Advertising Manager Skills. advertising manager resume sample

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Let's write a resume for an advertising agent! The profession is associated with advertising, which means that it is quite interesting, fun and useful work that will help you acquire additional qualities. But to get a job as an agent, you also need to pass the selection and write a good, complete resume.

The vacancy is quite competitive, which means that even after the selection of your resume, you may be denied an interview. Prepare in advance and demonstrate yours, which are suitable for the ad manager job!

  • Work experience is welcome- experience is not required for work, but if you participated in any presentations or promotions - indicate this.
  • Activity- the profession of an advertising agent has a fairly high rhythm of work so that you have to keep up with everything.
  • Education- For a responsible position, you will need to have a higher education and good analytical skills.

Responsibilities of an advertising manager

Responsibilities directly depend on the position for which you are applying, the employer must indicate aspects of your work and what you will do: from conducting social surveys to organizing an advertising campaign.

  • Solution of organizational issues
  • Working with the media
  • Editing and analysis of the received data
  • Making presentations and negotiating contracts

Personal qualities that an agent should have

  • persistence
  • Activity
  • Cheerfulness
  • Sociability
  • Learnability
  • industriousness

Additional Information

  • Write on your resume how good you are get people interested, anything: a conversation, new information, etc.
  • Tell us about your achievements in personal life, and how these achievements affected the career component.
  • Additional courses that you took in your specialty, or because of personal interest.
  • Recommendations from former jobs will serve you well, if they exist, of course.

Resume sample

Full Name

  • Date of Birth:
  • Family status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact number:
  • Email Mail:

Goals and achievements:

The most important part of the resume should be as informative as possible and reflect your life and career achievements. Show how experienced you are in your field and how much you like the profession of an advertising agent. You must this part - to interest the employer as much as possible!


Additional education:


Achievements in previous jobs:

The section in which you must describe your experience and prove that you are the right candidate for the position of an advertising agent.

Knowledge of foreign languages:

In the section, indicate the degree of knowledge of foreign languages

Computer and office equipment skills:

Here indicate the degree of computer proficiency, office equipment and programs related to your position

Driving license (Optional):

Provide information about the presence of a driver's license and a personal car, if any.

Additional Information:

In this section, provide additional information that may influence management's decision regarding your candidacy. It is worth describing achievements, examples of successful transactions and everything that may relate to the position being applied for.

CV examples:

Advertising is one of the most important steps in promoting a company on the market. In your resume, you must show all your creativity and ambition, because only an active and purposeful person can effectively fulfill the duties of an advertising manager. You must have a higher education in this direction, because you will have to communicate with clients who need to be impressed by an educated, erudite person with a wide range of knowledge.

For such a position, you need to have a set of personal and professional qualities, such as stress resistance, the ability to understand the client, find an approach to him, know the market of the company’s field of activity well, be able to be arrogant and decide on creative solutions - these are qualities that the employer will definitely pay attention to when considering your summary. Also add your photo, good looks are important in this profession.

See also other resume examples:

Download a sample resume for an advertising manager:

Naumova Ekaterina Sergeevna
(Ekatirina Naumova)

Target: Replacing the post of advertising manager.


September 2008 - June 2012 Moscow State University, Faculty of Management, specialty - "Marketing", Bachelor's degree (full-time department).

Additional education:

August 2012 - October 2013 Courses "Secrets of successful marketing" Moscow.


Marketing Manager

August 2012 - September 2014 ZAO Domstroy, St. Petersburg.
Functional responsibilities:
- participation in the development of advertising campaigns;
– search, collection of prices and control of the performance of contractors for advertising services;
– organization of events (exhibitions, seminars, conferences);
- search for events to participate.

Professional skills:

— Confident PC user: Excel, PowerPoint, Google Trends/Analytics/Drive, Adobe Photoshop;
- Literacy of speech and writing;
- Experience in exhibitions;
— Creative approach in work;
— Language skills: Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​fluently; English is fluent.

Personal qualities:

- communication skills
- responsibility,
- teamwork skills,
- creativity,
- respectable appearance,
- Desire and willingness to develop
- flexibility of mind
- high efficiency,
- purposefulness.

Additional information:

Relationship status: Single.
Children: no.
Possibility of business trips: yes.

We hope that our sample resume for the position of advertising manager has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Back to section..

Olga is applying for the position of advertising manager. But the resume of the girl caused bewilderment among experts: did she, having changed so many jobs and having a philological education, never learn how to correctly describe her “work experience”?

Teachers "" structure Olga's "labor document" and eliminate semantic mistakes in it. And they also advise filling out at, then obvious mistakes in the structure of this document will certainly be avoided.

Original version of resume

Romanova Olga Yurievna Email: [email protected]
Phone: 890942-33-414.
Information about yourself
Target Getting a job as an advertising and marketing specialist.
Education 1997-2003, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, “Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature.
experience 04.2007 - 14.12.2007 OOO "Nabor" region/city]
Advertising specialist of the Rostov branch of the Window Factory "Svetoch"
Job responsibilities: creation and development of advertising in the dealer network of Rostov and the region, interaction with the media, document management, reporting, interaction with the advertising industry of Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, holding tenders.

12.2006-4.2007 LLC "Seven factorial"
Advertising specialist of the advertising agency "Seven Plus"
Job responsibilities: development of the client base, holding promotions, presentations, development of the promotional department, work with corporate clients.

6.2006-12.2006 NEM LLC
Head of Promo and Printing Department of NEM Advertising Agency
Job responsibilities: preparation of the RA for the start of work, preparation of price lists and commercial offers, development of the company logo, interaction with the RA of Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and St. Petersburg, training of advertising managers.

9.2005-5.2006 LLC "Pandora"
Senior Advertising Manager of the advertising and production company "Star Light"
Job responsibilities: training of advertising managers, control of order processing, training of promotional staff, writing of advertising texts, articles, work with designers, PR services, media planning, planning of clients' advertising budget.

Personal qualities
decency, responsibility, sociability, ability to work in a team, punctuality.
Interests and hobbies reading, theater, sports, music, clubs.
Hobby reading.
another skills
Other skills: writing advertising texts and slogans, the ability to draw up various types of documentation, speak in front of an audience, PC - an experienced user.

Expert opinion

The employment specialist of the newspaper "Work for you" comments

Let's start with the purpose of the resume. Position, which you, Olga, want to get, you need to indicate at the very beginning (right after the first and last name) so that the employer does not have to rummage through the text, figuring out which vacancy you are applying for. You need to decide: either the place of a marketer, or the position of an advertising manager. By mentioning both, you seem to "sign" in ignorance of the basics of your profession. Naturally, this fact does not add any advantages.

Having outlined the purpose of the summary, proceed to the description Work experience. Believe me, the employer is more interested in it than information about your marital status. Therefore, move the section where you talk about yourself to the end of your resume.

When listing your job responsibilities in different companies, try to start with those that are specific to the position you want to fill. In other words, everything on a resume should work towards its goal. In accordance with this most important rule, it is worth mentioning that you were reporting to Nabor LLC only after the employer finds out that you have experience in creating and developing advertising in the dealer network of Rostov and the region, interacting with the media and with the advertising industry of Stavropol. The mention of the development of the client base when listing job responsibilities in the RA "Seven Plus" should also be moved away. Now, if you applied for the position of sales manager - then it's a completely different matter!

Too frequent transitions from place to place will also be a minus: in 2 years with a little - 4 companies. In two of them, you worked for about 9 months, and in the rest for less than 5-6 months. The reason for such a "wanderlust" could be, for example, career growth, but this is not reflected in the resume. On the contrary, you started from the leading positions, and in the last two companies you were no longer included in the management team. Perhaps these companies are larger than the previous ones in terms of the number of employees and it is more prestigious to work there? If this is true, reflect this fact in your resume: briefly describe the company, write, for example, that it is a large enterprise or that the company is one of the leaders in its business. Then it will be easier for you to answer questions from employers about the reasons for frequent layoffs. And that such questions will follow, you can not even doubt. Managers are not interested in looking for a new employee every six months, and give preference to those candidates who are determined to work stable with them.

Resume Section "Another skills" rename to "Professional skills" and place immediately after the description of the work experience. But keep in mind: there should be something here that does not apply to your functions. Therefore, you need to remove everything that you already mentioned when listing job responsibilities in various companies.

About education also worth mentioning later, after professional skills. It is only for young specialists who have not worked anywhere yet for a day to bring this point to the beginning.

You may not describe your personal qualities in your resume at all. In the end, the employer will judge whether you are responsible, punctual and sociable, not by a line in the text, but based on the experience of personal communication with you. But if you still want to list your strengths, again start with what is needed for the new job. An advertising manager cannot do without communication skills, the ability to work in a team, and creativity. So start the list with these most important personal qualities in your profession.

Sections "Interests and hobbies", "Hobby" remove it from your resume once and for all. The employer is interested in the professionalism of a potential employee, and not his musical abilities or sports victories. Besides, a hobby is a hobby. Such a tautology, to be honest, is unforgivable for a specialist with a higher, especially a philological, education.

Revised CV

Olga Romanova
Date of birth: 1980.
Email: [email protected]
Phones: 8-909-423-34-14.
Wishes for future work Position: Advertising Manager
The salary: (Indicate the minimum wage you are applying for).
experience OOO "Nabor"(Rostov branch of the window plant "Svetoch"),
Advertising Specialist.
Job responsibilities:
  • creation and development of advertising in the dealer network of Rostov-on-Don and the region,
  • interaction with the media,
  • interaction with the advertising industry of Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory,
  • holding tenders,
  • paperwork, reporting.
LLC "Seven factorial"(advertising agency "Seven plus"),
12.2006–04. 2007.
Advertising Specialist.
Job responsibilities:
  • promotion department development,
  • promotions, presentations,
  • development of the agency's client base,
  • work with corporate clients.
Advertising agency "NEM",
06. 2006–12. 2006.
Head of promotion and printing department.
Job responsibilities:
  • organizational work for the opening of the RA,
  • preparation of price lists and commercial offers,
  • company logo design,
  • interaction with the RA of Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and St. Petersburg,
  • advertising managers training.
OOO "Pandora"(advertising and production company "Star Light"),
09. 2005–05. 2006.
Senior Advertising Manager.
Job responsibilities:
  • creation of advertising texts and slogans,
  • working with designers
  • organization of PR campaigns,
  • promotion staff training,
  • control over the production of orders,
  • media planning, advertising budget planning for clients.
Education The main one is higher.
Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, 1997–2003.
Specialty: “Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature.
Professional skills Registration of contracts.
Maintaining financial reporting.
Ability to speak in front of an audience.
PC - Power User (list programs).
Knowledge of foreign language (indicate the foreign language and the level of its knowledge).
additional information Relationship status: Single.
Personal qualities: communication skills, ability to work in a team, creativity, responsibility, punctuality.

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of an advertising manager (an experienced specialist or a beginner with no work experience) will help you. A good resume will greatly increase your chances of getting a job.

There are two types of advertising manager resume template

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those with no experience yet.

Template Benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people to create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what does not. This advertising manager resume sample has been tried and tested.

2) Standard format. Every hr-manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in the resume. Everything is simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets with your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as an advertising manager.

4) Important things are at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in the selection of personnel. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) Resumes can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write an advertising manager resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample advertising manager resume, click on the link below.

What does an advertising manager resume template look like?

Sample resume for advertising manager

Bogatov Alexey

Desired income level: 40 thousand rubles

Date of birth: 04/10/1989

Accommodation: St. Petersburg, Prospect Prosveshcheniya metro station
Ready for business trips.

Contact Information:
Phone: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
Email: [email protected]

Key knowledge and skills:

  • Skills of finding and attracting customers;
  • Ability to negotiate;
  • Working with documentation (commercial offers, contracts, etc.);
  • Knowledge of the features of different types of advertising, the ability to choose the most optimal option for the customer;
  • Awareness in the field of modern advertising legislation;
  • Organizational skills, communication skills, diligence.


08.2013 - present Advertising Manager

LLC "Cape Town" (, St. Petersburg

  • Attracting clients, advising on services and conditions;
  • Preparation of commercial offers;
  • Drawing up acts and contracts;
  • Control over the production of promotional products;
  • Monitoring the condition of outdoor advertising structures.

Achievements: attracted two large customers, which allowed to increase the company's income by 1.5 times.

Orion LLC (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: a network of grocery supermarkets

  • Development of the company's advertising strategy;
  • Participation in the development and production of promotional materials;
  • Control and coordination of the work of a copywriter and designer;
  • Monitoring the state of printing and outdoor advertising;
  • Interaction with advertising departments of mass media.

Achievements: developed and launched a series of commercials that contributed to a 20% increase in the number of buyers.


2013 Training center "Alliance", St. Petersburg

2012 St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, St. Petersburg

Specialty: "Management", higher education, diploma

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English - Advanced.

PC knowledge: confident user of MS Office; Consultant+.

Driver's license: category B, driving experience 5 years.