Tatiana Khmelnitskaya: It is better to take money to the gym than to the pharmacy! "112 Ukraine" launches a new social talk show Tatiana Khmelnitskaya 112.

The assessment of Muraev's words about Sentsov is up to the law enforcement officers. At the same time, given Muraev's constant anti-Ukrainian attacks, I would not disregard his connections and structures that he is building, in particular, in the Kharkiv region.

But Muraev's commentary is a particular one. On the whole, we see a large-scale information operation, which is being implemented today in the interests (or for a direct task - I cannot judge, because I have no proof) of the Kremlin.

The situation is as follows.

Putin says Sentsov is a terrorist. The whole case on charges of terrorism against Sentsov was based on the testimony of two persons - Chirniy and Afanasyev. Even during the trial in July 2015 (!) Gennady Afanasyev said that he had slandered Sentsov under pressure and retracted all his earlier testimonies. Afanasyev's refusal to testify even during the trial is a well-known fact.

And now, when a campaign is unfolding all over the world with the aim of freeing Sentsov, who was convicted in an obviously fabricated case, the protocols of Afanasyev's interrogation are once again thrown into the public space, in which he slanders Sentsov. Moreover, Viktor Zubritsky, who is called the owner of Channel 112, is throwing it in (it was on the air of this channel that Muraev made his current statement).

And now we are carefully watching the entire commentary of Muraev and assess the context (see from 3:33).

The host of Channel 112, Tatiana Khmelnitskaya, twice (!) With a blue eye, asks Muraev not about Sentsov, but about the protocols of Afanasyev's interrogation. And the second time she refers to Zubritsky. And it follows from her eyeliner that Afanasyev refused to testify not in Russia, during the trial, but after the exchange (!!!). And that allegedly Afanasyev's lawyer behaved somehow wrong.

What kind of dancing? Everyone knows that Afanasyev retracted his testimony in 2015, and some Channel 112 journalists suddenly forgot about it. And they are unobtrusively trying to lead us to the idea that the accusations against Sentsov are true.

The plot with the minutes of Afanasyev's interrogation on Channel 112 was played several times during the day. That is, an introductory letter has obviously arrived to artificially promote this topic.

This means only one thing. In the interests of Russia, they are trying to "revive" the testimony of a witness so that the whole Sentsov case does not look so clumsy. And so that there was a reason to say "everything is not so simple there."

Why the Kremlin needs it is clear. Why Muraev is involved in this is understandable. It is unclear why Ukrainian journalists and regular fighters for the cleanliness of the ranks do not react to such behavior of their colleagues in the shop. After all, we are talking about the fate of a person who has been imprisoned for four years and risks his life.

You just can't participate in this. If, of course, there is at least a bit of decency left.

Are you ready to accept gifts and congratulations on International Women's Day? On the eve of our women's holiday, Ivetta asked the famous girls of the country about what the holiday is associated with, how they spend it and what the most interesting things were presented to them on March 8th.

We are already interested. And you?

Zlata Ognevich does not hide the fact that creativity is in the foreground in her life, and she even called the opportunity to work as the best gift for March 8.

! “I think this year I myself and my team gave me the best gift for March 8! This is a spring tour in Ukraine, which I have dreamed of for so long. In 12 cities, I will present my concert program called "Burned the Fire". Believe me, this is the best surprise for me - rehearsals, preparations, and in the end of these pleasant troubles - meeting with my fans in their hometowns at my solo concerts. And, of course, I recommend all women and their men to attend my concert in Kiev on March 27, from which my tour of Ukraine will begin.».

Tetyana Khmelnitskaya, host of the 112 Ukraine TV channel

! « This is the time when there is still no need to analyze the history of the holiday and doubt its relevance, when desires are naive and expectations are bold and sincere, ”says the TV presenter. - In elementary school I really liked one boy, and it was my little dream to receive a present from him on March 8. I couldn't even think that it could come true. Can you imagine how I felt when exactly he congratulated me and presented me with a large and very beautiful doll? This present still lives in my parents' house and evokes fond memories. Seize the moment, appreciate life and enjoy the gifts!»

Lilu loves to travel, so the girl told a lot in overseas countries and it is very hard to impress her.

! « Recently, I have been impressed by exclusively creative gifts, Once on March 8 I was presented with an author's doll Lilu. I won't say that it is incredibly similar to me, but it is handmade, and it was created associatively in my image! It was very touching and unusual! In general, I want to note that handmade gifts are much more expensive than any diamonds, because a person tries and puts a piece of himself into them. By the way, since then, this doll has brought me good luck. Therefore, I advise everyone to give something that somehow reflects the person himself. Believe me, this is both pleasant and memorable at the same time.»

In Olga Gorbacheva's family, the spring holiday stretches for several days, because the reason is not only International Women's Day. March 6 is the wedding anniversary of Olga's parents and the birthday of her eldest daughter.

! The artist received the most unusual gift from a fan of her work. She was presented with a book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince", between the pages of which was hidden a diamond pendant.


Travesty diva Monroe says that, like all women, she loves gifts and is very happy with them. Everything: from hairspray to rendezvous in a limousine around the city at night delights the shocking diva.

! The most memorable gift was a gift from a fan - a reproduction of the impressionist painter Matisse.
These are the associations and gifts from public ladies, and what is the most memorable present for March 8 that you received?

How to feel healthy and cheerful? Look "in a million" not only in the frame, but also in everyday life? - the presenters of the 112 Ukraine TV channel shared.

press service 112 Ukraine

Rule 1 - healthy eating. Every day I start with oatmeal in water and a couple of spoons of natural honey, plus herbal tea with mint and lemon. During the day I drink a lot of water without gas. Of the dishes, I prefer those that I cook myself, but I can also drink a glass of white wine or eat a delicious dessert. I try not to eat fried and fatty foods. If meat, then poultry or veal, baked or grilled with vegetables. I love seafood and practically do not eat flour. Fruits and vegetables are essential in my diet. In general, the main thing in nutrition for me is balance.

2 - training. Since I live outside the city, my training is, first of all, running in the fresh air and cycling. Being nourished with the energy of nature, after such activities I feel in a special way. At home, I can do kailates or yoga.

3 - cleansing is my most important rule in facial care. I start daily cleansing (with make-up remover) from the eyes, then wipe my face with micellar water, then apply a foam with herbs, and remove it with massage movements using a special brush. Then I wash my face and once again wipe my skin with micellar, then thermal water. At the end of the procedure, I apply a cream, in winter it is nourishing, in summer it is moisturizing. I visit my beautician once a week. She's a sorceress, the result, as they say, is on the face.

4 - healthy sleep - a universal rule of beauty and health. I try to get enough sleep, but not zealous. Everything is good in moderation.

5 - positive thoughts. What we think about and how we feel is directly reflected in our appearance. We are always attractive when we are in a good mood.

6 - style. An obligatory attribute of the basic wardrobe of every girl is a trouser suit in black, blue, gray or brown. It can be worn separately: with shirts, blouses and various accessories, and the jacket can be combined with jeans. And of course a little black dress. Women's wardrobe would not be complete without such a versatile component. Depending on the accessories, I put it on both to work and to a gala event.

press service 112 Ukraine

I consider those who smile to be unusually beautiful and happy people. I'll probably start with the simplest and most affordable. The first thing that makes our appearance attractive is sleep. Strong, eight o'clock, on a comfortable mattress, with a comfortable pillow, and better - in an embrace with a loved one.

The second is proper nutrition, as a guarantee of a good mood, appearance and well-being. In order to get something, you need to donate something. For example, airy eclairs in favor of carrots. In other words: either delicious, carbohydrate and fatty food, or beautiful skin and figure. Which one will you choose? And it is important not how much, but how often. At the same time, it is better to forget about alcohol or minimize its amount as much as possible: it destroys your body, and in the morning the result of its use becomes too obvious.

In sports, it is better to choose what is closer to you, what will bring pleasure and fill with strength and energy. Find a time and place. Train yourself. Set a goal and you will succeed. Reprogramming yourself is difficult but possible. It's a good idea to have a dog, you are guaranteed to be outdoors more often :).

And, of course, a visit to a beautician. Facial massage is a magical procedure, relaxation with one hundred percent result.

It's easy to be beautiful! My formula: decision, discipline and only then result.

press service 112 Ukraine

The most important beauty secret is sleep. I try to add it to all recipes. But it doesn't always work out. Eight or more hours of rest is a good mood, vigor, no bruises under the eyes, and great health.

The second secret is water. In the morning I definitely drink two glasses before meals. Not avidly, of course, but for a few minutes, and then throughout the day - just at least 2 liters. I admit, it was not easy at first. But she got involved very quickly. Less coffee and more tea. For example, with mint from the dacha (and this is especially motivating) and honey - very tasty and healthy! And one more thing: breakfast is a must! I can skip lunch at work, do not have time to have dinner, but never give up my morning meal. You can cook anything you want: from sandwiches to porridge, the main thing is to have fun. I have no special restrictions and diets. From what I observe: a minimum of fried and sweets, more vegetables and fruits, and no "dry food".

And finally: the face is “our everything”. Especially in such a profession. Make-up, I confess, is hard to bear: after it my eyes are watery, and the skin reacts, so I apply a moisturizer in the morning and in the evening. And once a week, a steam bath for your face is an easy way to cleanse your skin at home. After this procedure, I wash my face with a scrub or foam, and I freeze the broth with cubes, which I wipe my face with in the morning.

press service 112 Ukraine

For me, beauty starts with training and cross-country skiing in the fresh air. There is no place for laziness in this business, but the systematic and internal attitude towards the result will certainly bring you closer to a perfect appearance.

Fruit instead of cakes, natural juices instead of soda, rabbit or chicken instead of pork are the traditional dietary guidelines that I follow.

Wardrobe. You can talk here for a long time)) But the main thing is that he should surprise not with the amount, but with good form: minimalism in everyday looks and elegance in those outfits that are intended for important events and bright events. Each girl should have a set of classic bows, this also includes shoes, boots and bags. For example, I prefer black, brown and gray things. They do not distract from the person himself, but only emphasize his sense of style. But as for sportswear - here I am guided by the principle "the brighter, the more effective": I love catchy leggings, T-shirts and sneakers. When buying sports equipment, I allow myself a variety of options.

An equally important point is skin, hair and nail care. It is not always possible to allocate time to create masks from natural ingredients at home. Therefore, you need, at least, not to forget to be interested in how to nourish the skin, to select cosmetics not by brand status, but by composition, having previously figured out which components must be mandatory and which absolutely are not.

I always insist on relaxing outside the city, yoga and massages - this is a great way to get rid of the negativity that accumulates inside us and is reflected in our appearance.

Beauty and health are an essential component of success and personal happiness. Isn't that what we need?

press service 112 Ukraine

“We are what we eat” - each of us has heard this phrase thousands of times and said it to others about the same. Whatever they say, this is the truth. And even if so often when choosing between: "Chocolate or broccoli?" - just about say: "Shshshoooooooooo ..." No! If you want to be beautiful in every sense: figure, skin, hair, psychological state - you need to give up "garbage". I myself came to such a regime not so long ago. The hardest thing, of course, is to give up sweets. But there is a way out - marshmallows from an organic food store. All cosmetologists, trichologists and other specialists say that external beauty depends on what we eat.

Next is the skin. Mine, for example, suffers greatly from daily makeup. Therefore, in addition to the procedures of a cosmetologist, I also take care of my face at home. I prefer white clay masks, coffee scrub, and in order to wake up my skin, I rub it with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile.

Hair. My curly, like macaroons, which is why I often align them. At work, constant styling, hair dryers, irons, curling irons. Therefore, on weekends I try to nourish my hair as much as possible and let it dry naturally. But with masks it is important not to overdo it - once or twice a week is enough.


Tatiana KHMELNYTSKAYA, host of the LIVE studio of the 112 Ukraine TV channel, author of the Hostages project: “Our heroes told that with the words“ Congratulations, you are in Novorossia! ” they were kicked in the head "

What is the psychological state of the former hostages of the "LPNR" militants, can materials from the documentary "Hostages" of the TV channel "112 Ukraine" become evidence in court, whether the Ukrainians freed from the terrorists' captivity want revenge. Tatiana Khmelnitskaya told about this in an interview with the Internet edition "GORDON".

“The liberated themselves cannot understand why they need psychological rehabilitation”

- We, TV presenters, experience a lot of events in live... Even behind the lens of cameras and studio light, you cannot hide from reality. Together with the participants and organizers of the hostage release, we were worried whether the separatists would cheat with the exchange, whether the Ukrainians would be able to see their loved ones.

It was then, recalling the experience of previous, rare during the years of ATO, civilian and military liberations, I wanted to somehow help the society to understand that the conflict in the east of Ukraine continues and tears of relatives are shedding on peaceful territory, who worry about the captives.

The goal of our project is to tell the stories of Ukrainian hostages to the whole world, to remind that there is a war in the east of Ukraine that takes human lives even outside of active hostilities, to help former hostages to accept the situation and learn to live in new conditions. And I would like them not to be forgotten ... After all, these are the tragic fates of people who have become hostages of the war.

When the shooting began, we released a series of interviews with the characters for several weeks in a row - it was a kind of announcement. We wanted to interest the audience, show that the fates of the heroes are similar, but at the same time unique, tell the truth about what happened in captivity, how the relatives of the hostages experienced what was happening here, in peaceful territory.

- How did you determine that these hostages would become participants, because there are much more former prisoners?

- We invited some of the heroes on the air and immediately agreed on further interviews, some of them were looked for by our guest editors. We also received contacts through acquaintances. In general, we used all the possibilities.

It was decided that the film will include the stories of the military and civilians. For example, the military Alexander Morozov and Alexander Kalin became hostages in February and September 2015, the contract soldier Valentin Bogdan in December 2016. Ultras Vlad Ovcharenko fell into the hands of the separatists in October 2016, civilian Igor Yakovenko in August 2015. The heroes were not easy to find. Many of them were undergoing treatment and rehabilitation or went to their relatives and asked not to disturb them for now.

- Did someone suddenly refuse to take part in the filming, talk about their experiences?

- Some first promised to take part in the film, and then did not get in touch. Sometimes interviews were on the verge of collapse. In order to get Alexander Morozov's consent to shoot in the "Hostages" project, we agreed to meet in an informal setting and discuss the nuances. And he put forward a condition: he will agree to act if he is not asked about torture. I couldn't promise that. His face changed, got up and went out. I was confused, but after a while Morozov returned and agreed to shoot. True, I had the feeling that even during the recording of the interview, he could also get up and leave.

During the pre-filming period, we had to communicate for a long time on the phone both with the characters themselves and with their families, and present arguments why they needed to agree, overcome their pain, make another effort and tell about the events that took place in captivity. The former hostages refused to disclose some facts in order not to interfere with the release of those who remained in the dungeons of Donbass. We received really important and exclusive information. For example, we learned that the separatists are more aggressive towards the volunteers than the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“There is a problem - a discrepancy between the level of psychological assistance and the stress and trauma that the prisoners received”

- There is an opinion that, having been in a war or in captivity, a person can accumulate aggression in a peaceful environment, and then suddenly throw it out. After the stressful experience, what psychological state are the former hostages in?

- The heroes did not show aggression towards our film crew, but I noticed that they were quick-tempered. The Ukrainians themselves, in principle, do not really control their emotions. And specifically, these people do not quite understand why journalists are so interested in them. Perhaps they would like less attention ...

- Does the state provide the necessary rehabilitation for people released from captivity?

- Officially, the state declares that it is doing everything necessary and fulfilling all the powers entrusted to it to help the former hostages cope with the consequences of being in the captivity. This is treatment and psychological rehabilitation. Also, if the former hostages want to return to the army, they will be welcomed with open arms. This is what the state offers.

On the other hand, people released from captivity themselves cannot understand why they need psychological rehabilitation. For example, they take dental treatment, stomach diseases, elimination of mutilations. With regard to psychological support, they completely deny. They need to be explained that working with a psychologist does not mean that someone thinks that they have problems with their head, but that it is working through problems that are deep in the subconscious.

But there is also a second problem - the discrepancy between the level of psychological assistance and the stress and trauma that the prisoners received. For example, a psychologist gives them advice: fully strain the body, then sharply relax. After the experience, former hostages no longer accept such methods. Our heroes believe that the result should be immediate, which does not happen in psychology. And the guys don't want to wait. They try to rehabilitate themselves through work, self-realization, family.

I believe that the state should conduct open lessons with those released from captivity, remind society that the conflict has not been settled, and correctly highlight the key points. This will be counter-propaganda during the hybrid war. On YouTube, for example, my film was watched by many people with pro-Russian views. We must show how we see the situation from here, from Ukraine.

"Many would like to erase the past from memory, but there is no escape from the war"

- Have you tortured all the former hostages with whom you spoke?

- They beat everyone. Our heroes told that they were beaten with electric current, with a boxing glove or with the words "Congratulations, you are in Novorossiya!" kicked in the head. If a person had a title, the attitude towards him was tougher. The soldier could immediately be sent to the pre-trial detention center. One hero said that the separatists told him: "If you were virtuous, you would be killed immediately, and since you are from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, go to jail."

Of course, it is difficult for them to remember all the tortures. Memories include imagination, and the heroes do not want to see the picture of their experiences again, to experience what they experienced during torture. And they are closing ... First Vice Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Irina Gerashchenko and ex-Ombudsman Valeriya Lutkovskaya are right that they are waiting for the information wave to subside in order to record the testimony of the hostages. Time needs to pass.

- Are the former hostages themselves awaiting trial? Retribution?

- One hero said that he had been reading the Bible for a long time, being in the occupied territory in prison, and that he believed that he was not God and had no right to judge anyone.

- Perhaps he wants to quickly forget and let go of the experience ...

- This is absolutely certain. He didn't even want to agree to an interview. Many would like to erase their experiences from memory. But there is no escape from the war. She's on every newscast. There are, of course, those former hostages who would like to take revenge, awaiting the coming trial.

- Can the materials of the film about the hostages be considered in court?

- Why not? For example, in the trial of Viktor Yanukovych, his press conference was broadcast. And in the film, the hostages just confess that they were tortured. Not all recordings of conversations with them were included in the film. But we also keep the source code of materials that we could provide to the court.

- Do you plan to continue the project?

- In September, we plan to find out how our heroes live now: whether business is going on, whether a house is being built, whether those who were planning a wedding got married. By this time, the state will pay the promised 100 thousand hryvnia to each hostage, and we will already be able to find out how the heroes spent this money. And in the near future I want to implement a project about our fellow citizens with special needs - about people with disabilities.

- Was it morally difficult for you personally to work on the film "Hostages"?

- After the Revolution of Dignity, I was mentally prepared. Working on the film was my way out of my comfort zone, out of the studio. It was a good experience.

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press service of channel 112

At one time, I determined for myself 3 rules that help me quickly get involved in the work process. Television, and especially live broadcast, does not allow the so-called swing. It seems that you just came to the channel, but now you are in the studio, and the whole country is watching you. Therefore, I share only the work tips that I use in my practice.

1. So, start by promising your body a gift at the end of the week (massage, pool, favorite spa treatment). During the day, remember what a pleasure it is to rest after you have done a good job and there is an opportunity to pay for your weaknesses.

2. Place in front of you new target in work - this will add interest and desire to start the work process.

3. Go to bed early and read a book at night. I follow this rule every day. Depending on the book, it helps me either to tune in, or vice versa - to distract from work processes.

And do not be afraid to try to do something new, look for and discover your talents, which may add interest and new incentives to work.

press service of channel 112

press service of channel 112

I really love to make gifts, so I almost always return from travel with a whole package of something tasty or beautiful and with this “Santa Claus bag” I go to work. Sometimes these are some abstract souvenirs, and sometimes - something completely targeted, to remind a specific person of his trip to Berlin, or of our shared memories in Venice, or just to continue our long-term absurd ritual of exchanging magnets. In a word, I do not leave my travel experiences at home for evening memories, but drag them with me. The joy shared with someone is double, and I enjoy it to the fullest!

So my therapy for travel “decompression” and a method of pleasant engagement is to get my colleagues to have some fun with my travel too. And if this trick turns out to be successful, who knows, perhaps the return and the first working day will be more joyful and brighter than the departure for adventure.

press service of channel 112