Social Science presentation "Spiritual Sphere of Society Life" - project, report. "culture and spiritual life of society" Presentation of everyday and spiritual life of society

Cultural institutions - religious organizations - related activities of people. Purpose: To acquaint with the essence of fundamental values \u200b\u200band the main functions of culture. A cultured person is tolerant and tolerant. Spiritual-theoretical (production of spiritual goods and values). Initially (lat.) - “cultivation, tillage. Why is culture needed? World and national Material and spiritual. - Science - morality - religion - philosophy - art - scientific institutions.

"Scientific and Technological Revolution" - Reconstruction of the energy sector. A revolutionary way. Technopolises. Extraordinary acceleration of scientific and technological transformation. Characteristic features of scientific and technological revolution. Intellectualization. R&D funding by region of the world. Cosmization. Features of scientific and technological revolution. Examples of evolutionary and revolutionary changes. Evolutionary path. What functions are performed by equipment and technology. Technoparks and technopolises. Improvement of already known techniques.

"Spirituality" - The most important elements of human spirituality are values, morality, worldview. The most important are the norms of morality. The moral attitudes of the personality were studied by the greatest philosophers. Who sets moral standards? There is also conscience, patriotism, citizenship. There is a major human requirement called the “golden rule” of morality. What role does the worldview play in the activities of people?

"Worldview" - Hungarian crossword puzzle. The notion of a categorical imperative. Ordinary worldview. We all walk under one God, although we do not believe in one. Strong point. A call for peace. The role of worldview in human activity. Hatred is intense enmity, aversion to someone or something. About wealth. Worldview. Turn to the person. About helping those in need. Types of worldview. One of the classifications of types of worldviews.

"Social cognition" - In a narrow sense - a cognizable object. Features of social cognition. In a narrow sense - a knowing person, endowed with will and consciousness. Types of social facts. Subject. An object. The possibility of using the experiment is limited. Cognition -. In a broad sense - society. Establishing social patterns is extremely difficult. Specific historical approach to social phenomena. Social studies grade 10.

"Philosophy and Science" - Culturology appeared in the 19th century. What does cultural studies study? Science and philosophy. Teaching about the good and values. Archeology. Philosophy. The founder of sciences is philosophy. Sociology. Philosophy as a social science. The doctrine of being. Culturology. Classification of social sciences and humanities. Civil history. Russell. What methods does sociology use? History. Physical chemistry. Social sciences. What is history?

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Culture and spiritual life of society Grade 10 Teacher Boykova V.Yu.

Preliminary Questions Why does society need culture? How does it benefit? How do you rate your personal level of culture?

Remember the known definition of culture? Types of culture

Spiritual life is a sphere of human activity and society, which embraces the wealth of human feelings and achievements of reason, unites both the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values \u200b\u200band the creative creation of new ones.

Spiritual life of the Society of a Personality -Morality -Religion -Philosophy -Art -Scientific and cultural institutions -Religious bodies -Science, i.e. Spiritual activity of people Spiritual world: - knowledge - faith - emotions, experiences - needs - abilities - aspirations - world outlook ...

Spiritual activity of people Spiritual-theoretical Spiritual-practical Production of spiritual goods and values: thoughts, ideas, theories, ideals, art. samples Preservation, reproduction, distribution, distribution, consumption of created goods and values \u200b\u200bThe end result is a change in people's consciousness

The concept of culture Cicero -1 century BC Since the 17th century, something that was invented by man human nature Creative activity Culture Cultivation

The concept of culture culture is all types of transformative activities of a person and society, as well as all its results. It is a historical set of industrial, social and spiritual achievements of mankind.

The concept of culture From a narrower point of view: culture is a special sphere of social life, where the spiritual efforts of mankind, the achievement of reason, the manifestation of feelings and creative activity are concentrated. This understanding of culture is close to the definition of the spiritual sphere of society.

Cultural sciences kul'turolog and I, history and sociology, ethnography, linguistics, archeology, aesthetics, ethics and art history

Development of culture Culture is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. Cultural development is a two-pronged process Experience, tradition (Stable element) Innovation (dynamics)

Functions of culture Self-write from pages 81-82

Functions of culture 1.Adaptation to the environment 2.Accumulation, storage, transfer of cultural values \u200b\u200b3.Toleology and regulation of the life of society and human activity 4.Socialization 5.Communication function

Diversity of cultures Dialogue of cultures Academician D. S. Likhachev: “Real cultural values \u200b\u200bdevelop only in contact with other cultures, grow on rich cultural soil and take into account the experience of neighbors. Can grain develop in a glass of distilled water? Maybe! - but until the grain's own forces run out, then the plant dies very quickly. "

Diversity of cultures Dialogue of cultures Interchange and interaction of cultures Overcoming borders Preserving identity What problems can arise in connection with the internationalization of cultures?

Kinds of culture Kind of culture Features Who is created Who is the popular mass elite target Fill in the table

Varieties of culture Subculture is a part of a general culture, a system of values \u200b\u200binherent in a certain group (children, youth, women, ethnic, criminal, etc.) Counterculture is an opposition and alternative in relation to the prevailing culture in society

Homework Paragraph 8 assignments and paper (oral) essay

  • 1. Basic concepts - "culture", "spiritual life".
  • 2. Types of human culture.
  • 3. Types of culture.
  • 4. Examples of mutual influence of cultures.

  • Culture is a very complex phenomenon, which is reflected in the hundreds of its definitions and interpretations that exist today.
  • The most common are the following approaches to understanding culture as a phenomenon of public life:

  • On the basis of numerous works of various scientists, the concept of "culture" in the broad sense of the word can be defined as - CULTURE -
  • a historically conditioned dynamic complex of forms, principles, methods and results of active creative activity of people constantly renewing in all spheres of social life.


Spiritual life is closely related to other spheres of society and is one of its subsystems.

  • Information
  • Physical
  • Mass
  • People's
  • Elite

Forms of human culture.

Subculture and counterculture.



  • part of the general culture, the system of values, traditions, customs inherent in a large social group. The subculture is formed in each group of society and differs from the dominant culture in language, outlook on life, demeanor, hairstyle, clothing, customs.
  • it is a subculture that not only differs from the dominant culture, but also opposes it, is in conflict with the dominant values.

2. Types of culture.



  • Material culture is associated with the production and development of objects and phenomena of the material world, with a change in the physical nature of man: material and technical means of labor, communication, cultural facilities, production experience, skills, human skills, etc.
  • Spiritual culture is a set of spiritual values \u200b\u200band creative activities for their production, development and application: science, art, religion, morality, politics, law, etc.

The structure of the spiritual life of society:

- Spiritual needs They represent the objective need of people and society as a whole to create and master spiritual values - Spiritual activity (spiritual production) The production of consciousness in a special social form, carried out by specialized groups of people professionally engaged in qualified mental labor - Spiritual benefits (values): Ideas, theories, images and spiritual values.

  • Spiritual social connections of individuals.
  • Man himself as a spiritual being.
  • Reproduction of social consciousness in its entirety.
  • Features - Its products are ideal formations that cannot be alienated from their direct producer. The general nature of its consumption, since spiritual benefits are available to everyone - to individuals without exception, being the property of all mankind.

  • As history progresses in world culture, common human traits increasingly dominate and manifest, since human cultural activity becomes more and more uniform in its forms, tasks and methods, which, accordingly, forms a single culture of all mankind.

  • Sample assignment
  • A1. Choose the correct answer. Are the following judgments about culture correct?
  • A. Culture - a set of values, the general level of intellectual, moral, aesthetic development of people.
  • B. Culture - a set of historically established forms of joint activities of people.
  • 1) only A is true
  • 2) only B is true
  • 3) both statements are true
  • 4) both judgments are wrong
  • Answer: …..

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Presentation on the topic: Culture and spiritual life of society

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The structure of culture Culture is a complex multi-level system, it is the activity and heritage of 1200 generations of the human race. Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish the structure of a culture. To do this, you need to subdivide the culture by the carrier. Hence, it is legitimate to single out world and national culture.

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World and national culture World culture is a synthesis of the best achievements of all national cultures of various peoples inhabiting the planet. National culture, in turn, acts as a synthesis of cultures of various classes, social strata and groups of the corresponding society. The originality of national culture, its uniqueness and originality are manifested both in the spiritual (language, literature, music, painting, religion) and material (features of the economic way of life, economic management, traditions of labor and production) spheres of life and activity.

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It is generally accepted to distinguish between folk (non-professional) and professional culture. As for the relationship between the universal, national and class in culture, this is a very urgent and complex problem. Here we need a concrete historical approach devoid of ideological and political biases.

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A number of other culturologists (L.N. Kogan) argue that there are types of culture that cannot be attributed only to material or spiritual. These views represent a "vertical" section of culture, as if permeating its entire system. economic; political; ecological; aesthetic culture

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In terms of content and influence, culture is divided into progressive and reactionary. This is obvious, since culture can educate a person not only moral but also immoral, and the last division is based on relevance. This is the culture that is in popular use. Each era creates its own contemporary culture. This is especially noticeable in fashion. The relevance of culture is a living process in which something is born, gains strength, lives and dies. Thus, the structure of culture appears as a complex formation. Moreover, all its elements interact with each other, form a single system - culture.

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Functions of culture Functions of culture are very diverse: 1. According to Cicero, "cultura animi" is cultivation, cultivation of the spirit. The human-making, or humanistic function of culture is the most important task for our revived Fatherland. 2. The function of translation (transfer) of social experience is the only mechanism for the transfer of social experience from generation to generation, from era to era, from one country to another. The cognitive (epistemological) function, concentrating in itself the best social experience of many generations, acquires the ability to accumulate the richest knowledge about the world and thereby create favorable opportunities for its cognition and development.

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4. The regulatory (normative) function is associated with the definition (regulation) of various parties, types of social and personal activities of people. It is supported by such normative systems as morality and law. 5. The semiotic, or sign function, serves to study the corresponding signs and systems, without which it is impossible to master the achievements of culture. Thus, language acts as the most important means of mastering the national culture. There are specific languages \u200b\u200bfor learning music, painting, theater. Natural sciences also have sign systems. 6. The value or axiological function reflects the qualitative state of culture. The level of value needs and orientation of a person is judged on the degree of his culture.

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In turn, both Western and Eastern cultures have gone through several stages of their development, replacing each other or existing in parallel. Cultural and historical types are not eternal. They form and disintegrate. Many types no longer exist. On the ruins of some of them, new ones appeared.

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According to the famous Russian sociologist, historian and thinker N.Ya. Danilevsky, it is only then possible to speak of a cultural-historical type if four types of cultural activity are characteristic of a given historical-cultural community: religious; cultural proper, including theoretical-scientific, aesthetic-scientific, aesthetic-artistic and technical-industrial activities; political, which involves the formation of an independent state; socio-economic.

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Sources used for the presentation: Site "Blog of a Cultured Man" (\u003d3494) Image Sources: http: // P \u003d catalog & razdel \u003d 75http: // www / data / rafael-santi / pic-8.htmhttp: // // region \u003d 164http: // stories- .htmlhttps: // // ELEMENT_ID \u003d 5809http: // http : //art-objekt.ruhttp: // http: //t2.gstatic.comhttp: //i.allday. ru http: //tours-tv.comhttp: // http: //2italy.msk.ruhttp: // http: //m-kultura.ruhttp: //www.labtour .ru http: //www.historylib.orghttp: // http: //miuki.infohttp: // http: // bu deco.bizhttp: // http: //ec-dejavu.nethttp: // http: //sveta-artemenkova.narod.ruhttp: // http: / /moikompas.ru

Class: Grade 10

Thing: Social Studies

The purpose of the lesson: promote understanding of students what culture is and what its types are.

Lesson type: a lesson in the study and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Used tutorials and tutorials:Social studies, a textbook for students of grade 10 educational institutions, basic level, edited by L.N.Bogolyubov. M., Education, 2010.

Methodical literature used: Social Studies. Guidelines. A basic level of. Under the editorship of L.N.Bogolyubov M., Enlightenment. 2006

Plan for learning new material

1. Spiritual activity.
2. What is culture. Tradition and innovation in culture.
3. Functions of culture.
4. Forms and varieties of culture.


I. Repetition of the covered material

1. Remember the main areas of public life and briefly describe them.

2. How do spheres of social life function?

A certain independence is inherent in each sphere of society's life, but at the same time, they not only interact, but also mutually condition each other.

For example: the influence of the political sphere on culture:
- the state pursues a certain policy in the field of culture
- cultural figures in their works, in their work reflect political views and positions

3. Summarize:

- the spiritual sphere is closely related to other spheres of society
- along with the economic, political, social sphere, the spiritual sphere occupies an important place in the activities of human society.

II. Learning new material

Thus, the spiritual life of society arises on the basis of a person's practical activity and is a form of reflection of the surrounding world and a means of interaction with it.

The spiritual life includes: taken in unity they constitute

Spiritual life is one of the subsystems of society and elements of the spiritual sphere are

Culture is the subject of study of many sciences - (list which sciences study culture) - history, sociology, philosophy and anthropology. One of the culturologists has counted more than 200 definitions of cultures in modern humanitarian knowledge.

Where does culture begin?

Bees that build honeycombs do not create culture, they reproduce for millions of years what is inherent in them by nature.
The man who created the stone ax, machines and machines, airplanes and trains, created something new, which is not in nature.
Those. everything created by man, which is not nature, we attribute to culture.

In the broad sense of the word, we can say that culture is the transformative, creative activity of man in relation to nature.
Culture is like a “second nature” created by man himself.
In the narrow sense of the word, culture is used to characterize the material and spiritual development of certain historical epochs, specific societies, nationalities, nations?

For example:

ancient culture
Mayan culture
art culture
work culture
culture of everyday life, etc.

those. in a narrow sense, the term culture refers to the sphere of the spiritual life of society.

Question to students.Define what the activity is and the activities.

Activities - a specific type of human activity aimed at improving the world around him and himself.

In connection with the existence of two types of material and spiritual activity, two main spheres of cultural development can be distinguished.

Traditions (continuity) and innovation are important in spiritual culture.
The accumulation of cultural values \u200b\u200bproceeds in two directions vertically and horizontally.

Traditionsheritage elements passed down from generation to generation.
Values, customs, rituals can be traditional. (Vertical)
For example: (students)
- the spring holiday of Maslenitsa is familiar since the time of the ancient Slavs
- the rule of etiquette to let women go ahead came down to us from the period of matriarchy.
Innovation - the manifestation of the new in creative activity.
Man is a creator by nature. We create even when we perceive what was created by others.
So reading War and Peace
- some are imbued with interest and sympathy for the quests of Natasha Rostova;
- others are touched by Pierre Bezukhov's peculiar patriotism;
- the third is closer to the assertion of Andrei Bolkonsky that "only two things should be avoided in life: illness and remorse"
Each epoch gives rise to its creators, innovators who make outstanding scientific discoveries, sometimes brilliant works of art.
True, it also happens that these creations do not find recognition among contemporaries. But if these are genuine spiritual values, then their time comes and subsequent generations give them due. For example, paintings by impressionist artists.
Culture performs a number of very important functions in the life of a person and society.

III. Working with tutorial text

Highlight the functions of culture

- adaptation to the environment (the most ancient man learned how to make fire and made a stone ax) the most ancient function of culture.
- accumulation, storage and transfer of cultural values \u200b\u200b(Rublev "Trinity", Assumption Cathedral, chronicles) culture preserves the heritage accumulated for centuries, which remains the foundation of the creative searches of mankind and this function allows a person to determine his place in the world.
- goal setting and regulation of the life of society and human activities (Beauty, Good, Truth, Justice, Benefit, Power, Freedom) within the framework of this function, values \u200b\u200bare created that regulate people's lives and their activities)
- socialization of new generations (children raised by animals), this function allows each person to assimilate a system of knowledge, norms and values \u200b\u200bthat allow him to adapt to life in human society.
- communicative functions (communication) this function allows personal development through communication

Correlate culture functions with given examples

In life, we are faced with a wide variety of cultures. There is national and world culture, secular and religious, Western and Eastern, etc.
Looking at the map of the world, we understand that cultures can be determined by racial and national characteristics.

There are no isolated cultural communities left on Earth today. Scientific and technological progress, information technology, the development of transport, the increased mobility of the population entails an international culture, the creation of a single cultural space for different nations and nationalities. A striking example is the culture of our country, a multinational and multi-confessional country.

1. Veliky Novgorod (wooden architecture)
2.Moscow (Cathedral of V. Blazhenny)
3. Kazan (the symbol of Kazan is the dragon Zilant)
4. Vladimir - (Church of the Intercession on the Nerl)
5. Krasnodar (monument to the Cossacks)
6. Volgograd (stele to the defenders of the Motherland)
7. Yakutsk (monument to the Mammoth)
8. Anadyr (sculptural composition for workers of the north)
9.Far East (turtle of the Bohai Kingdom of the 7th century AD found in the 19th century)

When it comes to cultural diversity, it means three forms of culture - folk, mass,elite and its two varieties - subcultureand counterculture.
Identify the forms of culture from videos.
Identify the characteristics of each of the forms of culture.


- folklore, manners, customs, folk music (forms)
- amateur
- collective
- multi-genre
- does not have an author


- focused on the mass consumer
- simplicity, availability
- commercial focus

It was formed simultaneously with the society of mass production and consumption.


- designed for a narrow circle of consumers
- difficult for an unprepared person to understand
- a privileged part of society is created, or by its order by professional creators.

Popular and elite cultures are not hostile to each other.
Achievements of elite art are adopted by mass culture, increasing its level, and profitable mass culture makes it possible to support the “creators” of elite art.

Thus, culture has always been the main source of man's creative aspirations, the main reason for his existence. It is culture that makes us intelligent, positive-minded, humane beings with moral attitudes and obligations. Culture is the soul of society. Through and through culture we discern values \u200b\u200band become capable of making choices.

“Culture represents the main meaning and the main value of the existence of both individual peoples and small ethnic groups and states. Outside culture, their independent existence deprives them of meaning "
D.S. Likhachev

IV. Consolidation of the passed topic "Culture and Spiritual Life"

Part A

A1. The word "culture" originally meant (were)

1) rules of conduct in society
2) creation of artificial nature
3) methods of tillage
4) ways of producing new knowledge

A2. Definition: "The result of human and society activities, the totality of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated by man" refers to the concept

1) art
2) creativity
3) science
4) culture

A3. Are the following judgments about culture correct?

A. Culture is a set of values, the general level of intellectual, moral, aesthetic development of people.
B. Culture - a set of historically established forms of joint activity.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong

A4. Spiritual culture includes

1) equipment
2) art
3) building
4) computer

A5. Are the following judgments about the subculture correct?

A. Subculture is a set of norms and values \u200b\u200bof the culture of the criminal stratum of society.
B. Subculture is an autonomous holistic formation within the dominant culture that determines the lifestyle and thinking of its carriers.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong

A6. The definition of culture: "Culture created by a privileged part of society, or by its order, professional creators" refers to the concept

1) folk culture
2) popular culture
3) literary culture
4) national culture

Part B

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the types of culture and their objects: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column

Cultural objects Types of culture

A) plastic 1) material culture
B) musical image 2) spiritual culture
C) Japanese rock garden
D) painting
D) chopped primitive man


IN 2. Find material culture concepts from the list below and write them down in ascending order.

1) religious teaching
2) TV
3) music
4) equipment
5) scientific discovery
6) machine


Part A Part B

A1 - 3 B1. a - 2 b - 1 c - 2 d - 1 e - 1
A2 - 4 B2 2 4 6
A3 - 1
A5 - 2
A6 - 3
A7 - 3

4 correct answers - "3";
6 correct answers - "4";
8 correct answers - "5".

V. Homework

Write an essay: "Culture always means the preservation of prior experience." (Y. Lotman)

Algorithm for writing an essay:

1. Expand the meaning of the statement.
2. Expand the topic based on the relevant concepts, theoretical provisions and conclusions.
3. Use facts and examples gleaned from various sources:

a) media reports;
b) materials of academic subjects (history, literature, geography);
c) facts of personal social experience and own observations.

Thus ... (you can go back to the first lines of the essay)