Literature presentation on the topic: "The Golden Age of Russian Literature". "Golden" age of Russian literature

A.S. Pushkin D.V. Davydov A.A. Delvig K.N. Batyushkov K.F. Ryleev E.A. Baratynsky V.A. Zhukovsky

The great poet, speaking about himself, about his I, speaks about the general - about humanity, for in his nature lies everything that humanity lives with. And therefore in his sadness everyone recognizes his own sadness, in his soul everyone recognizes his own and sees in him not only a poet, but also a person ... VG Belinsky

K.N.Batyushkov - the immediate predecessor of A.S. Pushkin, the poet of early Russian romanticism ("pre-romantic"). Combining the literary discoveries of classicism and sentimentalism, he was one of the founders of the new, "modern" Russian poetry.

Poetry Batyushkov plunges us into the depths of individual consciousness. The subject of her image is the mental life of a person - not as a "small" part of the big world, but as the absolute value of external, universal life. Batyushkov, a poet of unique talent, created his own artistic world, in the center of which is the image of the AUTHOR with his romantic dream and striving for the ideal (“A dream in the world glows And from evil sadness Dream is our shield”) and the real world of earthly joys (“I can enjoy Like a child to play with everyone, And happy "), with a world of light feelings (" Only friendship promises me a wreath of immortality ") and emotional grief (" Sad experience has opened a new desert for the eyes "). The life of a poet should not contradict the spirit of his poetry, life and work are inseparable: Live as you write, and write as you live ... Happy is he who writes because he feels ...

KN Batyushkov was born on May 18 (29), 1787 in Vologda into an old noble family. Childhood years passed in the family estate - the village of Danilovskoye, Tver province. From the age of 10 he studied in St. Petersburg in private foreign boarding schools, spoke many foreign languages. From 1802 he lived in Petersburg in the house of his uncle M.N. Muraviev, curator of Moscow University, writer and educator, who played a decisive role in the formation of the poet's personality and talent. Here Batyushkov studied philosophy, literature of the French enlightenment, ancient poetry, and literature of the Italian Renaissance.

Since 1805, KN Batyushkov's poems have appeared in print: “Message to my poems”, “To Chloe”, “To Phyllis”, epigrams - he writes poems mainly of a satirical orientation.

in 1810 - 1812 Dramaticheskiy Vestnik actively cooperates with the magazine. Coming closer to N.M. Karamzin, V.L. Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Vyazemsky, others and writers. From that time on, I devoted myself entirely to literary creation. dedicates

In the poems of the first period of KN Batyushkov's literary activity, anacreontic and epicurean motives prevail: enjoyment of earthly life, praise of love and friendship, simple human joys, ingenuous, deliberately naive human desires: ... I will give friendship one hour, Bacchus an hour and another sleep; I'll share the rest, my friend, with you! Batyushkov affirms the poet's inner freedom, his creative independence ("My Penates").

KN Batyushkov took part in the Russian campaign against Napoleon in the campaign to Prussia (1807) - he was seriously wounded near Heilsberg, evacuated to Riga, then to Petersburg; in the war with Sweden (1808); in 1813 - 1814 in the overseas campaign of the Russian army. Batyushkov is a witness to the terrible fire of Moscow in 1812.

In 1812, Batyushkov was retired, but decided to enter military service again: "I ... firmly decided to go to the army, where duty calls, and reason, and heart, heart deprived of peace by the terrible incidents of our time" (From a letter to P A. Vyazemsky) The theme of the Patriotic War is included in the poetry of K. N. Batyushkov as a live response to what he saw: My friend! I saw the sea of \u200b\u200bevil And the sky of vengeful punishment: Enemies of frantic deeds, War and disastrous fires ... I wandered in devastated Moscow, Among ruins and graves ... "To Dashkov"

In a time of general national disaster, poetry cannot sing the joy of life, its purpose is differently - to speak of these disasters and sufferings. The poet cannot remain aloof from the events affecting the fate of the country: No, no! My talent perish And lyre, friendship is precious, When you will be me, oblivion, Moscow, the land of gold of the fatherland! "To Dashkov"

The impressions of the war with Napoleon formed the content of many poems by KN Batyushkov: the message "To Dashkov", "The Prisoner", "The Fate of Odysseus", "Crossing the Rhine", the elegy "Passage of Russian troops across the Niemen", "Shadow of a Friend" K.N.Batyushkov created examples of civic poetry in which patriotism was combined with deep individual feelings of the author:

... While on the field of honor For the ancient city of my fathers I will not bear the sacrifice of revenge And life and love for the homeland, Until with a wounded hero, Who knows the path to glory, Three times I will not put my chest Before the enemy in a close formation - My friend, until then they will All are alien to muses and charity, Wreaths, by the hand of love of the retinue, And noisy joy in wine! "To Dashkov"

In 1814 - 1817 Batiushkov travels a lot, rarely stops for a long time in one place. During these years he went through a severe spiritual crisis associated with disillusionment with educational philosophy; failures in service, failures and disappointments in personal life also affected. Religious and philosophical moods, motives of tragic love, eternal discord between the artist and the creator and reality appear in his work; poetry is painted in sad tones: "My genius", "Parting", "To a friend", "Awakening", "Tavrida" ... Anna Fyodorovna Furman

Tell me, young sage, what is firm on earth? Where is the constant happiness of life? ... So everything here is vain in the abode of vanities! Friendliness and friendship are fragile! But where, tell me, my friend, is the direct light shining? What is eternally pure, immaculate? ... So my mind died in the midst of doubts. All the delights in life were hidden: My genius extinguished the lamp in sorrow, And the bright muses hid ... My whole path is illuminated to the grave like the sun: I step with a reliable foot And, from the robe of a wanderer, overthrowing dust and decay, I fly into a better world with my spirit. "To a friend" The earthly world does not promise happiness, everything beautiful perishes in it: love, friendship ...

Along with poetry, prose began to develop. The prose writers of the beginning of the century were influenced by the English historical novels by W. Scott, whose translations were very popular. The development of Russian prose of the 19th century began with the prose works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol. Pushkin, influenced by English historical novels, creates the story "The Captain's Daughter", where the action takes place against the backdrop of grandiose historical events: during the Pugachev rebellion. A.S. Pushkin did a colossal work exploring this historical period. This work was largely political in nature and was directed to those in power. A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol outlined the main artistic types that would be developed by writers throughout the 19th century. This is an artistic type of "superfluous person", an example of which is Eugene Onegin in the novel by A.S. Pushkin, and the so-called type of "little man", which is shown by N.V. Gogol in his story "The Overcoat", as well as A.S. Pushkin in the story "The Station Keeper".

Phalagova Svetlana, Vasilkovskaya Alexandra, Bogdanova Ekaterina, pupils of the 8th grade GBOU Secondary School No. 262 St. Petersburg

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XIX century - The Golden Age of Russian Literature. WORKED ON THE PROJECT Pupils of the 8th grade: Phalagova Svetlana Vasilkovskaya Alexandra Bogdanova Ekaterina Supervisor: Brichenko L.V.

The story of N.M. Karamzin "Martha the Posadnitsa or the Conquest of Novgorod". The most striking example of the combination of literary work and the activity of a historian was the work of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, the creator of the History of the Russian State. In the story "Martha Posadnitsa, or the Conquest of Novgorod" (1803), he compares the republican (embodied in the history of Novgorod) and autocratic ("Moscow") traditions of Russian history

The emergence of romanticism in Russian literature is associated with names. VC. Kuchelbecker A.I. Odoevsky K.F. Ryleev V.A. Zhukovsky

At the beginning of their creative work, romantic works were created by our great poets. A.S. Pushkin M.Yu. Lermontov

Historical drama "Boris Godunov" "Dubrovsky" "Belkin's Tale" "The Captain's Daughter" "The Bronze Horseman"

Roman M.Yu. Lermontova M. Yu. Lermontov Novel "Hero of Our Time"

The founder of the "natural school" N.V. Gogol. The natural school is the conventional name for the initial stage in the development of critical realism in Russian literature in the 1840s, which arose under the influence of the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

The bright works of N.V. Gogol Story "Overcoat" Comedy "Inspector General" Poem "Dead Souls"

The works of F.M.Dostoevsky. “We all left Gogol's Overcoat,” noted Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky later.

The Realistic World of the Russian Merchants The new, unfamiliar and realistic world of the Russian merchants was revealed to the reader and the viewer in his first drama "Our People - Let Us Numbered" (1849) Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky.

The work of the young Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Moscow Commercial Court

Genuine literary event The publication of "Notes of a Hunter" (1847 - 1852) Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who described not only the nature of the Central Russian strip, but also the serfs, to whom he treated with sincere sympathy and warmth.

The hopeless poverty and oppression of the common people were depicted in the stories of D.V. Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilievich Grigorovich "Village" "Anton the Wretched"

The golden age of Russian literature Grade 9 Golden age -

  • the first period of flourishing of Russian literature, which came at the beginning of the 19th century. During this period, Russian writers switched from classicism to romanticism. The language of Russian fiction, in particular poetry, also changed dramatically with the emergence of such authors as Vasily Zhukovsky, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov.
By the golden age, MA Antonovich had in mind the literature of the Pushkin-Gogol period.
  • “Not long ago it seemed as though all organs of literature were imbued with one spirit and animated by the same aspirations; all of them, apparently, agreed to the same goal and pursued the same interests ... Indeed, that was the Golden Age of our literature,
  • the period of her innocence and bliss! .. "
Conditions for the development of Russian literature
  • The serf system left its mark on all areas of Russian life.
  • The rise of Russian self-awareness.
  • Intense ideological struggle.
  • Literary trends in Russia in the 19th century existed simultaneously.
  • Noble literature.
Nikolay Mikhailovich Karamzin
  • Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is a Russian historian-historiographer, writer, poet.
  • Honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1818), full member of the Imperial Russian Academy (1818).
  • Creator of the "History of the Russian State" (volumes 1-12, 1803-1826) - one of the first generalizing works on the history of Russia.
  • Editor of the "Moscow Journal" (1791-1792) and "Bulletin of Europe" (1802-1803).
Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky
  • Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky - Russian poet, one of the founders of romanticism in Russian poetry, translator, critic.
  • Full member of the Imperial Russian Academy (1818);
  • an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1827-1841) and subsequently an ordinary academician (1841) in the Department of Russian Language and Literature,
  • privy Councilor (1841).
Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov
  • Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov is a Russian poet, a predecessor of Pushkin.
Ivan Andreevich Krylov
  • Ivan Andreevich Krylov - Russian poet, fabulist, translator, employee of the Imperial Public Library,
  • State Councillor,
  • Full member of the Imperial Russian Academy (1811),
  • ordinary academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the Department of Russian Language and Literature (1841).
Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev
  • Kondraty Fyodorovich Ryleev - Russian poet, public figure, Decembrist, one of the five executed leaders of the December 1825 uprising.
Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov
  • Aleksander Sergeevich Griboyedov - Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman. State Councilor (1828).
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
  • Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin is a Russian poet, playwright and prose writer.
Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev
  • Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev - Russian poet, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1857.
Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov
  • Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is a Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, officer.
  • Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, widely recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky - Russian thinker, writer, literary critic, publicist, Western philosopher.
Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov
  • Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov - Russian literary critic at the turn of the 1850s and 1860s, publicist, revolutionary democrat.
Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky
  • Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky - Russian utopian philosopher, revolutionary democrat, scientist, literary critic, publicist and writer.

The conditions were hard and cruel
in which advanced
Russian literature.
put my mark on everything
areas of Russian life. Tsarskaya
censorship ruthlessly suppressed
free word. Greatest
figures of Russian literature
have been persecuted
many of them finished their
life is tragic. Nonetheless
Russian literature has reached
XIX century. amazingly bright
flourishing and took one of the first
places in Europe.
19th century is called "Golden
century "of Russian poetry and
century of Russian literature in

The 19th century began with the flowering of sentimentalism and the rise of romanticism.
The indicated literary trends found expression, first of all, in
poetry. The poetic works of poets E.A.
Baratynsky, K.N. Batyushkova, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.A. Feta, D.V.
Davydova, N.M. Yazykov.
The work of F.I. Tyutchev's "Golden Age"
Russian poetry was completed.

The central figure of this time was
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
A.S. Pushkin began his ascent to
literary Olympus from the poem "Ruslan and
Lyudmila "in 1920. And his romance in
poems "Eugene Onegin" was named
encyclopedia of Russian life.
Romantic poems by A.S. Pushkin
"The Bronze Horseman" (1833), "Bakhchisarai
fountain "," Gypsies "opened the era
Russian romanticism.

Pushkin was the central figure of the Russian
literature of the first decades of the XIX century. Belinsky
directly names this period of Russian literature
"Pushkin". Not associated with the name of Pushkin
only the high flowering of Russian poetry, but also
the formation of the Russian literary language.
Pushkin showed the spiritual beauty and power of the Russian
man, the beauty of native nature, folk
poetry - fairy tales, songs, legends. Its significance for
Russian literature is immeasurable. “He's the beginning
of all beginnings, ”Gorky said about Pushkin.
"Ruslan and Ludmila"
"Eugene Onegin"
"The history of Pugachev"
"History of the village of Goryukhina"
"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
"Brothers robbers"
"Bakhchisarai Fountain"
"Boris Godunov"
"Captain's daughter"
"Arap of Peter the Great"
"Bronze Horseman"
"Little Tragedies"
"Belkin's Tale"
Fairy tales

Many poets and writers considered A.S. Pushkin
their teacher and continued the
traditions of creating literary works.
One of these poets was M.Yu. Lermontov.
Lermontov developed as a poet in an era of timelessness,
when the Decembrist movement was already strangled, and
a new generation of advanced, thinking people have not yet
got stronger. This gave rise to motives in his poetry
loneliness and bitter disappointment.
Known for his romantic poem "Mtsyri"
poetic story "Demon", many
romantic poems. At the center of the most
significant works of Lermontov is
the image of a proud person looking for strong sensations
in the fight. Such are Arbenin (drama "Masquerade",
1835-1836), Demon ("Demon", 1829-1841) and
Pechorin (A Hero of Our Time, 1840).

Along with poetry, prose began to develop. Development of Russian prose of the 19th century
began with the prose works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol. They
outlined the main artistic types that will
developed by writers throughout the 19th century. it
the artistic type of "extra person" and the so-called type of "little
person. "
Literature inherited from the 18th century its
journalism and satirical character. IN
the prose poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"
writer in a poignant satirical manner
shows a scammer who buys
dead souls, various types of landlords,
which are the embodiment of various
human vices. In the same regard
the comedy "The Inspector General" was performed.

The tendency of depicting vices and deficiencies
Russian society is a characteristic feature of the entire Russian
classical literature. It can be traced in
works of almost all writers of the 19th century. When
this, many writers implement satirical
a trend in a grotesque manner. Examples of grotesque
satire are the works of N. V. Gogol "The Nose",
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Lord Golovlevs",
"The history of one city", "Fairy tales".

From the middle of the 19th century, the formation of Russian realistic literature took place, which
is created against the background of a tense socio-political situation in Russia
during the reign of Nicholas I. A crisis of the serf system is brewing,
contradictions between the government and the common people. There is a need to create
realistic literature, sharply reacting to the socio-political situation in
country. Literary critic V.G. Belinsky denotes a new realistic
direction in literature. His position is developed by N.A. Dobrolyubov, N.G. Chernyshevsky.
A dispute arises between Westernizers and Slavophiles about the paths of historical development

Writers address social and political issues
Russian reality. The genre of the realistic novel is developing.
I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N.
Tolstoy, I.A. Goncharov. Socio-political prevails,
philosophical issues. Literature is distinguished by a special psychologism.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883) began his literary
activities in the 40s, when in Russian public life still
did not completely demarcate liberal and democratic
trends. In the sketches that Turgenev printed on the pages
"Contemporary" under the general title "Notes of a Hunter" (1847-1852
years), shows the inhuman oppression of the peasants under serfdom. IN
the novel "On the Eve" (1860), he showed the Bulgarian revolutionary
Insarova. But Turgenev was looking for a hero who took shape on Russian soil and
dedicated to serving Russia. He found such an image in the face
commoner Bazarov, depicted by him in the novel "Fathers and Sons" (1862).

Artist of immense talent, Fyodor Mikhailovich
Dostoevsky (1821 -1881) created unrivaled strength and
the expressiveness of the picture of the suffering of people under oppression
capitalism, but rejected the revolutionary path and during
for many years waged a fierce struggle against ideas
democratic camp.
Dostoevsky entered literature as a representative
"Natural school", continuing the traditions of Pushkin and
Gogol. His first story "Poor People" (1846). In it
Dostoevsky depicts suffering with deep sympathy
The “poor people” living in the big city are protected
the dignity of an ordinary person, shows his superiority
over representatives of the aristocracy. But he does not see in
The "little man" has the ability to protest and fight.
Dostoevsky's largest work is a novel
"Crime and Punishment" (1866). It displays
a person imbued with his consciousness
exclusivity, contempt for the mass and confidence
in their right to violate moral standards. Dostoevsky
debunks this individualist and reveals
internal collapse of his aspirations.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910) occupies an outstanding
place among the leaders of world culture. Through all creativity
Tolstoy passes the image of a man painfully seeking the truth,
who wants to understand what is happening (from autobiographical
the story "Childhood" before the novel "War and Peace"). In a number of works,
dedicated to the war in the Caucasus, and in their wonderful
"Sevastopol stories" (1855-1856) Tolstoy painted
pictures of war, free from fake battle heroics, and
depicted the greatness of a Russian soldier doing his duty
simply and calmly, loud phrases.
The novel War and Peace (1863-1869) is a grandiose epic of the people's war against
Napoleon, the greatest work of not only Russian, but also world literature. Tolstoy
showed here the entire Russian society, created a broad picture of Russian life. Tolstoy brought
in their novel of numerous Russian people who courageously and modestly perform great
Tolstoy is a genius
psychologist, master
images of folk
life represents
one of the peaks, up to
which rose
world literature.

Outstanding Russian novelist Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov
(1812 -1891) shared with the Russian enlighteners hostility to
serfdom and the belief that its destruction will bring
prosperity of Russia. Goncharov's novels "Ordinary
history "(1847) and" Oblomov "(1859) appeared before 1861, i.e.
until the final delimitation of the liberal and
democratic tendencies. In The Ordinary Story, he
ridiculed noble romanticism, idleness and groundlessness
noble dreamers. The best creation of Goncharov is
the novel "Oblomov". In the images of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and his servant
Zakhara, he embodied the types of patriarchal master and servant
serf era. In the last novel "The Break"
the writer's hostile attitude to democracy.

The development of poetry dies down somewhat. Poetic
works of Nekrasov, who was the first to introduce social
problematic. Known for his poem "Who Lives Well in Russia?"
many poems where the hard and hopeless life is comprehended

The literary process of the late 19th century was discovered by the names of N. S. Leskov, A.N.
Ostrovsky, A.P. Chekhov.
The work of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov is one of the brightest and most distinctive
phenomena in Russian literature of the 19th century. In the works of Leskov reflected
contradictions of time, its rebellious spirit and tirelessness in search of
truth. The image of the righteous man of the Russian land appears in his work.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886) an exceptional figure against the background of XIX literature
in. In the life of a merchant, dark and ignorant,
enmeshed in prejudices, prone to
petty tyranny, ridiculous and funny whims, he
found original material for my
stage works. Pictures of life
merchants gave Ostrovsky the opportunity
show the important side of Russian life in general,
"Dark kingdom" of Russia. in the drama "The Thunderstorm", he brought
feminine character, full of moral strength and
honesty, incapable of reconciling with slavery,
protesting against him. In the plays "The Last
victim "," Dowry "," Talents and
fans "Ostrovsky showed a tragic
the fate of women in the world of rich and poor, gentlemen and

Chekhov proved himself to be a master of small literary
genre - story, as well as an excellent playwright.
He is the founder of the "new drama."
It was in her that Chekhov's
the concept of life, its special feeling and understanding.
All Chekhov's work is a call to the spiritual
emancipation of a person.

The end of the 19th century was marked by the formation of pre-revolutionary
moods. The realistic tradition was beginning to fade. To replace her
came the so-called decadent literature, distinctive
which features were mysticism, religiosity, as well as a premonition
changes in the social and political life of the country. Subsequently
decadence grew into symbolism. This opens a new page in
history of Russian literature.
"Golden age
"Silver Age