How to understand that a man changes the scales. How men of different zodiac signs change

The news of the betrayal of a loved one drives into a stupor. But when the first shock passes, the woman begins to think: what to do next? You can file for divorce. You can be patient and be patient. You can do self-flagellation - they say, it's your own fault. And you can try to save the relationship, having previously dotted all the "i". Which scenario to choose? It all depends on what sign of the zodiac your spouse was born under.


Cheating for him is the easiest way to paint everyday life with bright colors. In the phrase “new woman”, the main word for him is “new”. Being addicted by nature, he goes headlong into the novel, and therefore you will very quickly understand what's what. What to do? To begin with, understand: he is not cheating because he has stopped loving you, but because he is bored. So give him a good shake: he clearly deserves it! Aries are the main owners and jealous of the Zodiac. Stay at work a couple of times, come home with flowers without explaining where they come from, spend the night with a friend. And your lamb will immediately turn its attention to you.


Sneak meetings and constant lies are not to Taurus' liking - they try their best to avoid emotional shocks. Comfort for them is above all. Actually, they change only when they lack attention to their person. The ideal wife for Taurus is a mother. But how many wives are ready to take on this role? What to do if such a disaster happened in your family? In no case do not make a scandal. It is better to sit down at the negotiating table, discuss everything and together outline a plan for overcoming the crisis. Rest assured he will appreciate it. Learn your lesson and at least occasionally bring him breakfast in bed.


It is not lust that pushes Gemini to cheat, but intelligence: his chosen ones do not always shine with beauty, but they are smart and sharp-tongued. And since the thirst for communication of Gemini knows no boundaries, and the circle of his acquaintances is unusually wide, one interesting interlocutor replaces another. And faster than you manage to reach the registry office with a divorce application. What to do? Ask yourself if you are ready to go home only “in full dress” for your husband, share absolutely all his hobbies with him and endlessly amaze him - either with a new hairstyle, or a hobby, or a culinary masterpiece? If yes, act: and it will be yours forever. Well, if not, then part with him without any regret.


You will probably be the last to know about the intrigues of your Cancer spouse. It doesn't look like him at all! Alas: homely and child-loving Cancers often indulge in all serious. And all because they are very sensual, besides, they have a very powerful instinct for procreation. So they go to the left, but at the same time they never leave the legitimate half. What to do? Make an ugly scandal. Give yourself free rein - the higher the decibels, the more likely that Cancer will agree to anything, if only you would stop yelling. He does not tolerate conversations in raised tones. And after peace reigns, try to diversify your intimate life. Another child will not hurt either: Cancer will be happy!

a lion

Leo is vain, therefore it costs nothing to seduce him: a couple of compliments - and his thoughts flowed in the wrong direction. In addition, it is very important for Leo to be able to boast of his mistress among friends: “What a fine fellow I am - I grabbed such a steal.” At the same time, the young may not be young, but do not steal: the main thing is how to serve. And Leo knows how to serve. What to do? Beat selfishness. Pretend that you are not in the know and present your mistress with the right sauce: “Imagine, they told me here that your secretary called you a toad” ... If you don’t know the name of your rival, you will have to do an upgrade: become slimmer, well-groomed and smarter. Well, or learn to throw dust in the eyes of your Leo.


Virgo men are the best of husbands: they work, raise children, manage, save money. They expect the same from their spouses. The Virgo man gets upset if his wife suddenly buys a dress for no reason. And her innocent coquetry with others can at all serve as a sign for the Virgin: it's time to look for another - quiet - harbor. What to do? Forget about unscheduled spending and flirting. A husband should see you as a reliable partner who shares his life values. It is also worth visiting the faithful at work: the mistress is probably one of his colleagues. Gently criticize potential rivals: "It's a pity that she has such ugly legs." Virgo-husband will definitely “hook” with consciousness for this thought, and she will no longer give him rest ...


Libra men cheat on their wives for only one reason: when they fall in love. They do not spend money on casual relationships - naked sex alone satisfies them much less than a romantic connection. Moreover: they are capable of a platonic romance. So if your husband did not come to spend the night, this does not mean that he definitely cheated on you: he could easily ride his passion on a boat in the park. What to do? Well, what can you do with a lover? Nothing but to be patient: either the love obsession will vanish without a trace, or the husband will pack his bags. So you have to be ready for anything and try to adequately accept any of his decisions ...


Scorpio is greedy for romance, riddles and secrets. He will change without hesitation if he meets a lady who is smart enough to portray mystery and inaccessibility. What to do? It is useless to appeal to conscience. Why then? To the unconscious! Concentrate your husband's attention on the happy time you spent together. Only without funeral services! Arrange a holiday - call old friends, remember the past, look through an album with old photographs - there will certainly be those where your couple was captured during the period of falling in love. Let him relive the moments that once brought you together. These psychological tricks will help keep the family together.


Cheating is often the norm for Sagittarius men. For him, this is a way of self-affirmation. Luckily one of many. If your husband is confident in himself, if he feels like an accomplished person, then you can stop reading further: such a Sagittarius will never stoop to an affair. But it's a trumpet when cherished ideals slip away all the time. Sagittarius "gets self-respect" with the help of a mistress. What to do? Find a person who has authority in the eyes of Sagittarius, who would popularly explain to him that extramarital affairs are a sign of bad taste, and the constant need to lie and dodge degrades man's dignity.


The righteous-Capricorns take the path of betrayal, being in the grip of false stereotypes. For example: a mistress is “placed” by status for a boss, or - one must thank love for love. What to do? Do not appeal to conscience: a false sense of responsibility will not allow Capricorn to leave his mistress. Much more effective will be the gossip of others. So take care to form public opinion. When he hears a giggle behind his back, he will probably think about it and, being naturally correct, will leave his mistress.


Cheating is second nature to Aquarius men. If you want to stay with him, learn to turn a blind eye to his late returns, "believe" in frequent business trips. But know: no matter how long-suffering you may be, Aquarius can break the bonds of Hymen at any moment. What to do? You can save face and file for divorce first. If your love is so great that you are ready to save your marriage with the last of your strength, answer cheating for cheating - to raise your self-esteem. A confident woman always looks attractive - even in the eyes of Aquarius.


The most important thing for a Pisces man is solitude and tranquility. If he knows that a quiet corner and a comfortable chair in front of the TV await him at home, he will never cheat on his wife. But if you put a bunch of household chores on him, you can be sure that he will start looking for another comfortable chair. What to do? Do not bring your husband to change. Give him the opportunity to be lazy at least an hour a day, do not pull on trifles, and if you really need to nail a shelf, call your husband for an hour. If trouble happened, then do not harass him with nit-picking: then he will consider that he did the right thing. The most correct thing is to leave him alone: ​​the longer he sits in his chair, the faster he will return to the bosom of the family.

Do you want to know how faithful representatives of different zodiac signs are to each other? Especially for you, we have compiled a rating in descending order, starting with the most faithful people.


1st place. Scorpio ranks first in marital fidelity, and this is the case when the external impression of a person can be deceiving. Powerful sexual energy emanates from representatives of this zodiac sign, but Scorpio has everything under control. A loved one for him becomes the center of the universe, and it would seem that this should be the key to a strong connection, but in reality it is often different.

A Scorpio in love, whether a man or a woman, does everything to completely take over his partner, leaving him no personal space. Scorpio is jealous like no one else, he is the first owner, whose feelings are never divided in half. If he loves, he will be faithful to his husband or wife, not allowing betrayal even in his thoughts. If his pride is hurt by the lies of his spouse, the relationship, most likely, is no longer subject to salvation.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read a detailed description of Scorpio.


2nd place. As in the case of the representative of the previous zodiac sign, the temperamental and sexually relaxed Aries does not outwardly give the impression of a good boy, but this does not prevent him from being faithful to his wife or husband. Aries can change his wife only because of a very deep resentment for the romance of his beloved on the side, but in this situation he will not be a villain, but a victim, because because of remorse he will not be able to eat or sleep.

Family values ​​​​for the faithful Aries have always been and will be in the first place. With a partner, he is extremely frank, but requires complete reciprocity and does not tolerate ambiguous situations and understatement. Aries is one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac, which, after the betrayal of the spouse, does not consider it necessary to make attempts to save the marriage.

If it happens that the family Aries is seriously carried away by someone, then his spouse will be the first to know about it. For Aries, cheating is too low.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


3rd place. Taurus extremely rarely cheat on husbands and wives, but not because of high moral principles. These people are simply too lazy to change something in their lives, and even more so, to spend their energy on finding adventure. They really appreciate an established life, and a spouse who is able to give them emotional stability.

The conservatism of Taurus extends to the attitude towards sex. For the sake of new sensations, this person will definitely not jeopardize his family life - he does not see any point in this. If, however, it happens that Taurus cheats on his wife or husband, this will only mean one thing - he was unable to resist the onslaught of a persistent admirer. However, this connection is unlikely to be long - a double life implies lies and constant covering up of traces, and this is not included in Taurus' plans.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Taurus.


4th place. Virgos are very fond of order in everything, and this also applies to their personal lives. A lover for every self-respecting Virgo is like the fifth wheel of a cart, in which, firstly, there is no point, and secondly, he needs to pay attention and his precious time.

Like other representatives of the earth element, Virgos value stability very much, so they will not risk it without good reasons. Virgo will definitely not chase after new sexual sensations, and if she has an affair on the side, then this person has serious plans for a new partner.

Before deciding to divorce a spouse, Virgo will first make sure that a new relationship will give her more opportunities. It will take some time to make a decision, since not a single Virgo will act spontaneously, which means that the double life will be slightly delayed. It is almost impossible to convict this person of treason - he will find a way to convince his spouse of his fidelity.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about the description of Virgo.


5th place. Casual sexual relationships do not attract Capricorns. They need a person for life, in whom they can be sure, but for their part they usually give less than they receive from a partner. Capricorn is a master of playing a subtle game and keeping a wife or husband under invisible control, inspiring confidence, but few people manage to arrange him for reciprocal frankness.

It is not common for Capricorn to find hobbies on the side - first, his psychological readiness for treason matures, and only then he decides to actively search for a “alternate airfield”, while not getting divorced. A new romance on the side promises to be long, and Capricorn will stop his choice on the one in whom he sees more benefits (which one depends on the individual qualities of his nature).

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Capricorn.


6th place. A young, unmarried Aquarius can lead a wild life, but having made a choice, he is unlikely to consciously seek adventure on the side. This person is open to the outside world and finds pleasure in communication, therefore, in principle, he is not capable of suffering from boredom.

However, Aquarius cannot be called a stable person. Changes in his life are always unexpected, and not only for others, but also for himself. Tired of being faithful to his wife or husband, Aquarius at first can get by with random relationships, the significance of which he does not yet have a clear idea. This will continue exactly until someone interested in Aquarius begins to fight for their happiness.

A representative of the air element can behave neutrally, as if giving his wife and mistress the opportunity to participate in the race. In fact, he does this not because of a weak character, but rather out of curiosity. It is likely that, unexpectedly for both, he will find a third option for himself, or even decide to remain alone. Unpredictability is the eternal companion of the charming Aquarius, to whom the opposite sex is not able to feel indifference.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Aquarius.


7th place. For Gemini, the length of married life does not matter - they are only interested in the quality of the relationship. If everything suits them, they will live well without adventures. Gemini can be happily married for many years without cheating on their husband or wife physically, but occasionally flirting with members of the opposite sex. Usually, this is quite enough for them, and they do not proceed to active actions.

Gemini can decide on a real betrayal if they are tired of everything, and they no longer value their marriage. Representatives of this zodiac sign can look through their fingers at a despotic spouse without taking him to heart - they do not like to scandal, but they perceive quarrels and jealousy as part of a living relationship. If the Gemini is faced with indifference or tedious reading of morality, they will begin to look for an option on the side without getting divorced. As soon as they meet this option, they will very quickly decide on a divorce. A protracted romance on the side is not included in their plans.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Gemini.


8th place. Quiet and familial, Cancers come across as a very loyal zodiac sign. When they get married, they don’t allow an affair on the side even in their thoughts, but if the married life does not justify their hopes, the ideals collapse, and there are less and less claims to themselves.

It is very important for Cancer to feel like a decent person, and besides this, he is squeamish and afraid of any infection, so casual sexual relationships are out of the question. By cheating on his wife or husband, Cancer puts his whole soul into it.

The reason for the betrayal of Cancer usually becomes mutual understanding (sometimes only apparent), with someone from their environment. New acquaintances are of no interest to him, even if they have a bright appearance and pronounced sexuality.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.


9th place. To feel complete comfort, Libra needs a person who fully shares their interests, that is, intelligent and able to appreciate beauty. Both love and fidelity could be present in their life together, but during difficulties it will quickly become clear that there is no one to solve them. That is why Libra tries to create a family with a resourceful and self-confident representative of the opposite sex.

Libra is rarely satisfied with her husband - their requirements for him are contradictory, and the golden mean would hardly suit them due to the lack of pronounced qualities of nature. As a result, they constantly lack something, and they begin to doubt their choice.

If Libra has an affair on the side, it will be long and sluggish. Making a decision for a representative of this zodiac sign is not easy, so he will hesitate until one of his partners makes a decision for him.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.

a lion

10th place. If Leo is happy with everything, he is quite capable of being faithful. A representative of this zodiac sign may decide to cheat because of emotional hunger or indifference on the part of a husband or wife.

Admiration is necessary for Leo like air, he must feel loved and desired, and if the spouse is not able to give him these feelings, Leo will find them on the side. At the same time, he will not attempt to hide the fact of infidelity, and may well be absent from home for long nights or conduct love correspondence almost in front of his other half.

When asked if a third corner has appeared in his life, Leo will answer in plain text. With whom to stay, he always decides for himself, and no benefit or stability will become an advantage for him. For Leo, the most important thing is the emotions that a partner can give him.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo.


11th place. Romantic and charming Pisces know how to please the opposite sex without doing anything for this. Looking into their eyes, you may get the feeling that only with them you can experience real feelings and plunge headlong into the ocean of love and tenderness. Do not rush to rejoice - not only you think so, but more importantly, what Pisces themselves think about this.

There is no depravity in the representatives of this zodiac sign, but their thoughts are often far from reality. Pisces need an ideal that they themselves have come up with in order to live only for him and only for him, to be faithful to him, and grow old on one pillow. Since all mere mortals have not only advantages, but also disadvantages, Pisces are often disappointed and continue to seek their happiness, while remaining legally married.

Pisces are much more likely to marry and get divorced than other zodiac signs. Their families most often collapse because of the betrayals that Pisces themselves decide on.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Pisces.


12th place. So we come to the most incorrect sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius takes the first place in terms of the number of betrayals. In order for a representative of this zodiac sign to be faithful to his spouse, his interest must be constantly maintained and given new impressions. Sagittarians cannot stand stagnation in events and boredom, therefore they often satisfy their emotional hunger through communication with the opposite sex. At the same time, marital status is not a hindrance for them.

From sex, Sagittarius expects not a new level of quality, but a boost of energy, fraught with risk. Most of all, he is excited by the likelihood of being caught, so if Sagittarius cheats, then he does it brazenly. Having received a long-awaited breath of “fresh air”, a representative of this zodiac sign may well continue his family life with his former partner, unless, of course, this option suits the latter.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

It is difficult to predict the probability of a man or woman cheating only by the sign of the zodiac, but given the peculiarities of temperament and character in a relationship, you can make a kind of horoscope of fidelity or the potential ability to cheat on your partner. We present you the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac according to their propensity and attitude towards infidelity in a couple.


Can an Aries change?

Aries is a fire sign, one of those who constantly need novelty and a sense of celebration in relationships. He is selfish and proud, and without a “zest” in love, he withers and misses. If he decides to cheat, it is mainly because his partner ceases to suit him when it becomes stuffy in the union. His ego needs nourishment and attention, and if the other half stops paying it, then Aries, eager to strengthen his own significance, can look for it on the side.

Can Aries forgive betrayal?

Being passionate and emotional, Aries strives to create strong relationships, and if his partner cheats on him, it will be very difficult to forgive him. Aries perceives betrayal as a deep insult and betrayal, but there is one “but”. He appreciates honesty, and can forgive betrayal if a loved one tells him about it himself, and not if this fact is conveyed to him by "kind people".


Can a Taurus change?

Taurus is rightfully considered one of the most stable and faithful signs. Closed in his inner world, this is a man of deeds, not words. He really appreciates what he has and is grateful for the good relationship, for the love and warmth that he receives, so Taurus is extremely rarely capable of betrayal. But there are also exceptions to the rule.

Taurus is a sensual, pleasure-loving sign, and it is vital for him that his loved one show feelings for him and take care of him. Indifference kills him, and if he feels unnecessary in a couple, he is likely to be carried away by the one with whom he will feel needed and loved.

This situation is very similar to Aries, but if Aries cheats more out of selfish and conceited motives, then Taurus should feel not complacency, but the need for a partner.

Is Taurus able to forgive betrayal?

Legends can be made about Taurus rancor. If a loved one cheats on Taurus, then it is very likely that he will simply break off relations once and for all, not wanting to put up with treachery (namely, this is how he sees someone else's betrayal). He will not beat the dishes and fight in hysterics. The strength of Taurus is in his restraint and upbringing.

At the same time, having weighed all the pros and cons, a reasonable Taurus can forgive the one who inflicted such a spiritual wound on him, but only once, giving his partner a chance. This is clearly not a sign that will allow his other half to change many times, over and over again exposing himself to humiliation.


Can Gemini change?

Gemini needs constant intellectual and emotional stimulation to maintain a strong and lasting relationship. If the Gemini decide to change, it is because of the lack of vivid emotions and impressions in life in general and in their love union in particular. Sometimes it doesn't even come to physical infidelity, but you may notice that your beloved Gemini has started an online romance, communicates a lot online and clearly enjoys this relationship, which keeps them in pleasant everyday excitement.

Are Geminis able to forgive betrayal?

Gemini is a dual sign and in many ways unpredictable, including in relation to betrayal. It all depends primarily on the characteristics of temperament and character, as well as the duration of the relationship. On the one hand, Gemini, having learned about the betrayal of a loved one, can break off relations once and for all. On the other hand, they can forgive, seeing sincere repentance and a desire to continue the relationship, not to destroy a strong family with children.


Can Cancer change?

Cancer is the most familial sign of the zodiac and is also very soft, deep and sensitive. Cancer is not inclined to betrayal, because he highly appreciates what he has, of course, if we are talking about a good romantic union or an already formed strong family. At the same time, Cancer is often characterized by low self-esteem, so he can get carried away in those relationships where she grows, and his ego is fueled. If everything suits Cancer in a relationship, he feels safe and has no need to look for something else and assert himself on the side.

Can Cancer forgive betrayal?

If Cancer himself rarely cheats, then Cancer himself can be changed often, but only if he is too closed, dreamy and out of touch with reality. Cancer experiences betrayal very hard and deeply, especially if it happened in a long, long-term relationship in which a certain attachment has formed, because Cancer feels his partner almost a part of himself.

Sometimes sensitive and emotional Cancer is ready to forgive and forget betrayal immediately if he feels an urgent need for his partner, without whom, as he thinks, he cannot live and breathe. It may also happen that he needs some time to think it over, weighing all the arguments and coming to the conclusion - is it worth continuing or is it better to give up illusory happiness.

a lion

Can Leo change?

Like Aries, Leo is a selfish Fire sign, but unlike him, Leo personifies a more fiery temperament that needs bright emotions. In a relationship, he often needs drama, and sometimes ugly scenes that excite the blood. The intimate component of the union is of great importance for Leo, so regular and high-quality sex is something without which he cannot exist without feeling otherwise alive. If he lacks this firework in a real relationship, he can look for it on the side. The partner should praise his beloved Leo, constantly stroking his ego, reminding him that he is the one and only, that he makes him happy.

By the way, if Leo decides to cheat, you should not be surprised that the one with whom he cheats will be very similar to his life partner, only younger and brighter. Leo is attracted by youthful enthusiasm, promising dynamics and freshness in relationships.

Is Leo able to forgive betrayal?

Being capable of betrayal himself, Leo is very upset when they cheat on him. In this case, he does not want to take the place of another and analyze his emotions and feelings. Natural egocentrism whispers to him: how can you cheat on me - after all, I am perfection itself! In addition, it is still very difficult for Leo to forgive a partner who has cheated on him, because he will remind him that he chose the wrong person who deceived his trust, and this once again scratches his pride.


Can Virgo change?

Virgo is a sign of the Earth, so she is distinguished by seriousness and earthiness. Virgos are excellent parents and caring spouses, but sometimes they lack romance in the cycle of life, and life begins to put pressure on them. There is a possibility that, tired of everyday worries and obligations, Virgo will be carried away by those who will give her a feeling of lightness and carelessness. To prevent this from happening, Virgo must feel the fullness of life and indifference from her soulmate.

Is Virgo able to forgive betrayal?

Virgos combine conservatism and a desire for novelty, and for them, the ideal relationship combines these two qualities. But do not assume that Virgo is ultra-modern, so she will easily come to terms with treason. In her, she will blame herself, first of all, for not being able to give her partner what he needs. Virgo experiences betrayal hard, and in order for her to forgive, you need to talk honestly and frankly with her, discussing the present and potential future of the relationship.


Can Libra change?

Libra is a romantic and balanced sign, always looking for balance. They take marital union seriously, therefore, by their nature, they are not predisposed to adultery. At the same time, this lightness, openness and sociability make Libra prone to coquetry and flirting, especially if it is a woman. Sometimes they can really get carried away and let the flirting go on, especially if their current relationship lacks this "zest". If the partner gives them a sense of the fullness of life, does not press, does not humiliate, does not frustrate, then Libra will never want to cheat on him.

Are Libras able to forgive betrayal?

Libra is a loyal, rational and understanding sign, and if they happen to survive the betrayal of a loved one, they can forgive, but this will take time. Libra, who is constantly in search of balance, will need to carefully weigh and think about everything. If they return to a relationship, they carefully take into account all the previous negative experience, trying to understand the partner, re-evaluate the relationship so that this does not happen again.


Can Scorpio change?

Scorpios have a reputation for being passionate and mysterious individuals who cheat right and left. But this is not the case, because a truly happy Scorpio values ​​\u200b\u200bhis relationship and will not risk it for the sake of a short-term affair. But there is one big "but". Representatives of this zodiac sign have a demanding temperament. Simply put, sex and the attractiveness of a partner are incredibly important for them, which should excite him, surprise and excite him. Dissatisfaction with the sensual side of the union and a sucking routine can push Scorpio to look for someone who will become a new inspiration for him.

Is Scorpio able to forgive betrayal?

Scorpios can forgive the one who cheated on them, but this sign, alas, is distinguished by rancor. He remembers the pain that was caused to him for a long time, and even having forgiven the betrayal, he is unlikely to forget it, and on occasion he will definitely remind him, manipulating his position as a cuckold.


Can a Sagittarius change?

Like the other two fire signs, Sagittarius has a weakness for various pleasures, both for delicious food and beautiful clothes, and for harmony in bed. This is a life-loving sign, appreciating freedom, the restriction of which he perceives very hard. This does not mean that Sagittarius is prone to betrayal - he is sociable and sometimes flirtatious, but does not go beyond what is permitted, rushing into the pool with his head. If the partner does not limit his beloved Sagittarius by arranging jealousy scenes for him, he will not cheat, trying to break out of the cage of a toxic relationship.

Is Sagittarius able to forgive betrayal?

Being an optimistic and cheerful sign, Sagittarius, although experiencing betrayal, is prone to rational thinking, analysis of relationships and favorable conclusions, if there is every reason for them. This is not the sign that cuts off the shoulder and breaks off relations immediately, barely learning about infidelity.


Can Capricorn change?

Restrained and rational Capricorn, like other earth signs, is one of the most constant and faithful partners. He controls the situation and the mind owns it to a much greater extent than feelings and sexual desire. At the same time, remaining self-possessed and outwardly even cold, he always expects admiration and signs of love and attention from his partner. Not finding them, he may try to look on the side of someone who will notice and appreciate him. But even having changed, Capricorn is likely to admit it, because honesty in a relationship is very important to him.

Is Capricorn able to forgive betrayal?

Prone to self-control and introspection, Capricorn experiences the betrayal of a loved one for a long time and painfully. Get ready for the fact that there will be long conversations, reflections, search for cause-and-effect relationships and analysis of relationships with an analysis of the smallest details. But he needs this in order to survive the situation, fully understand and forgive, in order to completely close it. Capricorn is a family sign, so he will try to forgive betrayal, if there is something to maintain a relationship for.


Can Aquarius change?

Aquarius is not a romantic or hyper-emotional sign. As a representative of the element of air, he needs some lightness of being, flirting and a sense of freedom. Aquarians are unpredictable and sometimes unempathic, which means they care more about themselves than about the feelings of their soul mate. Nevertheless, it is important for Aquarius to feel that his partner needs him, that he is not neglected, and then the likelihood of betrayal is much lower.

Is Aquarius able to forgive betrayal?

Sometimes Aquarius is reproached for the lack of sentimentality and superficiality of feelings. But this is only beneficial when it comes to such an objective shock for many others as treason. Aquarius is not one of those who will shed tears in a pillow, arrange Italian showdown scenes, be dishes and die of jealousy. This does not mean that they will easily forgive the betrayal, just that they will do without deep immersion in the situation, either by walking away or continuing to live on, leaving the incident of infidelity behind.


Can Pisces change?

Pisces is a romantic and dreamy sign of the zodiac, which is characterized by vast fantasies, immersion in a different reality, dreams and endless dreams of something bigger, better, beautiful and exciting. They need the magic of love, its magic, sensuality, which allows you to experience life in a new way and see it in different colors.

Pisces are distinguished by fidelity and appreciate the family very much, however, the everyday component and the constant routine depresses them, even if they do not show it and do not say that something does not suit them. If the partner supports Pisces' need for romance by arranging little surprises and keeping the fire going in a couple, then no betrayal will happen.

Are Pisces able to forgive betrayal?

Despite the emotionality and subtle soul, Pisces are not selfish, therefore they even try to analyze and forgive the betrayal of a partner. This does not mean that trust should be abused and betrayed over and over again. Representatives of this zodiac sign have devotion and empathy, which must be respected and not abused.

This cheating horoscope will tell you how the signs of the Zodiac experience cheating, what precedes a breakup on such an occasion, and what will happen if you change Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. This, of course, is a playful characteristic, but, as they say, in every joke ...

Couples can break up for a thousand reasons. But, despite this and the fact that all people are different, there is one reason due to which a huge number of unions break up. This is treason. Surviving betrayal is difficult, and everyone reacts in their own way. However, representatives of individual constellations can still distinguish some common features of behavior before, during and after parting due to the betrayal of a partner. So, the horoscope will tell you how they experience betrayal, how the signs of the Zodiac relate to it. Do not take everything to heart, but ... shake it off.

How does Aries man and woman experience betrayal?

How does an Aries man feel about cheating?

If you change Aries to a man, it is better to leave this person slowly and imperceptibly. If he catches you packing your suitcases, he rushes to the front doors and locks them. He does not want and cannot believe that you intend to leave such a wonderful man like him. And the mind that you have lost, he will want to return to your head ... with his hands. Either screaming at the top of his voice, or grabbing your legs, he will stop you, threaten you and demand that you give the name of “this bastard” who turned the head of his property - his beloved woman.

However, the horoscope of cheating signs of the Zodiac warns: if you do not let yourself be intimidated, he will quickly lose his patience, and his tactics will change. What then does Aries do if he has been cheated on? He himself will throw your things out the window with the comment: “You yourself do not know what you are doing. Without me, you will die, but when you regret it, it will be too late! And since the representative of this sign must always remain on top, get ready for the fact that he will tell everyone that he left you himself.

How does an Aries woman feel about cheating?

The Aries woman, in response to her partner’s betrayal, takes revenge more painfully: she willingly tells about every lover who left her, what a short mind he has and an even shorter reproductive organ.

However, in a week or two, the zodiac Aries of both sexes will stop worrying about betrayal and forget about all this turmoil, as they will hunt for new game.

How does Taurus man and woman experience betrayal?

How does a Taurus woman relate to treason?

The Taurus woman, if she is changed, will not allow herself to be left and betrayed so easily and simply. After all, she knows more than one secret of her former partner! What will Taurus do after cheating? He will tell something to one, gossip something to the second, make friends with a rival, cry into his mother-in-law's vest, ask his boss for help, for many years he will sue for alimony and use any method not to let the traitor out of his hands.

How does a Taurus man relate to treason?

Deafened by the news of the inevitable separation, Taurus wastes no time in crying and melodramatic scenes. He immediately rushes to the cabinets and boxes, checks bank accounts, and leaves the luggage just in case as a deposit. You can only leave him in one dress. If a man changes Taurus, he will not just worry - he will be devastated. This man is frantically counting the money lost on movies, flowers, and an expensive gift that was senselessly bought last year. Who will wash his clothes now, cook a three-course meal, weed the garden? The partner cheated on Taurus and left - who will take his mother to the hospital broth? A wound in his pocket and budget hurts him more than a wound in his heart, because Taurus never believed in the sincerity of feelings. And in money - always!

How do Gemini men and women experience infidelity?

How does the Gemini woman relate to treason?

If you change the girl and the lady Gemini, she reacts violently and loudly expresses disappointment. Because how could he cheat on her, the perfect woman? But she loved him so much! "I'll show you again!" - this is how the Gemini responds to the betrayal of a partner. She quickly forgets about tears, because the cruelty hidden in her comes to the fore. The Gemini woman, who survived the betrayal, promises herself to kill the former, calls him an idiot and is surprised that she found him in her time. Before finally breaking up with the partner who betrayed her, the Gemini will definitely say that he is an absolute zero, and leave traces of his claws on his face. More than once a traitor will see her in the arms of another, because a Gemini woman will never refuse such a trick. She has a lot of fans around her, and life in a love triangle is her specialty.

How does the Gemini man relate to treason?

How do Gemini men survive infidelity? They fall into despair because their world has collapsed. Such a person walks like a poisoned one, sighs, and quickly comes to the conclusion that he must challenge the infidel. Well, she did not appreciate the merits of his mind, she was stupid, so you should not regret anything! And, waving his hand, the Gemini man who survived the betrayal is already rolling up to a neighbor from the opposite house. At the same time, he does not care at all that she is married. It is important that she is elegant and wealthy. But before he seduces her, Gemini will be comforted in the arms of several other women, because - just like his astrological sister - he always has someone at hand.

How does Cancer man and woman survive infidelity?

How does Cancer woman and Cancer man feel about cheating?

The news of the betrayal of Cancer deafens and stuns. The representative of this sign faints, experiences a heart attack, and when he comes to his senses, decides to commit suicide. The Cancer man writes a long letter and calls his friends asking him to borrow a gun. The Cancer Woman buys rat poison and, before taking it, will send her daughter to her former lover with the news that she is going to poison herself.

Representatives of both sexes tell about their misfortune and meanness of partners to everyone they meet on their way. If Cancer is changed, then for the next few years, when pronouncing the name of an infidel / infidel, his hands will tremble and his eyes will darken. Crayfish, who have been betrayed and abandoned, quickly gain weight, become victims of alcoholism or another disease, just to prove to the whole world how ruthlessly and unfairly fate treated them, how they suffered.

Since from the day of betrayal and separation, suffering for Cancers becomes the main content of their lives, they, as a rule, do not have time for new romantic relationships. Therefore, if Cancer is changed, she may remain alone for the rest of her life. Indeed, who would long endure a man who constantly complains and suffers because of a broken heart? In addition, Cancer, who has already loved once, will never stop loving, even if he starts hating at the same time. Deep down, he hopes that one day the repentant ex-partner will crawl on his knees. And then Cancer will forgive him betrayal and all insults, and they will again live happily ever after.

How does a Leo man and woman experience betrayal?

How does Leo-woman relate to treason?

“He betrayed me, contacted another!” The proud Leo woman will not forgive betrayal. She quickly becomes so enraged that the walls of the house shake. It is better to get out of her way - if possible, of course. Because, as a rule, she cuts off all escape routes, beats, scratches and throws into the victim everything that comes to her hand. If you change Leo to a woman, you should not count on the fact that all this will pass quickly. The lioness will follow the unfaithful and take revenge on him in various ways. For example, he will puncture tires in a car and cut expensive suits. She will call his boss to report that her husband once spoke about his boss, report to the tax office that he has left-handed income. The Leo woman will calm down after betrayal only when a superman appears on her horizon - an ambitious, wealthy man with good manners. If you started parting with the Lioness, then it is best to find such a gentleman in advance and slip it to her. Then there is hope that she will limit herself to only a noisy scandal - so that the ex-husband remembers her well.

How does Leo-man relate to treason?

The male lion experiences betrayal not so violently, he is not as quick-tempered as his astrological sister. But you will hurt him to the core if you say that you do not want to live with him. However, he will not show that he suffers. Gordo will raise his head and, declaring: “You are not worth my little finger,” he will leave with his majestic gait. What happens if you change a Leo man? In the coming months, he will change women like gloves to prove to himself that he is the best in the business of seduction.

How does a Virgo man and woman experience betrayal?

How does the Virgo woman relate to treason?

If the Virgo woman turns out to be one of those lucky ones who had a groom in her life, then after the news of his betrayal and separation, she will take up a new lesson plan. She'll cut the cheater out of her life, her calendar, and her trash schedule, once and for all. If Virgo is changed, what will she do? She will not think of crying, fighting, or thinking about suicide. She will simply cut off the part of the heart that hurt her, and with a perfectly functioning blood pump, she sets off on a further journey through life. The Virgo woman who has been cheated on will promise herself next time to be more critical and not get too carried away with relationships until she has tested the candidate for at least five years in all possible situations.

How does the Virgo-man relate to treason?

The virgin will not blink an eye when you say that you cheated on him and leave for another man. He will help you pack your things, take out the furniture and find an apartment. Although this person is restrained and friendly, Virgo is still not completely indifferent to the fact that he was instructed by the horns. He just won't show it to anyone, not even himself. After all, only he is perfect, and the whole world is vile and insidious - why be surprised? So this next blow of fate - treason - Virgo will survive with dignity.

How do Libra men and women survive infidelity?

How does Libra-woman relate to treason?

She always has a few extra options on the side just in case. So, if you change Libra for a girl or lady, her eyes will water up except for a moment. The louder she grieves, the less she actually cares about the breakup. In the evening, a new lover will already carry her in her arms, and she will assure him that she has always loved him or will love him to death - the stronger, the more beautiful the new partner, the stronger, the thicker his wallet and the wider circle of acquaintances among famous personalities.

How does Libra-man relate to treason?

Be sure that parting with Libra due to infidelity will be a melodramatic scene from the film. He will fall to his knees, yelling, “I beg you, don’t do this, you will lose me!” He will ask you to think that you will die without him. But suicide will not promise - for fear that you will change your mind. In tears, with dark circles under the eyes, Libra-man on the second day after your betrayal will already be looking for another in your place. Because in fact, human memory is short, and there are many attractive girlfriends. He will not miss just one moment: to console Libra after the betrayal, he will have to give him a house or a car, or one and the other. Otherwise, he will begin to starve under your doors, notifying all his friends first, and then his family, radio and television.

How does a Scorpio man and woman survive betrayal?

How does Scorpio-woman and Scorpio-man relate to treason?

Scorpio of any gender is too jealous to put up with treason and betrayal. Although rage and hatred will rage inside him, he will present himself to the world with a poker face. He will smile sweetly, as if nothing happened. How much poison is in this sweetness - only he knows.

What happens if Scorpio changes? He will not forget what happened until death - of course, yours. He will make his children take revenge on your succeeding generations. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, he repeats to himself, charging the batteries of hate. The fact that Scorpio himself can change and that by nature he is an unfaithful person does not really matter in this case. True, deep down he longs for a permanent and ideal relationship, but every time they turn out to be not like that. So, if it comes up that Scorpio has been cheated, representatives of both sexes will immediately officially, legally, without limits of decency, rush into the maelstrom of a dissolute, promiscuous life.

Does this mean that you will be forgotten? Oh no! If a Scorpio has been cheated on, he will begin to take revenge and pursue you and your new love, even slipping your pair of laxatives. If you want the abandoned Scorpio to leave you alone, go to the other end of the country, change your name, and even better, your gender.

How does a Sagittarius man and woman experience betrayal?

How does Sagittarius-man and Sagittarius-woman relate to treason?

This free and independent in spirit person - Sagittarius - will not be very upset by betrayal and the fact that you have someone. "This is good! The more of us, the better!” he will shout optimistically, before it dawns on him that you don't recognize love triangles. He himself is not very faithful, he prefers an open relationship. After a while, however, Sagittarius will become sad, begin to moralize, saying that it’s not so bad with him, because he doesn’t cling to trifles, doesn’t follow you, doesn’t interfere in your affairs, and that your new partner, of course, will worse.

However, if Sagittarius is changed, then he will grumble, grumble, and this will all end, because he does not like either scandals or fights: this is below his dignity. With his calmness after betrayal, Sagittarius will even confuse you a little. Although you will already have someone else by then, you will not be too pleased to know that you parted so easily and quickly. But a devoted Sagittarius behaves this way not because he did not love, but because he accepts life as it is and does not grieve over spilled milk. Sagittarius will not go through the betrayal of the second half for a long time. He quickly realizes that now he is really free, and begins the hunt.

How does a Capricorn man and woman experience betrayal?

How does a Capricorn woman feel about cheating?

As soon as a woman born under the sign of Capricorn feels that her husband has someone on the side, she immediately begins to actively consult with a lawyer or a girlfriend who has already robbed seven husbands. Sends for the wrong partner of the detective, collects photos, testimonies of witnesses and quietly waits. When she hears the word “I’m leaving” from him, she smiles and opens the door herself. Finally she got what she wanted! If you cheated on a Capricorn woman, then you can throw your husband out of your head, and all your property - hers. In addition, she already has an old man with a good bank account in mind, which means life goes on!

How does a Capricorn man feel about cheating?

If you change a Capricorn man, he not only worries, but becomes a truly unhappy person. So the plan that he drew up in kindergarten and implemented throughout his life failed. So much work and sacrifice, not to mention the costs! This thought sobers him and does not allow him to be captured by emotions. The Capricorn man you cheated on makes a list of things and amounts that you owe him back. He will be merciless in remembering what he considers to be his. He will not forgive even a few rubles that he once paid for you in the subway.

What else does Capricorn do if he is being cheated on? He is terribly jealous, cannot forgive himself for missing the moment when you cuckolded him. He may fall into depression or such despair that for the rest of his life no woman will be able to get through to him.

His astrological sister, the Capricorn woman, does the same after infidelity.

How does Aquarius experience a betrayal by a man and a woman?

How does Aquarius-woman relate to treason?

If Aquarius has been cheated on, he will be damn sorry, but he will not sink into depression, although anger will increase in it. “He just recently said that he loves that I am the only one! And how to trust these men! It’s good that I never trusted him to the end, ”the Aquarius woman comforts herself after the betrayal of her partner. She explains to herself that one cannot force anyone to love, and decides to remember only the most beautiful moments of life together. After all, life does not end with men's pants alone! What happens next after the betrayal? The Aquarius woman proudly raises her head and takes on the general cleaning of the house, learning a foreign language or career planning. Therefore, no one will ever know that she was heartbroken. After effective work therapy, she is ready for her next romance.

How does Aquarius-man relate to treason?

No one will be surprised if the Aquarius husband is cheated on. Probably himself too. Because, absorbed in his projects, he completely forgot that someone else shares his life with him. After the betrayal, Aquarius, of course, will be a little upset, because there will be no one to take care of his house, take care of him and the children. “I’ll have to look for someone,” he mutters under his breath and goes about his business. An Aquarius man is already a person hardened in parting. Women were already leaving him, because in the bedroom he only read or drew diagrams of his new inventions.

How do a man and a woman survive the betrayal of Pisces?

How does Pisces-woman relate to treason?

Even just a vague suspicion that she was cheated on causes a hysteria that knows no bounds in a Pisces woman. Not only does she shed tears and sob at the top of her voice. In desperation, the sufferer swallows all the pills in a row from the home medicine cabinet, washing them down with a glass of vodka. Fish feverishly comes up with combinations so that the traitor finds her half dead - may he not be able to get rid of guilt until the end of his days! As a rule, the case ends with gastric lavage. But this is not enough for a Pisces woman if she has been cheated on. She shaves her head baldly, and near the navel she tattoos "I hate you, son of a bitch."

If the partner, finished off by her behavior, nevertheless leaves, the Pisces woman falls into prolonged melancholy. She will get drunk every night, and only another romance can save her, for example, with a pretty emergency doctor.

How does a Pisces man relate to treason?

If a Pisces man is changed, then when he finds out about it, he starts drinking, even if he usually does not like to pawn behind his collar. For whole weeks he sits over a glass in which he drowns his sorrows and insults, and the bartender, at the sight of him, hides behind the counter so as not to listen to the confession for the hundred and fiftieth time about what a crappy woman his client got. “To the girls” Pisces-man cannot go after betrayal, because he knows perfectly well that in such a state his male power will refuse to obey, adding shame to his master. So all he has to do is drink...

How much truth is in this playful horoscope, judge for yourself. We wish you, from our personal experience, never to know how the signs of the Zodiac experience betrayal, how they behave after it. Live in love and harmony!