Fashionable black clothes. Black color in clothes is a sign of elegance and luxury. Color in psychology

In esoteric philosophy, he symbolizes the highest secret of the universe. It should be noted that black and darkness are different concepts. Black is associated with darkness and earth and is the true emblem of everything hidden, secret and unknown. For many peoples, blackness is associated with night, and night - with evil and witchcraft. At night, human life is most in danger.

Employees can choose clothes according to their individual preferences. And Tom Tykwer does it over and over again: they cover themselves in the color of the intellectual code, they wear black. Are your clothes a statement? solution for life. Peymann, Rogler, Tykwer and, as they all call them, decided for a fashion that shies away from fashion. This is a view that persists in all digressions. Whether theatrical theaters, political cabarets, filmmakers or jazz club owners, they belong to a social caste that demonstrates their intellectual demands on themselves and society for the whole world.

Black symbolism

Black - symbolizes darkness, darkness, mourning, death, absorption, as well as heaviness, hopelessness. It burdens, enhances the influence of a nearby color. The Black Road is a road of thinking about the dark sides of the world and life.

Oftentimes, black is associated with emptiness and grief. With debauchery and Black Maiden. With a dangerous, infernal element. With the irrationality of time.

Black in psychology. What does black mean, what is the meaning of black?

Whoever plays with the idea of \u200b\u200bequating him with black media can now finally gather arguments. You can learn from the famous dark scientists who seem to be so good at this. For the largest professional group, for whom this choice of colors seems almost identical, is now expressed in this phenomenon: "Why do architects wear black?" Cordula Rau has collected relevant comments from her architects. Of course, home builders are just the tip of the iceberg. However, as members of this particular caste, they are always good.

In Buddhism, black is the darkness of the hidden Being. The Devil and Hell are endowed with black color in Christianity. Hence the color of the memorial service is black. Hinduism associates this color with the downward movement of the senses. Kabbalah reckons with the royal power of the black color and correlates it with the understanding of sensations.

And at initiation into the highest degrees of Freemasonry, the black velvet of the box or the mantle of the elder saintly brother speaks of "the color of confusion - the color of the primordial principle of Wisdom."

If you like black, then you

The little book reveals side by side the appreciation of the creme de la creme industry. To put it bluntly, there is nothing to say. Also in the presentation, a narrow black bar continues consistently, which is associated with the nature of matter: the ego of the individual comes to the fore and, therefore, quotes from architects. As puristic as a wardrobe full of black suits. Only the color cannot lie.

Blue is the world's favorite color

Why is the collection of the Cordula collection more than a gift book? Because it is both a fashionable handbook and a case study. When you are browsing, you can try to illuminate the dark phenomenon. One thing is clear: color alone cannot lie. Which one would be Marilyn Manson or Ozzy Osbourne among left-wing intellectuals, not to mention Tom-Finland fans?

In ancient Mexico, during the ritual sacrifice of a person, the faces and hands of the priests were painted black. Black eyes are still considered dangerous, envious. Sinister characters are dressed in black, the appearance of which portends death. Let us recall the black man who appeared to Yesenin and Mozart, the black hand of children's horror stories, etc. The injecting of this color is characteristic of magical texts, for example, in the Latvian conspiracy it says: “A black man with a woman is driving along the road, his eyes are behind. The black man has black bast shoes on his feet, black stockings, black shirt, black pants, black jacket, black horse, black saddle, black bridle, black batog ... "

The choice of color signals a certain attitude in life, for rocking chairs and leather fetishists; it is the satin darkness of printer darkness, jazz bands and Sartre's light wings. This is exactly what concerns the "world improvers", "moralists". The Prussians, two hundred years ago, forced priests, judges and professors to throw themselves on their clothes. Was black since then by profession of scientists, until the disciples of the sixties condemned the muff under him? and gradually regained intelligent color.

If there is one style between resin, board and charcoal, then this is just an expression of the relationship, also finds Christoph Mäckler, Frankfurt with a hand for high-rise buildings. He revises in his quote: Do you think you need to separate from the bourgeois society from which you were born in order to become an "artist"? he actually put the word artist in quotation marks.

The sense of color is one of the most primary forms of our knowledge of the external signs of objects. In the eyes of an oriental artist or philosopher, color represents the outside of Nature. For someone who wants to break through the veil of physical appearance of objects and focus his mind on the eternal pi hidden in things, as well as in his own soul, the temptation of color is a serious obstacle on the way to understanding the deepest essence and nature of things and on the way to achieving the original unity with them at the deepest level of spiritual life.

Styles in which black looks great

Extension of eye makeup. And something else is noticeable: the look seems to be definitely European, a typical level of “old Europe”. Peter Conradi, longtime president of the Federal Chamber of Architects, wants to make "interesting" and "seem existential," Conradi growled on the central issue.

The whole dark existentialist joke, this was the youthful fashion of the fifties, the phase of spiritual initiation of many who now dress darkly. Their gods were Jean-Paul Sartre and Juliet Greco, "The Madonna of Existentialism," as they were called "Süddeusche Zeitung." She expanded her black combat zone to eye makeup. Not surprisingly, one of Sartre's leaders means Being and Nothing. Is black really just one time? there is nothing. It does not reflect light, pure objectlessness.

This also makes clear the special function that black plays in oriental painting. In polychrome paintings, black usually acts as a barrier to chromatic colors. It indicates the end of all flowers, and therefore the end of the life breath that fills nature. In ink painting, on the other hand, black is life; it offers unlimited possibilities for expression and development. Black here is not absolute black. For in his denial of all colors, all colors are undoubtedly removed.

Of course, this is absolutely necessary, a small proportion of respondents point to countless practical aspects. You don't need to think about what you are wearing in the morning, so the formula of frequent pilots, everything suits everyone, in the sense of Coco Chanel. The architect, according to the embassy, \u200b\u200bfinally needs his head for something more important. And, obviously, the dark clothes were so discreet that the owner didn't distract from his projects. Love for one's own work could hardly be better expressed.

Is black and white a color or a lack of color?

After reading this quirky fashion brochure, there is no reason not to ditch the black bowl. "Color," wrote Cologne architect Volker Staab, "is the color we can leave for flowers." We also go out like a black fool. Non-color just goes always, looks elegant and can be combined with anything. But what impression do you get when you have a strong trend towards black clothing, and more often in the dark of a complete look? A new survey now clarifies this question and makes us breathe.

According to the analytical psychology of color, black as the preferred color expresses an outright disgust for what is happening. There is opposition and even negativism here. Impulsive destructive behavior. Aspirations for aggression. Conflict and clear position of protest.

Black is the absolute absorption of all colors and "light" with its conventions, morality and law and order.

It seems that the daily outfit choices, along with the timeless reflection in front of the wardrobe, are ending - at least if we believe the British survey. According to this, he is simply black in order to arrive as best as possible along with his fellows.

There was a time when the favorite color of many fashionable ladies was truly associated with evil qualities such as struggle for domination and self-centeredness. We cannot explain that for us color was not always a colored expression of individuality, coolness, mysticism and intelligence. This was finally confirmed by a British study.

Nowadays, the criteria have changed dramatically, and black has become a symbol of sophistication and elegance. Black clothes are usually worn by preachers, spiritual people. Therefore, one can also see in him a help to weak-willed patients in strengthening their fortitude.

Black value

Thus, black can also have a favorable meaning. It is perceived this way, for example, in the arid regions of Africa, where there is little water and black clouds promise fertility and abundance. Black bulls, goats or birds are sacrificed to the guardian spirits who send rain, and the priests also dress in black. Among the Turkic peoples, the word "kara" - "black" meant the north, whose dark sky with a bright pole star served as the basis for orientation in the night, and with the same word they denoted everything important, big. Therefore, "kara" served as the title of a person - "black", that is, great, mighty.

And the result was clear: Black impressed them all and can enjoy particularly positive qualities such as self-confidence, intelligence, seriousness and attractiveness. More negative characteristics like arrogance have little to do with black. We have always known this.

And on the first date, you should seriously consider the black look. Aside from the fact that 66% of women said they were weak in black dressed men, 46% of men said the little black or combination in question is a good thing for them.

Only 12 percent of the participants associated the red outfits with intelligence, but also indicated that the people wearing red were particularly arrogant. Likewise, from a color psychological point of view, Pink also has great difficulty. Even if it takes quite a bit of courage to present yourself with a hot pink look, the result of a color test is overwhelming: you have to look attractive and haunting in pink. Worse, 95 percent of the people in Pink even consider themselves not particularly universal - or more difficult, stupid.

There is a connection between blackness and sex appeal. Among the African Ndembu tribe, women with very black skin are highly regarded as lovers, but not as wives. Passion for love is shrouded in darkness and mystery; therefore, black can symbolize something intimate and passionately desired. Among the Arabs, the expression "blackness of eyes" means beloved, "blackness of heart" - love.

Unfortunately, trendy colors browns and oranges have also failed, especially when it comes to the confidence and attractiveness of their owner. There is an unshakable mass that loves to wear black all the time: Gothic, Existentialists, and Designers - just to name a few. But what about this color? If you are talking to black strollers, it is often quick that “black” is more than just a color for them. It's an attitude; it is the color of creativity, existentialists, extracoolers.

Whoever carries black is clearly the winner! Black is timeless and always fits

And by the way, it fulfilled several favorable optical criteria. But where does the special effect that black clothing has on the viewer comes from? No matter what the event: Totally black and simply dressed can be poorly overwhelmed or underestimated. Maybe at a white dinner party. The old rule that black as a wedding guest should not be tolerated also seems to be softening more and more.

Black is extremely popular with women. This still surprises psychologists: they like one thing, choose another, and wear a third ... Here we see all the "contradictions" of the logic of the female intellect. Consciousness likes white, gray is chosen for the husband, and black for itself. Perhaps because this color expresses something intimate and passionately desired.

Black always looks good

Black swallows so much light that the quality is almost secondary. Bad seams and small defects in material or workmanship do not happen quickly. Needs and what not everyone wants, but somehow it's still practical: Because black can raise itself badly shadows and is barely reflected, the body is wrapped in black, not so strong, modeled in three dimensions with the help of incident light. This leads to a slimming effect. This is the advantage of the black part where he wants to look smaller: the black blazer automatically squeezes the sides.

Black color is completely contraindicated for children as the color of threat, forever closed door, end and death. His rare preference indicates a prematurely matured complex psyche or stress that turned a child's life upside down. The more preferable black is, the greater the threat, the more dramatic the child's condition.

If in youth, along with black, yellow and purple are preferred, then the bright nature of the dramatic actor may appear. If it is also preferred or rejected by blue -green color, then a situation may arise when a stormy stage success leads to a neurological dispensary.

Dirt is less visible on black

Admittedly, this doesn't always apply: or who has never wanted to pluck a cat or blonde hair from the front man's jacket at the checkout? If someone is sleeping drunk with coffee, the stain on the black top is still less on the white. Much darker than black does not stop. And where we are already on the spots.

In black, sweat stains are the least visible

This is also a good thing, especially since another sweat in black is even more because black absorbs light and therefore heat is stronger. On the other hand, black is supposed to be able to draw its heat out of the body better, so it is better in black sportswear than brighter.

As it absorbs all the colors of the spectrum, black has a great effect on the state of the body, combining all their healing properties. Therefore, in some cases, it can be recommended as a general tonic for people with impaired health.

Black sublimates the chromatic archetype of irrationalism.

Why do creative blacks wear?

The typical designer cliché, whether fashion or on paper, is frequent: wash his black from head to toe. People who are themselves so inventive and colorful and are familiar with all the design rules should know better. Ads are often less interested in their own person than in what they do. Their creation should work, not themselves. How many fashionistas at the end of fashion will only show on the catwalk?

In addition, simple clothes combine creativity: Those who day after day in their beautiful self-selected - naturally black - quit uniform and do not suffer from a crowded closet, have more time and energy for more important decisions in everyday life.

The temporal aspect of the black sublimate is the future: "We don't know where we will come ... We will never look there ..."

Black is the absolute limit beyond which life ends. He conveys the idea of \u200b\u200bnon-being, disappearance. White color is a blank sheet on which history will still be written, and black is the end, beyond which nothing will be. White and black are the beginning and the end. A person who chooses black, seeks to hide his inner world from others, rebel against fate, is inclined to act recklessly and recklessly. Every evening we gladly return to the night to recuperate. But it is he who gives rise to everything new. Life begins with the unknown. A person who denies black demonstrates a desire not to give up anything, to control his actions and decisions.

Designers wear black for presentations - let's take a quick look at Steve Jobs or Karl Lagerfeld. Especially the black roll bar seems almost a must with the designers. The creative head literally floats, the character is clearly visible. It's about people doing what he did - not about what a fantastic green purple design shirt he wears.

Color psychology even says that black is absolute darkness from which new things can arise. This really explains everything! Schwartz does not turn away, but looks at the face. Perhaps he has a shade of pallor. Anyone who feels like Schwartz is "leaving him" is simply in control of him: completely pale with fiery red hair, bright red lips, or dark smoky eyes or bright glasses. Schlupps, the face is back.

Black color- “color of lack of color”: absorbs absolutely all colors, not letting them go to the outside world. The black color is paradoxical: it is associated with infinity, with silence, with female vitality, evokes a sense of secrecy, security and consolation.

Black in psychology. What does black mean, what is the meaning of black?

Almost all over the world, black is considered the most negative color in human psychology. As you probably already guessed, this color is a symbol of mourning, grief, death, death, misfortune, failure, envy, depression, evil and insecurity. In ancient Mexico, when performing a ritual sacrifice, the face and hands of the priests were painted black. Black eyes are still considered envious and dangerous. And American football statistics show that the referees punish, more often, the team that is dressed in black.

Black promises that everything will be fine, but do not forget that he is addictive. It gives a sense of depth and weight. Look, for example, at black chess pieces: they seem to weigh much more than white ones.

The black color is full of secrets and mysteries, it attracts to itself, but frightens off because of its mystery. Black color “fights” with a person: “passing” through this color, he realizes how much white is in black.

Black color in clothes. The meaning of black in clothing. People who love black.

If you like black clothes, it means that self-doubt "lives" in you, you have a tendency to prolonged depression, to failures. You are unhappy, you feel superfluous and alien. If all your clothes are black in your wardrobe, this is your Favorite color, - you are in a state of crisis, inadequately perceiving the world around you. If you often change black clothes for brighter and more catchy ones, your pessimistic, sad mood often disappears.

Black inspires depression, so you shouldn't be in a space with a lot of black for a long time. Think about black when you need solitude. Despite its negative sides, black is not as bad and gloomy as it seems at first glance. He is able to create a sense of secrecy from strangers and a sense of security.

Psychologists have very contradictory opinions about the color black. Some say that it is associated with elegance, sexuality and sophistication. He dominates the clothing of modern women. And for business meetings, most often, women wear a black suit. In the 21st century, this color is a symbol of grace, reflection and wisdom, superiority and power. A person who is completely confident in himself chooses black, thereby emphasizing his superiority. The black color is extraordinary, unlike the others. Its "magical" property is the ability to emphasize or drown out. Others say that black is a symbol of crisis and defeat (remember, for example, the flags of the Third Reich, the "black sun" in the form of a left-hand swastika). Black is considered the line where life ends. Black means the idea of \u200b\u200b"nothing" ("nothing"). Black is rejection. Therefore, the person who chooses him is rebelling against his own destiny.

It is believed that black is very closely related to sex appeal. Passion for love is covered with a veil of darkness, therefore, black is a symbol of passions and desires. No wonder, in some African tribes, women with "rich" black skin are valued as mistresses. Arabs have a "black heart" - a sign of love, and the phrase "black eyes" speaks of a beloved. Favorite color is black.This is their psychology.

This color goes well with all colors. Another plus is that it slims. So if you want to look thinner, just wear black clothes. By the way, if the invitation has the inscription "black tie" - the event is very important and official.

It should be said that this color is considered very stylish in design. Especially if you use black in combination with white. This color creates very strong energetic combinations, combined with yellow, which means intellectual superiority, with red - physical or sexual strength, and with pink - a respected social status in society.

Where and when is black appropriate?

For example - at a party. Put on a simple little black dress and you will surely not go unnoticed. Black fits just as well as color - contrast: for example, a black skirt and a red blouse (T-shirt).

It is necessary to avoid this color at christenings, weddings, holidays. Do not hold black very close to your face: this color "takes away" its liveliness. Give up black if you work for television: black seems to “cut off” the body from the head and all the attention of the audience from the face (for example, the presenter) switches to clothes. Be careful with black even when you want to meet a man: the stronger sex will be afraid to approach a stranger dressed in black, because this color keeps their distance.

Almost every day we see, on the streets of the city, crowds of teenagers dressed in all black. With this color, they show others the unwillingness to be inside society. The funny thing is that black can instantly turn from a sign of belonging to a society into a sign of an outsider (outcast).

Shades of black in psychology

Let's talk a little about shades of black. The light tones of this color symbolize self-centeredness and selfishness. The dark ones are horror and fear. Those who choose dark gray shades are inhibited (but not on the verge of stagnation), they are characterized by high sensitivity. People who choose pure gray are often very tired. Remember that gray, as a shade of black, is an outline, no-man's land or dividing line. Grey colour (and shade) - neutral: it does not express absolutely any qualities (neither internal nor external). People who reject shades of black are altruists, always ready to help out in difficult times. Such people are very afraid of being "unnecessary".

In the atmosphere of a normal psychological background, black does not have a detrimental effect on a person. However, if you have any problems, if you are under stress, try not to face this color.

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