Aseev epic at the heroic outpost. Epics "At the heroic outpost

Under the city of Kiev, in the wide steppe of Tsitsar, there was a heroic outpost. Ataman at the outpost old Ilya Muromets, tribute to Dobrynya Nikitich, esaul Alyosha Popovich. And their vigilantes are brave: Grishka is the boyar's son, Vasily Dolgopoly, and everyone is good. For three years, the heroes have been at the outpost, they do not allow either foot or horse to reach Kiev. The beast will not slip past them, and the bird will not fly by. Once an ermine ran past the outpost, and he left his fur coat. The falcon flew by, dropped the feather. Once, in a bad hour, the heroes-guards scattered: Alyosha rode off to Kiev, Dobrynya went hunting, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent ... Dobrynya was going from hunting and suddenly saw: in the field, behind the outpost, closer to Kiev, a trace from a horse's hoof, but not a small trace, but half-fired. Dobrynya began to examine the trail: - This is the trail of a heroic horse. A bogatyr horse, but not a Russian one: a mighty bogatyr from the Kazar land rode past our outpost - in their way, hooves are shod. Dobrynya galloped to the outpost, gathered his comrades: - What have we done? What kind of outpost do we have, since a strange hero passed by? How could we, brothers, have not noticed? We must now go in pursuit of him, so that he does not do anything in Russia. The bogatyrs began to judge and judge who should go after the strange hero. They thought to send Vaska Dolgopoly, but Ilya Muromets does not tell Vaska to send: - Vaska has long floors, Vaska walks on the ground, braids in battle and perishes in vain. They thought to send Grishka boyarsky. Ataman Ilya Muromets is speaking: - It’s not okay, guys, they decided. Grishka is a boyar clan, a boastful boyar clan. Will start to brag in battle and die in vain. Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets will not let him in: - No offense, be told to him, Alyosha to the priest's family, envying priest's eyes, grabbing hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold in a stranger, envy and die in vain. And we will send, brothers, better to Dobrynya Nikitich. So they decided - to go to Dobrynyushka, beat the alien, cut off his head and bring a valiant one to the outpost. Dobrynya did not shy away from work, sat on the horse, took a club, girded himself with a sharp saber, took a silk whip, drove up Mount Sorochinskaya. Dobrynya looked through the silver tube and saw that something was turning black in the field. Dobrynya galloped right at the hero, shouted to him in a loud voice: - Why are you passing our outpost, you do not beat the chieftain Ilya Muromets with your forehead, you do not put duties in the treasury to the Esaulu Alyosha ?! The hero heard Dobrynya, turned his horse, galloped towards him. From his skok, the earth shook, from rivers, lakes, water splashed out, the horse Dobrynin fell to his knees. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost. He arrives neither alive nor dead, tells everything to his comrades. - Apparently, I, the old one, will have to go to the open field myself, since even Dobrynya failed, - says Ilya Muromets. He dressed up, saddled Burushka and rode to Mount Sorochinskaya. Ilya looked from the brave fist and saw: the hero was driving around, amused. He throws an iron club weighing ninety pounds into the sky, catches the club on the fly with one hand, twirls it like a feather. Ilya was surprised and thoughtful. He embraced Burushka-Kosmatushka: - Oh, you, my shaggy Burushka, serve me faithfully so that you don't cut off someone else's head. Burushka burst out laughing and galloped at the braggart. Ilya drove up and shouted: - Hey, you, thief, a braggart! Why are you bragging? Why did you pass the outpost, didn’t pay the esaulu our duties, didn’t beat me, the chieftain? The braggart heard him, turned his horse, galloped on Ilya Mu-romts. The ground beneath him shook, rivers, lakes splashed out. Ilya Muromets was not afraid. Burushka stands rooted to the spot, Ilya in the saddle does not move. The heroes came together, hit with their clubs - the arms of the clubs fell off, but the heroes did not injure each other. Sabers hit, - damask sabers broke, and both are intact. They pricked with sharp spears - they broke the spears at the top! - You know, we really need to fight hand-to-hand! They got off their horses, grabbed chest and chest. They fight all day until evening, fight from evening to midnight, fight from midnight to clear dawn - no one takes the upper hand. Ilya suddenly waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell to the damp ground. The impudent jumped up, sat on his chest, took out a sharp knife, mocks: - You are an old man, why did you go to fight? Don't you have heroes in Russia? It's time for you to rest. You would build yourself a pine hut, collect alms, and thus live and live until soon death. So the braggart makes fun of, and Ilya is gaining strength from the Russian land. Ilya's strength arrived twice, - he will "jump up, as he throws up a braggart! He flew above" a standing forest, above a walking cloud, fell and went into the ground up to his waist. Ilya says to him: - Well, you are a glorious hero! I will let you go on all four sides, only you, village Rusi, go away, and another time don't pass the outpost, hit the chieftain with your forehead, pay the duties. Do not wander around Russia as a braggart. And Ilya did not cut his head off. Ilya returned to the outpost to the heroes. - Well, - he says, - my dear brothers, for thirty years I have been driving across the field, I fight with heroes, I try strength, but I have never seen such a hero!


Heroic audio tale "At the heroic outpost". 1. "Under the city of Kiev, in the wide steppe of Tsitsarskaya, there was a heroic outpost. The chieftain at the outpost is old Ilya Muromets, the captain Dobrynya Nikitich, the captain Alyosha Popovich. And their warriors are brave: Grishka is a boyar son, Vasily Dolgopoly ..." overlooked a stranger, a mighty hero "from the Kazar land - in their own way the hooves are shod ... The heroes began to judge and judge who to follow the strange hero ... - Vaska has long floors, Vaska walks on the ground, he will braid in battle and die in vain. .. Grishka is a boastful boyar family, a boastful boyar family. He will start to brag in battle and die in vain ... Alyosha to the priest’s family, envy of the priest’s eyes, grabbing hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on a stranger, he will envy and die in vain -...
2. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost ... Ilya was surprised, thoughtful. He hugged Burushka-Kosmatushka: - Oh, you, my Burushko (horse of Ilya Muromets) shaggy, serve me faithfully, so that you don't cut off my stranger's head ... The heroes came together, hit their clubs, - the arms fell off from the clubs, and each other the heroes did not hurt. Sabers hit - damask sabers broke, and both are intact. They pricked with sharp spears - they broke the spears at the top. -Know it is necessary to fight hand-to-hand!

near the city of Kiev, in the wide steppe of Tsitsar, there was a heroic outpost. Ataman at the outpost old Ilya Muromets, under ataman Dobrynya Nikitich, chieftain Alyosha Popovich. And their vigilantes are brave: Grishka is the boyar's son, Vasily Dolgopoly, and everyone is good.

For three years, the heroes have been at the outpost, they do not allow either foot or horse to reach Kiev. And the animal will not slip past them, and the bird will not fly by. Once an ermine ran past the outpost and left his fur coat. A falcon flew by and dropped a feather.

Once, in a bad hour, the warriors scattered: Alyosha rode off to Kiev, Dobrynya went hunting, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent ...

Dobrynya was on his way from hunting and suddenly saw: in the field behind the outpost, closer to Kiev, a trace of a horse's hoof, but not a small trace, but half-fired. Dobrynya began to examine the trail.

- This is the trail of a heroic horse. A heroic horse, but not a Russian one; a mighty hero from the Khazar land drove past our outpost - in their way, hooves are shod.

Dobrynya galloped to the outpost, gathered his comrades:

- What have we done? What kind of stava do we have, since a strange hero passed by? How could we, brothers, have not noticed? We must now go in pursuit of the cheater, so that he does not do anything in Russia.

The bogatyrs began to judge and judge who should go for the boast.

They thought to send Vaska Dolgopoly, but Ilya Muromets does not tell Vaska to send:

- Vaska has long floors, Vaska walks on the ground, braids in battle and perishes in vain.

They thought to send Grishka boyarsky. Ataman Ilya Muromets says:

- It’s not okay, guys, they’ve decided. Grishka is a boyar clan, a boastful boyar clan. He will brag in battle and die in vain.

Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets won't let him:

- No offense be told to him, Alyosha to the priest's family, envy of the priest's eyes, grabbing hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on the boor, envy and die in vain. And we will send, brothers, better to Dobrynya Nikitich.

So they decided - to go Dobrynyushka, beat the braggart, cut off his head and bring him to the outpost valiant.

Dobrynya did not shy away from work, sat on the horse, took a club, girded himself with a sharp saber, took a silk whip, drove up Mount Sorochinskaya. Dobrynya looked at the silver tube and saw that something was turning black in the field. Dobrynya galloped straight to the boor, shouted to him in a loud voice:

“Why are you passing our outpost, you don’t hit the ataman Ilya Muromets with your forehead, you don’t put duties into the treasury to the esaul Alyosha ?!

The hero heard Dobrynya, turned his horse, and galloped towards him. From his skok the earth shook, water splashed out of rivers-lakes, Dobrynya's horse fell to his knees. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost. He arrives neither alive nor dead, tells everything to his comrades.

- Apparently, I, the old one, will have to go to an open field myself, since even Dobrynya failed, - says Ilya Muromets.

He dressed up, saddled Burushka and went to Mount Sorochinskaya.

Ilya looked from the brave fist and saw: the hero was driving around, amused. He throws an iron ninety pounds into the sky on his face, on the fly catches the club with one hand, twirls it like a feather.

Ilya was surprised and thoughtful. He hugged Burushka-Kosmatushka:

- Oh you, my shaggy Burushko, serve me faithfully so that you don't cut down someone else's head.

Burushka burst out laughing, galloped to the boor. Ilya drove up and shouted:

- Hey you, thief, braggart! Why did you pass the outpost, didn’t pay the esaulu our duties, didn’t beat me, the chieftain?

The braggart heard him, turned his horse, galloped to Ilya Muromets. The ground shuddered beneath him, rivers-lakes splashed out.

Ilya Muromets was not afraid. Burushka stands rooted to the spot, Ilya in the saddle does not move.

The heroes came together, hit with their clubs - the handles of the clubs fell off, but the heroes did not injure each other. Sabers hit - damask sabers broke, and both are intact. They pricked with sharp spears - they broke the spears at the top!

- You know, we really need to fight hand-to-hand! They got off their horses, grabbed chest and chest.

They fight all day until evening, fight from evening to midnight, fight from midnight to clear dawn - no one takes the upper hand.

Ilya suddenly waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell to the damp ground. The cheater jumped in, sat on his chest, took out a sharp knife, taunts:

- You old old man, why did you go to fight? Don't you have heroes in Russia? It's time for you to rest. You would build yourself a pine hut, collect alms, and thus live and live until soon death.

So the braggart makes fun of, and Ilya is gaining strength from the Russian land. Ilya's strength has arrived twice - he will jump up, he will throw up a braggart! He flew above the standing forest, above the walking cloud, fell and went into the ground up to his waist.

Ilya says to him:

- Well, you are a glorious hero! I will let you go on all four sides, only you go away from Russia, and another time do not pass the outpost, beat the chieftain with your forehead, pay the duties. Do not wander around Russia as a braggart.

And Ilya did not cut his head off.

Ilya returned to the outpost to the heroes.

- Well, - he says, - my dear brothers, for thirty years I have been driving across the field, I fight with heroes, I try strength, but I have never seen such a hero!

So Dobrynya passed eleven caves, and in the twelfth he found Zabava Putyatishna: the princess is hanging on a damp wall, chained by her hands with gold chains. Dobrynyushka tore off the chains, took the princess off the wall, took her in his arms, carried her out of the cave into the free light.

And she stands on her feet, staggers, closes her eyes from the light, does not look at Dobrynya. Dobrynya laid her down on the green grass, fed her, watered her, covered her with a raincoat, and lay down to rest.

So the sun went down towards evening, Dobrynya woke up, saddled Burushka and woke up the princess. Dobrynya sat on his horse, put Zabava in front of him and set off. And all around the people and counting, all Dobryna bow to the belt, thank for the salvation, in a hurry to their lands.

Dobrynya left for the yellow steppe, spurred his horse and took Zabava Putyatishna to Kiev.

Dobrynya Nikitich away

How much, how little time has passed, Dobrynya married the daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich - young Nastasya Mikulishna.

Only a year Dobrynya and his wife lived in a quiet house, Prince Vladimir once sent for him and said to him:

- Enough for you, Dobrynya, to sit at home, you need to rule the princely service. Go, clear a direct path to the Golden Horde to Beket Beketovich. An evil black raven flies on that path, preventing the Russian people from passing or driving. And then go to the White-eyed Chud, get a tribute from her for ten years, and return the way to the stubborn Saracen kingdom, so that the Saracens would not dare to go against Kiev.

Dobrynya was sad, but there is nothing to do.

He returned home, went to Mother Mamelfa Timofeevna and began to complain bitterly to her:

- Why did you give birth to me, mother, unfortunate? She would wrap me in a linen cloth and throw me with a pebble in the blue sea. I would lie at the bottom, would not travel to distant countries, would not kill people, would not grieve other people's mothers, would not orphan little children.

Mamelfa Timofeevna answers him:

- I would be glad, Dobrynyushka, to disfigure you with courage in Ilya Muromets, strength in Svyatogor the hero, cunning in Volga Vseslavievich, beauty in Joseph the Beautiful, but this is not in my hands. And you yourself are not bad, Dobrynyushka, there is no need to nod at someone else's happiness. What made you so sad?

- The prince sends me to foreign lands, to fight with the black raven, to put up with the Saracens, to take tribute with Chudi.

Mamelfa Timofeevna gasped and ran to the tower to Nastasya Mikulishna:

- Why are you sitting, Nastasia, sewing a gold shirt? Trouble has come to our yard: our clear falcon flies off, Dobrynyushka leaves for many years.

Nastasya Mikulishna ran out of the tower in one white shirt without a belt, in thin stockings without chebots, fell to Dobrynyushka's stirrup, began to cry bitterly, asking:

- Where are you going, my falcon, for how long, when I expect my husband home?

- Expect me, wife, six years. And six years will pass and I will not return home, which means that I have laid down my wild head. Well, then how you want to live: even a widow, at least get married. If you want, go for a prince, for a boyar, if you want, go for a simple peasant, do not go only for Alyosha Popovich.

Dobrynya waved his hand and was like that. He did not go along the path, not the gate, but jumped over the city wall, only the dust in the steppe curled like a column ...

Day after day it rains like rain, week after week it grows like grass, year after year it runs like a river.

Nastasya Mikulishna sits at the terem window, does not take her eyes off the road, she is waiting for her sweet husband.

Three years have passed - there is no Dobrynya from the open field.

And again the days go by, the weeks go by, the years go by ...

Nastasya Mikulishna cries, does not dry her eyes, does not leave the window.

Three more years have passed - there is no Dobrynya from the open field.

Not two gray ducks swim together, not two white swans flock, mother and wife sit embracing, shedding bitter tears. Suddenly, Alyoshenka Leontyevich comes to them and brings the sad news:

- I was driving past the Safat River, I saw Dobrynya Nikitich. Dobrynya is lying in an open field, with his head in the bush, with his feet on the feather-grass. Through the yellow curls, the grass sprouted, azure flowers bloomed.

Mamelfa Timofeevna cried bitterly, her hair turned from black to silver. And Prince Vladimir began to persuade Nastasya Mikulishna:

- It's bad for a young widow to live, let me marry you, even for a prince, even for a boyar, even for a powerful Russian hero.

- I waited for Dobrynya on his order for six years, on my own I will wait another six years. And he will not be home, then - your will, prince.

Day after day it rains like rain, and year after year it flies like a falcon.

Another six years passed.

End of introductory snippet.

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Under the city of Kiev, in the wide steppe of Tsitsar, there was a heroic outpost. Ataman at the outpost old Ilya Muromets, tribute to Dobrynya Nikitich, esaul Alyosha Popovich. And their vigilantes are brave: Grishka is the boyar's son, Vasily Dolgopoly, and everyone is good.
For three years, the heroes have been at the outpost, they do not allow either foot or horse to reach Kiev. The beast will not slip past them, and the bird will not fly by. Once an ermine ran past the outpost, and he left his fur coat. The falcon flew by, dropped the feather.
Once, in an unkind hour, the heroes-guards scattered: Alyosha rode off to Kiev, Dobrynya went hunting, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent ...
Dobrynya was going from a hunt and suddenly saw: in the field, behind the outpost, closer to Kiev, a trace of a horse's hoof, but not a small trace, but half-fired. Dobrynya began to examine the trail:
- This is the trail of a heroic horse. A bogatyr horse, but not a Russian one: a mighty bogatyr from the Kazar land rode past our outpost - in their way, hooves are shod.
Dobrynya galloped to the outpost, gathered his comrades:
- What have we done? What kind of outpost do we have, since a strange hero passed by? How could we, brothers, have not noticed? We must now go in pursuit of him, so that he does not do anything in Russia. The bogatyrs began to judge and judge who should go after the strange hero. They thought to send Vaska Dolgopoly, but Ilya Muromets does not tell Vaska to send:
- Vaska has long floors, Vaska walks on the ground, braids in battle and perishes in vain.
They thought to send Grishka boyarsky. Ataman Ilya Muromets says:
- It’s not okay, guys, they’ve decided. Grishka is a boyar clan, a boastful boyar clan. Will start to brag in battle and die in vain.
Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets won't let him:
- No offense, be told to him, Alyosha to the priest's family, priest's eyes, envying hands, grabbing hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold in a stranger, envy and die in vain. And we will send, brothers, better to Dobrynya Nikitich.
So they decided - to go to Dobrynyushka, beat the alien, cut off his head and bring a valiant one to the outpost.
Dobrynya did not shy away from work, sat on the horse, took a club, girded himself with a sharp saber, took a silk whip, drove up Mount Sorochinskaya. Dobrynya looked through the silver tube and saw that something was turning black in the field. Dobrynya galloped straight at the hero, shouted to him in a loud voice:
- Why are you passing our outpost, you don’t hit the chieftain Ilya Muromets with your forehead, you don’t put duties in the treasury to the esaulu Alyosha ?!
The hero heard Dobrynya, turned his horse, galloped towards him. From his skok, the earth shook, from rivers, lakes, water splashed out, the horse Dobrynin fell to his knees. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost. He arrives neither alive nor dead, tells everything to his comrades.
- Apparently, I, the old one, will have to go to the open field myself, since even Dobrynya failed, - says Ilya Muromets.
He dressed up, saddled Burushka and rode to Mount Sorochinskaya.
Ilya looked from the brave fist and saw: the hero was driving around, amused. He throws an iron club weighing ninety pounds into the sky, catches the club on the fly with one hand, twirls it like a feather.
Ilya was surprised and thoughtful. He hugged Burushka-Kosmatushka:
- Oh you, my shaggy Burushka, serve me faithfully so that you don't cut off someone else's head. Burushka burst out laughing and galloped at the braggart. Ilya drove up and shouted:
- Hey you, thief, impudent! Why are you bragging? Why did you pass the outpost, didn’t pay the esaulu our duties, didn’t beat me, the chieftain?
The braggart heard him, turned his horse, galloped on Ilya Mu-romts. The ground beneath him shook, rivers, lakes splashed out.
Ilya Muromets was not afraid. Burushka stands rooted to the spot, Ilya in the saddle does not move.
The heroes came together, hit with their clubs - the arms of the clubs fell off, but the heroes did not injure each other. Sabers hit, - damask sabers broke, and both are intact. They pricked with sharp spears - they broke the spears at the top!
- You know, we really need to fight hand-to-hand!
They got off their horses, grabbed chest and chest. They fight all day until evening, fight from evening to midnight, fight from midnight to clear dawn - no one takes the upper hand.
Ilya suddenly waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell to the damp ground. The cheater jumped in, sat on his chest, took out a sharp knife, taunts:
- You old old man, why did you go to fight? Don't you have heroes in Russia? It's time for you to rest. You would build yourself a pine hut, collect alms, and thus live and live until soon death.
So the braggart makes fun of, and Ilya is gaining strength from the Russian land. Ilya's strength has arrived twice - he will jump up, he will throw up a braggart! He flew above the standing forest, above the walking cloud, fell and went into the ground up to his waist.
Ilya says to him:
- Well, you are a glorious hero! I will let you go on all four sides, only you go away from Russia, and another time do not pass the outpost, beat the chieftain with your forehead, pay the duties. Do not wander around Russia as a braggart.
And Ilya did not cut his head off.
Ilya returned to the outpost to the heroes.
- Well, - he says, - my dear brothers, for thirty years I have been driving across the field, I fight with heroes, I try strength, but I have never seen such a hero!