The nature of the blood group 2 is negative. Definition and compatibility of blood groups

Pregnancy planning includes measures to optimize conditions for conception and the birth of healthy offspring.

It is better for future parents to examine the body, give up bad habits, lead a correct lifestyle, and prepare yourself emotionally.

The most important nuance for conceiving a child in marriage will be checking the compatibility of parents by blood group and Rh factor according to the tables.


Human blood is characterized by one of four groups, which differ in a set of specific proteins inside red blood cells.

Proteins (another name for antigens or agglutinogens) are denoted by the letters A and B. The erythrocytes of the first blood group do not contain antigens, the bodies of the second include only protein A, the third - B, the fourth - both proteins.

The age of the first antigenic phenotype is estimated at 60-40 thousand years.

It is common in areas of South and Central America, due to minimal migration and the absence of mixed marriages between local residents and representatives of other nations.

The second appeared much later in Asia, approximately 25-15 thousand years ago, a large proportion of carriers live in Europe and Japan. The number of people of groups I and II prevails and makes up 80% of the population.

The emergence of the third group is regarded by some researchers as the result of evolution that has changed the human immune system, others as the result of a mutation.

The emergence of the fourth group is a mystery to scientists. According to the studies of the substance on the Shroud of Turin, in which the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped, he was the owner of this youngest group.

A child inherits a set of proteins from parents, based on the laws of genetics.

To determine the possible combination of antigens of the future baby, we find probable inheritance options at the intersection of the columns of the mother and father groups.

Inheritance during pregnancy

Table of inheritance of a blood group in a child.

Mom and dad with the second and third groups give birth to children of any combination of agglutinogens with the same probability.

In a couple with the first group, children are born whose red blood cells do not have proteins. The carrier of the fourth group will not give birth to the offspring of the first.

Genetics, like other sciences, is not without exceptions. In a small percentage of people, red blood cells include the A and B antigens that do not manifest themselves.

As a result, the infant inherits a set of agglutinogens that is different from what is possible. The paradox is called "bombay phenomenon" and is determined in one in 10 million people.

The circulatory system of the child is formed in the womb. Antigens appear in cells in the early stages of pregnancy (2-3 months).

When a baby inherits from his father a protein that is absent in the mother's blood, there are cases of a woman forming antibodies to a protein that is foreign to her.

This process is called blood type conflict or immunological conflict, and their compatibility is in question.

Incompatibility develops in the following cases:

  • in a woman I group, in a man II, III, IV;
  • in a woman II, in a man III, IV;
  • in a woman III, in a man II or IV.

The alignment is especially dangerous when a woman of the first group bears a baby with II or III. This situation causes complications.

But more often the incompatibility proceeds easily. and does not require intensive care. Incompatibility during re-conception does not entail more unpleasant consequences.

Compatibility table for conception by blood type of husband and wife.

Sometimes the female immune system begins to produce anti-sperm antibodies that kill sperm. Then a healthy couple faces problems conceiving.

Therefore, proper pregnancy planning involves testing for antisperm antibodies.

Rh father and mother

In addition to the group, there is another antigen in the red blood cells - the Rh factor.

Most people on the planet are carriers of the Rh factor (Rh) They are called Rh-positive. Only 15 percent do not contain Rh in red cells, they are Rh-negative.

The inheritance of the antigenic phenotype and the Rh factor occur independently of each other. It is possible to say exactly which Rh factor a child will receive only when both parents have Rh negative.

In other situations, it is impossible to predict Rhesus, it can be anything.

Table for determining the rhesus of a child.

Some cases are characterized by immunological incompatibility for the Rh factor between the mother and the fetus.

Conflict manifests itself in a small percentage of women with a negative Rh, if the baby has inherited the father's positive Rh.

The mother's body produces antibodies that attack the baby's red blood cells through the placenta.

The placental barrier provides protection only in the ideal course of pregnancy, which is very rare. Attacks on a still unformed being destroy the liver, heart, kidneys.

Pregnancy complicated by Rhesus conflict often ends in miscarriage. When the baby manages to survive, dropsy, jaundice, anemia, and mental health problems are likely.

How to behave in case of Rhesus conflict

The expectant mother must know the blood type and Rh.

When planning a conception, it is worth taking tests(to determine the blood type and Rh factor), because the compatibility of spouses is important for the birth of healthy children, but not required.

Note that it is possible to bear and give birth to a healthy, strong child even with an immune conflict. The girl needs to be under the supervision of a doctor.

If antibodies are detected, treatment is prescribed. During the bearing of the firstborn, such a conflict appears less frequently, which is due to a number of biological reasons.

Risk factors for Rh - negative women are previous miscarriages, abortions,.

Antibodies can accumulate this means that the destruction of red blood cells during subsequent pregnancies will begin earlier, therefore, will cause more severe consequences.

The most serious complication is hemolytic disease of the newborn.

It is distributed in three forms:

  • icteric - the skin turns yellow;
  • anemic - jaundice, no edema;
  • edematous - general edema, jaundice.

Diagnosis of incompatibility between mother and fetus begins with the determination of the Rh of the fetus.

With Rh-positive blood in the father and Rh-negative in the mother, pregnant women have their blood tested for antibodies at least once a month.

Bearing passes without discomfort, only slight weakness is possible.

Symptoms of incompatibility are detected only by ultrasound examination.

When there are more antibodies, and ultrasound shows abnormalities in the development of the fetus, intrauterine blood transfusions are done.

In the event of a threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus, a decision is made on artificial childbirth.

The birth of a new life is a great happiness, which is sometimes overshadowed by a doctor's diagnosis after potential parents have been tested.

Pregnancy planning is the most important stage, but not a panacea for unpleasant surprises.

In this video, there is some more information about why it is so important for parents to take tests to determine the blood type and Rh factor when registering during pregnancy:

Even if you got pregnant out of the plan, don't worry. Love conquers everything, and a timely visit to a doctor and an examination will increase the chance of a favorable development of the child.

The second blood group in the process of historical development of man and settlement around the world arose simultaneously with the advent of farmers. I'd like to assume that it was from them that modern summer residents originated. Someday scientists will undoubtedly prove this.

Primitive people drew attention to the possibility of eating carbohydrate foods. Let's attribute this role to the women of that period. Perhaps they were tired of the constant absence of men at home, links to hunting and mammoths. There was an opportunity to develop the economy, to lead a settled life. As a result, about 1/3 of the population acquired group No. 2.

Genetic background

The second group is designated as A(II) in the AB0 system. The group differs from others in the presence of only A-antigens of erythrocytes.

In order for properties to be inherited, one of the parents must have this antigen.

So the following combinations are possible:

  • second + fourth;
  • second or fourth + first (without antigens);
  • second or fourth + third.

A child with the second group of parents will not be born when the first and third are combined, since both of them do not have the A-antigen. This combination indicates the absence of motherhood or fatherhood and is used in forensic research.

Why take into account Rhesus

If there is a need for a blood transfusion, an additional check of the donor and recipient for compatibility by the Rh factor is carried out.

A recipient with a second blood group can only be transfused with blood of the same group and Rh. In an emergency, an infusion of the first Rh-negative group is permissible, but individual compatibility is strictly controlled.

Rh matching problems occur in women during pregnancy. Obstetricians strictly check the tests for the Rh factor in future parents due to possible incompatibility between mother and fetus. This situation is possible if the woman is negative, and the man has a positive analysis. It is impossible to predict in advance whose gene will choose the fetus.

There is no danger for pregnancy if the child is negative, like the mother.

Inheritance of a positive Rh father will lead to a rejection reaction from the mother's body. The mother's immune cells recognize the fetus as a foreign agent and begin to fight against it. The result is an early interruption.

Rhesus conflict scheme

The most severe situation occurs during the second and subsequent pregnancies. In nulliparous women, antibodies accumulate only towards the end of pregnancy. Therefore, obstetricians always advise not to do the first abortions. And with the following options, a high concentration of antibodies is found in the mother already at the beginning of the term.

Against the background of pregnancy, a woman donates blood for antibodies several times. This is a necessary analysis and should not be avoided.

To eliminate the danger, there is an available method of treatment with anti-Rhesus globulin. It is administered to a woman in the first three days after childbirth or abortion. This method does not interfere with the course of subsequent pregnancies.

Character traits

Settlement of ancient people required the acquisition of communication skills. Those who knew how to negotiate with the neighboring tribe, with whom it was pleasant to work together, survived. Probably, in those days, they also thought about justice.

Among all group characteristics for the second group, the following features are typical: decency towards relatives and neighbors, a tendency to work together, caring for loved ones, sympathy.

They often give up leadership to others, but this does not mean that they themselves consider themselves unworthy. On the contrary, they dream of a high destiny, carefully hiding it. Such restlessness leads to internal stress, it is harmful to health.

In choosing a profession, one should take into account inclinations and not try to break the properties given by nature. The owners of the second group will be excellent teachers, doctors, social workers. They have indispensable skills in working with personnel and can successfully help in the election campaign.

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health risk

Supporters of the theory of dependence of health on blood type believe that for A (II) one should pay attention to the following factors:

  • decreased immunity, which easily occurs with stress, infectious diseases, physical exertion, eating disorders;
  • tendency to thrombosis, increased blood clotting;
  • decreased acidity of gastric juice, impaired absorption of proteins and fats.

Such features can be deciphered as a tendency to the appearance of such problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic manifestations, autoallergic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, hepatitis, psoriasis);
  • susceptibility to food infections, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • the risk of malignant tumors.

Supply system

The nutrition scheme developed for blood groups assumes the maximum sparing of the body, the prevention of the onset of diseases, and the prevention of overweight.

Healthy foods

People with the second group are prone to vegetarianism. Their main diet is vegetables and fruits. Vegetable oils are recommended: linseed and olive. From cereals - barley, rice, buckwheat, millet. Beans and lentils are shown. Cooking cereals is always approved by the body.

Useful fruits and vegetables that enhance the formation of gastric juice, but not too acidic: pineapples, apples, cherries, oranges, currants. Vegetable dishes from carrots, beets. Salads with cucumbers, bell peppers. Of seasonings, leave only mustard.

There are foods that are not recommended to get involved in large quantities, but you should not avoid them either. These include seafood and fish. From seasonings it is better to do without garlic, ginger, soy sauce, drinks with malt (beer). Soy substitutes can be used in limited quantities.

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Categorically contraindicated

Due to the tendency to low acidity of gastric juice, the digestion of meat is disturbed. Therefore, meat products are limited to chicken or turkey. Dairy products are allowed in the form of hard cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, but it must be remembered that they slow down the metabolism. Overweight people should avoid them.

You can use pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise, salinity. Potatoes, eggplants, cabbage in all forms are not recommended.

Fresh pastries, cakes, sweets, sour fruits (lemon) should be avoided.

Judging by the inclinations and recommendations, for people with the second group, the most difficult thing is not to explode from the inside. You need to stay true to your purpose and not lead to conflicts. After all, the usual way to relieve stress with enhanced physical exercise is not suitable. The load will only worsen the situation, lowering immunity.

The early "carriers" of this blood had to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, and also have a subtle instinct when meeting with problems, which were enough in the new conditions of life. Even today, people with the second blood group are prone to closer relationships, to close communication, to “collective farming”. All studies show that the majority of rural residents have the A(2) blood type. For thousands of years, dynamic and mobile people, adventurers, as a rule, with 0 (1) and B (3) blood groups, first moved to cities and other countries. And people with A(2) blood groups, figuratively speaking, follow in the footsteps of people with dynamic blood types.

It may seem that these people are poorly adapted to the stormy, troublesome and stressful life of a leader, which is so easy for people with the first blood group to master, but this is not so, they can also become leaders.

Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and a desire to find the right, peaceful way out of any unpleasant situation, so that as few people as possible suffer. They love harmony, tranquility and order. Work well with other people. In addition, sensitive, patient and friendly. Among Their Weaknesses—The weak point of this group may be a tendency to liquor and rich food.

People with the second blood group feel great in subordinate positions, the main thing is that there are like-minded people nearby. They love comfort, sincere and domestic, they hate conflicts. At heart they are romantics, but sometimes they are stubborn and irritable. People with the second blood group are conscientious about business, they can work even in crisis conditions and situations, as well as during times of stress, they are very obligatory and diligent. Great friends. Very capable. They love harmony, order and tranquility in everything. Patient, sensitive and kind. Maximalists. Their main weaknesses are stubbornness and inability to relax, self-absorption.

Male 2nd blood group

He is very shy and indecisive, he expresses his love with a look, a light touch of his hand, but if he decides to reveal himself, he does it rather abruptly. In family life, the partner must constantly prove that she loves him. He loves to feel maternal care on himself, so he often chooses women older than himself. A man with the second blood type always identifies intimate relationships with love. Usually this is a very delicate and attentive lover, able to fulfill the slightest whim of his partner. For him, deep emotional contact with a woman is important. They tend to marry quite early, husbands are faithful. Such a man has an unusually rich imagination, but in real life he is more than restrained. Very demanding, has a low acceptance range. May abuse alcohol.

IF YOU LIKE A MAN with a second blood type, show that you understand him like no other. Do not rush things: he must understand for himself that he will not find anyone better than you. Do not impose or annoy him with questions about your relationship.

Woman 2 blood types

Most women with a reputation for being "businesslike" and "asexual" are women of the second blood type. It is almost impossible to seduce such a business woman: sex rarely occupies her thoughts. In relationships with men, she is shy, besides suspicious - even falling in love, she will never give a look, she will wait for actions from a man. But if the relationship has already been determined, then she will become an excellent wife: loving, devoted, faithful. She is the most passive of all women. Since she usually behaves very reasonably, it is difficult to persuade her to experiment and make connections on the side.

There are 4 blood groups, which are a system of interaction between antigens located on the surface of red blood cells and blood plasma antibodies. This is a very important indicator that is determined in a woman when planning a pregnancy and bearing a child. Blood type 2 positive for the fairer sex is favorable, since in most cases pregnancy proceeds without complications.

Characteristics of 2 blood groups

The erythrocyte membrane contains proteins and carbohydrates, which are called antigens. A distinctive feature of the second blood group is the antigenic property of erythrocytes according to type A. The presence of agglutinin beta is observed in the blood. The way a given blood type is spelled depends precisely on this property. They call it II.

Human blood has not only antibodies, various biological substances, agglutinins, but is also characterized by the presence of a special surface agglutinogen. With its help, a positive or negative Rh factor is determined. If there is an antigen in the red blood cells, then this means that the person has a positive Rh factor. There are more than 85 percent of people on the planet who have this type.

Compatibility table

The characteristic matters when transfusing. This is a medical manipulation, which consists in the introduction of the blood of one person to another patient who needs it. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to determine compatibility with other groups. The recipient receives blood during a transfusion, and the donor donates it.

Patients wonder what it means, the second blood type and to whom it can be transfused. The second positive is used only for recipients with the same group. In this case, Rhesus is also important. If the recipient is Rh negative, then he is not allowed to receive a positive blood transfusion.

The table contains more detailed compatibility information:

IV(+)* * * * * * * *
IV (-)* * * *
II (+)* * * *
II(-)* *
III(+)* * * *
III(-)* *
I(+)* *

The designation "*" indicates the compatibility of blood.

Important! If incompatible blood is infused in men or women, this will lead to agglutination (gluing) of red blood cells and blockage of capillaries. This process is quite dangerous, as it often leads to death.

Rhesus conflict

The determination of the Rh factor should be made not only during transfusion, but also during pregnancy planning. This is due to the fact that with a Rh conflict, fetal pathologies can be observed: hemolysis, jaundice.

When planning a pregnancy

The blood group and its Rh in a child directly depends on what antigens the parents have.

The Rh factor is inherited as follows:

Rh factor of the motherFather's Rh factor
Rh+ (DD)Rh+ (Dd)Rh-(dd)
Rh+ (DD)Rh + (DD) - 100%Rh+ (DD) - 50%

Rh + (Dd) - 50%

Rh + (Dd) - 100%
Rh+ (Dd)Rh+ (DD) - 50%

Rh + (Dd) - 50%

Rh + (DD) - 25%

Rh + (Dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 25%

Rh + (Dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 50%

Rh-(dd)Rh + (Dd) - 100%Rh + (Dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 100%

With the second blood type of mom and dad, the child receives either the first or second.

Important! Compatibility of 1 and 2 groups is normal. In this case, the child can inherit 1 or 2 blood group with equal probability.

If the mother has the second blood type, and the father has the third, then the child can have the first, second, third and fourth in an equal percentage. In the second group in a woman and 4 in a man, in 50% of cases the child has the second group, 25% - the third, 25% - the fourth. The first blood group in a baby in this case is impossible. In 25% of cases, the child gets the second, if the mother has the third, and the father has the fourth. In group 4, both parents have a child with a second child in 25% of cases.


In order for a person with the second blood group to have a full life and avoid unpleasant signs and diseases, he needs to adhere to a certain diet. In order for all organs and systems to fully work, it is necessary to consume foods that contain vitamins and trace elements in large quantities.

Nutrition should be aimed at eliminating harmful foods from the diet that can provoke a variety of pathological processes. For example, if excessively fatty foods predominate in the diet, this can lead to the development of obesity or gastritis.

Vegetarianism is a genetic predisposition of the owners of the second group. That is why their nutrition should be developed on the basis of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. They also include organic acids and fiber. Heat treatment leads to the loss of useful properties of vegetables. That is why it is recommended to consume them only fresh. But, people do not need to engage in a raw food diet, as this can adversely affect the performance of the intestines.

The diet of people should consist of bell peppers, cucumbers, beets. Cooking is recommended to use broccoli and carrots. Experts advise the consumption of white cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants in moderation.

The owners of the second group will benefit from almost all types of fruits. But do not give preference to overly acidic foods. The diet should not be developed using cherries, kiwi, strawberries. Grapes, apples, apricots, currants and peaches should also be discarded.

If a person cannot refuse meat products, then he is recommended to cook food using turkey, rabbit meat and chicken. Meat products should be eaten boiled or baked. There is also the possibility of steaming them. From fish it is necessary to give preference to low-fat varieties.

Also useful cereals:

  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • pearl barley;
  • barley.

To ensure the intake of protein in the body, the consumption of lentils, beans and soy is necessary. For dressing salads and cooking other dishes, the use of olive, linseed, sesame and pumpkin oils is recommended. It is better to drink tea, coffee and natural fruit juices. The digestive system of people who have a second positive blood does not digest meat products well. Therefore, pork and lamb must be abandoned.

The second blood type with a positive Rh does not cause an Rh conflict. This should be taken into account when planning a child. In order to ensure the normal well-being of a person, he must adhere to the rules of rational nutrition.

People with blood group II are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

MEN are shy. Romantics in the soul, they express their love with a look. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore they often choose women older than themselves.
Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will be overcome by addiction. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

Husband A (II) blood type

A man with a second blood group is very timid in relation to family ties, therefore it is better to answer his marriage proposal simply, clearly and immediately. If the answer is not confident and intelligible enough, the gentleman can simply leave and no longer stutter about the wedding for the rest of his life.

There are two types of husbands with the second blood group.

The first is a social worker and hard worker who flops down in an armchair in front of the TV at home and turns into a silent statue until it's time to go to work again. The other type is completely opposite. He is very reserved in society, works slowly but scrupulously, and when he comes home, he behaves like Napoleon. This is a real little tyrant in the house, self-centered and demanding. Unfortunately, both of these types emerge quite clearly only after the wedding, so you will not be able to "take action" in advance.

A husband with the second blood type is remarkable in his constancy and reliability. He pays great attention to social conventions and morality, which makes him a very responsible father and husband.

The infidelity of a husband with a second blood group is due to two reasons. Either he is under tremendous stress, or he has set himself an unattainable goal and now he is disappointed. His betrayals are, as it were, substitute fantasies, to which he resorts in order to “score” his problems. A man with the second blood type is most adept at developing elaborate plans for love affairs. He is an unsurpassed master of cunning when it comes to adultery, but most often because he does not want to hurt the feelings of his wife, whom he continues to treat with tenderness.

Leadership skills.
Of all the tested "carriers" of the II blood group, only 9% are leaders. It may seem that A-people are ill-adapted to the turbulent, troublesome and stressful life of a leader. But one should not argue that such people cannot become leaders if they instinctively reject the principle of modern leaders: "Man is a wolf to man." Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and a desire to "unravel the knots" in search of a peaceful way out of the situation. Not pretending to be stars, not striving for popularity, they calmly and often not very noticeably do their job. Also, 22.7% of those tested are not capable of leadership. They respect others too much and identify themselves with the weaknesses of their neighbors, and therefore cannot command and compete successfully, because for this it is necessary to perceive and digest other people's difficulties.
Students with blood group II, as a rule, are sociable - some more (54.5%), some less (45.5%). They get along well in a team, they are "public" people - not loners, not individualists. Great friends and reliable partners. Temperaments.
Temperaments revealed in students with blood group II - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, which indicates the versatility of such people. On the one hand, such students are restrained in the manifestation of their feelings, even a little closed in themselves: they are quite restrained outwardly, but they can greatly experience inside; on the other hand, they are unbridled, impatient, quick-tempered, prone to harshness (choleric). Reaction to stressful situations.
And people with II blood group are most susceptible to stress. They are ambitious and dream of a career. The opinion of others is important to them, and this keeps such people in a state of stress. The fact that people with II blood group are most prone to stress explains the fact that among them there are many choleric people who are unbridled and quick-tempered.
Diseases inherent in people with different blood types.
Owners of the II blood group are prone to depressive states. Such people lead a sedentary life and this is partly why they are very susceptible to the diseases of civilization: rheumatic diseases, diabetes, coronary heart disease, allergies, cholelithiasis. A-people should pay increased attention to rest and relaxation, adhere to a vegetarian diet. The best medicines are yoga and any other relaxation exercises. 2.3. Output.
Some people with type II blood must have a certain order in life that they follow. They prefer tradition more than novelty, they are inclined to analysis and introspection. Their life is not too bright, but stable. These students are obligatory and diligent, bringing order and harmony to the world; Without such people, complete chaos would reign. Purpose: to bring order, peace, goodness and love to the world. Give people the warmth of your soul, understanding, sympathy. They must resist chaos and destruction with their calm, orderly, creative work. To create stability and resilience in the world, which is very important especially in our fickle times.
Men with the second blood type are radically different from the "first". They are more like "intellectuals". Such a man has a calm disposition, knows how to look after him beautifully, and at the same time long courtship does not burden him, but he will never dare to "go ahead". You should not expect extravagant acts from him either, but in ordinary life he is a reliable companion. Such men are more likely than others to be romantics. Usually, men with the second blood type find their happiness not in their youth, but a little later, when the desires of “stormy passion” give way in a woman’s heart to dreams of calm, quiet happiness. In bed, the "intellectual" will not be a giant, but he is quite capable of giving a woman pleasure. Just they often have "one love for life."

Group - Second - (A).
The second group is the transition from a hunting-gathering way of getting food to a more developed agrarian way. From the very beginning, people with this blood type adapted to living in areas with a high population density and to the stresses inherent in urban life, on the one hand, it would seem, more calm (“sedentary”), but, on the other hand, richer in various events. In the organisms of these people, who had to put up with the demands of an environment crowded with people, peculiar physiological features and character traits inevitably developed.
Probably the most important quality of a person placed in such conditions is the ability to live in society, in plain sight. The then "carrier" of the blood of this group had to be neat, tidy, modest, decent, disciplined, law-abiding and self-controlled. A society cannot exist if there is no respectful attitude of its members to each other and to other people's property. Loners (individualists or misanthropes) do not get along well or feel unsettled in large crowds of people.
If the characters of people with the first blood group remained unchanged, did not evolve towards the development of tolerance for life in agrarian communities, then the result would be general chaos, and, ultimately, the death of mankind. It is thanks to the fact that the second blood type was formed that our ancestors survived.
The early "carriers" of blood of this type had to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, and also have a subtle instinct when meeting with problems, which were enough in a more complicated life. However, all these qualities were prescribed by fate to exist and develop within certain limits within a certain system. This, perhaps, is the reason why people with the second blood group even today tend to have closer interconnections, to more tightly "linked" structures.
They hide their anxieties, worries and fears, but when they break through, beware! The antidote to such terrible internal stresses is hatha yoga and tai chi chuan, calming, contemplative, relaxation exercises.
It may seem that these people are ill-adapted to the turbulent, troublesome and stressful life of a leader, which is so easy to master for a "carrier" of the first blood group. But it cannot be argued that they cannot become leaders if they instinctively reject the principle of modern leaders "man is a wolf to man."
Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and a desire to "unravel the knots" in search of the right (peaceful) way out of any unpleasant situation. Or weave intrigues and strive to take over everything, not considering it necessary to turn to someone for advice. This is how a reaction to stressful situations manifests itself for people in this blood type.
They love harmony, tranquility and order. Work well with other people. In addition, sensitive, patient and friendly. Among their weaknesses are stubbornness and inability to relax, immersed in themselves. The weak point of this group may be a tendency to alcoholic drinks and plentiful food.
People with the second blood group feel great in subordinate positions, the main thing is that there are like-minded people nearby. They love comfort, sincere and domestic, they hate conflicts. At heart they are romantics, but sometimes they are stubborn and irritable.
What diseases are predisposed to:
· Rheumatic diseases, · Type 1 diabetes, · Ischemic heart disease, · Bronchial asthma, · Allergies, · Leukemias, · Cholecystitis, · Gallstone disease, · Cancer.
Sexual Traits: Male. He is very shy, he expresses his love with a glance, a light touch of his hand, but if he decides to reveal himself, he does it rather abruptly. In family life, the partner must constantly prove that she loves him. He loves to feel maternal care on himself, so he often chooses women older than himself. A man with the second blood type is shy and indecisive, he always equates sex with love. Usually this is a very delicate and attentive lover, able to fulfill the slightest whim of his partner. Ideal sex with a man of the second blood type involves a combination of deep emotional contact with close physical communication. Such a man has an unusually rich sexual fantasy, but in real life he is more than restrained, and therefore often alternates between excessive demands on his sexual partners and self-sacrifice, up to ignoring his own desires. A special sign: a strong dope for him is alcohol.

Appears between 25,000 and 15,000 B.C. Our carnivorous ancestors are becoming omnivores. Over time, the people living on the territory of present-day Europe, agriculture becomes the main thing, wild animals are tamed. And now most people with type 2 blood live in Western Europe and Japan.
What is the best thing for you to do. hidden leaders. Unlike the conflict carriers of the 1st group, they are very flexible and able to adapt. They are often approached for advice, they can solve other people's problems much better. than their own. Owners of the 2nd blood group are born for communication. They make excellent administrators, teachers, doctors, salespeople, service workers.
What are the risks of getting sick? Should be wary of congestion in the kidneys, liver, reproductive system, sacro-lumbar spine. They have weak spleens, hearts, eyesight.
About sex. Women. It is better not to find a wife, you are loving, devoted, caring. But as a mistress ... Perhaps too shy, too distrustful, unreasonably suspicious. You hardly allow yourself to fall in love, but you still do not dare to be the first to confess to a man.
Men. You are very shy, you express your love with a look, a light touch of your hand. When you decide to discover yourself, you do it in one fell swoop. In family life, your partner must constantly prove that she loves you, then you will be faithful to her all your life.