Class hour "about the culture of behavior at school." Class hour "rules of culture of behavior" Class hour about culture of behavior in the bedroom




Methodical development of a class hour

"Culture in my life"

Prepared by the teacher:

E.S. Talbizoda

Oryol, 2017 academic year

Outline of the class hour

Theme:Culture in my life

Classroom type:moral and cultural education


    Foster a culture of student behavior

    To acquaint students with the basic concepts of the topic

    To form the foundations of behavior in society and moral principles among students, to foster a culture of behavior.

Lesson Objectives:

    To acquaint students with the basic concepts of the classroom topic

    Remind students of how to behave correctly in a particular environment, so that they are considered educated and cultured people

    Develop cultural and social skills

    Reveal the importance of good behavior in society

Classroom type:to educate the moral and cultural aspects of students, to learn the correct behavior in society

Equipment: board, computer, multimedia projector

Lesson organization form:individual and group activities.

A good upbringing is not that you don't spill sauce on the tablecloth, but that you won't notice if someone else does it.

A.P. Chekhov

Hello guys! Today our class hour is dedicated to the topic "Culture of behavior"... We will touch not only on how to behave in society, but also in a technical school - the place where you spend most of your time, but, unfortunately, you cannot always behave correctly. Hopefully, by the end of the lesson, we will formulate important rules of conduct for us and learn how to follow them. Well, now let's talk about what a culture of behavior is in the general sense of the word.

A culture of behavior is understood as the totality of formed, socially significant qualities of a person, everyday actions of a person in society, based on the norms of morality, ethics and aesthetic culture. The culture of behavior expresses, firstly, the moral requirements of society, and secondly, the assimilation of the provisions that direct, regulate and control the actions and actions of a person. We must clearly realize that the culture of speech has a deep inner meaning, since its presence indicates respect for other people and traditions. In many ways, the culture of behavior is influenced by our family, environment and, of course, people who are our authorities.

Now, I would like you to divide into groups.

Here is a list of statements, some of which refer to a cultured person, others to a person who disregards cultural norms. The first group of students will select statements related to an uncivilized person who disregards the norms of behavior. The second group will choose statements that, in their opinion, are characteristic of a cultured person.

So, you are given 5 minutes to complete the task. [cm. Attachment 1]

Now, let's compare our results and determine who was right. First group, come up with a list of those norms that are characteristic of an uncultured person.

(The first group speaks, the correct answers: do not give way to a woman with a child in transport, litter on the street, eat, including ice cream on the street, without asking permission from the person in front, walk if the sidewalk is narrow, give way if you are older , do not follow traffic rules, walk to your place in a theater or cinema with your back to those sitting, touch exhibits in a museum, tear out pages from a book, draw in a book, do not return a book to the library on time, run during recess, push others, do not skip ahead women and the elderly, do not help the elderly person to cross the street.

The second group speaks, the correct answers: overtake the people in front on the left, give way to the elders in the transport, do not talk during the performance, do not change seats, if you are in class, raise your hand and answer, listen carefully to the teacher in the lesson, give your hand when exiting the transport a woman or an elderly person walking behind, always say "thank you" and "please", get up if the teacher enters the room during the lesson).

As you can see, guys, culture can be useful to us anywhere and in any situation. Sometimes it is extremely unpleasant to meet an uncultured person who behaves inappropriately in one of the situations with which we have learned. And, you must admit, how nice it is when you meet a polite and courteous person. So try to be like that!

You can meet the culture of behavior not only on the street, in the theater, in transport and so on, but also in the place where you are now - the technical school. Therefore, it will be most important for you to learn how to behave here, that place, which is your second home. This is where such a concept as "collective" arises.

Collective (from lat. collectivus - collective ) - a group, a set of people working in one organization, in one enterprise, united by joint activities within the framework of an organization, a goal. By type of activity, there are labor, educational, military, sports, amateur performances and otherscollectives ... In a broader sense - people united by common ideas, interests, needs. In our case, this is the educational team. In a team, a person should be guided not only by his own opinions and needs, consult with the group and make a common decision. Sometimes, one wrong word or phrase can offend a person. That is why you need to be able to behave correctly in a team.

how what qualities do you think characterize a polite person? How should one behave so that there are no offenses and quarrels?

(Students come up with qualities that are most suitable for characterizing a polite person, a team member. The teacher fixes them on the board.

For example: politeness, benevolence, friendliness, cherish honor, help the weak, be fair, do not humiliate others, do not allow quarrels and fights, threats and shouting, do not be rude and harsh, do not raise your voice, be kind and tactful, do as want to be treated with you, etc.)

There is one golden rule: “do with others as you want to be treated with you.” This rule unites all religions in the world, because Christianity reads: "Whatever you want people to do to you, so do you to them." (Matt. 7:12). AdherentsIslam say: "None of you will believe until you begin to wish your brother what you wish for yourself." (Sunnah, Hadith). IN Confucianismsaid: "This is the law of kindness and love: do not do to another what you would not wish for yourself" ("Sayings", 15:23).Buddhism also teaches: "Do not do to another what you would consider evil for yourself" ("Udana-Varga", 5.18). And finally, in the most ancient sacred texts of the world,"Vedah» , we find the following words:"This is the highest duty: do not do to anyone that would hurt you" (Mahabharata, 5.1517). That is why, if we want to change something in the world, we must start with ourselves.

Now I suggest you try the next task.

(On-screen presentation, slide with pictures)

I will show you pictures, and you will talk with which of the rules, norms of behavior they are connected with. That is, what an educated person should or should not do in a technical school. And so we will formulate some of the basic rules of conduct.

(Picture 1 - you cannot sit with headphones, listen to music in the lesson.

Picture 2 - you can not go to the technical school in outerwear,

Picture 3 - in the classroom it is necessary to turn off mobile communications,

Picture 4 - you can not be late for class,

Picture 5 - if you want to answer, you need to raise your hand,

Picture 6 - you need to listen carefully to the teacher,

Picture 7 - you can not eat in the lesson, there should be no food on the desk,

Picture 8 - refrain from quarrels and fights,

Picture 9 - refrain from showing intimate relationships

Picture 10 - take care of the place where you are)

I would like to add that there are other rules of behavior that we must follow if we are in class and at recess:

    Observe discipline

    In clothes, avoid details that emphasize belonging to the subculture and overly open styles (defiantly short skirts, deep neckline, etc.).

    Be polite to other students and teachers, and be respectful to fellow students.

    Avoid obscene language and expressions that degrade human dignity in the premises of the technical school.

    Avoid incidents of mental and physical abuse

    Fulfill the requirements of the teachers on duty

    Observe the instructions on labor protection in the lessons of chemistry, physics, computer science, biology, physical education, practical training.

    During breaks, don't run, don't push

    In case of any incidents or injuries, immediately inform the nearest teacher, curator, class teacher, head teacher, director of the technical school about it.

    Smoking is allowed only in a strictly designated area.

At the end of our class hour, I would like to ask you to draw for me something related to the topic of the lesson. It can be an ideal student or some kind of conditionally prohibiting sign related to the norms of behavior, or even just some beautifully written phrase related to the rules of behavior in a technical school. Let it be your fantasy. And let each of you briefly explain what his drawing is connected with.

(Students draw and take turns explaining their drawings)

Thanks for today's classroom! Thank you for being active. I hope that you have learned a lot and that you will try to follow the correct behavior, both within the walls of the college and outside. Goodbye!

not give way to a woman with a child in transport

litter on the street

there is, including ice cream on the street

overtake the people in front on the left

without asking permission from the person in front, walk if the sidewalk is narrow

give way if you're older

give way to elders in transport

do not follow traffic rules

go to your place in a theater or cinema with your back to those sitting

during the performance do not talk, do not change seats

touch the exhibits in the museum

tear the pages out of a book

draw in a book

if you're in class, raise your hand and answer

not return a book to the library on time

listen carefully to the teacher in the lesson

run at recess, push others

do not let women and the elderly go forward

when exiting a vehicle, give a hand from behind a walking woman or an elderly person

don't help an elderly person cross the street

always say "thank you" and "please"

get up if the teacher enters the office during the lesson


During the class hour, technologies were used: personality-oriented, group, game.

Goal: Development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral norms, rules of etiquette, developed and implemented by the students themselves as a result

group work on the topics of the class hour.

Motivation for choosing this topic : students themselves must come to the rules

behavior at school and school etiquette, they themselves must realize their necessity, so that later they will adhere to all this more consciously.

A task Development of the communication skills of students.

Equipment class:

Group discussion tasks

Related hints

Multimedia projector


Form of carrying out: work of students in groups to develop rules of conduct in

school, school etiquette.

Content of the class hour

The class is divided into 3 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students. The guys sit down at their tables.

Class hour

Classroom teacher. Guys, listen carefully to the verses and determine the topic of our class hour.

(The guys read poetry, and slides appear on the screen)

1st slide

Volodya Demin every time

We're late for class.

The lesson has been going on for a long time

And he crawls up the stairs.

At the door sighs for 5 minutes,

It distracts everyone from their studies.


Carrier Light

The first one wants to answer

Shout out loud from a place right

And seem the smartest

She does not respect the class

It hinders others to answer.

3rd slide

Lena and Valya at the lesson

Mouth and cheeks discussed

Rukovishnikova Alla.

I painted myself all over! -

So two girlfriends laughed,

Nobody was allowed to answer.

4th slide

The whole lesson Natasha with Lisa

They are writing notes to Vladik!

Who does he want to befriend?

Then they throw it from both sides.

The teacher didn't listen to the class

I watched this for an hour.

5th slide

“Yes, it was an interesting lesson, -

Told Anton Igorek,

With simple mirrors

Da Vinci defended the city "

But Anton remained silent in response

He counted crows throughout the lesson.

6th slide

Every day in a big package

Petya carries sandwiches.

And when in one sitting

He will eat everything in the middle of the lesson,

Taken for gum

It would be better to solve the problem!

7th slide

Run around at recess

Grisha with Fedya like reindeer

Everyone is pushed, hurt

And do not forget to shout.

The whole class is standing against the wall,

Everyone's head hurts.

7th slide

Don't want to chat with Sasha

All the guys at our school,

He sticks to the elders,

And he hits younger guys.

Nobody pass Sasha

In our school does not give

8th slide

It is unpleasant for us in the dining room

Next to Lyuda Pirogova.

To the neighbor on the left Luda

I knocked over two dishes.

And on the stomach of a neighbor

Sweet poured compote.

Than all this to observe

Better to starve.

9th slide

In class and at recess

We must always remember without fail

How to communicate with friends with dignity

And do not be shy about good manners

Classroom teacher .

What do you think our class hour will be about?

(children's answers)

Classroom teacher ... Guys, tell me, are there any special rules of conduct at school, different, for example, from other public places?

(children's answers)

Classroom teacher ... Of course! After all, there are rules of conduct in the theater, in a club, in a store, in libraries and at a disco - and one cannot be confused with the other - they will not understand, and it will be inconvenient for them. These rules are called - school etiquette. What are these special rules of conduct at school and for whom are they?

(children's answers)

Classroom teacher ... The rules are quite simple, but they exist for everyone who crosses the threshold of the building, which is called a "school".Where does school etiquette begin? First of all, with an understanding of what a school is. This is the place where we learn, develop the mind, intellect and soul, which means that we will behave in this place accordingly.

And now we will conduct a test with you.

1. Your classmate was confused at the blackboard, could not solve the problem, got a bad mark and burst into tears during recess. What will you do?

a) you will say to all hearing: “Eh, you! I would solve this problem in no time ”;

b) You will console the girl: “Just think, some kind of mathematics! Look what a funny toy you have on your knapsack. New. Where did you buy it?

c) propose to analyze the problem after lessons.

2. Your class has a cleaning day. What will you do?

a) you will try to evade in any way, referring to being busy and bad


b) you will stay after lessons, but you will amuse classmates with new ones more


c) take an active part in cleaning.

3. You're in class. What are you doing?

a) you sit and show with all your appearance that you are listening carefully to the teacher;

b) you try to listen to the teacher, but from time to time you are not averse to throwing words or laughing with your neighbor on your desk;

c) you came to school to study and you study, trying not to hang in the clouds so as not to miss something important.

4. Your deskmate has been sick for a week and does not go to school. What will you do?

a) he recovers - he will come, everyone is sick;

b) you will call him on the phone every evening and tell him everything

school news;

c) warn your parents that you will visit your classmate to help complete school assignments.

Test results:

If most of the answers are “a ", You want to be a leader, more important than everyone, smarter than everyone. But you cannot achieve such a position at the expense of humiliating others. You risk being left without friends.

If most of the answers “b "- you are a cheerful, sociable person, able to cheer up in the company. But try to help your friends not only with words, but also with deeds.

Most answers"in", you are a real comrade, you can be relied on.

Working in groups.

Make two-part proverbs about culture of behavior:

Order saves time.

The meaning of each proverb is discussed. Students of the "Forest School" came to us

Scene 1

The boy playing the role of Goose, disheveled and rumpled in his shirt, rushes about the room, looking for his things.


Why is the shirt crumpled?

I stroked her once!

And the jacket was lost-

How fell through the ground

Tie, where are you? Answer me! And appear on your neck.


I want to repeat again!

You have to be ready for school.

Don't fuss unnecessarily

Get to school on time.

(open the first rule)

Scene 2

Two Monkey girls are sitting at a desk and whispering.


Yesterday not before school, girlfriend, I was

So I didn't fold my portfolio

And this morning I was in a hurry to class,

And what in the end, look, it worked! (shows an empty portfolio)

Neighbor, please help me out

And give me a pen, a piece of paper, a ruler.


In the future, children, consider:

Always bring with you in your portfolio

All the things that are needed at school.

You must never forget them.

Open the rule:

Scene 3


The main educational assistant is a textbook.

He is a silent and kind wizard,

He keeps wise knowledge forever.

Save his festive look!

Wrap it in the cover right away,

Do not stain with a pen. DO NOT RVI AND DO NOT MEET.

A glorious textbook will teach everything

Be grateful to him for that.

(open the rule):

Take care of your school books!

Scene 4

A boy dressed as a Teen Wolf pretends to spoil the desk


School is the second home,

Everything here is taught to you and me,

And we must take care of it-

We don't need hooligans.

(open the rule):

Take care of school property .

Scene 5

Evilina Oh, I, Sheep, am not happy with curls.

Mom, I need to cut my pigtails!

They are pulled by bully boys,

Sad, hurt and hurt me too!

Dima That's the problem! Boys, consider:

Take care of the girls in your class;

Do not pull on the braids, do not offend,

Make friends with them and protect them.

(open the rule):

Do not offend anyone

Scene 6

The bell rings. The little animals start rummaging through the portfolios.

Natasha Not ready for the lesson again!

I want the animals to tell you:

Be ashamed to waste your time!

I ask for classes without laziness

Prepare for recess!

As soon as the bell rang

We'll start the tutorial right away.

open the rule:



The teacher in the class is the most important

He is a good friend, a glorious mentor,

And he will teach you everything

You need to help him,

He should not be distracted-

Giggle loudly and chat.

After all, if you start playing naughty

And in vain you will interrupt the teacher,

Then he will put things in order!

But time will be wasted!

And answer the questions

When he asks you about something,

Learn lessons every day

To make the teacher happy.

(open the rule)

Respect your teacher!

Dasha I will tell you in conclusion:

It's not a matter of luck.

And he will receive fives,

Who sits and honestly teaches

Who is not afraid of work,

Who likes to learn

Anyone who wants to become smart

And know about everything in the world!

(open the rule)

Try to study well.


Rules of conduct in the lesson

Rules of conduct in the dining room

Within 5 minutes there is a discussion of the topic in groups, proposals are made and their wording is discussed. All this is recorded on the provided paper.

The children defend the selected items in front of the class, defending their developments and proving the need for this or that item.

At the end of the class hour, a decision is made:

Follow strictly the rules that were drawn up at the classroom hour.

The result of the class hour.

Did you enjoy the class hour?

What did you like the most?

Do not judge others, look at yourself.

Seven times measure cut once.

As the master is, so is the work.

The word is silver, silence is gold.

The word is not a sparrow, but you can't catch it.

At home as you want, and at a party as ordered.

Order saves time.

Do not judge others, look at yourself.

Seven times measure cut once.

As the master is, so is the work.

The word is silver, silence is gold.

The word is not a sparrow, but you can't catch it.

At home as you want, and at a party as ordered.

Order saves time.

Do not judge others, look at yourself.

Seven times measure cut once.

As the master is, so is the work.

The word is silver, silence is gold.

The word is not a sparrow, but you can't catch it.

At home as you want, and at a party as ordered.

Order saves time.

Prepare your school clothes in advance.

Collect everything you need for the lessons in advance in your portfolio.

Take care of your school books!

Take care of school property .

Do not offend anyone

Prepare for a lesson at recess .

Respect your teacher!

Try to study well.

Rules of conduct in the lesson

Rules of conduct at recess

Rules of conduct in the dining room

goal: to educate children in a culture of behavior, the ability to behave in different situations.

Class hour

1. Introduction to the topic.

Classroom teacher... Today we will talk with you about the culture of behavior, about the ability to behave in society. After all, a person is judged by his culture of behavior, by conversation, by his actions.

2. Conversation “What a student needs for correct behavior”.

There are cards on the board with the words that we use at the beginning of a conversation when we meet (the teacher draws the children's attention to these words):

2. Great.

3. Hello.

4. Hello.

5. Hello.

6. Good morning.

The task... What words are appropriate in a conversation between a student and a stranger?

(Answer options: 4 and 6.)

Question... You are on the phone and want to call a girlfriend or boyfriend. Choose the most polite form of your request and give an answer option.

1. Call Masha.

2. Hello, call Masha.

3. Hello, please call Masha.

4. Hello, sorry, is Masha at home?

(Answer option: 4.)

Question... You are late for class and want to enter class. Which version of the most polite request would you choose?

1. Can I enter?

2. Will I come in?

3. Sorry, can I log in?

(Answer option: 3.)

Question... While on the bus and approaching your stop, you want to make your way to the exit. What words would you say?

1. Let me go, I'm going out.

2. Let me pass.

3. Sorry, can I go through?

(Answer option: 3.)

3. Culture of communication. A set of practical exercises.

Classroom teacher... All of you, of course, know the fairy tale "Three Bears". Let's imagine that Masha did not run away into the forest, but entered into a conversation with the bears.

The task. Which conversation option did you like the most?

Three girls come out, each saying one phrase.

Bears, I am lost in the woods, tired, help me get home.

Mishenki, I got lost and ended up in your house. Sorry for the mess, I'll help you clean up.

Bears, I'm very tired. If Mishutka takes me home, my grandmother will give him honey and raspberries.

(Answer option: 2.)

Classroom teacher... All of you probably love to receive gifts. Remember the tale of K. Chukovsky "Mukha-Tsokotukh":

Fleas came to the fly, They brought her boots, And the boots are not simple - They have gold fasteners. Question. How would you accept a gift and give thanks for it?

Three girls come out and play with their words.

1st student (examines the boots and speaks).

What lovely boots!

Where did you get them, fleas?

I will wear them all my life

And thanks for the whole century.

2nd student (holds boots in his hands and says):

I already have boots

And better than these, fleas.

I'll give them to my sister

That lives on that mountain.

1st student (tries on boots and speaks).

Thank you, my fleas,

For lovely boots

Oh what grief it will be

If they are not for me.

(Answer option: 3.)

Classroom teacher... Let us once again recall the lines of K. Chukovsky:

Grandma-bee came to the fly,

I brought honey to Fly-Tsokotukha ...

Question... What would you do with this gift?

1. Place all the honey on the guest table.

3. Put some of the honey from the jar into a vase and place on the guest table.

(Answer option: 3.)

The task. From 10 letters you must make one or more words. Each letter is used once.

The game "Let's wave without looking" is held.

Look at these five adorable caps, there are wonderful prizes underneath.

The task... "A toy".

This topic is dedicated to the objects of art in the home that are dearest and dearest to each student. Usually we do not know the artists who created the toys, but we know the villages where they were made.

Question. On the blackboard are the names of villages in Russia, which are identified by one feature of a huge toy family. What is this sign? Are there any superfluous names here?

1. Dymkovo.

2. Palekh-Maidan.

3. Filimonovo.

4. Abashevo.

Answer: all the craftsmen of these villages make toys from clay, except for the craftsmen from Palekh-Maidan.

Musical pause. Performed at the discretion and repertoire plan of the music teacher, class teacher.

The teacher offers the children a task: "Writers to children."

Answer: A.P. Gaidar. Musical pause.

Question. Listen to a portion of their poem and determine who the author of these lines is.

On the phone day to day

You can't get through to us

Our people live like this -

Responsible persons:

We have three schoolchildren

Yes, first grader Kolenka.

The disciples will come home -

And the calls begin

Calls without respite.

And who calls endlessly?

Pupils, the same boys.

Answer: A. Barto.

4. The final part.

Finally, the homeroom teacher suggests playing a game of Duel.

Slide 1

Slide 2

The concept of "culture of behavior" can be defined as a set of stable forms of everyday behavior useful for society in everyday life, in communication, in various types of activity. Culture of behavior

Slide 3

Components of a culture of behavior Culture of activity Culture of communication Cultural and hygienic skills

Slide 4

The culture of activities in the classroom in the games in the performance of labor assignments To educate: the ability to keep in order the workplace where the child is engaged, to work; the habit of bringing the work started to the end; take good care of things, books, etc.

Slide 5

Communication culture Forms of addressing elders and peers when meeting and parting; Techniques for making a request, a question; Ability to ask for an apology; Rules of conduct in public places; Rules of behavior at a party; Rules of conduct when meeting; Ability to calmly, react correctly, to comments, without getting into wrangling.

Slide 6

1. It is important to learn to listen to the other person without interrupting him during the conversation. 2. It is important to understand the other person. Each interlocutor must first state the thought of his opponent in a dispute and, only after receiving confirmation from him that his thought is understood, can he refute it. This rule is very useful to use, at least in those cases when the disputants put different meanings in the same words. 3. One must learn to truly appreciate people. A cultured and developed person will always find good qualities in another. It is important to be generous in praise, to appreciate the true merits of people. 4. You need to be attentive to people. They say: it is better to deprive a person of food than attention. 5. Communication is the cultivation of good habits, the training of actions, worthy behavior. Therefore, everything is important in communication: how you dress, how you sit, how you walk, dance, talk with neighbors. All this and much more forms character.

Slide 7

Cultural and hygienic skills and habits Washing; Brush your teeth; Comb your hair; Do morning exercises; Keep your clothes clean, etc.

Slide 8

Methods and techniques of fostering a culture of behavior Example of a teacher; Ethical conversations; Speech logical tasks; Practical tasks; Role-playing games; Joint activities of children.

Slide 9

In the old days, the greatest honor for a scientist in Iran was considered to be a member of the Academy of Silence. Only one hundred wise men could simultaneously be "Silent" academicians. Their motto is worth remembering: "Think a lot and say little!"

Slide 10

Here are some general rules for having a pleasant conversation that will help a student to be a pleasant conversationalist not only at the table, but in any situation.

Class hour "On the culture of behavior at school"

Objectives: Development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral norms, rules of conduct, rules of etiquette, worked out and implemented by the students themselves as a result of group work on the topics of the class hour; prevention of controversial situations among students, prevention of conflict situations between teachers and students.

Motivation for choosing this topic: students themselves must come to the rules of behavior at school and school etiquette, they themselves must realize their need, so that later they must adhere to all this more consciously.

Objective: Development of the communication skills of students.

Form of conduct: work of students in groups to develop rules of conduct at school, school etiquette,

During the classes:

The class is divided into 3 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students.

Apprentice 1

If you are polite and not deaf to your conscience,
You will give up your seat to the old woman without protest.
If you're polite at heart and not outwardly,
You will help a disabled person get on the trolleybus.
And if you are polite, then, sitting in the lesson,
You won't rattle with a friend like two magpies.
If you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt,
And with grandfather and grandmother, you will not interrupt them,
And if you are polite, then you are in the library
You won't take Nekrasov and Gogol forever.
And if you are polite, - to the one who is weaker,
You will be a defender, not shy before the strong.

S. Marshak


Guys, what is Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak talking about in his poem? (On the rules of conduct in society, the rules of politeness).

Why should people be polite to each other?

Do I need to follow courtesy rules at school? Why?

Today, in the lesson, we will compose a memo "School courtesy rules."

November 21 is the day of greetings and courtesy all over the world! The idea of \u200b\u200bthis holiday belongs to two American youths, the McCormick brothers, who proposed in 1973 to hold a day of greetings and courtesy in all countries of the world.

What greetings do you know? (Good health, good luck, etc.)

In different countries of the world, people greet each other in their own way.

For example, zulus say : "I see you!".

Mongols : "" Are your cattle healthy? "

Italians : "Do you sweat well?"

Jews : "Peace be with you!"

Perhaps some of the greetings made you smile? And in vain.

After all, for example, the words: "Are your cattle healthy?" - this is both a greeting and a wish for well-being. Indeed, in the old days, the basis of the life of the Mongols - nomads was his herd. Healthy animals - enough food - everything is safe in the family. And so it turns out: to wish good health to the cattle breeder's horned wet-nurses is the same as to wish good health to himself and his loved ones.

Try to explain the meaning of the rest of the greetings. (“I see you” - the person is alive and well; “Are you sweating well?” - is the person healthy).

Why do people greet each other?

Let's draw up the first rule of courtesy:

Rule # 1

- Today in the lesson we often say the word "politeness". What does this word mean?

Apprentice 2 ... History reference ... Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in the Russian language. a person who knows how to behave in a given environment.

(Group work). I suggest you complete the following task: a person is drawn in front of you on an interactive whiteboard - "vezha". Have each group present courtesy to the person. (Children use arrows to write down words that characterize a well-mannered person. For example, kind, well-mannered, etc.)

Man - "vezha"

(The works are hung on the board, discussed: the children agree or refute the answers of their comrades).

After completing the task in groups the second rule of politeness is drawn up.

Rule # 2

Quest "A minute of rest"

Now you have to complete the task "Speak a polite word". (answers in chorus)

    Even an ice block will melt from a word of warm ... .. (thanks).

    Even a tree stump will turn green when you hear ……… (good afternoon).

    If we can’t eat anymore, let us tell our mother ………. (Thanks).

    The boy is polite and well-developed, speaks when he meets ……. (Hello).

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say ………. (Forgive me, please).

    And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... .... (goodbye).

What are the names of the guessed words? (Polite words)

Why are there such words in our speech?

The task "Life situations".

Each group receives 2 cards describing life situations. Assignments to teams: what will you do?

1. Imagine that your friend came to visit you, sat down on a chair and broke it. Your actions.

2. You came to visit and saw that there was a person unpleasant to you. Your actions.

3. Imagine that in the company of your comrades you are telling a story, but they do not listen to you, they interrupt. What will you do?

4 If you do not have a watch, you can ask passers-by on the street. How to ask a question correctly?

5. If you called a friend, but got to the wrong place, then you need:

6. A woman was walking along the street with purchases. One package fell from her, but she did not notice. But he saw the boy who was following, what should he do?

Raise your hands, those guys who found themselves in similar situations? What kind of reaction did you expect from others in relation to yourself?

What rule can be drawn from your findings?

Rule 3.

Quest "All the best"

2-3 class pupils are invited to the board.

- Let's try to find only good character traits in classmates. (Children talk about each child, the answers are recorded on the board).

How many good qualities have you named! In order to multiply good qualities, try to see only positive moments in people.

Rule # 4.

Now we will listen to ditties about children who forget one important rule of politeness.

Student 3. Play balalaika
Balalaika three strings.
Let's remember, guys,
How we should behave.

Apprentice 4 .Three girls enter the train:
“Wow, how many people are here!
Take up seats faster
And then the grandmothers will take it! "

Apprentice5 .Aunt Sima asked
Slide Petya into the attic.
“Sorry, Aunt Sima,
I'm not a farm laborer for you! ”

Apprentice 6 . The mother speaks to a lazy woman;
- Get your bed!
- I would, mom, clean,
Only I am still small. ”

What rule do children not follow? (Respectful attitude to older people).

How should children behave towards older people?

Rule 5.

The task "Fix the mistakes".

On the interactive board, slides with texts in which mistakes were made in the behavior of children. Each group corrects mistakes during the discussion, expresses its own version of the development of events.

Situation one

Mom and Dad went to the cinema. Coming soon. Natasha is at home alone. Watching TV. Call. Nikolai Ivanovich is at the door. He works with his father.

Hello Natasha. Dad is at home?

Dad is not there, - Natasha looks impatiently at the guest. Her hand is on the latch.

- Sorry. Goodbye.

What would you do if you were Natasha?

Situation two

Alyosha was returning from school with friends. On the way, they argued about who ran the fastest. Sasha claimed that the cheetah, Vitya said, was an antelope. They did not have time to argue, and already the house of Alyoshin. I didn't want to part. Alyosha suggested: “Come on, guys. I have Animal Life. And we'll eat, otherwise I'm hungry. ”

And mom won't swear? - asked Vitya.

Well, what are you! She's not like that!

Alyosha's mother opened the door for the boys. She was in an old dress and an apron. Hair came out from under the kerchief. In the hands of a wet rag. There was a washing machine in the bathroom, and in the room where the boys went, all the furniture was moved. Apparently, a big cleaning has begun.

- Sorry guys, we're a mess. I'm going to make you something to eat right now.

The boys began to refuse, trying to leave. The owners tried to persuade them to stay. Everyone was embarrassed, ill. Who is to blame for this?

Situation three.

Back to school soon. Homework has not been done yet, and my mother asked me to peel the potatoes and wipe the floor with a damp cloth. But Igor will not get down to business. In the morning, neighbors, two brothers, dropped in to see him for a minute. And they don't go away. We played table hockey. We practiced sambo techniques on the carpet. They emptied the bowl of sweets. Then they found a songbook and began to sing songs.

Send them home? But what about the owner's debt? Fulfill the master's duty? And the lessons? And my mother's request?

Discussion of life situations by children, collective error correction.

At the end of the lesson, a courtesy memo and a courtesy exercise memo are drawn up.

Memo "School courtesy rules".

Rule # 1

In the speech of a cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of greeting.

Rule # 2

Develop in yourself the qualities of a polite, benevolent, friendly, well-mannered person.

Rule # 3

Act towards others as you would like them to act towards you.

Rule # 4.

Try to see only positive character traits in people.

Rule # 5

Treat older people with respect.

Not everyone always succeeds in being polite. There are specialpsychological recommendations. Scientists-psychologists recommend performing special exercises that contribute to the development of a person's polite behavior towards others and towards himself. With such recommendations he will introduce you (student 7)

Exercise "Observe yourself"

You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself through the eyes of another person. How do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I stay away? Note not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, habits.

Self-Esteem Exercise

We must not only take care of ourselves, but give an honest assessment without any discounts. You can in the evening, when you went to bed, remember how the day went, what you noticed behind yourself and tell yourself directly. A diary would greatly help in this, in which reflections on oneself, on the people around, and assessments of oneself would be reflected.

Exercise "Studying the opinions of other people"

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making mistakes, much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you. Do not be shy, ask the people around you about yourself.

Lesson summary

- Who can we call a polite person?

Why should we be polite to each other?

What are the rules of courtesy?

What conclusions have you drawn for yourself today?

What new have you learned on this topic?