What does it take to become a blogger? Choosing your niche

To date, work on the Internet is one of the most promising areas. Almost every person can realize himself in this area, regardless of the level of knowledge or age. Blogging is one of the most popular methods of making money on the Internet, since this activity allows you to get a fairly high income. However, in order to become a successful blogger, you will need to invest a lot of time and effort into promoting your blog. Below we propose to talk about how to become a blogger and make money from it.

A blogger is a person who maintains a blog, and of various kinds.

Benefits of the activity in question

A blogger is a person who shares useful information with other people through a page on the Internet. Most bloggers work in one thematic direction in order to reach a specific audience. In their blogs, people can describe their thoughts, talk about different life situations, discuss movies and games, or share various videos. Blogging is a fairly prestigious activity, since the following benefits are provided to a person:

  1. The opportunity to turn your hobby into a source of permanent income.
  2. Freedom in the choice of thematic direction.
  3. The ability to independently decide how much time to devote to filling out the blog.
  4. Combination of work and leisure.

It is important to understand that the blogger independently determines his work schedule. Many people who do not know the nuances of this activity think that success is quite simple.. But this is far from true. This activity is not suitable for lazy people.

In order to gain public recognition, it will take a lot of effort to promote and fill out a personal page.

When analyzing the question of who bloggers are and what they do, one should dwell in detail on the methods of making money. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the height of income depends on the success of the blogger. In order to attract an audience, it is necessary to constantly increase the number of active subscribers who will not only view publications, but also leave their comments. The number of subscribers is one of the main indicators of the success of the project.

How to make money on your own blog

Let's talk about how bloggers make money. To date, there are several different ways to profit from a blog, depending on its thematic focus and the popularity of the resource. One of the most common types of earnings is a paid subscription to content. It should be said that this method is not suitable for every person, since in order to introduce a paid subscription, it will be necessary to offer subscribers high-quality and unique content that has no analogues on the Internet.

Another method of earning money with the help of a personal page is the publication of paid links. This method is considered to be more convenient for beginners who are at the first stages of blog promotion. You can use this method when the number of your subscribers exceeds several dozen people. It should be said that the level of income directly depends on the number of people who viewed the advertising link.

In modern times, one of the most fun and rewarding hobbies for young people is blogging.

Paid posting is an income generating method used by experienced bloggers. When the number of subscribers to your page reaches several thousand people, you will get the opportunity to interact with large companies and advertise their products. Thanks to the placement of paid posts, a blogger earns from 10 to 100,000 rubles.

One of the easiest ways to make money on a blog is to place banner ads.. This method is recommended to be used by all beginners involved in the promotion of their own page. When viewing ads and clicking on a banner, a certain amount is deducted to the blogger. Despite the relatively low earnings, this method will help you get the first money from the promotion of your page.

Considering the question of how bloggers earn money, one should dwell on affiliate programs in detail. In order to get the opportunity to earn on the "affiliate", you will need to increase the number of subscribers to a certain amount. Signing an advertising agreement with large advertisers will allow you to turn your page into a source of regular income.

The last way to earn money is to place promotional materials in the video itself.. This method brings the highest income compared to the others, however, before using it, you will need to study various aspects of this issue. One of the important requirements is to find a good advertiser with a good reputation.

How to promote your own blog

Let's take a look at how to become a blogger, where to start promoting your own project and how to get high profits from this enterprise. It is important to understand that in order to achieve your goal, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort on creating and filling out the page. In order to increase the flow of visitors, you will need to constantly use various methods to increase the audience. In order to make money in this area, you will need to constantly learn new knowledge and develop in the chosen direction.

At the first stage of creating a blog, you will need to choose a thematic direction. It is important to note that many popular themes have a high level of competition. In order to break into the lead, you will need to offer users unique content that has no analogues.

Many experts recommend that beginners in this field to blog with a specific topic that has low competition. Thanks to this recommendation, beginners will be able to easily get their first subscribers. It is important to understand that when choosing a topic, you should rely on your life experience and certain skills. Otherwise, you will not be able to convey all your thoughts to the reader.

Making money from blogging is quite normal, because some people devote all their time to this difficult task.

Next, you need to choose the platform on which the future blog will be located. Each of these services has its own unique features that you need to know about before creating a personal page. Below is a list of the most popular platforms that are used by both experienced bloggers and beginners in this field:

There are several dozens of different services that provide their users with their own blog. However, most of them are less popular than the above platforms. You should also pay attention that you can keep a personal blog in social networks. Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook can be an excellent launching pad for a novice author.

How to increase the number of subscribers

In order to become a popular blogger, you will need to follow certain rules. Like any other type of activity, this area has its own characteristics, subtleties and nuances. In order to attract the attention of the audience to your blog, you will need to use only high-quality content. Finding content is the hardest part of being a blogger, because the topics you propose must be unique. The author's presentation also plays an important role.

A blog can be understood as making videos on YouTube or posting photos on Instagram.

It will take several years of constant and hard work to collect a large number of subscribers.. It is important that you publish content that you like yourself. Also, do not be afraid to post information about your personality. Share with users any moments from your life, tell about what worries you, and what thoughts visit you. Such information increases the degree of trust between the author and the reader, so that each person subscribed to your page will be able to compare themselves and the author. People like to discuss other people's lives, so you should provide subscribers with well-prepared ground in order to become a media personality.

It is very important to give your subscribers the opportunity to keep in touch with you. To do this, you can use various computer and telephone applications or e-mail, and you should pay attention that active communication with readers helps to increase your popularity.

Youtube account promotion

Youtube is in the top 10 most visited sites on our planet. This platform allows each user to put their video material on public display. For almost fifteen years of its history, YouTube has become a reliable source of income for thousands of bloggers.

In order to become a video blogger on YouTube, you need a bright and memorable page name. You will also need to come up with an original nickname for yourself, which you will introduce yourself. It is important to note that these two aspects are of the highest importance in the first stage. Next, you just need to go through the registration procedure. There are several different types of vlogging. You can review new movies, talk about life hacks, or just share your thoughts. The content used should be published not only on your channel, but also on your personal page on social networks, in order to attract an additional audience.

Experts in this field recommend that you devote enough time to the quality of the content offered. The number of your subscribers depends on the quality of your “product”. At a certain stage of promotion, it may be necessary to purchase advertising from more well-known channels. Thanks to these investments, you will be able to attract a new audience. In order to become popular, you will need to find not only your topic, but also come up with a "chip" that will attract the interest of the townsfolk.

Generally speaking, blogging requires only one quality, namely the desire to

Blog on Instagram

It should be noted that blogging on Instagram is considered one of the most difficult areas. In order to achieve results and become popular, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort. Before you create an account, you will need to come up with an interesting and memorable nickname that will be not only unique, but also original.

Posting on Instagram is recommended only high-quality photos. Try to follow fashion trends and explore more promising trends that are in demand among visitors to this platform. To date, photos of animals, wildlife, exotic food, and selfies are gaining a large number of views. In order for your photos to get a large number of views, you will need to correctly select hashtags, because it is with the help of them that users look for interesting materials for themselves.

As in other cases, the blogger - the leading account on Instagram, must constantly communicate with his audience. Communication in the comments fills the blog with life. It is very important to consider the opinions and preferences of your subscribers. Experienced bloggers often conduct various surveys in order to identify the interests of their subscribers. In order to achieve popularity, it is recommended to subscribe to more experienced users and follow their methods of filling out their personal page.

The success of a blogger depends on the traffic of his page.


A successful blogger can earn more than 500 thousand rubles a month. However, in order to receive such income, you will need to invest a lot of time and effort in your project. In order to achieve popularity, you will need to study various methods of advertising on the Internet.. In addition, you will need to attract the attention of large advertisers, which will become the main source of income.

It should be remembered that the level of revenue directly depends on your activity. If you want to turn your hobby into a permanent activity, you will need to study all the subtleties and nuances of the chosen direction. . Remember that a blog that brings even 100 rubles a month can already be called successful. Its further fate depends only on you.

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Today, publishing videos on YouTube is not just a way of self-realization as a creative unit, but also a good source of income. If a person takes a responsible approach to business, that is, finds his niche by regularly publishing content and properly promoting the channel, he will be able to gain a large audience and monetize the video. This will make it possible, firstly, to become a popular blogger, and secondly, to receive money by engaging in creative activities.

However, this is not so easy to do. There are quite a lot of famous personalities on the Internet, but there are even more of those who could not achieve popularity and gain at least a thousand subscribers. Therefore, before becoming a famous blogger on YouTube, you need to carefully study this issue, learn the basic stages of becoming a YouTuber: choosing a niche and topic, creating and developing a channel, as well as recommendations from experts on attracting an audience.

How to become a famous blogger on YouTube

YouTube video hosting is one of the most visited web resources in the world. Regardless of whether the user is registered or not, here you can find a video on almost any topic, watch it absolutely free, write a comment, like or dislike, share it on other social networks with friends. In addition to the fact that everyone can view the content, the function of publishing their own author's videos is open here. Anyone can shoot, edit and upload a video of any length, subject and content (observing, of course, the rules of the site).

If you make a plan and act in accordance with it, you can gain thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of subscribers, becoming a popular blogger with the ability to monetize the channel. However, this requires a lot of work to be done. And at the first stage it is important to decide on the direction of creativity. There are many topics for blogging. The most common and in demand, based on the statistics of videos on YouTube (views and “I like” marks), are the following formats:

  1. Reviews on different things, topics, events, etc. This is the dominant theme. In this case, becoming a YouTube blogger, you need to create author's videos, reviewing goods, services, news, events, creativity of other figures, etc. Due to the fact that the subject matter is extensive, any person can realize himself here, regardless of gender, age and social status.
  2. Game videos. Video about popular computer games is a separate genre with a multi-million audience. As in the case of reviews, there is also a division into subtopics: normal passage, long-playing (long-playing), co-op or competitive matches, reviews of new items. If the channel manages to gain popularity and be well viewed, there is a possibility of making money on compiling paid reviews commissioned by game developers.
  3. Educational videos. If a person is well versed in some highly specialized subject and thinks that his knowledge can be useful to other users, he can start sharing his experience by recording and publishing videos. Usually this topic is in demand for those who, in parallel with the blog, are developing another business project on the Internet or offline. Really high-quality content will be interesting to the public of different ages and interests.
  4. Facts, selections. Material about some little-known but interesting events, creatures or achievements is in great demand.
  5. Beauty blog. The beauty industry is always relevant among the female part of the audience. For example, master classes on applying cosmetics or the right choice of products are gaining hundreds of thousands of views.

When wondering how to become a YouTube blogger, you first need to choose a direction of activity. Naturally, these are not all available topics. There are no restrictions here, and the user can come up with something that no one has done before, or adapt an existing genre or format. In order to make the right choice, it is recommended to study in detail what is in demand among the YouTube audience, select several popular genres and experiment with each of them until the most successful topic that attracts viewers is determined.

What does it take to become a YouTube blogger?

The form of a blog, in which video is the means of transmitting information, has long become popular all over the world, pushing aside the usual ten years ago platforms for keeping online diaries in the LJ format. The author of the content is called a video blogger. Anyone who has a lot of free time, an initial budget and ideas for a creative approach to activities can be a successful content maker. He needs to create a channel, record high-quality videos and monetize them. But achieving the desired result is complicated by great competition and the variability of the attention of the audience: today a person is popular, tomorrow he is thoroughly forgotten.

As already noted, the first step in this field is the choice of topics. The author should not only be interested in any subject or genre, but also understand it well in order to provide people with the opportunity to subscribe and learn something new and interesting. The second, no less important stage is the selection and purchase of equipment for filming. Becoming a blogger on YouTube is impossible without a suitable set of equipment. In the beginning, it is enough to have the basic items: a camera or smartphone, a tripod, lighting, a memory card, a microphone for sound recording, a laptop or PC for editing. If you plan to immediately start with professional filming, the costs will be much higher.

To date, the market has a huge number of different cameras, lenses, buttonholes and other items for creating high-quality videos. If you start right away with a good quality recording, the process of building an audience can be noticeably accelerated.

Creation and design of a YouTube channel

After the preparatory stage has been completed, the next step in order to become a YouTube blogger from scratch is to start your own channel. It is quite easy to do this both from a computer and from a smartphone. You can get relevant information and a guide to action in the official help center, where, in addition to studying basic information, you can see answers to frequently asked questions.

First of all, you need to register with Google. After that, in the user interface of YouTube in the upper right corner there will be an icon in the form of an arrow. In the window that opens, you will be prompted to create a channel. In order for its name to be different from the name in Google, you need to associate it with a brand profile. The next step is decoration. This stage is very responsible, because the corporate identity is formed here. According to marketers, if it is thoughtful and conceptually related to the theme of the project, the user will be much more likely to stand out from competitors and thereby gain popularity. To do this, follow simple rules:

  1. All design elements must be in the same style.
  2. Previews on each video should duplicate the main channel icon (it can be an original picture, a brand logo or a photo of the author).
  3. In the "About the channel" section, you need to make a description of the project, indicating its goals, mission, etc.

In addition to the design, the channel must contain high-quality content - this is the most important condition for becoming a cool blogger on YouTube. Videos must be high-definition, have an original description, interesting content, and an appropriate category in the Playlists section so that subscribers can quickly find the content they are interested in.

Working with the audience

Anyone can start posting videos. However, not everyone is destined to achieve at least some popularity. If the author does not offer something interesting to the video hosting audience, taking into account their needs and without establishing contact, he is doomed to failure.

And vice versa, a successful blogger on YouTube becomes one who interacts correctly with subscribers from the very beginning (it doesn’t matter how many there are: a hundred, a thousand, ten or one hundred thousand). To achieve this, you need to define the target audience. For example, for start-up entrepreneurs, the issue of business processes will be relevant, for young girls - fitness lessons, cooking, reviews of cosmetics, etc. Here, the main criteria for identifying the target audience are channel statistics, namely such data as age, gender, place of residence, interests, income level. An effective method of working with the audience is communication, answers to questions of interest to subscribers.

What prevents you from becoming a good blogger on YouTube

There is a set of mistakes that almost all novice video bloggers make. Naturally, a person will not be able to completely protect himself from mistakes and unsuccessful decisions. However, there is an opportunity to save time and budget, as well as to allocate resources as efficiently as possible. To do this, you need to know what common problems you will encounter and come up with solutions in advance. Among the most frequently made mistakes:

  1. Lack of a portrait of the target audience: the author simply will not know which social group to target.
  2. Developing your own style when designing a YouTube channel.
  3. Using someone else's material for publication: in order for people to subscribe, you need to offer them something original that will interest them.
  4. Use of risky and prohibited methods of promotion. These include: clickbait, that is, the creation of a video title to the detriment of the quality or accuracy of the information presented in it; spamming links to your own material under other people's videos; cheating views with the help of third-party resources.

Becoming a famous YouTube blogger is easy if you have a channel development plan, publish quality content that will be interesting to users, and use approved promotion tools, whether it's contextual advertising or buying ads from more well-known content makers.

In the lexicon of modern man, the word "blogger" appears more and more often. It is used in different ways and in completely different areas. Next, we will talk about who these people are and how to become a blogger in order to earn good money. So, a blogger is a person who maintains a blog, and of various kinds. He can shoot copyright videos, write articles or engage in other activities. But don't confuse bloggers with regular content writers. The former, unlike the latter, do not simply describe an event in their work, but express their personal opinion regarding it.

In fact, a blogger is a new level for such professions as a copywriter, video writer, etc. Of course, it is logical to assume that bloggers earn more than the above-mentioned professions. People today are not interested in reading an ordinary description or statement of a certain fact, it is important for them to hear the attitude of the author himself, to agree with this opinion or to challenge it. Therefore, blogs are much more popular than simple websites.

What does a blogger do?

1. The most traditional option for such individuals is to write their own articles. As I mentioned above, these texts should not only describe some event or phenomenon, but also express the attitude of the author himself towards it. It can be a forecast for the future, an original conclusion, criticism, advice, etc. As a rule, bloggers work in the political sphere and express their attitude to various laws, political parties or significant events in the country and the world.

To write articles, a simple desire and a developed civic position are not enough. The ability to concisely and beautifully describe the circumstance and express your opinion so as not to offend the reader are very important qualities of a blogger-copywriter. If your articles are interesting both in content and style of writing, then you will certainly become a successful blogger, whose opinion will be listened to by many.

2. The second option is to shoot your own videos. You can post them on your YouTube channel and promote it. An important point: if you want to become a blogger, then you should show yourself in your videos, and not a slide show, as many authors do. The fact is that if the company advertises its brand, then the blogger advertises himself. And if no one knows him by sight, then what is the point of doing this? Once you change the site on which you post content, and no one knows you, you need to start promotion from scratch. If you still need a presentation or a slide show, you can film yourself at the beginning and at the end, and show your presentation in the middle. In this case, the audience will remember you, and you will be able to show all kinds of graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.

3. Another option for a blogger is to comment or post on forums. This is suitable for those who like to simply express their attitude to a certain phenomenon, rather than write an entire article. You just need to go to the site where this article is, read the material and leave a voluminous comment. However, it is very difficult to develop using such methods, and it is almost impossible to earn money, so we are not interested in this option.

4. If you do not want to film yourself, you can make an audio recording, however, this method is currently not so popular, and it will be difficult to promote yourself as a good blogger, because no one sees what you look like. Only radio presenters can be called such bloggers.

Blogs vs Media!

At the present stage, people tend to trust popular bloggers more than journalists. The fact is that the media managed to discredit themselves several times, publishing deliberately false information. In addition, many understand that TV channels and newspapers are bought by the government or private businessmen, which does not add to their objectivity. Bloggers, of course, can also be bought to post advertising material or propaganda, but the vast majority of Internet users do not yet understand this truth, and therefore believe everything that is written in popular blogs.

How do bloggers make money?

The question of this article is how to become a blogger in order to make money, so now I will talk about how online journalists get money.

As a rule, the main income of a blogger is advertising on his website or YouTube account. Also, sometimes content exchanges receive orders to publish an advertising post on a highly visited site or social network page.
The meaning of all income comes down to one word - advertising, and whether you like it or not, but it will also appear on your blog if you strive to receive money.
There is also such a type of earnings as "fee for silence." Its essence is that a politician or a businessman pays money to a popular blogger so that he does not strongly advertise a certain event or fraud. True, there is also a danger for the Internet journalist himself, because the methods of the "powerful of this world" can be even tougher. And although the 90s are long gone, threatening letters and calls are still an integral part of the life of bloggers.

How to become a blogger to earn? Practical Tips!

1. The first thing any blogger needs is a well-formed worldview, which, by the way, most people lack. His thoughts and views should not be borrowed from somewhere, but be the result of his own mental work and careful rethinking of the facts. Otherwise, your opinion will be of no interest to anyone. And it is not necessary that your views are accepted by readers. Popular bloggers are also those people who are constantly criticized by the masses. After all, a negative image is still the same popularity.

2. Subjective citizenship for a blogger is like a broom for a janitor; income generating tool. Without it, blogging is impossible in principle, and an undeveloped position with many "white spots" will not give you the opportunity to answer questions from readers. In total, it turns out that before you write the first entry or shoot the first video, you need to sit down and think about how you feel about this or that phenomenon, what would you suggest changing and what advice you want to give. You can also ask yourself questions about the chosen specialization, not only ordinary, but also provocative.

3. Popular bloggers often appear on various TV shows. It only adds to their popularity. As a rule, they act as experts, and sometimes even represent the interests of a certain group of people. Of course, no one will invite a little-known blogger to television, but if you achieve certain results, then do not refuse such offers.

4. It is advisable that you use several self-promotion tools at once. For example, you can write articles and post videos on YouTube, and the information in the article and video can be about the same thing. In this way, you will attract much more viewers and readers, especially if you link the two tools.

5. Posting and making videos isn't everything. For any blogger, sooner or later, questions begin to arise. People leave their comments, shoot response videos, and some even openly “troll” you. In doing so, you must constantly respond to any praise, criticism or question. In this case, in the eyes of people, you will be a real person with whom you can establish contact, chat, ask a question, etc. If you do not do this, then at one point people will doubt that you are a real person at all.


How to become a blogger to earn? I think the answer is now clear. You need to have a clear citizenship, worldview, be able to speak or write well, and constantly communicate with visitors to your blog. If all these conditions are met, you have a great chance of becoming a popular person and earning money on freedom of speech.

How to start blogging - Basic ways to make money blogging

The time of the printed word, or rather its popularity, is gradually declining, giving way to videos. The number of YouTube accounts is growing at a tremendous pace. Videos are recorded by everyone - from schoolchildren to pensioners. In the video service, you can find a video on any topic, and the database is constantly updated. More and more people are interested in questions about how to become a blogger, where to start.

Who is a vlogger?

This is a person who records videos with his participation. It could be:

  • recording some daily show;
  • report on the performance of an interesting experiment;
  • presentation of current training;
  • revealing a secret chip that no one knew about;
  • review of the new gadget.

There are a lot of topics for blogging, you can choose any direction you like. Before becoming a blogger on YouTube, you need to know that 3 topics have been holding leadership for a long time:

  • games;
  • humor;
  • cinema.

The first ones either talk about new or expected games, or demonstrate the gameplay, create gameplays. The latter entertain the audience by posting funny videos or recording them themselves. Still others share new trailers and new movies with subscribers.

YouTube income

When it comes to blog monetization, you need to take the process more consciously and seriously. You will have to come up with a name that will "cling" all visitors, and beautifully design the page.

The main rule to master before becoming a blogger is originality. Do not copy or "borrow" information from others. The more unique the name, the greater the chance of success.

Next, you need to draw a beautiful header for the page. To do this, you can use special programs, such as Pant or Adobe Photoshop. The picture should be beautiful, bright, high quality and interesting. If your own knowledge is not enough, then it is better to use the services of professionals.

Video recording

When the page is full, you can move on to the next step - recording video. There are two options for how this process will take place. If you need to record what is happening on the screen, then you need a special program, for example:

  • CamtasiaStudio;
  • UVScreenCamera;
  • bandicam;
  • Fraps.

Before you become a blogger, you need to familiarize yourself with all the options. Some programs are available for free, while others will have to be purchased. If you need to shoot something outside the monitor and there is personal participation, then you need to prepare more thoroughly.

Recording equipment

Everyone who has found the answer to the question of how to become a blogger on YouTube can say that the main thing in this matter is lighting, a video camera and a microphone. The light source should not be behind. Its main task is to emphasize the dignity and hide the flaws of the face.

A video camera must be selected with a good resolution so that the image is as clear as possible. Of course, if an extraordinary event happens nearby, then the phone will be suitable as a camera. But if you have the opportunity to prepare, you need to do it, otherwise you will have to forget about how to become a blogger.

Most professionals, successful people who were able to make a fortune by recording videos, giving recommendations on how to become a successful blogger on YouTube, declare unequivocally - a microphone. If you take it seriously, you can forget about all the cheap devices. The sound should be of high quality, period.

Do you need to be an actor?

Considering that people on the other side of the screen will look at the participant in the video, then yes. How to become a blogger without acting data? You need to at least adhere to a few fairly simple rules that can literally save you from failure.

  • No paperwork, just memorized text.
  • Improvisation should take place without delays or pauses.
  • You need to follow the facial expressions, it should be expressive.
  • A confident voice, otherwise no one will believe or take seriously.

Learning to act takes time, and as always, it is not. Therefore, it is better not to make primitive mistakes and follow the recommendations of professionals.

Video editing

It is undesirable to upload the video immediately after the recording is completed. You need to mount it and add the missing elements, perhaps insert advertising or other materials.

The video cannot end without useful information. At the end, you can insert an announcement or answers to questions, or something else. Once the viewer came in, turned it on and watched it, it means that he liked something. This mood is to be used.

It is better to use high-quality and professional editing programs to achieve the best result. And the best, in most cases, costs money and will have to be spent.

Do you need to communicate with clients?

Many novice bloggers make the mistake of not contacting their fans and followers in any way. If there are many of them, then simple answers to comments under the video are no longer enough. It is better to start a special page on a social network or create your own website.

This will provide viewers with the necessary level of communication, as well as the opportunity to hold contests and promotions. We should not forget about the growth in popularity, because now social networks are an excellent “engine” for the development of young projects.

Another reason to communicate with the audience is new ideas. Fans will always tell you what they want to see next time, what to dwell on in more detail.

Brand Growth

Before becoming a thousandth blogger, almost everyone was faced with the need to create and develop their own brand. Any marketer will confirm that the higher the popularity and recognition, the stronger the name is promoted, the more expensive the product or service.

53 232 2 Hello. In this article, we will tell you how to become a blogger and start making money. You will learn all the secrets of bloggers, as well as get a video tip on how to become a blogger and start making money from it.

Why it pays to be a blogger

Every year the work on the Internet becomes more popular. At the same time, it should be taken into account that any citizen can earn, regardless of age and gender. If earlier no one knew who bloggers were, today many people are trying to become successful and popular in this particular direction.

First of all, let's note that:

blogger is a person who shares useful information with others on his personal page. As a rule, each blogger has his own topic and direction in which he moves and shares his thoughts and advice.

Nowadays, being a blogger is prestigious. It is this category of citizens:

  • doing what he loves and getting paid for it;
  • has complete freedom of choice about what to write about;
  • she decides how much time to devote to work;
  • combines work and leisure.

Some office workers are forced to fulfill their duties and only dream about it. A blogger is his own boss. Today, some citizens envy the success and popularity of others, not even realizing that they themselves can become a sought-after blogger. To start writing your own diary, you only need a great desire.

The success of a blogger depends on the traffic to his page. The more interesting your posts are, the more people will not only actively view the information, but leave comments and ask questions. Your income will depend on the number of visitors.

As soon as the page is popular, the blogger will be able to earn. The main thing, as already noted, is to have a great desire and not make typical mistakes.

How to make money with a blog

Everyone who chooses this direction is interested in one question: How can you make money with your hobby? In fact, there are several simple ways to generate income.

Consider what will allow you to earn good money:

  1. Subscriptions and premium content. This is the most clumsy option that can bring you a good profit. The main thing is to understand before starting work whether your activity is worth it or not.
  2. Posting Paid Links. This method helps to make money at the initial stage, when you are just creating your own page and have several regular subscribers. The only thing to consider is that the amounts here are small, and the payment will largely depend on the number of views.
  3. Paid Posts. This way of earning is suitable for promoted bloggers. In this case, companies can themselves apply with an offer to place a post. This is a great way to earn several tens of thousands of rubles.
  4. banner advertising. This is the most banal way that all novice bloggers use. If you choose this option, you can get a pretty penny for views or clicks on ads. This method works well, but does not bring as much money as we would like.
  5. Direct advertising in a video or subscription to a channel. Such advertising today is ready to bring the most funds. Before using this type of income, you must take a responsible approach to finding an employer and carefully study the reviews.
  6. Earn money with the affiliate program on YouTube. Thanks to this method, you can get not as much money as in the first case. The main thing is to conclude an agreement with one of the media networks that is connected to this program.

How much do bloggers earn

As soon as you have regular visitors, you can earn. But how to get money from attendance? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. You can earn on:

  • Selling advertising space

If you have good traffic, you can sell ads. All you have to do is find a trusted advertiser and advertise on your page. Today, the best option is contextual advertising from Yandex or Google.

  • Selling links

Every successful blogger knows that in order to promote their page, they need to buy links in large quantities. As soon as your page becomes very popular, you can sell links yourself and earn additional income. To purchase a link, just visit a special resource and choose the most suitable offer for yourself.

  • custom material

How often do you see bullshit on a good page? Probably quite often. For example, you can find a custom post that tells how water, passed through a special miracle filter, helps to cure all diseases. And, of course, on the blog page they offer to buy a filter at a special price. For such an advertising article, on average, for one post you can earn several thousand rubles.

How much do bloggers earn

Many are interested in the question of how much you can earn if you keep your own blog. In fact, you can earn a lot, because it all depends on your desire and performance. It's no secret that all blogs are different.

To answer this question, you need to take into account:

  • traffic;
  • advertising;
  • clicks;
  • likes and more.

The more activity, the more income.

For some, earning 500 rubles a month is a big achievement, while other bloggers get millions.

Where to begin

If you have decided to become a blogger, you should clearly understand that this is, first of all, a job that needs to be given a lot of time. If you have enough time, then you can start, learn, open up, and strive for your goal. The main thing is that everything must be done in stages.

Of course, the most important question of any beginner: where do you need to start to become a blogger and make money? Here are some tips for new bloggers.

Blog format: advantages and disadvantages

Before talking about blogging formats, you need to understand what it is. The blog format is what you will write about. This is the very niche that you must decide on before choosing a platform and starting to develop actively.

The choice is big enough. Some actively share their lives, while others simply post quality photos. Let's take a look at some of the main formats that are most popular today.

  1. Private

This is the most common format when one person starts actively:

  • write the stories of your life;
  • shares experience;
  • talk about discoveries.

Concerning benefits , then it is worth noting the complete freedom of creativity, since you can post information of absolutely any content.

From shortcomings It is worth noting the fact that popularity may not come immediately, but after a while. Therefore, you will have to be patient and go to your goal.

  1. Thematic

It is not as easy to lead it as a personal one, because in this case you have a narrow direction from which you cannot deviate. But if you have a lot of interesting information, there will be no price for such a blog. Also, do not forget about the style, it should be special for you.

But for good and high-quality work, you can get a lot of subscribers who will advise your page to friends and acquaintances. Quality material is highly valued today.

  1. Portfolio

Recently, this direction is gaining more and more popularity. This is great for those who like to take high-quality photos and know how to process them.

To attract a subscriber, you must take amazing and high-quality photos that will simply fascinate. And this is extremely difficult. Therefore, to shortcomings can be attributed to the fact that a beginner may not have the appropriate skills, since everything comes with experience.

Advantage is that many bloggers can get an order to create a portfolio or get a good order for a fashionable glossy magazine.

If you do not know how to write, but take high-quality photographs, then this is your direction, which you should devote your blog to.

Choosing your niche

The first thing you need to do is to decide on the niche of your block. It should be taken into account that some are already so crowded that it is possible to break into them only if there is a certain "chip" or large investments.

It is better for a novice blogger to look at narrower areas where there is not much competition, and it will be easier to find your reader. When choosing the subject of your future diary, be sure to take into account your knowledge and life experience. You should write about what you are good at.

Only having a good knowledge of the information, you will be able to share your knowledge with readers, answer their questions and give valuable advice. The theme should fully inspire you and set you up for the creative process.

As practice shows, bloggers who chose popular, but uninteresting topics for themselves, did not achieve their goals and simply stopped doing this type of activity.

This can be seen on the example of your Instagram subscriptions: someone writes a celebrity about their son, someone about their travels, those who understand the upbringing of children have occupied their niche in the market, those who have decided to move to another country write about this, etc.

Platform selection

Once you decide on a topic, you need to choose a platform. To make the right choice, let's look at what platforms are on the World Wide Web and who they can suit.

Of course, there are many more platforms. We have listed only the most popular ones. Of course, if you are an interesting person, then you can blog on VK, or better, on several social networks at once. So you yourself will understand what is more convenient for you, and from what you get more income.

Setting up your blog

To make a good design, you need to seek the help of a professional. As practice shows, users of the World Wide Web prefer to visit pages with an interesting and unique design.

If you decide to shoot a video on YouTube, then you will need a "cap" and a high-quality screensaver. As for the pages on the social network, here, in addition to the header, you will need to order the entire group menu and page background.

With a website, everything is much more complicated and costly, since you will need your own unique theme. Of course, you should not turn to professionals, because you can buy a ready-made theme for a small price or use the services of a freelancer.

Blog content

In fact, this is the most important part of your job. Attendance and your income will depend on the quality of the material. You should:

  • it is easy to convey complex information to your reader;
  • write only reliable advice;
  • answer all questions;
  • be able to correctly publish an article so that it is convenient for your user to view it.

When filling a blog, you must do everything to ensure that the reader likes your page and subscribes to it.

How does a blogger become popular?

To become a successful blogger, you must not only learn a few simple rules, but also strictly follow them. If you do everything right, you will become popular and well paid.

To become popular, you must:

  1. Post only quality content

High-quality material is the most difficult thing that can be in the work of a novice blogger. It is no secret that competent and unique material is quite in demand. At the same time, it doesn’t matter which direction you choose, the main thing is to do your job efficiently and constantly.

Only thanks to high-quality content will people reach out to you, and in a few years you will be able to collect a large audience of subscribers.

  1. Don't be afraid to write about yourself

Create an "About Author" page and write detailed information about yourself. In this case, we are not talking about the address of residence and passport information. It is important to tell a little about your life in order to gain the trust of the audience. Then people get the impression that he knows you personally, and when you can say “Oh, I know him!” it attracts more people/followers. As they say in the yellow press "everyone likes to dig into other people's dirty laundry."

In addition to feedback on your page, leave contacts: skype, viber or personal email address. Remember that additional contacts are never superfluous. A popular blogger always actively communicates with his readers and answers all their questions.

How to write and format posts

First, let's look at how to write the material correctly so that the reader likes it. To your attention is a step-by-step plan for the correct writing of a blog post:

When the work is completely ready, it is necessary to arrange it correctly. There are little secrets here that are also worth taking into account.

The main requirements for the correct design of the post:

  • any material must always be divided into paragraphs;
  • important words and key phrases should be highlighted;
  • quotes and statements should be highlighted with a special tag;
  • if there are enumerations in the text, then it is better to arrange them as a list, and not write them in continuous text separated by commas;
  • do not forget about subheadings, this will help the reader quickly find the necessary information;
  • don't forget about pictures/smilies/stickers that will help to attract the visitor's attention.

How often to post

As already mentioned, a blog is like a personal journal. Popular bloggers share useful information with their readers every day. If you want to be among the most sought-after and popular, then be prepared to constantly update information.

Do not forget that in most cases the information becomes outdated. For example, if you decide to publish news and actively discuss it, you need to take into account that after a few days they may simply lose their uniqueness.

Or fashion advice may change over time, which is not the case with facial or body care advice. It has always been in demand.

You must understand that if visitors come in and see old information, they can go to another blogger and it will be extremely difficult, or almost impossible, to return them.

How to become a blogger on YouTube and Instagram

If you believe the statistics, then these platforms are the most popular. Consider what needs to be done to achieve a good result and become a recognizable and sought-after blogger on a social network.

Interesting, and most importantly, unlike other pages, a blog is a lot of work, which implies that its owner has his own taste and style.

You have to be able to both write a good post and post a good photo. Of course, you can go to the trick and borrow ideas from others, but this will not lead to anything good: you will be non-unique, banal and not interesting. Therefore, you will need to constantly listen to yourself and do your job not only qualitatively, but also beautifully.

How to become a blogger on YouTube

Youtube is a service where every blogger can post their video for everyone to see. This service appeared in 2005. In such a short time, he was able to win the attention of millions of users. Today, several million people actively use the services of this site and are looking for the material they need.

To become a blogger on YouTube you will need:

  • Come up with an interesting nickname and channel name. As a rule, these two concepts coincide. The choice of a nickname should be approached very responsibly, since there are many ill-wishers and nationalists on the Internet.
  • Choose an address for your channel and register it. It is worth noting that it is completely free, which is good news.
  • Decide on the direction of your channel. You can review the latest releases or shoot helpful tips.
  • Post regularly on social media. In addition to YouTube, you must post links on your page on the social network. This will attract as many visitors as possible.
  • Spend a lot of time on the quality of the material. You must understand that only high-quality video will appeal to subscribers, and they will look forward to new products.
  • Buy ads from popular bloggers. This must be done when your channel already has a sufficient number of videos and there is money.

It turns out that in order to become a successful blogger on YouTube, you need to shoot high-quality videos. If you can come up with your own "chip", then success is guaranteed to you.


If you have decided to create your blog on Instagram, you should understand that it is extremely difficult to become popular on this network today. To achieve this will require a lot of hard work.

To become a blogger you will need:

  • Come up with a name. This is the most basic, so you should not prescribe your full name. The name should be simple and easy to remember. Maybe you can come up with something original that will bring you wild popularity in the future.
  • Create an account. Just like on YouTube, you can access Instagram for free.
  • Post only your unique photos. Today, high-quality photos with an animal, nature or food are very popular. Do not forget about the popular selfie, which attracts most of the visitors to the World Wide Web.
  • Add hashtags. Hashtags are everything today. It is thanks to them that users will be able to find the information they need and become a visitor to your page.
  • Communication with subscribers. Uploading photos all the time is, of course, a good thing. That's just your blog must be alive. Therefore, try to communicate with your visitors as often as possible and take into account their opinion. You can arrange a small survey and find out what your subscribers want to see.

You can also subscribe to other interesting bloggers, like and take into account the opinions of more experienced bloggers.

As practice shows, many novice bloggers make mistakes at the initial stage. As a result of several mistakes, many simply give up their business and forget about the blog and dreams of becoming successful and in demand on the Internet.

  1. Don't start a blog if you're not ready to invest in it . At the same time, it should be understood that investments are needed constantly and rather big. Some people think that they can just start their own page “for the soul” and start getting good money right away. Know that this is absolutely not true.
  2. Do not independently search for information on the Internet that will help you set up a blog . In addition to a large amount of unnecessary information, there will be no “porridge” in your head. It is better to entrust the matter to professionals and get training from a specialist. Only after you understand how the blog works, you can proceed.
  3. Be prepared for the fact that the first year you will constantly develop your blog and invest in it all your personal time and money. Unfortunately, nothing happens right away. Therefore, if you are ready to work and wait, then you can safely start creating your page.
  4. Do not believe enthusiastic articles that claim that becoming a blogger is easy . Know that this is not true at all. Every job has its own work, and bloggers are no exception. Every day you will encounter haters who will pour a bucket of dirt at you, and if you are going to write about personal licking, then it takes a lot of patience and courage to withstand the attacks. Many bloggers say that before publishing a post, they will take 1000 photos, a bunch of video cuts, from which they will choose only 1-2. And writing the post itself can take a whole day. Although, there are those whose words flow like a river.
  5. Always improve . It's no secret that knowledge is power. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly improve and develop. Therefore, even if you achieve the goal, you can always set another goal and go for it.

Who are the haters

Hater is a fairly popular word that can be increasingly found on the Internet. Who is this? Translated from English, this is the usual hatred for everyone. It turns out that haters are people who simply hate something or someone. They give out their hatred on the page of their blog.

In most cases, haters pay attention to:

  • famous athletes;
  • musicians;
  • TV presenters;
  • private real show.

The more popular a person is, the more haters he has. These are the opposite fans. The thing is, they just want to be the center of attention. Through harsh words and criticism, they can attract a lot of visitors to their blog.

Useful tips from experienced bloggers!

Good luck in your endeavors and less haters for you 😉!

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