The hunter admired the boys The heroes of Bezhina Meadows are peasants. Presentation on the topic "I.S

"Bazarov Fathers and Sons" - Critics of the novel. "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet." Lesson-Seminar. A.P. Chekhov. I.S. Turgenev. What a luxury "Fathers and Sons"! - At the present time, it is most useful to deny - we deny. P.P. Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". My God! based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

"Roman Fathers and Sons" - Maryino. portrait feature. One day in Maryino. The beginning of the third essay. Turgenev's skill in creating images of the novel. I. Levitan "Birch Grove". The results of the study of the novel. Third consultation. The beginning of the second essay. Task 1. Bazarov's unsent letter. Bazarov's diary page.

"Heroes of the Bezhin meadow" - V.A.Makovsky.1879. Night. Ilyusha is distinguished by the ability to tell scary stories in a fascinating way. Means of artistic expression. - Look - ka, look - ka, guys, look at God's stars - that the bees are swarming! Pavlush. I.S. Turgenev. Heroes of the story. What brings Kostya closer to other guys?

"Turgenev Bezhin meadow" - Lesson on the topic: "The magical beauty and power of the Russian word." Turgenev often uses such artistic means as comparison, metaphor and other forms of transferring the meaning of words: the upper edge of the cloud “sparkles with snakes”, “playing rays gushed”, “a thin tongue of light licks the bare branches of the willow”. "Bezhin Meadow" is the most poetic and magical story of the "Hunter's Notes".

"Turgenev Fathers and Sons" - MOU secondary school No. 2 ZATO p. Solnechny Olovyannikova Elena Petrovna. The history of the creation of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Pavel Petrovich Nikolai Petrovich Old men Bazarovs Arkady, Kukshina and Sitnikov. Yu.V. Lebedev. Arkady Kirsanov. 5 group. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 4 group. A. Panaeva. Pavel Petrovich Nikolai Petrovich Old men Bazarovs Odintsova Kukshina and Sitnikov.

"Turgenev writer" - TURGENEV Ivan Sergeevich October 28 (November 9), 1818 Creativity of I.S. Turgenev. Creativity of the writer. Biography of the writer. And work again. Until August 1839 Turgenev lives in Berlin. Contact with Russian revolutionaries. P. L. Lavrov. Lesson objectives: Works of the writer. Literature lesson in 10th grade. Last years of life.

Total in the topic 43 presentations

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Literature presentation on the topic: “I. S. Turgenev and his work "Bezhin Meadow" Completed by: teacher of the MBOU "Lyceum of the city of Klimovsk" Bychkova Yulia Fedorovna

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Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev is a Russian writer, poet, and translator. One of the classics of world literature.

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At first, Turgenev's poetic work developed under the sign of romanticism, later realistic features prevail in it. He had a great influence on Russian and world literature. An outstanding master of psychological analysis, descriptions of pictures of nature. Born in the city of Orel, in a middle-class noble family. He studied at a private boarding school in Moscow, then at universities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Berlin. Turgenev began his literary career as a poet.

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In 1880, the writer takes part in the Pushkin celebrations dedicated to the opening of the first monument to the poet in Moscow, organized by the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature.

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"Bezhin Meadow" I.S. Turgenev's Notes of a Hunter includes the story "Bezhin Meadow". The story is told on behalf of the author, who is also a character - a hunter who lost his way and got lost on a July night. The narrator absorbs the child's view of the world, and thanks to this, one of the main themes of the story is declared to him with greater immediacy - nature and the hero in their harmonious unity.

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This topic is very important for the entire collection as a whole. In his conception, folk and childish are united as two special attitudes towards life. And the wonderful stories that the boys tell at night contain the signs of real peasant life and the poetic fiction of little artists of the word. The innovative feature of Turgenev was a gradual, unhurried entry into the world of nature and the world of man.

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Turgenev sees simplicity and grandeur in nature: she "never flaunts anything, does not flirt" and is "good-natured in her whims." But it is also an inexhaustible source of poetic, creative power precisely because it does not reveal itself to the end. This is the basis for both Bezhin Meadow and the Hunter's Notes as a whole. And this will remain in all future work of Turgenev the realist. In "Bezhin Meadow" there is also a childish purity and freedom of imagination, a poignant view of the world.

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I.S. Turgenev strove for the greatest expressiveness and plot completeness of the image of Paul. He achieved a deep, artistically sharp insight into the relationship between nature and man, using elements of fantasy and revealing the theme of "nature and the hero" in accordance with the people's poetic worldview.

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Here is how the author describes the boys from the story: PAVLUSHA Brave, brave (one at night rides a wolf, not afraid of night sounds), hardworking and caring (prepares dinner for all the boys), responsible (fearlessly guards a herd of horses at night, this is his duty) , modest (does not boast of his courage, does not flaunt it), skeptically listens to others (does not believe in the veracity of the terrible stories he heard, beliefs), attentive to nature (knows how herons scream, frogs croak, where the sandpipers fly), has authority among other children (they listen to him attentively, trust him, believe him.) I.S. Turgenyev's sympathies are on his side.

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Fedya The oldest of the children. He doesn't talk much, he also doesn't believe in the reality of the boys' stories, because he's older, because he knows more, maybe he's better educated. He puts on airs, he does not tell anything, but only "orders", "allowing" someone to speak. Outwardly, it stands out, it is noticeable that he is from a wealthy peasant family (it is not for nothing that the author notices that he went out at night for fun).

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Ilyusha A boy with a rich imagination, very impressionable, therefore he sincerely believes in what he tells. Masterfully tells "terrible" stories, with enthusiasm. He knows a lot of them, he tells almost everything: about the mermaid, and about the werewolf, and about the brownie, and about the dead man ...

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Kostya Vulnerable, impressionable, quiet boy; carefully listens to the stories of his comrades: shy, timid, laconic.

"Images of peasant boys, their portraits, stories, the spiritual world" in the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin meadow" Literature teacher: Svitneva E.N. MOU OOSH №6 Atkarsk Purposes. 1. Content. The development of search cognitive activity, monologue speech of students, expressive reading, the ability to compare and generalize; to develop the skills of compiling the characteristics of literary characters, the skills of working with the word, the skills of text analysis. 2. Activity. Compile and analyze the portrait characteristics of boys. Show how the author relates to his characters. Find out how the stories told by the boys characterize the children; develop students' attention, memory, thinking, ability to analyze, draw conclusions. "Night" Discuss in groups the question:- How does the narrator feel about the guys whom he accidentally met in the night steppe? - How do we know about it? Lesson topic: "Images of peasant boys, their portraits, stories, spiritual world" IMAGE, -a, pl. -s, -s, husband. 1. In philosophy: the result and the ideal form of reflection of objects and phenomena of the material world in the human mind. 2. View, appearance. Create sth. in his own image and likeness(i.e. similar to himself; bookish). Lose about. human(same as lose human form). In the form of someone(in the form of someone). 3. A live, visual representation of someone or something. A bright image of the mother. 4. In art: a generalized artistic reflection of reality, clothed in the form of a specific individual phenomenon. The poet thinks in images. 5. In a work of art: type, character. Plushkin O. miser. The artist entered the (gets used to the role). Bezhin meadow and Snezhed river Tula region We draw up a plan for describing a person's appearance 1. The age of the boy. 2. Appearance. 3. Facial expression 4. Clothing. Get to know your hero. Find matches. Work on the text in groups. Fedya is from a wealthy family. Page 171-172 textbook. Pavlusha: the clothes consisted of a simple shirt and patched ports, which spoke of his family as poor. Page 172 textbook. The same poor boy Kostya is shown. PAGE 173 textbook. What do these children have in common? (The boys are very friendly, not spoiled, everyone knows how to talk well. They are village children, many of them are poor, they cannot study, because they are the children of serfs and there are no schools for them). What does the author use to depict characters? Conclusion: to reveal the image of the heroes, the author uses the portrait characteristics of the heroes Clustering: "Character Traits"

  • Pavlusha is brave, confident, smart.
  • Kostya is thoughtful, sad, curious.
  • Fedya is proud, curious.
  • Ilyusha is meek, calm, shy, caring.
  • Vanya is quiet.
  • Tales- inventions, inventions. Tradition- an oral story that contains information transmitted from generation to generation about historical events, about the events of past years.
  • belief- superstitious legend, belief).
  • Modern scientists call them BYLICHKI.
  • Bylichki are folk works of a superstitious nature, telling about encounters with supernatural forces.
Is it possible to recognize and reveal the image of the hero by speech? Conclusion: it means that the second element of the disclosure of the image is the speech, the stories of the boys. Reflection Questions: So, what task did we set? Were you able to solve the task? What was difficult to do, what was interesting? How?
  • How do you evaluate the result of the class work? My job?
  • How do you evaluate the performance of your groups?
  • 1) Compare Kostya's story about the mermaid with M. Yu. Lermontov's ballad "The Sea Princess". What makes the boy's story look like a ballad?
  • 2) Prepare (orally) a description of Bezhin Meadows, including means of expressive speech in your story.
  • 3) Compose your little story.
Thank you for your work!

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Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883)

According to his father, Turgenev belonged to an old noble family, his mother, nee Lutovinova, was a wealthy landowner; in her estate Spasskoye-Lutovinovo (Mtsensk district of the Oryol province) the childhood years of the future writer, who early learned to subtly feel nature and hate serfdom, passed. In 1827 the family moved to Moscow; At first, Turgenev studied in private boarding schools and with good home teachers, then, in 1833, he entered the verbal department of Moscow University, and in 1834 he transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. Varvara Petrovna Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev's parents

I.S. Turgenev at the age of 12. I.S. Turgenev at the age of 7

Spasskoye was at that time a real lord's estate. Wide, long avenues of gigantic lindens and birches led from different directions to the master's estate... Behind the house stretched a vast, luxurious garden, whose dense, dark avenues led by ledges to the ponds that bordered the garden and the entire estate.

"Notes of a Hunter" - a series of stories and essays about the life of the Russian village and the Russian peasant. The main theme of the Notes was the relationship between landowners and peasants. The author of the collection of short stories passes a harsh sentence on serfdom. Having discovered Russia and the Russian people, laying the foundation for the “peasant theme” in Russian literature, the “Hunter’s Notes” became the semantic foundation of all Turgenev’s further work.

Essay - a kind of small form of epic literature, most often the essay is dedicated to the author's contemporary life, facts and people. The artistic essay retains the features of the figurative image. And in this the essay is close to the story. OUTLINE: AUTHOR = NARRATOR

Who is the narrator?

"Bezhin meadow" - the most poetic and magical ESSAY "Notes of a hunter"

Reading questions Why is the essay called "Bezhin Meadow"? Who can you name the main characters of the work? What is the composition of the essay? Determine the time frame in the work.

The composition of the essay Beautiful July day (the weather settled for a long time): A) “A gentle dawn”; B) hot afternoon; C) calm sunset.

The author's speech is musical, melodious, full of bright, memorable epithets: "sparkling crimson bushes", "red, golden streams of young, hot light." Turgenev often uses such artistic means as comparison, metaphor and other forms of transferring the meaning of words: the upper edge of the cloud “sparkles with snakes”, “playing rays gushed”, “a thin tongue of light licks the bare branches of the willow”.

Essay composition 2. The hunter's wanderings: A) the road is lost ("I stopped in bewilderment"); B) now the path has been found (“... you need to take it to the right ...”); C) “I got completely lost” (“went at random”).

Essay composition 3. By the fire at night: A) a fire at night; B) five village boys; C) ... D / z: continue to draw up a plan, count how many "horror stories" the guys tell.

Essay composition 3. By the fire at night: A) a fire at night; B) five village boys; C) Ilyusha's story about an incident at a handicraft paper mill; D) Kostya's story about how the mermaid "spoiled" Gavrila; D) stories about the kennel Yermil and the werewolf; E) unexpected anxiety;

Composition of the essay G) Ilyusha's story about the late master and grandmother Ulyana; H) Pavlusha's story about "foresight"; I) the stories of Ilyusha and Pavlusha about Trishka (Antichrist); K) talk about groans in buchil, about the goblin, about the water; L) Kostya's story about the drowned Vasya; M) the return of Pavlusha (“I heard Vasya’s voice”).

Essay composition 4. Morning has come: A) dawn; B) the boys return with the herd. Epilogue: Pavlusha's death

In the story "Bezhin Meadow" we see a general harmony - the harmony of nature and peasant children guarding the herd. The boys met by the hunter do not feel embarrassed by the presence of a stranger and continue their conversation, full of secrets, legends and beliefs.

Chance, history, tradition, legend, fable, belief, bylichka… “So it may be,” “it should be so,” “so it was,” a fait accompli Each story is not only a “terrible story” inspired by the darkness of the night, mysterious sounds; this is also the inner world of every child, a range of feelings, beliefs, experiences.

Each story is not only a "terrible story", inspired by the darkness of the night, mysterious sounds; it is also the inner world of every child, a range of feelings, beliefs, experiences. All the scary stories in the story are chosen in such a way that they are in harmony with both the night landscape and the excitement of children who are thirsty for something extraordinary.

Turgenev very accurately, in detail conveys the speech of his heroes. He not only uses "folk" words: dialectisms, vernacular, but also makes the speech of the characters individual. The peculiarities of the speech of each boy give readers the opportunity to better understand the characters of the characters, their way of thinking.

Pavlusha Ilyusha 1. Description of appearance, clothes, demeanor (portrait) 1. Description of appearance, clothes, demeanor (portrait) 2. What stories does he tell? 2. What stories does he tell? 3. How did Pavlush know what he told? 3. How did Ilyusha know what he was talking about at the fire? 4. How does he feel about his stories? 4. How does he feel about his stories? 5. How does he relate to other people's stories (Ilyusha, Kostya)? 5. How does he feel about other people's stories? 6. How does he feel about incomprehensible, strange incidents that scare other boys, what happens around the fire? 6. How does he feel about everything that happens around the campfire? 7. Can we judge how the author treats Pavlusha? Do we agree with him? 7. What does the author say about Ilyusha? Does he like him? What attitude does he have towards himself?

Why does the story end with an epilogue - the death of Pavlusha? How does this relate to the whole story and the ending (beautiful morning)?

Homework Write a story about one of the characters in the essay.

I.z. Surikov "In the night" Summer evening. beyond the forests the sun has already set; At the edge of a distant sky Dawn turned red; But she faded too.

Stomp Distributed in the field. That herd of horses at night Rushing through the fields. Grabbing the horses by the mane, children jump in the field. That joy and fun That's the will of the children!

On the grass of high horses roam in the open; children gathered in a group start a conversation.

And children come to mind

Grandma's Tales:

Here is a witch rushing with a broom

For night dances;

Here the goblin rushes over the forest

With a shaggy head;

And across the sky, pouring sparks,

The serpent flies winged;

And some all in white

Shadows walk in the field...

Children are afraid - and children

The fire is bred.

Topic: "The spiritual world of boys in the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin meadow"" Target: 1) find a connection between portraits and stories of boys 2) Show the wealth of the spiritual world of peasant children

He was a slender boy, with beautiful and thin, slightly small features, curly blond hair, light eyes and a constant half-joyful, half-scattered smile. He was wearing a colorful cotton shirt with a yellow border; a small new coat, put on in a sledgehammer, barely rested on his narrow coat hanger; a comb hung from a pigeon belt.

  • Tales are fabrications, inventions.
  • Tradition - passing from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, a story about the past, a legend.
  • Belief is a belief coming from antiquity and living among the people, faith in omens.
  • Bylichki are folk works of a superstitious nature, telling about encounters with supernatural forces.