Drawing by June 1st. International creative competition for Children's Day "Happy and safe childhood"

I approve

Head of MBDOU kindergarten "Skazka"

E.N. Shamaeva


"Colors of childhood!"

I. General provisions.

The competition of children's drawings on asphalt "Colors of Childhood" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held among all interested children of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the kindergarten "Fairy Tale", as part of the celebration of Children's Day.

The theme of the competition provides an opportunity to reveal inner world children.

II. Competition objectives.

Unleashing the creative potential inherent in children through the creation of artistic images;

Formation of communicative qualities in a child in achieving common goals in a team, through creative activity that develops individual qualities;

Providing an opportunity to make the kindergarten brighter.

III.Organization and holding of the competition

- The members of the jury are employees of the MBDOU kindergarten "Fairy Tale" (administration, educators, specialists, medical officer, junior staff, cooks, watchmen);

IV. Time, place and procedure for the competition.

The competition is held on the territory of the children's preschool institution "Skazka" on June 01, 2017 from 11:00 to 15:00. In case of worsening weather conditions, voting is postponed to June 02, 2017 at 11:00.

V. Technique for drawing on asphalt:

Colored crayons. Participants choose the material for drawing on their own.

Do not use oil paints!

The jury evaluates:

Correspondence of the drawing to the declared topic;

Originality of idea and composition;

Expressiveness and originality of images;

Color solution, coloring;

Execution quality.

Based on the results of the competition, the jury determines the best group and awards them.

The winning group is awarded with diplomas I, II, III place. The information will be duplicated on the official website of the preschool educational institution "Skazka", in the "News" section http://www.skazkabatai.ru/index.php/new

The jury can award a kindergarten group in the following nominations:

- "The most friendly, creative team";

- "For originality";

- "Best drawing of the day";

- "For the brightness of the image."



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Skazka" combined type

I approve

Head of MBDOU kindergarten "Skazka"

E.N. Shamaeva


About the competition of children's drawings on asphalt

"Colors of childhood!"

I. General provisions.

The competition of children's drawings on asphalt "Colors of Childhood" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held among all interested children of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the kindergarten "Fairy Tale", as part of the celebration of Children's Day.

The theme of the competition provides an opportunity to reveal the inner world of children.

II. Competition objectives.

Unleashing the creative potential inherent in children through the creation of artistic images;

Formation of communicative qualities in a child in achieving common goals in a team, through creative activity that develops individual qualities;

Providing an opportunity to make the kindergarten brighter.

III. Organization and holding of the competition

- The members of the jury are employees of the MBDOU kindergarten "Fairy Tale" (administration, educators, specialists, medical officer, junior staff, cooks, watchmen);

IV. Time, place and order of the competition.

The competition is held on the territory of the children's preschool institution "Skazka" on June 01, 2017 from 11:00 to 15:00. In case of worsening weather conditions, voting is postponed to June 02, 2017 at 11:00.

V. Technique for drawing on asphalt:

Colored crayons. Participants choose the material for drawing on their own.

Do not use oil paints!

VI. Criteria for evaluation of competitive works.

The jury evaluates:

Correspondence of the drawing to the declared topic;

Originality of idea and composition;

Expressiveness and originality of images;

Color solution, coloring;

Execution quality.

VII. Summing up and awarding.

Based on the results of the competition, the jury determines the best group and awards them.

The winning group is awarded with diplomas I, II, III place. The information will be duplicated on the official website of the preschool educational institution "Skazka", in the "News" sectionhttp://www.skazkabatai.ru/index.php/new

The jury can award a kindergarten group in the following nominations:

- "The most friendly, creative team";

- "For originality";

- "Best drawing of the day";

- "For the brightness of the image."

II ml gr Serebrennikova EV "Ship of childhood" - 12

The middle group of Gorbachev OA "Air balloon" - 9

Senior group B Sytnik GN - 2

Senior group A Voitikhov MI "Parovozik" - 8

May our children always laugh!

May our children always laugh!
Let their eyes light up!
Let smiles give at dawn!
Let the children sleep peacefully at night!

May they have more happiness
And fewer difficulties, problems.
So that they taste the beauty of life
Without worries and life dilemmas.

May their hearts always beat evenly,
Only with Love speeding up the run.
May their happiness be unconditional
So that they have enough of it for a century.

There is nothing more important and valuable in the world than children and childhood. Therefore, every year, on the eve of Children's Day, an exhibition of children's drawings "The world through the eyes of children!"

In the hands of crayons, pencils ...
Kids are little wizards.
But so much soul has been invested
In their world beautiful on paper!

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally designed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

From the editors of the online publication "Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region"
All authors of reports in the "Preschool News" section, which are published under an editorial agreement with a preschool educational institution, can order

If you are a teacher of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug or Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, you can publish your news material. Make an application for a single publication of the report, design and send the "Certificate of Publication in the Media". (Paper or electronic version).

In the end school year the editors select the most successful works, together with the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, encourage the authors with valuable gifts and letters of thanks.

Inna Uzyanova

June 1 is celebrated in many countries of the world child protection. This is one of the most beloved holidays, which is revered by many nations. On the first day of summer, there are usually discussions on the topic of rights and well-being children, broadcast children's TV programs, sports competitions are arranged in the DC. Various competitions, events, performances are held. Children for the holiday make interesting crafts and drawings. Day child protection- a kind and bright holiday, so we are with children preparatory group decided to decorate the group " suns". The sun symbolizes warmth, joy, love! And as the song says - "Let it always be sun, blue skies and peace on our earth!"

For work we need:

1. A4 white sheet of paper

2. Color pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

3. Simple pencil

5. Color. paper

Scissors, glue

Circle the child's fingers in a circle to make Sun. Outline with a red marker (felt-tip pen, inside with an eraser we erase the extra contours.

Draw the face of the sun(as fantasy requires)

Coloring sun and sky. pencils. Now we need to decorate our sun wreath of flowers. To do this, we need a square of at least 5cm, I made 6cm each.

Square color fold paper diagonally (to make a triangle) three times, draw a petal and cut it out, unfold our flower and glue on Sun. The number of flowers is arbitrary, depending on what size you will cut the flowers. The ends of the flowers can be curled with scissors. In the same way, we cut out the leaves and glue them, I also drew lines on the leaves with a felt-tip pen. Our the drawing is ready.

June 1 - Children's Day. This is a holiday that has an international character and is celebrated in many countries. On this day, various events are held at the school and preschool educational institution:

  • Exhibitions,
  • conversations,
  • theme nights,
  • lessons,
  • children draw pictures,
  • preparing crafts.

However, before you conduct any conversations and activities with children, you should devote them in detail to the history of this holiday.

history of the holiday

The holiday dedicated to Children's Day has been around for a long time. Its history goes back to 1925, when it was customary to celebrate this day in Geneva for the first time. The fact is that it was at that time that a conference was held there on the issues of the prosperous life of children.

Another coincidence. It is on June 1 that the Chinese Consul General organizes a holiday for Chinese children in San Francisco called the Dragon Boat Festival that year. That is why we celebrate Children's Day on June 1st.

Later, when the Second World War was over, at the women's congress in Paris in 1949, women all over the world swore to keep the peace for the good of children. A year later, in 1950, this holiday took place.




Craft picture for World Children's Day

How should you celebrate?

Various children's festive events are timed to coincide with Children's Day. At school and kindergarten, teachers prepare in advance a plan of events, meetings, thematic lessons, concerts, children prepare illustrations, pictures. These are meetings, entertainment programs, concerts and more. Many celebrities hold charity events and concerts for Children's Day. This day is truly considered the day of the child.

Children's Day is a reminder to adults of the problems and dangers that lie in wait for the little inhabitants of the planet. In different parts of the Earth, these problems and threats can differ significantly. So, for Europeans, the impact of computer games on the weak children's psyche, early puberty has become a significant threat. In Asia, these "values" are viewed negatively. At the same time, Asia and Africa are suffering from epidemics that primarily affect children. The holiday is a reminder that children have equal rights with adults to life, to choose religion, education, recreation, that each of the adults was once a child and he also needed mutual understanding and kindness. On this day, it is customary to visit orphanages, orphanages, give gifts and souvenirs to children. Charitable institutions organize trips to the circus, to the theater, trips and excursions for children - everything that can warm and support the kids.

How is it carried out at school and kindergarten?

At school and preschool educational institution, a holiday dedicated to this day can be held in different ways. It all depends on what kind of plan the institution will draw up. This can be a self-prepared concert, visiting holiday exhibitions, events, orphanages, etc. Particular attention in schools is given classroom hours dedicated to this day. Teachers provide a plan for conducting such lessons in advance. In a preschool educational institution, a concert prepared by the pupils of an educational institution, pictures from which an exhibition can be made can be timed to coincide with Children's Day. If you do not have a clear plan on how to organize a lesson on this holiday, ask the children to draw something that they associate with childhood, with their parents. Such pictures will be interesting to consider for both adults and children. Also in the preschool educational institution, you can offer children pictures for coloring. They can have children, the planet, mom and dad, houses, etc. Pictures will help the children express their attitude to the holiday. In a preschool educational institution, it is advisable to spend a holiday on Children's Day together with parents.

The holiday plan Children's Day 2014 can be built based on the experience of previous years. Today, teachers and educators can find a huge amount of interesting materials: presentations, pictures, poems, songs, etc., which are applicable both in preschool and at school. The main thing is to convey to the children the idea that they are taken care of, that they can always find support and understanding in adults.