In Tatarstan, a scandal flares up around the sculptures of Dasha Namdakov Dashi Namdakov - Exhibition "Nomad

Malakshinova Darima



Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus

Dzhida district


"Tsagatui secondary school

Named after N. S. Sosorov "

XIV Republican scientific and practical

student conference

in the humanities "Siberian Spring"

Nomination: Cultural Studies

Theme: "Buryat sculptor Gennady Vasiliev and his images on the Dzhida land"

Performed : Malakshinova Darima, 8th grade student

Phone: 89085914415

Leader : Baldanova Bayarma Dashievna,

teacher of the Buryat language and literature.

Home address. Tsagatui, st. Youth, 20

Phone: 89024506965

2012-2013 academic year


  1. Famous Buryat sculptor Gennady Vasiliev
  2. Works by Gennady Vasiliev on the Dzhida land
  • A monument to the first scientist was erected in Buryatia.
  • The image of Burin Khan.
  • Original imageShakyamuni Buddha.
  • Kind realist





Every nation is justly proud of its famous people, prominent scientists, public figures. 190 years ago, in the Buryat ulus Ichёtui, on the bank of the fast-flowing Dzhida, which flows into the blue Selenga, a mischievous dark-skinned boy named Dorzhi was born. Neither the peers with whom he played, nor the neighbors, in whose eyes he grew up, nor his father and mother could have known that in the future he would become the first Buryat scientist, a talented orientalist. We, Dzhida residents, last year, celebrating the anniversary of Dorzhi Banzarov, were rightfully proud of our countryman, who, under tsarism, was able to make his way into the scientific world and become a famous scientist.

Anniversary "Banzar Readings" were held under the mottoand we decided to conduct research work about Gennady Vasiliev, the author of the monument to Dorzhi Banzarov, installed in his small homeland, as well as about other sculptures created on the initiative of Matvey Rabdanovich, decorating our area.

Objective: find out the history of the creation of sculptural compositions by Gennady Vasiliev on the territory of our district.


  1. Find materials on the Internet about Gennady Vasiliev and his works;
  2. Analysis and processing of materials;
  3. Formulation and formulation of conclusions;
  4. Drawing up a guide

I read on the Internet that “in the Dzhida region over the past 5 years, there has been a positive trend in the increase in the volume of tourist services. For domestic tourism, the annual increase in the flow of tourists is on average 10%, and for inbound tourism 4%. Due to the low monetary incomes of the population, domestic tourism is developing more and more. " And therefore, the presence of our guide to memorable places, created by sculptor Gennady Vasiliev, will be of great interest to tourists, will provide an opportunity for the development of internal and external tourism. In thatthe relevance of our work.

Object of study:"Memorable places of the Dzhida Valley",

Subject of study:Sculptures by Gennady Vasiliev

When performing the work, the following were usedmethods:

Theoretical method:collection of materials about the author of sculptures, and about his works, study and processing of collected materials on the topic. (Internet, school and village libraries.)Practical method:Drawing up a guide to memorable places, created by sculptor Gennady Vasiliev and about its author.

The practical significance of the work:The guide compiled during the work is important for the future development of educational tourism in the Dzhida region.

About the famous Buryat sculptor Gennady Vasiliev.

Before, I did not know literally anything about this great man of our republic, although I saw his works of culture many times in magazines, in books, etc. Having studied materials about him from the Internet, I learned a lot.

The work of the Honored Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, sculptor Gennady Vasiliev has been occupying a leading place in the fine arts of the republic for three decades. Many sculptures of the sculptor are devoted to the eternal and fertile theme of childhood for the artist, which runs like a red thread through his creative biography. In the work "Boy with a Bird" we observe a "magic moment" - a state of surprise and concentration of a child, carefully holdingkah tiny feathered creature. The composition "Children of the Taiga" shows a touching meeting of young representatives of the world of people and animals: a boy and a deer trustingly reach out to each other, experiencing mutual curiosity and friendliness. “Learning to ride horseback”, depicting the everyday scene of the transfer of primordial skills to a child, contains the idea of \u200b\u200ba relay race, the continuity of traditions and experience from father to son.These and many other plots, according to the author, he absorbed during his own childhood, which passed in the village of Khandagai, Golumetsky district, Irkutsk region. Then he witnessed the scenesn the basis of its futuresculptures "Two stubborn",when the boy and the goat do not want to give way to each other, and "Who is stronger?", where the young wrestlers find out among themselves a prestigious male question.

The first secrets of hand-made craft in those distant years were revealed to the boy by his grandfather, a hereditary blacksmith. And interest in artistic creativity was instilled by a relative on the maternal side - the painter Roman Sidorovich Merdygeev, who at one time stood at the origins of Buryat professional art along with such classics of national culture as Ts.Sampilov, G. Pavlov, A. Khangalov, I. Daduev.

After graduating from the Lomonosov School of Bone Carving in the Arkhangelsk Region in 1962, Vasiliev worked for several years as a restorer in the museum funds of Buryatia. In everyday communication with the relics of Buddhism, the works of Buryat folk art, the young sculptor deeply imbued with the culture of the East, knowledge of national mythology and aesthetics, gained valuable experience in the artistic processing of traditional ornamental materials. On this basis, G. Vasiliev formed his own system of views on the art of sculpting, an incomparable creative handwriting. Having firmly adopted the position of traditionalism, he remains faithful to this trend for three decades in a row.

His works adorn the interiors of public buildings and natural landscapes, mark the memorial places of our city and rural settlements of the republic. These are decorative masks based on the folk epic “Geser” in the State Buryat Academic Drama Theater named after Kh.N. Namsaraeva, a carved wooden panel "Nature of Buryatia" in the dining room of the Council of Ministers, an animalistic sculptural composition "Deer" at the entrance to the Selenginsky bridge near the village of Vakhmistrovo, a monument to A.U. Modogoev in the center of the republic's capital and many others.

“Each era should have its own face,” the sculptor argued. - "Absence
a unified urban development program significantly impoverishes the urban environment. IN
a modern civilized city, and in the resort area in particular, it is necessary
creation of landscape gardening sculptures in tune with the current spirit of the times,
cultural traditions of the region. Epic, folklore, ecology of Buryatia provide
ample opportunities in the choice of animalistic and genre motives
images. A comprehensive solution to this problem will make the appearance of our city more attractive and colorful, and aesthetically ennoble the places of mass recreation and resort areas of the republic.

Skillful hands of the sculptor were subject to various materials - metal, marble, concrete. However, Gennady Georgievich especially singled out a tree for himself, and above all - our Siberian cedar. “This is a soft, pliable material in processing, with a unique texture and plasticity,” explained the sculptor. Gennady Vasiliev was a regular participant in art exhibitions held in the republic, in the country and abroad. Three of his works - "Patron of Animals", "Mother", "Arkanschik" are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, about two dozen - in the Republican Art Museum named after Ts. Sampilov, as well as in other cities of the country and foreign collections. Awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus for his creative merits, the sculptor worked actively in his chosen role, each time surprising the audience with the freshness and originality of the ethnic images of his heroes.

To the question: "What principles are you guided by in your personal creativity?" Gennady Georgievich answered: “I try to make the sculpture integral, expressive, figurative. To make it readable on the fly as a Buryat sculpture and at the same time be recognizable by the author. " "Do you need that special state in your work, which is commonly called inspiration?" “Yes, absolutely,” he said. - “It is very important to be able to set a goal and emotionally enter the image. Already from the very beginning one should see sculpture, movement in the material, in a piece of wood. If done cold, sluggishly, the result will be the same. It is always necessary to approach work with desire, with a spark. "

The professional authority of the Buryat sculptor is emphasized by the fact that for about two decades he was a permanent member of the zonal exhibition committee. As a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, G. Vasiliev carried out regular field activities during his lifetime. He took part in “elite” academic exhibitions organized against the background of visiting sessions of the Academy of Arts in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk. As a recognized master of the sculptural genre of the republic, he passed on his knowledge and experience to the students of the ESSACA. One of his first students, Dashi Namdakov, as we know, has already grown into an independent “star” of plastic art, whose exhibitions are successfully held all over the world.

Matvey Choybonov revives the Dzhida steppes with sculptures of heroes and gods.

Lama, poet and Cossack general Matvey Choibonov revives the Dzhida steppes with sculptures of heroes and gods. Bator, a huge hero, riding a resinous black horse near the sacred mountain Burinhan, appears before the traveler like a fairytale character. This is the most memorable and majestic sculpture of all the monuments erected by Matvey Choibonov. Its author, like the rest of the monuments, is the sculptor, academician Gennady Vasiliev.

“Burinkhan protects our people and the purity of the Dzhida steppe,” says Matvey Choibonov. - During the war years he saved his sons. They had a vision of a rider on a pitch-black horse and heard a loud voice: "Get out of here!" And as soon as the soldiers left this place, as soon as a heavy fire fell on this place!» Not far from Burinhan, near the village of Borgoy, a lama, the poet installed sculptures of five fallow deer running towards the sacred mountain. In addition, Matvey Rabdanovich, at his own expense and with the support of sponsors, erected a sculpture of Buddha Shakyamuni on the ridge separating the Dzhida and Selenginsky districts. And in the village of Verkhny Torey, he installed busts of Dugarzhap Dashiev, People's Artist of the USSR Naydan Gendunova (Stepanova) and Sodnom Budazhapov, People's Artists of Russia.And that's not all. Matvey Rabdanovich is directly related to the construction of 34 stupas in the southern regions of the republic and 5 stupas in the Tyva Republic. Obviously, the love of monumental art among the famous lama and the chairman of the Writers' Union of the republic developed a long time ago. While still the abbot of the Sartul-Gegetuy datsan in the Dzhida region, on his initiative, this monastery was rebuilt, and its courtyard is decorated with various sculptures from Buddhist mythology. The friendship of two great people Matvey Rabdanovich and Gennady Georgievich gave us such wonderful creations to the residents of Dzhida, which will delight our eyes for centuries, but most importantly, protect us.

A monument to the first scientist of the republic was erected in Buryatia.

Almost two years ago, a sculpture depicting Dorzhi Banzarov appeared in the Dzhidinsky district of Buryatia. On June 10-11, 2010, the Dzhida district of the Republic of Buryatia celebrated the 75th anniversary of its birth. As part of the anniversary, on June 11, a grand opening of the monument to the first Buryat scientist Dorzhi Banzarov took place. “The opening of the monument became possible thanks to the people's help,” General of the Cossack troops Matvey Choybonov told Inform Policy online. - The funds were collected by the whole world. Businessmen from Buryatia, Irkutsk region, Trans-Baikal Territory helped, the residents of the region carried money. We collected more than 500 thousand rubles. ” “The sculpture 2.5 m high was made of artificial stone in the workshop of the Union of Artists in Ulan-Ude,” said the author of the monument, the famous Buryat sculptor Gennady Vasiliev. - The 3.15 m high pedestal was built by the residents of the village of Nizhniy Ichetui under the leadership of the head of the settlement Sergei Tsybikov. The work lasted 21 days. " According to the sculptor, the monument is made in the classical style. On the monument, Dorzhi Banzarov is depicted in the Irkutsk period of his life, the scientist holds a pen in his right hand, and an open book in his left. On the marble slab of the pedestal, the inscription is carved in gold letters: "To the outstanding son of the Buryat people, the first Buryat scientist Dorzhi Banzarov, 1822-1855, from grateful fellow countrymen." A monument was erected in his homeland, in the Dzhida steppe, about 3 km from the village of Nizhniy Ichetui, a few hundred meters from the Ulan-Ude - Zakamensk highway, near the Sarbadui-Khutul mountain. The sculpture looks towards Burin-Khan mountain.

The opening ceremony of the monument was attended by representatives of the People's Khural of Buryatia, the head of the presidential and government administration of Buryatia Petr Noskov, the head of the Dzhidinsky region Vitaly Batodorzhiev, director of the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhism and Tibetology SB RAS Boris Bazarov, high-ranking officials, public figures, scientists, businessmen. There were also guests from Mongolia, Taiwan, Moscow, Irkutsk, Chita and other regions of Russia. After the opening of the monument, a scientific and practical conference was held dedicated to the life and work of the first Buryat scientist.

Burin Khan's image

Mount Burin Khan is one of the five greatest shrinesAsia located in the Borgoy steppe, near the villageInzagatuiDzhida districtBuryatia, on the watershed of riversJida and Temnik.

Burin Khan translated fromburyat language means - "perfect, real khan", the king to all not only the surrounding mountains, but all the mountainsTransbaikalia... It stands out among them not only for its height and grandeur, but also for its beauty and richness of its flora and fauna.

The mountain consists of three related peaks: southern, northern and middle. Highest and most honoredburyats - southern, it is actually called Burin Khan. Second most important -northern the top, it is called Hansha. And between them is the peak, whose name is the Son.

On the south-eastern side of the mountain, on a small terrace, at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, there islakewhere there are 12 smallaboutarranged in a circle, and one large. Each is revered as a separate genus.

This mountain is worshiped by Buryat families living in the Borgoiskaya and Selenginskaya valleys. Worship and sacrifice are held on the second day of the last summer month afterlunar calendar... From two sides of Burin Khan (from the west - Inzagatui, Borgoy, Ichetui and the east - Iro, Udunga, Tashir, Selendum) men rise every year, thank the owner of the mountain for their lives, ask blessings for their children and the whole region.

Gennady Vasiliev made a sculpture of Burin-Khan at the foot of the holy mountain of the same name. The initiator of the creation, as mentioned above, of the sculpture was Matvey Rabdanovich Choibonov. The sculpture was completed and opened on August 16, 2009. Today, a sculpture of a huge hero, sitting on a resinous black horse, 5.5 m high, made of concrete and artificial stone, rises by the mountain. She personifies the image of the sacred mountain.A 5-meter giant, a folk hero on a huge black horse, suddenly appears in front of the dumbfounded travelers. Now one of the most impressive sculptures "Burin-Khan" stands in the middle of the steppe and protects everyone from evil spirits, protects our calm and happy life.

Original imageShakyamuni Buddha.

Awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Buryatia for his creative merits, the sculptor worked actively in his chosen role, each time surprising the audience with the freshness and originality of the ethnic images of his heroes. His work, created in October 2008, testifies to this. itShakyamuni Buddha statue.It is located on a ridge separating two regions of the Republic of Buryatia. There is a monument of Buddha Shakyamuni on the pass of impressive size, and protects the peace of all travelers.

In 1973, Vasiliev went to Czechoslovakia as part of a delegation of Soviet artists. We stopped in the so-called park area, fully supported by the host. But for two months of free accommodation, guests had to pay with their works. Vasiliev drove off with a suitcase full of tools - a hatchet, chisels, knives, and so on. A Hungarian sculptor drove along with them. Soon he says to Vasiliev: “I made an excellent sculpture! Let's go - evaluate! ". The work consisted of two painted boxes, hammered from boards and placed on top of each other. Vasiliev looked at his work and just shook his head: "Sorry, Istvan, but I'm not good at abstraction!" And the Hungarian received a fee for the work and drove off to Holland. And Vasiliev carved his sculptures out of wood for another two months. But they turned out to be very successful. This means that Gennady Georgievich has always done his work with all his heart, with all his heart. That is why he became an academician.

Kind realist

Passing the village of Borgoy, at the turn to the village of Inzagatui, the attention of every person is attracted by the galloping deer-roe deer. The beautiful 5 fallow deer galloping towards the Burin-khan mountain harmoniously fit into the surrounding steppe, merge with nature, as if from ancient times lived, ran here, which, according to legend, the Great Genghis Khan saw. Vasiliev is a realist, and achieving similarity with nature is not a problem for him. Not everyone probably knows that the legendary "Deer" over the Selenga is the work of Vasiliev and that he was almost killed for it. And they staged the composition in the 70s of the last century. Then a new bridge was built across the Selenga, and the high rock above it successfully became a pedestal. At the moment when the installation of the composition was completed, a shot rang out. The bullet struck a rock and ricocheted towards the river. The author and the workers lay down. It turned out that a passing driver pulled out a winchester. Seeing the sculptures in the rays of the rising sun, he mistook them for live deer!

These sculptures are monumental, internally stable, solid. They stand firmly on the ground, as if grown out of it. This earthly attachment of sculptural images is a characteristic feature of Vasiliev's work. It manifests itself even in such temperamental subjects as running deer, running horses - the master is especially attached to them.

For more than three decades, the work of the Honored Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts has indeed deservedly occupy a leading place in the fine arts of the republic. As art critic Margarita Khabarova says: “The range of his creativity is wide and varied. The works created by Vasiliev are modern, independent and original. He does not blindly imitate old models, does not borrow from antiquity any form, manner, or style, and at the same time there is no formal admiration for plastic volumes in his sculptures.

His work is next to us. They adorn our natural landscapes, mark the memorial sites of the Dzhida region.


After completing the work, I came to this conclusion. Undoubtedly, Dorzhi Banzarov is one of the outstanding figures of Russian Mongolian studies of the first half of the 19th century, whose name the Buryat people should always be proud of. But we should also be proud of those people who put all their strength, all their talent for us, for the next generation, leaving behind great creations. We must in all ages highly honor the memory of our first scientist Dorzhi Banzarov, as well as the memory of the great man, the master of the sculptural genre of the republic, Gennady Vasiliev, equal to them, widely study and promote their vital activity and creative heritage.


  1. Bogomolova I.I. "Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Buryat sculptor G. Vasiliev ”. Material from the Internet
  2. Konchin E. "Legends of the Wise Budamshuu". Material from the Internet
  3. Materials from the Internet

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Slide captions:

On the Dzhida land Guidebook Works of Vasiliev Gennady Georgievich

The sculptor Gennady Vasiliev is a well-known figure in the art world. Born on February 2, 1940 in the village of Khandagai, Golumetsky District, Irkutsk Region. Lived and worked in Ulan-Ude. In 1962 he graduated from the Lomonosov School of Artistic Bone Carving (Arkhangelsk Region). Republican Prize of the Buryat ASSR in 1981 for the sculptural works "Children of the Taiga", "Workers of ZMMK", "Meeting" and "The Storyteller". Prize of Buryatia 1975 for the sculptures "The Taming of Fire", "The Head of the Buryat" Certificate of honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Buryat ASSR 1982 for the interior design of the Buryat Academic Drama Theater named after Kh. Namsaraev Among the main works there are also sculptural compositions: "Motherhood" (1978), "Mother" (1987), "Arkanschik" (1990), "Chabanka" (1990), "Who Will Win?" (1990), "Dancing Horses" (1996). Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1988) , Department "Ural, Siberia, Far East". Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1986). People's Artist of the Buryat ASSR (1979). Chairman of the Board of the Union of Artists since 1991.

The sculptor among his works

Statue of Buddha Shakyamuni Description: A statue of Buddha on the border with the Selenga region. The author of the sculpture: Gennady Georgievich Vasiliev Time of creation: October 2008 Author of the photo: Arkady Zarubin

Description: Fallow deer running towards Burin-Khan Mountain Sculptor: Gennady Vasiliev Time of creation: August 2009 Photo author: Arkady Zarubin "Inzaganuud"

Description: Monument to the first Buryat scientist Dorzhi Banzarov Sculptor: Gennady Georgievich Vasiliev Time of creation: June 11, 2010 Photo author: Arkady Zarubin Monument to the first scientist

The work was carried out by: Malakshinova Darima, a 7th grade student of the Tsagatui secondary school of the Dzhida district of the Republic of Belarus.

01 11

Ms. Wang Limei

Director of the Beijing World Art Museum

His works reflected the worldview of the Buryat people and the author, inclusive, inherent in the philosophy of shamanism that everything in the Universe has a soul, everything is connected and subordinate. All these ideas can be seen in his work. I think that his works are actually very mysterious, but we can understand this mystery by looking into the past, to feel the spirit and mood that the author wanted to express in his works. ... in his works we see a kind of synthesis of two cultures "

02 11

Dr. Maurizio Vannu

Executive Director of the Lucca Center of Contemporary Art Museum

Dashi is an artist by vocation and is gradually gaining international recognition. Dasha's sculpture in the world of our modernity is the fruit of the creation of an artist who listens, who is nearby and who perceives the state of contemporary world art and at the same time respects the past and traditions. This is fantastic realism, even more real and realistic than what nature offers us. Dashi is an artist of her time. He translates personal experience into his sculptures, into his creations

03 11

Sergey Bodrov

Film director of the film "Mongol"

Dashi is a unique person with unique abilities. Therefore, he contributed much more to the picture than an ordinary artist. He contributed his knowledge of a culture that is completely unknown. He is very accurate in guessing the style. He is practically a co-author of our picture. The picture was worse without him.

Dashi is our artist. He is a famous sculptor. He knows everything, he feels everything, an amazingly talented person.

04 11

Westminster City Council

This is a mystical and fantastic sculpture. The Keeper is a powerful protector with sharp and terrifying wings behind her back. She seems to growl, threatening anyone who dares to attack those whom she protects with sharp fangs

05 11

Valentin Yudashkin

Honored Artist of Russia

What I see is very young and dynamic for me. The artist feels the form, plastic, very national and ethnic.

06 11

Irina Khakamada

Dashi, I think this is such an Asian Dali, because this is a challenge, this is crazy energy, a huge knowledge of their own ethnic roots, but processing in modern Western values. He is a unique artist ...

07 11

Dmitry Peskov

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Any exhibition of Dasha is a great holiday for those who love and know his work. This is a vivid representative of Russian culture, which is rich in all our diversity. And it's great that he carries his art abroad, and pleases our viewers.

08 11

Valentina Matvienko

A rare talent. We must give the opportunity to enjoy his work, his magic to as many people as possible.

09 11

Incredible, amazing soul works! You can write a thousand books about the greatness of the Mongolian peoples and say less than the genius Dashi Namdakov was able to do with his sculptures.
Each of his works is a miracle! Ultimate concentration and self-absorption, masculinity and nobility, the highest mastery of weapons and his body, the inextricable connection of a warrior with a horse, when they form a single whole, sharp rage in battle and here is the deepest wisdom and a strong tragic note that permeates all the work of this amazing person.
There are not enough words to describe the whole gamut of feelings that you experience looking at the work of this genius.
Actually, he himself, standing in the general row among his creations, is exactly the same as they are. An ordinary modern Mongolian, Buryat hero. One of many.
In our time, when Russian society knows nothing about the small peoples of Siberia and, at best, treats them condescendingly, like wild tribes that still grow and grow to the heights of a civilized European society, it is absolutely necessary to convey the art of Dasha Namkadov to the mass audience. Then no words will be needed - people will understand in their hearts the tragic greatness of these peoples, realize the humiliated state in which they are today, and recognize them as equal to themselves in order to continue to act together with them hand in hand. Actually, this is the only condition for the further preservation of the united Russian Empire.

PS I am a half-breed, my father is an Altai. Altaians do not belong to Mongol tribes, they are Turks. But there was a glorious period when "under the leadership of the Mongol tribe, all the Mongol-speaking and Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia united and began to be called Mongols" (c). This was the period when the Mongolian (in the broad sense of the word) tribes experienced their highest rise.
When I look at the photographs of these wonderful creations, a proud note begins to sound in my soul. Of course, I understand that everything was there, but at the same time there was an opportunity to prove myself from the best, heroic side. And today, just like in the souls of the Mongol tribes, in the soul of my people the same tragic note sounds about which Dashi Namdakov speaks so strongly. In fact, he speaks on behalf of all kindred peoples who have preserved themselves and their dignity, but have long been in a state of complete oblivion.

Taken from\u003d193894#t193894

“... Nomads were distinguished by two qualities - military courage and unconditional loyalty. And on these principles, that is, on the principle of their heroism and the principle of personal devotion, they created great monarchies. "

This post is dedicated to the Russian sculptor, artist and jeweler Dashi Namdakov and his works. Visitors of our LiveJournal are already familiar with some of them.
He was born in 1967 in the Trans-Baikal Buryat village of Ukurik. He was the sixth child in the large family of Balzhan Namdakov, who belonged to an ancient respected family of blacksmiths-darkhans. According to custom, only they were allowed to work with fire - the sacred symbol of being chosen. As in neighboring Mongolia, here they are very attentive to family pedigree. In the male line, the Namdakov clan gave 23 generations over 600 years.

Dashi Namdakov studied first in Ulan-Ude, and then at the Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute, after which he opened a small jewelry workshop in Buryatia. In 2000, his first personal exhibition took place in Irkutsk, after which he received well-deserved fame.

Ritual. 2001 year

Exhibitions of his works were held in the main museums of the country: the Tretyakov Gallery (2008), the Hermitage (2010), the State Historical Museum in Moscow (2014).

A rich bride. 1998 year

Steppe Nefertiti. 2001 year

His contribution to the creation of the feature film Mongol was awarded the Nika-2008 and White Elephant awards for the best work of an artist. D.B. Namdakov is a laureate of the 2009 Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of culture.

A still from the film "Mongol".

The main themes of Dashi Namdakov's works are nomads, warriors, sacred figures, legendary personalities, patrons of the Buryats, totem animals and mythological creatures.





The steppe mare flies, flies
And crumples feather grass ...

Alexander Blok.

The exhibition of works by Dashi Namdakov in the Hermitage in 2010 received a very accurate title: “Nostalgia for the origins. Universe of nomads ”.



Most of Dashi Namdakov's works were made using art casting, forging and mixed techniques. The material is bronze, silver, gold, copper, precious stones, as well as bone (mammoth tusk), horsehair and wood.

An old warrior. 2001 year

An old warrior. Fragment.

Dashi Namdakov's works are kept in the funds of the State Hermitage, the Museum of Oriental Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, as well as in the Chinese and American state collections. They are also in many private collections, including President V.V. Putin.

Warrior of Genghis Khan.

Archer. 2000 year

Dasha Namdakov also has graphic works.

Have rushed away, gone missing
Herds of steppe mares,
Wild passions unleashed
Under the yoke of a flawed moon.

Alexander Blok.

Queen. 2010


“The history of Eurasia is inscribed in the history of mankind with the hoofs of horses. [...] The legendary Mongolian cavalry, which terrified Europeans, has forever remained in the historical memory of generations. "

In one of our previous LJ posts, we already wrote about the installation on April 14, 2012 in London of a bronze equestrian statue of Genghis Khan, created by Dashi Namdakov for the 850th anniversary of the birth of the Great Conqueror.
The sculptor has been working on it for over two years. The British provided him in London with a huge workshop in the very center of the city. The master found an interesting solution: the Great Khan, dressed in Mongol armor, seemed to stop at the very edge of an invisible abyss - at the border of Heaven.

The sculpture was cast in bronze in the Mariani workshop in northern Italy, and delivered to the UK in parts. Its height from the horse's hooves to the rider's helmet is about five meters, its weight is 2,714 kilograms.
The statue was erected outside the London City Council of Westminster on a lawn island next to Marble Arch in the northeastern part of Hyde Park. The event took place within the framework of the City of Sculptures festival on the eve of the Olympics.

However, the appearance of the statue in the center of the English capital was not to the taste of some islanders.
“In what clouds were the Conservatives in Westminster when they decided to erect the statue next to the Marble Arch? Who's next in line? Stalin? Pol Pot? Saddam Hussein? ”Labor MP Paul Dimboldenberg was indignant.

There is nothing strange, of course, in such a reaction. Suffice it to recall some lines from the already cited poem by Alexei Shiropaev:

Buryats, Mongols, Cossacks -
West, west, west
Where the capital sparkles
The legend strives like a cloud.

For offices, faxes and plastic -
Mystery of checkers and swastikas.
Look: on the bank walls
Horse foam pulsates.

Into your ribbed tunnels
The steppe storms flew in,
And destroys computers bowels
Empire of bronze and wind.

Tearing down the curtains and curtains
Will fly into your dreams
Cossacks, Buryats, Mongols,
Driven by the surf of the English Channel.

Then the horsemen of Genghis Khan did not reach the British Isles.
However, today a bronze statue of their Terrible leader stands in the very center of London.

Meanwhile, the triumph of the Buryat sculptor from Russia in Europe continued.
The following year, 2013, he became a laureate of the international sculpture competition "Pietrasanta e Versilia nel Mondo", which is held annually in Pietrasanta (Italian province of Lucca), a city of world renown, where the greatest artists, including Michelangelo, worked.

Russian Asia in the Heart of Europe.

This was the first award of this kind given to a Russian sculptor.
Dashi Namdakov received the award and the title "Artist of the Year" for his works on a Scythian theme. One of them - "Tsarskaya Okhota", - made in the famous workshops of artistic casting of Italy "Mariani" and "Massimo Del Chiaro", was presented to the public and experts on the main square of the city of Pietrasanta.

What they saw captivated the audience. The famous Italian critic, poet, doctor of art history Giuseppe Cordoni left an enthusiastic review: “Maestro Dashi portrayed the beautiful Queen - the Amazon and the Tsar - the hero. They are in a state of rapid pursuit. They are nomads of Eurasia, where the house is a tent, and the roof of the house is the sky above them. The souls of the riders "breathe" with the boundless immensity of the steppe on which they jump. For the author, the steppe is the center of the universe, it defines the essence of the existence of the sculpture's characters. It contains everything that the heroes embody and possess: the shamanic spirit of their ancestors, the secrets of early Buddhist culture, signs and symbols of ancient art. "

In "Tsarskoy Okhota" there is something that is not often seen today: plastic, elegance, lightness, movement ...

"I'm happy!" - this is how the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, responded to the success of the sculptor. “I am immensely grateful to Dashi Namdakov for the strength of his art, for the way it brings peoples closer together. For the fact that today this freedom and freedom of the Scythian Tsar and Queen is already here in the West in bronze, in the very center of world culture, arouse admiration among the discerning public and critics. Dasha's highly artistic aesthetics are read by people of various languages \u200b\u200band cultures, connects us, brings the spirit of Asia to the most remote corners of the planet. "
"Tsarskaya Okhota" is a part of the sculptural ensemble "Center of Asia" in the capital of Tuva - Kyzyl, commissioned by Dashi Namdakov.

We will look forward to the implementation of this plan.

"For the horses-holes!" - the command is heard,
People take off on horses at once,
And the horses swallow the wind greedily,
The wind of those irrevocable days.


Dashi was born in 1967 in a small village in the Chita region into a large family of a folk craftsman.
Dasha's father was known in the village as a man who knew how to do literally everything with his own hands - furniture, metal doorknobs, and carpets. His wood-carved sculptures of Buddhist deities and tangki - Buddhist icons, were installed in monasteries. Therefore, since childhood, helping their father, the children learned different crafts, knew how to make crafts using different materials.

Dashi grew up in this atmosphere from early childhood and therefore, by the time of growing up, he already knew how to do a lot with his own hands. But circumstances developed so that at the age of 15, Dasha unexpectedly fell seriously ill, and for a long 7 years all visits to doctors did not bring any result. The young man was on the verge of death.

In the end, the parents ended up with a shaman woman, who explained the cause of illness and ailments by the fact that people forgot their roots, stopped remembering their ancestors, remember their names. The shaman performed her rite. Incredibly, the pain subsided immediately. And after 7 days, Dasha was in another city and was looking for work. That shamaness predicted success for him, because Dasha had the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding things and embody it in her works.

Dashi starts working in the studio of the Buryat sculptor G. G. Vasiliev in Ulan-Ude, where he hones her skills in working with different materials. Then in 1988 he entered the Krasnoyarsk Art Institute. Famous artists - L.N. Golovnitsky, Yu.P. Ishkhanov, A.Kh. Boyarlin, EI Pakhomov became his mentors.

After graduating from the institute in 1992, Dashi returned to Ulan-Ude, where he continued to work. In 2000, after the first personal exhibition in Irkutsk, it became clear that a new name appeared in the art world - Dashi Namdakova. The exhibition made a splash in the art establishment. This was followed by successful exhibitions in other cities of Russia, successful shows abroad.

"Images often visit me at night," says Dashi, "when consciousness is in a borderline state between the real world and the world inhabited by illusions and spirits." Dasha scrupulously puts these visions on paper so as not to forget, and then skillfully transfers what he saw to another material - bronze, silver.

Dasha's sculptures come from distant worlds. From there, where there is no border between man and the universe, everything is there - particles of the universe, occupying a niche prepared for everyone in the endless stream of universal transformations. This is how the East perceives this world - finding beauty in its integrity and fragile harmony, fearing with an awkward movement to destroy the order established by the Almighty.

Hence, shamans appear in Dasha's works, who still play an important role in the life of modern Buryats. The wisdom of things seen by Dasha pierces all his works. His warriors, tired of war, do not seem to be inhuman barbarians, but are filled with wisdom and greatness. Dasha's women are seductive and sensual, but at the same time shyly turns away from the artist devoid of modesty. If you look closely at the resting doe, how can you not see a sleeping girl in it? Beauty surrounds us, wherever we are, but not everyone can see it.

"Perceive the world as it is, for its creator is wiser than you," say Dasha's sculptures, "then you will discover true beauty."

The works of Dashi Namdakov, thanks to the amazing combination of innovation and ancient traditions of Buryatia, unusual plasticity and exceptional craftsmanship, were acquired for the personal collections of the first persons of Russia, including the President of the Russian Federation V.Putin.

Dashi Namdakov is a sculptor who needs no introduction. His works are made using art casting, forging and mixed techniques. The master's favorite materials are silver, gold, bronze, copper, wood, horsehair, mammoth tusk. In sculptures, jewelry miniatures, graphics - all this shows his original style, unlike any other, which is based on elements of national culture, traditions of Central Asia, Buddhist motives. And at the same time, everyone understands his work, as if there is something in his works that touches the most delicate strings of the soul of a person of any nationality.

Legend (bracelet)

Passion (pendant)

Africa (ring)

Africa (pendant)

Africa (earrings)

Lamb (pendant)

Gemini (necklace)

Nocturne (ring)

Babylon (ring)

Eternity (pendant)

Eternity (earrings)

Horse head (chest decoration)

Rhinoceros beetle

Snake (pendant)

Truth (bracelet)

Capricorn (ring)

Mosquito (statuette)

Lemur (ring)

Larvae (earrings)

Frog (ring)

Little Buddha (miniature)

Manta (pendant)

Manta (ring)

Mask (seal)

Nautilus (pendant)


Aries (ring)

Octopus (ring)


Panther (pendant)

Panther (earrings)

Spider (pendant)

Flight (pendant)

A princess




Scythia (pendant)

Dashi Namdakov has held more than 14 personal exhibitions in Russia and abroad, including in famous museums and galleries around the world.

Awarded with a silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. Since 2004 he has been living and working in Moscow.

In 2007, he carried out the artistic design of the film "Mongol".

His full name is Dashi Nima - "Lucky Sun". And the name in the ancient Buryat family contains the “code of fate”. Therefore, when naming a baby, the lamas took into account not only the day and hour of his birth, but also the location of the stars. Nothing is accidental in the world at all.

Dashi Namdakov - Russian, graphic artist and jeweler, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. Born in 1967 in the Chita region, graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Art Institute. In 2003 he was awarded the Silver Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts.

In recent years, Dashi has held many personal exhibitions in major museums in the world: the State Tretyakov Gallery and the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow, the Center for Tibetan Culture (Tibet House) in New York, the Beijing Museum of World Art, etc.

Dashi Namdakov became the production designer of the film "Mongol" (directed by Sergei Bodrov Sr.). The film was nominated for an Academy Award (2007) for Best Foreign Language Film and also won six National Nick Awards. Dashi Namdakov was named the best costume designer.

The artist's works are in the funds of many museums in Russia and the world, as well as in the personal collections of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, President of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev, Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov, in private collections in the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, China and Taiwan, Singapore.

Dasha Namdakov's childhood

Dashi Namdakov's family belongs to an ancient respected clan - darkhans. These families have always produced the best jewelers, craftsmen and artists. Only they were allowed to work with fire, the sacred symbol of being chosen. They possessed the highest knowledge passed down from generation to generation. It was believed that people from the noble class were subject to a lot. But much was allowed - much was asked. All members of the upper class had a great responsibility for the world in which they lived.

Dashi Namdakov's father, Balzhan Namdakov, was a famous folk craftsman - a blacksmith, an artist, wrote Buddhist tangkas (icons), was engaged in sculpture, woodcarving, and weaved carpets. He did a lot for the collective farm in which he worked - he designed and built a small power plant, created agricultural machines. Smart, bright, gifted and knowledgeable person. At the same time, he had only a few classes of education - in the post-war years of hunger in the village he did not have to think about studying, he would have survived ... Belzhan taught his children a lot.

The family had four sons and four daughters. They all draw well, each has a creative nature in its own way. Dashi was born sixth. Until the seventh grade, he lived with his parents in a Buryat village and felt like a part of the Universe in which he grew up. A special way of life in a family, a delicate connection between generations, its Gift, manifested in early childhood ... The fantastic nature of Buryatia, pristine rivers, the fantastic Sayan mountains, the steppe, the unthinkable beauty of Baikal became for a child who subtly feels the beauty of the world, a whole cosmos - huge and beautiful ... Until the seventh grade, life was good ...

Dashi Namdakov:

- I have already seen the decline of this civilization, which is very difficult, almost impossible to return. For that, a miracle must happen. Life is changing before our eyes, and although many changes are a blessing, something important is irretrievably lost. It is no longer possible to explain to children how you can feel your connection with nature, be in harmony with it ... The nature of my Motherland is amazing - it is a whole cosmos, and you live in it, you live in it, you are a flower in this life, a blade of grass. Not a bolt rusting in a puddle. But it's already unrealistic to return ...

Boarding school

Everything changed very dramatically. There was no secondary school in the village, and Dasha had to go to a boarding school. He now came home only for weekends and vacations. The familiar world has collapsed, all its riches have narrowed down to elementary rules - simple, but tough and the same for everyone. As if someone decided for him: "You have to live this way and that, guy - there is no other way." Very fragile things were distorted and destroyed, ties were severed. As if they pumped foreign blood into the veins, a different ideology, other ideas about life, concepts of the world.

Dashi Namdakov:

- Only by the age of forty a lot began to emerge in my memory, the world of the teenager I once was began to recover. The same upbringing for all kills something in the soul, replacing the True with one ideology for all. You begin to analyze life and understand the unequal value of loss: what you have lost and what has been imposed on you in return for what you lost. Villages disappear, people lose touch with their roots - a cataclysm that turned everything ...

Dasha began to draw very early. No one doubted his talent. But at school they didn't really think about it. Everyone draws a carrot - and you draw. They draw an apple - and you don't shirk. It was unspeakably boring for a teenager who painted pictures with complex compositions. Out of a sense of protest, he did not agree to draw simple objects. And once I almost stayed for the second year due to poor performance in drawing.

There was everything in the boarding school. Dashi reacted very sharply to injustice, undeserved insults, yearned for everything that he left at home. Probably, not all children perceive such changes as tragically, but in Dasha they provoked not only a breakdown in consciousness, but also a serious illness. He underwent four operations, the stomach simply refused to work. Every night, Dasha, who was exhausted like a prisoner of a concentration camp, woke up from unbearable pain. Over the years, a variety of treatments have been tried, but there has been no improvement. When the hope for medicine faded away, the parents turned to a shaman woman for help. This decision was not easy for them: mom and dad all their lives professed Buddhism, the philosophy of which denies Tengerianism (shamanism). But the son was almost dying ...

The ceremony was long and complicated. The next day, Dashi slept until noon for the first time in many years. When he awoke, sunlight flooded the room. And nothing hurt him!

This event left a mark on his entire life. No, he has not ceased to be a Buddhist, but the words of the shaman that illness - the payment for breaking ties with nature - fell on fertile ground. Since then, Dashi thought a lot about paganism, its roots, and the forces of nature. Anything that doesn't kill makes us stronger. Were it not for this disease, a miraculous cure, we would probably know a completely different Dasha Namdakov. The one received from the shaman, the impulse sounds in many of his works, his world is inhabited by strange creatures, beautiful images that emerged from the depths of great-memory. All of Dasha's works come from the world of ancient myths and legends. What he saw in a dream at night, in the daytime under his hands becomes a reality. In the creations of Dasha lives the spirit of his land, the forces of nature in which he grew. They have a deep secret, which not everyone can solve, but it is impossible not to feel their energy and beauty.

Dashi Namdakov:

- We must not break away from our roots, from the forces of nature. Earth, water, air - you cannot teach love for the elements, you need to feel them and draw strength from them. It seems to me that I have learned a lot, and this obliges me to take life seriously and responsibly.

Europe, Asia and America are also interesting - each civilization has its own invaluable experience. I am especially interested in those countries where traces of ancient civilizations have survived. And yet there is nothing better than my homeland in the world. If I can somehow help in preserving the culture of my people, I am happy.


After school, Dashi Namdakov tried to enter the Moscow Art School. I did not dare to take the documents to the institute - it seemed that almost celestials were studying there. And he miscalculated. The school for nonresident students was given only four places, the competition for these places was absolutely incredible, incomparable with the university one. But there was no one to prompt.

It was awkward to return home with nothing - and Dasha entered the architecture department of the Novosibirsk Civil Engineering Institute. Once he collected his wooden sculptures, went up to the teacher-sculptor: "Take as students." He looked: “Boy, you did not come to study there. You need a sculpture. " Dasha himself understood: well, this was not his business - architecture, the future was seen in a completely different way. And although he knew what grief his decision would bring to his parents and brothers-sisters (there was no special capital, the younger ones were raised by the whole family), he dropped out of school. Two years later he became a student at the Krasnoyarsk Art Institute. Only five or six people were recruited there for academic specialties. Dashi began to study sculpture.


In Dasha's life, at the turning points, there were more than once people - “signs of fate”, who distinguished him from many others and tried to help and teach. He also had a literature teacher at school - thanks to him, Dashi fell in love with literature, poetry.

At the institute, Dasha was also very lucky with a teacher - he was noticed by academician, secretary of the Siberian-Far Eastern branch of the USSR Academy of Arts, professor of the sculpture department of the institute Lev Nikolaevich Golovnitsky. A talented sculptor, he immediately saw that a young man from Buryatia had a Gift. For Dasha, the teacher's opinion, his assessment were very significant. They were connected with warm relations, they talked for a long time, Dashi often accompanied the Teacher home, knowing how difficult it was for him to climb to the third floor with chronic asthma. Lev Nikolaevich's wife, Enrika Emilievna Eckert (also a sculptor), always tried to prepare something light, dietary for Dasha's arrival - the Golovnitsky family also knew about his stomach problems.

In the fourth year, after returning from vacation, Dasha began to ponder whether he should quit his studies. It seemed that he had already learned everything he could. I wanted to create, to work independently. He was already considered a master, they started talking about him. People came running to his exhibitions to see what the new Dasha had made there? So is it worth spending three more years of life on lectures (the course was designed for six years)? And how to tell the teacher about it?

Fellow students told Dasha that Lev Nikolaevich was admitted to the hospital, and the Master asks the student to come to him. Of course he came.

Lev Nikolaevich himself started a conversation:

- I guess what you are up to, Dasha, and I understand everything. Well, let's make a diploma.

- As a diploma, I still have to study for almost three years ?!

- You will graduate as an external student.

Lev Nikolayevich took over the entire bureaucratic part - he agreed with the educational part, with the teachers. The Master's authority was such that he was able to convince even the most dissatisfied. With Dasha, he did this - he closed him in the workshop, so that nothing would distract from his studies. He came to him every day, brought books, told everything that he knew from the history of art. The immersion method worked - Dashi immersed himself in the creations of the masters of Assyria, Babylon, Phenicia, Egypt, India, China, Byzantium ... It seemed to him that he himself had moved to the world of bygone civilizations. Golovnitsky praised the student for his zeal and promised that all the knowledge that Dasha “swallowed” at such a pace would still be useful to him in a few years, when the time came. And so it happened ...

Teachers came to the workshop to take exams. All subjects were successfully submitted. After defending his diploma, Dasha left for his homeland. When, a few months later, he learned about the death of the teacher and understood why Lev Nikolaevich was in such a hurry to convey to him everything he knew ... Dasha did not have time to say goodbye to the Teacher - the news came with a delay. And this tormented him for many years.

First collection

He arrived in Ulan-Ude in the early 90s. Times began not too calm. By that time, Dashi was already married, the son of Chingis was growing up in the family - it was necessary to feed the family, earn money. He opened a tiny, several square meters, jewelry workshop - his products, stylized as finds from ancient burial mounds, were in good demand. The wife worked as an economist in the bank, some money appeared in the family, everyday problems receded. It was time to get down to creativity. Dashi says that he is lucky because he was lucky with his wife. She said that at that moment: “Mind your own business. Every dog \u200b\u200bhas his day". Then he set a schedule: two weeks - work on jewelry, the next two - "for the soul." Sculpture is an expensive pleasure, almost everything earned on "jewelry" went to pay for casting and minting. A whole collection has accumulated over the years. It was time to show it to the world.


The first personal exhibition of Dashi Namdakov was held at the Irkutsk Art Museum on February 16, 2000. On this day, Dasha turned 33 years old.

The popular expression “the next day he woke up rich and famous” is quite appropriate here. There was no end to those wishing to see Dasha's collection, the exhibition was just "with a bang", the entire collection was sold out. The Irkutsk Union of Artists invited to move to Irkutsk, offered the best workshop in the city ...

After some time, Dasha was invited to an exhibition in Moscow. The exhibition took place in the Central House of Artists, and other young Russian sculptors took part in it. In the capital they started talking about his work.

In 2003, Dashi Namdakov was invited to stage an exhibition in Yekaterinburg, during the summit, which was attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Dasha knew that after the death of her husband, Golovnitsky's widow had moved to Yekaterinburg. He found Enrika Emilievna, came to visit, invited to the exhibition. But she refused: “You know, Dasha, when Lev Nikolaevich was gone, I stopped going to exhibitions. For me, the sculpture died with her husband. " We sat and drank tea, Dasha left. And after some time I received a letter. Enrika Emilievna wrote that she nevertheless went to the exhibition: “Lev Nikolaevich would be proud of you. You gave me back my love for sculpture. " The feeling of guilt that had tormented Dasha for so long finally let go ...

River of life

In 2004, Dashi moved to Moscow with his family, but did not lose contact with the Motherland. He often visits Buryatia, where his parents still live. True, children grow up in another world - and this is his constant pain. Dasha has three children: the eldest son and two daughters, one is twelve years old, the other is only six months old. Chingis, a student at the Higher School of Economics, recently had his own child. In the male line, this is the 23rd generation of the Namdakovs over the past 600 years, whose names have remained in the memory of the family.

Dasha's parents taught: “You cannot want something too much in this life. If you start to set some super-tasks, everything collapses. Live in peace, surrender yourself to the flow of the river of life, have fun. " And he is guided by this rule all his life.

And the gods help him. No wonder he was so dubbed - Lucky Sun.

I think the gods would be offended by me if I said that I was not a happy person. I have always felt that I am being "led" through life. I was lucky with people. I do what I can and I love. Sculpture is my poetry, poetry in volume. It happens that people spend years looking for their own handwriting, their own style. I never looked for him. I wrote and created as I breathed - what I live with. This is my world that exists within me.

But creativity is not all life yet. I love my family, I like traveling, I have traveled a lot around the world, eagerly discovered the world for myself. I am interested in everything in this life, it is interesting to live.

No discount store will sell such sculptures to you. Dasha's works of authorship are appreciated as real works of art.

If you like Dashi Namdakov, a creative person and also engaged in sculpture, make a personal virtual exhibition and the public will know about you. for this you just need to photograph your own work and post it on the network. The pictures will need to be pre-processed to make them look more attractive. If you do not know how to do this, entrust this work to professionals.