A scary story with a happy ending for kids. Scary stories and mystical stories

1. I put the child to bed, and he says to me: "Daddy, check the monsters under the bed." I look under the bed to calm him down, and I see my child there, who looks at me with horror and a trembling voice says: “Dad, there is someone else in my bed.”

2. Doctors told the patient that phantom pains are possible after amputation. But no one warned of how the cold fingers of the amputated hand would scratch the other.

3. I can't move, breathe, speak or hear - it's dark all the time. If I knew, it would be better to ask to be cremated.

4. I woke up because I heard a knock on the glass. At first I thought that someone was knocking on my window, but then I heard another knock ... from the mirror.

5. They celebrated the first successful cryogenic freezing. But the patient had no way of showing them that he was still conscious.

6. She could not understand why she casts two shadows. After all, there was only one lamp in the room.

7. A smiling face stared at me from the darkness outside my bedroom window. I live on the 14th floor.

8. In the morning I found a photograph of myself sleeping on my phone. I live alone.

9. I just saw my reflection in the mirror winking at me.

10. I am working on the night shift and suddenly I see a face that looks directly into the surveillance camera under the ceiling.

11. The dummies were delivered wrapped in bubble wrap. I hear from another room how someone began to burst them.

12. You woke up. And she is not.

13. She asked me why I sighed so heavily. But I didn't sigh.

14. You came home after a long day at work and already dream of relaxing alone. You are looking for a switch with your hand, but you feel someone's hand.

15. My daughter always cries and screams in the middle of the night. I visited her grave and asked her to stop, but it didn't help.

16. Day 312. The Internet is still not working.

17. You have already begun to fall asleep in a sound, calm sleep, when you suddenly hear: someone whispered your name. Are you living alone.

18. As usual, I kissed my wife and daughter before going to bed. I woke up in a room with soft walls, and the doctors said that I dreamed it all.

19. Falling asleep, you pulled one leg out from under the blanket. Someone immediately grabbed you.

20. The relatives of the deceased were never able to leave the crypt. Someone locked the door from the outside.

21. My wife woke me up last night to tell me that a burglar had broken into the house. But she was killed 2 years ago.

22. I had a wonderful dream until I woke up from the sounds of someone knocking with a hammer. After that, I only heard clods of earth falling on the lid of the coffin, drowning out my screams.

23. The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door.

24. After a hard day at work, I hurried home to see my wife and our child as soon as possible. I don't know what was scarier to see my wife and child dead or to realize that someone is still in the apartment.

25. Mom called me to the kitchen, but on the way there I heard my mother whisper from another room: "Don't go there, I heard it too."

26. I never go to bed, but I wake up every time.

27. Doctor's conclusion: The newborn weighs 3600 g, height 45 cm, 32 molars. Silent, smiling.

28. She went into the nursery to look at her sleeping baby. The window was open and the bed was empty.

29. “I can’t sleep,” she whispered, climbing into bed with me. I woke up in a cold sweat clutching at the dress in which she was buried.

30. You hear a terrible scream in the hallway, but you cannot open your eyes and move.

31. I come home, my mother shouts from the kitchen “Go to dinner”, an SMS from my mother immediately comes: “I’ll be late, warm up something for yourself.”

32. I used to think that my cat has vision problems: she cannot focus her eyes when she looks at me. Until I realized that she was always looking at something behind me.

“We have been together for more than seven years, and spent four of them apart. We started dating back in high school, but he played hockey, started playing for the youth team, and he had to go abroad.

It was oh so difficult for me to wait for him throughout my student years and see each other only once a year, during the holidays.

Several times we even decided to leave, but not even a week passed before we wrote to each other again. In the end, we passed this test! He returned home; Now we are together and happy.

I can say the game was worth the candle. Of course, I was sad when there was no loved one around with whom I could spend time. But nothing distracted me from my studies, and I was able to unlearn perfectly well.


2. Strength test

“Our relationship was not easy at first, for several reasons. We both just recently parted ways with our previous flames, we have a 12 year age difference and we both love to ride. The people around us did not approve of our relationship. We often and passionately argued and quarreled over a hundred reasons: money, sex, how little time we spend together, life goals, career, etc.

We didn't think we could handle it. More than once we sat side by side, sighing and crying at the thought that we might lose each other. We loved each other very much, but we had no idea how to deal with all our problems.

We were angry, unhappy, and completely stumped. And then we decided to put our relationship on a final trial period. We gave ourselves only six months to get things right; if nothing changes in that time, we should have let each other go.

We agreed to remain ourselves all this time, not pretending, not hiding anything, not compromising our convictions and desires. It was necessary for us to really see each other as we are, and not as we would like to appear or as our partner imagined. It was a time of revelation. We found ourselves trying to go over the top to show our love in ways that didn't impress our partner.

It was an amazing revelation! It turns out that she was not pleased with my bouquets, but our joint budget planning began to please her. She learned that I prefer to discuss problems that she did not ask at all out of inattention, but out of a sense of tact ... Now our marriage is beautiful. We understand each other and move in the same direction. We do everything together and we cannot live without each other. It's been 10 years and we're crazy about each other. I never imagined such love before!

3. Treason

“When I started dating my current man, an unearthly passion broke out between us. But almost a year later, he cheated on me. When he confessed everything, I did not know what to do. After much deliberation, after consulting with family and friends, I nevertheless decided to stay.

It was very difficult. I couldn't trust him anymore, I was alarmed by his every step. It took him about two years to completely return my favor to him ... Finally, I was able to forgive him. Eight years have passed, we are still together and love each other more than ever. I made sure he was my destiny and deserved a second chance.”

4. Science tortures young men

“I started dating my fiancé at the end of my first year of graduate school. We seemed to be perfect for each other. Just a month later, our friends joked that we were a happy married couple, and this was not far from the truth. But then I delved into my studies, and he began to prepare for exams. Stress wedged between us and almost destroyed everything.

I was constantly worried about my dissertation, and he was torn between work and study. Since the first year was so easy for us, we both took our relationship for granted. Several times we were on the verge of parting. But something kept us together.

After I finished my thesis and he passed most of his exams, we realized that we were a really happy couple - and a few months later he proposed to me!

We learned a lesson from all this: relationships require care and attention, and time spent in each other's company should always come first.

5. Theater by the phone

“We met at the wrong time. He had just broken up with a girl, and I was about to take the biggest adventure of my life - to go to enter the theater. From the very beginning we suited each other, but he needed time to recover, and I needed to test my strength on the desired easier.

We both came to the conclusion that if our relationship was going to work, it would. We corresponded daily by e-mail and called up - and this went on for four years ... For ten years now, we have been together, married and happy. Although I did not become a famous artist, I found myself an ideal life partner.

6. They slew a dragon

“I met a man who said that he had not been drinking for 20 years - and I believed him. But it wasn't quite like that. We met on the Internet, lived in different cities, and I didn’t manage to guess everything right away. We both went through a period of transition: he was on the verge of a divorce after 18 years of marriage and was tormented by guilt about it. I didn’t have a relationship for seven years, and now I decided to re-establish my personal life after losing 45 kilograms.

A selection of 4 scary stories for children. For the best frightening effect, it is recommended to read at night!

Tale of the swing

One boy had a long nose. And his name was Yegor. Somehow Egor came out into the yard and immediately sat on the swing. And began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. He rode for two hours and everything was not enough for him.

Other children in the yard began to ask:

Yegorka! Let us ride!

But Yegor did not answer, but only began to sway even more - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. Only the long nose flickers. Then other children joined hands and began to sing a teaser that they themselves composed:

“Egor is a long nose,
I've grown to the swing!

Yegor was offended, but he did not cry from the swing. And the children were also offended and went to eat pancakes with sour cream. Egor still swayed and decided that it was time to go home and eat something, but he couldn’t stop - the swing didn’t want to let him go! Already he was spinning and shouting - nothing helps. The swing swayed even harder and creaked so much that other children had sour cream on their pancakes.
Then the Little Witch came out into the yard and shouted:

Yegorka! Let's ride!

I would give, - Yegor answered, - but I can’t get off the swing!

Why? What happened?

Yes, I swayed and swayed, and other children began to tease me with a Long Nose and also that I had grown to the swing. Help me-e-e!

You have been bewitched! exclaimed the Little Witch.

Well, break me down!

It's not so easy, you have to come up with a spell that will stop the swing, - the Little Sorceress answered and sat down to think on the edge of the sandbox.

And Yegor kept swaying and yelling.

At this time, a policeman was walking by, who immediately realized that something was wrong. The policeman grabbed the swing to save Yegor, but he only stuck to it and they began to swing together.

I think I've come up with it, - the Little Sorceress said quietly, - now let's try it. - And quickly, quickly muttered:

"Swing-swing, Egor sorry
And let me go home as soon as possible."

Then something tinkled, and the swing stopped. Yes, so quickly that the policeman from surprise fell on the flower bed, and Yegor - on him. Then Yegor jumped up and ran home to eat pancakes with sour sour cream. And the policeman smiled and went to his office to write a report on the boy's rescue.

And the Little Witch sat on the swing and began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. And when the next morning Yegor went out into the yard, she immediately gave him a place. Well… almost immediately.

Very scary story

In one Sicilian city, boys began to disappear at night (girls if you tell girls in the ward), and only boys disappeared (girls if you tell girls in the ward), who did not sleep after moonrise.

Many tears were shed by mothers and fathers until the terrible secret was revealed.

The fact is that at night a ship with blood-scarlet sails entered the bay. From it at night sailors went to the shore in boats. Having found an awake boy / girl on the shore in some house, they euthanized the child and took him away.

The crew of the ship was cursed, and to get rid of the curse, it was necessary to collect a collection of 239 brushes from small children.

On the ship, a terrible doctor, while the child was under anesthesia, cut off his hand.

The child, waking up from anesthesia and not yet understanding what was happening looking at the stump, asked the doctor:

Uncle, where is my pen?

To which the doctor replied:

Here she is.!!! Here she is!!! Here she is!!!

The last line is staged to the closest child... You just shake your brush in front of his face.

The kids are scared at first, but then they start laughing.

Scary tale "Carnation"

There lived a mother and a daughter. Nobody went to them, because they had a nail sticking out of the floor. He stuck out in the middle of the room and the girl had to go around him all the time. The girl often asked her mother:

Mom, let's get that nail out!

What are you daughter! Never, ever touch that nail. And never invite anyone to your house.

And why?

Because someone wants to pull out this nail, and then there will be trouble!

But what will happen?

Better not ask me, daughter. There will be a terrible, terrible misfortune.

And the girl stopped asking. So the years passed. The girl grew up, and she wanted to invite guests.

And then one terrible, terrible autumn evening, the girl's mother went to the cemetery to get some fresh air; and the girl called the guests. The guests began to dance, but the nail hindered them all the time. Then the guests said:

Let's get that nail out!

And the girl screamed:

It is forbidden! No need! Something terrible is about to happen!

But the guests laughed at the girl and, seizing the moment, pulled out the nail. And then there was a terrible roar. Some time later, the doorbell rang. The girl wanted to open the door, but the guests shouted:

No need! Do not open!

The girl was a pioneer and therefore opened it all the same. A woman dressed in black stood in the doorway. She immediately began to enter the apartment. She kept coming and going, and the guests and the girl backed up and backed away until the apartment ran out.

What have you done ... - said the black woman in a quiet, creaky voice, like that of a dead man. - What have you done. she repeated a little louder. - Under this floor, in my apartment ... - and then she yelled in some terrible inhuman voice. - ... the chandelier has fallen off!!!

Scary fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower"

Once upon a time there was a girl Zhenya. And then one day, on New Year's Eve, she received a seven-flower flower as a gift from Santa Claus. Zhenya was delighted, and in the evening she went to a disco. She tore off a red petal from a seven-flowered flower and said:

I want to be sausage! - and began to sausage at the disco. Five hours later, Zhenya got tired of sausage, she tore off the orange petal and said:

I want me not to be sausage, - and immediately stopped sausage. She sat for a while and felt sad. Then she tore off the yellow petal and said:

I want to have fun! - and it became so fun for her that it’s impossible to retell that she soaked it for joy. When there was no one to amuse, Zhenya tore off a green petal and said:

I want to not have fun, - and immediately stopped having fun. Zhenya looked around at the floor strewn with young corpses and decided to punish herself. She tore off the blue petal and said:

I want to be sad, - and immediately began to cry.

Zhenya walked to her yard already knee-deep in tears. In the yard, she saw the neighbor boy Vitya, who tried to climb onto the bench so as not to get his shoes wet. Vitya liked Zhenya for a long time for his beautiful crutches. She wanted the same, covered with skillful intricate carvings, trimmed with gold and ivory, studded with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, but, unfortunately, she was not lame like Vitya.
Now, when Zhenya felt so bad, it seemed to her that Vitya was not happy enough. Maybe he needs something else besides crutches? Wife was prevented from thinking by tears running from her eyes in continuous streams. She tore off the blue petal by touch and quickly said:

I want me not to be sad, - and, having stopped crying, she swam up to Vita.

Hello Vitya. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that you're a cool dude, and I want to do something cool for you so that you don't suck on this bench.

With these words, Zhenya tore off the purple petal and said:

I want Vita to have sausage...

And the good girl had no more petals ...