The old woman Izergil for which larra was punished. Character story

In the story "Old Woman Izergil" the author - Maxim Gorky, tells about strong-willed, different from other people. The story is told on behalf of an old woman named Izergil. One of the legends that sounded in this story is the legend of Larra. The story began with the fact that Izergil saw a shadow in the distance. She noted that this is Larra, restlessly wandering through the deserts as punishment for boundless pride.

Larra was the son of an eagle and a woman. Once a proud bird stole a girl from her native village and took it with her. After 20 years, the eagle died, and the girl returned, taking her son with her.

The boy grew up very arrogant, did not take into account other people's opinions and put himself above others. This cannot be called an adequate perception of reality. After all, the young man was not something better than others, but looked down on everyone. He did not take into account either the advice of the elders or the opinions of other people.

The people of the village were indignant at such behavior of Larra. But the last straw was the terrible act of the young man, when he killed the girl in front of everyone, who rejected Larra's selfish desire to take possession of her heart at all costs.

The people could not think of a punishment for the young man for a long time. They could not understand why he committed such a cruel act, and tried to talk to him to find out the motives for such behavior. But Larra was adamant and did not want to talk to the people. Then the wisest elder realized that the worst punishment for him would be eternal loneliness, and the inhabitants expelled the young man from the village.

Since then, Larra wandered in splendid isolation and over time began to be tormented by him. He realized that the worst thing that may be is to be aware of the events of what is happening around, but not to take any part in this process. Alone with thoughts for an eternity - a terrible torment.

He was immortal and could only die, so he returned to the village, begging to kill him. But the wise elders understood what was the matter and did not do it, once again expelling him.

Since then, he wanders around the world as a shadow, in eternal torment dreaming only of finding peace.

Can Larra be called a negative character? Sure. But is this behavior explicable? On the one hand, the youth was the son of an eagle. And the eagles are distinguished by their proud disposition, because Larra, in general, is not to blame for inheriting such a character. On the other hand, he was at the same time the son of a man, which means that he must have self-awareness and understand that cynicism must be justified and supported by experience, as well as reflection.

Essay about Larra

In the work of Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil" Larra appears as the main character. We learn about Larra from the story of the old woman Izergil herself. Larra is a rude, cruel and devoid of any feeling of a person. His name is a symbol, meaning "rejected". At the beginning of the story, the old woman points to the shadow, calling her Larra, or rather what is left of him. Such was the punishment for a young man who dared to show his pride.

Larra was born from an eagle who stole a girl. It took about twenty years after the incident, then the girl returned with her child to her homeland. The eagle died, she was left alone.

In the new environment, Larra showed himself not from the best side. He did not honor other people, did not show respect for the main people in the community, did not equal with the common people, considering them unworthy. Larra did not want to make contact with other people, he answered only at his own request, completely ignoring others.

The most terrible thing was not his antics, but the murder of an innocent girl, which was committed by the main character. Larra was not used to getting rejections, he always achieved what he wanted by any means. When the girl rebuffed the hero - pushed him away from herself, such a proud Larra could not endure and killed her.

The community members did not tolerate such an ignorant and barbaric attitude, it was decided to punish the main character. Of course, before that they tried to understand the meaning of his actions, but all to no avail. Then the wisest old man said that the best punishment for such a person is expulsion from people.

And, true, Larra tortured himself, being alone. He returned back to the people, but they drove him away in silence. He wanted death, but could not get it, while other people did not touch him - they knew his motives.

Larra was forced to wander alone forever, such was his punishment for excessive pride.

The main character wanted freedom, did not want to obey the rules of society, which led to his eternal wanderings, during which he became a shadow, gradually disappearing.

Larra is a negative hero, on his example the writer shows what selfishness, excessive selfishness and disrespect for other people can lead to. Only at the very end Larra realized what mistake he made, but it was already impossible to fix something.

Characteristics of Larra (grade 7)

In the story "Old Woman Izergil", the author tells about strong, proud people who are different from others. Such is his heroine herself - old Izergil. She talks about her life, often saying that now there are fewer and fewer strong and strong-willed people and that now they do not know how to live at all. From her lips the author heard two legends.

One of them is the legend of the proud man. His name was Larra. This name means a rejected person. An old woman begins her story about him, drawing the attention of her listener to a shadow in the distance. She says that this is he - the man who was punished for his excessive pride.

Larra was the son of an eagle and an ordinary earthly woman. Once a strong bird carried her away from her native village while still young. But, 20 years later, the woman returned with her child. She told that his father, an eagle, had died.

The young man was very arrogant and proud. Pride helps a person to be stronger, makes him independent from others and from general laws. Everything would be fine, but in moderation. And this young man did not know her. He considered himself better than others and placed himself above everyone else.

He showed no respect for the elders, speaking to them as if they were his peers. When asked about something, he answered only if he wished. And when people began to explain to him that it was necessary to respect the elders, the young man replied that he did not want to do this. And since he does not want to do something, it means that he will not.

This behavior of the young man angered and insulted everyone. But, most of all, the people were amazed by such an act of him, which even none of them could even imagine. In front of everyone, he kills the girl who pushed him away. He did it because he wanted to.

After that, people tied him up. Then they began to invent a punishment for him. They thought for a long time, many executions came to their minds. But, they could not find it. They also tried to talk to him, to understand him. But, it was all in vain.

And so, someone suggested punishing him with loneliness and eternal exile. A better one could not have been imagined. Larra was so exhausted by his own pride that a few years later he himself appeared to those people. He was thirsty for death, wanted them to kill him. But, he could not die.

He was doomed to immortality. However, it became a curse for him, since his exile remained eternal. The words that there is no place for him among people doomed the unfortunate proud man to endless torment and wanderings.

The image of Larra in the legend shows this defect in its highest development. The proud man was pleased with himself, he was free, independent and happy. But, it did not last long. He destroyed himself. After all, living among people, one cannot but be a part of society, disrespect its laws and do everything the way you want only, without thinking about anyone else.

The proud man understands this only when, satiated with his freedom, he realizes that it is his curse and he has long been spiritually dead. He is just a shadow.

Option 4

This magnificent work, written by the wonderful writer Maxim Gorky, tells the story of people who, due to their persistent and strong characters, differ from those around them. The story is told on behalf of an old woman whose name is Izergil. One of the legends that was conveyed to the reader in this work is the legend of Larra. The old woman begins the story with the fact that she sees a certain shadow in the form of Larra, who cannot rest after death, since such an existence is a punishment for him for his pride. Larra is shown in the form of a certain creature whose parents were an eagle and a woman. Once upon a time, a woman was kidnapped by a noble bird and taken with her. After the eagle died, the girl managed to get out with her son from those places.

The boy can be described as arrogant, and disregarding other opinions of the young man, who considered himself superior and better than the rest. His perception of reality was not rational and truthful. After all, it is worth noting that he did not have any special talents that could distinguish him from those around him. People who lived with him in the same village suffered from such a daring and ill-mannered behavior of a young man. When Larra killed a young girl in front of almost all the people, this was the reason to change something. He managed to turn everyone against himself, and did not try to correct his behavior.

Then, the populace began to ponder what punishment suits him best. At first, they wanted to talk to the young man, to find out the reason for his such a terrible act. However, he refused to talk to them, and was adamant in his behavior. Then, one of the elders of the village decided that he must be expelled from their place of residence and left alone. Remaining completely alone, and at the same time being immortal, he decided to return to the village and ask to be killed. However, he was refused, as they did not want to help such a cruel and arrogant person. Since that time, according to legend, he wanders the world in search of his rest, which he cannot find. The work makes you think about the need to behave appropriately in order for others to treat the person as well. Otherwise, you can turn the people around you against yourself, which will lead to their anger, and they will not want to have friendship and communication with such a person.

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    Larra is an unusual character. His father is a free eagle, his mother is a mortal woman. A stately handsome young man stands out among the young people of the tribe. A repulsive impression is created by the look of cold contemptuous eyes. The reader understands: Larra is the negative character of the legend.

    Twenty years ago, a proud eagle stole a young girl, making him a wife. They had a son, Larra, a half-bird, half-human. The eagle crashed against the rocks - the woman decided to return home. The twenty-year-old boy followed.

    Becoming a member of the tribe, he was obliged to abide by the existing laws: respect women, respectfully treat the elders. However, the young man acts differently.

    The first meeting of the eagle's son and his fellow tribesmen ended in tragedy. At first, he shows a disrespectful attitude towards the elders. Then he brutally kills the girl he liked who refused to become the property of a handsome narcissist. The young man believes that he is free to do as he wants. He is indifferent to the opinion of the elders. He is deprived of the ability to sympathize, compassion. Larra loves no one, considering herself the center of the universe. The reason for this is exorbitant pride, selfishness, narcissism. The qualities that the royal father endowed him with is an eagle.

    Horrified people tried to understand the reason for the terrible murder, but Larra did not feel remorse. He thought he was right.

    For a long time they could not think of a punishment commensurate with the crime. A quick death seemed too easy a payback.

    Finally, they decided to leave the young man free. The punishment of loneliness is the worst test.

    Larra, proud, independent, unconquered, retired away. A few years later I realized how hard it is to exist alone. Death was the only escape. Trying to provoke people to aggressive actions, Larra was looking for death. But no one wanted to kill him. The elders drove him away again.

    Having become a shadow, having lost his mind, Larra wanders everywhere. His image reminds us of how important it is to observe the laws of human existence. Thinking only about his own well-being, a person condemns himself to loneliness.

    Eternal lonely life, immortality, which is more terrible than death, is the payment for proud contempt.


    Ideological and artistic originality of M. Gorky's early works.

    The concept of man in M. Gorky's early prose. Word in the early prose of M. Gorky. The moral pathos of the story "The old woman Iser-gil".

    The role of composition in revealing the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "Old woman Izergil".

    In this work, the author's ideal of personality is depicted in an allegorical form.

    In Larra, one of the heroes of the legend told by the old woman Izergil, selfishness goes beyond all boundaries, develops into a hypertrophy of whims, whims - into extreme selfishness and individualism. And one of the elders of the tribe, who was looking for a measure of punishment for Larre for his crime, the murder of the girl who rejected him, suggested a truly wise decision: to punish individualism with individualism - to doom the egocentric criminal to eternal loneliness.


    - It's a shadow! Why are you calling her Larra?

    - Because it's him. He has already become like a shadow - it's time! He lives for thousands of years, the sun dried his body, blood and bones, and the wind sprayed them. This is what God can do to a man for pride! ..

    And they talked to him, and he answered, if he wanted, or was silent, and when the oldest tribes came, he spoke to them as to his equals.

    And he, boldly looking at them, answered that there were no more people like him; and if everyone honors them, he does not want to do it.

    - Do you only use yours? I see that each person has only speech, arms and legs ... and he owns animals, women, land ... and many more

    We talked to him for a long time and finally saw that he considered himself the first on earth and, except himself, saw nothing. Everyone even felt scared when they realized what loneliness he had doomed himself to. He had no tribe, no mother, no cattle, no wife, and he did not want any of this.

    Stop! There is a punishment. This is a terrible punishment; you will not invent such a thing in a thousand years! The punishment on him is in himself! Let him go, let him be free. Here is his punishment!

    And then something great happened. Thunder struck with no-devil - although there were no clouds on them. This heavenly powers confirmed the speech of the wise.

    And this young man, who now received the name Larra, which means: rejected, thrown out, - the young man laughed loudly after the people who had thrown him, laughed, remaining alone, free, like his father.

    And for a long time, alone, he hovered around people, for a long time - not a dozen years. But then one day he came close to the people and when they rushed at him, he did not move and did not show in any way that he would defend himself. Then one of the people guessed it and shouted loudly:

    - Don't touch him! He wants to die!

    You see, he has already become like a shadow and will be like that forever! He does not understand the speech of people, or their actions - nothing. And everything seeks, walks, walks ... He has no life, and death does not smile at him. And there is no place for him among people ... That's how a man was struck for pride!

    The image of Danko in the legend of Danko is built on a contrast. The author opposes the will of the romantic hero to the lack of will of the crowd. With his heroic death, Danko confirmed the immortality of the feat. Movement is a consequence of great love for people.


    - These sparks from the burning heart of Danko. There was a heart in the world that once flashed with fire ... And from it these sparks. I'll tell you about it ...

    - Do not turn a stone from the path of thought. Whoever does nothing, nothing will happen to him. That we are wasting energy on thought and longing? Get up, let's go into the forest and walk through it, because it has an end - everything in the world has an end! Come on! Well! Gay!..

    It was a difficult path, and people, tired of it, were discouraged. But they were ashamed to admit their impotence, and so they fell in anger and anger at Dan-ko, the man who was walking ahead of them. And they began to reproach him for his inability to manage them - that's how!

    - You said: "Lead!" - and I led! - shout-zero Danko, becoming his chest against them. - I have the courage to lead, that's why I led you! And you? What have you done to help yourself? You just walked and did not know how to keep your strength on the way longer! You just walked, walked like a flock of sheep!

    And so his heart flashed with the fire of a desire to save them, to bring them to their lungs, and then the rays of that mighty fire flashed in his eyes ...

    - What will I do for people ?! - Danko shouted louder than thunder.

    And suddenly he tore open his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it and raised it high above his head.

    - Let's go! - Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and was-telling them the way to people.

    The proud daredevil Danko threw his gaze ahead of himself on the breadth of the steppe, - he threw a joyful gaze at the free land and laughed proudly. And then he fell and died.

    The story about Izergil herself is more multifaceted than the stories about Larra and Danko, the problem of the relationship between freedom and love is posed. Born to live to live Danko, she will live her like Larra.


    I then loved one worthy gentleman with a chopped face. His whole face was hacked, but criss-cross with the sabers of the Turks, with whom he had fought for the Greeks shortly before. Here is a man! .. What are the Greeks to him if he is a Pole? And he went, fought with them against their enemies.

    What are the Greeks to him if he is a Pole? But what: he loved exploits. And when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and will find where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always a place for moving. And those who do not find them for themselves are simply lazy or cowards or do not understand life, because if people understood life, everyone would want to leave behind their shadow in it. And then life would not devour people without a trace ...

    He was a fisherman from the Prut, and then, when my mother found out about everything and beat me, he persuaded me to go with him to Dobrudzha and further to the Danube girls. But I didn't like him then - he only sings and kisses, nothing more! It was boring already.

    She introduced me to a fellow. It was good ... He was red, all red - and mustache and curls! Fiery head. And he was so sad, sometimes affectionate, and sometimes, like a beast, roared and fought. Once he hit me in the face ... And I, like a cat, jumped on his chest, and dug my teeth into his cheek ... From that time on, there was a hole in his cheek, and he loved when I kissed her .. ...

    They were both hanged together - both the fisherman and this hutsul. I went to see how they were hanged. It was in Dobrudja. The fisherman went to the execution, pale and crying, while the Hutsul smoked his pipe. He walks to himself and ku-rit, hands in pockets, one mustache is on his shoulder, and the other is hanging over his chest. He saw me, took out the receiver and shouted: "Goodbye! .."

    - And I also loved the Turk. In his harem, he was in Scutari. Lived for a whole week, - nothing ... But it became boring ... - all women, women ... He had eight of them ... All day they eat, sleep and talk silly speeches ... Or they swear, cackle like hens ...

    Romantic heroes in Gorky's early work are placed in unusual, exceptional, or conditional circumstances. To enhance the exclusivity of circumstances, fantastic elements and methods of oral folk art are used. Allegorical methods of depiction allow the writer to express philosophical problems, to raise questions about the truth and meaning of life, about happiness and heroism.


    The wind flowed in wide, even waves, but sometimes it seemed to jump over something invisible and, giving rise to a strong gust, fluttered the women's hair into fantastic manes that billowed around their heads. This made women strange and fabulous. They moved farther and farther from us, and the night and fantasies dressed them more and more beautifully.

    All this - sounds and smells, clouds and people - was strangely beautiful and sad, it seemed like the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale. And everything seemed to have stopped in its growth, was dying, the noise of voices was extinguished, moving away, re-born into sad sighs.

    Little people walked between large trees and in the terrible noise of lightning, they walked, and, swinging, the giant trees creaked and hummed angry songs, and lightning, flying over the tops of the forest, illuminated it for a moment with a blue, cold fire and disappeared as quickly as they appeared, frightening people.

    Only one cautious person noticed this and, fearing something, stepped on his proud heart with his foot ... And now it, scattering into sparks, died out ...

    - That's where they come from, the blue sparks of the steppe that appear before the storm!

    What is the semantics of the age of the main characters of the work (a gentleman from San Francisco, his wife, his daughter)?

    Age in "The Lord from San Francisco" is the most important semantic detail of the character's appearance, behavior, and worldview. Indicating the age of the protagonist (58 years old) and noting that he was just beginning to live, the author emphasizes the spiritual inconsistency of the hero, who, having lived for so many years, chasing money, "did not live, but only existed." Speaking about the old age of the hero's wife, Bunin gives this detail a generalizing meaning, namely, the love of elderly American women for travel. A similar detail becomes the age of the daughter of a gentleman from San Francisco, "a young woman" and "slightly painful."

    In which work of Russian literature of the 20th century is the tradition of the character's namelessness preserved as a sign of generalization and how does it differ from the work of I.

    A. Bunina?

    The tradition of the character's namelessness as a sign of generalization is preserved in the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Fat and Thin" and the novel by MA Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

    Chekhov does not name the characters in his story. Like Bunin, with such a detail the author generalizes the images of the heroes, and also emphasizes the vices of the public.

    In Bulgakov's novel, the hero has no name, he is called the Master. However, if by replacing the name with the nickname “Master” Bulgakov emphasizes his elevation and the chosenness of the hero, then the namelessness of the Bunin hero means only that he is one of many.

    What did the sage mean when he said that Larra's punishment was “in himself”?

    Larra is a proud and self-confident "son of an eagle". When he said that Larra's punishment is “in himself,” the sage meant that the hero would be punished by the very essence of human nature. And so it happened, the hero driven away by people suffers from loneliness, destructive for a person, and renunciation of society so much that he longs for death. Thus, Larra, in whose veins human blood flows, is punished with destructive freedom from people and because of this, she experiences real mental anguish.

    In what works of Russian classics does the theme of a “proud man” sound, and in what ways are these works consonant with Gorky's story?

    The theme of "a proud man" is heard in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" and in M. Gorky's drama "At the Bottom".

    Raskolnikov, the hero of Dostoevsky, considers himself "entitled", and the rest "lice." Wanting to confirm his thought about himself, Raskolnikov goes on a crime and kills the old woman-pawnbroker, and then her sister. Like Larra, Raskolnikov puts himself above others and, considering that he is allowed more than others, is punished: Larra is doomed to eternal immortality and loneliness, and Raskolnikov is sent to hard labor.

    The tick from the drama "At the Bottom" sees its superiority over other inhabitants of the shelter in the fact that he is busy with work. Despite the hero's confidence that a bright future awaits him, his dreams are not destined to come true: after the funeral of his wife, he is left without money and resigns himself to the misery of his situation. Like Larra, Tick despises the society around him, however, both heroes eventually admit the erroneousness of their beliefs, but if Tick after that becomes close to the night shelters, then Larra does not even have the opportunity to do it.

    In what works of Russian literature is a bright, strong personality glorified, and in what way can these works be compared with the work of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"?

    Images of a bright, strong personality are present in such works as the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Song ... about the merchant Kalashnikov" and the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment".

    The merchant Kalashnikov is a brave, courageous man, whose dignity as a wife was sought after by the tsar's oprichnik Kiribeyevich. Like the legendary Danko, this hero dies a heroic death: if Danko dies saving others, then Kalashnikov, defending the honor of his family, for which he is later praised by his people.

    Sonya Marmeladova, the heroine of Dostoevsky, is a strong, spiritually elevated personality. This girl, like Danko, is selfless and full of love for people - sacrificing her life, she goes to hard labor for a loved one in order to then save him.

    What features of romantic storytelling are present in the legend of Danko?

    Danko is a sacrificed savior of people from death. In the legend of Danko, the author uses such a feature of the romantic story as the conflict between the hero and the society in which he finds himself. So, the brave, brave Danko is opposed to ungrateful and angry people. Also, another feature of romantic storytelling is parallelism - in this case, the comparison of natural phenomena with ongoing events. A noisy, buzzing forest, lightning speaks of the tension of the moment, foreshadow the imminent death of the hero, and the forest, which has fallen silent after the act of self-sacrifice, illuminated by light, testifies to the purity and nobility of the deed. It is these techniques of romanticism that are used in the legend of Danko.

    Maxim Gorky entered literature as the author of romantic stories. Among them was the work "The Old Woman Izergil", written in 1894. In it, the author tries to assess a person based on an analysis of his actions. Their measure is the benefit to other people. Thus, the concept of ideal and anti-ideal characteristic of romanticism was realized.

    Three heroes are in the center of the writer's attention: Izergil, acting as the narrator, condemned to eternal immortality by Larr and who gave his life to save the Danko tribe. of all three stories (legends are successfully intertwined with the fate of the old woman herself) is the key to understanding the answer to the question that never loses its relevance: what is the meaning of human existence on earth? It is interesting in this regard to speculate about what Larra was punished for. And is he the only one to blame for everything that happened?

    The backstory of the legend of Larra

    The story takes place in the evening on the seashore - a typical backdrop for a romantic piece. The majestic free nature that surrounds the narrator and the old Moldovan woman lives according to its own laws and at the same time reflects the aspirations of a person, helps to understand his inner world.

    The old woman Izergil does not recall the legend about who Larra is by accident. She points to her interlocutor at the shadows floating in the endless sky. One of them was "darker and thicker", and moved faster than the rest. "He lives for thousands of years ... This is what God can do to a man for pride!" - these words became the beginning of the tale of the incredible pride of the eagle man, which became the reason for his curse and immortality.

    The story of the hero's birth

    Understanding what Larra was punished for begins with his origin. Once a mighty eagle stole a girl from a strong and mighty tribe. She returned only twenty years later, and next to her was a beautiful young man - a son born of an eagle. The king of birds, who began to weaken, rose up and, folding his wings, rushed to the sharp rocks.

    Now his descendant stood before the people - outwardly seemed like them, but still distinguished by proud and cold eyes. And all his actions emphasized that he felt superiority over the others - even with the elders, the young man spoke as an equal to them. The reason is simple. The young man from birth was distinguished by a different psychology, which makes him unlike people, therefore he has no place among them. This is the first characteristic of Larra - the son of a powerful and freedom-loving eagle and an earthly woman.

    Killing a girl

    Immediately opposing herself to the entire tribe, Larra calmly deals with the daughter of one of the elders. She first lured him with a glance, and then pushed him away, frightened by her father. Everybody around was chained by fear - for the first time before their eyes a woman was so brutally killed. And the eagle's son proudly stood over his victim, not lowering his head and feeling his superiority over the rest, for which he was punished.

    Larra confused the elders with his behavior. For a long time they tried to understand the young man's deed. Not finding the answer to their questions, they turned to him. And for Larra everything was simple: "I killed her because ... because she pushed me away." So the reason for the opposition of one person to the crowd, characteristic of a romantic work, was the excessive pride and individualism inherited from the royal bird.

    Alienation from people

    The elders thought for a long time what punishment Larra deserves. The old woman Izergil said that they went over many options until the young man himself, with his speeches, prompted them the answer. He considered himself the first on earth, and therefore, as one of the elders noted, freedom would be the most terrible punishment for him. Suddenly, at that moment, "thunder from heaven" convinced them of the correct decision. Larra was released, and since then he has become "an outcast" - such is the meaning of his name.

    More than a thousand years have passed, and his shadow still wanders the earth lonely. At first he lived freely, like a bird, did whatever he wanted. Nobody paid any attention to him. But one day the proud son of an eagle himself came to the people: he stood for a long time and did not move. Someone guessed that he was looking for death. However, everyone remembered what Larra was punished for, and therefore only laughed, looking at him. Then Larra grabbed a knife and hit himself in the chest with it. But he bounced off his body like a stone.

    Long ago his flesh had dried up, and he, having turned into a shadow, is looking for death, which he will never find.

    Larra's image: assessment and significance

    The author condemns his hero for his extreme individualism, for daring to oppose himself to the entire tribe. According to M. Gorky, the main goal of human existence is serving people. This is exactly how Danko's story is presented. Larra, on the other hand, is an anti-ideal, whose behavior and deed has no justification.

    However, do not forget that Larra is not an ordinary person. He is the son of an eagle, who grew up far from people and is not accustomed to human laws. But his trouble is that he is not a bird like his father. Therefore, Larra deserves not only condemnation, but also sympathy. His tragedy was predetermined at birth.