Michal Zelensky. Biography of Mikhail Zelensky: presenter, skater and dude

The official website of agent Mikhail Zelensky offers to organize a meeting with one of the most famous TV presenters working with news blocks on Russian television.

Mikhail Zelensky did not immediately come to the profession of a TV presenter. But for many years now, he has been a permanent participant in the most popular news programs. His erudition, the ability to maintain interest in what is happening on the screen won him popularity among viewers. That is why organizing an event with Mikhail Zelensky always becomes an extraordinary and interesting event.

A thorny path to a dream

After graduating from school, Mikhail Zelensky, yielding to the insistence of his parents, entered two institutes of the city of Khabarovsk at once - the medical institute and the institute of physical culture. However, being in his fourth year, he left his studies and went to Moscow, where he tried to fulfill his old dream of becoming an actor. However, he did not enter either the Shchukin or Shchepkinsky school. In the end, Mikhail Zelensky became a student at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, and then at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. At this time, he begins to work in television as a presenter. They notice him and try to invite Mikhail Zelensky to an event, to a holiday or to a creative meeting, which with his participation turn into extraordinary and vivid events.

Always live

In 1997, Mikhail Zelensky was invited to the Nostalgie radio station as a presenter of news programs. And soon he received an invitation to the TV channel "Russia" and became the host of the daytime block of the "Vesti" program. Since that time, Mikhail Zelensky has been the permanent host of this program. His charm, erudition and ability to conduct a conversation made him in 2006 the face of the Vesti TV channel. Admirers of his talent seek to order the performance of Mikhail Zelensky in order to communicate with him in an informal setting.

A new stage in the creative activity of Mikhail Zelensky was the airing of the talk show "Live", of which he was the host from the very first program. Guests of "Live" have always been different people - famous figures of culture, science and politics, along with ordinary Russians. The questions that Mikhail Zelensky raised on his talk show in one way or another concerned not only everyone sitting in the studio, but also those who watched what was happening on TV screens. The show quickly gained popularity and appreciation from a large audience. In 2013, Mikhail Zelensky left "Live" and again took the place of a news presenter. Despite the high employment, the TV presenter is happy to communicate with the audience and respond to offers to order Mikhail Zelensky for a corporate party, a wedding or other events.

Mikhail Zelensky was born in the fall of 1975 in Moscow. His father Vladimir Mikhailovich was a military doctor. Mom Irina Ivanovna is a coach-choreographer. The family often moved from place to place, and Mikhail graduated from school in Khabarovsk. To fulfill the dream of his parents and become a sports doctor, Mikhail entered two institutes in parallel. In 1992 he became a student at the Khabarovsk Medical Institute (Faculty of Pediatrics), but left after the first year. In parallel, he received higher education at the Khabarovsk Institute of Physical Education, at the Faculty of Sports Management. Became a candidate for master of sports in figure skating. During his studies, Mikhail worked as a DJ at the radio station "Radio A", as well as in the television show "Labyrinth".
In 1996, Mikhail Zelensky went to Moscow to try his hand at acting, but did not go anywhere. But he entered the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, and then the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.
In 1997, Mikhail Zelensky became the host of news programs at the Nostalgie radio station, hosted Novosti on the TV Center channel. Two years later, he was invited to take the place of the host of the daytime editions of the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel. On February 12, 2001, the RTR channel (now “Russia-1”) aired the first issue of the news program “Vesti - Moscow”, which Mikhail Zelensky had been hosting for ten years.
In 2006, he became the host of the Vesti (Russia-24) TV channel.
In 2007, Mikhail took part in the show of the channel "Russia" "Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season ”, in the final of which he took second place together with figure skater Elena Grushina.
In April 2011, Mikhail Zelensky presented to the audience new talk show "Live" on the channel "Russia-1", where together with guests of the studio and experts, he discusses and analyzes topical issues.


▪ Moscow Media Award in the nomination “TV Presenter of the Year” (2011)


First wife - Olga (a classmate with whom they got married in August 2005, twelve years after leaving school, having met by chance in Moscow)
Second wife - Elena Eduardovna Grushina, figure skater (multiple winner of European championships, won a bronze medal at the 2006 Olympics in Turin. We met on the project "Dancing on Ice")
Children from a second marriage:
Daughter - Sophia (December 2008)
Daughter - Polina

Mikhail, how did you meet your wife?

- Apparently, fate itself brought us together. In 2007 Lena (Olympic champion in figure skating Elena Grushina - “TSh”) became my partner in the project “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season". By that time, I had just divorced my first wife and was, as they say, in free swimming. I remember our first meeting - it was in the dressing room. I must admit that Lena struck me at first sight ... with a very rich tan, clearly not Moscow. (Laughs.)

Elena: Yes, my tan was not local, I had lived in America for a long time. I also remember well the moment of our acquaintance. Mikhail surprised me right off the bat - he gave me an old string bag full of pears. So he jokingly played with my last name. On this, however, the jokes ended ...

Why then?

Mikhail: Because Lena immediately stopped all my attempts to fool around on the ice. As befits an athlete, she took the matter very seriously, was aimed at winning. I didn't think about it at all. In short, at first our couple was falling apart. I was pulling the blanket towards the show - I was gushing with ideas, but for Lena it was important that we skate cleanly and technically. Thank you, our coach Igor Bobrin supported my ideas. Gradually, Lena joined us.

Elena: Because I realized that I got a capable and hardworking partner. Mikhail then hosted the Vesti-Moscow program and also worked on the Russia-24 TV channel. He was busy every day and we trained in the morning or at night. Often Misha came to training right after the broadcast and, if necessary, skated all night. He never whined, did not complain of fatigue, did not tinker, and worked at full strength!

When did your relationship on the ice develop into something more?

Best of the day

Elena: It happened somehow by itself. I was bribed by Misha's warm attitude towards me, his concern. He always offered to bring a heavy bag of skates to the rink, and took it home after training. Misha also always gave some gifts ...

Mikhail: At first, I didn't even pursue the goal of conquering Lena. I just understood that she, who had lived for more than 10 years in America, was hardly comfortable in her new life circumstances. Lenka was so wary. And I tried to take care of her so that she would quickly relax. And it happened!

Here is a turning point in our relationship. In the finale of the show, we flew on the lounge. I was tied, and Lena hovered over the ice without belay, relying solely on my hands and feet. And that meant only one thing to me: Lena absolutely trusts me. And I wanted to justify this trust, to be with her constantly, to protect her ...

"I have become a different person"

How did you manage to win Elena's heart?

- For me, the most important thing was to hear from her answers to two questions: does she want to be with me and can she move from America to Moscow? Of course, I backed up the seriousness of my intentions with a marriage proposal. In general, I put Lena in front of a very difficult choice. After all, she had everything across the ocean - a big house, a good job, a well-organized life. And, surprisingly, Lena, almost without hesitation, traded well-being and stability for absolute uncertainty. That is, she again completely trusted me, followed me to the other end of the world. She's a Decembrist!

Elena: Come on, there was no sacrifice on my part! I just knew for sure that I wanted to be where my loved one is. Therefore, I decided to move easily. New life I started without looking back or regretting anything.

How did you celebrate your wedding?

Mikhail: Nothing. As soon as Lena settled all her affairs overseas and finally moved to me, the two of us just went to the registry office and signed.

Elena, have you easily adapted to new living conditions?

- No, it was very hard to get used to it. Without Misha, I felt helpless. I didn’t know at all how and where to get there, what products were better to buy. I had no idea what I would do here. But when she got pregnant, everything fell into place. The question of how I can realize myself in the coming years was no longer a question. (Smiles.)

Mikhail: We really wanted a child. And when my wife told the good news, I was not even surprised. He just yelled: “Great! I love you!"

Elena: During pregnancy, I felt great, did not experience any toxicosis. Honestly, I've never felt so good before. Moreover, Mishin's concern increased even more, he was so gentle ...

Mikhail: It seems to me that in the nine months while we were waiting for Sonya, I became a different person. As Lena's belly grew, my father's feelings grew stronger in me.

Did you attend the birth?

- Of course. The only thing that could have prevented this if I were on the air at that moment. For me, being present at childbirth was not something extraordinary. After all, at one time I studied at the medical institute, so I was theoretically savvy.

Elena: It helped me a lot that Misha was absolutely unfazed. He held my hand, told some stories. And he constantly ran to smoke in the corridor with the nurses. (Laughs.)

Mikhail: But I didn't miss anything important. Sofya Mikhailovna was born before my eyes. And I immediately took note that she is very similar to me!

"I'm terribly worried before the broadcast"

Now Sonechka is already two years old, how is she growing?

Mikhail: She's a girl with character. Sonya can be persistent, stubborn, demands attention and respect. He commands everyone - both mom and dad, and grandparents. And who she will become, let her choose herself, this is her right. Lena and I will support my daughter in any situation. The main thing in life is to find a job that would bring joy. I am grateful to my parents that they gave me complete freedom in finding my own path. After school he entered two institutes at once - medical and physical education, the faculty of sports management. We then lived in Khabarovsk. After all, I graduated from physical education, but dropped out of medicine. And he went to Moscow to storm the theatrical universities. Flew everywhere. And I decided to change direction again. First I entered the Institute of Television and Radio, and after that I entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University ... And now I have been working on TV for 12 years. And I still get pleasure from my work. Now I have a new professional stage - I have become the host of the live talk show, where burning topics are discussed. I have never worked in a studio in which a huge audience gathers and everyone needs to be heard. I am terribly worried before the broadcast, and this also has a certain thrill ... Most of all I like the fact that every new day there is not like the previous one, the picture changes all the time. But at home, on the contrary, it is very important for me that the picture does not change and everything is stable.

You probably have a complete idyll at home. Do not quarrel at all?

Mikhail: Not now. When we participated in the ice project, we got into a fight. In general, we are both calm, not hot-tempered at all. Both in sports and on television, you need to have restraint, keep your emotions to yourself.

Don't you think about increasing your family?

Elena: Sonechka loves kids very much. When she sees a baby sitting in her mother's arms, she shouts: "Look, what a baby!" - and walks around her in circles. My daughter has a girlfriend in the yard, whose mother is about to give birth. And when adults ask this girl: "Well, are you waiting for a little brother?" - our Sonya is responsible for her: "Yes, I'm really, really looking forward to it."

Mikhail: At first she "ordered" our brother, and now she has already begun to demand her sister. But he may change his mind again. Therefore, in order not to disappoint our daughter, Lena and I, apparently, make sense to give birth to two at once ...

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Biography, life story of Mikhail Zelensky


Mikhail Zelensky was born on September 7, 1975 in Moscow. At school, Mikhail was a very cheerful boy. He made everyone laugh all the time, did not give rest to teachers during lessons. But oddly enough, he had no problems because of this, because Zelensky is charm itself!

In 1992, Zelensky successfully entered two educational institutions at once - the Khabarovsk Medical Institute and the Khabarovsk Institute of Physical Education at the sports management faculty. During his studies, Mikhail worked as a DJ at a radio station.

In 1996 he entered the Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Television and Radio Broadcasting Workers, taking courses for TV and radio presenters.


From 1997 to 1999 he worked as a presenter in the programs of Radio Russia Nostalgia and the TV-Center TV channel.

In September 1999, he switched to RTR and became the host of the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel. In February 2001, he became the host of the new news program Vesti-Moscow. In 2003 he took part in the "Fort Boyard" show. Since 2006, also the host of the Russia-24 TV channel

Many viewers met Mikhail Zelensky only after the release of the show "dancing on ice". Mikhail Zelensky simply conquered the entire female television audience of this project. Many viewers were disappointed when Mikhail, along with his partner Elena Grushina, took only second place in the show. Indeed, practically throughout the entire project, they were in the lead. And Mikhail Zelensky himself hoped for victory.

Personal life

He is married to Elena Grushina and has a daughter, Sophia.

In his spare time, Mikhail Zelensky does not wear formal suits - he prefers clothes by Japanese designers. He is the owner of a vintage car - a yellow 1973 Volkswagen Beetle, which, according to him, will not exchange for anything.


The permanent host of Vesti-Moscow, Mikhail Zelensky, appeared before the audience in a new capacity - the host of the live talk show (Russia 1). Zelensky now not only announces news from the screen, but together with the guests of the studio and experts, discusses and analyzes topical issues. Let's find out what has changed in his life after the change of role.


About the program

- "Live" started on the channel for a relatively long time. Probably, it is already possible to draw some conclusions - was the transmission successful or not ... Were your expectations about the program justified?

- In fact, I did not have any expectations before the first broadcast. There was only trembling. I remember that in the first month of work, Natalya Igorevna Selezneva came to the shooting. She took my hands and was amazed: "Misha, why are your hands so cold?" I always have them like that, I say. And she laughs: "Are you worried, yes, are you worried?" And what about expectations ... Like any TV presenter, there was only one expectation - for the viewer to watch the program.

- Before the release of the program, you said that it would not be just a talk show, but an investigation on the air ... But to be honest, the program is more like “conversations in the kitchen” without any results, investigation and search for the culprits.

- Investigation, as far as I understand the meaning of this word, these are possible versions, motives, reasons ... And the decision, as you know, is made by the court. It is wrong to expect that we will talk on the air and name those responsible. We simply have no right to do so. Each viewer draws his own conclusions. Although, probably, many want the host to do it for them.

- What was the main difficulty in changing the role of a news anchor to a talk show host?

- The biggest challenge is the large number of cameras from all sides. In Vesti, I'm used to the fact that there is always one camera in front of me. I look into this one "hole" of the camera - and it's good. And now I will just stand up somewhere and start asking the hero a question, as the director shouts into my earpiece: “Why did you block it for me? Let's step to the right, three steps to the left ... ”They chased me around the studio. (Smiles.) So, if someone gets the impression that I suddenly start to rush around the site, you should know that this is not my fault.

- TV people say that directors sometimes like to "joke evil" - they will say something specially out of place to the presenter in order to make him laugh ...

- In fact, it’s no laughing matter live. Directors need to keep track of a dozen cameras, so they just don't have time to joke around. Although in Vesti they sometimes allowed themselves to joke. When I first started working, the directors tried to split me. Someone told an anecdote, someone tried to lisp or suddenly change his voice, giving some command, someone tried to read at the same time with me. But I held on, and after a while they calmed down.

- It is clear that everyone is vying to compare "Live" with "Let them talk." And you are called the second. Isn't it offensive?

- No. and Zelensky are two different people. But if someone wants to compare, let them compare. This is everyone's personal business.

- How is your show different from Let Them Talk? And from other talk shows in general?

- Producer of "Live" Natalia Nikonova did talk shows on different TV channels. On the "First" as well. So she believes that the success of the program depends on the personality of the presenter. From his inner mood, content, from his upbringing ... On my own behalf, I would add that the team that remains behind the scenes is very important here: producers, editors, editing directors and many, many people. As a person who has worked in information for more than 10 years, it is more important to me how the conversation will develop, and secondly - whether it is a show or not. After all, talk shows are just the name of a genre. One viewer chooses one thing, the other - another ... The programs are broadcasted at approximately the same time, so if you really want to, you can switch from "Live" to "Let them talk." And back.

Personal attitude

- Do you pass through everything that the characters tell in the studio? Sympathize with them mentally, are you worried? Or do you try to remain impartial without taking sides?

- I would separate the concepts of “letting through” and “taking sides”. Of course, I cannot remain indifferent. But if I mentally take someone's side, then I will automatically stop worrying about the other. So I try to remain impartial. Although it happens that the hero comes to the program and begins to explain why he committed this or that act. I listen to him, I understand that, in my opinion, he is wrong, and I try to understand why he did not act differently, because he probably had a choice. Unfortunately, to honestly answer the question "Why didn't you do otherwise?" rarely any of the heroes succeed. In general, in addition to the discussion, there is also an internal dispute on the set, which, however, I try not to take outside the studio.

- So you leave the studio and forget about everything ?! But the actors, having played the play, cannot leave the character for a very long time ...

- Well, the TV presenter, unlike the actor, does not try on any image. On the screen, he is practically the same person as in life. He is an observer, not a participant. Or rather, even a mediator asking questions that a viewer would ask the hero.

- So, when you ask questions, you improvise? Or is the director dictating everything through the earpiece?

- It's impossible to predict everything. Therefore, it is 50/50 here.

- How are experts selected for the transfer? Many of them are incompetent in the issues discussed, so it seemed to me.

- Experts are people of different professions. Representatives of the authorities, creative intelligentsia, lawyers, psychologists ... There are specialists, but there are people whose opinion is simply interesting to hear.

Work and leisure

- Host of "Live" - \u200b\u200bis this your only job?

- Yes.

- So you have more free time now?

- No, rather the opposite. I used to have a clear work schedule, but now it is floating. True, on Saturday and Sunday, it happens, I have a rest, like all normal people. Earlier, for example, on "Russia 24" these days were working days.

- How are you resting?

- The most important thing is that we are three of us - me, my wife and daughter Sophia. Then everything that happens around is completely unimportant. We can sit at home, we can go somewhere to breathe air ... And so that the little girl has a place to run, climb, ride the slides.

- I see that you have it active.

- Too even! It must be from me. I was an unusually restless child.

- Why did you, so restless, go to study as a doctor after school? Patience and attentiveness are needed there ...

- It was a parent's dream. We then lived in Khabarovsk. They really wanted me to try becoming a sports doctor. I tried it. But this profession had to be taken as a fifth point - to sit and cram. Parents quickly realized that it was not mine. After the first year, I left the institute. And thank God - he didn't become a bad doctor and didn't ruin anyone's life. About a year later, he left for Moscow and entered the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. And then to the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

- Work, family ... As far as I understand, there is no time for a hobby?

- Over the past few weeks, my hobby has been renovation. Together with my wife, we come up with a design, draw, choose a wallpaper ... This is my everyday hobby now.

I came to a meeting with my future wife with pears

- Can you remember your first impression of Elena (Elena Grushina is a figure skater, Mikhail's wife)? You met so unexpectedly at the Dancing on Ice project.

- The first impression ... (Thought.) I know what I was amazed at and what I paid attention to, but I cannot say specifically what it was expressed in. I am now talking about a kind of everyday female wisdom. I just saw Lena's attitude to life and thought to myself: "Hmm, but I like it!"

- And immediately fell in love!

- No, not right away. (Laughs.) Our first meeting before the project was generally very funny. I was supposed to meet my dance partner, but I didn't know who it would be. The “tricky” producers of the show pretended that they had not prepared our meeting in advance. And while there were cameras in the dressing room. Two or three. It is clear that they were not put there by chance. Elena needed to go there and say that she was our new make-up artist. And I had to pretend that I was very surprised. It's funny! But for the first training session I have already prepared thoroughly - I came with T-T-Fans.

- With whom, excuse me?

- These are two clowns, a boy and a girl. They are usually made from ceramics and sold in pairs. These two balls with a small head are very similar to pears. I specifically looked for greens, found them. He also gave real pears in a string bag.

- Did your wife give you original gifts?

- Yes ... Gave my daughter!

- What is the originality here ?!

- Because Sophia we have a great original. She remembers some phrases, not really understanding their meaning, and then suddenly gives out in the wrong places ...

- Has he asked for a brother or sister yet?

- Even as he asks. She is very fond of small children. True, she has not yet decided who she wants more - a brother or a sister. Her opinion changes several times a day.

There is a lot of garbage on the Internet

- Often TV people say in all seriousness: "I don't watch TV - I work there ..."

- I watch TV when I have time. Mostly news. Yes, and my daughter is already used to the fact that the news used to show her dad, so she always shouts: "Oh, news!"

“I don’t know if the Internet can be called a mass media. Rather, it is the source. It seems to me that in order to find clear information there, it is necessary to clean up a lot of different "garbage".

- But there is no censorship on the Internet. And on TV channels there is. Do you feel pressure from the authorities?

- Personally, I don't. It seems to me that a person who publishes, for example, some information on his blog, most often initially takes a certain position. And if a comment appears, expressing a different point of view or presenting information that is directly opposite to what was expressed earlier, then its author is subject to powerful obstruction. Often, such a comment is simply deleted. This is also a kind of censorship.

Elena Grushina, wife: You won't get bored with Misha

Four years ago I came to the show "Dancing on Ice" without even thinking that I would meet my fate there. The project was primarily a job for me.

We met Misha, talked, struck up friendly relations ... There was no love at first sight. Everything happened gradually, because we spent a lot of time at the rink. At the performance of the programs, each of us expressed his opinion, showed his character, said what he liked and what not very much ... As people in life rub against each other, so we rub against each other on the ice.

With his job change, Misha really has almost no free time. Every day I wonder what time he will arrive home ... Perhaps, before working on "Live", my daughter saw dad more often. By the way, she is a copy of the pope - she learned both manners and character traits ...

Sophia, like Misha, is such a zest. Misha never sits idle - in his free time he always wants to go somewhere, to learn something new ... In general, you won't get bored with him.

Photos of Zelensky Mikhail


Irina (Obninsk)

Very nice presenter and announcer, listening to the news that he reads is quite interesting. Good luck to him!

2014-10-13 21:41:35

Tatiana (Komsomolsk-on-Amur)

As a journalist and presenter, he is quite a modern person. I wish him success in his future work, happiness in the family and health to all of them.

2013-08-15 12:30:25

Rosalia (Almetyevsk)

Dear Maria, I agree with you. My mother loves his voice, so pleasant, but talk badly about his appearance - she dresses normally, the main thing is that there is something to wear, not to walk naked!

2013-06-27 11:05:20

Rosalia (Almetyevsk)

Okay, okay

2013-06-27 10:52:51

Nikolay (Leningrad)

I admired your programs. But after your splashes with the mother of the boy Kuzmin and today's (with Mamontov) - disgusting. Disgraceful. Like Arkady M., take care of your honor. Your wife is wonderful. Do not disgrace yourself. Filter. Money is not everything. I am 65 years old. Honor from the young shore. This does not concern Mamontov. Do not dishonor yourself and your loved ones. You and I will live for a long time ...

2013-04-26 21:36:42

Dmitry (Moscow)

The person himself is pleasant, but this is how he behaves in the transmission - shame and darkness. I went to the shooting myself as an expert from the audience, so it was a shame for him, for his attitude towards people. Of course, it is clear that most of those present are bought and know their roles, and they are given the floor. But real people who can express their opinion, illuminate the situation in a different way, they are not allowed to speak. "Live" I advise you to watch only if, as a series, there is nothing truthful there, staging.

2013-03-20 14:35:39

Valentina (Lyubertsy)

I watch your program from the very beginning! It is very interesting to watch how a person grows up, grows wiser and, most importantly, carries positive energy. All the best in further creativity.

2013-01-24 14:12:50

Alexander (S-Pb)

Does Mikhail have a middle name ?? Who needs to be to hide the father's name ...?

2012-11-21 21:37:37

Larisa (Khabarovsk)

Hello to Mikhail from Khabarovsk !!! I know him personally. I cannot understand - where did people get so much bile and anger to write such nasty things about him ??? Only mother envy is capable of leading people in this way. And to Mikhail - success, joy and family well-being!

2012-10-11 07:43:12

Seseg (Ulan-Ude)

I like the program "Live", interesting topics are discussed.

2012-10-02 18:18:20

Natalia (Moscow)

Going to the crowd for this ... It doesn't respect yourself at all. I agree with Vladimir from Omsk. They killed, robbed, raped - immediately drags into the air, like a dung beetle, everything that lies badly, and relishes, relishes ... There are already doubts about its adequacy. He looked brighter and more convincing on the news. And today's opus about Daniil Pevtsov, who has not yet cooled down, the kingdom of heaven ... Well, is there something sacred among people ?? He invited half of the studio colleagues, interrupted everyone, at the last minute they let out fellow students - and rushed, "let's hurry, we don't have much time" ...