What can you do for a cold during pregnancy. How to treat a cold during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period for the psycho-emotional background and the body of the woman in labor. During this type of stress, immune defenses are weakened.

A woman is exposed to attacks of bacteria and viruses. A common cold for ordinary people during pregnancy will cause irreparable damage to the mother, the embryo.

All people get the flu. The peak incidence occurs during the change of seasons, winter, autumn. Habitual therapy will not work, as it involves the appointment of drugs.

How to cure a cold during pregnancy and save the fetus? There are recommendations for maintaining the health of the embryo and mother.

SARS, acute respiratory infections, viral diseases due to the suppressed immune system of women develop rapidly, often with complications. At the first signs of the disease, you need to start treatment so that the cold does not affect the fetus.

You can not treat yourself - it is better to consult a doctor.

It is easy to catch a cold during pregnancy by treating your own body as if it is not in the stage of bearing a child. A cunning disease that can overtake an organism weakened by pregnancy.

The expectant mother overheated in the sun and got caught in a draft, did she get cold? Cold guaranteed.

Causes and symptoms

A cold during pregnancy refers to an infectious disease that spreads to the bronchi, lungs, and throat. The cause of the occurrence is not the penetration of a viral infection from the outside, but the general weakness of the protective functions.

Immunity in pregnant women is reduced due to the fact that the body considers the fetus a foreign body, so it tries to get rid of it.

Immunosuppression, on the one hand, helps to avoid rejection of the embryo, on the other hand, it reduces the protective reaction to the penetration of viruses into the body.

Because of this, even a short stay next to a person who has a cold can provoke ARVI, acute respiratory infections in a pregnant woman.

In addition to reduced immunity, the causes of many diseases in pregnant women are:

  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • gastritis;
  • alcohol intake;
  • smoking;
  • refusal to follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • non-compliance with the established diet.

Even if the expectant mother follows all the rules, does not get cold, dresses according to the weather, there is still a chance to get sick.

Colds, such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, are accompanied by pronounced symptoms. In the first hours after the virus enters the body, a woman feels weakness, weakness, and a decrease in mood.

It is difficult to concentrate on something, fatigue appears. There may be clear watery discharge from the nose.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to stop the onset of the disease.

If this is not done within a day, sore throat, cough and fever will be added to the initial symptoms, nasal discharge will turn into a severe runny nose. The rapid development of the disease in pregnant women may be accompanied by future complications.

If you start to be treated immediately when the first symptoms appear, you can alleviate the course of the disease within two to three days. A preliminary examination by a doctor, testing will show what exactly the expectant mother got sick.

Depending on this, treatment is prescribed that will help restore the body and not harm the baby in the womb.

Risk of colds during pregnancy

Colds can affect the formation of the child's nervous system, provoke the development of various pathologies. It is necessary to monitor the state of the body of a pregnant woman at all times in order to prevent possible complications in the fetus.

When identifying the degree of the disease, it is not necessary to postpone treatment. It is important to remember how dangerous a cold during pregnancy is for the future baby and mother.

Viruses provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body. They, in turn, can complicate childbirth, interfere with the proper development of the fetus.

What will happen to the child if the pregnant woman still gets a cold? It depends on what type of colds, intensity, what methods of treatment are applied to the patient.

There are situations when a woman's body cannot cope without potent drugs. Then you have to choose between the health of an already existing person and the nascent fetus.

It is very undesirable if a cold appeared in the first months of pregnancy. Doctors recommend with special care to monitor the health of women at this time.

Hypothermia, long walks in the open air, sleeping in a cold room are unacceptable.

I trimester

A human pregnancy lasts for nine months. They are divided into periods called trimesters. One trimester is equal to three months.

Each period is due to the peculiarities of the development of the fetus, the formation of internal organs, the nervous system, and the brain. The first trimester is the most important and at the same time one of the most dangerous periods of pregnancy.

The combination of a cold and early pregnancy is undesirable. This should be avoided as much as possible. Rubella is one of the most dangerous viral diseases that can affect the body of a mother and child.

Without a thorough analysis, an examination by a doctor, you can confuse it with the usual SARS. From this, the risk of disease only increases. The only difference is a mild rash.

If a woman gets a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy, this can adversely affect the fetus. Until the tenth week, future organs and systems are formed and laid in the embryo.

If a viral infection enters the body at this time, development can bring disastrous consequences in the form of pathologies, diseases, and complications.

The period is due to the formation of the embryo as a person. He has the beginnings of the heart, internal organs, nervous system, blood circulation.

He is weak to withstand the effects of a viral infection. The disease, which has taken a severe form, will cause irreparable damage to the external and internal condition of the fetus.

The danger of a cold in the first trimester is also due to the fact that a woman may not know that she is already pregnant. At the same time, it will be treated with the usual means and methods, unaware of the damage it causes to the development of the fetus.

The use of potent drugs in early pregnancy, in the treatment of colds, for a child can be fatal.

Self-treatment for a cold is prohibited. It is recommended to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. A competent specialist will select the right drugs that will not harm the development of the fetus in the future.

II trimester

In the second trimester, the fetus gradually turns into a small person. A placenta is formed around him, through which nutrients enter his body.

And also it is a kind of protection against the effects of viral infections, bacteria. The course of the disease at this time will affect the development of the baby to a lesser extent, but without proper treatment, anything can happen.

It is just as easy to catch a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy as it is in the first. During this period, the effect of viruses on the fetus will be reduced, but complications may affect the placenta.

Without proper treatment of a viral infection, feto-placental insufficiency develops. This causes problems for the fetus itself.

The disease and the development of deficiency can cause the child to not receive nutrients, minerals, vitamins in the womb. This is due to a violation of the bonds in the placenta.

Due to the lack of oxygen and nutrition, the fetus can get hypoxia. If timely action is not taken, the child will be weak.

In the second trimester, the nervous system actively develops. If in the first months its foundations were laid, then the second period is due to the careful formation of nerve endings.

The severe development of a viral disease, the appearance of complications will deal a blow to the new nervous system of the baby. Because of this, he may suffer in the future of various kinds of nervous diseases.

In addition, the disease can provoke:

  • disruption in the development of the endocrine system;
  • miscarriage (14th week of pregnancy);
  • the occurrence of infertility in girls;
  • improper bone formation.

Self-treatment during this period is not recommended by doctors. Future mothers, their relatives and husbands should understand that improper treatment can provoke greater consequences than the disease itself.

It is necessary to take medicines only as prescribed by the attending physician and gynecologist. It is also necessary to use alternative methods of treatment with caution.

III trimester

The third trimester is the final one in the formation of the child's body. In the event of internal pathologies, characteristics of the mother's body, sometimes the third trimester is accompanied by the danger of premature birth.

Modern medicine is able to exit children born at earlier stages of pregnancy. However, it is worth avoiding such a development of events so as not to provoke the appearance of diseases in the child.

The opinion that getting a cold in the third trimester of pregnancy is safe is wrong. At this time, the expectant mother should be careful about her body and the fetus.

A cold at this time can result in complications for the woman herself, not only for the child.

When the first signs of a cold appear, measures should be taken immediately to stop the disease. Delay will provoke a deterioration in the state of the immune system.

This will complicate childbirth, the disease can spread to an unborn child.

In the last months of pregnancy, a woman's body is subjected to daily stress. Due to the fetus, which takes on a large size, the internal organs of the mother are compressed.

It puts pressure on all the woman's life support systems. It is difficult for her to breathe, move, sit, lie down, pick up things and perform her usual activities.

The danger of a cold in late pregnancy is due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother is as weakened as possible. Due to the deformation of the internal organs, the very course of the disease, the state of weakness, loss of strength cannot have a positive effect on health.

It will be very difficult to carry a viral infection. A viral infection that struck a woman's body in the last weeks of pregnancy can pass to a child at birth.

Cold treatment during pregnancy

No matter how long a pregnant woman is, at the first sign of a cold, you must immediately take sick leave and stay at home. It is highly undesirable to carry a viral infection on your feet.

For treatment, folk remedies for pregnant women are used for colds, rarely drugs. You can find out how to treat a cold in early pregnancy from a doctor.

What can a pregnant woman do with a cold? Treatment options, the number of drugs depend on the period at which the sick woman is.

Treatment of a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is accompanied by a mandatory consultation with your doctor. With a mild form of the disease, the doctor may advise the use of folk remedies:

  1. To lower the body temperature, use a sponging with water. Under no circumstances should strong drinks be used! You can also add vinegar to the water. Dilute with water in proportions of 1 to 3 if the fortress is 9%.
  2. Sore throats are relieved by gargling solutions. In a glass of warm water, dilute one teaspoon of salt, soda, drop a drop of iodine. Rinse several times a day until the symptom disappears. For the same purposes, chamomile in bags, calendula, sage are suitable.
  3. You can get rid of a cough with a proven old remedy - boil potatoes in their uniforms, create the effect of a steam room, breathe in pairs. Inhalations can be done with mineral water.
  4. For a runny nose, use drops based on natural oils or just use oil. Sea buckthorn dries the mucous well, reduces inflammation and wounds.

Treatment for a cold during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is slightly different. The main rule - to be at rest - also applies to this period. You can also use folk remedies.

In addition, you can use vitamin complexes for pregnant women, with the main emphasis on herbal treatment. Drink a lot of decoctions from berries, raspberries, honey, rose hips. Use honey, rubbing and warming ointments.

In the second trimester, your doctor may prescribe medications to alleviate the course of the disease. Those that are based on penicillin are safe.

Antiseptic agents are used to eliminate sore throat. In case of influenza, antiviral drugs are prescribed.

How can I treat a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? The woman is recommended bed rest. The use of drugs during this period is undesirable, since their effect may affect the fetus.

You can be treated with folk remedies, medicines based on herbs. For cough, take decoctions of licorice, coltsfoot, linden, calendula, chamomile.

Remove runny nose by washing with sea water. At elevated temperatures, drink teas with the addition of raspberries, antipyretic herbs. What else to treat for a cold during pregnancy in the last stages will tell the doctor.

You should contact him in any case to avoid complications of the disease.

What treatments are prohibited during pregnancy

Preserving the health of a woman during pregnancy is an important and priority task. After all, any outside intervention in a woman's body during pregnancy can turn into a disaster.

Colds are dangerous because they do not pose a serious threat to an ordinary person who is not in the process of bearing a fetus.

It is forbidden to take strong drugs during pregnancy, drugs that depress the life support of the fetus. If you do not follow this rule, the active substances in the tablets can provoke embryo mutations. In fatal cases, provoke a miscarriage.

Uncontrolled intake of drugs during pregnancy will bring problems to the body of the mother and fetus. A trained, experienced specialist should be engaged in the treatment of colds in pregnant women.

When visiting a doctor, it is important to make sure of his competence. It is desirable that the consultation is carried out in conjunction with the gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy.

A large number of drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of colds are dangerous for pregnant women. Taking antibiotics during this period is contraindicated. You can not use chloramphenicol, anti-inflammatory drugs. Flu vaccines are prohibited.

Drugs are divided into several groups, depending on the degree of influence on the fetus. The safest belong to group A - vitamins. Their reception does not affect the development of the child in the womb.

The most dangerous are group X. These include hormones, cancer drugs. If in doubt, you should consult your doctor about prescribed medications. You may need to see a different doctor.

Not all folk remedies are good for pregnant women. So, you can not overheat, take hot baths, baths, soar your legs. Eat plenty of raspberries, warming herbs. Watch for the absence of juniper and strawberries in herbal decoctions.

To fight a cough, you do not need to use syrups. They depress the respiratory system of the fetus, negatively affect the health of the expectant mother. Self-medication can result in complications, pathologies of fetal development, and deterioration in the health of the mother.

Cold prevention during pregnancy

It is possible to prevent the disease, rather than treat it, with proper prevention of colds during pregnancy. To avoid infection during the high season of the disease - in winter, in autumn - you need to go out into public places with a medical mask on your face.

Washing the nose with mineral water and taking vitamins for pregnant women helps to cope with a possible infection.

Prevention of colds during pregnancy prevents infection with colds. To stay healthy, you need to eat right, dress according to the weather, do not overcool.

In the third trimester, the expectant mother prepares for childbirth. This is a difficult and exciting period that requires maximum caution from a woman. Any disease that develops at this stage is dangerous for two reasons at once. First of all, it will negatively affect the body of the patient and her child.

However, more dangerous is the impact of diseases that manifest themselves in the 3rd trimester on the process of future births. Even a small one transferred at this time can lead to a violation of labor activity. To avoid complications, you need to know how and how to treat a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.

The health of the child is highly dependent on the state of the body of his mother before and during childbirth. A common problem among pregnant women is. Its symptoms in women who are expecting a child are similar to those in other people.

A woman is tormented by a cough, she feels weak, often sneezes.

A standard sign is the presence in the throat.

The disease may be accompanied by a runny nose or. The overall body temperature rises.

There is an increased load on the female body during pregnancy. A pregnant woman is more sensitive to various manifestations of the disease. Therefore, all the states described above are intensified. This significantly worsens the condition of a woman, negatively affects her well-being and life.

The cold poses the greatest threat in the first six months of gestation, when it is being formed. At this time, the fetus can be significantly harmed, which will affect his entire future life. In girls, for example, this can lead to the development of infertility. Defects in the formation of the central nervous system of the unborn child are also not excluded.

Complications provoked by a cold at 28-40 weeks of pregnancy

A cold that develops during the 3rd trimester is less dangerous for the baby. By this time, the main functional systems of the child have already been formed, so the threat of developing pathologies is minimal (however, it is present at the beginning of this stage). But in the absence of adequate treatment, other complications may occur. It should be analyzed in detail how dangerous a cold is during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. So:

Today, experts agree that the most dangerous consequences of a cold are hypoxia, disorders associated with the placenta and the risk of preterm birth. These factors pose the greatest threat to the health and life of the child. Developing a cold just before childbirth is also dangerous.

Important! If a woman falls ill at the fortieth week of pregnancy, the child is guaranteed to be born infected, which, taking into account the weakened body of the baby, can be fatal.

The fetus is negatively affected not only by the common cold and its complications, but also by the treatment of the disease. Any medicines taken by a woman will enter the child's body. Therefore, the treatment of the disease in late pregnancy should be carried out without the use of synthetic drugs. An exception is when the disease poses an immediate threat to the life of the baby.

Therapeutic measures

Therapy for a cold should begin at its first manifestations. This will make it possible to prevent the development of complications, and minimize harm. However, the treatment of pregnant women is complicated by the fact that taking a large number of drugs in this position is contraindicated.

Many drugs that are used in standard cases can cause irreparable harm to the health of the fetus. Some drugs can cause bleeding, the development of problems with CCC, and the death of the baby.

It is recommended to start treatment only after consulting a doctor. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, in order not to use cold medicines, you can use alternative methods of treatment. They are safer for both mother and child. Among these methods of treatment it is necessary to highlight:

Attention! In the event of an allergic reaction to the components described above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The patient is advised to stay in bed and have a good rest. It is advisable to increase the duration of sleep. It is better to exclude any loads. The procedures described above will mitigate the manifestation of the disease, reduce its negative impact on the body of the mother and child. However, they can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Therapy of colds with medicines

Quite often, overcoming a cold is obtained by folk remedies. In this case, there will be no need to take medication. After curing the disease, it is recommended to take a course of taking vitamins to speed up the restoration of the immune system.

However, sometimes traditional medicine is useless. In this case, delay is fraught with the development of serious complications, so medicines are used. Specific therapy depends on the symptoms presented. So:

Carefully!"Aspirin" and "Askofen" can provoke bleeding, so their use must be abandoned.


Treatment of a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is fraught with certain difficulties. A large number of medicines are prohibited for pregnant women. But the problem cannot be ignored. In the absence of therapy, the disease can provoke the development of complications, including infection of the fetus, hypoxia and premature birth.

For the treatment of colds, it is recommended to first use the methods of traditional medicine: gargling, inhalation, drinking plenty of water. If they did not help, you can use approved pregnant remedies. However, first of all, you need to consult a doctor.

SARS(acute respiratory viral infections) is a set of diseases that are characterized by damage to the respiratory system and have a similar clinical picture. Flu- This is an acute viral disease that affects the respiratory tract, is accompanied by severe intoxication and can lead to serious complications. Influenza and ARVI are diseases that are close to each other in terms of the methods of infection and the clinical picture, but the flu is more severe, causes serious intoxication and can even lead to death if left untreated.

source of infection of these diseases is a sick person, especially in the initial period of the disease, when there are no signs of a cold yet. Main route of transmission SARS and influenza - airborne, the infection spreads with small drops of saliva and mucus that are released when coughing, sneezing, talking. It is also possible for viruses to be spread by food (through dirty hands), but this route of transmission is rare.

Not all people have a high susceptibility to viruses that cause colds, because. a good level of immunity does not allow pathogens to penetrate and develop in the body. With great physical and mental stress, poor nutrition, hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the reserve of the body's defenses is sharply reduced, and the person becomes ill. Unfortunately, pregnant women are also at increased risk of contracting SARS and influenza due to a significant decrease in immunity during the period of bearing a child.

dangerously Colds are dangerous for both the mother and the development of the fetus. The greatest risk is infection with influenza ARVI in first trimester of pregnancy when all the vital organs and systems of the child are being laid.

Complications of a cold

To major complications viral infections in the early stages include:

  1. Spontaneous miscarriages;
  2. Formation of fetal malformations;
  3. Intrauterine infection and fetal death.

A feature of colds in the first trimester is the fact that pregnant women often have a hard time with the disease. These times are typical for:

  • Difficulties with lowering the temperature due to the ban on taking many antipyretic drugs;
  • High risk of bacterial complications.

In the second trimester the level of the woman's defenses rises, and the pregnant woman tolerates SARS and influenza more easily, but the influence of infectious agents on the child still remains significant. The formation of the fetus by 12 weeks is already over, so exposure to viruses does not lead to the appearance of severe malformations. The main blow of an infectious disease falls on the growing placenta, and therefore, its blood circulation and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the child are hindered. To complications of a viral infection in the second trimester include:

  • Premature termination of pregnancy;
  • Development of fetoplacental insufficiency (decrease in the ability of the placenta to provide an adequate exchange between the organisms of the mother and fetus);
  • Fetal hypoxia (oxygen deficiency);
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • Premature discharge of amniotic fluid.

Information In the third trimester colds are similar to the second trimester and also have a negative effect on the placenta. The most dangerous is the infection of the mother in the last weeks of pregnancy, especially before childbirth, because. the risk of a child contracting a viral infection is significantly increased.

Complications of SARS and influenza in the third trimester:

  1. Premature discharge of amniotic fluid and termination of pregnancy;
  2. Fetal hypoxia (especially pronounced when infected before childbirth: the child is born lethargic with respiratory failure);
  3. Increased risk of birth trauma and increased blood loss during childbirth;
  4. The development of postpartum infectious diseases of the internal genital organs.

Treatment of colds

At the first signs of SARS and influenza, due to the high risk of complications, treatment should be started immediately. It should be remembered that many medications are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy and can cause irreparable harm to the child. In no case should you self-medicate, you should consult a general practitioner who will adequately assess the condition of the pregnant woman and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It is optimal during pregnancy to start the treatment of colds with the use of folk methods and only if they are ineffective, proceed to taking medications.

The main task for SARS and influenza in pregnant women is to reduce. An elevated temperature is dangerous for both the mother and the development of the child. Prolonged hyperthermia (two days or more) can lead to the following complications:

  1. Formation of fetal malformations (this applies only to the first trimester);
  2. and premature termination of pregnancy;
  3. Violation of blood circulation in the placenta, which worsens its work and leads to developmental delay and fetal hypoxia;
  4. Violation of the cardiovascular system of the mother.

To the main and most effective methods to reduce high temperature include:

  • Plentiful drink (with lemon, cranberry juice, decoction of chamomile, linden, raspberry). The drink should be warm, but not hot;
  • Cool compresses on the forehead;
  • Wiping with a towel moistened with cold water, places of the pulse (armpits and popliteal cavities, wrists, elbows);
  • Rubbing with a solution of vinegar (3 parts of water are taken for one part of vinegar);
  • half a tablet no more than twice a day (only as prescribed by a doctor!).

A common symptom of a cold is nasal congestion. It is necessary to treat a runny nose, because. the mother's difficulty breathing can cause insufficient oxygen supply to the baby.

Runny nose

Main cold treatment methods in pregnant women:

  • Regular ventilation and humidification of the room;
  • . With a runny nose, inhalations based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, thyme), based on aromatic oils (mint, eucalyptus) are useful. In the absence of a special device (nebulizer), any wide container can be used. During the procedure, you can not talk, you need to breathe through your nose freely without tension. Inhalations can be done 2-3 times a day for 7-10 minutes;
  • Nasal lavage. For these purposes, you can use a self-prepared saline solution (add a small pinch of salt to a glass of warm boiled water) or buy ready-made preparations based on sea salt and water at the pharmacy (Salin, Aquamaris). You can also rinse your nose with freshly brewed infusions of chamomile or sage. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day;
  • Using homemade drops. For these purposes, you can use self-squeezed beet or carrot juice, herbal infusions (chamomile, sage). The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a day;
  • Vasoconstrictor drops ( Sanorin, ). They can be used only as directed by a doctor with a severe cold and the absence of the effect of treatment with folk remedies. When taking them, it is necessary to carefully read the annotation and strictly observe the dosage.

Sore throat and sore throat

Influenza and SARS are often accompanied by tickle and sore throat. If you experience pain, you should consult a doctor for an examination so as not to miss the onset of acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), which requires more serious therapy. Back to basic methods treatment include:

  1. Plentiful warm drink (in no case hot, the high temperature of the liquid will aggravate swelling and increase pain);
  2. Frequent gargling. For these purposes, you can use herbal infusions (chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, oak bark), a mixture of salt and iodine (1 teaspoon of salt or soda and two drops of iodine in a glass of warm water). It is necessary to gargle every hour until you feel better;
  3. Reception of warm milk with honey and (one tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of natural honey per glass of milk). The prepared solution must be drunk in small sips, you can repeat the reception 4 times a day;
  4. Inhalations on medicinal herbs (chamomile, thyme, sage, mint). The procedure is carried out for 10 minutes and repeated 3-4 times a day;
  5. The use of ready-made medications (use only on the advice of a doctor!): n, Chlorhexidine.


With colds, pregnant women often complain about. Cough can be of two types: dry (without mucus discharge, painful) and wet (with copious sputum).

Coughing often causes severe discomfort to a pregnant woman and, moreover, can be dangerous for the further development of pregnancy. During frequent bouts of coughing, the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen become very tense and contract, which can lead to a threatened abortion, and in more severe cases, provoke bleeding.

Treatment cough:

  • Inhalations. With a dry cough for the procedure, you can use a pair of boiled potatoes, a solution of baking soda, vegetable decoctions (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, sage). At the beginning of sputum discharge, it is necessary to switch to herbs that have drying and expectorant effects (yarrow, rosemary). The procedure is done for 10 minutes up to 5 times a day;
  • Abundant drinking of herbal decoctions with honey, warm milk with honey;
  • Gargling with infusions of medicinal herbs (mint, oak bark, eucalyptus) every two hours;
  • Regular ventilation and humidification of the air in the room (in the absence of a humidifier, you can simply arrange dishes with water around the room);
  • Drug treatment (, Bronchipret). Use only as directed by a doctor!

Cold prevention during pregnancy

Any disease, including colds, is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention of colds should be constant throughout pregnancy. To the main preventive measures include:

  • Taking multivitamin preparations for pregnant women, drinking herbal infusions rich in vitamins (tea, cranberry juice);
  • Rational nutrition with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, taking natural phytoncides (onions, garlic);
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • Regular ventilation of the premises;
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  • Minimizing stay in crowded places and contact with sick people;
  • before each exit to the street during SARS epidemics.

The health of the baby largely depends on the health of his mother and the diseases she suffered during pregnancy. The most common ailment that many people suffer from every year is the common cold. In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is considered not as dangerous as in the first six months, when all the systems and organs of the unborn child are formed. If symptoms of a cold are detected in late pregnancy, it is urgent to cure this disease, since the risk of its adverse effects on the child cannot be completely excluded. Let's consider in more detail, how to treat colds and runny nose during pregnancy(3rd trimester).

The third trimester of pregnancy starts at 24 weeks. A cold that occurs at this time can provoke the following dangerous conditions:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • premature birth.

For a woman in position, a comforting fact is that at the end of pregnancy, a cold is not as dangerous as at the beginning. If, for example, at 31 weeks, a cold provokes premature birth, then with the help of modern technologies, the child can often be saved. But still, colds should be avoided in late pregnancy.

Colds at the 30th week of pregnancy should not be treated with disdain. They affect the state of the placenta, causing it premature aging which is dangerous for the fetus. In general, the danger of viral diseases in the third trimester is associated precisely with the state of the placenta.

It is known that the placenta throughout pregnancy protects the child. In the last weeks, it is aging, which is why drugs or toxins can penetrate it. So, if a cold occurs at the 33rd week of pregnancy, then the placenta and the still undeveloped immune system of the child cannot protect it from various infections. In this case, the fetus is very vulnerable to disease.

As you know, in the body of a woman a month before the expected birth, the production of hormones that are responsible for the lactation process is activated. Therefore, colds at the 35th week of pregnancy can cause the absence of breast milk after childbirth, or it will begin to be produced in insufficient quantities. Responsible for lactation hormones of the placenta, which is under heavy load during viral diseases.

The danger of colds at 36 - 40 weeks of pregnancy

A cold and sore throat at 36 weeks of gestation can further weaken the placenta and viruses are more active in the baby. During this period, the use of synthetic drugs should be excluded. All drugs and toxins produced by pathogenic microorganisms can cross the weakened placenta, causing serious and irreversible consequences. A cold at 36 weeks of gestation and a high fever cause placental abruption and premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

Colds at week 37 are dangerous because the infection can penetrate the amniotic fluid that the baby drinks. That is why doctors recommend women in the third trimester take urine and blood tests once every two weeks. This helps to find out if the baby and mother are healthy, and if necessary, take appropriate measures.

If the throat hurts at 39 weeks of gestation, then this condition may be accompanied by fever. If it exceeds 38 degrees, then this state is mandatory. need to be treated. For this, various herbal preparations, decoctions, natural fruit drinks and compotes, teas and other means are used. The use of fluid in large quantities helps to effectively fight the disease, because toxins and toxins begin to be removed from the woman's body. As a result of this, the body temperature decreases, the sore throat disappears, and the woman continues to bear the child favorably.

If a woman gets a cold at 40 weeks, then the baby is likely to be infected, and sometimes the child's body is so weak that it cannot cope with the infection, and this can lead to the most sad consequences.

Cold during pregnancy 3rd trimester: how to treat?

It is necessary to treat a runny nose and other colds only under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you can harm the unborn child. It is best to use complex treatment, using traditional and folk remedies. In order for the body to cope with the infection more easily, it is necessary to drink plenty of water. At high temperatures, you need call a doctor at home because a cold during pregnancy is a risky business.

With a cold, the throat often hurts, so it is recommended to rinse it with a solution of baking soda and salt, and in order for it to have a milder effect on the mucous membrane, it is recommended to add a few drops of iodine to it. For the treatment of sore throat, you can use a decoction of calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile. It is also recommended to carry out inhalations, which help with colds. To do this, use herbal infusions and decoctions or essential oils.

At high temperatures above 38 degrees, you can make a compress of a 9% vinegar solution on your forehead or use paracetamol. The compress cannot be kept longer than 10 minutes, and it is forbidden to rub the skin with vinegar, as it can penetrate into the blood.

If you have a sore throat and a cough, you can use herbal syrups:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Gedelix;
  • Plantain syrup;
  • Lazolvan.

With a runny nose, it is imperative to rinse the nose with decoctions of herbs, saline, and do inhalations. Pinosol drops, based on coniferous oils, are quite effective. They can not only be instilled into the nose, but also smeared with them on the skin in the area of ​​​​the paranasal sinuses.

For colds in the third trimester of pregnancy, raspberry jam is often used. It well brings down the temperature and replenishes the amount of water in the body when added to tea. Such a tool is completely safe for the health of the unborn child.

If the throat hurts and a runny nose appears, then treatment can be carried out with such an effective remedy as linden decoction with honey. For this purpose, lime blossom is brewed and a small amount of honey is added. With the help of this remedy, sore throat is relieved, and it also has a bactericidal effect.

Possible consequences of colds for the fetus

If a woman caught a cold in the first weeks of pregnancy, then due to SARS, the fetus can develop serious anomalies. The disease can even cause a miscarriage. In the third trimester, when the fetus is almost fully formed, the risk of such abnormalities is no longer so high. The disease can cause fetal hypoxia, breathing problems and other complications. But you should not panic, but you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment under his control. According to statistics, in 80% of cases, colds did not affect the development and health of the child in any way.

Thus, during pregnancy, it is best for a woman not to get sick, especially in the early stages. If a cold overtook her in the third trimester, then this condition no longer poses a great danger to the child, since all his organs and systems have already formed. If treatment is required, then it should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

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The period of pregnancy is a great responsibility and risk, because a woman is responsible for her own health and for the health of her baby. There is always a danger of catching a bacterial or viral infection, and when a pregnant woman catches a cold, it is important to know how to treat a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester in order to prevent serious consequences.

Features 3 trimesters

The first thing to do when you are faced with this disease is to consult a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to the detrimental effects of a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is a possibility of even death.

In the last trimester, the female body becomes very susceptible. Immunity is significantly reduced, and this condition persists throughout pregnancy so that the female body does not reject the fetus.

The gestation period lasts ideally from 9 to 10 months. Of course, part of this time falls on the cold seasons. Therefore, expectant mothers automatically fall into the risk category. Women are contraindicated to administer prophylactic vaccines, which greatly exacerbates the situation. How to treat a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester - only a doctor will advise.

Possible complications

The time of the 3rd trimester is considered less dangerous for the child. All organs and systems in the baby are already formed, the likelihood of developing pathologies is minimal. But in no case should you ignore the symptoms and self-medicate, as this can lead to serious consequences.

What is the danger of a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester:

  • A cold at 27 weeks of gestation serves as a transitional moment between the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. The disease represents a certain degree of danger. In the absence of proper treatment, physiological disorders may develop.
  • A cold at the 28th week of pregnancy threatens the development of fetal hypoxia. The most undesirable outcome of this situation may be premature birth, which can end in the death of the child.
  • A cold in the 29th week of pregnancy has a negative effect on the placenta, which leads to its aging, which may cause the child to lose reliable protection. It is not the disease itself that is critical, but its treatment. The defeat of the placenta threatens to enter the body not only viruses, but also chemical components that are used for treatment.
  • A cold at 32 weeks of gestation is just as dangerous, because the immunity of the fetus is not yet fully formed. Protective reserves cannot provide the baby with adequate protection against infections.
  • From about 34 weeks, the production of hormones that are responsible for milk begins. This process can be disrupted as a result of the disease.
  • Pathology at 35 weeks may end in childbirth.
  • A cold at 36 weeks of gestation threatens placental abruption.
  • Week 37 is dangerous due to the ingress of pathogenic flora, this is fraught with infection of the fetus.

It is important to know! If the patient comes down with a cold at 40 weeks, the development of consequences is inevitable. In such cases, the likelihood of death is very high.

Despite this, a respiratory viral infection in the late stages of gestation is considered less dangerous than in the early ones. So, if a cold at 31 weeks of gestation causes premature birth, then the baby can be saved. However, by all means one should try to avoid the disease, because the threat of a fatal outcome is present.

It is worth considering a cold at 30 weeks of gestation very carefully. It has an extremely negative effect on the placental barrier: the placenta withers, and the fetus becomes vulnerable, as mentioned above.

The child is negatively affected not only by the disease and its complications, but also by the treatment tactics. It is necessary to choose harmless drugs that are approved for use by pregnant women. This therapy is prescribed only by the attending physician.

Treatment Methods

Before treating the disease, it is worth visiting a specialist and learning all about the features of the disease. With a viral lesion, one means is selected, and with a bacterial one, completely different. Sometimes, when exposed to pathogens, antiviral drugs can be powerless. Unfortunately, quite often women diagnose themselves incorrectly and are treated as they please.

Many women and girls in an interesting position practice non-traditional methods of treatment. In part, such measures are justified, because during pregnancy, many medicines are banned. But folk recipes should be used only under the supervision of the attending physician and with great care. There is an impressive list of herbs that can cause significant harm to a pregnant woman and provoke a miscarriage.

Let's look at the basic principles of treating a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.

The first two trimesters of the doctor prohibit the use of immunomodulatory drugs. But the 3rd trimester is a safe time to take such funds. Do not forget to consider the effect on the fetus. The risk is always compared with the benefits of taking medications.

Medication treatment

If we talk about acceptable immunomodulating agents, then it is worth noting interferon. Rectal suppositories viferon, genferon have a good effect. It is permissible to take cycloferon tablets and similar drugs. All drugs are taken according to the instructions. They produce an immune response, increasing the protective properties of the body.

If a viral infection is to blame, then the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs. Many of them are forbidden to be taken in the first and second trimesters. Medicines for colds during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are prescribed strictly by the attending doctor.

Homeopathy is considered gentle and harmless. Its ingredients are natural ingredients that can not harm the child in any way.

In some situations, some folk remedies, strengthening drugs and homeopathy will not be enough. Then antibiotics may be needed. Such treatment is necessary if the temperature persists for a long time, greenish discharge is observed from the nose, the patient coughs with pus, wheezing is heard in the bronchi, a white coating forms on the tonsils.

Amoxicillin is recognized as the safest remedy that can be taken even during pregnancy. Antibacterial agents are not taken before the birth itself. If the pregnant woman fell ill during the gestation period, then the treatment regimen is selected on an individual basis. The course of antibiotic treatment should not last longer than a week.

Without fail, a woman in a position is prescribed vitamins. But during the illness, this may not be enough. The female body may need an additional intake of vitamin C. In this case, you can drink simple ascorbic acid. Vitamins are recommended to drink daily. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is urgent to visit a doctor.

How to deal with a runny nose and cough

The first thing to note is that vasoconstrictor nasal drops are contraindicated in pregnant women. But a cold, as a rule, is always accompanied by a runny nose. However, a woman needs a full breath. Otherwise, fetal hypoxia may occur - the child does not have enough air, which is very dangerous.

To alleviate the condition with a runny nose, it is recommended to warm the nose with salt. When the nose is stuffed up, the mucous membranes swell and become filled with a certain substance. The use of salt products removes not only puffiness, but also cleanses of pathogens. One of the harmless drugs is Aquamaris. Salt therapy can be done independently. A saline solution is injected directly into each nostril, after which the woman should blow her nose. All purchased funds are recommended to be used according to the instructions. It is useful to apply therapeutic formulations to the nose. One of these is the spray Pinosol. It is made from natural ingredients and can be used throughout the entire gestation period.

To get rid of a cough, it is recommended to do inhalations for colds during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. Procedures can be performed using mineral water or saline. It is imperative to deal with this manifestation. In the process of coughing, an involuntary contraction of the anterior abdominal wall occurs, which can cause spontaneous rejection of the fetus.

Temperature and throat treatment

Pregnancy is a contraindication to taking many antipyretics, and the third trimester is no exception. If in the period from 12 to 24 weeks ibuprofen can be taken, then in the last third of pregnancy, this medicine is strictly prohibited. Before taking this or that antipyretic, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Paracetamol is suitable for bringing down the temperature. Cefecon suppositories are also suitable. Consider the basic principle of taking drugs: you can not bring down the temperature below 37.5. A further increase in temperature can lead to serious consequences.

A sore throat can cause a lot of problems for a pregnant woman. Often women deny themselves even meals. As a result, the fetus does not receive enough nutrients. Sprays, special lozenges for resorption or lubrication help from the throat.

The drug bioparox, chlorophyllipt, mirastin is not prohibited for use. Inflammation can be eliminated with lysobact tablets.

Therapy with non-traditional methods

Many women prefer to be treated with this method. They believe that drugs can cause significant harm to the fetus. But you need to understand that folk remedies for colds during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can be very dangerous. Consider the most effective and common methods.

Experts recommend to be treated with decoctions. One of the most powerful and effective drinks is ginger tea. It strengthens the body and leads a successful pest control. In addition, raspberry tea is very popular. It helps relieve fever and remove toxins from the body. But keep in mind that drinking tea with raspberries in large quantities is contraindicated.

Herbs have a positive effect on the throat, relieve inflammation. It is useful to add honey and lemon.

Foot steaming and sauna are prohibited during the beautiful period. If you prefer this particular method of treatment, then during pregnancy you should forget about it.

Inhalations with potatoes give positive results. Boil the vegetable and place the container on a stool, cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam, then drink hot tea and go to bed.

Very often, women complain that their ears are blocked after a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Often this condition occurs due to nasal congestion. To get rid of the unpleasant sensation, doctors recommend drinking warm water, making several swallowing movements and at the same time pinching your nose with your fingers. You can chew, take breaths, as if yawning.

You have learned about methods of dealing with colds during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. As soon as the first signs appear, do not delay the visit to the doctor, because the health of the baby depends on your actions.