Geologist resume template. Geologist Resume Sample Professional Skills in a Geologist Resume Example

A well-written resume is the key to success in the job search process. It is this that enables the employer to form the first impression of the job seeker. When looking for a position as a geologist, it is important in your resume to focus on your skills, confirmed by work experience, as well as a diploma of higher education in the relevant field.

requirements for a geologist

Each company that requires a geologist in its staff can set its own requirements for a job seeker, based on the specifics of its activities and business. But there are some selection criteria that each applicant for the vacancy "Geologist" must meet, namely:

  • The presence of a diploma of completed higher technical education in the direction of "Geology" or "Exploration". Some enterprises allow employees with secondary vocational education in the relevant specialties.
  • Work experience is always welcome, the more experience in the field of geology, the more chances to get a higher paying job.
  • Ability to use specialized equipment, geological instruments, various equipment for the organization of engineering and geological work and research.
  • Knowledge of specialized software systems (Petrel, IRAP RMS).
  • Knowledge of the regulatory framework for geology.
  • Ability to independently form geological models.
  • An applicant for the position of a geologist must be ready for constant business trips, be stress-resistant, and be in good health.

Responsibilities of a geologist

  • Carrying out actions aimed at organizing the process of engineering and geological work, with the aim of erecting buildings of various target orientations.
  • Organization of prospecting activities of the geological direction.
  • Produce and evaluate found minerals that can be obtained from the earth or water interior.
  • Conducting geological services for mining companies.
  • Conduct searches for drilling deposits, as well as rocks for their subsequent workings.
  • Drawing up plans for work in mountainous areas, as well as developing plans for operational exploration.
  • Supervision of exploration work, as well as operational research in the mountains.
  • Evaluate oil and gas developments.
  • Conducting research of geological structures.
  • Structure all the material obtained in the course of the work.

Additional information about the applicant

In the additional information section, you should indicate data that is not included in the main blocks of the resume, but may be useful in the work of a geologist. It can be like information about awards, achievements, skills, knowledge in other areas. Such information may attract the attention of an employer interested in getting the best employee. For a job seeker, this is a good chance to get a decent job.

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a geologist (an experienced specialist or a beginner with no work experience) will help you. A good resume will greatly increase your chances of getting a job.

There are two types of geologist resume template.

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those with no experience yet.

Template Benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people to create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what does not. This is a tried and tested geologist resume template.

2) Standard format. Every hr-manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in the resume. Everything is simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets with your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a geologist.

4) Important things are at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in the selection of personnel. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) Resumes can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a geologist resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample geologist resume, click on the link below.

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

A geologist is a specially trained person who specializes in finding and evaluating the quality of mineral deposits for people.

  • Geological engineer- is responsible for engineering and geological analysis during construction work, and this directly affects the stability of structures.
  • Chief geologist– independently supervises all geological works at the enterprise.

List of required job responsibilities:

  • Participation in geological work;
  • Mapping;
  • Creation of 2D and 3D terrain models;
  • Preparation of reports on past work.

In some firms, the activity of a geologist may be limited to the walls of the office and exclusively paper work.


To apply for a job as a geologist, you must meet the following mandatory conditions:

  • Have a higher;
  • In some cases, knowledge of the English language is required, but not always;
  • Ability to draw up geochemical and geophysical plans;
  • Perfect knowledge of the country's legislation regarding the conduct of geological processes.

Sample resume

For a geologist

Full Name

  • Date of Birth:
  • Family status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact number:
  • Email Mail:


Apply for a geologist

A professional geologist with extensive experience in studying soils for proposed construction.

  • Certified expert in the field of geological mapping.
  • Willingness to work in extreme conditions, in conditions harmful and hazardous to health.
  • Willingness to travel.
  • Psycho-emotionally stable.
  • I don't have bad habits.
  • I have recommendations.

Achievements and skills

  • Experience in drawing up geophysical and geochemical plans.
  • Field work experience.
  • Participation in exploration work.
  • Knowledge of methods for calculating mineral reserves.
  • Practical experience in geological modeling (2D, 3D).
  • Ability to design graphic applications in electronic form in accordance with international standards.


200_ - 200_ State Mining and Metallurgical University. Geology and exploration of mineral deposits. Geological engineer. Specialist diploma with honors.

200_ - 200_. Postgraduate study of the Academy of non-ferrous metals. Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits.

Additional education

200_. Postgraduate study of the Academy of non-ferrous metals. Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits.
200_ Refresher courses on the safe conduct of work on the seams.
200_ Geostatics course and ISATIS custom course. France
200_ Certificate of the international certification system DELF.

Work experience

200_ - 200_ Oil company. Geological engineer.

  • Terrain mapping.
  • Determination of the scheme and scope of drilling operations.
  • Camera work.
  • Systematization and analysis of data.

200_ - 200_ Construction company. Lead Geologist.

  • Preparation of geological reports.
  • Development of predictive geological passports.
  • Construction of geological maps.

Personal qualities and character traits

  • Ability to learn.
  • Analytical mind.
  • Good physical form.
  • I lead an active healthy lifestyle.

Additional Information

  • Advanced PC user.
  • Knowledge of specific programs (autocad, goreidrav, micromine, gemss, arkmap).
  • Knowledge of technology.

Knowledge of foreign languages: Russian, English (spoken).

CV examples

Although there is romance in the work of a geologist, and expeditions to different regions, but besides this, his work also requires tremendous endurance, as well as extensive knowledge in several dozen sciences.

Responsibilities of a geologist

In order to intelligently explore a new mine with useful deposits, to diagnose a large land plot that is about to be filled with some large object, to check the territory of the future highway - all this requires special skills and a high level of qualification. Similar problems and situations await a person who chooses the profession of a geologist.

The skills of a professional and savvy geologist will be a real boon for small businesses and large holding corporations that are faced with the need to develop new lands and territories.
If we summarize all the explanatory meanings of the word "geologist", we get the following definition: "a professional who explores the land on which people have almost never been."

Work as a geologist

According to most people, professional geologists are constantly on distant and not always safe expeditions, collect and study analogues of various rocks, and also experience romantic feelings from the lived experience. Unfortunately, for certain reasons, this is only one side of the coin. No one takes into account the fact that the majority of modern geologists either were not outside their modest office at all, or they never went further than the edges of their city in their entire careers. In addition, everyone forgets about the moment that all received samples need to be processed and examined. Field conditions are designed primarily to study on the spot a small part of the extracted samples, allowing to draw initial conclusions about the object under study. A full-fledged laboratory of a geologist who works at the scene is absolutely not inferior to modern research institutes and educational centers. In some cases, the conditions for studying are so excellent that even world-renowned geologists do not need additional “armchair” equipment.

The actions that the geologist performs during the expedition are extremely important for the further success of the entire project. His achievements will be used by other specialists in the future. It can be builders, engineers, surveyors and other employees. In practice, cases are far from rare when, in just twenty years, large-scale settlements arose from the usual camp of a geologist, the population of which exceeded more than one thousand people. In fact, thanks to the work of outstanding geologists, for the first time it was possible to study the regions of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East.

Professional geologists are extremely in demand in large mining companies and corporations that perform various kinds of research activities on order. In addition, one cannot do without a geologist during construction work, laying highways, planned operations in mines and quarries. A large number of geologists made a career and a name for themselves by building railways in the mountains and other hard-to-reach areas.

Geologist salary. How much does a geologist earn

The salary of a geologist depends very much on the place of work and the position held. In Russia, his salary can be from 6,000 to 135,500 rubles. And for example, in Yekaterinburg, it has a range of 27,300 - 40,000. Young employees without experience, on average, earn 10,000 rubles per month. However, if the geologist's schedule contains a shift work schedule, then his salary ranges from 40,000 to 45,000 rubles. Approximately the same earnings are waiting for Moscow specialists. Abroad, the salary of a geologist is much higher and exceeds $5,000, while in the USA one can earn about $45,000 for a single expedition. Today in Russia, unfortunately, the work of a geologist is estimated at an order of magnitude lower.

requirements for a geologist

A geologist must be responsible, attentive, scrupulous, physically and psychologically hardy, have logical thinking, good discipline, perseverance and a good memory.

What a geologist should know

A geologist needs to master a large number of exact sciences. These include, for example, engineering graphics, theoretical mechanics, physics, computer science and mathematics, special geological sciences, such as mineralogy. Also, the list of necessary knowledge includes the humanities, even jurisprudence in terms of laws and other legal and regulatory acts that relate to its activities. Still, as at first glance, not surprisingly, this includes knowledge of languages, such as English.

Where to study and how to become a geologist

In educational institutions where you can learn the profession of a geologist, there is a full-time and part-time education system. In addition, practicing geologists can improve their skills here. There are special courses for this.

Anyone can become a geologist. To do this, you must have the above qualities and have a desire to master the exact and natural disciplines.