Download presentation on traffic rules. Presentations on the topic of traffic rules, traffic rules, road signs, rules of conduct on the road by class hour

  • Discipline on the streets, roads and transport is the key to safety
  • Correct behavior on the roads is an indicator of culture person.

Everyone should know this for sure

For everyone who loves to walk

Everyone without exception

Need to remember, need to know

Traffic rules .

Rules are needed for safe movement on the streets and roads. Due to violations of the Rules, accidents occur, pedestrians, drivers and passengers are killed and injured.


  • crossroads is the section of the road where the paths of transport intersect. This is the most dangerous place for pedestrians and drivers.
  • Streets intersect there, cars, buses, trams, trolleybuses drive, there are always a lot of pedestrians.

Attention!!! .


In order to cross to the other side of the street, there are certain places and they are called pedestrian crossings. They are marked with "Pedestrian crossing" road signs and white zebra lines.


Underground pedestrian crossing

elevated crosswalk

  • The first traffic light appeared in England in 1868. It was a two-section gas lamp (red and green)
  • The third section (yellow) was replaced by a traffic controller. He blew the whistle, warning that one signal was about to be replaced by another.
  • In Russia, the first three-section traffic light appeared in 1929.

Why were these colors chosen for the traffic light?

Red color very noticeable. Therefore, many road signs are circled in red. The idea of ​​fire and danger is associated with red. He calls for caution. That is why the red signal was instructed to stop vehicles and pedestrians.

Yellow resembles the sun.

It warns: “Attention!

Be careful. Do not rush!"

Green color is safety. Green color is fields, meadows, forests. That is, everything that is connected with peace and rest.

Types of traffic lights

Pedestrian Transport

What does each mean

from traffic lights?

Everyone knows the rules of the road pedestrians and drivers.

You should know them too.

Who breaks the rules of the road?

Walking carefully

Follow the street

And only where possible

Pass her!

How to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing?

Cross the street carefully!

There are no random characters. All of them are designed for the good of the cause. 30 years ago there were only fifty signs. Today there are more than 200 of them.

Road signs are bright and visible from afar.

The task of the road sign is to inform the driver about the danger and traffic conditions in a timely manner.


Got a sign

An accident is a disaster.

It also depends on us whether an accident occurs on the road or not. All of us – both drivers and pedestrians – are road users. Therefore, they must follow the rules in force on the road.

Very important science

traffic rules,

And they must comply

All without exception!

Knowledge of the rules of the road is an indicator of human culture.

Be disciplined on the street!

I wish you safe roads!

Ringing, flooding, cheerful call.

What a pity that the lesson ended so quickly ...

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Up to 250,000 people per year on our planet die in car accidents, in Russia - 40,000.

So that we don’t have any accidents on all roads, Learn the traffic rules And remember our order!

Right-hand traffic in Russia was introduced in 1812 for carriages and carriages INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE RULES OF THE ROAD The first traffic light was installed in Moscow in 1924

INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE RULES OF THE ROAD In 1924, a wand began to be used to regulate traffic on the streets of Moscow


INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT RULES OF THE ROAD "On safety lines" for pedestrians appeared in 1933.

Who is in danger?

Who is safe?

GAME "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"


Road signs

LIGHT FOR FOR LIGHT FOROS - carrier, carrier

Traffic light - our reliable assistant Red light - be careful Yellow light - wait a little Green light - you can start on the road!

COMPETITION 1. Why can't you suddenly appear in front of a nearby vehicle? Because the car will not have time to slow down Because the driver will swear Because 2.Where do you need to wait for a trolleybus, bus? Anywhere On the side of the road In specially equipped places, at bus stops

COMPETITION 3. How do you get around cars parked on the sidewalk? Anywhere Front long distance Rear long distance 4. What shape and color are prohibition signs? Blue square Red circle Red triangle

COMPETITION 5. What is the phone number for calling the police? 01 02 03 6. On which side of the street do we have traffic? On any On the right On the left

COMPETITION 7. At what age are children allowed to ride bicycles on the road? From 7 years old From 14 years old From 18 years old 8. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? 1 2 3

COMPETITION 9. Where can one cross the carriageway of a motor road if there is no pedestrian crossing? Nowhere to cross Nowhere 10. How to safely cross the road after getting off the bus? In front of the bus Behind the bus

COMPETITION 11 . Two boys and three girls left the school. When they approached the pedestrian crossing, the green light had already begun to flash. The boys ran across the road at a run, while the girls stayed to wait for the next signal. How many children crossed the road correctly? 5 2 boys 3 girls 12. Seven boys were playing ball on the carriageway. Two went home. The rest were left to play on the road. How many guys behaved correctly? No one behaved properly Two (who went home) Three (who stayed to play)

C 7 highway shorts with seven REBUSES

road home

D driver

About the roadside

AV bus

On the carriageway it is forbidden to: 1. Ride bicycles and scooters. 2. Play games. 3 . Play with a ball. 4. Run across the road.

Before us is a wide ________. There is neither __________ nor a traffic controller at the intersection. Before stepping on _______________, choose the safest place where _______ is clearly visible in both directions. If there are no cars nearby, start _______. Look at _______, when you reach the middle of the road, look at _________. Cross the road _________, constantly watch the road until you finish _________. Letter road traffic light roadway road crossing straight crossing left right roadway


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

PROGRAM for studying the rules of the road "CHILDREN - road users"

The program "Children participating in the road traffic" was created so that children successfully learn the rules of the road, learn the history of the emergence of traffic rules, and be able to orient ...

Alla Kovalenko
Presentation on traffic rules

Good afternoon.

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You are welcomed by the teaching staff of MBDOU No. 70, Shakhty, Rostov Region.

We present to your attention our work on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

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The road ... like life. Both in life and on the road, you never know what might happen, around which turn danger awaits.

Their life and health depend on the behavior of pedestrians on the street. And children are the most careless participants in the movement. They neglect the rules of conduct, primarily because they do not represent the danger that threatens them.

And therefore, it is necessary to prepare yourself and especially children for various unforeseen situations on the road from an early age.

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Preschoolers do not have a protective psychological reaction to the traffic situation, which is characteristic of adults. The thirst for knowledge, the desire to constantly discover something new puts the child in front of real dangers, including on the streets of the city.

I think that the sooner we introduce the child to the rules of the road, teach him the skills of a culture of behavior on the streets and roads, the less accidents there will be on the roadway.

That is why from a very early age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and the rules of the road. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions.

4 slide - 5 slide:

In our kindergarten, the commission "For Road Safety" coordinates the work on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

On this slide, you can follow the work of the Commission "For Road Safety" with teachers, children, parents, as well as with society.

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For the implementation of the tasks set in the preschool educational institution, the necessary conditions are created. A methodical office and safety corners for traffic rules have been equipped, in which there is a variety of advisory material, recommendations, materials of the commission "For traffic safety", seminars, video materials.

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The office is provided with instructional material, periodicals (newspaper "Good Road of Childhood" and "Journey to the Green Light" magazine).

Information stands have been set up for teachers, where you can find information about planned events, the stages of the game - the “Traffic Light Adventures” journey, specific recommendations for teaching traffic rules to preschoolers, etc.

8 slide-9 slide-10 slide:

In our preschool educational institution No. 70, a lot of work is being done to prevent accidents in transport, with the parents of pupils. This is participation in events: tournaments, quizzes, KVN, sports events, promotions "Children's seat", "Child is the main passenger."

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Work in the preschool educational institution on the prevention of road traffic injuries is also carried out jointly with the traffic police. For children, conversations are organized in which they can better learn the specifics of the work of the traffic police.

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Information stands for parents have been designed in the preschool educational institution, on which the necessary information, reference, statistical, analytical materials, advice for parents are located.

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Work with preschoolers to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road is based on an integrated approach and is carried out in three directions: organized activities, joint activities and independent activities.

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A variety of forms of work with children are used: cognitive activities, targeted walks, reading children's fiction, conversations, creating and playing out problem situations, didactic, mobile, role-playing games.

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In the warm season, all work on training traffic rules is transferred to the street. For this purpose, a transport platform with remote road signs, bicycles, scooters has been equipped on the territory of the kindergarten, road markings with pedestrian crossings have been made. Children learn how to cross the road correctly, regulated and unregulated intersections, learn how to behave at a passenger transport stop, and get acquainted with the rules of behavior for cyclists on the road.

In order to maintain children's interest in studying traffic rules, new forms of work with children and parents are being introduced using information technology tools. In our preschool educational institution, educators, together with children, create presentations “The road is not for games”, “Make friends with a traffic light”, which are used to consolidate children's knowledge.

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Children and adults of our preschool educational institution took part in the "Study of O. Koshevoy Street according to traffic rules."

Purpose of the study:

Find out how many road signs

Find out if there are violators on the road.

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As a result of the work carried out, it can be noted that children have the necessary knowledge of traffic rules: they know road signs, the purpose of the sidewalk, roadway, pedestrian crossing; know the types of transport, the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the streets of the city and know how to use these rules.

And also, preschool educational institution No. 70 is an active participant in road safety drawing competitions.

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In the kindergarten, the pedagogical experience in teaching children traffic rules has been summarized and systematized, a methodical piggy bank has been collected, which is equipped with:

Card file of outdoor games according to traffic rules;

A card file of didactic games according to the traffic rules "Road game library";

A selection of fiction to familiarize children with traffic rules;

Summaries of classes, conversations, leisure and entertainment;

A cycle of observations according to traffic rules, excursions, targeted walks along the street, to a stop, to an intersection;

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To improve the pedagogical skills of educators in kindergarten, pedagogical councils, business games, seminars, consultations, open views on teaching children the rules of the road are held.

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Safety minutes are held daily in the preschool educational institution, where teachers, together with children, repeat the road alphabet.

When organizing classes and conversations, teachers proceed from the fact that at this age children better perceive the material presented in the form of a game, excursion, competition, that is, with the active participation of the child himself.

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Mobile, didactic games, simulation of traffic situations, trips to the “Land of the Road Alphabet”, riddles and puzzles of cartoon characters help children learn how to behave correctly in the surrounding road environment.

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In order to instill in children practical skills in following the rules of the road, group walks along the sidewalk are held to observe the transport, the actions of pedestrians and drivers.

All this allows teachers to comprehensively solve the problems of teaching children safe behavior in the road environment.

To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with the rules of the road, a culture of behavior in the road transport environment.

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In the work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries, various forms of interaction with parents are used:

Memos and leaflets-appeals to parents about the need to comply with traffic rules;

Folders-sliders, which contain material on the rules of the road, necessary for learning by both children and adults;

Consulting material "Preschooler and the road".

Great attention is paid to working with parents in kindergarten, because it is they who cross the road with the children more than once every day and are responsible for them.

Throughout the year, exhibitions of drawings by children of older groups are held: “Such different cars”, “Me and the road”, etc.

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We can already speak about the effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institution No. 70 from the above results, this system works and gives positive results.

But the work doesn't end there.

Every year, kids come to us, and our task is to prepare them for life in society, to warn them against danger on the roads.

We believe that this area of ​​work should always be in the field of close attention of teachers, parents, traffic police,

which means that further search and improvement in the organization of work on the prevention of road traffic injuries is necessary.

26 slide:

"Thanks for attention".

Materials on "SDA"

CHOU-SOSH "New way"


· To deepen students' knowledge of the rules of the road.

· Activate children's knowledge in the field of traffic rules, develop attention, ingenuity.

· To develop the skills to follow the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

1Slide: Opening of "SDA"

2 slide:Automobile. Road. A pedestrian

· More than 50 million people are killed or injured in road accidents worldwide each year. According to the World Bank, global economic losses amount to more than 500 billion dollars a year.

· The World Health Organization indicates that more than 30% of deaths from all accidents are accounted for by road accidents.

· In the twentieth century, the car caused the death of about 30 million people.

· In Russia, the losses associated with traffic accidents are several times higher than the damage from railway accidents, fires and other types of accidents. The scale of the accident threatens national security. (From the report of the working group of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation).

3 slideDiscipline on the street is the key to safety

I walk down the street and try not to rush. I know this science, how to walk down the street.

4 slide..Traffic Laws

The need to observe the elementary order of movement arose after a person ceased to be content with walking and moved on a horse, and then - with the invention of the wheel - in a wagon.

5 slide

Sometimes they took rather curious forms, for example, there was such a requirement that a boy should run in front of the car, loudly announcing the approach of the crew, so that respectable citizens would not faint from horror when a person moving at a nightmarish speed of 12 miles per hour appeared on the road. stinking monster.

6SlideThe rules of the road have been around for a long time.

Conflicts arising during the movement between crews and pedestrians led to the need for supervision and control, in some cases, and punishment of malicious violators. It is known, for example, that in ancient Rome, where chariots were one of the means of transportation, one-way traffic was introduced on the streets, and people specially allocated for this monitored compliance with the rules.

7 slideThe rules of the road have been around for a long time.

Over time, the state was forced to take over the functions of controlling road safety. During the reign of Ivan III in Russia (XV century), the general rules for using postal routes were known, which made it possible to travel long distances fairly quickly on relay horses.

8 slideThe rules of the road have been around for a long time.

Peter I issued a direct order forbidding to ride without drivers and on unbridled horses. At that time, there were frequent cases of mutilation of citizens from carriages and riders. According to one traveler, "... this people is so stubborn that, having met, they would rather break each other's wheels than turn off the road, if the oncoming rider is not a nobleman."

9 slideThe rules of the road have been around for a long time.

In 1718, control over compliance with the established traffic rules in St. Petersburg was entrusted to the police. It should be noted that the state established not only the rules, but also punishment for their violation. For example, Tsaritsa Anna Ioannovna ordered to ride only on bridled horses "with all fear and caution, quietly," disobedient ones "to be beaten with a whip and exiled to hard labor."

10 slideThe rules of the road have been around for a long time.

Over time, the Rules of the Road became more detailed. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the number of automobile and horse-drawn vehicles continued to grow, the mayors ordered a speed limit, first to 12 miles per hour, and in 1907 to 20.

In 1908, Moskovskiye Vedomosti wrote: “The following innovation has been made in the St. a number of carriages raise the cane up in the direction of the traffic to be stopped. All drivers at this sign immediately and unquestioningly stop and continue moving when the cane is lowered. In St. Petersburg, carriage drivers with an electric tram, drivers with cars and cyclists are subject to the same. " Subsequently, the short white cane received its striped coloration to be more noticeable.

11 slideThe rules of the road have been around for a long time.

The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated June 10, 1920 "On road traffic in Moscow and its environs (rules)" became the first regulatory document in history specifically dedicated to road safety. It sets out the requirements for cars, describes the rules for their registration, use, obtaining license plates, specifies the requirements for drivers (they have a driver's license and waybills). Limit speeds were set: for cars and motorcycles - no more than 25 versts / hour, for trucks - no more than 15. The circle of persons who were responsible for violating traffic rules was determined.

12 slideThe rules of the road have been around for a long time.

The first full-fledged Rules in the Union had a long name - "Rules for the movement of automobile and horse-drawn vehicles on the roads of the USSR" (recall, this document was approved in May 33rd). Interestingly, almost all sections have been preserved to our time, only their "fullness" has increased and the requirements have been tightened.

"Rules for driving on the streets of cities, settlements and roads of the USSR", which were based on the International Convention of 1949, were introduced in 1961.

Then, after some revision, these Rules were reapproved in 1965.

And on January 1, 1973, the Rules of the Road were introduced, based on the Conventions "On Road Traffic" and "On Road Signs and Signals" and the European Agreements supplementing them

From a brief excursion into the past, it becomes clear that the movement of people, by whatever means it may be carried out, needs certain rules. And since there are rules, then someone who would monitor their observance is also needed.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

The Government of the Russian Federation has made changes to the traffic rules, which fix new designations, road signs and technical means for road users. The changes will affect not only drivers, but also pedestrians and cyclists.

1. Diagonal pedestrian crossings

The government decree will fix the use of diagonal pedestrian crossings in the country. This method of crossing the road is actively used in large metropolitan areas at large intersections and can seriously increase the throughput of pedestrians by reducing the waiting time for a green traffic light.

2. New parking markings

Now, in the parking zone, road markings will not indicate each parking space separately, but only the entire zone at once, that is, its beginning and end.

15 slideChanges in traffic rules April 15, 20153. "Safety Island"

Appear in the SDA and a new concept - "safety island". According to the text of the resolution, this is an element of the road arrangement that separates lanes of opposite directions (including lanes for cyclists),

5. Changes for cyclists

Cyclists are now allowed to use dedicated lanes for shuttle vehicles.

In addition, a new sign 5.14.2 "Lane for cyclists" is being introduced. This is due to the fact that the currently incorrectly used sign 4.4.1 "Bicycle path or lane for cyclists" serves to designate both a cycle path and a lane for cyclists, despite the fact that they have a different mode of movement.

6. New traffic light design

“In order to inform drivers about the presence of a functional additional section, it is allowed to mark the contour of the section with a red light signal at the moment when the arrow is turned off, which also means that movement is prohibited in the direction regulated by this section,” the text of the government decree says.

We are talking about the use of bright red diode signals, which will allow motorists to see from afar whether there is a turn in one direction or another at the intersection or not.

“The decisions taken will improve the organization of traffic, will have a positive impact on road safety,” the resolution says. The changes come into effect on April 7th.


1. What is the name of any person who is on the road? (Face).

2. What is the name of a device designed to transport people, goods and equipment? (Vehicle).

3. What is the name of the person driving any vehicle? (Driver).

4. What is the name of the person other than the driver who is in or on the vehicle? (Passenger)

5. What is the name of the strip of land with the surface of an artificial structure used for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians? (Road)

6. What is the name of a person who is outside a vehicle on the road and does not work on it? (A pedestrian).

7. What is the name of a person who uses an unpowered wheelchair on the road? (A pedestrian)

8. What non-mechanical vehicle can a person drive with their hands on the road to be equated with a pedestrian? (Bike)

9. What kind of motor vehicle can be driven on the road by a person to be equated with a pedestrian? (Motorcycle)

10. What device can a pedestrian use on the road to carry cargo on their own? (Cart)

11. What device can a pedestrian use to transport children and persons with disabilities in warm weather? (Stroller)

12. What is the name of the person duly endowed with the authority to regulate traffic with the help of signals established by the Rules of the Road and directly exercising the specified regulation? (Adjuster).

13. Show which sign indicates the vehicle used to transport children in front and behind. (Children)

"Compilation of the alphabet of streets and roads." I name the letters of the alphabet, and for each letter you must name the words associated with the car and the rules of the road.

Rules of the Road (SDA) Completed by a student of the group: E Tikhonov Vladislav Vladimirovich

Introduction Road traffic safety is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of all road users. The need to observe the elementary order of movement arose after a person ceased to be content with walking and moved on a horse, and then - with the invention of the wheel - in a wagon.

The history of the emergence of traffic rules The age of wagons and carts The rules of the road appeared a long time ago. Sometimes they took rather curious forms, for example, there was such a requirement that a boy should run ahead of the car, loudly announcing the approach of the crew. Conflicts arising during the movement between crews and pedestrians led to the need for supervision and control, in some cases, and punishment of malicious violators.

The history of the emergence of traffic rules Over time, the state was forced to take over the functions of control over road safety. At the beginning of his reign, Peter I issued a direct instruction on the observance of road safety, in which he forbade riding unbridled horses without drivers. With the creation in 1718 of police agencies, control over compliance with traffic rules in St. Petersburg was entrusted to the police. The state established not only rules, but also punishment for their violation.

The history of traffic rules Over time, the rules of the road have been somewhat detailed. The specification of rules continued into the 19th century. Ensuring traffic safety, as evidenced by the documents, gradually became one of the main functions of the police. Published in 1883, the "Instruction to the policemen of the Moscow police" was given to each policeman, who was obliged to always have it with him and be guided in his actions.

The history of the emergence of traffic rules From a brief digression into the past, it becomes clear that the movement of people, by whatever means it is carried out, needs certain rules. And since there are rules, then someone who would monitor their observance is also needed. The first official document The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated June 10, 1920 "On motor traffic in Moscow and its environs (rules)" became the first regulatory document specifically dedicated to road safety.

Why is it important to know and follow traffic rules? For many millennia of existence, human life has changed. But along with the course of evolution and the flourishing of civilization, life has not become safer. Over the years of progress, the number of cars has increased several times. A person, often, moving along the street, using transport, endangers himself, risking his life and health. Over the years of progress, the number of cars has increased several times. A person, often, moving along the street, using transport, endangers himself, risking his life and health.

Existing problems Road accidents are the most dangerous threat to human health around the world. The damage from traffic accidents exceeds the damage from all other traffic accidents (aircraft, ships, trains, etc.) combined. Children get into road traffic accidents in different ways. But even in the case when a child flies into the roadway without looking around, adults are to blame. Not taught, not prompted, not warned. Either way, it's a tragedy.

Existing problems Some statistics. Accident statistics in the Russian Federation for the year... Over the year, (-1%) accidents occurred in the Russian Federation, (-1%) accidents occurred, as a result of which (-5.9%) people died, and (-1, 2%) of the person was injured. Over the past year, there were (-9.1%) road accidents involving children, in which 846 (-16.9%) children died and (-8.4%) children were injured. According to statistics, the most vulnerable age category is teenagers aged 12 to 16, with their participation every second accident occurs.