How many months should boys sit on their own. When does a child begin to sit independently and is it necessary to rush the kids? Activities to stimulate

The newborn baby is growing so fast, for half a year already, but she can’t sit by herself. And the mother has a question: when the child begins to sit and is it time for me to do something for this? No matter how much parents would like to speed up the process of self-sitting of the child, they will hear one thing from pediatricians - do not rush, do not rush it.

Babies usually sit up on their own around 6-8 months of age. By this time, the muscles are already strong enough and ready to maintain the body in a new position. Individual development also plays a special role in this process, so you should not demand from a baby at six months what he is not physically ready for.

Quite often, when a baby begins to sit at 9 or even 10 months, pediatricians call it normal and attribute it to individual developmental characteristics.

Opinions of pediatricians about when children begin to sit on their own differ. The generally accepted norm is the age of 6 to 8 months. At the same time, strong, active children may well sit down on their own as early as 5 months. But chubby, large or born prematurely, on the contrary, begin to sit down with a delay - by 9-11 months.

Not the last role is played by the sex of the child. The girl will definitely try to start sitting down earlier. And she will succeed even in 4-5 months. Then parents should hold the baby a little, giving her another month to finally strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

But the boys in this regard fit more into the standard norms and rarely sit down until six months.

Should children be seated or not?

Here, without options - pediatricians around the world categorically do not recommend planting a child. After all, how many months a child begins to sit depends entirely on the readiness of his muscles to maintain the body in this position. In addition, orthopedists are confident that up to six months the vertical position of the crumbs is not natural.

What is dangerous before sitting down an unprepared baby:

  • Excessive load on the spine can cause its curvature, and with age, back pain will appear. Perhaps the development of early sciatica and other problems with the spine.
  • Also, sitting down earlier also harms muscles that are not ready for stress. There is hypertonicity, painful sensations, which leads to capriciousness.
  • The weak bones of the baby are prone to deformation. Early sitting down almost always leads to deformation of the hip bones of varying severity.

In order to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system and the formation of the bones of the child, it is definitely not necessary to specifically force the child to sit down himself. It is necessary to be patient and wait, because only when the baby begins to sit on his own, we can confidently talk about his readiness for this.

Gradual development of sitting skills in children

Until the moment when the child begins to sit without assistance, he goes through several successive stages in the development of this skill:

  1. At first, usually closer to 5-6 months, the baby gradually learns to raise his chest from a prone position, he can already confidently hold and turn his head. Thus, he trains the muscular system, preparing it for further development. It is on this that the age when the baby begins to sit on his own, without support, depends. It is important to encourage his desire to crawl, lift his breast, but in no case should he sit down. For now, he will try to sit down, falling on one side, then on the other side, then on his back. This indicates his unpreparedness for a full-fledged sitting.
  2. By 7-8 months of age, when the child sits more confidently, you can help him a little by teaching and stimulating training, attempts to change position. Quite quickly, he will stop falling in different directions, he will begin to try to sit up with pleasure from a prone position, leaning on his hands.
  3. Almost always, the child sits independently at the age of 8-10 months. His movements are confident, he easily changes his position to sitting from lying on his stomach or side. On this development of the skill can be considered completed.

From this we conclude at what age the child should sit without the help of strangers. Most often this happens at 6-9 months, but sitting at 5 or 10 months is also a variant of normal, individual development.

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How to prepare your child to sit on their own

To bring the moment when the newborn begins to sit, you need to make a little effort and help him. For this you need:

  • Develop the baby's musculoskeletal and musculoskeletal system with the help of regular exercises without a big load.
  • Give your baby a relaxing massage. Enough once a day.
  • More often spread on the stomach, stimulate crawling.

By following these simple tips, you can bring the moment when children begin to sit on their own.

What to do if the baby has not learned to sit by 9 months?

Definitely don't panic. There are cases when the baby begins to sit closer to 10-11 months due to individual developmental characteristics.

Nevertheless, if by the age of nine months the baby does not attempt to sit down on its own, then it is necessary to consult a neurologist, orthopedist, pediatrician. They will tell you exactly if there is cause for concern. As an aid, a course of special exercises, massage will be prescribed.

What not to do when teaching a child to sit by himself?

Do you want to know how long a child can sit without harm to health? Take a look at him. If he tries with might and main to stay seated, and his back is not rounded at the same time, blockages in different directions become less and less - it means that the child is almost ready and will soon sit down on his own.

But even in this case it is strictly forbidden:

  • Covering with pillows and other devices to maintain the body in an upright position.
  • Special sit the child until he does it himself.
  • Carrying in kangaroos and carriers that do not provide the physiological position of the body.
  • Sit the child on your lap.
  • Early sitting in a wheelchair.

Neglect of these prohibitions will lead to significant health problems for the child.

The main rule for parents is not to rush things and in no case should the child be seated until he does it himself.

You can help your baby to sit up on his own faster by doing light physical exercises with him, teaching him to sit down, giving him massage and encouraging crawling, lying on his tummy. This is the only way modern mothers help their children, while taking care of their health and full development. Take care of your children and everything will be on time for you. And this is the most important thing!

Useful video about when the baby starts to sit


Hello young parents. Every family is looking forward to when their little one learns to sit on his own, he can be left in the arena, overlaid with toys, it will be much more interesting for the child to spend time on walks, because now he will be able to see what is happening around, because children are very inquisitive. For a baby, this is a very important stage in life.

signs of readiness

Watching your baby, you will be able to notice that his body is strong enough and properly formed, has acquired all the necessary gross motor skills in order to learn to sit on his own. This time approximately falls on the age of six months. The characteristic signs of readiness are:

  1. The baby holds his head on his own.
  2. It can easily perform coups, both from the back to the stomach, and vice versa.
  3. The child, when lying on his stomach, raises his upper body, leaning on his hands.
  4. The peanut, when lying on its back, raises the upper part of its body, at least for a short time.
  5. Can practically sit down, clinging to the hand of an adult with handles.

The presence of these skills suggests that the baby's muscles are ready for a new load as an independent sitting.

Stages of development of the ability to sit

I remember how we couldn't wait for my son to learn to sit on his own. This is a new stage in the development of the baby. My advice is to be patient and don't rush things. You must understand that nothing happens in one minute. And, if it is believed that babies sit down on average at 6 months, this does not mean that as soon as your little one reaches the age of six months, he will immediately sit down. This process happens gradually. For some, the baby begins to make the first attempts even before the age of six months, and manages to confidently master this skill faster than others, while someone only starts making attempts for about seven months, and confidently sits down only at the age of eight months. My child began to sit at the age of six months and three weeks, he did it quite confidently and correctly. And the first attempts, when he sat like a tumbler, he began to make from five months and two weeks.

Let's see how, on average, the stages of the formation of this skill in children occur depending on their age:

  1. As a rule, a baby who is only six months old is already trying to sit down. However, he still does not succeed very well, for this the child has to use two handles to create support for himself. He almost always sits in this position for a few minutes, and then collapses, as he loses his balance. Many babies still find it difficult to sit down on their own, they use their mother's hand, on which they pull themselves up.
  2. At the age of seven months, most toddlers already know how to sit, while they do not need to use a support. The baby can even spin in different directions without losing his balance.
  3. At the age of eight months, almost all children confidently master this skill. They can not only sit for a long time, but also independently take this position from the position of “lying on their stomach” or “lying on their backs”.

When the child sits up

There is an opinion that children of different sexes sit down at different times, but this is not always the case. Very often, the time when the child sits for the first time depends on his individual characteristics and on how the parents took care of the preparatory stage, doing exercises to strengthen the skeletal muscles. On average, the first attempts to sit fall at the age of six months, but children need time to learn not only to sit independently and confidently, but also to get the hang of taking a sitting position from different positions, and this moment, on average, comes as early as eight months of age.

If you are still wondering when boys start to sit, then it may be the age of five months. However, here we are talking about the first attempts of the child to sit, leaning on two handles.

If you are wondering when girls start to sit - at six, seven months.

It is believed that you can not sit down the baby before he himself begins to take the initiative, it is better to just do exercises with him to strengthen the muscles. It is also not recommended that girls sit down before the age of six months, because it is believed that this contributes to the disruption of the development of the pelvic organs, for boys this period is up to five months.

How to sit properly

When a child begins to sit on his own, it is important to make sure that he does it correctly. After all, if the baby holds his head incorrectly, or the spine is in the wrong position, he will begin to get very tired, and besides, this will have a bad effect on proper development.

So what signs will indicate that the little one is sitting correctly:

  1. The head should be tilted slightly forward.
  2. The child's neck is bent.
  3. The loin should be bent.
  4. The thoracic spine is extended.
  5. The hip joints of the toddler should be bent, while they are tilted forward.
  6. The hands of the baby are exposed forward and are a support in the process of sitting.
  7. The child's legs are spread apart, turned outward.

What Not to Do

When the little one has not yet learned to sit on his own, but it seems that it is high time, some parents are trying to speed up this process. The trouble is that they do not know that their actions only aggravate the situation and can harm their baby.

So what can not be done in this situation:

  1. You are mistaken if you think that a baby who is not yet able to sit down himself can be placed between the pillows, and he will be able to stay in this position for a long time. For some time, surrounded by supports on all sides, the child will really sit, but at the same time, a strong load will be exerted on the still unprepared spine of the baby.
  2. Do not sit the baby at a right angle to your lap.
  3. "Kangaroo" for your little one is early if you are thinking of planting him in a sitting position.
  4. In the stroller, the baby should be in a lying position or reclining, but not sitting. Make sure that the angle of inclination meets these requirements.

Basic exercises with a newborn

Not everyone knows, but starting from the first weeks of life, the mother can do exercises with the baby that will favorably affect the fact that the little one learns to sit in a timely manner. Also, regular gymnastics and a relaxing, even if light, massage will have an important effect. It is important to start with a very small and almost imperceptible load, which will gradually increase as the crumbs grow older. In addition to the fact that physical exercises will favorably influence the development of the musculoskeletal system, and, accordingly, large motor skills, they will also help strengthen the protective functions of the body.

A newborn can do this exercise: put the baby on the tummy, starting after two weeks from the date of birth. It is this exercise that will help the child begin to hold his head, then master the skills of an independent coup, and then the skills of large motor skills of the little one will be improved until acquiring the ability to rise to a sitting position and be confident in it, and then walk.

Activities to stimulate

From the age of four months, you can begin to practice exercises that will strengthen the muscles of the crumbs, and even contribute to the timely, and sometimes early development of the ability to sit on their own:

  1. Hang rings above the crib (the size so that the baby can grasp, stick a pen into them), at such a level that the little one can easily reach out. Over time, they will interest the baby, he will begin to grab onto them and slowly pull himself up.
  2. When the baby is lying on the back, you can put your index fingers in front of him, especially if the child at this moment reaches out to you with his arms. The baby will tenaciously grab and pull up, literally for a few seconds, and then lower the baby again. Remember that the angle of its rise should not exceed 45 degrees, it is still harmful for him to sit at an even angle, this is a serious burden for a fragile spine.

My son started to get up, holding on to the bars in the crib, when he was 5 months old, then it seemed to me that he himself could not wait until he finally learned to sit. The child was curious about what was happening around. When pulling up, he rose, creating an angle of approximately 30 degrees, looked around for no more than a minute, and lay down again. And then he rolled over on his tummy and tried so hard to see what was happening around him.

  1. From early childhood, it is necessary to lay out the little one on the tummy, and now it's time to add action to this exercise. When the child lies on the tummy, place your palm so that the baby rests his feet on it, while it is important that the legs are bent at the knees. Now you need to place something bright or his favorite toy in front of the little one. The baby will try to reach it, but will not be able, then the child should try to crawl, starting from your hand.
  2. While taking water procedures, and it is better to do them in an adult bath, let the little one flop, flounder, hold it in such a way that it gives the impression that the baby is swimming.
  3. A very important place is occupied by a relaxing massage, which is necessary for the whole body of the child. It will help not only strengthen the muscles, but also help relieve excess tension.

Don't be discouraged if your baby is 6 months old and still doesn't try to sit up. Remember that all children are individual and there is no need to rush things, especially if you see that otherwise your child is developing normally, gaining weight. Also, do not worry if the peers of your crumbs are already sitting confidently, and your baby is just starting to sit like a tumbler. However, do not forget about physical exercises, bathing and massage, because these procedures stimulate the child to sit down. I wish you patience and prudence, let your little one sit down when he is ready enough for this step, be healthy!

Babies grow and develop very quickly. It seemed that a couple of days ago the baby only ate and slept, but now the child is already holding his head, then he starts to roll over on his tummy, tries to crawl.

An important stage in growing up a baby is the development of such a skill as sitting.

When (at what age) should a child begin to sit independently, is there a difference in terms for boys and girls? How to understand that the baby is ready to sit, how to help the child master this skill without harming? Is it worth bringing kids? We will deal with all issues!

At what age does a baby start trying to sit up?

You come to the pediatrician for another examination, and vague doubts torment your soul. My friend is already crawling with might and main, but mine is not gu-gu. The neighbor’s baby is 7 months old, she herself saw how she sits in the sandbox, but you can’t seat mine - she immediately collapses on her side ...

And you ask the doctor: “When will my child start to crawl and sit?” And the doctor answers you: “I don’t know.” And it's not about qualifications. No doctor knows what time each individual child will crawl or sit down.

The age limits are so vague and ghostly that you can not compare your baby with the neighbor's children. Even brothers and sisters sit down at different times, and the point here is not at all a gender difference.

The child will definitely sit down between 6 and 9 months of his life.

The skill of sitting develops in a baby due to a number of factors of growth and maturation:

  • Skeleton development- the baby cannot sit on the "jelly" bones, they must absorb enough calcium and get stronger.
  • Development of skeletal muscles. Do you know how many muscle groups are involved in sitting? Go to the gym for 2 days in a row for an enhanced workout for all muscle groups. In the morning you will feel everything. While the muscles of the back, neck and legs are not sufficiently developed, the baby cannot physically sit - the muscles are simply unable to fix the body in the desired position.
  • Psycho-emotional development. The child does everything when he needs it and wants it. Children sit down out of curiosity - to increase the view, look at new things, see more on a walk. There is still no such need - there is nothing for him to sit down.
  • Development of the nervous system. In order for the child to sit down, the brain must give an order to the body, under the influence of a nerve impulse, strictly defined muscles must tighten, which will subsequently hold the body in a sitting position. For you, this is natural, and the baby’s body is only learning all this.

At how many months each individual child should begin to sit on his own is the business of each individual child, and the baby does not owe anything to anyone.

Important! Many orthopedists argue that the later the child sits and walks, that is, the later his body acquires an upright position, the less problems there will be with posture in adolescence. Also, early sitting, and especially walking, has been associated with unexplained sharp pain in the lumbar region in people over 45 years of age. In this regard, orthopedists advocate that the child should not be planted until he sits down on his own, and not led by the hands before the baby walks, holding on to furniture.

Did you know? Some educators argue that the best period for this is when he can already sit down by himself. A sitting child feels a little more independent, and during this period it is much easier to wean him from motion sickness.

Do I need to seat the child

Dear mothers, especially young and ambitious ones! If you need a reason to be proud, be proud that you have a child, because many people only dream of such happiness. A sedentary baby is not a reason to be proud if you planted him at the cost of future scoliosis or pelvic deformity! It is strictly forbidden to sit down a child before 6 months. The child will decide when he can and should sit.

The only thing that is allowed is to massage the back and legs, do children's gymnastics, swim in the bathroom or pool and eat well, which will strengthen the skeleton and muscles, and the baby will sit down by itself. Your maximum is to seat the child while feeding or walking, leaning on the back of the stroller or placing pillows so that the child is tilted 30-40 °. Also, you do not need to put the baby in your arms - his back should always lean on your arm or belly at an angle of about 45°.

Important! If your child is active and sat down on his own before six months, make sure that the baby does not sit for a long time, no more than 60 minutes a day.

How does a child learn to sit?

The kid learns everything gradually. The average child tries to sit independently at 6 months, and there are usually no questions about how to teach him to do this. The process takes place in stages:

  • The baby confidently rolls over from back to tummy and back.
  • The child begins to crawl, gradually moving to the "on all fours" position.

  • From the “on all fours” position, the baby falls on its side, leans on both arms, arches its back and sits down, legs wide apart.
  • When sitting, the child leans on the ass, the sides of the legs, two or one hand, the chin is close to the chest.

  • When such a position becomes familiar, the baby finally straightens its back, stops leaning on its arms, sits proudly, legs apart. Some children pick up their legs for themselves, sitting almost in Turkish.
  • Each time the baby sits more confidently, sits longer, easily takes a sitting position from lying down and on all fours, easily changes it back.

Did you know? When the baby has learned to sit, it is quite possible to try. Later, he will be able to escape from this very pot, so do not miss your chance.

The child does not want to sit: what to do?

From how many months does an ordinary baby begin to sit on his own, we found out, but now he is 6, then 7, 8, finally 9 months, and the child still does not sit, what's the matter?

There may be several reasons:

  • you started to sit down the child and he is too lazy to sit down himself;
  • the child has poorly developed back muscles and he cannot do this physically;
  • there is a pathology of the development of the musculoskeletal system, or a nervous pathology.

In the first case, stop sitting down the baby and wait until he himself is worthy of this action. You can leave the baby in the crib, hanging the toys so that the baby will certainly have to sit down to grab them.

If the child has poorly developed muscles, you can try to “pump” them. Massages will help (but only from an experienced specialist!), swimming in a children's pool (there are such in big cities) or a large home bath and a number of simple exercises:

  • An airplane is flying. Take the baby under the chest and under the hips with both hands. The baby's legs rest on your chest. The back and buttocks are tense. We do this exercise for 7-10 seconds, a couple - three times a day.
  • We reach for the toy on the belly. The child is on the tummy, put a toy in front of him, and let him reach for it, crawl.

  • We reach for the toy on the back. Hang toys over the crib so that the baby can get it only by stretching the hand well. Let him try and play together.
  • We download the press. The baby lies on his back, you give him your fingers to grab, lift him up to an angle of 30 °, hold him in this position for a second and lower him onto his back.

If you have a fitball, you can perform a set of exercises with this huge ball:

Also, do not forget to do gymnastics for babies, massage the back and legs of the baby. In winter, vitamin D should be consumed if the pediatrician has not found contraindications to it, for example, the use of a mixture that already contains vitamin D.

If you suspect a developmental pathology, you should immediately contact a pediatrician or pediatric neurologist.

Only qualified specialists can give an answer, what is the matter, establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you turn to knowledgeable specialists in a timely manner, all problems can be solved with little bloodshed and without complications.

How to teach a child to sit - video

In this video, mom tells when the child should start sitting. If the child sat down at 8-9 months, this is quite normal, and there is no need to rush the baby.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky tells whether it is worth sitting the children down, whether it is necessary to help them sit down and get up.

This video shows exercises for the development of back muscles. Such exercises will help the baby to sit confidently.

It does not matter at what age your child will sit down - at 4 months (there are such babies), at 6 or at 9. The main thing is that the child does it on his own and when the time comes. Encourage your baby to crawl, develop his muscles with baby gymnastics and don't look back at your friends and neighbors.

Every child is different and should be approached accordingly. Do not rush the baby, and he will definitely succeed!

At what age did your baby sit? Did you help him, or did he do it himself? Did the baby crawl or sit up first? What do you think: should children be seated, or is it better not to rush? If you know interesting and useful exercises for the development of the skeletal muscles of the baby - share them with us in the comments!

Parents are looking forward to when the baby begins to hold his head, smile, roll over. The moment when the baby managed to sit down on its own becomes a reason for pride.

There are questions about this event. How to sit correctly? Do I need to help the baby or force him? It is important to know how many months the child will learn to sit without harm to health.

Most babies begin to sit confidently on their own by 8-9 months of age.

It often seems to parents that a child who has not reached six months really wants to sit down. Ways are devised to help master the ability to sit as quickly as possible. But you should not do this, nature itself will take care of it.

How is the child developing?

  • At 4 months the baby has an interest in the world around him. The baby studies new objects, pulls rattles into his mouth, grabs the hand of an adult. The child, lying on his back, stretches his neck forward, rises, leaning on his elbows. It is important to understand that this is not a signal that the baby needs to be seated. The child changes the position of the body, rolls over on its side. This is not an attempt to sit down, but a workout of the back muscles.
  • Aged 6 months the baby begins to crawl towards the toys. Crawling develops long spinal muscles, increases blood circulation in organs, and improves posture. Strong muscles and coordination are necessary conditions for the formation of the skill to sit safely.
  • To 7 months the child does not sit for long with support on the handles and stands upright if supported.
  • Muscles really get stronger only with age 8-9 months. Then the baby sits confidently on its own.

Each child develops at his own pace. It is important that attempts to sit up are independent, even if the baby is ahead of the norm or behind it.

Like the first time a child sits down

Is it possible to force a child to sit down

Parents are ready to help the child by seeing early attempts to rise or pull up by the finger. Place pillows and cushions under the back of the baby.

Of course, the child is pleased with the new perspective, he spends more time with toys and himself. But early sitting down is a big mistake.

  • Experienced pediatricians believe that parents' attempts to stimulate the ability to sit before 8-9 months will not only not bring benefits, but will also harm the child.
  • The muscles have not yet grown stronger, so they do not hold the spine well, which can be deformed.
  • The brain and central nervous system of a child at 6 months is not fully formed. While there is no sense of balance, the position of even a baby surrounded by pillows is unstable, he will constantly fall sideways.
  • Equilibrium gradually appears by 8 months, when the main stages of development of the first year are passed.

The posture of a child who has already learned to sit is not only comfortable, but also correct. It is important to follow the position of body parts:

  • head bowed forward, chin lowered;
  • the lower back is bent;
  • support on hands in front of you;
  • legs are deployed and turned outward;
  • support on the lateral surface of the legs;
  • hip joints are bent and tilted forward.

The correct position of the body of a seated baby– prevention of scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

How to teach a child to sit

If the child is not ready to sit on his own, do not plant him specifically. A simple test to see if your baby is ready to sit:

  • it turns out emphasis on the elbows when the baby lies on his stomach;
  • legs bend freely, and the child easily gets on all fours;
  • in a position on all fours, he easily raises his hand, reaches for the object and takes it.

Parents can help their child learn this skill by strengthening the abdominal and shoulder muscles. Massage and gymnastics will prepare the baby's body.

Massage complex for the formation of the correct fit of the child

In order for the child to sit properly, a massage of the back, abdomen and buttocks is necessary. Procedures are prescribed for girls from 6 months of age, and for boys - from 5 months.

Parents master massage techniques, perform it for preventive purposes. Classes should be regular.

Abdominal massage (repeat each movement 3 times):

  1. Stroking clockwise, stroking in the opposite direction and along the oblique muscles of the abdomen;
  2. Spiral and linear rubbing with fingertips;
  3. Tingling around the navel;
  4. Put your thumbs in the child's hand, grasp the baby's fist with the rest. Slowly pull the child towards you, encouraging the desire to pull up.

Massage of the back and buttocks (repeat each movement 3 times):

  1. Stroking the back from the buttocks to the neck;
  2. Rubbing in a circular motion with fingertips: one hand - clockwise, the other - against;
  3. "Sawing" the surface of the back and buttocks;
  4. stroking;
  5. Muscle stretching;
  6. stroking;
  7. Gentle tapping and pinching of the body in the buttocks;
  8. Put the baby on its side, run your fingers along the line of the spine from top to bottom, the child will reflexively begin to arch the back.

The duration of the first session is 5 minutes. Gradually the time increases.

It is necessary to consult a pediatrician before starting the procedure in order to exclude contraindications, to learn about the appropriateness of some techniques. It is important to help, not harm the child.

In order for the baby to sit confidently, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the press are strengthened, and the vestibular apparatus is trained. Simple exercises will help:

  1. Bend and unbend the arms and legs of the child alternately (5-6 times).
  2. Lay the baby on his stomach so that he rests his arms on the surface in front of him. Swing the child from side to side to coordinate movements.
  3. Place the child so that his legs are on the knees of an adult sitting on the floor, and his hands rest on the floor. Place a toy in front of the baby. The purpose of the exercise is to get the baby to reach for the object. To avoid the child falling to the side or forward, hold his legs firmly with your hand.
  4. Put the baby on a large ball - fitball, roll the child in a circular motion from one side to the other. Exercise trains the vestibular apparatus.
  5. Lay the child on a sofa cushion so that his hands rest on the floor. Put a toy in front of him. The kid needs to overcome the obstacle, get over the pillow in order to take the item.

To achieve a positive effect, gymnastics is performed every day. It is important that the exercises do not tire the child.

What to do if the child does not want to sit?

What if the child is 10 or 11 months old and does not sit? Parents should not panic if the baby is actively crawling and getting up, holding on to the headboard. Tips to help your child:

  • Regular special gymnastics and massage develop the abdominal and back muscles.
  • Swimming strengthens all muscles. Water procedures in the pool and bath are equally useful.
  • The backrest of the baby chair or stroller is adjustable, the correct seat inclination is 40-45°.
  • A child who is used to the fact that adults come to the rescue every minute and does not want to sit down on his own because of laziness is deprived of comfort, denied help.
  • A bright toy hung in front of the child stimulates the desire to pull up and sit down.

The development of each child is individual. If pediatricians have not found serious pathologies in the baby, he will definitely learn to sit in due time. Parents need to be patient and carefully observe how the baby grows.

Video - what does Dr. Komarovsky think about this?

Today we will discuss another interesting topic that interests many young parents, about how much boys and girls can be imprisoned so as not to harm, what is the opinion of experts on this matter? The development of infants occurs in different ways, so, despite the fact that parents would like to quickly teach their child to sit, in no way should this process be rushed. To the question of how many months you can plant a child (girls and boys), there is a very specific answer - official medicine believes that this can be done starting from six months. And this applies to both boys and girls.

Immediately after birth, the main occupation of the newborn is sleep and feeding.

The very first skills of the baby are the ability to:

  1. Take toys;
  2. Roll over from back to tummy and back;
  3. Hold your head.

But there are still many actions ahead that need to be perfectly mastered by a small person. One of the most important criteria for the successful formation of a child's body is the ability to sit. Moms and dads should not artificially push the baby to this, but if he tries to sit down on his own, it is worth putting this desire under control.

Some babies show this desire quite early - at four months. This may indicate that the child is physically ready for this. Since this happened, it is also not necessary to stop the child, but it is necessary to double the observation of him. In most children, the back muscles gain strength only by six months, but there are always exceptions.

Planting a child prematurely, just because someone has him sitting at 4-5 months, is not recommended categorically. This can disrupt the normal formation of the spine and cause it to curve. In addition, the fact that the baby begins to master this skill only at 6 months is not considered a pathology.

What time can girls and boys be planted is a very interesting question, because there is a concept that girls should not do this before boys. However, the belief that too early landing will cause the child to develop abnormally and even bend the uterus is not confirmed in life. True, another misfortune can happen - the curvature of the pelvic skeleton and, as a result, disruption of the genitourinary system in the future. And the average terms are the same for all children - from six months to 7-8 months.

In fact, the development of boys is the same pace as that of girls. Now, if landing does not happen up to eight months of age and later, the child must be shown to the doctor. Since such a delay may be due to disorders of the nervous system, only a neurologist will be able to recognize the causes of the delay.

Reasons for late boarding

Infants begin to roll over, raise their heads, including sitting down, each at its own time. But sometimes the child is far behind his peers. What could be the reason for the delay?

Various factors can influence the formation of a child's body:

  • It turns out that identical twins, as well as twins, always develop a little later than other babies. Their muscle tissue remains weak for a long time and gets stronger only closer to seven months.
  • Pediatricians often repeat to newly-made mothers that they do not feed the child - this negatively affects the rate of development. Overweight babies start sitting up much later.
  • Premature babies born at 6 and 8 months also develop more slowly, contrary to popular belief that they quickly catch up and overtake nine-month-old babies.
  • The more parents pay attention to regular exercises and physical exercises with the baby, the sooner he begins to sit down, as his muscle tissue strengthens faster.

From how many months you can plant a child (girls and boys) is a purely individual question. But the opinion of doctors regarding children who are rushed by their parents to grow up and perform actions for which they are not yet physiologically ready is unanimous - premature interference in the natural development process cannot end in something good. But the baby already in childhood, and sometimes in adulthood, may encounter many problems and disorders in the field of the reproductive, reproductive and musculoskeletal systems.

What time can girls and boys be planted

If you do not anticipate events, then the child himself will try to sit down as soon as his spinal muscles are fully strengthened, and the body will, in general, be ready for such changes.

This will take some time and will take place in stages:

  1. First, the baby tries to find support for the handles and thus learns to stretch;
  2. The process includes shoulders that help the baby sit down;
  3. The landing is successful and the baby remains in this position for 3-4 seconds, sometimes a little more, after which the child falls on the side;
  4. Gradually, the time increases when the baby manages to stay in a sitting position;
  5. As a result, the baby sits steadily and the back is straightened.

When the muscles are properly developed and strong enough, the baby's back will be even, and he will be able to sit confidently. That is why it is not recommended to customize the development of the skill - a little earlier or later the skill will appear in accordance with the features laid down by nature.

The policy of non-intervention is not the only thing that remains for parents who are worried about their child. They will have to help their son or daughter at every stage of this difficult path for the child:

  • To protect the child from injury when falling on his side - for this you can lay a mattress or a thick blanket on the floor;
  • For a month, sit down the child every day, supporting the back for several minutes;
  • Constantly monitor the baby, and if necessary, come to his aid.

What can not be done is to support the baby's spine with rollers and pillows, so he will not be able to train his body and strengthen the bone muscles. At first, one hour is enough for such classes. A longer training time can negatively affect the condition of his spinal column.

It is believed that excessive guardianship in this matter can even slow down the physical and emotional development of a son or daughter. If you constantly support the back of the child, he will never be able to maintain balance on his own.

Knowing what time girls and boys can be planted, and understanding the risk of early boarding, parents will no longer make such a mistake. However, they can do everything to ensure that their beloved child is as well prepared as possible for new achievements.

How to prepare your child for boarding

Many parents are interested in what ways will help strengthen the muscles of a small child in order to best prepare him for such a crucial moment as a sitting position.

Doctors recommend special gymnastic exercises and massage, which can be done directly on the changing table or on the floor covered with an orthopedic mattress or blanket. A fitball using a special ball is also considered extremely useful. In addition, for the development of muscle tissue, water exercises with a circle are prescribed.

1. Massage sessions can be carried out by a specialist, and subsequently by parents, if they quickly master this technique.

Order and basic techniques:

  • Massage should be the area of ​​​​the back and buttocks of the child;
  • The procedure begins with light stroking movements from the bottom up and from the spine;
  • Further, the same movements are made with a little pressure;
  • At the end, a soothing stroking with the fingertips follows again.

2. Strengthening exercises are aimed not only at the development of the back, but also the tummy, baby's arms.

The exercises are very simple:

  • In order for the child to learn to stretch, you should put him on his tummy, and place cubes or other interesting objects at some distance;
  • They put their fingers in the arms of the child lying on the back, and carefully pull them towards him as soon as he begins to hold on to them;
  • Rattles can be hung over the baby's crib, pursuing a similar goal - pulling his arms to the toys.

Regular exercise will make the baby strong and ready for new challenges.

3. Classes with a fitball it is better to spend in the first half of the day, an hour and a half after feeding. At this time, the baby is full, satisfied and in a good mood. The baby will need to undress, and cover the ball with a sterile diaper.

  • The baby should alternately be placed on the ball with its back and tummy, while holding it for safety. In this position, the ball should swing slightly.
  • Putting the baby on the tummy and holding its legs, the fitball must be moved back and forth.
  • You can press the ball so that it springs, the child at this time is on the tummy, and after a while, on the back.

If the child began to cry and act up, it is better to stop classes and continue them the next day.

4. Swimming lessons are conducted by special, children's instructors, but they can also be practiced in your own bath using a baby circle. True, only children older than one month are allowed to do this, after their navel heals.

From how many months you can plant a child (girls and boys), the pediatrician will help determine the leading child. Despite the fact that babies of different sexes have approximately the same developmental periods, doctors recommend planting boys no later than six, and girls after seven months.

You should always remember the dangers of early seating, which threatens to cause irreparable injury to the child. Parents do not have the right to interfere in such an important process, but can only take care of strengthening the health of the baby and his physical capabilities for the further successful formation of the body.

From how many months can girls and boys be planted: video

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