Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment. Feng Shui wealth definition

“Money can do anything: tear down rocks, dry up rivers. There is no peak where a donkey loaded with gold could not climb.”

Fernando de Rojas

Any house is a living, breathing organism, according to Feng Shui. He may be in harmony with his masters, or may not be friends with them. Our housing has areas of space, each of which is responsible for the well-being of a particular area of ​​the owner's life. When something goes wrong, it is quite possible that some sector in the apartment is incorrectly decorated and deactivated. This also applies to money.

Looking for the money sector

The area of ​​wealth in an apartment according to Feng Shui is the southeast. Finding this part of the house is easy. You can use a compass or a Ba Gua grid. Or make it even easier: to determine the southeast in any room, stand with your back to the front door - the far left corner is the southeast. There is a zone of wealth. Walk through this part of the apartment. Does extra furniture bother you? If it is difficult to move freely in this zone, there will be interference for the circulation of Qi energy.

Tidying up the money sector

The Feng Shui money zone in the apartment requires cleanliness. Free this place from excess rubbish, unnecessary things. Moreover, there should not be any debris, dust and dirt. Now we need to get rid of such items that can not only slow down monetary activity, but also destroy it. It is not recommended to place such things in the wealth zone:

  • Antique things. Every thing has its own energy field. Old objects that have been touched by many different hands can change the vibrational field and become a strong obstacle to the energy of money. Even if they are very attractive and fit perfectly into the surroundings of the house - remove them from the wealth zone.
  • Bin. This item has a very negative effect on the wealth zone. The garbage can creates a kind of vacuum in the energy field, where positive, dynamic energy is sucked in. Get her out of there immediately.
  • Broken items. Damaged things are surrounded by a kind of field of failure (after all, they suffered it in their existence, they broke). Such items can nullify all efforts to improve life. They have negative energy.
  • The same emitters of "dead", destructive energy are dried flowers, withered, diseased plants and cacti.
    Be sure to get rid of such things in the wealth zone. And cacti that generate Sha energy are best placed in the work room (they will help you realize your plans and develop ideas).
  • Refrigerator. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the teachings of Feng Shui, but modern experts argue that the financial sector should be free from such units. If this is not possible, secure the refrigerator. Just keep it clean, no ice. Store more fresh fruits and vegetables in it.
  • Fireplace. It creates comfort and warmth in the apartment. But if the southeast, where the money sector is located, is decorated with a fireplace that is directly related to fire, then the cash flow can simply burn out. Fire has a very negative effect on this zone. It is not necessary to throw away the fireplace - you can neutralize it. Put a small aquarium on it or hang a picture with the water element.

Waking up the money sector

This part of the apartment should be well lit. Then the money will not get lost in the dark, and you will go to success along the bright path and successfully bypass all obstacles, bypassing dead ends, noticing the dangers in time.

What if the sector of wealth is a bathroom?

Of course, it is problematic to move the bath and toilet. But in the teachings of Feng Shui, nothing is impossible. In this case, hang mirrors on the doors of these rooms.

Make sure that the mirrors do not reflect the front door and do not "stab" the tops of the people living in this house.

It will be very effective if you place bells in such rooms. Put red rugs in front of the doors, and tie the pipes in the bathroom with red ribbons.

In case the bedroom is in the wealth zone, we do nothing. After all, the energy of Yin circulates in the rest room. If Qi energy is added to it, they will interfere with each other and the inhabitant of this room may get stressed. There is no need to activate such a southeast. You are already automatically becoming the master of the money zone.

The most ideal room for a wealth zone in an apartment is the living room. In this case, you need to activate this area.

How to activate the money zone according to all the rules?

Feng Shui suggests using various symbols, colors and objects for this, which are ideal for the wealth sector and effectively make it work.

Interior color scheme

Ideal colors to attract money are green, purple, navy blue, gold, purple and black. Unlimited creativity awaits you. You can decorate the southeast of the room with various decor items of these colors. The right color scheme will push to activate the two most important elements of the wealth sector: wood and water.


Of course, we will not plant a forest there. But to use some items symbolic of the tree - this is please. The greatest effect will give indoor plants in pots. The well-groomed, blooming “Fat Woman” (“money tree”) will bring maximum benefit in the wealth sector. If you are a fierce opponent of living flowers, you can replace them with drawings, photographs, paintings depicting forests, individual trees or flowers.


Do you love aquarium fish? An aquarium with goldfish is the most ideal option. Just learn how to properly care for them, clean the walls of the aquarium in time, renew the water so that the wealth zone is successful. The aquarium itself in the apartment should not be too large.

By the way, if your fish suddenly die - do not panic! Feng Shui says that a dead aquarium fish is a ransom with which you take trouble away from yourself. There should be nine fish (according to Feng Shui rules). Diversify the golden kingdom of fish with one black one - for protection.

Don't want to mess around with fish? It doesn't matter, a container of water will do. And if it is also silver, then in combination with water, silver will turn into a powerful magnet for money. You can buy a home fountain. Well, or just hang pictures or photographs depicting the water element in the wealth sector. But not a stagnant pond (water should move slowly). Busting in the form of a tsunami, a violent storm is also not needed. Beautiful waterfalls, quiet seas, gentle rivers - this will do.

In the photo: God of wealth and prosperity - Hotei, money toad, turtles, tree of coins, talisman - fish.

Additionally, you can equip this area with various cute and very effective little things:

  • the image of the hieroglyph "money" to receive finance from various sources;
  • feng shui money frog
  • Chinese coins to set your mind on making a profit;
  • "wind music" to attract money;
  • cash souvenirs made of expensive metals or with precious stones.

After all, we need not only to activate the wealth sector, but also to make it clear that we ourselves are ready to receive and accept the cash flow with all our being. Give such a message to the cosmos and turn into a wealthy person. Blessings to you!

Nowhere is money Feng Shui relied on more than in China. And this is not surprising, because the science of harmonious distribution

Positive energy came to us just from this country.

Its inhabitants know where in the house or office it is necessary to pave the way for Qi so that money flows into the wallet.

We also own this secret and today we will share it with you. We will tell you how to determine the wealth zone, how to strengthen it, and what to place in it in order to attract financial flows.

How to define the wealth zone

The wealth zone is located in the southeast of your home. Calculating it is quite simple, but we must take into account that we do not live in the country in which Feng Shui was “born”, so the Bagua grid that we will use acts as if inverted for us (usually north is on top, south is on the bottom , east on the right, west on the left, but on Bagua it's the other way around).

First, draw a bagua, then on another sheet draw an exact plan of your home, not forgetting the doors, pantry, bathroom, toilet, windows and balconies. Cut out both patterns. Now remember which side of you is north, south, west and east. Grid the plan so that south on Bagua matches north on your drawing. And look where the southeast is in your apartment (or house).

However, there is an easier way: stand with your back to the front door, and face into the apartment - the far left corner of the entire room will be the zone of wealth.

You can activate both the southeast of the entire apartment and the money zone of the office. The second is even preferable, especially if you are its sole owner. By the way, if you calculate the sector of wealth for any one room, then you need to look from the interior door, but, again, facing the room in which you are going to "lure" money.
In general, it is more appropriate to activate the wealth zone in the room that is somehow connected with your work, or the room in which you spend the most time. The fact is that if you try to set up the entire apartment (and even more so, a large private house) to accept cash flows, then there is a danger that the wealth sector will be in the utility room, in the bathroom or on the balcony. In these places, it will be much more difficult to work with Qi energy.

How and how to strengthen the wealth zone

To get started, put the perfect order in the wealth sector. And always support him. Even the slightest dirt will hinder the movement of Qi (positive energy), and you will not achieve a positive result. Throw away or at least remove from this area all unnecessary and broken items, cracked dishes, papers (documents) that have already lost their relevance, IOUs, utility bills and a reminder of the people to whom you once owed something .

Now install a water source in the wealth sector. It can be a small fountain or an aquarium with goldfish. In general, ideally, the liquid should constantly circulate, as if renewing itself, and Qi will be refreshed in the same way, attracting more and more new sources of income to you.

If you do not have the opportunity to place a reservoir in the southeast, then hang a picture with its image there. However, you should not choose a pattern with a lake, sea or pond - stagnant water will not bring you wealth. The best option is a waterfall. Or a river that is clearly moving, but not seething.

The next mandatory component of the wealth zone is a tree. Here it is advisable not to do with the image, but to buy a living plant. Crassula (krasula) is best suited, as well as other indoor decorative leaf flowers with fleshy, round, not very large leaves. Next to a real tree, you can also put an artificial one - with coins or with ornamental stones instead of leaves.

Water and Wood are the governing elements of the wealth sector, but they also require reinforcement. Place gold coins in this area and put some electrical appliance (or just put two new batteries). However, if you have already placed an artificial fountain here, then you can add nothing more, since it is powered by electricity. Complete your “money altar” with one of the figurines symbolizing financial well-being (we will talk about them in the next subsection).

Also, use an affirmation sheet. We will give a few examples, and you can compose your thought forms. We remind you that they are written in the affirmative form, in the present tense.

  • I always have enough money.
  • I receive a stable income.
  • Everything I do brings me money.
  • I can afford to buy any thing I like.
  • My wallet is always full of large bills.
  • I am a rich person.
  • Money flows towards me from all sides.
  • I am a successful person.
  • Fortune is always with me.
  • I'm always lucky.
  • I get the best deals.
  • Money loves me.
  • I can easily get as much money as I need.
  • All investments are returned to me in a triple amount.

Hang your "wealth list" next to your "money altar" and read these affirmations twice a day - in the morning when you wake up, and in the evening before going to bed. Also, say these statements before every important transaction and just during the working day. At the same time, clearly imagine that you already have what you are talking about. After the end of the "auto-training" session, call before your mind's eye the image of a huge bright sun, similar to a gold coin.

Wealth Zone Talismans

The most important money talisman is a toad sitting on a coin or holding it in its mouth. The figurine can be made of wood, clay, metal, onyx or jade. This figurine should look from the wealth zone to the center of the room.

The next important sign is an orange. It symbolizes the creative power and energy of the sun, the brilliance of gold, wealth. Keep fresh oranges in the southeast, or draw three bright oranges and hang them next to your affirmation sheet.

If you feel that competitors are “moving” around you, or that someone is encroaching on your money, your property or your position, then put a souvenir cannon in the wealth zone - this is a powerful talisman that protects against the intrigues of enemies and from the flow of negative energy . However, remember that as soon as the situation stabilizes, the gun must be removed, otherwise it will also “protect” you from new cash receipts.

If you have an important deal to make, but you are not sure about the reliability of the prospective partners, then put an eagle figurine in the wealth zone. It symbolizes foresight, and no one can deceive you. In general, if you do not know how to calculate the financial situation a few steps ahead, then keep the eagle in the southeast all the time.

In addition, it is recommended to "settle" in the zone of wealth and a figurine of an owl - it symbolizes wisdom and will help you competently manage the money you receive, as well as not miss the opportunities floating into your hands. In addition, it will contribute to your spiritual growth.

If your field of activity is creativity, then your money talisman is a dragon. It will help attract new ideas, large fees and patrons, and also protect you and your home from everything that can harm you.

And do not forget that the zone of wealth is "responsible" for both financial and spiritual well-being. Therefore, you cannot act in one direction and desire only money. Feng Shui really "works" if you help those who need it, constantly develop as a person, and improve your skills.

Feng Shui is a doctrine of harmony, so the desire for material prosperity must be balanced by good deeds, psychological comfort and the desire to move to a new level of maturity and consciousness.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the science of Feng Shui is not a magic wand. It will not give you wealth if you simply scatter coins around the apartment, arrange money talismans, and sit in front of the TV yourself in anticipation of mystical enrichment. In order to have something, you have to work. "A rolling stone gathers no moss". And, moreover, the beneficial energy of Qi does not flow there.

In the ancient teaching of Feng Shui, which provides knowledge on how to search for favorable flows of Qi energy for use for the benefit of a person, a special place is given to the issue of attracting material well-being. As we already know, the zones into which the living space is divided are responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. According to this ancient science, in order for favorable changes to occur in one or another area of ​​life, it is necessary to activate the necessary zone.

The Wealth Zone, which, according to Feng Shui, is located in the southeastern sector of the premises, helps to attract financial well-being and material values, favorable connections and relationships with people, improve well-being, strengthen existing businesses and create favorable conditions for the implementation of financial projects. But before proceeding with the activation of this zone, it is necessary to know its characteristics:

Direction: Southeast.

Main element: Tree.

Feeding element: Water.

Weakening element: Fire.

Destructive element: Metal.

Trigram: Xun.

Number: 4.

Colors: green(main), dark blue, lilac, brown, beige, black.

Forms: high, rectangular, undulating, curving, elongated, square.

Talismans: everything green, indoor plants with rounded leaves, wooden gizmos, straw products, wicker furniture, bamboo, plant images, rectangles, aquariums, seascapes, glass, mirror surfaces, marble, amethyst.

Dangerous symbols: candles and everything related to fire, metal objects and red colors, pointed and triangular shapes.

Fragrances: rose, orchid, patchouli, mint.

Activation effect: gaining a solid financial position and success in business.

Knowing the characteristics of the zone is fundamentally important in order not to place objects in this zone during activation, which, on the contrary, can cause harm. In addition, in order to get results from all your actions and make them stable, you first need to prepare the whole house, namely, to make sure that the Chi energy circulates freely and correctly throughout it. In the article, we examined in detail all the recommendations that must be followed at the initial stage - once again carefully go through the list and make sure that you have not forgotten anything - after which you can proceed to activate the zone itself.

So, the element to which the Wealth Zone is subject is the Tree. The element that the Tree nourishes, and in other words strengthens, is Water, and the earth gives a solid basis for the growth of the Tree, so all kinds of wooden gizmos and objects associated with water and the corresponding elements of the earth will be good talismans for this sector. The colors for this zone, both for the decor and for the elements placed in it, must also correspond to these elements.

When designing your Wealth Zone, use real flowers and plants, but get rid of fading flowers immediately and try not to use artificial ones. One of the most favorable mascots for this zone is the so-called "Money tree", the most popular is the Fat Woman. It can also include all plants that have round or thick fleshy leaves that resemble coins. Another traditional talisman for attracting money is the “lucky” bamboo. By the way, you can put a well-known talisman of three coins under a pot with a money tree.

In addition to natural flowers and plants, you can use their images, as well as images of forests, parks, bright green leaves and grass. Pictures and panels depicting beautiful summer landscapes, where there is a lot of greenery and sun, are also well suited. In addition, images of natural landscapes with land formations, whether sandy beaches or canyons, are also suitable here.

As already mentioned, the main element of the Wealth Zone will be symbolically nourished by objects of the element of water - an aquarium with fish or a fountain, as well as mirrors and reflective surfaces. At the same time, the fountain should work continuously so that the flow of money on the way to you is not interrupted.

Images of water are also suitable, but here some nuances must be taken into account: when choosing a picture, it is better to give preference to the one that depicts clear water, rather than muddy and stagnant, as well as those on which the water flows calmly. If you like images of fountains, then it is better to choose those where the water hits upwards, but it is better not to use pictures with waterfalls in this area - according to feng shui masters, a downward flow of water can destabilize certain areas of life, in our case These are the material and financial spheres. If this sector is activated correctly, good results can be achieved in the financial sector.

In this article we will tell you how to activate by feng shui wealth zone, so that you can attract prosperity and well-being to your home not only using, but also ancient Chinese science.

Feng shui apartments, wealth zone

To begin with, let's define the main characteristics of the wealth zone in each house, as for the direction, it should be southeast, as for the main element, then this is a tree, and as for the color, it is green.

According to the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, any living space, be it a house, apartment, cottage, etc., is divided into certain zones, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. Each such zone has its own unique element and color, as we have already indicated above, the wealth zone has this element of a tree, and the color is green. It is important to be able to apply these symbols in such a way that they can activate the desired zone in the home, and in the future all this together will be beneficial.

Please note that before you start activating any zones in your home, you need to thoroughly clean and get rid of old, unnecessary things as much as possible. Dirty housing is completely incompatible with Feng Shui, and, therefore, does not work.

Feng Shui Wealth Zone Activation

After you carry out a general cleaning of your house or apartment, get rid of various rubbish and determine the desired zone in the southeast direction, you can proceed directly to its activation. To begin, fill this area with various items that symbolize abundance. It can be a figurine of Hottei or a Three-legged toad, they should be placed so that these figures look deep into the dwelling, but in no case towards the front door. Also, figurines in the form of a half-dragon and a half-turtle, as well as in the form of a large turtle with two smaller ones, will help to attract wealth and prosperity. A symbol consisting of three Chinese coins tied with a thin red ribbon or braid is also well suited in this case. By the way, a similar symbol for attracting money can also be stored in a wallet, near a phone or computer.

It will help well to attract wealth to your house, located in the right part of the apartment, a living, so-called “money tree”, it has rounded leaves that look like small coins, and so that it is always fresh, grows well and is fed with moisture, it should be placed next to him a small indoor fountain or aquarium. To increase the strength of the same money tree, the symbol of three Chinese coins placed under the flower pot, which we talked about above, will help.

The aquarium itself is a fairly strong talisman for attracting finance, it, like all other talismans, should be installed in the southeastern part of the dwelling, but a number of the rules described below must be strictly observed.

First rule. The aquarium should be commensurate in size with the room in which it was installed, too large an aquarium in a fairly small room will not increase your financial well-being, but, on the contrary, can become the main source of trouble and even trouble.

Second rule. It is necessary to provide proper care for fish and other aquatic inhabitants, only if the fish are well-groomed, well-fed and receive enough attention, good luck and prosperity will come to your family. If you cannot provide all this, it is better not to start an aquarium.

Third rule. It is best that you live with goldfish, they must be kind and harmless, piranhas and sharks are definitely not suitable for this. And even if you did not manage to find goldfish, choose those that you like more than others, because it is for you that they can become “golden”.

A useful element in the southeastern sector of the dwelling to attract prosperity, wealth and money will be wind music, as well as a wide variety of mobiles, you can also place various deep dishes filled with sweets and fruits, preferably oranges, since they are a symbol of abundance among the Chinese , it is better that such treats stand on the table. In general, if the wealth zone in your house or apartment falls into the kitchen, then abundance should be not only on the table, but also in the refrigerator, and the products in it should be mostly fresh and always fresh greens. Another little secret, on the eve of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, it is good to put a symbol consisting of three coins with a red ribbon on the bottom of the refrigerator, this technique will help you always have money for abundant food.

We have already talked about what helps to attract money to your home, now let's pay attention to those factors that prevent wealth from getting into your home. The most unfortunate place in any apartment is the bathroom and toilet - those places where water flows and flows into the sewer, and with it wealth leaves your home. The first thing to do to prevent this "leakage" is to hang a mirror on the bathroom door and inside the bathroom, so that the tallest member of your family is reflected in it and the top of your head is visible in the reflection. But at the same time, the entrance door should not fall into the reflection of these mirrors in any way, otherwise the Qi energy will be redirected and leave your house. You can read more about the correct location of mirrors in the house.

If there is no opportunity to hang a mirror, you can replace it with a picture of a tree, so a symbolically painted tree will feed on the moisture in the bath and toilet, thanks to which it will grow, strengthen and attract money to your home.

In no case should a trash can, broken things, dried flowers and plants, and other unnecessary items be present in the southeast sector. All this spreads Yin negative energy around itself, as a result of which financial problems never leave your family.

Summing up this publication, I would like to note that only a sector clearly built according to all the rules of Feng Shui with the necessary talismans is not enough, you also need to learn how to treat money correctly and realize their true purpose, life experience and books will help you understand this number, and . In addition, in order to achieve prosperity and well-being, one must work hard, lazy people, even with the ideal setting of an apartment or house, are unlikely to achieve the expected results, everything is rewarded according to merit.

Feng Shui is an amazing science. If not magical. Masters of the whole world claim that Feng Shui can radically change your whole life, turn it upside down. Yes, we are not sealed. From head to toe, because standing on your head is not as comfortable and physiological as standing on your feet *wink*

And feng shui is downright a very logical, convenient and organic science that calls for the harmonization of this world. Well, or, at worst, your home (read, your life!). Just a lifesaver, not science. Well, how else to call the doctrine of the mysterious forces of the earth, providing a person with health, good luck and prosperity?

We will not bore you with stories about what Feng Shui is. We are sure that you have already familiarized yourself with such a vital (and necessary) aspect earlier. Rather, let's discuss how this Chinese panacea for all ills can significantly improve our destiny.

Today we will talk about the wealth zone, because we understand that in the context of the global crisis, this sector is more relevant than ever. Well, not only in times of crisis, of course. Suddenly you decided to get rich right now, and here we immediately give you a hot tip: what, how, where and where *victory*

What is the feng shui wealth sector?

The sector of wealth, or in other words, the Feng Shui money zone is responsible for financial well-being in a person’s life. This miracle zone is located in the SOUTH-EAST part of the room. The compass and the Bagua grid will help you most accurately in the calculations. Read more in our article.

How to find the wealth zone in the house?

Yes, if you want to get serious about identifying “magic” Feng Shui zones in an apartment, then you can’t do without a simple compass. Moreover, the more accurately you “take evidence”, the more favorable these “testimonies” will be reflected in your life.

To do this, you need to determine the cardinal points several times, from different, let's say, angles. Always remember that the presence of massive iron objects (for example, an iron front door or an iron fireplace, etc.) in the room can distort the results. And the Bagua grid can always be printed and superimposed on the dwelling plan (for visuals).

Zone elements

It is worth remembering a small rule of this sector:

  • main element is Tree
  • generative - Water

That is why green, purple, dark blue and blue are the main colors of wealth in Feng Shui.

  • the weakening element of the sector is Fire
  • destructive - Metal

Therefore, there should not be any fiery shades, as well as silver ones. By the way, this also applies to metal figurines and furniture. Hard taboo. Place wooden furniture - it will not only ensure the freedom of movement of qi energy, but activate the money sector.

How to Activate the Feng Shui Wealth Zone

To activate the money zone, you need to place symbols of wealth in it. Masters suggest placing a plant in the southeastern part of the apartment (office or any other room). Namely, a plant with a rounded shape of leaves resembling coins. The so-called money tree is ideal.

Just don't forget to water. Don't use cacti. Yes, they are green. Yes, they are small. Yes, they are round. BUT! They are prickly. You remember the symbolic background in the details, don't you? Then you will have “prickly money” in every sense. And understand how you want.

Allergic to flowers? Then you can hang pictures with images of nature, only in wooden frames. Well, or glass. Just don’t hang up the image of the desert))) Again, you know, it’s extremely symbolic.

Water is the main element for attracting money

Don't forget that water is the generative element in the wealth zone. Therefore, it is important to take into account the presence of "water" in this zone. By the way, water in the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui symbolizes money. And not only, apparently, in Chinese.

Remember our Russian “money is like water through your fingers”, “money flows like water”. Therefore, we agree with the Chinese: let water flow rather than money. Therefore, put a fountain - and the money in the house, and some kind of humidifier. True, experts in the field of Feng Shui say that the fountain must work smoothly, otherwise there will be no sense from it. By the way, why a fountain, and not a glass of water?

A glass of water is also suitable, but in the glass the water is “stagnant”, “stagnant”, and in the fountain it is “moving”, that is, “working”. Again, symbols and metaphors. BUT! It is worth getting fish in this glass of water and - Oh, magic! - from "stagnant" water, it turns into "living". And that means "working". Here are some tricks.

Our advice to you: if you still want to start a fish instead of a fountain, then think in advance who you will put in your “glass”. There are fish that can live without a special apparatus that saturates the water with oxygen (called a compressor), and there are those that cannot.

The consultant at the pet store will tell you. What are we for? And besides, dead fish in an aquarium (like dead wood in a flower pot) is a bad sign on the way to the desired wealth *unknw* Do not forget: metaphors are everything!

By the way, the image of water (preferably a fountain) is also suitable. Just don’t hang pictures of Niagara Falls on the walls in the hope that you will be crushed by a stormy stream of cash receipts: there should be a measure in everything! Well, a stagnant pond, however, will not add money to you either.

Money in the wealth zone

Masters also recommend keeping dollar bills in the wealth zone. As "bait" for your money. True, there is one more recommendation, but it’s up to you to decide: to scatter a trifle in all corners of the zone (or even the entire apartment) (why not banknotes?).

In our opinion, a bit of contradictory advice: firstly, it provokes a mess, because, as you know, the ideal order is the basic principle of Feng Shui to get rid of the old dead shi energy (we don’t even write about this, because you obviously know without us); secondly, coins are metal, and it has a destructive effect on the money zone. Unless, if the coins are golden ...

Symbols to attract money abundance

The money zone can also be supplemented with a fat Hotei, a Chinese money tree, various varieties (three-legged, with a coin in her mouth, sitting on a coin mountain, with an open mouth, with Hotei on her back, with a Bagua symbol, etc.). Glass or wooden fish will also bring monetary profit.

And yet, feng shui masters say that if you do not have an active desire to get rich (and here they are talking about laziness), then you are unlikely to be able to activate the wealth zone by 100 percent. The Chinese letter promises only the stimulation of a confluence of favorable circumstances through natural forces, and does not guarantee a one-time influx of all the material goods of the world to a specific person.

That is, in simple words: "water does not flow under a lying stone." Chinese advice, of course, is advice, but if you want to get rich, then you still have to tear your butt off the couch. Well, how did we want something, Russian people? *wink*