The most famous serial killers in the USSR and Russia. The most terrible maniacs of the USSR and Russia Bolotnik maniac in the territory of the CIS

On November 20, 1990, the whole country breathed a sigh of relief. Andrei Chikatilo was arrested. The things that this person did do not fit into the concept of a mental norm. Unfortunately, in his "terrible illness" he was not alone.


Number of victims: 53

Probably everyone who lives in Russia has heard the name of Andrei Chikatilo, the most famous Russian serial killer. Many documentaries have been shot about him, thousands of pages of articles and books have been written, and the name has become a household name. The bloody activities of Chikatilo fell on the last years of the communist regime - for 12 years from 1978 to 1990, he committed 53 murders (only proven ones, the maniac himself confessed to committing 65 murders), keeping the whole country in fear. November 20, 1990 Chikatilo was arrested and subsequently sentenced to death. Chikatilo asked for pardon from the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, but was refused. In 1994 he was executed by a shot in the back of the head.


Number of victims: found guilty in the death of 38 people.
In the days of Serfdom, cases of violence and bullying of landlords over peasants were common. And yet, what the noblewoman Daria Saltykova did on her estate does not fit into her head. According to the testimonies of people who knew Saltykov, it was difficult to suspect a tendency to violence and mental deviations in her - she was devout, donated money to the church and the poor. The death of her husband changed everything.
It all started with assault - on the peasants and servants, Saltychikha was torn off by anger for the dishonest performance of duties. Over time, the punishments of the courtyards turned into real torture - she poured boiling water over her victims, left them tied in the cold, tore out her hair, and did not shy away from torturing women and even children. The intercession of bribed officials helped her to continue her fanaticism - the landowner belonged to a well-known family and could count on indulgence. Until Catherine the Second ascended the throne. The empress personally rewrote the court verdict, as a result of which Saltychikha was sent to prison for life imprisonment without light and communication, where she died.

"Tsarskoye Selo murderer"

Number of victims: 7
Konstantin Sazonov was a minister in the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, for which he received his nickname "Tsarskoye Selo murderer." He operated in the same place - in two years (1814 -1816) he committed nine robberies and killed seven people. Neither his punishment nor his fate is known, and in general, his surname appears little in historical references about that time. But she settled in the lyceum folklore - the collective poem "Sazonoviada" and even in one of Pushkin's epigrams.

In the morning with a penny candle
I will appear before the holy image.
My friend! I stayed alive
But death was already under the scythe:
Sazonov was my servant,
And Peschel is my doctor.

Nikolai Radkevich

Number of victims: 3

Nikolai Radkevich, known by the nickname "Vadim Krovnyak", was the first registered serial killer in Russia, and then still the Russian Empire. On account of Radkevich 3 murders, while the victims of the maniac were exclusively women and of exceptionally easy virtue. This choice of the criminal is explained by his sad biography - while still studying at the cadet corps in Nizhny Novgorod, he, fourteen, was seduced by an adult woman, in addition to infecting him with syphilis. Since then, the reprisal against depraved women has become a mission and an obsession for him. However, the investigation quickly got on his trail - he was caught red-handed in a hotel room, where he committed his last, third murder. The court decision turned out to be surprisingly mild - eight years of hard labor. But four years before his release, he was killed by criminals.

"Shabolovsky murderer"

Number of victims: 33
Vasily Komarov was born into a family of alcoholics, he began to drink at the age of 15, he lived in poverty all his life and wandered all over Russia in search of work. And yet, despite the environment and difficult living conditions, for a long time it was not noted for something larger than robberies and petty domestic violence. Komarov began to commit murders already at a serious age - forty-four years old, when he moved to Moscow and settled in an apartment on Shabolovka Street. Everything happened in this apartment - Komarov invited speculators who wanted to buy the goods he had stolen, where he strangled or killed them with a hammer blow, after which he dumped the corpses into the river or buried them. Komarov's wife also participated in the murders, her court, after catching the criminals, together with her husband, sentenced her to death. Mikhail Bulgakov devoted a feuilleton to the investigation and crimes committed by the Komarovs.


Number of victims: 9
became one of the most high-profile criminal cases investigated in the USSR in the late 80s. Tamara Ivanyutina, who worked in the school cafeteria, was initially arrested on suspicion of poisoning students and teachers at the school where she worked. As the investigation later found out - the case at school was not the only crime - together with other members of her family (sister and parents), she repeatedly committed poisoning. The reason was the desire for profit - so she poisoned her first husband and his parents in order to get their apartment and house with a land plot - and unmotivated revenge, as in the case of school students and neighbors, whom she killed because of the remark made to her . Ivanyutina was sentenced to death. The only case of the application of the death penalty to a woman in the USSR in the post-Stalin era.

"Vitebsk strangler"

Number of victims: 36

Gennady Mikhasevich committed the first of his 36 murders after breaking off relations with his girlfriend. On that day, he was going to commit suicide himself and even prepared himself a rope for hanging, but instead he strangled a girl passing by with it. Mikheevich lured his subsequent victims (all of them were girls) into his car and killed them in deserted places. During the investigation of the case, he himself participated in the search, enrolling in the patrol team of vigilantes, and wrote letters to the regional newspaper, in which, allegedly on behalf of the fictitious organization "Patriots of Vitebsk", he took responsibility for the crimes. This betrayed him - later the investigation calculated the maniac by handwriting. The sentence is the death penalty.

In 1988, he was sentenced to 1 year of probation for indecent acts with minors: one episode was proven, another one then remained unsolved.
  • Until 1985, he did not kill.
  • According to some reports, he died in prison.
  • Until 1989 he did not kill.
  • He was also initially accused of 3 murders of women committed in the Kolpinsky district of Leningrad, Tosnensky and Gatchina regions of the Leningrad region.
  • 6 committed in Tajikistan.
  • Initially charged with 26 murders.
  • May have committed crimes in 1962.
  • Committed suicide.
  • Initially accused of 9 murders, 5 in Moscow and 4 in other cities of the USSR.
  • The sentence was commuted to 15 years in prison. Timofeev was released after serving his term.
  • Before the murders, he had the surname Krivobok.
  • He was also initially accused of 3 murders committed in 1990-1991 in the Kiev region, and a murder committed in 1992 in the Kirovograd region.
  • Until 1976 he did not kill.
  • Subsequently, he took the surname Steinert:
  • Subsequently, Artamonov wrote a petition for pardon. Life imprisonment was changed to 21 years in prison:
  • Initially sentenced to 9.5 years in prison for attacking a woman in Tuapse in September 2011.
  • In the periods from 2003 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2014, he did not kill.
  • Until 1994 and after 2009, he did not kill.
  • In 1994, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the first murder, a series of rapes and robberies. Some crimes at that time remained unsolved. In 2009 he was released.
  • Triple murder conviction. In 2016, he was re-sentenced to life imprisonment for a double murder. He also served a prison sentence for the first murder.
  • For the first murder, committed in 1991, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. In 2001, he received parole.
  • In the period from 2005 to 2009, he did not kill.
  • Triple murder conviction in 2009. In 2013, he was re-sentenced to life imprisonment for the first 3 murders.
  • Judgment for mass murder committed in 2014. For the first murder he was convicted in 1999, in 2009 he received parole.
  • In the period from 2003 to 2005, he did not kill.
  • The year of the first murder is unknown.
  • For the first murder, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Received parole.
  • Sentenced for 2 murders committed in 2010. For a double murder committed in 2001, he was sentenced to 9.5 years in prison. In 2010, he received parole.
  • Until 2004, he did not kill.
  • In the period from 2010 to 2014, he did not kill.
  • One of his victims was pregnant, so including the unborn child, the number of his victims comes to 7.
  • Before and after 1997, he did not kill.
  • In the period from 1993 to 1995 he did not kill.
  • Initially, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • In the period from 1997 to 1999 he did not kill.
  • Sentence for 4 murders committed in 2000-2001. In 2017, he was found guilty of 3 murders committed in 1997, 1999 and 2002. The final verdict remains the same.
  • Committed suicide.
  • In 2014, he was sentenced to 9 months in prison for theft. The 2012 murder remains unsolved. In 2015, he was released and in the same year was sentenced to 2 years in prison for another theft.
  • In 2017, life imprisonment was changed to 24 years in prison.
  • In 2012, the sentence was reduced to 21 years and 10 months in prison:
  • He was initially acquitted by a jury.
  • In the period from 1994 to 1996 he did not kill.
  • In the period from 2003 to 2010, he did not kill.
  • Until 2005, he did not kill.
  • In 2006, he was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for theft. The first murder remains unsolved. In 2007 he was released.
  • He was also found guilty of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim.
  • In the period from 2007 to 2009, he did not kill.
  • The year of the first murder is unknown.
  • After 2001, he did not kill.
  • In 2005, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for a series of rapes in Serov, 7 proven episodes, including minors, and forcing his own stepdaughter to cohabit. 3 murders in Serov, a murder in Krasnoturinsk, 2 rapes in Rudnichny, committed in 2001, and an attempt in Serov in 2004, then remained unsolved.
  • Triple murder conviction in 2008. For the first murder in 1991, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. In 2003 he was released.
  • In the period from 2010 to 2016, he did not kill.
  • Committed suicide before the execution of the sentence.
  • In 2004, he was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for robbery. 2 murders committed in 1999 remained unsolved. In 2007 he received parole.
  • The year of the first murder is unknown.
  • For the first murder in 1994, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In 2002, he received parole.
  • For the first murder in 1999, he was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison. In 2006, he received parole.
  • Subsequently, she took the name Elena Ryurikova-Alekseeva:
  • One of his victims was pregnant, so including the unborn child, the number of his victims comes to 5.
  • Before 1998 and after 2009, he did not kill.
  • In 1998 he was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the first murder. In 2009, he received parole.
  • In 2007, the sentence was commuted to 16 years in prison:
  • For the first murder, committed in 1996, he was serving a sentence of imprisonment.
  • In 2005, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison for robbery. The murders then remained unsolved.
  • In the period from 2003 to 2009, he did not kill.
  • Subsequently, the sentence was repeatedly mitigated and as a result amounted to 21 years in prison.
  • Sentence for the last 3 murders. For the first murder, committed in 1994, he was sentenced to 9 years in prison. In 2003 he was released.
  • One of his victims was pregnant, so including the unborn child, the number of his victims comes to 6.
  • Sentence for 4 murders committed in St. Petersburg in April-July 2008. In December 2010, he was found guilty of killing a passenger on the St. Petersburg - Lyuban train on October 28, 2005. The final verdict remains the same. Karnov tried to appeal the court's decision, but the verdict remained unchanged.
  • After 2005, he did not kill.
  • In 2007, he was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison for intentionally causing grievous bodily harm. 4 murders committed at that time remained unsolved.
  • In the period 1994 to 1996 he did not kill.
  • Possibly involved in the murder of a woman, coupled with rape, in Kemerovo, committed on August 12, 2005.
  • On May 19, 2005, he was sentenced to 22 years in prison for 2 murders of women, associated with robbery, and a robbery in Novosibirsk, committed on August 17, 20 and 21, 2005. On September 26, 2008, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison for a robbery in Kemerovo, committed on August 12, 2005.
  • The year of the first murder is unknown.
  • For the first murder, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
  • He was also found guilty of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim.
  • There is no information about the place of the first (double) murder.
  • Sentence for murder and assault committed in 2018. For a double murder in 2006, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
  • The sentence was commuted to 25 years in prison.
  • In the period from 2011 to 2017, he did not kill.
  • The verdict was cancelled. The defendant died before a new verdict was issued.
  • After 2007 did not kill.
  • Killed (strangled) during a fight with orderlies in the Omsk Regional Psychiatric Hospital.
  • In 1992 she was arrested for the murder of her own mother, in 1993 she was sentenced to 9 years in prison, in 1998 she was released under an amnesty.
  • Subsequently, he took the name Sidorenko:
  • A conviction for a double murder committed in 2006. For the first murder, committed in 1994, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In 2004 he received parole.
  • Until 2004 and after 2010, he did not kill.
  • In the period from 2012 to 2015 and from 2015 to 2017, he did not kill.
  • For the rape of his brother's pregnant wife, committed on May 3, 2013 in Gusinoozyorsk, on November 14, 2013, he was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison.
  • One of his victims was pregnant, so including the unborn child, the number of his victims comes to 11.
  • In the period from 2000 to 2002, he did not kill.
  • Sentence for the first and third murders. For the second murder in 2002, he was sentenced to 11.5 years in prison. In 2010, he received parole.
  • In the period from 1996 to 2008, he did not kill.
  • He was initially sentenced to 23 years in prison.
  • There is no information about the place of the first murder.
  • For the first murder, he was serving a sentence of imprisonment.
  • In 2017, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for 3 murders in Ukraine, after which he was extradited to Russia.
  • One of his victims was pregnant, so including the unborn child, the number of his victims comes to 4.
  • In the periods from 2003 to 2005 and from 2005 to 2016, he did not kill.
  • Initially charged with 4 murders.
  • In 1998, the sentence was commuted to 15 years in prison, and subsequently commuted to 10 years. In 2004, Moiseev was released.
  • Committed suicide before the execution of the sentence.
  • For the first murder, committed in 1998, he was sentenced to 9 years in prison. In 2006, he received parole.
  • At the time of the crimes, he had the surname Dengub.
  • In the period from 2013 to 2016, he did not kill.
  • For 2 murders committed in 1994, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. 3 murders committed at that time remained unsolved. In 2010 he was released.
  • The year of the first murder is unknown.
  • For the first and second murders, he served sentences of various terms of imprisonment. The last time he was released was in 2006, after spending 8 years in a colony.
  • For a double murder committed in 1998, in 1999 he was sentenced to 23 years in prison.
  • In 2003, 2010 and 2017 the sentence was revised, the final sentence was 23 years and 10 months in prison.
  • A conviction for a double murder committed in 2015. For the first murder in 2001, he was sentenced to 13 years and 5 months in prison. In 2014 he was released.
  • Until 2005, he did not kill.
  • Sentence for 22 murders committed in Angarsk in 1994-2000. In December 2018, he was found guilty of 56 more murders and re-sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • In the period from 1996 to 1999 he did not kill.
  • In the period from 1999 to 2008, he did not kill.
  • According to other sources - Anushcherovon
  • In view of the moratorium on the death penalty, Retunsky's sentence was commuted, but not to life imprisonment, but to 15 years in prison, since at that time in the legislation of the Russian Federation the maximum punishment after execution was 15 years in prison. In 2012, Retunsky completely served his sentence and returned to his native village, but in the same year he was again arrested on charges of theft and sentenced to 5 years in prison. In 2015, he received parole.
  • In 1997 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison for theft. The first 2 rapes out of 6 proven episodes then remained unsolved. In 2001, he received parole.
  • The bloodiest maniacs of the USSR 31.10.2016 18:35

    Among the numerous crimes with which the criminal chronicle is rich, there are those from which the blood freezes. Committed with particular cruelty, they do not even fit into the framework of criminal morality, make outcasts not only of the ordinary, but also of the criminal environment of those who have crossed the line.

    Their bloody glory does not subside over the years: people are interested in them, films are made about them and books are written, scientists from all over the world study their phenomenon. They left an indelible mark on our history: the murderous maniacs of the Soviet Union.

    Vasily Ivanovich Komarov ("Shabolovsky murderer")
    The first reliable Soviet serial killer maniac. His victims were 33 men.

    The future maniac, then Petrov Vasily Terentyevich, was born in the Vitebsk region in a large family of a worker. His whole family suffered from alcoholism, and Vasily also began to drink from the age of 15.

    Komarov started killing in February 1921, when Lenin announced the New Economic Policy and thereby allowed private enterprise. Komarov committed all crimes according to one scenario: he met a client who wanted to buy this or that product, brought him to his house, gave him vodka to drink, then killed him with hammer blows, sometimes strangled him, and then packed the bodies in a bag and carefully hid them.

    In 1921, he committed at least 17 murders, in the next two years - at least 12 more murders, although he later confessed to 33 murders. The bodies were found in the Moscow River, in ruined houses buried underground. According to Komarov, the whole procedure took no more than half an hour.

    In the winter of 1922, Komarov's wife found out about the murders, but she reacted calmly to this, moreover, she participated in the latest murders.

    At the trial, Komarov spoke about the murders with particular cynicism and pleasure. The maniac did not repent of the crimes committed, moreover, he said that he was ready to commit at least sixty more murders. The forensic psychiatric examination recognized Komarov as sane, although they recognized him as an alcoholic degenerate and a psychopath.

    The court sentenced Vasily Komarov and his wife Sofya to capital punishment - execution. In the same 1923, the sentence was carried out.

    Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo ("Mad Beast", "Rostov Ripper", "Red Ripper", "Killer from the forest belt", "Citizen X", "Satan", "Soviet Jack the Ripper")

    The most famous Soviet serial killer. His name over the past couple of decades has become a household name: a maniac, a sadist, a pervert, according to some sources, a cannibal. He has 53 proven murders on his account (the offender himself confessed to 56, according to operational information, he committed more than 65 murders): 21 boys aged 7 to 16, 14 girls aged 9 to 17, 18 girls and women.

    Andrei Chikatilo was the son of a "traitor, traitor and coward", since his father was captured at the front. The childhood of the future killer of the twentieth century passed in poverty and constant humiliation.

    Chikatilo talked about his childhood like this: “... In September 1944, he went to school. He was too shy, timid, shy, was the object of ridicule and could not defend himself. The teachers marveled at my helplessness: if I didn't have a pen or ink, I would sit and cry. Due to congenital myopia, I could not see what was written on the board and was afraid to ask. There were no glasses at all then, besides, I was afraid of the nickname Bespectacled, I began to wear them only at the age of 30, when I got married ... Tears of resentment choked me all my life. In the spring of 1954, when I was already in the tenth grade, I once lost my temper. A thirteen-year-old girl came into our yard, blue trousers peeking out from under her dress ... I said that my sister was not at home, she did not leave. Then I pushed her, knocked her down and lay down on her. I didn't undress her and I didn't undress myself. But I immediately ejaculated. I was very worried about this weakness of mine, although no one saw it. After this misfortune of mine, I decided to tame my flesh, my base impulses, and vowed to myself not to touch anyone except my future wife.

    Chikatilo graduated from the philological faculty of the Russian State University and became a teacher of the Russian language and literature, an educator at a boarding school. Former students of Chikatilo, already adults, recalled in court how the teacher, under the guise of helping them, sat down next to them and “touched different parts of the body”, unexpectedly entered the girls’ room when they were changing clothes, Chikatilo constantly engaged in masturbation through the pockets of his trousers, for which he students openly teased.

    In 1982, in the Rostov region, mutilated bodies began to be found, battered police officers were horrified. The search for the Rostov Ripper began: hundreds of policemen and ten years of searching.

    In 1982, Chikatilo killed seven children between the ages of 9 and 16. Most often, he met future victims at bus stops and train stations, under some plausible pretext (show a short road, puppies, stamps, a video recorder, etc.) lured them into a forest belt or other secluded place (sometimes the victims passed with the killer several kilometers - Chikatilo always walked in front), unexpectedly pounced with a knife. On the mutilated bodies of the dead, up to sixty stab wounds were found, many had their noses, tongues, genitals, breasts cut off and bitten off, and their eyes gouged out.

    In December 1985, the operation "Forest Belt" under the control of the Central Committee of the CPSU began - perhaps the largest operational event ever carried out by Soviet and Russian law enforcement agencies. Over the entire period of the operation, more than 200 thousand people were checked for involvement in a series of murders, 1062 crimes were solved along the way, information was accumulated on 48 thousand people with sexual deviations, 5845 people were put on special records, 163 thousand drivers of vehicles were checked. Military helicopters were even used to patrol the railroad tracks and adjacent forest belts. The search for the killer cost the state about 10 million rubles in 1990 prices.

    The development of the investigation was complicated by the fact that the police did not have any testimonies. And yet there was one clue - on the body of a 9-year-old boy who died in the summer of 1982, the sperm of the fourth group was found. And this, according to all the classical laws of forensic science, meant that the blood of the criminal was also of the fourth group.

    But as it turned out, the unshakable "classical laws of criminology" played a cruel joke with the investigation. Even at the beginning of operations, in 1984, one of the operational groups detained Chikatilo at the station, drawing attention to his suspicious behavior and hard-to-disguise interest in teenagers. At the same time, a blood sample was taken from him, but since the group turned out to be the second, the criminal was quietly released. Subsequently, it turned out that Chikatilo's physiology was abnormal - he had a different sperm group and blood type. The holy faith of those who conducted the investigation in forensic dogmas gave the sadist the opportunity to rape and kill people for another six years.

    Having reached a dead end, members of the task force went to consult with the same maniac and pedophile Anatoly Slivko, who at that time was awaiting the death penalty in the Stavropol prison, but the maniac's advice did not help the investigation, Slivko said that not one person was operating, but a whole gang.

    On November 17, outside surveillance was established for Chikatilo. He behaved suspiciously: he tried to get acquainted with boys and girls, appeared in places where corpses were found.

    The killer was represented as a monster, but he turned out to be a very peculiar person: he valued his family, was attached to his wife and children, modest and even shy, timid. It was downright hard to believe that this meek creature was capable of gouging out the eyes of its victims. But just this, as it turned out, is quite understandable: a maniac cannot withstand someone else's gaze.

    In the trial, which began on April 14, 1992, Chikatilo tried to portray insanity, but a forensic psychiatric examination showed his full sanity.

    While on death row, Chikatilo wrote numerous complaints and requests for clemency. On January 4, 1994, the last request for pardon addressed to Russian President Boris Yeltsin was rejected. On February 14, Chikatilo was executed in the Novocherkassk prison.

    But the “Chikatilo case” did not end there. A sequel followed in 1996.

    Some scientists believe that there is no non-inherited trait and the "crime trait" is passed on by the gene. Perhaps it was this gene that played a role in the son of the "killer of the century" - Yuri Andreevich. He was charged with unlawful imprisonment of a person whom he tortured, forgery of documents, and rape.

    The Chikatilo family, after his arrest, changed their surname so that the children would not carry their father's affairs like a cross. However, in 1991, Yuri regained his father's surname. According to some reports, he is very proud to be the son of Andrei Chikatilo and would like to follow in his footsteps. Yuri, just like his father once, requires a psychiatric examination. And he does it in the same pre-trial detention center where his father was before.

    Anatoly Yurievich Onoprienko ("Citizen O")

    Ukrainian serial and mass killer. Between 1989 and 1996, he killed 52 people. Sometimes Onoprienko is called the most cruel maniac of the 20th century. The question of the exact motives for his crimes still remains unanswered.

    Onoprienko's mother died when he was only 3 years old and, left an orphan, with a living father and older brother, the boy ended up in an orphanage. Already in the orphanage, he began to beat his peers and stabbed them with sharp objects, he liked to make fires in the forest.

    Onoprienko committed his first murder on June 14, 1989. He shot and robbed a married couple. In 1995 there was a second wave of murders, from October to December 1995 he killed 7 people.

    Soon, murders became commonplace for Onoprienko. At short intervals, he went to rob and kill. As a rule, he killed several people at once, after which he took their property. During one of these robberies, he slaughtered a family of 4 people (the Zaichenko family), including a 3-month-old baby.

    Many years later, Onoprienko was still unable to answer why he killed the baby (later, however, he will say that he killed children so that they would not remain orphans). In addition, sometimes Onoprienko raped his victims (there was even an episode when he had sexual intercourse with the corpse of a murdered woman).

    Onoprienko committed his last murder on March 22, 1996. He killed a married couple, their little daughter, and the deaf sister of the murdered woman. He robbed them, and leaving, he killed their dog.

    April 14, 1996 Anatoly Onoprienko was arrested in the city of Yavoriv. At first he was silent. When asked about the motive, he answered that he was ordered to kill "from above", that he was led by "intergalactic forces". He demanded to be studied as a "natural phenomenon". Doctors believe that by killing others, he was avenging his own destroyed family.

    The reading of the indictment lasted 3 days. The court sentenced Onoprienko to death by firing squad. The verdict was met with applause from the audience. Onoprienko, while reading the verdict, showed the middle finger to the judge, after listening to the verdict, he drew a cross on his forehead.

    On August 27, 2013, Onoprienko died of heart failure in Zhytomyr Prison No. 8.

    Alexander Yuryevich Pichushkin ("Bitsevsky maniac", "The killer with a chessboard")

    Alexander was raised by his mother, because his father left the family when the child was only 9 months old. Pichushkin was very modest and quiet, he did not hooligan, he liked to play chess.

    Soon, according to Pichushkin's mother, an accident happens to him - he falls from a swing and receives a head injury, after which he ends up in the hospital. As a result of the injury, Pichushkin had complications with speech - he confused “sh” and “s”, and also made mistakes in writing these letters, which is why his mother transferred him to a speech therapy boarding school.

    Alexander committed the first murder on July 27, 1992, he killed his classmate and threw the body into the well. After 14 years, he admitted during interrogation that "the first murder is like the first love, it is impossible to forget."

    Pichushkin thought about the first murder for a long time and finally realized that he wanted to kill more. He finally understood this after the trial of Andrei Chikatilo and began to carefully prepare for the next murders: he trained, pumped muscles, gained weight on steroids and proteins.

    Maniac has been unfolding since 2001. He hid corpses in manholes, skillfully covered his tracks, so the disappeared people until 2006 were considered missing. In 2005, the press started talking about the increasing number of murders in Bitsevsky Park, explaining this by the fact that the maniac stopped hiding the bodies, thus wanting to make himself known.

    Alexander Pichushkin was detained on June 16. After some time, the arrested person declared that it was he who was the "Bitsevsky maniac", but the search activities continued, as the investigators did not exclude the possibility of self-incrimination.

    After the arrest, Pichushkin stated that he wanted to kill at least 64 people so that the number of victims was equal to the number of cells on the chessboard. After each murder, he pasted a number and closed the box with some object. However, during one of the interrogations, he stated that after filling all the cells he would buy a new board. At first, Pichushkin tried to kill alcoholics, homeless people and other antisocial individuals who, in his opinion, had no right to life, but soon he switched to his acquaintances, arguing that "it is especially pleasant to kill someone you know."

    The exact number of victims of the "Bitsevsky maniac" is still unknown. According to various sources, Pichushkin claimed to have killed 60, 61, 62, or 63 people.

    “...If they hadn't been caught, I would never have stopped, never. They saved the lives of many by catching me ... ”- said the maniac. On October 29, 2007, Pichushkin was sentenced to life imprisonment; he is serving his sentence in the polar owl colony.

    Sergei Fedorovich Tkach ("Pavlograd Maniac", "Pologiv Maniac", "Artem")

    The bloodiest maniac of the USSR. He left Chikatilo, Pichushkin and Onoprienko far behind, breaking all records for the number of victims in the territory of the former Soviet Union. In total, Tkach wrote 107 confessions.

    Sergey Tkach is a "classic maniac" - an outcast, married three times in the past, has four children, an exemplary worker. Former forensic expert. His testimony was included in the latest Ukrainian textbooks on practical psychology, published for a narrow circle of readers by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    Born on September 15, 1952 in the city of Kiselevsk (Kemerovo Region, RSFSR). After serving in the army, he was sent to work in the police, and was also recommended for admission to the Novosibirsk School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    Tkach committed his first crime in 1980: he strangled a completely unfamiliar girl and abused her body, after which he himself called the police, allegedly wanting to confess.

    At the same time, a new incentive for brutal murders arose. As the killer himself said, he passionately wanted to prove to the top leadership of the police the complete unsuitability of its operational staff. The goal was partially achieved: the man was caught for 25 years. During this time, the number of his victims exceeded 70.

    Being familiar with the operational practice of the police, Sergei Tkach masterfully learned to “cover up his tracks”: he removed from the victims all items of clothing and shoes that could leave his fingerprints, carefully destroyed the evidence, leaving no cigarette butts and leftovers at the crime scene, trampled down the traces, wiped away the traces of semen.

    The girls were usually tracked down in forest plantations near the railroad tracks and highways, believing that suspicion would fall on some trucker or visitor. Before the start of the "hunt" he drank a glass of "mixture No. 3": vodka with diphenhydramine.

    Weaver had a trademark handwriting: he squeezed the girl's carotid artery and took something as a keepsake: gold jewelry, lipstick, mirror, handbag and underwear of the victim. He left the crime scene along the sleepers, because in this case, service dogs are not able to take the trail.

    The last victim of Sergei Tkach was a nine-year-old girl Katya, the daughter of a neighbor friend. The weaver came to the girl's funeral and was recognized by the children with whom Katya played shortly before her death. The kids told the adults: they say, this uncle somehow looked at them in a wrong way, and then began to tell something funny to Katya.

    “It was necessary to drown them, too,” the maniac lamented during interrogations. "I'm really sorry..."

    All three of Tkach's wives said that he had no abnormalities; neighbors and friends spoke of him as a positive person, wondered why he killed women, because he never had problems with them, on the contrary, “he could chat anyone, if not in 13 seconds, then in a minute for sure.”

    Why did he so want to kill the opposite sex? Tkach himself explained this by the influence of vodka: “... As soon as after the reception I saw some girl, it was like a demon awakened in me ...”

    "Why did you abuse the dead?" the investigators asked him. The maniac replied: they say, the living could scratch him, and any scratch on his face or arm could become evidence. Yes, and my wife would have unnecessary questions ...

    The weaver is one of the most cunning maniacs. The following incident speaks of his cunning: when the Weaver was walking from another murder, he had the victim’s belongings in his pocket. A police patrol came across him, then Tkach turned into a village toilet and began to pretend that he was engaged in masturbation. The policemen, thinking that an ordinary onanist cannot be a maniac, left.

    Chikatilo substituted a lot of people in his place: they hurried to shoot two. Anatoliy Onoprienko helped put six fellow Ukrainians behind bars. With the help of the valiant police, Sergei Tkach surpassed both ghouls in this sense: at least ten were blamed for the murders he committed:

    The youngest of them was eighth-grader Yakov Popovich. He was taken right at the lesson at school and accused of rape and murder of his cousin, 10-year-old Yana, condemned to 15 years.
    Vladimir Svetlichny, the father of Olya Svetlichnaya, who was killed by a maniac, hanged himself in his cell in 2000 after severe torture in the Dnepropetrovsk pre-trial detention center. Svetlichny was charged with the massacre of his own daughter.
    Igor Ryzhkov in 1997 received 10 years for the murder committed by Tkach and was released from prison after serving his term.
    Sergei Tkach was detained in his house on the outskirts of the village of Pologi in August 2005. On December 23, 2008, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. In conclusion, he had access to the Internet and even created his own primitive website on which he communicated with the interested public. Sergei Tkach continues to serve a life sentence.

    Alexander Nikolaevich Spesivtsev ("Novokuznetsk Monster", "Siberian Ripper")

    Russian serial killer, cannibal, whose victims were 19 women and children. In total, Spesivtsev is suspected of 80 murders. A feature of his crimes is the circumstances of their commission: being in the room (not being afraid to be caught), his mother helped him in terrible crimes.

    Alexander grew up as a weak and sickly child, was withdrawn and unsociable. He was often offended by his peers, and he dreamed of someday taking cruel revenge on them.

    Mother Spesivtseva worked in court as an assistant to a lawyer, and soon their favorite pastime with her son was looking at photographs that Lyudmila Yakovlevna brought home from work. Photos of crime victims, criminals and corpses already gave Sasha a strange pleasure, as he later admitted. The moment when her son began to show a tendency to sadism, the mother did not notice.

    In 1991, Spetsivtsev began dating a girl, Evgenia. Once he beat her and she decided to leave him, to which Alexander reacted in his own way - he locked Evgenia in his apartment and began torturing her. Later, the girl died of sepsis, her whole body was covered with purulent abscesses, so the experts could not find out the real cause of death.

    Alexander was diagnosed with schizophrenia, he was forcibly taken to a psychiatric clinic, where he stayed for 3 years. After discharge, in addition to resentment at classmates, resentment and anger at the hospital were added. Among other things, by that time Spesivtsev had some problems with his genitals - in the hospital, at his request, a roommate sewed a pellet into his genitals, which caused inflammation.

    When he returned, he began to communicate with drunkards and homeless people who lived at the station. There he met the next two victims (both Elenas), whom he killed in the same way as he once killed Eugenia.

    Soon the maniac got bored of killing women and he switched to children. He found the first victims at a construction site, treated the boys to cigarettes and offered to rob his own apartment. On that day, 5 children's corpses turned out to be in Spesivtsev's bedroom. It’s scary, but when Spesivtsev’s mother discovered the corpses a few days later, she didn’t tear her hair out of horror, didn’t run to the police - on the contrary, she helped her beloved son and carried the dismembered bodies out of the house in buckets and threw them into the river. So the maniac got his own personal "cleaning lady" and he could calmly continue his work.

    However, Lyudmila Yakovlevna was not only a cleaner - she brought the last three victims herself. The corpses of children went to the household - the maniac cooked soups, ate himself, forced children who had not yet been killed to eat, and the dog gnawed the bones.

    It is not known how long the murders would have continued if it were not for the plumbers who needed to get into the Spesivtsevs' apartment. Alexander refused to open the door for them, shouted that he was mentally ill, in response to this, the workers brought a district police officer. What they saw shocked them: the torso of a girl without arms and legs lay in the bath, a severed head and chest were removed from the tank; an exhausted half-dead girl was found in the bedroom, who later died in the hospital.

    From the testimony of the girl: “When Andrei (as Alexander Spesivtsev introduced himself to the girls) killed Nastya, at night he ordered us to cut the corpse into pieces so that it would be easier to hide. He gave us a hacksaw, with which we cut the corpse, cut off the meat from the bones with a knife. He did not do it himself, he only commanded.

    Meat and bones fed the dog. The cut off parts Zhenya and I carried to the bathroom, where they put them in the bathtub, the tank. Both the grandmother and the woman saw all this, were present in the apartment. That's for sure. All other days he beat Zhenya and me. He broke Zhenya's arm, smashed her head, sewed her head up several times with a simple needle and thread.

    After his arrest, Spesivtsev testified at the very first interrogation, his mother also did, who immediately confessed to complicity. The killer could have been caught much earlier if the neighbors had reported that they constantly heard screams from the Spesivtsevs' apartment, but they thought that the mentally ill Alexander himself was screaming.

    The exact number of victims of the maniac has not been established. During the search, operatives found 82 sets of bloody clothing, as well as photographs of unknown children in the nude.

    The court sentenced Lyudmila Yakovlevna to 15 years in prison. Spesivtsev was declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment to a high-security psychiatric hospital in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region. Spesivtsev is still under compulsory treatment at the Volgograd Special Type Psychiatric Hospital with intensive monitoring.

    People are divided into good and bad. Good people, according to others, are kind, sympathetic and sympathetic. The bad ones, in turn, are famous for their terrible evil deeds. Maniacs are perhaps the most terrible and ruthless people on earth. It is believed that a maniac is a person who has killed more than three people with a frequency of one month. History knows many maniacs, but some of them became famous for their cruelty and callousness. Who are they, the maniacs who killed many innocent people?

    Anatoly Onoprienko (Citizen "O")

    The serial killer lived and killed on the territory of Ukraine. He is often called the most ruthless killer of the twentieth century. Perhaps, in his cruelty, he can only be compared with Chikatilo. At the same time, the motives for all the terrible murders remain a mystery to this day. He began his bloody business back in 1989, when he met his accomplice Sergei Rogozin. He was an experienced soldier who went through Afghanistan with decorations. But, having fallen under the pernicious influence of Onoprienko, Sergey agreed to start a joint bloody business. And in 1989, he decided to kill for the first time. The victims were a married couple sleeping in their car. Subsequently he killed 52 people. They were women, men and even children. He once killed a three-month-old baby while robbing his family. Onoprienko was quite arrogant and arrogant. At the scene of the crime, he always acted slowly, as if he was sure of his impunity.

    And yet, in 1996, Onoprienko was arrested in a rented apartment. He was sentenced to death. But at that moment in Ukraine the death penalty was abolished, and therefore Onoprienko remained alive. And only in 2013, while in the Zhytomyr prison, he died of heart failure.

    Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo

    This surname still strikes terror into the hearts of ordinary people. All because he was not only a serial killer, but also a pedophile and a necrophile. Chikatilo confessed to 56 kills, although only 53 were proven. His victims were mostly girls and boys under 17, as well as girls and women.

    The maniac killed his first woman in 1978 in a house that he bought specifically for comfort with prostitutes. It was a nine-year-old girl whom Chikatilo raped and stabbed in the abdomen. After the first murder, there was a break for three years. Then the killings followed one after another. The maniac raped his victims, using various objects, biting off his nipples and strangling him. Almost all the bodies of the victims were mutilated with inhuman brutality.

    In 1984, Chikatilo was first arrested, but released three months later due to lack of evidence. And only in 1990, as a result of the vigilance of a police officer, Chikatilo was finally arrested. He was sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out through a shot in the back of the head.

    Vasily Ivanovich Komarov

    It is believed that it was Komarov who was the first serial killer in the USSR. He committed his murders in Moscow. His victims were 33 men. He began to kill back in 1921. He got acquainted with all the victims under the pretext of buying and selling goods. He then killed entrepreneurs and painstakingly hid their bodies.

    What is most striking is that Komarov's wife, who accidentally found out about the murders, took an active part in the last episodes. When he was arrested, Komarov confessed everything, but did not repent at all and spoke of his readiness to kill more.

    The court sentenced the Komarovs to be shot. The sentence was carried out in 1923.

    Anatoly Nikolaevich Biryukov

    At first glance, this man was absolutely decent and honest. At 38, he had a wife and two daughters. Who would have thought that his passion would be the rape and murder of young children.

    Anatoly Biryukov began killing in 1977 in Moscow. He was later nicknamed "the baby hunter". He abducted children directly from carriages standing near shops or just on the street. Then the killer took them to deserted places, where he raped them. Often, it is because of this that babies die. The victims were five children, both boys and girls.

    During the sixth abduction, he was seen by witnesses who made a sketch of the criminal. In 1979, the maniac was shot by a court verdict.

    Alexander Nikolaevich Spesivtsev

    The serial killer, who hunts on the territory of Russia, became famous for the fact that his own mother helped him in his terrible crimes.

    Spesivtsev's victims were 19 women and children, although according to law enforcement agencies there were many more. The first victim was a girl he dated. Once she decided to leave Alexander, but he closed her in the apartment and tormented her. She died, while on her body there were many purulent formations, which did not make it possible to identify the true cause of death.

    Spesivtsev was then placed in a psychiatric clinic for compulsory treatment. Three years later he came out and continued to kill. After some time, he switched to killing children, and his beloved mother helped him in this. She took out the dismembered bodies of children from the apartment and thus saved her son from evidence.

    To this whole nightmare was added the fact that the family prepared soups and other dishes from the victims, which they and the still living victims ate. By a happy coincidence, plumbers who tried to enter the apartment helped. After the attempt failed due to the owner's violent reaction, they called the police. 82 sets of clothes were found in the killers' apartment, suggesting the true number of victims.

    Spesivtsev's mother was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and he himself was sent to compulsory treatment, where he is, to this day.

    Sergei Fyodorovich Tkach

    This killer rightfully became the "record holder" in terms of the number of murders that he committed on the territory of the USSR. Difficulties in his capture also arose because he once worked as a forensic expert, who perfectly understands the procedure for catching criminals.

    Tkach committed his first murder in 1980. He raped and strangled the girl. He had an irresistible desire to prove to the police staff his absolute helplessness. The maniac could not be caught for 25 years.

    His last victim was a neighbor girl, to whom he dared to come to the funeral, where he was identified by other children. After his arrest, Maniac wrote 107 confessions. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, where he is now.

    Irina Gaidamachuk

    Yes, there are women among the maniacs, no matter how terrible it may be. One of them was Irina. She came to pensioners and presented herself as a social worker. When she found herself inside the apartment, she killed the owners with a hammer or an ax. And all for the sake of a robbery, all in order to buy a drink, for which she had a fatal passion.

    Of course, it was possible to get a job, but it was not for her. The number of its victims in 8 years of criminal activity has reached 17 . All of them were elderly people. She was arrested in 2010 and sentenced to 20 years in prison.