UFO types. All about ufo

A comprehensive study of the properties of the "behavior" and size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types. First: Oh...

Small UFOs that are egg-shaped and disc-shaped and 2-3 m in diameter. They usually fly at low altitude and most often make landings. Small UFOs have also been repeatedly seen separating from and returning to the main objects.

The main UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layers of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.


Large UFOs, usually in the form of cigars or cylinders, 100-800 meters or more long. They appear.mainly.in the upper atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitude.

There were no cases of their landing on the ground, but it was repeatedly observed how small objects separated from them. There is an assumption that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists who were on the plane filmed a movie and took a number of color photographs of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom cap 200 m in diameter and 80 m high, which followed an intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were fuzzy, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of this study have not been published.

Common forms of UFOs have varieties.

Thus, for example, disks with one or two convex sides, balls with or without rings encircling them, as well as oblate and prolate spheres were observed. Rectangular and triangular objects are much less common. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round in the shape of discs, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated in the shape of cigars or cylinders.

UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. UFOs with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 over the Canary Islands. A parallelepiped-shaped UFO was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the Nikolai Ostrovsky ship. This object flew for 30 minutes next to the ship at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

Triangular-shaped UFOs from the end of 1989 began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, and on their lower part there were three or four luminous circles. Objects moved completely silently, hovering and taking off at great speeds.

On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed how such a triangular object six times the size of the visible disk of the moon flew silently over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object. On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels for two minutes with a video camera. In front of Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. On the top of the object, Alferlan noticed a luminous lattice dome. This video was shown on April 15, 1990 on central television.

Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more various varieties. In a table shown at a meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, 52 UFOs of various shapes were depicted.

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs are observed:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with and without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); similar to a bell; in the form of a sphere or a ball (with and without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or top;

2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; spindle-shaped;

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the form of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; swept; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of a cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cruciform, deltoid, in the shape of the letter V.

Form of objects, Number of cases / Percentage of the total case

1. Disc-shaped 149 / 26

2. Spheres, ovals, ellipses 173 / 30

3. Type of rockets or cigars 46 / 8

4. Triangular 11/2

5. Luminous dots 140 / 25

6. Others 33 / 6

7. Radar (non-visual) observations 19 / 3

Total 571 / 100


1. Objects classified by their nature as spheres, ovals, and ellipses in this list may actually be disks inclined at an angle to the horizon.

2. Luminous dots in this list include small brightly luminous objects, the shape of which could not be determined due to the large distance. It should be borne in mind that in many cases the readings of observers may not reflect the true shape of objects, since a disc-shaped object may look like a ball from below, like an ellipse from below, and like a spindle or a mushroom cap from the side; an object shaped like a cigar or an elongated sphere may look like a ball from the front and back; a cylindrical object can look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball from the front and back.

In turn, the object in the form of a box in front and behind can look like a cube. The data on the linear dimensions of the UFO, reported by eyewitnesses, are in some cases very relative, since with visual observation it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy only the angular dimensions of the object.

Linear dimensions can only be determined if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But determining the distance in itself presents great difficulties, because the human eye, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within the range of up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions of a UFO can only be determined very approximately.

Appearance of the UFO

Usually UFOs have the form of metallic bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. Sometimes they are shrouded in a cloud, as a result of which their contours seem to be blurred. The surface of the UFO is usually shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The top side of an object is usually light, while the bottom side is dark.

Some UFOs have domes that are sometimes transparent. UFOs with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York, in 1963 in the state of Victoria (Australia), and in our country in 1975 near Borisoglebsk and in 1978 - in Beskudnikovo. In the middle of the objects, in some cases, one or two rows of rectangular "windows" or round "portholes" were visible. An elongated object with such "portholes" was observed in 1965 by the crew members of the Norwegian ship "Javesta" over the Atlantic. In our country, UFOs with "portholes" were observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow, in 1981 near Michurinsk, in 1985 near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region.

On some UFOs, rods similar to antennas or periscopes were clearly visible. In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), at a height of 300 m above a tree, a disk 8 m in diameter hung with a rod resembling an antenna. In July 1978, members of the crew of the ship "Yargora", following the Mediterranean Sea, observed a spherical object flying over North Africa, in the lower part of which three structures similar to antennas were visible. Cases have also been recorded when these rods moved or rotated.

silver metal object

In August 1976, Muscovite A.M. Troitsky and six other witnesses saw a silvery metal object over the Pirogov reservoir, eight times the size of the lunar disk, slowly moving at a height of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was above the witnesses, a black hatch opened in its lower part, from which a thin cylinder protruded. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object.

In July 1978, passengers on the Sevastopol-Leningrad train near Kharkov watched for several minutes how some kind of rod with three brightly luminous dots emerged from the upper part of a motionless elliptical UFO. This rod was deflected to the right three times and returned to its previous position. Then a rod with one luminous dot extended from the bottom of the UFO. Inside the lower part of the UFO, there are sometimes three or four landing legs, which extend during landing and retract inward during takeoff.

Here are three examples of such observations.

In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., returning from Stead Air Force Base (Las Vegas), saw four disk-shaped UFOs with a diameter of 15 m on the field, each of which stood on three landing legs. As they took off, those props retracted inward before his eyes.

In July 1970, a young Frenchman, Erien J., near the village of Jabrel-le-Bord, clearly saw how four metal supports, ending in rectangles, gradually retracted into a round UFO with a diameter of six meters that had taken off.

In the USSR in June 1979 in the city of Zolochev, Kharkov region, the witness Starchenko observed how a UFO landed 50 meters from him in the form of an overturned saucer with a number of portholes and a dome. When the object descended to a height of 5-6 m, three landing legs about 1 m long telescopically extended from its bottom, ending in a kind of blades. After standing on the ground for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was clear how the supports were drawn into its body.

UFOs usually glow

At night, UFOs usually glow, sometimes their color and glow intensity change with speed. When flying rapidly, they have a color similar to that arising in the process of arc welding; at slower - bluish color. When dropped or braked, they turn red or orange. But it happens that even objects hovering motionless glow with a bright light, although it is possible that it is not the objects themselves that glow, but the air around them under the influence of some kind of radiation emanating from these objects. AND

Sometimes some kind of lights are visible on UFOs: on objects of an elongated shape - at the bow and stern, and on the disks - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports of rotating objects with red, white or green lights.

In October 1989, in Cheboksary, six UFOs in the form of two saucers folded together hovered over the territory of the Industrial Tractor Plant production association. Then a seventh object joined them. Each of them showed yellow, green and red lights. Objects rotated and moved up and down. Half an hour later, six objects soared up with great speed and disappeared, and one remained for a while.

Sometimes such lights are lit and go out in a certain sequence. In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter, New York, observed a UFO flying about 27 m in diameter, on which there were five red lights that came on and went out in the sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds.

A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators observed through a telescope a luminous object with a series of lights flashing on and off in the same sequence as on the object in Exeter.

The most important characteristic feature of UFOs is the manifestation of unusual properties in them, which are not found either in natural phenomena known to us, or in technical means created by man. Moreover, it seems that the individual properties of these objects clearly contradict the laws of physics known to us.

A comprehensive study of the properties of "behavior" and the size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

1. Very small objects, which are balls or discs with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of and return to larger objects. There is a well-known case that took place in October 1948 in the Fargo airbase area (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading the chase, and sometimes he himself rapidly moved towards the plane, forcing Hormone to dodge the collision.

2. Small UFOs that are egg-shaped and disc-shaped and 2-3 m in diameter. They usually fly at low altitude and most often land. Small UFOs have also been repeatedly seen separating from and returning to the main objects.

3. The main UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layers of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.

4. Large UFOs, usually in the form of cigars or cylinders 100-800 meters or more long. They appear. mainly. in the upper atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitude. There were no cases of their landing on the ground, but it was repeatedly observed how small objects separated from them. There is an assumption that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists who were on the plane filmed a movie and took a number of color photographs of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom cap 200 m in diameter and 80 m high, which followed an intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were fuzzy, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of this study have not been published.

Common forms of UFOs have varieties. Thus, for example, disks with one or two convex sides, balls with or without rings encircling them, as well as oblate and prolate spheres were observed. Rectangular and triangular objects are much less common. According to the French group on the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round discs, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rare UFO sightings are given below. So, for example, UFOs with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 over the Canary Islands .

A parallelepiped-shaped UFO was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the Nikolai Ostrovsky ship. This object flew for 30 minutes next to the ship at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

Triangular-shaped UFOs from the end of 1989 began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, and on their lower part there were three or four luminous circles. Objects moved completely silently, hovering and taking off at great speeds. On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed how such a triangular object six times the size of the visible disk of the moon flew silently over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object.

On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels for two minutes with a video camera. In front of Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. On the top of the object, Alferlan noticed a luminous lattice dome. This video was shown on April 15, 1990 on central television. Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more various varieties. In a table shown at a meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, 52 UFOs of various shapes were depicted.

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs are observed:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with and without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); similar to a bell; in the form of a sphere or a ball (with and without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or top;

2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; spindle-shaped;

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the form of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; swept; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of a cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cruciform, deltoid, in the shape of the letter V.

UFO classification by type:

If we mean by UFO the spaceship of a humanoid civilization, then it is better to classify them in the same way as the ECs themselves do. Ships are divided into five types.

1. Ship of the 1st order or the uterus. Base station in the Galactic sector. The radius of action is the Galaxy. Volume from thousands to tens of thousands of cubic meters. Length is measured in kilometers. Includes all kinds of technical structures, energy reserves and means of basing for thousands of humanoids. The most varied form. It can carry 7-10 ships of the 2nd order inside itself.

2. Ship of the 2nd order or Base. Range - Star system. Volume up to several thousand cubic meters. The length is several kilometers. Carries an average of 5 ships of the 3rd order. Cases when giant flying cities were observed and there is a UFO sighting of this class. Designed for several hundred humanoids.

3. Ship of the 3rd order (see photo.). Planet range. The volume is from several tens to one hundred or more cubic meters. Some of them can carry ships of the 4th and 5th order, others cannot. This UFO can be piloted by both humanoids and biorobots.

4. Ship of the 4th order. The size is several tens of cubic meters. Performs tasks according to its specialization, just as we have communication satellites, weather monitoring satellites, television satellites, etc. Piloted by biorobots.

5. Ship of the 5th order. Size from a few cubic meters to a dozen or more. Designed for two or three biorobots. Performs the functions of a stand-alone module with a specific task. Often, in case of crisis, biorobots are programmed to self-destruct along with the ship.

Some UFOs like to hide among the clouds. Others use psi-field radiation. This radiation, due to the repolarization of air molecules, creates a psi-field around the object, blocking the radiation of information outside from the side of the ship. Thus, it becomes invisible to the human consciousness, which perceives the object as an insignificant detail of the landscape and therefore does not fix it in the mind. But the camera doesn't care, and it captures all the photons of light that fell on its film. Hence the well-known cases of UFO manifestations on photographic film, which the photographer did not see.

ill. 8. Red Bullies (Illinois). 1950

A comprehensive study of the properties of "behavior" and the size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

First: Very small objects, which are balls or discs with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of and return to larger objects. There is a well-known case that took place in October 1948 in the Fargo airbase area (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading the chase, and sometimes he himself rapidly moved towards the plane, forcing Hormone to dodge the collision (3).

Second: Small UFOs that are egg-shaped and disc-shaped and 2-3 m in diameter. They usually fly at low altitude and most often make landings. Small UFOs have also been repeatedly seen separating from and returning to the main objects.

ill. 09. San Francisco. 1956

Third: The main UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layers of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.

Fourth: Large UFOs, usually in the form of cigars or cylinders 100-800 meters or more long. They appear mainly in the upper atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitude. There were no cases of their landing on the ground, but it was repeatedly observed how small objects separated from them. There is an assumption that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists who were on the plane filmed a movie and took a number of color photographs of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom cap 200 m in diameter and 80 m high, which followed an intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were fuzzy, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television.

ill. 14. Costa Bravo (Spain). 1966

ill. 15. Kanab Utaha. 1968

ill. 16. Republic of Chad. 1973

ill. 17. Japan. 1974

Common forms of UFOs have varieties. Thus, for example, disks with one or two convex sides, balls with or without rings encircling them, as well as oblate and prolate spheres were observed.

Rectangular and triangular objects are much less common. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round in the shape of discs, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated in the shape of cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rare UFO sightings are given below. So, for example, UFOs with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela

(7) and in 1976 - over the Canary Islands.

A parallelepiped-shaped UFO was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the Nikolai Ostrovsky ship. This object flew for 30 minutes next to the ship at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared

Triangular-shaped UFOs from the end of 1989 began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, and on their lower part there were three or four luminous circles. Objects moved completely silently, hovering and taking off at great speeds.

On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed how such a triangular object, six times the size of the visible disk of the moon, silently flew over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object ( 153).

On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels for two minutes with a video camera. In front of Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. On the top of the object, Alferlan noticed a luminous lattice dome. This video was shown on April 15, 1990 on central television.

Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more various varieties. In a table shown at a meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, 52 UFOs of various shapes were depicted.

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs are observed:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with and without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); similar to a bell; in the form of a sphere or a ball (with and without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn;

ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or top;

ill. 18. Ober Zadeleg (Switzerland). 1975

ill. 19. Rumlikon (Switzerland). 1975

ill. 20. Langenberg (Switzerland). 1976

ill. 21. Charleston area (South Carolina). 1980

ill. 22. Ipamari (Brazil). 1978

ill. 23. Switzerland. 1975

ill. 24. Zansville (Ohio). 1966

ill. 25. Acton (Texas). 1968

ill. 26. New Jersey. 1967

2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers);

torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes);

cylindrical; rod-shaped; spindle-shaped;

ill. 27. Minneapolis. 1966

ill. 28. Iturup Island (Kuril Islands). 1986

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the form of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; swept; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of a cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cruciform, deltoid, V-shaped (28).

ill. 29. Canary Islands. 1976

Generalized NIKAP data on UFO sightings of various shapes in the USA for 1942-1963. are shown in the following table.

It should be borne in mind that in many cases the readings of observers may not reflect the true shape of objects, since a disc-shaped object may look like a ball from below, like an ellipse from below, and like a spindle or a mushroom cap from the side; an object shaped like a cigar or an elongated sphere may look like a ball from the front and back; a cylindrical object can look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball from the front and back. In turn, the object in the form of a box in front and behind can look like a cube.

Data on the linear dimensions of UFOs reported by eyewitnesses are in some cases very relative, since visual observation can determine with sufficient accuracy only the angular dimensions of the object.

Linear dimensions can only be determined if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But determining the distance in itself presents great difficulties, because the human eye, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within the range of up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions of a UFO can only be determined very approximately.

Usually UFOs have the form of metallic bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. Sometimes they are shrouded in a cloud, as a result of which their contours seem to be blurred.

The surface of the UFO is usually shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The upper side of the object is usually light, and the lower side is dark. Some UFOs have domes that are sometimes transparent.

UFOs with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York

(7), in 1963 in the state of Victoria (Australia) (20), and in our country in 1975

near Borisoglebsk (82) and in 1978 - in Beskudnikovo (89).

In the middle of the objects, in a number of cases, one or two rows of rectangular "windows" or round "portholes" were visible. An elongated object with such "windows" was observed in 1965 by the crew of a Norwegian ship

"Yavesta" over the Atlantic (53).

In our country, UFOs with "portholes" were observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow (82), in 1981 near Michurinsk (96), in 1985

near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region (112). On some UFOs, rods similar to antennas or periscopes were clearly visible.

In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), at a height of 300 m above a tree, a disk 8 m in diameter hung with a rod similar to an antenna (20).

In July 1978, members of the crew of the ship "Yargora", following the Mediterranean Sea, observed a spherical object flying over North Africa, in the lower part of which three structures similar to antennas were visible (96).

Cases have also been recorded when these rods moved or rotated. Below are two such examples.

In August 1976, Muscovite A.M. Troitsky and six other witnesses saw a silvery metal object over the Pirogov reservoir, eight times the size of the lunar disk, slowly moving at a height of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was above the witnesses, a black hatch opened in its lower part, from which a thin cylinder protruded. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object (115).

In July 1978, passengers on the Sevastopol-Leningrad train near Kharkov watched for several minutes how some kind of rod with three brightly luminous dots emerged from the upper part of a motionlessly hanging elliptical UFO. This rod was deflected to the right three times and returned to its previous position. Then a rod with one luminous dot (115) moved out from the bottom of the UFO.

Inside the lower part of the UFO, there are sometimes three or four landing legs, which extend during landing and retract inward during takeoff. Here are three examples of such observations.

In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., returning from Stead Air Force Base (Las Vegas), saw four disk-shaped UFOs with a diameter of 15 m on the field, each of which stood on three landing legs. As they took off, these pillars retracted inward before his eyes (2).

In July 1970, a young Frenchman, Erien J., near the village of Jabrel-le-Bord, clearly saw how four metal supports, ending in rectangles, gradually retracted into a round UFO with a diameter of 6 m (87).

In the USSR in June 1979 in the city of Zolochev, Kharkov region, the witness Starchenko observed how a UFO landed 50 meters from him in the form of an overturned saucer with a number of portholes and a dome. When the object descended to a height of 5-6 m, three landing legs about 1 m long telescopically extended from its bottom, ending in a kind of blades. After standing on the ground for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was seen how the supports were drawn into its body (98).

At night, UFOs usually glow, sometimes their color and glow intensity change with speed. With a rapid flight, they have a color similar to that arising in the process of arc welding at a slower -

bluish color. When dropped or braked, they turn red or orange. But it happens that even objects hovering motionless glow with a bright light, although it is possible that it is not the objects themselves that glow, but the air around them under the influence of some kind of radiation emanating from these objects. Sometimes some kind of lights are visible on UFOs: on objects of an elongated shape - on the bow and stern, and on the disks - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports of rotating objects with red, white or green lights.

In October 1989, in Cheboksary, six UFOs in the form of two saucers folded together hovered over the territory of the Industrial Tractor Plant production association. Then a seventh object joined them. Each of them showed yellow, green and red lights. Objects rotated and moved up and down. Half an hour later, six objects soared up with great speed and disappeared, and one remained for a while (130).

Sometimes such lights are lit and go out in a certain sequence.

In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter, New York, observed a UFO flying about 27 m in diameter, on which there were five red lights that came on and went out in the sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds (8, 45).

A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators observed through a telescope a luminous object with a series of lights flashing on and off in the same sequence as on the object in Exeter (32).

The most important characteristic feature of UFOs is the manifestation of unusual properties in them, which are not found either in natural phenomena known to us, or in technical means created by man. Moreover, it seems that the individual properties of these objects clearly contradict the laws of physics known to us. These properties will be disclosed in subsequent sections of the second chapter.


One of the unusual properties of UFOs is their strange transformations, expressed in changes in their shape and size, or in division into parts, followed by the flight of each part separately, and sometimes, on the contrary, with the combination of several objects into one.

There are, for example, a number of cases where observers on the ground had the impression that UFOs repeatedly changed their shape during flight.

In March 1959, an unknown object was observed in Warsaw hovering over the Palace of Culture and Science. The object looked like two spheres of different diameters connected by a cylinder. Then he turned into a disk and retired towards Mlocin, but soon returned back and took on his former form.

The observation lasted about 10 minutes (26).

A rather strange incident occurred in December 1969 near the village of Lyzovo, Perm Region, where two luminous ellipses appeared above the edge of the forest near the drilling rig. Then they increased in size and turned into one ball, on both sides of which, as if on the same "crossbar", two smaller balls appeared. All this luminous "dumbbell" is 10-15 m long and flew 100 m from the rig at a height of 30-40 m from the ground. Soon, a spark flashed in the middle ball, which turned into a disk, slightly smaller than the moon, but brighter than it. Then, instead of three balls of the correct form, only one ball of a rather loose structure with a disk in the middle became visible, and after a few seconds the disk disappeared, and the shapeless ball disappeared beyond the horizon (81).

A repeated change in shape was recorded in a UFO flying over Estonia in June 1975. Appearing over Tallinn, it first had the shape of a silvery triangle, but then turned into a ball and flew to the east. Above Kehra it looked like a triangular pyramid, and above Aigvidu it was T-shaped and seemed transparent. Flying over Rakvere, it had a cylindrical shape, and over Kohtla-Järve - the shape of an egg in a vertical position. Then he flew to Narva and with the onset of darkness lit up brightly. The height of the UFO flight was about 18 km. The object was moving against or perpendicular to the direction of the wind (115).

Cases of changes in the shape of flying objects were also noted in the North Weald (England) in 1952 (25), in the city of Yaounde (Cameroon) in 1954, and in our country - in Belomorsk in 1979 (97), although it is impossible ignore the fact that the change in the shape of objects can sometimes be only apparent, caused by a change in the position of the UFO.

This is confirmed by an incident that occurred in December 1977.

in one of the settlements of the Moscow region, where a biologist saw a luminous circle with a diameter of half the lunar disk above the building. Rotating around the horizontal axis, this circle first turned into an ellipse, and then -

into a typical biconvex plate, turned edge to eyewitness (85).

Sometimes the observers had the impression that the objects before their eyes increased or decreased in size. Here are some examples.

In the autumn of 1978 in Alupka, three witnesses observed for 15 minutes an orange ball that was hanging motionless, which became larger and larger.

(reached the size of the moon), then less (turning into a point). Then a small luminous ball approached this ball and connected with it, after which the large ball stopped changing its size and flashed brightly, and after 5 minutes it began to decrease and disappeared (94).

In September 1981, near the village of Prechistoye, Yaroslavl region, a group of sculptors and artists saw a luminous ball of silver color measuring 3-3.5 times the diameter of the moon, which hovered motionless at an altitude of 300-500 m above the road. Then, within a few seconds, it increased its size to 10-12 moon diameters. A minute later, a bright halo formed around the ball at a distance of its radius, and the ball itself instantly disappeared. The phenomenon lasted about 3 minutes (102).

A sharp change in the size of UFOs was also recorded in 1951 in the vicinity of Philadelphia (39), in 1954 over the Atlantic Ocean (28), in 1957 in Portugal (28), and in our country in 1978 from an aircraft flying from Leninabad to Moscow (96).

Of course, the increase or decrease in the size of objects can sometimes also be only apparent, caused by their rapid approach to the observer or, conversely, their rapid removal from him. It is much more difficult to explain the cases of UFO division into parts or, conversely, the combination of two objects into one.

There are many cases when individual objects, in front of eyewitnesses, seemed to be divided into two or more parts, which then scattered in different directions.

In September 1980, 200 miles southwest of Gibraltar, members of the crew of the research vessel Viktor Bugaev observed a white cigar-shaped object with a black stripe hovering over the stern of the vessel, from one end of which two yellow beams emanated. Before the eyes of eyewitnesses, this object was divided into two parts, of which one flew to the northeast, and the other

To the northwest. The entire observation lasted 4 minutes and was recorded in the logbook (96).

The newspaper Izvestia (1988, March 23) described how on March 18, 1988, the crew and passengers of a Chinese plane flying from Beijing to Urumqi observed an unknown object resembling a basketball, initially moving towards the plane. Before their eyes, this object changed the direction of flight, and then split into two parts, rotating at high speeds, which moved away. The entire observation lasted 13 minutes.

Cases of separation of objects were also observed in 1959 over the city of Newport Beach (California) (20), in 1962 over the city of Nevyansk in the Sverdlovsk region (81) and in 1973 over Moscow (94). Along with this, there are cases when two identical objects merged into one.

In November 1968, in the French Alps, Dr. X. saw two completely identical disks with a diameter of about 65 m and a height of 16 m, which approached the house at a low altitude. The tops of the discs were silvery white and the bottoms red. From above and from the sides they had a semblance of antennas, cylindrical beams went down, illuminating the earth. The disks rotated around their vertical axes and flashed every second, and after each flash a bright glow appeared between adjacent horizontal "antennas". Then both disks began to approach each other and merged into one, which approached the house and stood “on edge”, directing a beam of light at Dr. X.. Immediately there was an explosion, and the disk disappeared (10, 29).

ill. 30. Connection of two UFOs in the Alps. 1968

In February 1974, in Valeni Munte (Romania), ten pupils of an orphanage observed how two motionless luminous orange spheres hung slowly approached each other and, as it were, merged into one ellipsoidal object with a diameter of about 7 meters, which increased its speed and disappeared (47 ).

In February 1979, near the city of Gorky, it was possible to observe how two luminous objects, leaving silver trails behind them, merged into one, which began to move away (116).

But it happened that such separations alternated with connections, and this happened with objects several times in a row.

In August 1968, the crew and passengers of an aircraft flying from Adelaide to Perth (Australia) observed a large UFO approaching the aircraft, to the right and left of which there were three small objects. Before the eyes of eyewitnesses, a large object was divided into two parts, after which groups of small objects began to fly around each of these halves. And the two halves of a large UFO several times connected and separated again. The entire observation lasted about 10 minutes, after which both groups connected and disappeared at high speed (17).

In July 1977, in Baku, astronomer Tikhonov noticed through a telescope a yellow-green object moving at a high altitude, which, having made two stops, split into two halves that diverged in different directions. After a few seconds, one of these halves also split into two parts, with each division accompanied by an explosion. Soon one of the small units joined the whole half, and then withdrew to its former position. Then all three parts approached (without connecting), and after a while they parted again and disappeared from sight (94).

In July 1981, a group of students at Xiyang University in Shanghai province observed an unknown object that first split into two, then into three and four parts, after which the two parts disappeared, and the remaining two hovered one above the other. Then the two disappeared parts reappeared, approached each other and merged into one object, which after a while again split into two parts (17).

Separation and merging of flying objects was also noted in 1952.

in Mont-de-Marsan (France) (5) and in 1980 - north-east of London (17).

Very complex combined transformations and separations of UFOs have also been observed.

In April 1964, in the Homer area (New York State), a physiologist and four witnesses saw an oblong object in the sky that looked like a submarine. A flash flashed from its tail section, it rushed forward, but suddenly stopped. Then a swelling appeared in the middle of the object, and it also quickly rushed back. There he stopped and began to shorten, acquiring the shape of a saucer with a thickening at the end. Then the object became completely round and split horizontally into two halves. After that, the upper half began to move away, and the lower half began to fall at an angle of 45 degrees. to the horizon.

Soon it also divided into two parts, and its upper part of the oval shape disappeared into the distance, and the lower one took the form of a vertical rod, which also disappeared from view. The entire episode lasted about 25 minutes (5).

It has not yet been possible to find any satisfactory explanation for such UFO transformations.


Characteristic features of the flight of UFOs are their ability to fly at tremendous speeds and instantly develop such speeds from a stationary hover, as well as the ability to make sharp maneuvers and hover or instantly change the direction of their movement to the opposite.

There are many examples showing that UFOs are able to fly in space and in the atmosphere at great speeds completely silently, without disturbing the environment, and the most reliable data are recorded with the help of radars.

In the materials of the "Blue Book" there is a case when in December 1952. The airborne radars of a B-29 bomber flying at an altitude of 6000 m recorded several unknown objects flying past the aircraft at a speed of about 8000 km/h. After that, the crew members themselves saw eight more giant UFOs that crossed the course of the aircraft at a speed that was later estimated at 14,000 km / h, and disappeared into the stratosphere. These objects were also recorded by ground-based radar (12).

UFO flights with high speeds were also recorded: in 1949 over the White Sands area (New Mexico) - a speed of 40,000 km / h (7), in 1952 over Terre Hout Airport (Indiana) - a speed of 67,000 km/h (7)

and in 1953 over South Africa - a speed of 160,000 km / h (49).

In our country, in March and May 1985, unknown objects moving at speeds of 6000-7200 km/h (116) were observed at the radar control room at the Gorky airport.

American satellite tracking stations determined that the speed of one UFO flying from east to west across the entire territory of the American continent was 72,000 km / h.

The former head of the Blue Book Project, Ruppelt, in his book The UFO Report, wrote that the highest UFO speed recorded by radar was about 200,000 km/h (12).

For some reason, UFO flights are not accompanied by explosive sounds that usually occur when aircraft break the sound barrier. It seems that these objects do not feel air resistance at all, as they fly in any position of the body.

As a rule, UFOs, having the shape of a disk or saucer, face the earth with their flat part during flight. But there are times when they fly

"on edge" and substitute their maximum surface towards the movement, as if ignoring air resistance. Such cases were noted in 1947.

in the state of Oregon (7), in 1954 in the Alps (9) and in Tunisia, in 1966 near Melbourne and in 1969 over Papua (New Guinea) (25), and in our country -

not far from Baku (80).

The second characteristic of UFO flight is their ability to make right angle turns at tremendous speeds without slowing down.

In October 1968, the crew of the Romanian tanker Arges, sailing through the Mozambique Channel, saw a sparkling disk about 17 meters in diameter, emitting bluish-green rays, sweep across the sky at incredible speed.

Suddenly, the disk abruptly changed direction by 90 degrees. and disappeared with great speed (8).

In July 1976, a Swedish fighter pilot on a training flight over Bulmen Lake (Småland Province) observed six unknown delta-shaped objects flying in a transverse course at a speed of about 2500 km / h. In front of his eyes, these objects suddenly made a sharp turn of 90 degrees, after which they took some unexpected lateral maneuver and soared up with tremendous acceleration (12).

UFO turns at right angles at high speeds were also observed in 1947 in the state of Alabama (7), in 1967 in Singeortsbey (Romania) (26)

and in 1974 - in the city of Austin (Texas).

The third characteristic feature of the flight of UFOs is their ability to instantly develop huge speeds from a stationary hover, or, conversely, instantly stop at full speed or even change the direction of movement to the opposite.

The ability of UFOs to instantly develop tremendous speeds can be illustrated by the following examples.

In July 1954, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, nine round UFOs glowing green were observed, which hovered motionless, and then instantly developed a speed of 4000 km / h and made a 340-degree turn. (7).

In August 1965, in the USSR, a group of geologists on the banks of the Kondoma River in the Kemerovo Region observed for 30 minutes a 60-degree angle hanging in the southeast. to the horizon, an oblong object no less than the size of the visible lunar disk, which suddenly turned into a point within one minute. The eyewitnesses had the impression that the object began to move away from them with a huge acceleration, which, according to their calculations, was about 44 km / s (112).

In the cases below, UFOs flying at high speed instantly changed the direction of their movement to the opposite.

In August 1947, near the city of Tampa (Florida), a cylindrical object, twice the size of a heavy bomber, came close to a C-47 aircraft. The threat of a collision seemed imminent. But at the last second, the object abruptly flew in the opposite direction. Its speed was about 3000 km/h (35).

In July 1952, the crew of a DC-4 aircraft flying from New York to Miami, in the Norfolk area, saw six brightly glowing disks with a diameter of 30 meters moving in a column towards the aircraft at a tremendous speed, which was later estimated at 19,000 km / h . When approaching the aircraft, these disks, without slowing down, lay on edge and seemed to bounce off an invisible wall at an angle of 150 degrees, flying away in the opposite direction (9, 11).

ill. 32. A sharp turn of six UFOs. Norfolk. 1952

Cases of an instant change in the direction of UFO movement to the opposite were also noted in 1952 again in the state of Florida, (7) and in 1960 over the city of Indianapolis (7), and in our country in 1978 - in the Khabarovsk region

UFO trajectories are very diverse. The following are examples of UFO zigzag flight paths.

ill. 31. Types of UFO trajectories.

In November 1980, in Tula, radio engineer Tyapkin observed a starlike object flying from north to south along a zigzag trajectory, with the apparent magnitude of the zigzags decreasing as it moved. Then the object stopped and hovered for 5-6 minutes (67).

At a seminar on UFO problems in Petrozavodsk in 1988, the well-known test pilot Marina Popovich told how she and a group of eyewitnesses, being on Gissar in 1983, observed a luminous object similar to a satellite, which at first moved along a zigzag trajectory, and then hovered motionless, directing a beam of light towards the ground.

In October 1989, near the village of Vladimirovka, Khvorostyansky district, Kuibyshev region, five machine operators working in the field saw a strange luminous object in the form of a ball with a diameter of at least 50 m, which hovered low above the arable land. "Portholes" were visible on it, a flashing device rotated in the upper part. Then this object began to quickly move over the field along a zigzag trajectory and illuminate the ground under it with a powerful searchlight (131).

UFO flights along zigzag trajectories were also noted in 1961 over the city of Benjamen (Texas) (7), in 1965 in Antarctica (7), in 1967 in the Birgaulun region (Romania) (26), in 1976 over the city of Viedma

(Argentina) (16), in 1973 near Belomorsk (USSR), in 1984 near the Khabarovsk airport and in 1985 near Shauliai (112).

The trajectories of descending or landing UFOs are zigzag; these objects often sway from side to side, like a "falling leaf". Such a movement of UFOs was observed in 1952 in England, in 1954 in France, in 1958 in El Salvador, in 1957 and 1960. in the USA, in 1968 in Romania (7), and in our country in 1977 in Makhach-Kala (82) and in 1978 - in Belev near Moscow (87).

ill. 38. The trajectory of a falling leaf.

In the "Statistical Study of Reports of UFO Phenomena" carried out in France by Poer's group, 38 cases of UFO flights along the trajectory of a falling leaf are given (100).

There are also cases when UFOs moved along trajectories in the form of a spiral, as was the case in 1956 over Orangeville (Canada) (7), in 1984 over Khabarovsk and in 1985 over Kohtla-Jarve (112).

In other cases, they flew along undulating trajectories, either rising or falling. Similar trajectories were recorded in 1984 in Ohio (4), in 1951 in Michigan (4), and in 1956 in the Washington area (7).

Sometimes the UFOs moved in leaps and bounds, like flat pebbles thrown across the surface of the water. Such observations took place in 1947 over Medford (pc.

Oregon) and in 1956 over the state of Washington (7).

It happens that objects change the position of their body when flying or hovering.

In December 1978, a slow flight of a luminous cylinder was observed over Moscow for 5 minutes, which flew in a vertical position and during the movement changed the angle of inclination, temporarily taking a horizontal position. Then he made a smooth turn and disappeared in a south-westerly direction (97).

There are also testimonies from eyewitnesses who reported that sometimes flying or hovering UFOs rolled from side to side like coins that fell on the floor.

In September 1950, in Korea, the pilots of three American fighter-bombers, returning from a combat mission, saw above them two round silver objects 200 m in diameter, flying at a speed of about 2000 km / h. Suddenly, the objects stopped and began to vibrate, rolling from side to side, and then flew over the planes at the same speed (7).

Examples of similar UFO vibrations were also observed in 1955 over Washington state, in 1957 over Florida and California, in 1962 over London (7), in 1966 over Tennessee (7) and New York (49), but in our country

In 1975 - over Kiev (87).

Even more surprising is when UFOs in an upright position seem to roll through the sky like wheels.

The Blue Book records an incident in March 1953 when two witnesses returning from Glen Burnie to Baltimore saw a 15 m diameter flat silver disk with a dome and masts hovering over their car for 3 minutes. Then the disk stood on its edge and began to move, as if rolling across the sky, after which it disappeared beyond the horizon (2).

Below are a number of examples where UFOs made some kind of erratic, chaotic movements for a long time, making jerks, unexpected stops, sharp turns or zigzags, as a result of which their flight profile looked broken and intermittent.

In January 1953, near the Sonoma Valley (California), two pilots observed unusual maneuvers of a UFO flying at high altitude. This object, moving very fast, made three circles with very small radii within 15 seconds, then made two sharp turns at a right angle, first to the right, after 5 seconds to the left, after which it stopped for a while, again gained high speed, again stopped and, finally, rose vertically upwards and disappeared (2).

In September 1965, hundreds of residents of the Peruvian city of Cusco observed the dizzying maneuvers of four blue UFOs for 2 hours. These objects made right-angle turns, hovered in place, circled in ways that no aircraft could, and finally disappeared at incredible speed (22).

In January 1967, many residents of Houston watched for 30 minutes as a round UFO, glowing bluish-green, "wrote out"

aerobatics figures. This object made strange zigzags, moved in jumps with abrupt stops, suddenly dived down or soared up sharply, etc. (23).

Similar chaotic UFO flights were also observed in 1956 from an aircraft flying from New York to Alabama (4), and in 1971 in the Styrian Alps (11).

ill. 33. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria). 1971

ill. 33a. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria), enlarged. 1971

ill. 34. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria). 1971

ill. 34a. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria), enlarged. 1971

ill. 35. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria). 1971

ill. 35a. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria), enlarged. 1971

ill. 36. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria). 1971

ill. 36a. UFO maneuvers over the Styrian Alps (Austria), enlarged. 1971

ill. 37. UFO trajectory over the Styrian Alps.

In our country in July 1977, two witnesses in the village of Boguchany, Krasnoyarsk Territory, observed a bright object in the sky, similar to a satellite, which at first moved in a straight line, and then also flew sharply in a straight line almost backward (at an angle of 135 degrees). After that, he began to move chaotically up and down complex curves, sometimes stopping for a few seconds. In the end, it hovered motionless and gradually went out

It is not yet possible to explain such strange behavior of UFOs.

4. The ability of UFOs to become invisible. Anomalies when they are photographed and fixed by radar

One of the unusual properties of UFOs is their ability to disappear, becoming invisible to the human eye, and also suddenly appear.

A number of cases are known when clearly visible objects in front of eyewitnesses suddenly disappeared or disappeared in one place and suddenly appeared in another.

In June 1966, three fireballs appeared near a farm in Aveyron, France, flying across the field towards the farm. One of these balls hovered 15 m from the house and hung motionless for 3 minutes, after which it suddenly disappeared, and after a couple of seconds reappeared a few hundred meters from the house. Such instantaneous movements continued for some time (10).

The press cites an incident that occurred near the city of Mulhouse

(France), where three young people saw an orange-red ball with a diameter of 50 m, descending to the ground in a zigzag trajectory and landing in a clearing 300 m from eyewitnesses. But when they went to the ball, it immediately disappeared (68).

In our country in July 1979, on the road from Zlatoust to Beloretsk, three eyewitnesses who were driving a car saw a fireball the size of a two-story house approaching from behind. They looked at it for 2 minutes, after which the ball suddenly disappeared, and after 2-3 minutes it reappeared, but already in front of the car, and hung motionless for a while, after which it also suddenly disappeared (100).

Along with this, cases were repeatedly observed when UFOs, in front of eyewitnesses, quite unexpectedly arose, as if from nothing.

In April 1954, near Dartmouth in South Devon (England), a large oval object suddenly appeared in front of the reserve officer Brighton, as if out of thin air, hovering at a height of 1 m above the ground (85).

In another case, on the Daimen Canal (USA), in front of two firefighters who were fishing, suddenly, as if from nowhere, a round luminous object with a diameter of 4.5 m appeared. Having hovered at a height of 20-25 m, it then accompanied their boat for 3 km (68 ).

At first, attempts were made to explain these properties of UFOs by the peculiarities of their kinematics. It was assumed that these objects suddenly disappear from view due to the fact that they break away from their place at great speed. And their sudden appearance was explained by the arrival with the same lightning speed and an instantaneous stop. The example below to some extent confirms the possibility of such an assumption.

In June 1968, in Dax (France), the spouses Zh., driving a car at a speed of 110 km / h, suddenly saw a dark hemispherical object with a flashing red light in front of them in the middle of the road. They slowed down abruptly

the collision seemed inevitable - and it was as if they drove through this object without feeling anything. Apparently, at the very last moment, he really took off with lightning speed and disappeared. Traces of it, later discovered at the landing site, confirmed that it was not a mirage (142).

The fact that spouses J. continued to see the object until the very last moment and did not notice its take-off can be explained by two circumstances:

firstly, the fact that the human eye does not have time to register objects moving too fast. (It is known, for example, that an object flying near the earth at a speed of 10 km/s or moving with an acceleration of more than 20 g is practically invisible); secondly, by the fact that the image of an instantaneously disappeared object still continues to remain on the retina of the human eye for some insignificant time.

However, over time, data began to accumulate about the ability of UFOs to gradually “melt” or, as it were, “dissolve” in the air in front of eyewitnesses.

In the summer of 1960, in the village of Kadamzhoy (near Ferghana), the head of the laboratory of the Gipronickel Institute, Sheinin, saw a luminous object in the form of a disk with two rods like antennas approaching from the Ferghana Valley. This object had a typical metallic sheen. It hovered motionless and was clearly visible. Suddenly, its outlines lost their sharpness, and within 1-2 seconds were replaced by a foggy spot, which immediately disappeared (81).

In March 1978, an oval blue object 150 m in diameter with clear edges was observed in Tolyatti. This object flew at an altitude of 300 m and, as it approached the observers, gradually became transparent, so that stars could be observed through it. At the same time, its outer edges remained clear. Then the object hovered motionless at a height of 100 m above a neighboring house 100 m from the eyewitnesses and melted away. The entire observation lasted 7 minutes (96).

These examples of the gradual "melting" of UFOs show that their disappearance can be associated not only with their instant departure, but also with some of their ability to become invisible to the human eye, although this contradicts our usual materialistic ideas about the world around us.

The ability of UFOs to become invisible to the human eye is also confirmed by the following cases, when after the development of photographs of a “clear” sky or a “clean” area, UFOs were found on them.

In August 1979, the Riga cameraman Pipars, while on a fishing boat in the Greenland Sea, took 12 color photographs of the night sky and the dark sea with the lights of ships in the night. Imagine his surprise when, after the manifestation, he saw in four of the twelve photographs a bright elongated glow that occupied almost half of the sky in the frames and gradually changed its shape (112).

In September 1983, not far from Ai-Petri, Ryzhkov, a Rostovite, took five photographs of the surrounding area, and when he developed the film, he was surprised to see in three photographs a large dark object hovering over the top of the mountain and flying over the highway (75).

Similar cases took place in 1959 at the Tiksi polar station, in 1960 in the village of Zelenchukskaya, in 1967 near the city of Klimax

(Colorado), in 1971 in Regensburg (Austria) (29), in 1976 near the city of Spezia (Italy) and in 1990 - in the city of Gorky.

ill. 39. Image of a UFO obtained by developing a photograph of a "clear" sky. Climax (Colorado). 1967

But it happens, it turns out, and vice versa, when clearly observed objects are not obtained in photographs.

In September 1977, engineer Novozhilov near the village of Kurkijoki, north of Priozersk, photographed three times a UFO, similar to an airship, which flew directly above him at an altitude of 300-500 m, but there were no images of UFOs in the pictures (83).

In February 1979, a UFO hovered over the Polish resort of Zakopane for a whole week. It was superbly visible, but it was not possible to shoot it on film with movie cameras or cameras, because only blurry light spots were obtained on the film (85).

In March 1990, four pictures of a UFO were taken in Belgium, flying at an altitude of 300-400 m and perfectly observed with the naked eye, but when the film was developed, the image of the object was not on it.

In an effort to explain this strange ability of UFOs, Professor Megsen performed experiments by which he proved that when a negative film is irradiated with infrared rays, the image on it disappears.

The disappearance of UFO images on film, according to Messen, also occurs under the influence of powerful infrared radiation, which objects sometimes emit and which illuminates the film (153).

It is even more surprising when the objects in the photographs do not look the same as they were seen by the photographers.

In March 1966, in Conisborough, England, Stephen Pratt photographed a single source of orange light slowly moving across the sky. And after the film was developed, three whole objects were shot on it, which had the shape of plates and flew one after another in one line. "Moreover, the second object was smaller than the first, and the third - smaller than the second.

Something similar happened in January 1979, when Australian television filmed a 30-minute film in New Zealand, which recorded the flights of several golden oval UFOs that had semblance of superstructures. After viewing the film, members of the film crew stated that the UFO images on film were very different in shape and color from what they saw visually (16).

All these facts show that the human eye can sometimes.

to see objects not as they are perceived by the photographic lens.

Quite often, visually observed UFOs are not recorded on radar screens.

In the summer of 1976, in the Chita region, near the border with China, the personnel of the radar post of the air defense forces, border guards and residents of the regional center observed an unusual oblong object with portholes and three beams directed vertically to the ground. This object slowly moved horizontally in one direction or the other for 3 hours, turning its “searchlights” on and off, and then suddenly disappeared. At the same time, three types of radars of two radar posts did not fix it (112).

In 1979, the crew members of two aircraft flying in the Barnaul region observed a luminous object for six minutes, which approached at high speed, stopped, rose to a considerable height and hovered, then descended again and began to move away. The onboard radar screens did not record it (97).

In February 1989, over the city of Progress (Guatemala) hovered a large UFO in the shape of a plate with red flashing lights around the edges, around which there were three objects of the same shape, but smaller. All four objects were visually observed by most residents of Progress, but for some reason were not recorded by radars (118).

According to the group for the study of aerospace phenomena at the French space center in Toulouse, radar captures only 5%

observed objects, although this figure is most likely underestimated. On the other hand, there are a number of cases when objects fixed by radars were not visually observed for some reason, although they were within sight.

In early 1945, the radars of a group of American ships preparing for the invasion of Okinawa and moving along the Nansei Shoto archipelago detected 200-300 unknown objects approaching the ships at a speed of 1600 km / h.

Fighters raised from aircraft carriers were immediately sent to meet them. But the planes slipped through this flying armada without hindrance, not noticing a single object. And shipborne radar operators recorded that a group of ghostly objects flew with impunity over American ships at an altitude of 600 m, although they were not visually observed.

In December 1986 to the Japanese research vessel

"Kaye Maru", located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, approached 2.5 km by an unknown oval object several hundred meters long, which circled around the vessel twice and disappeared, and after a few seconds reappeared and roared over the vessel at low altitude. was clearly recorded on the radar screen, but was not visually observed.The speed of its flight was about 5000 km / h (Izvestia, 1988, September 18).

According to the NIKAP, in the period 1948-1967. out of 81 cases of UFO detection by radars, they were observed visually only in 60 cases (9).

In our country in 1980-1984. On the radar screens of the Kharkiv airport 12 times, unknown objects were recorded moving at very high speeds, hovering or making abrupt vertical maneuvers, and only in four cases they were observed visually (119).

There are cases when a mark from a UFO was observed on the screen of only one of two adjacent radars operating at different frequencies.

According to the pilot of the first class V. Kolupanov, in July 1982.

the mark from a UFO flying over the airfield of the city of Roslavl was visible only on the decimeter radar screens, while the centimeter radar did not record this object (112).

There are also known cases when UFO marks on the radar screens are not kept constantly, but sometimes appear and then disappear. During the UFO sightings over Washington in July 1952, the marks from these objects on the radar screens disappeared with the appearance of fighters and reappeared when the planes left (45).

One of the most reliable cases of prolonged fixation of UFOs by aircraft and ground radars took place in September 1957, when an American reconnaissance aircraft RB-47, flying over the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma, was in contact with a UFO for an hour and a half. An unknown object was fixed by radars in separate positions

Right, left, behind and in front of the aircraft, although for some reason its trajectory between these positions was not traced.

At times, the object was observed visually by the crew of the aircraft, which, in an attempt to pursue the object, made a circle in the Dallas area. The electronic intelligence equipment ELINT, installed on the aircraft, recorded the emission frequency of this object, equal to 3000 MHz with a repetition of 600 pulses/s (3, 90).

So far, it has not been possible to find any satisfactory explanation for the anomalies that appear when photographing and fixing UFOs with radars.

5. Unusual properties of rays emitted by UFOs

There are a significant number of reports of UFO sightings with one or more beams of light resembling searchlights. Most often, these rays are directed to the ground.

ill. 40. UFO with a vertical beam of light hovering over the test site in Navarre (Spain). 1975

ill. 41. UFO with two beams to the west of Luga. 1984

ill. 42. UFO with curved beams north of Kalinin. 1978

Observations of UFOs with one beam or cone of light directed downwards took place in 1967 in Vorkuta (84), in 1972 over the city of Linz (45), in 1976 near Tbilisi (83), in 1983 - near the city of Slantsy and near Voznesenye, Leningrad Region (112).

The journal Wings of the Motherland (1988, No. 9) describes in detail such cases that took place in 1958 in the Novosibirsk region and in 1972 in Bulgaria. In 1977, an object with 10 rays was observed not far from Tyumen, and in 1965, in the area of ​​Mackey (Australia), even with 20 or 30 rays directed at the ground (6, 83). UFOs were also observed, the rays from which departed in different directions.

In December 1978 in Moscow, in the vicinity of the Varshavskaya metro station, a silver ball was observed hanging in the dark sky with a visible size slightly smaller than the sun, and eight light rays symmetrically diverge from it in all directions, equal to its diameter (96) .

According to the aerologist of the research vessel "Viktor Bugaev"

Kistanov, members of the crew of this ship, which was in the Atlantic, in November 1980 observed a motionless disk with an angular size of 1/3 of the disk of the moon, emitting eight rays, which then successively turned off, and the disk disappeared (96).

In 1980, an unknown object was observed in Kondopoga with seven powerful beams of light yellow and red (112).

There are also cases where the rays emitted by UFOs moved back and forth or moved up and down.

In February 1975, at Sorrel Lake in Tasmania, two eyewitnesses observed a UFO 60 m in diameter hovering over the lake, from which a wide and very bright beam of light was directed downward, swaying back and forth in an arc (3).

In May 1979, a UFO hovered motionless over the city of Otradny in the Kuibyshev region, around which a blue spiral formation flared up, scrolling several times around the object. Then a beam of light shot out of the object, hollow inside, and began to scan, moving in an arc from south to north. Then the object flashed and the beam disappeared. The entire observation lasted 5-7 minutes (97).

According to a Leningrad woman Reshetnikova, who observed a UFO in 1982 in Lisy Nos (near Leningrad), and a cadet of the Pushkin Military School Onishchuk, who observed a UFO in 1984 in the city of Gorskoye, Voroshilovgrad Region, the rays emitted by unknown objects seemed to be rummaging around on the ground

There were also such cases when the rays emitted by UFOs periodically appeared and went out.

In 1984, in the p / o Yakovlevskoye, Arkhangelsk region, an eyewitness Vilachev saw an approaching ball, which hovered over a clearing and twice directed a bright beam at it, illuminating an area of ​​50x100 sq.m. Then the ball flew up to the village, hovered over it and illuminated it several times with this beam, each time as if turning it on for one minute (112).

On the evening of December 17, 1989, a number of eyewitnesses in different cities observed an unknown luminous object in the form of a ball, which successively flew over the cities of Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Omsk and over the Altai Territory. At the same time, eyewitnesses in Surgut and Omsk claimed that four bright beams emanated from the object, which “turned off” and “turned on” again before their eyes. According to the air defense representative of the city of Omsk, Major V. Loginov, this object was also observed by the pilots of the neighboring airfield. But the radar did not pick it up. According to visual observation, the object looked one and a half times larger than the visible disk of the moon, and the total duration of its stay in the Omsk region was no more than 5 minutes;

after which he began to quickly move away in an easterly direction. The appearance of the object was immediately reported to the authorities. 5 minutes after he fled the Omsk region, representatives of the air defense of the Altai Territory reported that they were observing him. This meant that he flew a distance of 600 km at a speed of about 7000 km/h (137, 138).

According to the statistical analysis of UFO sightings in the USSR for 1900-1980, ordinary light beams and cones of light were observed in 210 objects (95). At the same time, individual cases are known when the rays emitted by UFOs and having the form of light, showed very strange, in our opinion, completely unusual properties.

The first information about such unusual rays appeared in 1968, and Jean Herring called them rays of "solid light" (48).

These beams may not scatter in space, but have well-defined boundaries and a clear end of the beam, and the beam retains the same brightness along its entire length, similar to a neon tube.

In August 1970, near the city of Haderslev (Denmark), a round gray object with a diameter of about 10 m hovered above the car of police officer Morup at a height of 20 m, from which a cone of blinding light with a base width of 4-5 m appeared. This cone illuminated the car, as a result causing her engine to stall, her headlights to go out, and her radio to go silent. This light cone was then drawn into a circular hole 1 m in diameter at the bottom of the object. This went on for 5 minutes.

At the same time, when the base of the cone gradually rose, a clear boundary was visible between the lower part of the cone and darkness. Then the object rose and disappeared, and the car "came to life" (68).

In the cases below, the beams emitted by the UFO ended in luminous balls.

One of them is described in the information sheet compiled by the senior navigators of the Ashgabat air squadron Sinashov and Glushchenko. It indicates that in October 1985, in the Geok-Tepe region of the Ashgabat region, a large cigar-shaped object was observed, in which five blue rays fanned out from the nose, ending in spheres of the same color (112).

According to designer Chernovy, in 1978 his mother observed an elliptical object over Moscow with 16 white rays ending in luminous balls (87).

These beams can slowly move out of the UFO, and then also gradually retract back. A slow extension of a beam with a blunt end from a hovering unknown object was observed in 1968 over the city of Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region (81) and in 1981 in the Vyborg region (112), and according to Prokhorov, in 1975, in Valdai, there was a gradual slow extension of even three such rays (112).

In a number of other reports, descriptions were given of the slow retraction of rays into hovering objects. Such phenomena were recorded in 1963 in Trankas

(Argentina) (48), in 1968 in Villiers de Moran (France) (13) and in 1970 -

near Imjärvi (Finland) (13).

There were reports of observations of slow retraction of rays in UFOs in our country as well: by an eyewitness Litovinov in 1983 in Bayandai, the regional center of the Irkutsk region, and by a group of military personnel led by Tsitsinsky in 1985 on Dixon Island (112).

According to Hering, the speed of extension and retraction of these beams is 3.5-7 m/s.

The third feature of the propagation of these rays is that they are apparently capable of bending at different angles, up to a straight line. Such cases were also observed both in our country and abroad.

In August 1978, a group of officers from the Leningrad Military District, traveling by car to Moscow, 12 km outside the city of Kalinin, saw a motionless disk-shaped UFO hanging in the sky. Two curved luminous arcs departed from the object, the ends of which closed with each other, forming a semblance of a huge ellipse. A few minutes later, the UFO quickly rose vertically and disappeared, while the luminous arcs remained in place (112).

In September 1978, when flying between the airfield Afrikanda

(Murmansk region) and Kemyu at an altitude of about 9 km, crew members of the TU-134 aircraft of the Leningrad air squadron (crew commander V.N. Gorba) saw an elongated object with clear outlines hanging ahead at an altitude of about 20 km. This object vibrated, from its front part two curved beams similar to pincers began to move towards each other. Then the ends of these rays connected, and in this place a bright luminous ball flared up, which after 3-4 minutes disappeared along with the rays (112).

A more "fresh" case of observing a curved beam from a UFO is described in the second issue of the Novosti news bulletin. It took place in the middle of May 1986 in Leningrad. It was witnessed by the bus driver V. Potekhin and six other drivers, who, driving at 5 o'clock in the morning along the Kirovsky Bridge across the Neva River, saw a bright emerald-green beam from the sky to the ground behind the Finland Station. This beam unexpectedly bent, after which some object with four holes separated from the beginning of the beam and abruptly rushed upwards.

Observations of curved rays from UFOs were also noted in 1971.

near Antofagasta (Chile) (8) and in 1973 in Tomsk (101).

These rays may be wider at the base and tapering towards the end.

According to Dikov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, at night in September 1977 in the village of Paren on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the personnel of the geological expedition observed for 10 minutes a disk-shaped UFO the size of the visible disk of the moon, from which six beams tapering to the earth went down (89) .

In March 1978, a UFO was observed near Zhitomir, from which 16 rays with pointed ends departed in all directions, resembling a blossoming flower (96).

According to the report received from the residents of Leningrad, the Rentsehovskys, in January 1984 they observed a round luminous object hanging motionless over Leningrad, the size of 1/3 of the visible disk of the moon. From the two bulges in its upper and lower parts, running luminous dotted lines also periodically emanated. Then this object began to move, continuing the radiation. The entire observation lasted about 20 minutes (112).

Intermittent beams were also observed in 1970 on Vancouver Island (8), in 1978 in Beskudnikovo near Moscow (85), and in 1980.

in Moscow itself, near the Zhdanovskaya metro station (89).

Some rays can easily pass through various obstacles and illuminate the space behind them. This was the case, in particular, in Trankas, where the beam, having passed through the solid fence of the farm and the walls of the house, was restored again (48).

A number of reports are also known when rays from a UFO, passing through obstacles, made them transparent.

In April 1967, the director of a school from Jefferson City (USA), returning home, saw that an object similar to an airship was hovering over his car, emitting a strange light that did not linger at all on the roof of the car and made it transparent. The driver saw the engine through the instrument panel, and jumping out of the car, he saw its interior through the body. After the disappearance of the beam, everything returned to its former form (39).

In another case - in May 1973 in the state of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

witness Paperu, returning home by car, saw an object hanging in the air in the form of two plates 10 m in diameter stacked together. He saw how a bright blue beam 20 cm in diameter advanced from the bottom of the object towards the car, under the influence of which it became transparent. After that, Paperu lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital, where purple-blue spots were found on his stomach and back.

Such cases were also recorded when the rays emitted by the UFO did not illuminate the surrounding area or the premises into which they penetrated at all. In other cases, on the contrary, they illuminated the surrounding area in some special way, without forming shadows.

Even more surprising is the ability of such rays, although rarely observed, to have a direct mechanical effect on surrounding objects (knock out soil particles from the ground, shake a lamp, etc.).

In June 1972, in the city of Logronier (France), a young seminarian, Janvier Bosc, saw an egg-shaped luminous object about 50 cm in diameter, silently flying into his room through an open window. The object, which seemed to be metallic, hovered 40 cm from the floor, and a thin beam slowly moved out of it, which twice touched the working transistor receiver, from which it swayed. Then this beam, as it were, contracted, stretched out towards the tape recorder and touched it, after which it slowly retracted into the object, and it flew out the window (Phenomenes spatiaux. N38).

In another case, which took place in December 1973 in Paso Robles

(California), two people driving a car saw a spherical object hanging at a height of 240 m above the ground, under which there was a black cone that emitted a red beam towards the ground. The most amazing thing was that this beam, hitting the ground, heated it red-hot and raised pieces of soil and other materials into the air. Then the beam disappeared, and the cone was drawn into the object, which began to rise at an angle of 60 degrees. When the witnesses approached the area to which this beam was directed, the edges of the area were still glowing with red light (47).

Considering the properties of the strange rays emitted by UFOs, the French researchers Scornio and Pian indicate that these are apparently not ordinary light rays, if only because the speed of their extension and retraction has nothing to do with the speed of light. Most likely, it can be assumed that this is a stream of ionizing particles that make the air encountered on their way glow. In this case, it becomes explainable and their passage through the partitions. These particles can be deflected by an electromagnetic field, which explains the existence of curved rays. The flow of these particles can be discontinuous - hence the dottedness of the rays.

However, all of these are just hypotheses, and most of the unusual properties of the rays emitted by UFOs cannot be explained by the laws of physics known to us.

6. Different perceptions of UFOs by eyewitnesses

Another very strange feature of UFOs is that eyewitnesses often give completely different descriptions of the shape, size, color and behavior of the object, although, based on the coincidence of the time of observation, direction and a number of other data, it can be assumed that we are talking about the same phenomenon.

One of these cases occurred in June 1978 in a pioneer camp at the Klyazma station, where five counselors and three high school students observed a UFO flying along a “jumping” trajectory for half an hour, and their perception turned out to be completely different. One leader thought that the object looked like a fiery disk, another - like a red oval, a third - like a star with small stars. And one of the high school students claimed that it was an elongated silvery body, while another insisted that it was egg-shaped and dark. The most varied data were given by eyewitnesses regarding the number of rows and color of lights on the object (85).

In another case, in September 1982, more than 30 independent observers from different parts of the Crimea observed at about the same time the flight of some unknown luminous object. Most eyewitnesses claimed that the object flew in a straight line from the northwest to the southeast at the speed of an aircraft, although the data on the azimuths of its appearance and disappearance are contradictory.

Even more controversial were the data on the shape of the object. Some eyewitnesses described it as a ball or sphere, others as a cylinder or cigar, others as an obtuse cone or triangle, and so on. And according to separate reports, it was divided into four parts.

Indications about the altitude of the object's flight were also very diverse:

from 100 m to 10 km. The same can be said about the phenomena that accompanied the flight of this object. According to some indications, four beams departed from it in the direction opposite to the movement, according to others - a tail 2-3 m long stretched behind it, and according to the third - a plume 200-300 m long (112).

A similar case took place with five eyewitnesses of a UFO in 1978, also in the Crimea.

The reasons for this unequal perception of UFOs by people may not lie in some special properties of objects, but simply in the characteristics of the human psyche.

Criminalists are well aware that witnesses often describe the appearance and clothing of the criminal in completely different ways, which is explained by the unexpectedness and short duration of observation, as well as the excitement of witnesses.

In addition, the stereotype of personal perception, emotion and imagination plays a significant role, because people sometimes just invent individual details to reinforce their version of the story or embellish them to make the story more entertaining in order to please the questioner.

This can be confirmed by the testimony of more than a hundred eyewitnesses collected by the Leningrad Commission on Anomalous Phenomena of the Geographical Society of the USSR, who observed the phenomenon on the night of May 15, 1981, which was later identified with the launch of the Meteor-2 satellite from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

Despite the fact that all eyewitnesses in Leningrad observed this phenomenon at the same time (from 1.30 to 2.00) and in the same direction (to the northeast), many of the testimonies differed significantly from each other.

To some witnesses, this object seemed to be a luminous cone with straight rays receding back, to others - a luminous trapezoid with two pairs of curved whiskers, to a third - a luminous oval, followed by arched light stripes that connected at the end, to a fourth - a black ball, the shell of which, in shape, resembles an electric bulb, increased at certain intervals, the fifth - a bright star with five curved blue rays and, finally, the sixth - a luminous ball with three rays emanating from it, around which a translucent annular shell was visible.

Something similar happened in the section on the study of AE in the environment of the Ukrainian Republican Board of the NTORES named after A.S. Popov when analyzing the reports of eyewitnesses who observed the flight of a group of luminous bodies over Ukraine on December 2, 1983, which is convincingly shown in the movie "In Search of Aliens" .

After careful analysis of over six hundred such testimonies, the members of the section concluded that it was most likely a failed rocket stage or a spacecraft that burned up in the atmosphere at an altitude of about 140 km after leaving low Earth orbit, although some eyewitnesses claimed that it was a spacecraft, flying at an altitude of less than one kilometer, and according to one pilot, even next to his plane. There were also such reports, the authors of which claimed that this object changed the height and direction of its flight, and according to one message, it landed behind the garden.

The appearance of a UFO often catches eyewitnesses by surprise. Completely unprepared for this and, as a rule, overly emotional, they also often see the object for only a few minutes or even seconds, which, of course, also does not contribute to the objectivity of their testimony.

It has also been noticed that some people clearly see UFOs, while others do not see anything, although they look in the right direction and have good eyesight.

In September 1964, when 150 vacationers of the Kastropol rest home in the Crimea were taking a boat trip on a boat, a luminous disk a little smaller than the moon appeared above the sea, which suddenly stopped.

Most of the passengers clearly observed this disk for 3-4 minutes, but some of them, despite their great desire to see, did not see anything (85).

In the second case, which is described by V. Vilinbakhov, near Vinnitsa, a bright yellow disk flew right over five eyewitnesses, which three of them clearly saw, while the fourth eyewitness saw something indefinite, which he could not really tell, and the woman who had with good eyesight, she could not see anything, although they tried to help her in this by pointing to the disk.

Academician Raushenbakh gives a similar example in the journal Technique-Youth (1989, N5). A rocket specialist working for Korolev, along with an adult student son, went to his garage and saw how, in the immediate vicinity between two trees, an object in the form of a plate landed, and then took off, and although he drew his son’s attention to this, he didn’t care. didn't see.

The fact that different people perceive the same UFO in different ways, or may not see it at all, indicates that people may perceive UFOs not only optically, but also with the help of some kind of psychic abilities, like those , which are characteristic of psychics and which, perhaps, to varying degrees, are hidden in most people.

Large discrepancies in the testimony of eyewitnesses is a factor that makes it difficult to recreate a true picture of each specific phenomenon and makes one treat with great caution its descriptions made by individual observers, because each such testimony is a subjective impression of this eyewitness, which cannot be taken as a true characteristic of the object. And such can be obtained only if the testimony of several or at least two independent eyewitnesses coincides or when the testimony of one eyewitness is confirmed by a photograph of the object.

The leadership of the State Hydrometeorological Committee apparently took this circumstance into account when it instructed the personnel of meteorological stations and posts to report on the observation of unusual phenomena only in cases where there were at least two eyewitnesses.

To conclude this review of the unusual properties of UFOs and the rays they emit, it should be emphasized that many of them were observed quite rarely, and each observed object usually exhibited only some of the listed properties. And this gives reason to assume that different UFOs may have different properties.

On the other hand, it is the presence of at least one of the considered unusual properties in a flying object that makes it possible to classify it as the so-called unidentified.

The unusual properties of UFOs have been recorded by many qualified observations and instrument readings. Therefore, it can be argued that they are an objective reality, which should be considered and tried to be explained without mysticism from a materialistic position on the basis of clarifying existing and, possibly, discovering new physical laws.

ill. 8. Red Bullies (Illinois). 1950

Comprehensive study of the properties of "behavior" and dimensions UFO, regardless of their form, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

First: Very small objects, which are balls or discs with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of and return to larger objects. There is a well-known case that took place in October 1948 in the Fargo airbase area (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading the chase, and sometimes he himself rapidly moved towards the plane, forcing Hormone to dodge the collision (3).

Second: Small UFO, having an egg-shaped and disc-shaped shape and a diameter of 2-3 m. They usually fly at low altitude and most often land. Small UFO also repeatedly seen separating from the main objects and returning to them.

ill. 09. San Francisco. 1956

Third: Basic UFO, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. Main UFO make independent flights in any layers of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.

Fourth: Large UFO, usually in the form of cigars or cylinders 100-800 meters or more long. They appear mainly in the upper atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitude. There were no cases of their landing on the ground, but it was repeatedly observed how small objects separated from them. There is an assumption that large UFO can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists on board filmed a movie and made a number of color photographs of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom cap 200 m in diameter and 80 m high, which followed an intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were fuzzy, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of the study of this object have not been published (9, 11).

Common forms UFO have varieties. Thus, for example, disks with one or two convex sides, balls with or without rings encircling them, as well as oblate and prolate spheres were observed. Rectangular and triangular objects are much less common. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFO had a round shape of discs, balls or spheres, and only 20% had an elongated shape of cigars or cylinders. UFO in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rare UFO are given below. For example, UFO with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela (7) and in 1976 - over the Canary Islands.

UFO in the form of a parallelepiped was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the ship "Nikolai Ostrovsky". This object flew for 30 minutes next to the ship at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared (114).

UFO triangular-shaped since the end of 1989 began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, and on their lower part there were three or four luminous circles. Objects moved completely silently, hovering and taking off at great speeds.

On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed how such a triangular object, six times the size of the visible disk of the moon, silently flew over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object ( 153).

On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels for two minutes with a video camera. In front of Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. On the top of the object, Alferlan noticed a luminous lattice dome. This video was shown on April 15, 1990 on central television.

Along with the basic shapes UFO there are many more varieties. In a table shown at a meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, 52 different shapes were depicted. UFO.

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms are observed UFO:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with and without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); similar to a bell; in the form of a sphere or a ball (with and without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or top;

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2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; spindle-shaped;

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the form of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; swept; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of a cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cruciform, deltoid, V-shaped (28).

Summarized NIKAP data on observations UFO various forms in the USA for 1942-1963. are shown in the following table.

It should be borne in mind that in many cases the readings of observers may not reflect the true shape of objects, since a disk-shaped object may look like a ball from below, like an ellipse from below, and like a spindle or a mushroom cap from the side; an object shaped like a cigar or an elongated sphere may look like a ball from the front and back; a cylindrical object can look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball from the front and back. In turn, the object in the form of a box in front and behind can look like a cube.

Linear Dimension Data UFO, reported by eyewitnesses, in some cases are very relative, since with visual observation it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy only the angular dimensions of the object.

Linear dimensions can only be determined if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But determining the distance in itself presents great difficulties, because the human eye, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within the range of up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions UFO can only be determined very roughly.

Usually UFO have the form of metal bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. Sometimes they are shrouded in a cloud, as a result of which their contours seem to be blurred.

Surface UFO usually shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The upper side of the object is usually light, and the lower side is dark. Some UFO have domes, which are sometimes transparent.

UFO with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York (7), in 1963 in the state of Victoria (Australia) (20), and in our country in 1975 near Borisoglebsk (82) and in 1978- m - in Beskudnikovo (89).

In the middle of the objects, in a number of cases, one or two rows of rectangular "windows" or round "portholes" were visible. An elongated object with such "portholes" was observed in 1965 by the crew members of the Norwegian vessel "Javesta" over the Atlantic (53).

In our country UFO with “portholes” were observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow (82), in 1981 near Michurinsk (96), in 1985 near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region (112). On some UFO rods that looked like antennas or periscopes were clearly visible.

In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), at a height of 300 m above a tree, a disk 8 m in diameter hung with a rod similar to an antenna (20).

In July 1978, members of the crew of the ship "Yargora", following the Mediterranean Sea, observed a spherical object flying over North Africa, in the lower part of which three structures similar to antennas were visible (96).
Cases have also been recorded when these rods moved or rotated. Below are two such examples.

In August 1976, Muscovite A. M. Troitsky and six other witnesses saw a silvery metal object over the Pirogov reservoir, 8 times the size of the lunar disk, moving slowly at a height of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was above the witnesses, a black hatch opened in its lower part, from which a thin cylinder protruded. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object (115).

In July 1978, passengers of the Sevastopol-Leningrad train near Kharkov watched for several minutes how, from the upper part of the motionlessly hanging elliptical UFO some kind of rod with three brightly luminous points moved forward. This rod was deflected to the right three times and returned to its previous position. Then from the bottom UFO a rod with one luminous point (115) has extended.

Inside the bottom UFO sometimes there are three or four landing legs, which extend during landing and retract inward during takeoff. Here are three examples of such observations.

In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., returning from Stead Air Force Base (Las Vegas), saw four disc-shaped UFO with a diameter of 15 m, each of which stood on three landing supports. As they took off, these pillars retracted inward before his eyes (2).

In July 1970, a young Frenchman, Erien J., near the village of Jabrelle-le-Bord, clearly saw how four metal supports, ending in rectangles, were gradually retracted inside the soaring round UFO 6 m in diameter (87).

In the USSR, in June 1979, in the city of Zolochev, Kharkov region, the witness Starchenko observed how 50 m from him landed UFO in the form of an overturned plate with a number of portholes and a dome. When the object descended to a height of 5-6 m, three landing legs about 1 m long telescopically extended from its bottom, ending in a kind of blades. After standing on the ground for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was seen how the supports were drawn into its body (98).

At night UFO usually glow, sometimes their color and glow intensity change with speed. When flying fast, they have a color similar to that arising in the process of arc welding, when slower - a bluish color. When dropped or braked, they turn red or orange. But it happens that even objects hovering motionless glow with a bright light, although it is possible that it is not the objects themselves that glow, but the air around them under the influence of some kind of radiation emanating from these objects. Sometimes on UFO some lights are visible: on objects of an elongated shape - on the bow and stern, and on the disks - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports of rotating objects with red, white or green lights.

In October 1989 in Cheboksary six UFO in the form of two plates folded together hovered over the territory of the Industrial Tractor Plant production association. Then a seventh object joined them. Each of them showed yellow, green and red lights. Objects rotated and moved up and down. Half an hour later, six objects soared up with great speed and disappeared, and one remained for a while (130).

Sometimes such lights are lit and go out in a certain sequence.

In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter, New York, observed a flight UFO with a diameter of about 27 m, on which there were five red lights, lit and extinguished in the sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd , 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds (8, 45).

A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators observed through a telescope a luminous object with a series of lights flashing on and off in the same sequence as on the object in Exeter (32).

The most important characteristic feature UFO is the manifestation of their unusual properties that are not found either in natural phenomena known to us, or in technical means created by man. Moreover, it seems that the individual properties of these objects clearly contradict the laws of physics known to us. These properties will be disclosed in subsequent sections of the second chapter.

A comprehensive study of the properties of the "behavior" and size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

Main types of UFO

  • First: Very small objects, which are balls or discs with a diameter of 20 - 100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of and return to larger objects.
  • Second: Small UFOs that are egg-shaped and disc-shaped and 2 to 3 m in diameter. They usually fly at low altitude and most often make landings. Small UFOs have also been repeatedly seen separating from and returning to the main objects.
  • Third: The main UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9 - 40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layers of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.
  • Fourth: Large UFOs, usually in the form of cigars or cylinders 100-800 meters or more long. They appear.mainly.in the upper atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitude.
There were no cases of their landing on the ground, but it was repeatedly observed how small objects separated from them. There is an assumption that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100 - 200 m.
Common forms of UFOs have varieties. Thus, for example, disks with one or two convex sides, balls with or without rings encircling them, as well as oblate and prolate spheres were observed. Rectangular and triangular objects are much less common. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round in the shape of discs, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated in the shape of cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents.
Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more various varieties.

UFO shapes

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs are observed:
1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with and without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); similar to a bell; in the form of a sphere or a ball (with and without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or top;
2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; spindle-shaped;
3) pointed: pyramidal; in the form of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; swept; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;
4) rectangular: bar-like; in the form of a cube or parallelepiped; in the form of a flat square and rectangle;
5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cruciform, deltoid, in the shape of the letter V.
Characteristic features of the flight of UFOs are their ability to fly at tremendous speeds and instantly develop such speeds from a stationary hover, as well as the ability to make sharp maneuvers and hover or instantly change the direction of their movement to the opposite.
There are many examples showing that UFOs are able to fly in space and in the atmosphere at great speeds completely silently, without disturbing the environment, and the most reliable data are recorded with the help of radars.

Unusual properties of UFOs

For some reason, UFO flights are not accompanied by explosive sounds that usually occur when aircraft break the sound barrier. It seems that these objects do not feel air resistance at all, as they fly in any position of the body. A characteristic feature of the flight of UFOs is their ability to instantly develop huge speeds from a stationary hover, or, conversely, instantly stop at full speed or even change the direction of movement to the opposite.
One of the unusual properties of UFOs is their ability to disappear, becoming invisible to the human eye, and also suddenly appear. A number of cases are known when clearly visible objects in front of eyewitnesses suddenly disappeared or disappeared in one place and suddenly appeared in another.

There are a significant number of reports of UFO sightings with one or more beams of light resembling searchlights. Most often, these rays are directed to the ground.
There are also cases where the rays emitted by UFOs moved back and forth or moved up and down.
There were also such cases when the rays emitted by UFOs periodically appeared and went out.
At the same time, individual cases are known when the rays emitted by UFOs and having the form of light showed very strange, completely unusual properties: these rays may not scatter in space, but have clearly defined boundaries and a clear end of the beam, and the beam retains the same brightness throughout its length, similar to a neon tube; the rays emitted by the UFO ended in luminous balls; These beams can slowly move out of the UFO, and then also gradually retract back. Another feature of the propagation of these rays is that they are apparently capable of bending at different angles, up to a straight line. Such cases were also observed both in our country and abroad.
These rays may be broader at the base and tapering towards the end, the rays are sometimes discontinuous or dotted, breaking up into luminous and dark areas, like an illuminated advertisement.
Some rays can easily pass through various obstacles and illuminate the space behind them.
Such cases were also recorded when the rays emitted by the UFO did not illuminate the surrounding area or the premises into which they penetrated at all. In other cases, on the contrary, they illuminated the surrounding area in some special way, without forming shadows.
Considering the properties of the strange rays emitted by UFOs, the French researchers Scornio and Pian indicate that these are apparently not ordinary light rays, if only because the speed of their extension and retraction has nothing to do with the speed of light. Most likely, it can be assumed that this is a stream of ionizing particles that make the air encountered on their way glow. In this case, it becomes explainable and their passage through the partitions. These particles can be deflected by an electromagnetic field, which explains the existence of curved rays. The flow of these particles can be discontinuous - hence the dottedness of the rays.

An analysis of numerous reports of UFOs shows that these objects are able to have a variety of effects on animate and inanimate nature and on various technical means.
The physical impact exerted by these objects is purely mechanical, thermal, light, beam, and is manifested both during flights and during landings of UFOs. Moreover, not only electromagnetic, but also some other, so far unknown types of radiation emitted by these objects and affecting the environment, living organisms and technical means are of particular interest.

The impact of UFOs on humans

Special consideration deserves the impact of UFOs on the psyche of people, which manifests itself in a variety of forms. First of all, it should be noted that people have unequal sensitivity, as a result of which they perceive UFOs differently. A number of cases are known when individual people, long before the appearance of a UFO, experienced some unreasonably excited state and a premonition of something unusual. The very fact of the appearance of a UFO sometimes has a significant impact on the psyche of people. At this moment, some suddenly wake up, feeling some kind of unease, and go to the windows, where they see a UFO appearing.
A particularly strong specific impact on the psyche of people has their stay in the immediate vicinity of a UFO. In some cases, it causes a feeling of fear or even horror in eyewitnesses.
Sometimes close encounters with UFOs ended for eyewitnesses with more severe consequences associated with a strong nervous shock, causing a general mental disorder.
Sometimes UFOs seem to affect the subconscious of eyewitnesses, and this effect continues for some time after the encounter with the UFO. This is expressed in the fact that in a number of cases people who were in close proximity to these objects remember everything that happened to them before and after the meeting with the UFO, but what happened during the meeting itself completely disappears from their memory. Sometimes this gap can be restored with the help of the so-called regressive hypnosis.
The impact of UFOs on the psyche of some people who found themselves near UFOs was also expressed in the fact that after that they saw recurring and very real nightmares for several days, from which they woke up in a very excited state.
Individual cases were also recorded when people who found themselves near the landed objects then slept for weeks and months for 16 hours a day. In very rare cases, after close encounters with UFOs, the mental abilities of eyewitnesses increased dramatically or they developed the ability to hypersensitive perception.

The impact of UFOs on the surface of the Earth

The impact of UFOs on soil and ice cover is manifested mainly during their so-called landings, which took place on all continents, including in our country. Foreign sources indicate that more than 5,000 UFO landings have now been recorded in 65 countries (mainly the USA, France, Canada, Spain, Australia, Argentina, England and Brazil).
Most often, landings occur at night and in remote sparsely populated areas, far from large cities. According to T. Phillips, the average length of time a UFO stays on Earth is about 5 minutes. In most cases, egg-shaped UFOs with a diameter of about three meters or objects having the shape of a plate with a diameter of 7-9 m land. When landing, UFOs usually release landing legs, and sometimes land on the body in a horizontal position, although there are isolated cases when they landed "on edge". ". After the UFOs take off, at their landing sites, in about 50% of cases, various traces of mechanical impact remain. Indentations are sometimes found in the soil, which appear to be caused by the weight of objects as they land directly on the hull.
At the landing sites, an anomalous presence of substances not characteristic of the area was recorded, in particular magnesium, manganese, tin, as well as an oily green rapidly evaporating liquid that has no analogues on Earth.
Cases have also been recorded when, during the passage of a UFO, strange long white threads, nicknamed "angel hair", fell to the ground. These threads gradually turned into a gelatinous smelling mass, which quickly evaporated. Touching them caused itching and left stains on the hands.
The impact of UFOs on vegetation is expressed primarily in the fact that circles or rings of burnt or crushed grass and scorched or broken trees are often found at landing sites.
At the same time, many cases are known when no traces were left at the landing site.

The impact of UFOs on technology

A wide variety of UFO impacts on various types of equipment have been recorded: from the harmless rotation of compass needles to the death of aircraft.
The force fields created by these objects can temporarily disrupt the operation of electric and mechanical clocks, the operation of radio equipment, weapon control systems, and even the power supply of entire cities, cause internal combustion engines to stop, and attract heavy objects to objects.
The impact of UFOs on the compasses of ships and aircraft was expressed in the fact that their arrows sometimes followed objects, as if attracted by them, or continuously rotated.
A number of cases are known in the USA and in France, when the appearance of a UFO caused a violation of the course or a stop of electric and mechanical watches.
Very often, the appearance of a UFO led to the cessation of radio equipment, which began to work again as soon as the UFO left. In other cases, during UFO flights, intense interference was noted in the work of radio and television stations. Cases of temporary cessation of the operation of radar stations were also recorded when a UFO appeared. The examples below show that UFOs can disrupt weapons control systems.
One of the proofs of the strong electromagnetic impact from UFOs are also inexplicable disruptions in the operation of the power supply systems of entire cities during their flights. In some cases, the power supply is completely cut off, which is explained by the operation of the emergency shutdown relay or blown fuses. However, there were also such cases of power failure during UFO flights, when electric light bulbs in cities continued to smolder, that is, the operation of power plants did not stop, and the relays did not turn off, which indicates some kind of special impact from the UFO. There have also been cases where the pulsation of a hovering UFO caused a corresponding pulsation of electric lighting or bells.
It has also been observed that when UFOs appear at low altitude, the gasoline engines of cars that are in the immediate vicinity of these objects usually stall, the headlights of cars dim or go out at night, and the radios turn off. According to MUFON, more than 400 cases of car engines stopping during encounters with UFOs have been recorded in the United States.
There are also examples when, under the influence of a UFO, the engines of flying aircraft stopped or began to work intermittently. There are also known cases of aircraft deaths in a collision with a UFO.
Many UFO researchers speculate that the shutdown of gasoline internal combustion engines is apparently caused by the powerful electromagnetic fields that can be created by these objects and affect the ignition systems of the engines. Under the influence of such a field, a very high voltage is induced in the bobbin, and strong ionization occurs in the interrupter, causing breakdowns of discharges to all candles at once, and the ignition becomes continuous. And this leads to the simultaneous ignition of the combustible mixture in all cylinders at once and the unconditional stop of the engine, and hence the generator operating from it.