, was one of two ways. The one that the majority chooses is broad - to material well-being and passions. And the other is for the elite, who no longer think about themselves, but only about the rest. Who is ready to intercede for the unfortunate!

Nekrasov believes in this image of Dobrosklonov, believes that such people will soon appear (and have already appeared) in Russia. They will surely free their people, or their own nobility. And there will come enlightenment, joy ... Of course, you will have to fight the past. And many of these heroes will need to sacrifice themselves.

And Nekrasov was not mistaken, and his hero became an example for many further defenders of the people.

Option 3

The problem of Nekrasov's work would not have been fully disclosed if there had not been such a hero, a defender of serfs, like Grisha Dobrosklonov. He is ready to go to the end in the struggle for the happiness and rights of disadvantaged peasants.

The author introduces us to the folk hero in the 4th part of the poem. Grisha had a difficult childhood. As the son of a parish dyachka, the future hero was well acquainted with the life of the peasants. A difficult childhood was brightened up by the singing of Grishina's mother, whose songs later helped him to please and inspire ordinary hard workers. It is the songs that reveal the inner world of a fighter for justice, and it is they that show his love for the Russian people. The first song, which the author introduces the reader, tells us about the problems of Russia. According to Dobrosklonov, Russia is ruined by drunkenness, hunger, ignorance and, above all, serfdom. During his life, Grisha managed to feel the troubles of the serfs so strongly that the words for the song themselves burst out. But besides the problems, the song expresses hope for the future happiness and liberation of the peasants. Another song tells the story of a barge haule, who, after hard labor, spends all his money in a pub. The third song, which is called "Rus", betrays the hero's boundless love for his country. For him, happiness is when the peasants are happy. With his songs, Grisha Dobrosklonov tries to appeal to both ordinary people and aristocrats, urging them to answer for the troubles of the peasants.

The image of Gregory is the image of the public defender. Nekrasov tells us about two paths to happiness. The first path is material wealth, power. The second path is spiritual happiness. According to Dobrosklonov, true happiness is spiritual happiness, which can only be achieved through unity with the people. The hero chooses exactly this path, which leads him to "consumption and Siberia."

Grisha Dobrosklonov is a young, purposeful person, whose soul is tormented by the injustice of serf Russia. He is attracted by material wealth, he seeks to support the spirit of the people, wants to sacrifice his life for the future of his beloved country.

The author of the poem wants to convey to the reader the idea that only fighters for the happiness of the people, such as Grisha Dobrosklonov, can lead Russia to prosperity. Because only they are capable of leading people along with them, young, strong revolutionaries who are not indifferent to the problems of ordinary people.

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