HR resume template. HR specialist resume sample HR specialist resume sample

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A recruiter is a recruiter who works in the human resources department.

What does a personnel officer do? He:

  • accepts and fires people. These actions are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the internal regulations in force in the enterprise;
  • establishes and reflects in the personal files of employees of the enterprise social parameters: change of surname, name, marital status, registration, birth of children in the family;
  • collects information intended for additional training, raising the level of knowledge, qualifications;
  • develops its own system of punishment and encouragement of employees, introduces a similar mechanism that is implemented in other firms;
  • constantly updates the personal information of employees, draws up the required paperwork for them;
  • works with work books of employees: fills them out, keeps statistics, records;
  • calculates the length of service of employees;
  • controls the vacation time of employees and their compliance with the vacation schedule;
  • monitors documentation;
  • sends documents to the archive, takes into account the entered information;
  • works with disability certificates: accepts and enters them into the database;
  • draws up pensions, subsidies, subsidies, benefits;
  • controls the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees, constantly monitors workers on admission and dismissal;
  • establishes the "turnover" of personnel, collects and analyzes the information received, informs the management;

He also:

  • places advertisements about vacancies in newspapers, television, Internet portal, social network;
  • communicates with applicants: reveals their positive, negative qualities, professional skills;
  • examines the resume of the candidate for the vacancy "Personnel Officer", looks through the finished resumes. All samples of the resume of the personnel department are with the specialist, and the applicant can ask and fill them out right on the spot;
  • analyzes the experience of communication with all candidates;
  • selects the most optimal candidate after studying a sample resume of a personnel officer.

The sample resume of a HR specialist indicates that the job form is filled out in free form. It can also be filled out in the form provided by the employer.

Initially, personal information is entered in the resume of the HR inspector. These are: full name, age of the candidate, his cell phone.

Then the position for which the candidate is applying is indicated.

Then the professional responsibilities of the candidate are introduced. Here are indicated exactly the professional skills that a person could achieve in this company. Also here you can indicate how a person sees himself in a few years in this company and what his merits will be useful to the company. The candidate must advertise himself here, but you need to write briefly and meaningfully. Be sure to enter how sociable the candidate is.

Then the qualification level of the candidate is indicated. If a person improved his qualifications, attended some courses or seminars, then this must be entered in the document.

Next, the career growth of the candidate and his achievements fit in. It is required to describe all the merits of a person. It is especially required to indicate that a person was promoted at the last workplace. You can find more information about an example of a resume of a personnel officer on our website.

Human Resources Specialist is a specific profession related to working with the company's personnel, their selection, registration, advanced training, dismissal, and so on. Such a specialist should be well versed in the legislative framework in the field of employment and have good intuition.

It is very easy to write a resume for such a position, the main thing is to adhere to the structure and enter truthful data. Pay attention to the "Education" section, its presence is one of the requirements of the employer, it's good if you have the qualifications of the relevant direction (HR manager), but it is enough to have a psychological, legal, economic or pedagogical education. You can also add courses, trainings and seminars in the "Additional education" section, this will show that you are expanding your horizons, interested in the depths of the profession. Next, indicate your previous work experience with a description of functional duties, which will give extensive information about your knowledge, and if you have already worked as an HR specialist, this will be an advantage over other candidates, which you should use. In skills, you need to indicate knowledge of a PC, knowledge of labor legislation, knowledge of office work, the ability to find an approach to people. Do not forget about personal qualities, such as sociability, stress resistance, punctuality, perseverance.

See also other resume examples:

Download Sample HR Resume:

Rogozina Yana Sergeevna
(Yana S. Rogozina)

Target: Replacing the position of a HR specialist.


September 2003 - June 2008 Vladivostok Pedagogical Institute. Lenin, Faculty of "Psychology and Pedagogy", specialty "Psychology" (full-time department).

Additional education:

March 2008 - Courses on the psychological approach to personnel management, Vladivostok


HR manager

June 2008 - February 2013 Agrofirm "Vostok", Vladivostok.
Functional responsibilities:
— personnel administration (staff 70 people);
- recruitment;

— delivery of reports on ore.

Personnel Inspector

March 2013 - present, Dilma restaurant chain, Vladivostok.
Functional responsibilities:
— personnel administration (staff 120 people);
— analysis of personnel performance efficiency;
- organization of trainings;
- preparing and conducting interviews;
- Fulfillment of instructions of the senior inspector for personnel.

Professional skills:

— Confident user of PC and office equipment;
- Knowledge of office programs, Internet, e-mail;
— Knowledge of the regulatory and legislative framework in the field of labor and employment;
- Correct oral and written language;
- Knowledge of documentation;
- Proficiency in foreign languages: German, French - basic.

Personal qualities:

Communication, punctuality, diligence.
Attention, perseverance, diligence.

Additional information:

Marital status: Married.
Children: no.
Bad habits: none.

We hope that our sample resume for the position of HR specialist has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Back to section..