Vasily shukshin to read the third roosters. Until the third cocks

Once in one library, in the evening, around six o'clock, characters of Russian classical literature were arguing. Even when the librarian was there, they looked at her with interest from their shelves - they waited. The librarian finally spoke with someone on the phone ... She spoke strangely, the characters listened and did not understand. They were surprised.
- No, - said the librarian, - I think it's millet. He's a goat ... We'd better walk along. A? No, well, he's a goat. We'll walk, right? Then we will go to Vladik ... I know that he is a ram, but he has a "Grundik" - let's sit ... The seal will also come, then this one will be ... an owl ... Yes, I know that they are all goats, but we must somehow shoot the time! Well, well ... I'm listening ...
- I don't understand anything, - someone in a top hat said quietly - either Onegin or Chatsky - to his neighbor, a heavy landowner, it seems, Oblomov.
Oblomov smiled:
- They are going to the zoo.
- Why are all the goats?
- Well ... apparently, irony. Pretty. A?
The gentleman in the top hat winced.
- Vulgarite.
“Give you all the French women,” Oblomov said with disapproval. - And it will look to me. With legs - they thought of it well. A?
- Very much ... of that ... - the dejected-looking gentleman, clearly a Chekhovian character, interjected into the conversation. - Very short. Why so?
Oblomov laughed softly:
- Why are you looking there? Take it and don't look.
- What is it to me, in essence? - Chekhov's character was confused. - You are welcome. Why did they just start with their feet?
- What? - Oblomov did not understand.
- Reborn something.
- And where do they come from? - Asked a satisfied Oblomov. - With feet, brother, and begin.
“You don’t change,” the Knocked Man remarked with hidden contempt.
Oblomov laughed softly again.
- Tom! Tom! Listen! - the librarian shouted into the phone. - Listen! He's a goat! Who has a car? Him? No seriously? - The librarian was silent for a long time - she listened.
- What sciences? she asked quietly. - Yes? Then I myself am a goat ...
The librarian was very upset ... She hung up, sat just like that, then got up and left. And she locked the library.
Then the characters jumped off their shelves, moved chairs ...

At the pace, at the pace! - shouted someone of a bureaucratic appearance, bald. - Let's continue. Who else wants to say about Ivan the Fool? Request: do not repeat yourself. And - in short. We must make a decision today. Who!
- Allow me? Poor Liza asked.
- Come on, Liza, - said Bald.
“I myself am also a peasant,” Poor Liza began, “you all know how poor I am ...
- We know, we know! - everyone rustled. - Make it short!
“I am ashamed,” Poor Liza continued hotly, “that Ivan the Fool is with us. How long to?! How long will he disgrace our ranks?
- Drive out! - shouted from the spot.
- Quiet! - Sternly said the bald clerk, - What do you suggest, Liza?
“Let him get a certificate that he's smart,” said Lisa.
Then everyone rustled approvingly.
- Right!
- Let him get it! Or let it clean up! ...
- What are you, however, quick, - said the huge Ilya Muromets. He was sitting on his shelf - he could not get up. - Broke. Where will he get it? Easy to say ...
- At the Sage. The bald man who was leading the meeting angrily slammed his palm on the table. - Ilya, I didn't give you a word!
- I didn't ask you. And I'm not going to ask. Close the slurp, or I'll make the ink drink at once. And eat a blotter. Office rat.
- Well, it starts! .. - Oblomov said displeased. - Ilya, you should only bark. And what a bad suggestion: let him get a certificate. I'm also embarrassed to sit next to a fool. He smells of footcloths ... And, I think, no one ...
- Cry! - Ilya thundered. - It's embarrassing for him. Would you like a club on the head? I'll get it!
Then someone, obviously superfluous, remarked:
- Civil strife.
- A? - did not understand Kontorsky.
“Civil strife,” said Superfluous. - We'll be gone.
- Who's missing? - Ilya, too, did not see the danger that Superfluous spoke about. - Sit here, gussar! Otherwise I'll get it once too ...
- I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous jumped up.
- Yes, sit down! - said Kontorsky. - What satisfaction?
- I demand satisfaction: this Karacharov seat offended me.
“Sit down,” Oblomov said. - What to do with Ivan?
Everyone thought about it.
Ivan the Fool was sitting in the corner, making something out of the floor of his army jacket, like an ear.
“Think, think,” he said. - Clever people were found ... Doctors.
“Don't be rude, Ivan,” said Kontorsky. - They think about him, you know, and he's still rude. How about some help? Maybe you can go get it?
- Where?
- At the Sage ... You have to do something. I also lean ...
- And I'm not inclined! - Ilya thumped again. - He bows. Well, lean as much as you like. Don't go, Vanka. They have invented some nonsense - help ... Who jumped out with the help? Lizka? What are you, girl ?!
- And nothing - Poor Liza exclaimed. - If you are sitting, then everyone should be sitting? Uncle Ilya, this sit-down campaign will not work for you! I join the presenter's demand: something must be done. - And she once again said loudly and convincingly: - We must do something!
Everyone thought about it. And Ilya frowned.
“Some kind of sit-down campaign,” he grumbled. - Invents anything he hits. What kind of campaigning?
- Yes, this is the most! - Oblomov jumped at him. - Seated, you were told. "Ka-ka-aya". Please be quiet. We must, of course, do something, friends. You just need to understand: what to do?
- And yet I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous recalled his insult. - I challenge this bawker (to Ilya) to a duel.
- Sit down! - Kontorsky shouted at Superfluous. - To do business or to engage in duels? Stop fooling around. And so much has gone away ... The thing must be done, and not run through the woods with pistols.
Then everyone was agitated, rustled approvingly.
- I would have banned these duels altogether! - shouted pale Lensky.
“Coward,” Onegin told him.
- Who is the coward?
- You're a coward.
- And you are a quitter. Sharpie. The libertine. Cynic.
- Let's go to the Volga! - suddenly shouted some guly chieftain. - Saryn to the kitsch!
- Sit down! - Kontorsky was angry. - And then I'll show those "saryn". Slide it behind the closet yonder - you will eat there. I ask again: what are we going to do?
- Come to me, Ataman, - Ilya called the Cossack. - I'll tell you something.
- I warn you, - said Kontorsky, - if you start some kind of quarrel ... you won't be able to take your head off. To me too, you know, nuggets.
- Nothing can be said! - Ilya was bitterly indignant. - What are you ?! Dogs of some kind, a true god: whatever you say - it's not like that.
- Just do not pretend, please, - Onegin said with contempt, addressing Ilya and the Cossack, - that you are the only one of the people. We are people too.
- Wait they will tear the shirts on their chests, - said a certain small character like Gogol's Akaki Akakievich. - The sleeves will chew ...
- Why should I chew my sleeves? the Cossack chieftain asked sincerely. “I’ll put you on one palm and slap you with the other.
“Everything is civil strife,” said Superfluous sadly. - We won't do anything now. In addition, we will also be lost.
- Let's go to the Volga! - the Ataman called again. - At least take a walk.
“Sit down,” Oblomov said angrily. - Reveler ... All would have to walk, all would have to walk! Business must be done, not walking.
- Ah-ah, - suddenly ominously quietly stretched the Ataman, - here's a coho I've been looking for all my life Here's a coho that I need ... - And he pulled a saber from its sheath. - That's who I'm bleeding to ... Everyone jumped up from their seats ...
Akaki Akakievich flew like a bird to his regiment, Poor Liza sat down in horror and covered herself with a sundress ... Onegin convulsively loaded a dueling pistol from the barrel, and Ilya Muromets laughed and said:
- Oh, running around ?! Did you run in, you drape devils ?! We ran in!
Oblomov barred himself from the Cossack with a chair and shouted to him, straining:
- You ask literary historians! You ask! .. I was good! I'm only a hopeless quitter ... But I'm harmless!
- But let's take it, - said the Cossack, - just give them a damn, how good you are: my saber does not cut good ones.
Kontorsky was poking his head towards Kazak, he swung at him, and Kontorsky jumped back.
- Beat, Cossacks! - Ilya barked. - Chedi filthy blood!
And God knows what would have happened here if not for Akaky Akakievich.
In the midst of the general confusion, he suddenly jumped up and shouted:
- Closed for registration!
And everyone froze ... They came to their senses. The Cossack hid his saber. Oblomov wiped his face with a handkerchief, Liza got up and shyly straightened her sundress.
“Asia,” said Kontorsky quietly and bitterly. - How can you do something here! Thank you, Akaki. Somehow it didn't occur to me - to register.
- Ilya, do you have any wine? - asked the Cossack Muromets.
- Where from? - he answered. - I don’t drink.
- It's hard on the soul, - said the Cossack. - I will suffer ...
- And there's nothing here ... swinging, you know, - said Kontorsky. - Let's continue. Lisa, you wanted to say something ...
“I propose to send Ivan the Fool to the Sage for help,” Liza said loudly and with conviction. - If he does not bring a certificate to the third roosters, let it ... I don't know ... let it get away from us.
- Where is he? - Ilya asked sadly.
- Let him go to the second-hand bookshop! - Lisa snapped hard.
- Oh, isn't it cool? - someone doubted.
“Not cool,” said Kontorsky, too harshly. - Not at all. The only way. Ivan ...
- Ainki! - Ivan responded. And he got up.
- Go.
Ivan looked at Ilya. Ilya bent his head and said nothing. And the Cossack also said nothing, only wrinkled his face painfully and looked with his eyes on the shelves and on the table - everything, apparently, was looking for wine.
“Go, Vanka,” Ilya said quietly. - You can't do anything. Need to go. See how they are all ... scientists. Go and remember: you cannot burn in fire, you cannot drown in water ... I cannot vouch for the rest.
- Want my saber? - the Cossack offered Ivan.
- Why do I need it? - he answered.
- Ivan, - said Ilya, - go boldly - I'll think about you. Where trouble will overtake you ... Where they plan to destroy you, I will shout: "Vanka, look!"
- How do you know sho exho trouble has calmed down? - asked the Cossack.
- I'll find out. I teach with my heart. And you will hear my voice.
Ivan went out to the middle of the library, bowed with all his half-length bows ... He pulled the Armenian up tighter and went to the door.
- Do not remember dashingly, if where I go, - said from the doorway.
- The Lord is with you, - said Oblomov. - Maybe you won't be lost.
“You’ll come with a certificate, Ivan,” Liza said excitedly, “I’ll marry you.”
“Why the hell do I need you,” Ivan said rudely. - I'd rather be a princess of some kind ...
- Don't, Ivan, - Ilya waved his hand, - don't get involved. All of them ... no better than this one. - He pointed to Lisa. - Why do you want this certificate ?! What are you talking about? Where's the guy ... looking at night! And will he give it, a certificate, your Sage? He's also sitting there ...
“You can't go without a certificate, Uncle Ilya,” Liza said resolutely. - And to you, Ivan, I will remember that I abandoned me. Oh, I will remember those!
“Go, go, Ivan,” said Kontorsky. - It's late - you need to be in time.
“Goodbye,” Ivan said. And he went out.

To be continued...

Vasily Shukshin.Until the third cocks

Once in a library, in the evening, around six o'clock, they argued
characters of Russian classical literature. Even when the librarian was at
place, they looked at her with interest from their shelves - they waited.
The librarian finally spoke to someone on the phone ... She spoke
strangely, the characters listened and didn't understand. They were surprised.
No, - said the librarian, - I think it's millet. He
goat ... We'd better walk along. A? No, well, he's a goat. We'll walk
so? Then let's go to Vladik ... I know that he is a ram, but he has a "Grundik" -
let's sit ... The seal will also come, then this one will be ... an owl ... Yes, I know
that they are all goats, but you have to somehow shoot time! Well, well ... I'm listening ...
I don't understand anything, '' someone in a top hat said quietly, `` either Onegin, not
then Chatsky - to his neighbor, a heavy landowner, it seems, Oblomov.

Oblomov smiled:
- They are going to the zoo.
- Why are all the goats?
- Well ... apparently, irony. Pretty. A?

The gentleman in the top hat winced.
- Vulgarite.
“Give you all the French women,” Oblomov said with disapproval. -- A
it looks to me.
With legs - they thought of it well. A?
Very much ... that ... - the dejected-looking gentleman interjected into the conversation,
clearly a Chekhov character. - Very short. Why so?
Oblomov laughed softly:
- Why are you looking there? Take it and don't look.
- What is it to me, in essence? - Chekhov's character was confused. -
You are welcome. Why did they just start with their feet?
-- What? - Oblomov did not understand.
- Reborn something.
- And where do they come from? - Asked a satisfied Oblomov. - From the feet,
brother, and begin.
“You don’t change,” the Knocked Down remarked with hidden contempt.
Oblomov laughed softly again.
- Tom! Tom! Listen! - the librarian shouted into the phone.
-- Listen! He's a goat!
Who has a car? Him? No seriously? - The librarian was silent for a long time
- listened.
- What sciences? - asked - she is quiet. -- Yes? Then I myself am a goat ...
The librarian was very upset ... She hung up, sat just
so, then got up and left. And she locked the library.
Then the characters jumped off their shelves, moved chairs ... At a pace,
at the pace! - shouted someone of a bureaucratic appearance, bald. - Let's continue. Who
still wants to say about Ivan the Fool? Request: do not repeat yourself. And - in short.
We must make a decision today. Who!

Allow me? Poor Liza asked.
- Come on, Liza, - said Bald.
- I myself am also from the peasants, - began Poor Liza, - you all know
how poor I am ...
- We know, we know! - everyone rustled. - Make it short!
- I am ashamed, - Poor Liza continued hotly, - that Ivan the fool
is with us.
How long to?! How long will he disgrace our ranks?
- Drive out! - shouted from the spot.
-- Quiet! - Sternly said the bald clerk, - What do you suggest,
- Let him get a certificate that he is smart, - said Lisa.
Then everyone rustled approvingly.
-- Right!
- Let him get it! Or let it clean up! ...
- What are you, however, quick, - said the huge Ilya Muromets. He sat
on his shelf - could not get up. - Broke. Where will he get it? Easy
to tell...

At the Sage. - The bald man, who was leading the meeting, angrily slapped his palm
across the table. - Ilya, I didn't give you a word!
- I didn't ask you. And I'm not going to ask. Close the slurp, and
i’ll make the ink drink at once. And eat a blotter. Office rat.
- Well, it starts! .. - Oblomov said displeased. - Ilya, you would
just bark. And what a bad suggestion: let him get a certificate. Me too
awkward to sit next to a fool. He smells of footcloths ... And no one, I
i think not ...
- Cry! - Ilya thundered. - It's embarrassing for him. Would you like a club on the head?
I'll get it!
Then some, obviously superfluous, remarked: - Civil strife.
-- A? - did not understand Kontorsky.
“Civil strife,” said Superfluous. - We'll be gone.
- Who's missing? - Ilya also did not see the danger that he spoke about
Excess. - Sit here, gussar! Otherwise I'll get it once too ...
- I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous jumped up.
- Yes, sit down! - said Kontorsky. - What satisfaction?
- I demand satisfaction: this Karacharov seat offended me.
“Sit down,” Oblomov said. - What to do with Ivan?
Everyone thought about it.
Ivan the Fool was sitting in the corner, making something out of the floor of his army,
like an ear.
“Think, think,” he said. - Clever people were found ... Doctors.
“Don't be rude, Ivan,” said Kontorsky. - They think about him, you know,
and he is still rude. How about some help? Maybe you can go get it?
- Where?
- At the Sage ... You have to do something. I also lean ...
- And I'm not inclined! - Ilya thumped again. - He bows. Well
bow as much as you like.
Don't go, Vanka. Invented some nonsense - help ... Who is this with
help jumped out?
Lizka? What are you, girl ?!
- And nothing - Poor Liza exclaimed. - If you sit, then that's all
have to sit? Uncle Ilya, this sit-down campaign will not work for you! I
i join the presenter's demand: something must be done. - And she again
she said loudly and convincingly: - We must do something!
Everyone thought about it. And Ilya frowned.
“Some kind of sit-down campaign,” he grumbled. - Invents something
hitting. What kind of campaigning?
- Yes, this is the most! - Oblomov jumped at him. - Sitting, you
said. "Ka-ka-aya". Please be quiet. We must, of course, do something,
friends. You just need to understand: what to do?
- And yet I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous recalled his insult. -
I challenge this bawker (to Ilya) to a duel.
- Sit down! - Kontorsky shouted at Superfluous. - Deal to do or duels
engage in? Stop fooling around. And so much went off ...
do, not run through the woods with pistols. Everyone here got excited, made a noise
- I would have banned these duels altogether! - shouted pale Lensky.
“Coward,” Onegin told him.
- Who is the coward?
-- You're a coward.
- And you are a quitter. Sharpie. The libertine. Cynic.
- Let's go to the Volga! - suddenly shouted some guly chieftain. -
Saryn to the kitsch!

Sit down! - Kontorsky was angry. - And then I'll show those "saryn". Zadvinu
for the closet over there - you will eat there
I ask again: what are we going to do?
-- Come to me. Ataman, - Ilya called the Cossack. - I'll tell you something.
- I warn you, - said Kontorsky, - if you start any
swara ... you can't take your head off. To me too, you know, nuggets.
- Nothing can be said! - Ilya was bitterly indignant. - What are you ?!
Dogs of some kind, a true god: whatever you say - it's not like that.
- Just do not pretend, please, - Onegin said with contempt,
addressing Ilya and the Cossack - that only you are one of the people. We, too --
- Wait they will tear the shirts on the chest, - said some small
a character like Gogol's Akaki Akakievich. - The sleeves will chew ...
- Why should I chew my sleeves? the Cossack chieftain asked sincerely.
“I’ll put you on one palm and slap you with the other.
“Everything is civil strife,” said Superfluous sadly. - Nothing now
we won't do it at all. In addition, we will also be lost.
- Let's go to the Volga! - the Ataman called again. - At least take a walk.
“Sit down,” Oblomov said angrily. - Reveler ... All would have to walk, all would
for them to walk! Business must be done, not walking.
- Ah-ah, - suddenly ominously quietly stretched the Ataman, - that's what I was looking for
all my life Here's a coho I need something ... - And he pulled a saber from its scabbard. - That's who
wait, I'm bleeding ... Everybody jumped up from their seats ...
Akaki Akakievich flew like a bird onto his shelf, Poor Liza sat down in
horror and closed herself with a sundress ... Onegin convulsively loaded a dueling
pistol, and Ilya Muromets laughed and said:
- Oh, running around ?! Did you run in, you drape devils ?! We ran in!
Oblomov barred himself from the Cossack with a chair and shouted to him, straining:
- You ask literary historians! You ask! .. I was good! I
only a hopeless bummer ... But I'm harmless!
- But let's take it, - said the Cossack, - fuck it, how good you are:
my saber is not good.
Kontorsky was leaning towards Kazak, he swung at him, and Kontorsky
bounced off.
- Beat, Cossacks! - Ilya barked. - Chedi filthy blood!
And God knows what would have happened here if not for Akaky Akakievich. In the middle
of general confusion, he suddenly jumped up and shouted:
- Closed for registration!
And everyone froze ... They came to their senses. The Cossack hid his saber. Oblomov wiped his face
handkerchief, Liza got up and bashfully straightened her sundress.
“Asia,” said Kontorsky quietly and bitterly. - Is it possible here
do something!
Thank you, Akaki. Somehow it didn't occur to me - to register.
- Ilya, do you have any wine? - asked the Cossack Muromets.
- Where from? - he answered. - I don’t drink.
- It's hard on the soul, - said the Cossack. - I will suffer ...
- And there is nothing here ... swinging, you know, - said Kontorsky. -
Let's continue. Lisa, you wanted to say something ...
- I propose to send Ivan the Fool to the Sage for help, - said
Lisa is loud and convincing.
- If he does not bring a certificate to the third roosters, let ... I will not
i know ... let him get away from us.
- Where is he? - Ilya asked sadly.
- Let him go to the second-hand bookshop! - Lisa snapped hard.
- Oh, isn't it cool? - someone doubted.
“Not cool,” said Kontorsky, too harshly. - Not at all. Only
so. Ivan ...
- Ainki! - Ivan responded. And he got up.
- Go.

Ivan looked at Ilya.
Ilya bent his head and said nothing. And the Cossack also said nothing, only
wrinkled his face painfully and looked with his eyes on the shelves and on the table -
looking for wine.
“Go, Vanka,” Ilya said quietly. - You can't do anything. Need to go.
See how they are all ... scientists. Go and remember: you will not burn in fire, do not
sinking ... I can't vouch for the rest.
- Want my saber? - the Cossack offered Ivan.
- Why do I need it? - he answered.
- Ivan, - said Ilya, - go boldly - I'll think about you. Where
trouble will overtake you ... Where they plan to destroy you, I will shout: "Vanka,
look! "
- How do you know sho exho trouble has calmed down? - asked the Cossack.
- I'll find out. I teach with my heart. And you will hear my voice. Ivan went to
in the middle of the library, bowed with all the bow ...
armenian and went to the door.
- Do not remember dashingly, if where I go, - said from the doorway.
- The Lord is with you, - said Oblomov. - Maybe you won't be lost.
“You’ll come with a certificate, Ivan,” Liza said excitedly, “I’m for
i'll marry you.
“Why the hell do I need you,” Ivan said rudely. - I'm better than a princess
some stray ...
- Don't, Ivan, - Ilya waved his hand, - don't get involved. All of them ... not
better than this one.
- He pointed to Lisa. - Why do you want this certificate ?! What
did you go? Where's the guy ... looking at night! And will he give her a certificate,
your Sage? He's also sitting there ...
“You can't go without a certificate, Uncle Ilya,” Liza said resolutely. -- A
to you, Ivan, I will remember that I gave up on me. Oh, I will remember those!
“Go, go, Ivan,” said Kontorsky. - It's late for you
it is necessary to have time.
“Goodbye,” Ivan said. And he went out.

And he went where his eyes would look.
It was dark ... He walked, walked - he came to the forest. And where to go further, at all
does not know. He sat down on a tree stump, twirled.
- My poor little head, - he said, - you will be lost. Where is this Sage?
If only someone helped. But nobody helped him.
Ivan sat and sat, went on.
He walked, walked, sees - the light glows. Comes closer - there is a hut on
chicken legs, and around a pile of bricks, slate, all sorts of lumber.
-- Is there anybody here? - Ivan shouted.

Baba Yaga went out onto the porch ... She looked at Ivan and asked:
-- Who are you? And where are you going?
- Ivan the fool, I am going to the Sage for help, - Ivan answered. - Where is his
find, I do not know.
- Why do you need a certificate? - I don't know either ... They sent me.
- A-a ... - said Baba Yaga. - Well come in, come in ... Take a break from the road
I suppose you want to eat?
- Yes, I would not refuse ...
- Come in.
Ivan entered the hut.
The hut is like a hut, nothing like that. Large stove, table, two beds ...
- Who else lives with you? Ivan asked.
- Daughter. Ivan, - Yaga began to speak, - and you are like a fool - absolutely that
-- Like this? - Ivan did not understand.
- Well, a complete fool, or was it that they christened you in the heat of the moment? It happens, annoyance
take - you shout: y, you fool! Sometimes I scream at my daughter: ooh, you fool
that "kaya1 And what a fool she is? She's so smart. Maybe with you
such a story; people are used to; fool and fool, and you are not a fool at all, but
only ... ingenuous. A?
- I don’t understand, where are you getting at?
- Yes, I can see in your eyes: you are not a fool, you just
ingenuous. As soon as I saw you, I immediately thought: "Oh, and talented
guy! “You have written on your forehead:“ talent. ”You at least guess yourself
about your talents? Or did you completely believe that you were a fool?
- I didn’t believe anything! - Ivan said angrily. - How am I about myself
believe I'm a fool?
- And what am I telling you? Here are the people, ah! .. You are building someday
did you?
- Well, how? .. With my father, with the brothers, houses were cut ... And why do you need?
- You see, I want to build a cottage for myself ... The materials were delivered, and
no one to build. Won't you take it?
- I need to get a certificate ...
- Why do you need it? - exclaimed Baba Yaga. - Build
cottage ... they will see him - all sorts of guests come to me - they will see
- immediately: who did it? Who did - Ivan did ... Do you hear? Glory will go by
the whole forest.
- But what about the certificate? Ivan asked again. - I'm back without
certificates are not empty.
-- So what? - How? Where am I?
- You will be a stoker at the cottage ... When you build, plan
a room in the basement ... Warm, quiet, no worries. Guests upstairs
bored - where? - went to Ivan: listen to different stories. And you lie to them
more ... Tell me different cases. I will take care of you. I will
your name is Ivanushka ...
“The hag is old,” Ivan said. - Look, what a net you have started!
She will call Ivanushka. Will I bend my hump on you? And hoo-hoo, not ho-ho,
- Ah, - Baba Yaga stretched ominously, - now I understand who I have
a business; simulator, rogue ... type. We are like that - you know what we are doing? -
fry. Well, who's there ?! - And Yaga clapped her hands three times. - Guardians!
Take this fool, tie - we will fry him a little. Guards,
four healthy foreheads, grabbed Ivan, tied him up and put him on the bench.
- The last time I ask, - still tried Baba Yaga, - you will
to build a cottage?
“Damn you! - Ivan said proudly. - Scarecrow
garden ... You have hair growing in your nose.
- Into the oven! - Yaga yelled. And stamped her feet. - Bastard! Ham!
- I hear from the boor! - also shouted Ivan. - Echidna! You have not only in
nose, your hair grows on your tongue! .. Parasite!
-- Into the fire! - Yaga went on completely. - Wow! .. Ivan was raked and steel
push into the oven, into the fire.
- Oh, I shaved you on the dump! - Ivan sang. - You gave me
stockings-felt boots! .. Op-tirdarpupia! I won't burn in the fire, hag! So i go
boldly! Only Ivan was pushed into the oven, bells rang in the yard,
- My daughter is coming! - Baba Yaga was delighted and looked out the window. - Ooh, yeah
with the groom together! That will be something for them to dine on.
The guards were also delighted, jumped, clapped their hands.
- Serpent Gorynych goes, Serpent Gorynych goes! they shouted. - Eh,
let's take a walk! Eh, and let's have a drink! The daughter of Baba Yaga entered the hut, also strongly
scary, with a mustache.

Roly, look! - said Ilya.
- Why "Vanka", what "Vanka"! - Ivan exclaimed. - What
vank something? We are always afraid of someone, we are afraid of someone. Every nit will be out
to build yourself ... to build a great creature, and then subdue it from fear. I do not want! Enough!
Tired of it! - Ivan really calmly sat down on the bench, took out a pipe and
whistled a little.
“Eat,” he said, distracting himself from the pipe. - Are you going to eat? Eat. Gad.
Then kiss your mustachioed bride. Then give birth to mustachioed children and march with
name. You see, he will scare me! .. Fuck you! - And Vanka again
whistled into his pipe.
- Gorynych, - said the daughter, - spit, don't pay attention. Not
take offense.

But he is rude, - objected the first head. -- How is he
talking ?!
- He's out of desperation. He doesn't know what he is doing.
- I know everything, - Ivan interjected, having stopped playing the pipe. - I know everything. I'm
i'll pick you up a march now ... for the future battalion ...
- Vanya, - said Baba Yaga meekly, - not rude, nephew. Why do you
- Then, that there is nothing to take me to the arap. He, you see, will be here
rotate your eyes! Rotate when you have a battalion of mustachioed - then rotate.
And wait there is nothing.
- No, well, he's rude with might and main! - almost crying said the first head -
Well, how is it?
“Cry, cry,” Ivan said harshly. - And we will laugh. The mustache.
“Stop pulling,” said the second head.
- Yes, stop pulling, - assented Ivan. - Why pull something? Enough
to pull.
- Oh! - the third head was amazed. -- Wow!
- Aha! - Ivan again foolishly assented. - In, give Vanka! Let's sing?
- And Vanka sang:

Eh, I shaved you
On the embankment
You gave me
Stockings-boots ...

Gorynych, in chorus:
Op - tirdarpupia! - finished Vanka. And it became quiet. And it was quiet for a long time.
- Do you know how to romance? - asked Gorynych.
- What kind of romances?
- Antique.
- How many ... Do you like romances? Please, father, I'll give them to you
string as much though. I'll fill up with romances. For example:

Khaz-damask udalo-oh,
Poor saklya yours,
Gold treasury
I'll shower you-ah! ..

A? Romance! .. - Vanka sensed a certain change in Gorynych, approached him
and patted one head on the cheek. - Mh, you're ... ferocious. You are my ferocious.
- Don't be mischievous, - said Gorynych. - And then I'll bite off my hand.
Vanka withdrew his hand.
- Well, well, well, - he said peacefully, - who is so with the master
talking? I'll take it and won't sing.
- You will, - said the head of Gorynych, which Ivan took a sip. -- I
i'll take you and bite off your head.
The other two heads laughed loudly. And Ivan is also shallow and sad
“Then I won’t sing at all - there’s nothing. What will I sing, then?
- Fillet, - said the head, which had just said "langet". It was
the stupidest head.
- And you should eat everything! - Ivan got angry at her. - Everything for her to eat! ..
Some kind of gullet.
- Vanya, not a Fordybach, - said Baba Yaga. - Sing.
- Sing, - said the daughter, - I got talking. There is a rumor - sing.
“Sing,” the first head ordered. - And you sing too.
- Who? - Baba Yaga did not understand. -- We?
- You. Sing it.
- Maybe I'm better alone? - vyaknula daughter; she was not satisfied that she
will sing along to Ivan.
- Sing with a man ... excuse me, but ...
“Three, four,” said Gorynych calmly. - We started.

I will give a horse, I will give a saddle, -

ivan sang, Baba Yaga and her daughter picked up:

I'll give my rifle,
And for that, for everything
You give me your wife.
You are already old, you are already,
She can't live with you
From young young le-em
You will ruin her-oh-oh.

Gorynych's inexpressive round eyes were moistened: like any despot,
he was teary.
“Next,” he said quietly.

We were sitting twice;
The moon swam golden
Everything was silent all around.

And Ivan with feeling repeated once more, alone:

Eh, the month swam golden,
Everything was silent all around.,.

How do you live, Ivan? - asked the moved Gorynych,
-- In what sense? - he did not understand.
- Is the hut good?
- Oh. Wait, I live in the library, together with everyone.
- Do you want a separate hut?
-- No. Why do I need it?
-- Further.

Until the last day ...

It is not necessary, - said Gorypych. - Skip it.
- How? - Ivan did not understand.
- Skip it.
- Gorynych, this is impossible, - Ivan smiled, - from the song the words are not
throw it out
Gorynych looked at Ivan in silence; This bad silence reigned again.
- But without this there is no song! - Ivan got nervous. - Well? Songs
- There is a song, - said Gorynych.
- But how is it? How is there something ?!
- There is a song. Even better - more concise.
- Well, you look what they do! - Ivan even clapped himself in amazement
on the thighs. - They do what they want! No song without this, no song without
this, there is no song! .. I will not sing laconically. All.
- Vanyushka, - said Baba Yaga, - do not oppose.
- Fuck you! .. - Ivan was completely angry. - Sing it yourself. I won't. IN
i saw you all to the grave! I'll devour you all myself! With a mustache together. And these three
pumpkins ... I'll fry them a little too ...
- Lord, how much patience is needed, - the first head of Gorynych sighed.
- How much effort you have to spend, nerves ... until you teach them. Neither education nor
education ...
- About "a little fry" - he said it well, - said the second
head. -- A?
- What mustache do you hint at all the time? - asked Ivan the third
head. - All evening today I hear: mustache, mustache ... Who has mustache?
- A pa-aren smiles into a wheat mustache, - the first sang playfully
head. - How is there further about Khaz-bu-lat?
“She gave herself to me,” Ivan said clearly. It became quiet again.
- This is rude, Ivan, - said the first head. - This is bad aesthetics.
You live in the library ... how can you? You guys are nice there. Where
have you got this sexuality? You have there, I know, Poor Liza ... beautiful
girl, I knew her father ... Is she your bride?
- Who? Lizka? What more!
- How? She's waiting for you.
- Let him wait - he will not wait.
- Hmm ... Fruit, - said the third head. And the head that is everything
time to grub leaned, objected:
“No, not a fruit,” she said seriously. - What kind of fruit? Already in
in any case - a langet. Perhaps even a barbecue.
- How is it going on? - remembered the first head. - With Khaz-damask.
“He killed him,” Ivan said obediently.
- Whom?
- Khaz-bulat.
- Who killed?
- Hmm ... - Ivan frowned painfully. - Young lover killed
Khaz-bulat. The song ends like this: "The old man's head rolled into the meadow."
- This is also not necessary. It's cruelty, said the head.
-- So how should it be?
The head thought.
-- They reconciled. He gave him a horse, a saddle - and they went home. On
what shelf are you sitting there, in the library?
- At the very top ... Next to Ilya and the Don Ataman.
- Oh! - all were surprised in one voice.
- I see, - said the smartest head of Gorynych, the first.
- From these fools you can only get enough ... Why are you going to the Sage?
- For help.
- For what help?
- That I'm smart.
Three heads of Gorynych laughed loudly together. Baba Yaga and daughter too
- Do you know how to dance? - asked the smart head.
- I can, - Ivan answered. - But I won't.
- He, in my opinion, knows how to cut cottages, - interjected Baba Yaga. -- I
raised this topic ...
-- Quiet! - Barked all three heads of Gorynych. - We are nobody else
no words!
“My priests,” Baba Yaga said in a whisper. - Nothing can be said!
- You can't! - also barked daughter, And also on Babu Yaga. - Bazaar
- Dance, Vanya, - the smartest head said quietly and tenderly.
- I won't dance, - Ivan stubbornly.
The head thought:
"You're going for help ..." she said. -- So?
- Well? For help.
- The certificate will read: "Given to Ivan ... that he is smart."
Right? And - printing.
- Well?
- And you won't get there. - The clever head calmly looked at Ivan. -
There will be no help.
- How can I not make it? If I went, I’ll go.
-- Not. - The head kept looking at Ivan. - You won't. You are even from here
you will not come out. Ivan stood in painful meditation ... raised his hand and sadly
- Seni!
“Three, four,” said the head. - Come on.
Baba Yaga and her daughter sang:

Oh, you canopy, my canopy,
Seni new mine ...

They sang and clapped their hands.

Canopy new-fresh
Lattice ...

Ivan moved in a circle, tapping his paws ... and his hands were hanging
along the body: he did not put his hands on his hips, did not raise his head, did not look with a falcon.
- Why don't you look like a falcon? the head asked.
“I'm looking,” Ivan replied.
- You're looking at the floor.
- The falcon can think?
-- About what?
- How to live further ... How to raise falcons. Have pity on me, Gorynych,
- Ivan begged.
- Well, how much? Enough ...
- Ah, - said the smart head. - Now you have grown wiser. Now go
for help. And then he began here ... to build out of himself. Shmakodyavki. Whistlers. What
did you start acting out of yourself?
Ivan was silent.
- Stand facing the door, - ordered Gorynych.
Ivan stood facing the door.
- At my command, you will fly out of here at the speed of sound.
- With the sound - you had enough, Gorynych, - Ivan objected. -- I do not
i can do so.
- As you can. Ready ... Three, four! Ivan flew out of the hut.
Three heads of Gorynych, daughter and Baba Yaga laughed. - Come here, - called
Gorynych bride - I will caress you.

And Ivan walked again through the dark forest ... And again there was no road, but there was
small animal trail Walked, walked Ivan, sat down on a fallen forest and
“They’ve poured fertilizer into my soul,” he said sadly. - That's the same
how hard! I'll get this help ...
A Bear came up from behind and also sat down on the forest.
- What is so sad, little man? - asked the Bear.
- But how! .. - said Ivan. - And I endured fear, and got drunk, and
danced ... And it's so hard now, it's so bad - lie down and
- Where are you?
- And away ... The devil brought it in. Baba Yaga's.
- I found someone to visit. Why are you going to her?
- Yes, I went along the way ...
- And "ud you go?"
- To the Sage.
- In-he where! - the Bear was surprised. -- Long away.
- Do you know how to go to him?
- No, I've heard of this, but I don't know how to go. I myself, brother, with
i have risen from my familiar place ... I am going here too, but where I am going - I do not know.
- Have they kicked out?
- Yes, and they did not chase away, and ... You yourself will leave. This is not far -
monastery; Well, we lived for ourselves ... And I ate near - there are many apiaries. AND
the devils chose this monastery. Where did they scare them! Overlaid the whole
monastery - they are not allowed inside, - they start music from morning till night,
drink, misbehave ...
- And what do they want?
- They want to go inside, and there are guards. So they deafen them,
the guards, the women of all the mummers are allowed in, the wine is forced on - they are knocked down
confused. Such a racket was directed at the neighborhood - blindfold and run. Passion
what's going on, the living soul disappears. I've learned to smoke near them ...

The bear took out a pack of cigarettes and lit it.
- There is no living ... I thought, I thought - no. I think we should leave, and
i'll learn to drink wine. Or I'll go to the circus. I got drunk a couple of times ...
- This is bad.
- How bad it is! He beat the bear ... I was looking for a lion in the forest ... Shame
head! No, I think we should leave. Here I go.
- Don't they know about the Sage? Ivan asked.
- Who? Damn? What do they not know? They know everything. Not just
contact you with the name, you will be lost. Get lost, boy.
- Oh well ... what, go?
- You will disappear. Try, of course, but ... Look. They are evil.
- I myself am evil Wait .. Worse than hell. That's how he distorted me! Total
- Who?
-- Zmey Gorynych.
- Was he beating?
- Daine beat, but ... worse than beating. And sang in front of him and danced ... Ugh! Better
i would have beat him.
- Humiliated?
- Humiliated. How humiliated! However, I will not survive these cases. Come back and
i will set them on fire. A?
- Come on, - said the Bear, - do not mess. He is this, this
Gorynych ... Gad, one word. Give it up. Better leave. Alive left, and then thank God.
You cannot beat this gang: they will get it everywhere.
They sat in silence, the Bear took a last drag on his cigarette, threw
trampled on the butt with his paw and stood up.
-- Goodbye.
“Goodbye,” Ivan responded. And he got up too.
- Be careful with the devils, - once again advised the Bear. - These
worse than Gorynych will be ... Forget where you are going. You will forget everything in the world. Well
oozy tribe! The soles are torn on the move. You won't have time to look back, and you will
they got caught on a leash.
“Nothing,” Ivan said. - God will not give, the pig will not eat.
I'll get out somehow. You have to look for the Sage somewhere ... Goblin got imposed on
my head! And time - until the third roosters only.
- Well, hurry up if that's the case. Goodbye.
-- Goodbye. And they parted. From the darkness, the Bear shouted:
- Look, do you hear the music?
- Where?
- Yes, listen! .. "Black Eyes" are playing ...
- I hear!
- Go to the music - they are. See, they are playing up! Oh my God! - sighed
Bear. - Here is a world scabies! Well, scabies ... They don't want to live in a swamp,
they don't want to, they want to be in their cells.

And there were gates and a high fence. The gate reads:

"Devil's not allowed in."

At the gate stood a large guard with a lance in his hands and looked vigilantly
around. A certain sluggish bedlam was going on all around - such a pause after a stormy
sabbath. Which of the devils, thrusting their hands into the pockets of narrow trousers, gently beat
hooves lazy tap dance, who leafed through magazines with pictures, who shuffled
cards ... One juggled with skulls. The two in the corner were learning to stand on their heads.
A group of devils, spread newspapers on the ground, sat around brandy and snacks -
drank. And four - three musicians with guitars and a girl - stood straight
in front of the guard; the girl sang beautifully "Black Eyes". Guitarists at least
beautifully accompanied her. And the girl herself is very beautiful, on
beautiful hooves, in beautiful pants ... However, the guard calmly looked at
her - for some reason he was not worried. He even smiled indulgently into his mustache.
- Bread and salt! - Ivan said, going up to those who were drinking.
They looked at him from head to toe ... and turned away.
- Why don't you invite me with you? - Ivan asked harshly.
They looked at him again.
- And what kind of prince are you? asked one, fat, with big horns.
- I am such a prince that if wait I carry you over the bumps, then you are in shreds
will fly. Become!
The devils were amazed ... They looked at Ivan.
- I told who ?! - Ivan kicked the bottles. - Become !!
The fat one jumped up and was about to climb on Ivan, but his own people grabbed him and dragged
to the side. In front of Ivan appeared someone graceful, middle-aged, wearing glasses.

What's the matter, buddy? he began, taking Ivan by the arm. - What are we
making noise? Mm? Do we have a bo-bo? Or what? Or is the mood spoiled? what
do you need?
“We need a certificate,” Ivan said angrily.
Devils still approached them ... A circle was formed, in the center of which
the angry Ivan stood.
“Continue,” the Graceful shouted to the musicians and the girl. - Vanya, what
do you need a certificate? About what?
- That I am smart.
The devils looked at each other ... They quickly and incomprehensibly talked among themselves.
“Shizo,” one said. - Or an adventurer.
“It doesn't look like it,” said another. - Somewhere formalized. Total
do you need one certificate?
- One.
- And what kind of certificate, Vanya? They are different ... It happens -
characteristic, certificate ...
There is about the presence, there is about the absence, there is "in that", there is "since",
there is "in view of the fact that" and there is "together with that" - different, you know?
Which one were you told to bring?
- That I'm smart.
- I don't understand ... A diploma, or what?
- Help.
- But there are hundreds of them! There is "due to the fact that", there is "despite
what "is ...
“I’ll carry it over the bumps,” Ivan said threateningly. - It will be sickening. Or
sing "Our Father".
- Calmly, Vanya, calmly, - the Graceful Devil became nervous. -- What for
to raise the wave?
We can do any kind of help, you just need to understand - which one? We to you
let's do ...
- I don't need a phony certificate, - Ivan said firmly, - I need
such as the Sage gives.
Then the devils started to cry all at once.
- He only needs the kind that the Sage gives out.
- Oh! ..
- Linden does not suit him ... Oh, what an incorruptible soul! What
- What a metropolitan! He will sing to us "Our Father". And "I would dry with a crust
ate "will you sing for us?
- Sha, devils! Sha ... I want to know: how is he going to carry us over the bumps? is he
he takes us to the arap! That is elementary arapinism! What does it mean that this
will the poshekhon carry us?
More devils came up. Ivan was surrounded from all sides. And everyone looked and
waving their hands.
- He knocked over the cognac!
- This is rudeness! What does it mean that he will carry us over the bumps? What is it
means? This is chantage?
- The Big Eagle Cup to him!
- Tumakov to him! Tumakov!
The case could turn out badly: Ivan was pressed.
- Sha, devils! Sha! - Ivan shouted. And raised his hand. - Sha, devils! there is
“Sha, brothers,” said the Graceful Devil. - There is a proposal. Let's hear
sentence. Ivan, the Graceful Devil and a few more devils stepped aside and
began to confer. Ivan said something in an undertone nm, looked aside
guard. And others also looked there. Before the guard is still
the girl and the musicians "kept watch"; the girl was now singing an ironic song
"Are you a man!" She sang and danced.
“I'm not very sure,” said the Graceful Devil. - But ... Huh?
“This needs to be checked,” the others started talking. - It makes sense.
- Yes, it should be checked. This makes sense.
"We'll check it out," Graceful Devil said to his assistant.
- It makes sense. If this number passes with us, we send with
Ivan is our devil, and he makes it so that the Sage accepts Ivan. To him
very difficult to get into.
- But no deception! - Ivan said. - If the Sage does not accept me, I
with these hands here ... I take your devil ...
- Sha, Ivan, - said the Graceful Devil. - No need for unnecessary words. All will be
oh "kay. Maestro, what do you need?" he asked his assistant.
- Personal data of the guard, - he said. - Where was born, who
parents ... And one more consultation from Ivan.
“File cabinet,” said Graceful shortly. Two devils ran somewhere, and
Graceful hugged Ivan and began to walk with him back and forth, something quietly
They came running with the data. One reported:
-- From Siberia. Parents are peasants.
Graceful devil, Ivan and the maestro had a brief consultation.
-- Yes? asked Graceful.
“Like a bayonet,” Ivan replied. - Let me die! - Maestro?
- In ... two and a half minutes, - replied the maestro, looking at
“Go ahead,” said Graceful.
The maestro and with him six devils - three males and three females -
sat down nearby with instruments and began to play. Here they played ...
The maestro nodded his head, and six roared out:

On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia,
Where gold is dug in the mountains
A tramp, cursing fate,
Dragged with a bag on his shoulders.

Here it is necessary to stop the narration and, as far as possible, plunge into
the world of the song. It was a wonderful world, heartfelt and sad. The sounds of a song
quiet, but immediately some powerful, clean, hit the very soul. The whole
the sabbath has moved far, far away; devils, especially those who sang, became
suddenly beautiful creatures, smart, kind, it suddenly seemed that the meaning
their true existence is not in the Sabbath and disgrace, but in another - in love, in

A tramp approaches Baikal,
He takes a fishing boat,
He starts a sad song
Something sings about the homeland.

Oh, how they sang! How they, the dogs, sang! The guard leaned his spear against
gate and, frozen, listened to the song. His eyes filled with tears, he somehow
even went crazy. Maybe he even stopped understanding where he was and why.

Tramp Baikal moved, -
Towards my dear mother.
Oh hello, oh hello dear
Are my father and brother healthy?

The guard went up to the singers, sat down, bowed his head in his hands and stood
wiggle back and forth, - M-mh ... - he said.
And the devils went into the empty gate.
And the song poured, tore the soul, ruined the vanity and trifle of life - it called for
open space, free will. And the devils walked and walked into the empty net. Guard
brought a huge charm ... He, without hesitation, drank, fucked the char on the ground,
dropped his head on his hands and said again;
- M-h ...

Your father has long been in the grave,
Buried in damp earth.
It has been rattling with shackles for a long time.

The guard slammed his fist on the knee, raised his head - his face in tears.

And your brother has long been in Siberia -
It has been rattling with shackles for a long time, -

he sang in a distressed voice. - My life, or did you dream about me?
Give "Kamarinskaya"! Let it all go to waste, burn everything with blue fire! Give me some wine!
- You can't, little man, you can't, - said the crafty maestro. - You will get drunk
and you will forget everything
- Who ?! the guard shouted. And he touched the maestro's breasts: - Who is here
will teach me ?! You goat? I'll tie you up in three knots, you stinker! I'll
i'll carry everyone over the bumps! ..
- Why do they love bumps so much? - Graceful devil was surprised. -- One
was going to carry over the bumps, another ... what bumps do you mean,
respected? he asked the guard.
- Cry! - said the guard, - "Kamarinskaya"!
- "Kamarinskaya", - ordered the Graceful musicians.
- Wine! the guard barked.
- Guilt, - Graceful echoed meekly.
-- Maybe we should not? - argued the pretend maestro. - He's bad
will be.
- No, you must! - Graceful devil raised his voice. - He will be good!
-- Friend! the guard bellowed. - Let me kiss you!
- I'm coming! - answered the Graceful devil. - Wait, we'll cut ourselves! we
we'll carry them all over the bumps! We are all of them here! ..
Ivan looked in surprise at the devils that circled around the guard,
especially the graceful devil amazed him.
- What are you doing, hey? he asked him.
- Cry! - barked the Graceful devil, - Otherwise I will carry you over the bumps,
what are you...
-- I'm sorry, what? - Ivan asked menacingly. And he got up. - Who are you
will you carry it over the bumps? Well, repeat it.
- Who are you raising your tail on? - also asked menacingly
brute-guard Ivan.
- On my friend ?! I'll make a langet out of you!
“Langet again,” Ivan said, stopping. - Here's the deal!
- "Kamarinskaya"! - The Graceful Devil was capricious. - Ivan to us
will dance. "Kamarinskaya"! Vanya, come on!
- Go to the devil! - Ivan was angry. - Come on yourself ... with a friend out.
“Then I’m not sending the devil with you,” said the Graceful Devil. AND
attentively, angrily looked at Ivan. - Got it? You will get to the Sage! ..
You will never get to him.
- Oh, you, you mug, you are not baptized! - Ivan choked with indignation. -- Yes
how is it? Yes, something so possible? Where is your shame? But we agreed. I
he took such a sin on his soul - he taught you how to go through the gate.
- The last time I ask: will you dance?
- Oh, curse! .. - Ivan groaned. - But what is it? Yes for
what is this torment to me?
- "Kamarinskaya"! - ordered the Graceful Devil. - "Poshekhonsky sufferings".

The devils-musicians began to play "Kamarinskaya". And Ivan went with his hands down,
walked around, went to tap with paws. He danced and cried.
He cried and danced.
- Eh, help! .. - he exclaimed angrily and bitterly. - You are dear to me
you get it! It's so expensive that you can't even say how expensive! ..

And here is the office. About the office! That's really the office so the office.
Ivan would have completely lost his way here, if not for the devil. Damn came in handy as possible
by the way. They walked for a long time along the stairs and corridors until they found a reception
- Wait a minute, - said the devil when they entered the waiting room. - Sit here ...
I soon. - And ran away somewhere.
Ivan looked around. In the reception there was a young secretary who looked like
librarian, only this one is of a different color, and her name is Milka. And that one - Jackdaw.
Milka's secretary typed and spoke on two phones at once.

Oh, well, this is millet! - she spoke into one tube and smiled. -
Do you remember, at the Morgunovs: she put on a yellow shiny dress,
hay, or what, symbolized? What is there to puzzle about? About what? And right there
- to another, strictly:
- He's not there. I don’t know ... And you don’t intonate, don’t intonate, I’m your fifth
just say: he is not there. I do not know.
- What time were you there? At eleven? One to one? Interesting...
Was she alone? Did she crop to you ?.
- Listen, I ska ... But you do not intonate, do not intonate. I do not know.
Ivan remembered: their librarian, when he wants to ask by phone
his girlfriend, is her boss at home, asks: “Is your bump in the hole?” And he
also asked Milka:
- And when will the hillock be in the pit? - He suddenly got angry at this
Milka glanced at him briefly.
-- What would you like? she asked.
- I ask: when will ...
- What question?
- Need help that ...
- Monday, Wednesday, nine dash eleven.
- I ... - Ivan wanted to say that he needs a certificate before the third
roosters. Milka tapped again:
- Monday, Wednesday, nine to eleven. Stupid?
This is millet, - said Ivan. And he got up and walked freely through the waiting room. -- I
i would even say compote. As our Jackdaw says: "dog's joy for two",
"a mixture of a goat with a" grundik ". I ask globally: are you a bride?
i answer: the bride. One to one. - Ivan grew more and more heated. - But you
but - look at yourself - you don't have a blush all over your cheek. What are you
bride? You just ask me - I am the eternal bridegroom, - ask: appeared with me
hunting to marry you? Well, ask.
- Hunting appeared?
“No,” Ivan said firmly.
Milka laughed and clapped her hands.
- Oh, what else? she asked. -- Anything else. Oh please. Ivan
did not understand what "else"?
- Show me something else.
- Ah, - Ivan guessed, - you decided that I was a pea jester. What am I --
so-so, Vanek in little paws ... Stupid, as you say. So know: I
wiser than all of you ... deeper, more popular. I express aspirations, but what do you express?
Don't express a damn thing! Magpies. You are empty, like ... I have the essence, but in you and
this is not present. Some dances are on the mind. And you even really talk to me
do not want to. I’m so angry, how I’ll take a club! ..
Milka laughed loudly again.
- Oh, how interesting! And also, huh?
- It will be bad! - Ivan shouted. - Oh, it will be bad! .. You'd better not
be angry, don't be angry better! ..
Then the devil flew into the waiting room and saw that Ivan was yelling at the girl.
- Huh, huh, huh, - the devil mumbled in fright and began to press Ivan into
angle. - What is this? Who allowed us to perform? .. Aya-ya-yay!
You can't go anywhere. I have read the prefaces, - he explained to the girl
"performance" of Ivan. - Sit quietly, wait we will be received. Wait he comes ... I'm there
agreed: we will be received first.
Only the devil said so, a small one burst into the waiting room,
little white - the Sage himself, as Ivan understood.
“Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense,” he said quickly as he walked. - Vasilisa never
on the Don was not.
The devil bowed his head respectfully.
“Come in,” said the Sage, without addressing anyone separately. AND
disappeared into the study.
Let's go, - the devil pushed Ivan. - Do not try to just fly out from
with your prefaces ... Poddak, that's all.

The sage ran around the office. He, as they say, tore and threw.
- Where from ?! Where did they get this ?! - he asked someone and raised
arms up. - Where from ?!
- Why are you upset, dad? Ivan asked sympathetically. Sage
stopped in front of the visitors, Ivan and the devil.
- Well? he asked sternly and incomprehensibly. - Did you fool Ivan?
- Why do you put the question so immediately? - the devil spoke skittishly. -
We, in fact, have long wanted ...
-- What do you? What do you want in a monastery? Your goal?
“Destruction of the primitive,” the devil said firmly. The sage threatened him
- You will mischief! And theoretically not ready.
- No, well, seriously ... - the devil smiled at the old man's fearless
threat. - Well, it's sickening to watch. The robes alone are worth something!
- What do they need to walk in your semi-pendants?
- Why in semi-pendants? Nobody calls for this. But honestly
heart: is it really not clear that they are hopelessly behind? Fashion, you say.
And I will say: yes, fashion! After all, if the world bodies make their circle in orbit,
then, strictly speaking, they don't quite do it ...
- Here, obviously, we should not talk about fashion, - said the old man importantly
and excitedly - but about the possible positive influence of extreme
tendencies towards some well-established moral norms ...
-- Of course! - exclaimed the devil, looking at the Sage with loving eyes.
- Of course, about the possible positive impact.
- Every phenomenon, - continued the old man, - contains two
functions: motor and brake. It's all about which function at the moment
more irritated; motor or brake. If an irritant from the outside has got
on motor function - the whole phenomenon bounces and moves forward if
the stimulus hit the inhibitory - the whole phenomenon, as they say, shrinks
and crawls into itself. The sage looked at the devil and at Ivan. - Usually
they don't understand ...
“Why, it's so clear,” said the devil.
- I keep repeating, - continued the Sage, - that it is necessary to take into account
the presence of these two functions. Consider functions, consider functions!




- That I'm smart.







On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia,
Where gold is dug in the mountains



- Who?


Ivan was silent.







Oblomov smiled:




The gentleman in the top hat winced.





























































































Ivan looked at Ilya.




























































































































































Eh, I shaved you











Khaz-damask udalo-oh,























I'll give my rifle,












Eh, the month swam golden,


































































Oh, you canopy, my canopy,


They sang and clapped their hands.

Canopy new-fresh
























































































































On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia,





A tramp approaches Baikal,















Your father has long been in the grave,





































































The sage ran around the office. He, as they say, tore and threw.













































































































































































































































On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia,






















































































































































































































The gentleman in the top hat winced.











































Oblomov smiled:




The gentleman in the top hat winced.


















At the pace, at the pace! - shouted someone of a bureaucratic appearance, bald. - Let's continue. Who else wants to say about Ivan the Fool? Request: do not repeat yourself. And - in short. We must make a decision today. Who!





















































